Frittata — The Perfect Egg Dish

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this frittata recipe is sponsored by Skillshare an amazing website where you can learn any skill imaginable more than 25,000 courses to choose from for less than $10 a month and the first 500 of you who sign up with my link in the description will get a two-month trial for free I would argue the frittata is the perfect egg dish it is so good so quick so versatile so cheap and unlike most other great egg dishes a frittata requires virtually zero skill to make I grab my 10-inch nonstick skillet throw in a little olive oil and get it heating on medium anything can go into frittata but I usually start by slicing up one or two shallots the layers are super thin so they cook really fast by getting those in first before I do anything else I'm giving them time to caramelize and go sweet that gets you a flavour in the finished ratata that's very reminiscent of a Spanish omelet if you've ever had one of those now I'm grabbing like three slices of prosciutto any thin meat will work bacon pancetta salami I think it's easier to cut if you roll it up little thin slices or bits of anything or all you need for a frittata as long as it's all basically cooked by the time you pour the eggs in I like to give them meat some time to get crispy in the pan ratata is also great for absorbing leftovers this is just some leftover steamed broccoli I've got I'm chopping it up into little bits but since it's already cooked I won't add it until right before I put in the eggs same deal with this dill you could use any fresh herb but you probably want to put it in right before the egg so it doesn't get overcooked and go Brown my basic frittata formula is some kind of onion some kind of cured pork product and some kind of green vegetable and then some kind of fresh herb all right eggs these are these beautiful cage free eggs I got from students at berry College here in Georgia the chickens they raise eat a natural forage diet that results in super golden yellow yolks I figured two or three eggs per person I'm doing 6 total and I like a glug of milk or cream if I have cream around I think that gets you a softer texture some people think it makes eggs kind of slimy makes the water separate out of the proteins I think that only happens if you overcook them I'm lightly beating that with a whisk you could use a fork I actually don't like a totally homogenous texture I like to see streaks of yolk and white in the finished frittata I'm grinding in some pepper but I don't think I need anymore salt the prosciutto is salty and so is the cheese yes there's going to be cheese when I'm almost ready to pour him the eggs I'll turn on my ovens broiler Brits would call that a grill I'm turning it on the low setting I might turn it up too high later but it's good to be conservative with rollers all right any cheese could work but I'm gonna use this smoked gouda that I also got from students at Barry College they run their own dairy up there with these beautiful Jersey cows that cheese is crazy creamy I'm just grating up an ounce or two of that I put like half of the cheese into the eggs and then I saved the rest to sprinkle on top all right everything is ready my prosciutto is crispy my shallots are caramelized I'll throw in the broccoli and the dill and just get everything mixed up note that I've not measured a damn thing I think you can't go wrong with a frittata if the egg mixture and the solid ingredient mixture are roughly equal in volume all right time to pour the eggs in then I'll stir it with my silicone spatula this makes sure that the ingredients are all evenly distributed and it helps to cook the eggs a little faster and more evenly now I'm just scraping down the sides rest of the cheese gets sprinkled on top that'll Brown really nice under the broiler and under the broiler it goes some people bake their frittata I like a really nice Brown top so I cook it the entire way under the broiler the only variable is if and when I turn the broiler from its low setting to its high setting there is no big mystery about when it's done it's done when the eggs look solid when they don't seem to be sloshing around if you give the pan a little shake this was looking almost done after like two minutes and it wasn't as brown as I wanted so I turned the broiler on high a minute later here it is that top will visibly puff up a bit when it's done and if you're still not sure you can just touch it it should be soft but bouncy if it's still liquid inside it'll feel like it it'll feel squishy like a water balloon let it cool down and solidify for a few minutes before you take it out a good way of checking whether or not it's stuck to the pan and indeed to release it from the pan if it has stuck is just to shake it back and forth like this with a nonstick pan you can just kind of shimmy shake it out but if you're not feeling secure about that you can grab a plate turn it out onto the plate put a board or another plate on top and flip kind of looks like a pizza and like a pizza I think it's best when it's thoroughly rested Luke warm even just cut it into wedges if you can get it together to make a nice side salad with this that's a very good flavor and texture contrast but honestly this is such a perfect all-in-one meal as it is I honestly don't know why I stress myself out by trying to make perfect French style omelettes when this is easily just as good and requires basically no technique it may be the perfect weeknight home-cooked meal thanks again to Skillshare for sponsoring this video new skills can open up all kinds of possibilities for you from your career to your dinner : so has this great skill share course on how to make a Spanish omelette which is way harder than a frittata believe me I have tried there's also courses for learning basically everything else I'm doing right now from shooting and editing video to growing your YouTube channel and honestly if you want to learn to edit in Adobe Premiere like I do jeordy Vanda puts course is the gold standard it's not just like watching a tutorial with him skill share is interactive so in between two lessons I might ask you to color correct the clip and then come back to the class and because you watch my channel you can try Skillshare now for free first 500 folks who sign up using my link in the description will get a two-month trial hey look you can even learn how to raise backyard chickens so you can get happy eggs like the ones I got from these beautiful ladies [Applause] [Laughter]
Channel: Adam Ragusea
Views: 1,721,503
Rating: 4.9142857 out of 5
Keywords: breakfast recipes healthy, gluten free, breakfast recipes for kids, low carb recipes, healthy breakfast ideas, gluten free recipes, egg recipes, how to cook eggs, omelette (dish), perfect frittata, egg frittata, frittata (dish), frittata recipe oven baked, egg recipes for dinner, egg frittata in oven, egg frittata recipe, how to make a frittata video, breakfast recipes easy, how to make a frittata, low carb, frittata recipe, how to make a frittata in the oven
Id: -q8czZSQbbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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