반숙 계란후라이 중화 볶음밥 / fried egg on fried rice - korean street food
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Channel: 야미보이 Yummyboy
Views: 24,758,273
Rating: 4.7017488 out of 5
Id: DEyskuDemx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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There is so much wok hay going on, I could smell it through the phone. Fuiyoh!
Ladies and Gentlemen ..... yet another episode of „Aggressive Asian Cooking“. I like it.
Was that sugar added to the eggs?
Me: oh that’s a lot of salt
Video: adds more salt
this is truly uncle roger's childhood fried rice - egg, fry, and rice. very good. fuiyoh!
FUIYOH! So much wok hay and such good tossing!
This was starting to look delicious.....but the rice was too wet 😭
Wow.... it was a riveting to watch! :)
Why is the rice so mushy and wet looking. Isn’t fried rice supposed to be all individual grains, not clumpy?