강릉 김치말이삼겹, 줄서서 먹는 곳 / cheese bacon kimchi roll - korean street food
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: 야미보이 Yummyboy
Views: 11,729,358
Rating: 4.8414817 out of 5
Id: H2Gyyx_NGfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
does anyone know what that hard black/dark purple fruit is?
edit: finally finished the vid - good LORD that looks delicious 😍
The smell of that broth boiling must have been amazing!
this video took me down a food hole on youtube... and now its 4am and im starving.... good job
Nothing more artisanal than a stack of Kraft® Singles
What’s the leaf that gets put in?
ohhh that looks good, grabbed a peanut butter sandwich to compensate.
Is it bacon or just sliced pork belly? I’m thinking bacon would be waaaaay salty...
Can anyone describe how this tastes? I have no points of reference for any of the final combined flavors.....
Why am i watching this i dont even eat pork