Erev Shabbat Service (September 10, 2021)

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foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] [Music] i hope all of you are in a mode of these 10 days these 10 days of introspection a time where we're able to focus inward a time where we're able to dig deep to do what i like to call a spiritual digging a time when we're focused very intentionally probably work we know we need to be doing all year long but especially at this time that we have in our tradition that gives us the space to take a breath just like shabbat but gives us the space to do that spiritual nourishment this shabbat shava in particular is one that is filled with all sorts of emotions and memories on the eve of the 20th anniversary of 9 11 a time that has lived in infamy in our world these past few decades a time where where understanding and experiencing something different even the past few weeks and what that means and what the outcomes of the attempted liberation or democracy has meant and i think we all have so many different feelings about where we were in that particular moment if we were even alive we may have different feelings of and expressions of that and certainly tonight we'll have some moments as rabbi gimbo offers some words to reflect on that for us as a community but to know that we all come we walk different paths but the paths all lead here and so whether we are joining physically here with those of you who are here tonight and whether the many who are with us virtually our community is still one and so i want to begin this evening with a recent um poem that was uh shared by alden sullivoy who is a poet and liturgist and that lives currently in jerusalem and he has done a lot of work with us over the past couple of years and i even shared with him earlier today that we would be sharing one of his new uh writings on 9 11 with the community this evening so he entitled it for 9 11 survivors god of the survivor god of the mourner and the witness grand solace and peace to those still held by physical emotional and spiritual distress from the attacks of 9 11 release them from visions of death and destruction from guilt or shame from fear or anger bind their wounds with your steadfast love lift them on your wings of kindness and grace blessed are those who have found peace blessed are those without tranquility blessed are those who speak blessed are those who stay silent blessed are those who have healed blessed are those who suffer blessed are those who forgive blessed are those who cannot forgive blessed earth and i are god's source of strength for survivors of violence and tragedy in every land and in every age blessed are you rock of israel source of hope and comfort when we ask for hope when we say this idea of tikvah tikvan about finding the emanation of that hope within it's something that we pray for it's something that our liturgy asks of us that we that we repeat but in this moment especially in shabbat shiva when we sit be in the threshold of rosh hashanah yom kippur what an opportunity for us to reflect what an opportunity for us to pay witness an opportunity for us to also join in song and spirit so even in our memories even as we hold the pain of this moment or the pain of this time we can still find the joy and so i invite you to sing as you can to enable yourself to bring a spirit to us let's hear your voices rise together so that we can live them and celebrate and welcome shabbat together so we begin with lighting our candles i delight in calling upon all of our musicians i'm going to call upon so you're not going to play now you're just going to light so i'm going to call upon all our all our wonderful service leadership to come and to have the honor of kindling our sabbath lights and we are on page two for those who are with us in our sanctuary this evening [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] heart kabbalah shabbat allows us the opportunity to receive the face of shabbat and so we begin this evening page 10. invite you to join us nephesh hearts delight now a moment how do we transcend the experience that moment bring the light in as we just did and bring delight to our souls and to our hearts we join together [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Music] like [Music] turn to page 20 come my beloved as we greet the sabbath bride [Music] [Music] a [Music] lord [Music] hp [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] having welcomed the sabbath bride and welcome the sabbath lights let's welcome each other by turning to each other introducing yourself and wishing each other shabbat shalom we remain standing as we turn to our call to prayer page 146 barclay so me [Music] home [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] life [Music] page 147 we joined together in the hebrew [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we pray responsibly in the english on page 148 in each age we receive and transmit torah at each moment we are addressed by the world in each age we are challenged by our ancient teaching moments we stand face to face with the truth in each age we add our wisdom to that which has gone before at each moment the knowing heart is filled with wonder in each age the children of torah become its builders and seek to set the world firm on a foundation of truth [Music] israel [Music] [Music] she [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign please be seated as we join together on page 150 in veyahta they are [Music] [Music] [Music] it's easy to think about the ways in which we can turn or we need to turn but it's also about memory it's about redemption it's about what those where those memories lead us on our path and the mitzrayim and i've said it here a few times in mitzrayim is a metaphor the word is egypt that translates mitzvah translates as egypt but in truth mitzrayim also means in hebrew narrow straits so when you're in the narrowness of your own mind in a way you are trapped and our rabbis always taunt that mitsuraim is not just physical space but it's spiritual space as well and in this moment of shuva of shuv to turn it's about the ability to it's about the ability to transcend the things that are hard the things that are tough the things that we don't want to face the challenges it's easy to yell at someone and put your point out and not really step up it's easy to say in one way or another that it's someone else's problem it's much easier our time of shuff is to move out of the mitsuram and open up to the expansiveness of the potential that potential may not be exactly what you think it will but the idea of joining in this expansiveness in this collective is what the rabbis teach and so in this moment as we sing maybe take for one moment because we're in shabbat shiva so it's a time to really think and evolve and grow in the ways we want to turn where are you stuck where's one place that you are stuck in your minds and your hearts in your soul where are you stuck what do you want to free how does your memory lead you to that potential think for a moment and then we'll come together [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] lord [Music] [Music] he knows foreign [Music] [Music] time [Music] shalom [Music] me [Music] [Music] my [Music] things keep us safe throughout the night till we wake with morning's light teach us [Music] [Music] [Music] man [Music] a man amen [Music] [Music] carry me oh god to a place where time goes slow to a day of rest and dreams to a world of love and hope [Music] carrying me [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] plus [Music] me [Music] is [Music] in a moment we'll have the opportunity as we come to the central part of our service our standing prayers note there is one time of year where as we sit during the immigrant these 10 days and on the shabbat that sits during shabbat shiva we have additional language that we add and so those who are prayer books this evening i invite you to take to look through and as the words guide you in the prayer book i invite you to read those words as well on this night whether at home whether here in the sanctuary i invite you to rise as you are able in mind body and spirits is rejoin and face the ark [Music] i don't know [Music] open up my lips that my mouth may declare your praise [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] um [Music] say [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] may it be peace comes upon us as we enter into a moment where we keep on reflecting this time and this moment is for those in need of a foreign a recovery of mind of body of spirit so many in our world that we're thinking of at this time so many and i'm sure that you have names or loved ones or perhaps yourself that you're thinking of and so our community is recalling some individuals that i'll name at this time and then when my eyes meet yours i'll invite you to share a name or names of ones that you would like us to hold collectively in our hearts as well ernie abbott mark edelman jerome bernstein leslie cohen and rob cohen samantha farish denise garrick evie golden nancy gordon mark gould steve gould ellen hutt ruthie jordan eva cornell michal batavirav david bill mills lisa nelson mike patternini sharon ritter karen romer galena robelchenko rhonda schwartz cindy spector patricia spyra julie thompson maxine trimble and gerald trimble david tostman fred valfer kathy weil and john weil george weiss yaakov and fegochana those who are joining us virtually i invite you to add the names of those that you're thinking of to our chat and i invite you to share names at this time those who are with us in person [Music] so [Music] so [Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] we [Music] are then [Music] healer of the broken heart and [Music] binder of their wounds countered [Music] you know where they are [Music] of our [Music] you know who we are [Music] we are [Music] r [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] love [Music] shabbat shalom tomorrow as rabbi navarre is mentioned marks the 20th anniversary of 9 11. for those of us who live through that day the sequence of events on that day is etched into our memories and it's a day that we will never forget but this year the anniversary of 9 11 falls on shabbat shiva the shabbat between rosh hashanah and yom kippur services on shabbat shiva as you may have noticed this evening are typically solemn and more focused the haftarah portion includes sections from the prophets hosea joel and micah focusing on themes of repentance and forgiveness the selection from hosea focuses on a universal call for repentance and an assurance that those who return to god will benefit from divine healing and restoration the selection from joel imagines a blow of the shofar that will unite the people in fasting and supplication micah focuses on divine forgiveness and how great it is in comparison to the forgiveness of humanity in short the confluence of 9 11 and shabbat shiva offers us an opportunity to reflect not only on that day but also on its aftermath earlier this month tv networks and streaming services have been running retrospectives about 911 in the days and weeks and months that followed one story i learned about 9 11 was of rick rescorla rick was the head of security at morgan stanley on the 44th floor of the south tower at 8 46 a.m on the morning of september 11th 2001 american airlines flight 11 struck the north tower of the world trade center rescorla heard the explosion and saw the tower burning from his office window when a port authority announcement came over the pa system urging people to stay at their desks rascorla ignored the announcement grabbed his bullhorn walkie-talkie and cell phone and began systematically ordering morgan stanley employees to evacuate including the 1 000 employees in world trade center 5. he directed people down a stairwell from the 44th floor continuing to calm employees after the building lurched violently following the crash of united flight 175 38 floors above into tower 2 at 903 a.m morgan stanley executive bill mcmahon stated that even a group of 250 people that were visiting the offices for a stock broker training class knew what to do because they had been shown the nearest stairway between his selfless work rascorla called his wife telling her stop crying i have to get these people out safely if something should happen to me i want you to know i've never been happier you made my life after successfully evacuating nearly all of morgan stanley's 2 seven hundred employees he went back into the building it turns out that six morgan stanley employees stubbornly refused to listen to ruskorla and chose not to evacuate when one of his colleagues told him he had to evacuate the world trade center rascorla replied as soon as i make sure everyone else is out was last seen on the 10th floor heading upward shortly before the south tower collapsed at 9 59 am in the aftermath of 9 11 we came together as a country who can forget the entirety of congress standing on the capitol steps singing god bless america or yes rabbi navarre as i'm about to make a yankees reference watching derek jeter's bottom of the 10th inning homer as the yankees went on to win a cathartic world series because let's be honest no one in that world series was really rooting for the diamondbacks or seeing the two beams of light shine brightly towards the heavens for months following the tower's collapse or perhaps you were here in this very space on october 11th of 2001 as we dedicated this sanctuary and this space but then the anger of our grief turned into a desire for revenge and in many moments that would follow emotions would overcome rationality after all for example in the aftermath of 9 11 who could vote against anything called the patriot act these 10 days of repentance are meant for us to look back at our past year work to rebuild and repair our relationships and learn from our mistakes this shabbat i want to encourage each of us to also reflect on our lives since 9 11. what did we learn in the aftermath of 9 11 what should we have done differently when faced with challenging moments ahead and surely there will be them what lessons can we apply the truth is this reflection in teshuva does not need to happen only between rosh hashanah and yom kippur indeed what we do between rosh hashanah and yom kippur is just as important as what we do between yom kippur what we do between rosh hashanah and yom kippur is just as important as what we do between yom kippur may we act as selflessly as rick raskorla may we come together as a country as we did in september 11th and may we heed the call of the shofar to bring upon ourselves divine healing through reflection teshuva so that we may be one we may be united then we will truly have a shabbat shalom my honor and privilege to invite up allison prager for some announcements from our congregation shabbat shalom thank you very much rabbi gimbals very very powerful this evening my name is allison prager i am a member of your board of directors and it's my pleasure to welcome everybody here this evening first off in the great sabbath wisdom don't forget to validate before you leave tonight we always take a few um as you know this time of year is very busy we have a lot of celebrations we have a lot of services going on so i encourage everybody out there or in the sanctuary today if you have any questions on timing of anything if you're looking for the links everything can be found on our website at we as board members when we come up we always take a moment to reflect on the torah portion of the week or focus on something that is going on in the world given that we're in the 10 days of awe i was looking for a reading that would help me as i reflect on the past year and as i plan for 5782 i found this quote by george eliot who's a she that inspired me it's never too late to be what you might have been let's not bother focusing on the time we wasted or the opportunities we didn't use that was yesterday today is another chance to become who we want to be we can turn our regrets into lessons and our failures into stepping stones shabbat shalom we begin to conclude our service by turning to al-nulish page 282 i invite you to rise in mind body or spirit as you're able [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o oh [Music] [Music] please be seated we turn to page 294 as we begin to prepare for kadish yatom a mourner's kaddish as you hear the name of your loved one i invite you to please rise as you're able we acknowledge the reason death of norman berman husband of holly berman brother-in-law of scott ullman and frank varga father of jenny varga we are in the period of shiva the first seven days following burial for howard brotman husband of lucille brockman brother of alan and phyllis brodman father of kita rose ellen sawyer and amy putty grandfather of five great-grandfather of two and ruth moskowitz mother of barry and rita moskowitz lynn delesi and shelley sasagi grandmother of six great-grandmother of five we're in the period of shloshim the first thirty days following burial for phyllis bendett robert bennett phyllis cohn charles noodleman and roy rosenwald finally we acknowledge the yard site the anniversary of passing for h robert bisecker henry bian bianchini henry bloom michael boxer goldie bora barbara bergadier david burns pietro busalaki rosalyn shevlin bernard cohen freda m cohen mildred cohen betty diamond sarah john goalie esther edelman deborah epstein bernice essenoff lou feinswag benjamin a fine b finkelman rosalie fisher kate frank lucy frankel berthagaal edith gelman hyman gold max goldsband lois green margaret greenbaum flora greenspan stephen hartman john stephen hartwell hyman hecker albert hirsch richard spiro hoffman joe horowitz gladys inlander hanoix irene jacobs leonard kallish nate katz harold kellman vincent kenney catherine kerstein sylvia m cramer joseph quint ruth quint robert laken burton edel landau steve leavenworth irving lipton david littman fred lois freda mageed robin mazel pearl drogan martin david meyer evelyn oster conrad parker freda cooper parker neddy pearlman harvey pliner suzanne benjamin press natalie lally ray marvin refson jenny ronan samuel rubenfeld howard rubinstein irving rubin maurice j similian sally sychel kiva schleisselman john schneider ruth schnitzer dorothy shapiro eugene snyder philip stein ramona steinman jean stern laverne stern william strahling eileen stricker john sirke stephen tabor julian temple angelina vionic adam weiner esther winer miriam winer virginia wood and gwen ella zilak perhaps you've come to say kaddish for someone whose name was not mentioned i invite you to rise and share that name as our eyes meet thank you together as a caring community we rise on page 294 as we read the ancient and hallowed words of karisha tom [Music] is may all of their memories be for a blessing as together we say amen i invite you to place your prayer books down put your arm around the person next to you if you are so comfortable doing i'm looking at you guys and you know it's it's a very exciting thing in a rabbinic career when a third of the congregation is filled with couples that you married so welcome it's very nice to have you here so we joined together in osei shalom [Music] my [Applause] [Music] shalom [Applause] [Music] shalom [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] say [Music] [Music] is [Music] is is [Music] [Music] before we send you off to the one egg let's make mozi of together [Laughter] trapped in my drum and by the way i want to just express an incredible gratitude not only to our musicians andy and heidi and kate for being here and helping us bring in shabbat i also want to offer gratitude to uh to rabbi jason navares if you've never seen him cut the challah david can we get a close-up of this it's extraordinary it is a shabbat miracle every time we see it we join together it's like he's been working at cat's deli his whole life shabbat shalom [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Beth Israel
Views: 463
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HuUVvW32dOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 0sec (4800 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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