Friday, Mar 5 - First Fridays: Special Prayer Event

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one two [Music] turn our hearts turn our minds make us branches holding first to the vine patient keeper draws to your tender mercy tree of life we remember we are mortal breath of god but of this earth through the desert we must travel taste in hunger turn our hearts [Applause] [Music] draws to your tender mercy tree of life turn our hearts turn our minds make us patient keeper draws to your tender mercy tree of life as we travel on this journey take our hearts o make them new jesus walked this road before as our god but human too turn our hearts turn our minds make us branches [Music] [Applause] [Music] your tender mercy tree of life [Music] from ashes to the living thought your church must baptized in grace and grace renewed by your most holy word through fasting prayer and charity your voice speaks deep within us to ways of truth and turning us from sin [Music] computer our hearts and lives cast out our sinful ways as temples of the spirit cleansed restore us for your praise from ashes to the living fart your church must journal still through cross and tomb to easter joy in spirit fire full [Music] in thank you mary and eileen and god bless all of you for joining us as we begin our third first friday as we together work a family plan to fulfill our lord's request of the first friday devotions of nine consecutive fridays let us begin with a prayer to offer this time and our hearts an imitation of the sacred heart for a time of reparation and healing in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father we ask that you send the holy spirit down upon us to be that power that leads us to the sacred heart of jesus with the spouse the advocate of the holy spirit the spouse that will bring us mary to her son we ask o lord that that wounded sacred heart through our reparation will be able to pour out graces upon the world in an abundance like no time in human history you say that where sin abounds your grace abounds the more lord let our sins not prevent the graces of your heart to be poured upon the world but allow the reparation of those sins to pour out your grace and mercy in an even greater abundance the world needs this more than any time in human history and we have expectant faith lord jesus that with this reparation tonight joined by thousands from around the world that you will hear these prayers and pour out that mercy upon the world and we ask this through christ our lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen i just wanted to make an announcement that we have now a very easy one-page document that you can download from our website that tells you exactly how to receive the graces of first friday and first saturdays and so we invite you to visit saturday and up at the top you will see a link that says summary of how to receive the graces of first friday and first saturdays i wrote this a few weeks ago and before we put it up i was um just after we had our last first friday so i had forgotten about it and then i remembered that i had written this and put it up so i'd like to kind of just summarize it for you quickly in case you have not have access to the computer and then we will turn it over to brother jason for reflection so we welcome all of you mary and eileen are here with us to give beautiful musical reflections brother alex is helping us out brother jason will be speaking and dale and brother mark are behind the scenes bringing this all to you so why are we here as you remember this is i believe what ties everything together because it is intimately connected to divine mercy this is not separate from divine mercy this is divine mercy remember the rays of the pale and white or uh red the blood and the water come from the sacred heart of jesus those rays of mercy poured upon the world and one of brother jason and our my favorite reflection or passages in the diary is passage 50 where jesus told saint faustina that the flames of mercy are burning me clamoring to be spent i want to pour them out upon these souls now you've heard me talk about that before but i want to add some things to it tonight we said before but i think even deeper now i want to relate that jesus said he is clamoring to pour these these graces out now why is that why because as i said mankind hasn't been able to fully receive all the graces jesus wants to shower well yes it has father we'll know it would no it hasn't or he wouldn't say he's clamoring to spend them to to shower them if he had been pouring out all the graces he has to give us he wouldn't say i'm clamoring to pour more so this is why we have to understand what's happening the answer is because a sacred heart which is the origin of divine mercy the rays that come from that heart the rays of blood and water is greatly wounded by our sins that's why we're here we're here to make reparation to that sacred heart now in a way that we brought music in because we've reflected on this this is not just a time of penance and sorrow even though yes the make of reparation is critical and we have to start there but our faith teaches us that once we do that it becomes joyful because then we receive that mercy of god and so our lord's heart desires to be consoled that's the whole concept of consoling the heart of jesus faustina did that we want to do that and so when we do that we make reparation to the sacred heart for these wounds so that he can fully open those floodgates and pour out his mercy upon the world now here's the thing we need to do our part to bring his mercy to the world everybody thinks it's just all god it is all god but our faith teaches that we've always had humanity has always had an active part in salvation history this is why paul says in corinthians that i must complete what is lacking in the sufferings of christ for the sake of his body the church what could possibly be lacking in the sufferings of christ our suffering our input are uniting with that cross mary through her fiat was co-redemptress that scares a lot of people but we know from great teachers like mark maravali who brother jason and i both had at steubenville you know that this is something that the church has taught for centuries that god uses mankind as part of his plan of salvation that's why we're here tonight to participate to do our part yes god wants to shower that mercy but he wants us to do our part what is our part make reparation to that sacred heart so that those wounds are healed and those wounds are our maid reparation are made for those wounds and then it can pour out even more that's why we're here how do we do that jesus and mary gave us the way in the devotions of first friday and first saturday that's why we're here tonight we'll be here tomorrow it ties the devotion of divine mercy together to allow us to receive those graces all right so a quick summary what's the purpose you're going to find this on the sheet if you download it i'm going to read it right from here this is what i wrote a couple weeks ago the purpose is to make reparation to the sacred heart of jesus for the sins and ingratitude of mankind that have wounded his heart what to do receive holy communion on each first friday for nine consecutive months why nine i just got this question from a friend in alabama that we were down with speaking with jonathan roomie she says why is it nine it's patterned after a novena nine days of prayer from mary with the apostles in the upper room so for nine fridays which must be consecutive they must be made in honor of and in reparation to his sacred heart for these sins and finally jesus's promise i promise you in the excessive mercy of my heart that my all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive holy communion on first fridays of nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance they shall not die in my disgrace nor without receiving the sacraments my divine heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment well everybody that's why we're here and you know i i was reading an article by pope benedict pope francis or pope cardinal ratzinger but pope emeritus benedict that is called behold the pierced side of our savior i think it was called and i just want to finish with this he said actually in the church's tradition he pointed out augustine do you know augustine right before he knew he was dying actually excommunicated himself from the church that's shocking he did it so that he could be in union with sinners who have been excommunicated from the church and could not receive holy communion you know what he did i don't know of anybody who would want to do this but augustine set the pattern he fasted from the eucharist and pope benedict raised the question the one day of the year one of the most holiest days of the year good friday the ancient tradition of the church was not to receive holy communion even in a communion service now we have brought back that communion service but pope benedict is saying i think we should reflect on this and we should actually have times of fasting even from the eucharist his point was sometimes we can get into a regular pattern of even the most beautiful thing in the entire universe and start to slightly not understand its power but take it slightly for granted i don't think anybody here does that but yet benedict pointed out that that makes us and gives us the ability to realize a longing for the eucharist and he actually said fasting from the eucharist can help us and that was a greater appreciation for what christ gave us so if you are in a position the today only recourse you have is a spiritual communion it's not all bad and as tonight goes on we'll explain how to receive these graces even if you can't physically get to holy communion that spiritual act of communion the church has fully said suffices it's not the optimum it doesn't replace holy communion but it gives us an opportunity to long even that much for the eucharist do we want this no but god will bring a greater good so god bless you and hopefully all of us will enter into that tonight in that spiritual communion if you can physically receive that's the best but all bases are covered that's how the lord gives us in this grace i think there's a hand back there taking my papers trying to take them from me right now good evening i'm glad that you're joining us again on the first friday special thanks to mary and eileen for getting our hearts ready to praise and worship adore our lord to show our love for him it's an honor that to have you here with us we're so grateful that you're joining us to make reparation to the sacred heart of jesus to show him our love to exchange love for love because as we've already covered in the previous months there's only one appropriate response response to love and that is love as little as we are as small as we are as father chris talked about our lord calls us into communion with him we are the body of christ he doesn't say i'll do the work you sit on the sidelines i'm god you're nobody he says no no no you're my bride you're my children you're my body that's why we have musicians that's why we have priests that's why we have a congregation the bride of christ works with the head the body works with the head and we work together to bring praise adoration and glory to god our father praise be god the dignity that he has bestowed upon us the high calling that we have the love that he has bestowed upon us maybe we'll be ever more aware of it especially in this lenten journey that we have and in previous months just to touch base i feel like the lord of the holy spirit is weaving a theme throughout these months our very first friday we it was the feast of mary the mother of god the first day of the year and the very first friday of the year so we talked about mariana de jesus torres and the revelations that came to her in quito ecuador from our lady of good success or the good happenings and we talked about how she saw prophecies and she saw our day and age in the 20th century and the 21st century and the three great sins that would plague us for our own day and age which were blasphemy heresy and impurity and undoubt undoubtedly we've seen that within the last century and this century combined unquestionably last month we took a little bit deeper look at margaret mary alicork and some of her revelations and we know that she is the saint that really brought forth the devotion of the sacred heart and our lord appeared to her and there's the one particular revelation that is key it's actually pivotal to the whole entire revelations to saint margaret mary alicock and i'm going to read this quote again we read it last month jesus said to margaret mary that he was satisfied with the way that she responded to his heart and made reparation and consoled his heart and then he said behold this heart which has so loved men that it spared nothing even going so far as to exhaust and consume itself to prove to them its love and in return i received from the greater part of men nothing but ingratitude contempt irreverence sacrileges and coldness with which they treat me in this sacrament of love and then he talked about what still is more painful to him is that the souls who are consecrated him us religious are acting in that way as well so margaret mary wanted to make a return for this love she wanted to console his heart she wanted to make reparations so instead of ingratitude we talked about how we make reparation we talked about this last month that instead of ingratitude we express gratitude or thanksgiving in place of contempt and hatred we have adoration of our lord we adore him and console his heart in place of irreverence we show reverence appreciation for him who he is and instead of coldness and lukewarmness and we think of revelation and the church of lao du sil when the lord said i wish that you were either hot or cold but you were neither so i spew you forth from my mouth we do not want to be spewed forth from the mouth of the lord we want to be drawn into his heart that consuming fire so we respond to coldness that he is treated with with fervor and i would just like to add brothers and sisters because this is actually pivotal and key to the human condition we can be skittish we can be afraid we see this in adam and eve we see this throughout all of human history that the human heart this god of wonders this god of love this god of goodness pure love itself so often starting with our very first parents we show distrust instead of trust so for the remainder of this lenten season i'm going to encourage you and i'm going to call upon you and i'm going to challenge you and i'm challenging myself this is something that i'm challenging myself there are two great keys that we can have in our spiritual life that change our disposition and put us in right orientation towards god and especially as we're going through this wilderness of the valley of tears that that is life that can be painful at times that where we have doubts where we have uncertainties two keys two keys thanksgiving and trust our two t's a grateful heart and when we have grateful hearts hearts that are full of gratitude we put ourselves in right alignment with god when we're full of gratitude we know who we are as human beings as created beings as limited creatures as finite beings in communion with he who is the great being our source he who brings us forward and forth and gives us life and breath and being and in him we have life and the other thing is this being that has shown us so much goodness so much love so much mercy we need to trust in him even when we don't feel trust we know that he always desires our best always for our good he's always ready to provide the best for us i want to quote from a book that i actually really just love it's also some private revelation to a benedict monk and jesus giving a series of revelations to him in sinu jesus and the brothers we all do this every typically every friday night when we don't have first friday we come before our lord and we adore him and we make reparation on behalf of priests and religious for their sanctification and in reparation for sins of priests and religious in particular our own marian priests and brothers and seminarians so we do this every friday insinu jesus is the name of the book this is from january 26 2009 jesus says to him it is not by your works that you will be pleasing to me but by your confidence in my merciful love he goes on the next passage to say live up to the one thing i ask of you before all else trust in my merciful love the only obstacle to my work and souls is the lack of trust in my merciful love now brothers and sisters i think that should resonate heavily with you you who are apostles of divine mercy you who know the message and devotion of divine mercy that was given to saint faustina we just lost our great patriarch we didn't lose him we lost him in this earthly life father sarah miklenko who was just an incredible apostle i was just talking with eileen and mary before and i truly believe that he in our time is one of the at least top five great apostles of divine mercy in our day and age and the message and devotion it was given to saint faustina and he was always saying jason just trust you're a son of god you've been given the blessing we have an accorded right is what he would say we have accorded right we've received the divinity of christ in our baptism we have accorded right to his throne of mercy and the graces that he wants to give to us our response and our prescription of hope as father chris and i have put in in our book our response is jesus i trust in you the font of mercy is opened up and his blood covers us it covers all of our sins we should have complete confidence and we're drawing towards calvary you know in the gospel of luke luke is very definitive jesus starting from luke 9 51 jesus was absolutely bent and determined that he was going to the great mount he was going to mount zion and he was going to the mount of calvary he turned his face straight to calvary because he knew he had a mission he had a mission for the salvation of all of humanity it's the reason for which he was incarnated the reason why he united human flesh with his divinity and he set his face like flint to calvary where he knew that he would drink the full cup the full cup that would be handed him by the father for our salvation so we need to draw in the rest of this lenten journey with trust trust and thanksgiving for this great gift that he has given to us i encourage you i challenge you and encourage you every single day wake up thank the lord for the days given you and thank him throughout the day and continue to repeat the prescription of hope and healing jesus i trust in you now we do know that we struggle with trust it really is a problem of the human heart it's a problem of our fallen condition but it was also a problem of our original parents and i've read this paragraph before i want to go back to it 397 catechism of the catholic church man tempted by the devil let his trust in his creator die in his heart and abusing his freedom disobeyed god's command this is what man's first sin consisted of all subsequent sin would be disobedience toward god and lack of trust in his goodness he his only goodness itself he can only be good he can only be trustworthy he can only be loved because he is love itself he can't be anything other than that but what do we do we put our trust in our hope and other things and finite beings in relationships in persons in ourselves and in the process we make ourselves gods unto ourselves or we try to make gods of other people or other things and they can't deliver in their finite state that which only god can give to us father chris mentioned that we're on a family plan earlier and when you hear family plan what do you think of oh you're thinking verizon sell your one you're thinking what family plan can i get on so we can save the most amount of money we need a family plan that's economical well we have an economical plan it's called the economy of salvation because god the father is all about a family plan the family plan is that he wants to commune with his people and have intimacy with us and that's how we console his heart that is the family plan and it's called a covenant a sacred family bond by which he swears by himself i will love you to the very end to the point of shedding the last drop of my blood for you for your salvation you individually personally if it was just for you you alone at home if it was just for you he would have died he would have shed his blood and given himself in his life and poured it out just for you can't we trust in this goodness don't we have a responsibility obligation shouldn't we have a conviction yes lord i believe you are the messiah the one sent by the father you are the son of the living god lord help help my unbelief help me to believe more help me to put more trust in you the saints understood this and that truly is what humility is because they knew who they were dependent upon they knew what kind of relation they stood in and isn't it ironic it's almost a human irony that we distrust the one who is goodness and we put so much trust in other things that will rob and steal our dignity and who we are but again we're we're not it's not unique to us in our own day and age this goes back to the garden itself and i'm going to beg your indulgence right now because we're going to go back to the garden of eden and look at some of the creation account and this is going to go somewhere because you have to tune in next good friday we are going to start an hour earlier we're going to start the novena of the divine mercy at seven o'clock and we're going to tie it into our first friday and i will be giving a presentation and we're going to tie some of what has gone on with the divine economy and a plan of salvation from the very beginning from the garden of eden defines its realization and the new and everlasting covenant in jesus christ at calvary starting in the upper room culminated at calvary and in his resurrection but if we want to understand the workings of god we have to go back to the beginning and see what was going on in the beginning we have to go back to the garden because the garden of eden gives us a blueprint and pattern of worship for which god is going to operate out of his covenantal renewal with humanity throughout all the ages so if we go back to the garden of eden there's two different creation accounts and there's so much going on there this this literally is 10 to 12 talks that are an hour long from this whole entire thing so you're going to get a 10-minute nutshell of the garden of eden tonight and then on good friday we're going to talk more about that and then we're also going to do a friday before divine mercy sunday we're going to have another evening hopefully father chris will be available but he's busy with the vine mercy sunday things we're going to do another night you'll find more about that later so the garden of eden what does eden mean eden is paradise it's a paradise or a luxurious abode everything is in harmony in an original creation in this original abode but also many people don't know this so they think of eden and everybody knows that it was a garden and adam and eve were in the garden but it was actually also a mountain a holy mountain in an ancient near east in an ancient jewish thought mountains are the place where you encounter intensively the lord god it's the meeting place between the heavens and the earth it's the meeting place of the divine and the human it's where we have intensive intimacy so we have to think of the garden of eden we think of mount moriah where we just read this this past sunday where abraham took isaac up on a mount a holy mountain and there he encountered the angel of god and he offered sacrifice to god instead of his son he offered the ram that was in the thicket we know mount sinai moses went up mount sinai to that holy mountain to the jews and covenant was struck on that mountain moses himself saw the face of god elders went up to the mountain with him and covenant was struck up there we're going to talk more about mount sinai hopefully next week or next month rather on good friday and mount zion which is the mount where the temple was built temple mount mount zion the the which is jerusalem itself which is on a mountain on a mount built above the valley so the mountain is a place where we commune with god so when we go back to eden this perfect luxurious abode eden is like the center of the cosmos it's the axle or the navel of the center of the cosmos and from eden now this all ties in with the image of divine mercy the message of divine mercy calvary we're going to see how this plays out in next month but eden was the center and axis of the cosmos and out of eden flowed one stream that broke into four rivers one stream that broke into four rivers that went out to water and nourish and give life refreshment divine life to all the cosmos to all of creation eden also was stratified in spheres and what i mean by that is there was the outer world and then we had eden and then we had the garden of eden and then in the center of the garden or the heart of the garden the center of the garden there were what two trees one the knowledge of good and evil and the second the tree of life so the closer to the heart of the garden the closer to the center of the garden was the greater indwelling and encounter with god and on holy mountains we encounter god in the garden in this tree of life where there's at the center tree of life in the tree of knowledge of good and evil it represents the the most intensive indwelling and communion with god and there's all kinds of other trees that were good for eating good for dining and all of those trees and and festival eating show covenant with god that he provides for us and then adam was also entrusted to be both a priest and a king to rule the garden to rule over it out of love willing to lay his life down and to be a priest offering sacrifice and the sacrifice was sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving we think sacrifice is always beating the chest oh woe is me jesus himself in in in psalm 51 and in the old testament the lord says the the sacrifice i'm asking for you is a sacrifice of praise a contrite heart that is humbled with a sacrifice of praise in it is pleasing to him so we have to think of eden as both a holy mountain but it's also a holy temple and jews would have recognized this early early in the early church fathers recognized this the garden of eden was set up it actually was the blueprint for the subsequent temple for the meeting tent and exodus of which moses would lead the israelites through the desert in the wilderness also the temple that would be built by king solomon himself in 722 as well as the new temple after uh the the the first temple was destroyed in the second temple restored after the babylonian exile in in 587 bc but what i want you to do is start thinking in a little bit different kind of way as catholics as christians yes there's a literal sense of the bible and we have to read this the literal historical sense but there's also a spiritual sense and included in that is a term called type typography or archetypes things that go before like what we see in the garden of eden find a greater fulfillment later on particularly in christ the early church fathers would say the old testament the new testament lies hidden in the old and the old testament finds its revelation and realization in the new the new covenant the new testament in christ so eden provides us with this pattern of action and relation with god and with other people it's our blueprint for a pattern of worship how god works us works with us in a covenantal way and as i mentioned we see that with a meeting tent of moses we also see that in the temple and we'll see that at mount calvary in the death and resurrection of christ and then we also see it in what's called the eschaton or the eschatological temple the temple of heaven after which everything is created after even eden and mount calvary so i mentioned that there are stratified spheres of eden in the garden in the center there's two trees and adam and eve were forbidden to eat of one tree and they ate of it the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they ate of it because they saw that it was good for eating and it was enticing right and i have to talk about this because it's line isn't that the way that sin works isn't that the way the evil one works the serpent oh he tells us he he shifts the words you know what that sin isn't really that bad look how attractive it is look how it'll make you feel good it's actually going to give you something not doing that is depriving you you should have something you should you should have the pleasure and the enjoyment of whatever thing it just might be and then after we go ahead and we're like yeah okay we start to have doubt we distrust god our father we doubt him and then all of a sudden what do we do we take a bite of the fruit and our eyes are open and we we realize what happened and who we are and we realize that we're there's discord and disharmony and there's lack of integrity within us and that things are awry and we need restoration and we need order back within us and that's what the evil one does and then he turns and then he becomes the accuser see you're never going to get it right see you're just going to keep falling see there's no hope for you and he completely turns the table and turns the script and thankfully we have a lord who turns the script for us jesus the divine mercy so we have to talk about after our first parents fell and they were cast and banished from the garden they received their curses we know what those curses are but the the serpent received the ultimate curse and the lord god to him in what's called the proto-evangelium or the pre-gospel said to him in genesis 3 15 i will put enmity between you and the woman between your seed and her seed he she will crush your head and you will nip at their heel that's the promise of the new adam and the new eve that will come now also they had they were banished from the garden they couldn't come to the garden and this is where we're going to wrap up genesis and this is a key pivotal passage brothers and sisters that plays itself out for salvation history and it typically it ideally it ultimately ultimately plays itself out at mount calvary genesis 3 22-24 then the lord god said behold the man has become like one of us knowing good and evil and now and now lest he put forth his hand and also take of the tree of life and eat and live forever i hope that resonates in your hearts catholics unless he take and eat of the tree of life and live forever that is john 6 and the whole entire eucharistic passage that father christians just talked about is explaining the faith talks i hope you go to those look at those they're vital and then therefore the lord god sent them out of the garden of eden he drove out man to the east of the garden so the east is the entry into the garden it's also the entryway into the temple it's the entryway into the garden and and the mount so driven out of the garden of eden and there he placed cherubim with a flaming sword which turned in every way to guard the way to the tree of life we need to be looking at the tree of life and the fruit of the tree of life which is nothing short of jesus christ himself in his body blood soul and divinity and baptism and we see the archetype of that and the pattern of that in the image of divine mercy that's why that image has so many graces for us that's why it's a sacrament of those sacraments and thrown it in your home what i want you to sit with now thanksgiving and trust over the rest of your lenten journey i also want you to ponder in your heart what it means because we're going to come back to this on good friday when jesus upset the tables and the pharisees were looking at him and the sadducees and they were blocking by what authority authority do you do this who are you who do you think you are you're in the temple of god and here you are turning over the tables you're correcting us and convicting us who do you think you are he said destroy this temple this temple and i will raise it up again in three days but they did not know john the apostle reveals he was talking about the temple of his body ponder that over the next month over the next four weeks the temple of the body of jesus that will be destroyed read isaiah 53 the suffering servant psalm we will read that in holy week reflect upon the destruction of the temple reflect upon what our lord has given us in all of his goodness pouring his life and his blood out the blood that actually really the blood that in jewish thought means life life itself he's given all of his life for us with trust and with thanksgiving brothers and sisters let's go through the rest of this night making reparation to the sacred heart of our lord whose heart was pierced on mount calvary for us from which a river gushed forth of life giving water to go out to all the cosmos to feed us to nourish us let us draw and praise adoration thanksgiving of him this night making reference making reparation and love to him though i may speak with and have the gift [Music] my words [Music] and hopeless games so [Music] and striving inside [Music] by [Music] turn strangely thin [Music] come spirit come on our spirits love to be made [Music] every day this we were sure and are free [Music] amen [Music] hey you hey [Music] so [Music] thee [Music] no [Music] we [Music] the [Music] as we begin this first friday of reparation for the sins and ingratitude against the sacred heart of our lord let us put ourselves in his present immerse ourselves in the rays of divine mercy that emanate from that most sacred heart let us offer ourselves as the sacrifice as christ did and offer ourselves to the heavenly father through the rays of the sun by the power of the holy spirit and guided by our blessed mother at this time we ask you to join us as brother mark will place on the screen the invocation prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heart of jesus burning with love for us inflame our hearts with love for you jesus meek and humble of heart make our hearts like unto yours heart of jesus we trust in you most sacred heart of jesus have mercy on us all for you o heart of jesus sacred heart of jesus we implore make us love you more and more sacred heart of jesus i believe in your love for me sacred heart of jesus your kingdom come blessed and praise be forever the heart of jesus in the most holy sacrament of his love [Music] return to god with all your heart the source of grace and mercy come seek the tender faithfulness of god return to god with all your heart the source of grace and mercy come seek the tender faithfulness of god now the time of grace has come the day of salvation come and learn now the [Music] the source of grace and mercy come seek the tender faithfulness of god return to god with all your heart the source of grace and mercy come seek the tender faithfulness of god i will take your heart of stone and place a heart within you a heart of compassion [Music] [Applause] the source of grace seek the tender [Music] the faithfulness of grace and mercy come seek the tender faithfulness of god lord jesus we come to you this evening just as we are in all the ways we might be broken with crosses that may be heavy with burdens perhaps discouragement we come to you as we are we turn our hearts to you in thanksgiving knowing that you are close to us knowing that you care for us knowing that you have spared nothing of yourself for us to poured yourself out and you continue to pour yourself out over and over clamoring to draw us into your heart clamoring to give us the graces of your mercy and your love so that we might be whole so that we might experience joy and have it to the full so that we might be free we might know the true freedom of the sons and daughters of god give us a new heart lord refresh us with your heart renew and regenerate within us from the life-giving waters of your own heart from your precious blood touch our hearts lord jesus help us to know you this night we turn to you with trust trusting your goodness trusting your constancy trusting your consistency trusting your never unwavering stance to us we thank you for beckoning us to you we thank you for calling us each by name we thank you for all the gifts you have given to us we thank you for the gift of being able to have life in you with a father pour forth your spirit upon us this night touch those watching at home who are in most need those who may be in fear are riddled with anxiety doubts console their hearts jesus we lift our minds and our hearts to you thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus jesus we trust in you [Music] we fall down we lay our crowns at the feet of jesus the greatness of mercy and love at the feet of jesus and we cry holy [Music] we cry [Music] is lay our crowns at the feet of jesus the greatness of his mercy and his love at the feet of jesus [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] holy [Music] is we fall down we lay our crowns at the feet of jesus the greatness of his mercy and love at the feet of jesus [Music] we [Music] is at this time we would like you to join us in making preparation for the reparation to the sacred heart of jesus your fulfillment of the devotion request by our lord through saint margaret mary ellicott of the first fridays the request from jesus was that the soul that who in a state of grace receives most holy communion for nine consecutive fridays in honor of his sacred heart and to make reparation to the wounds of the sacred heart will be granted the promise of christ that they will not die without the sacraments that they will have perseverance in this life to lead them to eternal life so at this moment we ask you if you have been able to physically receive the body of christ in holy communion to join us now in prayer of reparation if you have not received holy communion physically you can still receive this grace per the church which teaches that if you are unable to receive the sacrament due to closed churches quarantine sickness or high risk of health concerns you can join us for a spiritual communion to receive christ as if you did receive him sacramentally at this time we want to make sure that we are prepared for this with just briefly calling to mind our sins and asking our lord for forgiveness let us pause but a brief moment and reflect on the times that we have failed to love god or love our neighbor and for any times we have offended him that have caused wounds to his most sacred heart i confess to almighty god and to you my brothers and sisters that i have greatly sinned in my thoughts and in my words in what i have done in what i have failed to do through my fault through my fault through my most grievous fault therefore i ask blessed mary ever virgin all the angels and saints and you my brothers and sisters to pray for me to the lord our god may almighty god have mercy on us forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life lord have mercy christ have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy [Music] lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy heart of jesus aflame with love for us have mercy on us lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord of jesus all wisdom and knowledge have mercy on us jesus gentle heart jesus humble heart jesus touch our hearts lord have mercy christ have mercy lord have mercy lord have mercy [Music] having asked our lord for the forgiveness of our sins through the confitior that we prayed through asking for our lord's mercy we now being cleansed of those sins with making the intent to go back to the sacrament of confession when next available we now make our spiritual act of communion that you may follow with us on your screen an act of spiritual communion and thanksgiving my dearest jesus i believe that you are present in the most holy sacrament i love you above all things and i desire to receive you into my soul since i cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally cometly spiritually into my heart i embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself holy to you never permit me to be separated from you amen from the diary of saint faustina paragraph 15 41 and 1542 my daughter encouraged souls to say the chaplet which i have given you it pleases me to grant everything they ask of me by saying the chaplet when heart and sinners say it i will fill their souls with peace and the hour of their death will be a happy one write this for the benefit of distressed souls when a soul sees and realizes the gravity of its sins when the whole abyss of its misery into which it is immersed itself is displayed before its eyes let it not despair but with trust let it throw itself into the arms of my mercy as a child into the arms of its beloved mother these souls have a right of priority to my compassionate heart they have first access to my mercy tell them that no soul that has called upon my mercy has ever been disappointed or brought to shame i delight particularly in a soul which has placed its trust in my goodness write that when they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying i will stand before between my father and the dying person not as the just judge but as the merciful savior here faustina says at that moment the lord gave me to know how jealous he is of my heart and jesus said to her even among the sisters you will feel lonely know that i want you to not to unite yourself more closely to me i am concerned about every beat of your heart every stirring of your love is reflected in my heart i thirst for your love [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] daddy [Music] hey [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] ah [Music] bye are so good to us you have overwhelmed us with your goodness your goodness is overwhelming thank you for your generosity for us thank you for coming into us in a spiritual communion thank you for uniting yourself to us we who are little small creatures thank you for elevating us into your heart uniting our humanity with your divinity in the depths of your being your own sacred heart where we have room to dwell and live to be close to you thank you for loving us please make up with your grace and your spirit and allow the heart of your mother to make up for us where our love lacks for our trust lacks where our confidence is lacking dispel our doubts our fears mother mary we thank you for mothering us for embracing all of humanity for being constant and pure and leading us into the heart of your son to have life with a father now and for all of eternity so we soon turn to the chaplain of divine mercy we wish to lift up our brothers and sisters those who do not know the sweetness of the love at the heart of your son the sweetness of the heart of the father we wish to intercede for them the graces and divine mercy from the fount of divine mercy of his heart is poured out upon souls most in need those furthest away from him we ask you mother intercede with us pray with us thank you for your intercession thank you for your maternal love at this time we ask as we finish up this evening and get ready to sing a beautiful version of the divine mercy chaplet we will do an act of consecration to the sacred heart of jesus asking for reparation that we are worthy to make reparation to the sacred heart for the sins and ingratitude of mankind as the church has told us especially those sins against the dignity of human life such as abortion euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research sins against the sanctity of marriage in redefining marriage and for the loss of the preservation of religious liberty that is a god-given gift may let it not be taken from this land we pray for an overturning of roe v wade in all laws that would jeopardize the life of the child in the womb and all laws that would jeopardize the life of any human being we ask for an upholding of our moral compass for an end of the redefinition of gender and marriage and yet to define it as god has given and to be grateful for these freedoms they were given to us as inalienable rights to worship you the one true god let us now in making reparation to the sacred heart let us consecrate ourselves to that sacred heart that we have made reparation to so that we can hide in the abode of its most gift of mercy and protection in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen you may follow along with us on the words on your screen of this act of consecration to the sacred heart most sacred heart of jesus abyss of mercy and source of every grace i consecrate and unite myself to you without exception or reserve all that i am and all that i have past present and future through the immaculate heart of mary your mother i give myself with complete confidence in your mercy and love and i beg you to look upon my offering so that you may use me for your own glory for the honor of your mother and for the salvation of souls help me to seek you alone in all things hide me in the shelter of your most sacred heart and be my refuge in consolation most tender jesus grant me the graces i need to joyfully accept my daily crosses to lead a holy life and to die a holy death in service to you help me to trust completely in your mercy love and never to fear to humbly throw myself to the infinite ocean of mercy which is your most sacred heart through this weak and miserable instrument that i am may your mercy love glory and power shine forth set my heart on fire with the flame of love which burns in your most sacred heart and teach me how to return love for your love most sacred heart of jesus have mercy on me i put all my trust in you amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit you expired jesus but the source of life gushed for for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world o fount of life unfathomable divine mercy envelope the whole world and empty yourself out upon us o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fount of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fount of mercy for us i trust in you o blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus as a fount of mercy for us i trust in you our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil amen hail mary full of grace the lord is with thee blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord he was conceived by the power of the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again he ascended into heaven and secedeth at the right hand of god the father almighty from whence he shall come to judge the living and the dead believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen eternal father i offer you of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus [Music] christ in atonement for our sins have mercy on us [Music] passion have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on a us passion have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us eternal father i offer you the body and the blood so [Applause] of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us mercy on the us of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us [Applause] have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us the body and the blood have your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ in atonement for our sins [Music] have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us have mercy on have mercy on us [Music] have mercy on us on us for the sake of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us us eternal father i offer you the body [Music] of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ have mercy on have us on [Music] have us on have us on us mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us eternal father i offer you [Music] and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus [Music] for the sake have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us of a sorrowful passion have mercy on us [Applause] have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us have mercy on us [Music] ah look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we may not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is love and mercy itself amen jesus i trust in you jesus i trust in you jesus i trust in you [Music] to [Music] praised [Music] see [Music] oh [Music] see [Music] you have given them bread from heaven having all sweetness within let us pray lord jesus christ you gave us the eucharist as the memorial of your suffering and death may our worship of the sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience the salvation you won for us and the peace of the kingdom where you live with the father and the holy spirit one god forever and ever [Music] bless it be god bless it be his holy name blessed be jesus christ true god and true man blessed be the name of jesus blessed be his sacred heart blessed be his most precious blood blessed be jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar blessed be the holy spirit [Music] blessed be the great mother of god mary most holy blessed be in immaculate conception blessed be her glorious assumption blessed be the name of mary virgin and mother blessed be saint joseph her most chaste spouse blessed be god and his angels and his saints may the heart of jesus in the most blessed sacrament be praised adored and loved with grateful affection at every moment in all the tabernacles of the world even until the end of time amen amen [Music] hail mary full of grace [Music] the lord is with you blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your room jesus holy mary mother of god pray for us sinners now and at the air of our death [Music] [Applause] teach us wisdom teach us you were just [Music] gentle woman quiet [Music] peaceful time teach us wisdom [Music] teaches peaceful spirit bless it there with gentle hearts gentle woman [Music] [Applause] [Music] morning teach us wisdom teach us love god bless all of you and thank you so much for joining us on behalf of father kaz our provincial superior all the marian fathers we would like to thank you very much to mary and eileen thank you god bless you very beautiful to mark in dale on the back brother alex brother jason and all of us and we are very grateful that you could join us if you joined us late please remember to get the devotional graces that our lord promises just please make an act of contrition or go to confession if you are possible receive holy communion sacramentally if possible or make a spiritual act of communion and just make some reparation to our lord to his sacred heart this is the devotion this is the beautiful gift he gives us and if you would like a summary please visit the website that i gave saturday and print out what this devotion is to be able to live the immaculate heart tomorrow and tonight the sacred heart thanks for being part of the family plan as father chris has said you are called as our marian helpers as an army to make reparation to the sacred and immaculate heart of mary and to bring graces for the rest of the world that is in need just as a reminder next month we will be beginning at seven o'clock it will be adjusted because it is on good friday so we will not be able to have exposition nevertheless we will still fulfill the sunday or the friday first friday obligation as long and we will also be starting the novena to the divine mercy on that evening seven o'clock afterwards we will have our tina brace service so you will not want to miss that either again we would like to thank mary and eileen thank you so much for leading us and praise worship of our lord and adoration of him and our music thank you and finally please join us tomorrow at nine o'clock father kaz will bring you the most holy sacrifice of the mass at 11 o'clock i will be doing a talk continuing explaining the faith i think is going to be my favorite one so far because we all we're still human and we love it when our lord gives us these miracles and he has given us some beautiful eucharistic miracles that we're going to talk about tomorrow at 11 and then we invite you later to join us at 3 o'clock as we will be singing live the divine mercy chaplet followed by the devotion of the most excuse me the immaculate heart of mary where we will be filling our lady's request to make reparation to our immaculate heart so again we will see you tomorrow so god bless every one of you we've already blessed you with the blessed sacrament but know you're in our hearts and in our prayers and thank you for being part of our marian family god bless you [Music] blessed are they who are poor in spirit theirs is the kingdom of god we are the light of the world may our light shine before us that they may see the good that we do and give glory to god [Music] blessed are they who are meek and humble they will inherit the earth bless us [Music] may see the good that we do and give glory to god [Music] blessed are they who bring peace among us they are the children of god bless us so lord may your peace be with us bless us [Music] that they may see the good that we do and give glory to god oh thank you so much for joining us in this special evening of praise adoration and worship of our lord i hope that your heart was as edified as mine is i'm brother jason lewis with the marians of the immaculate conception and i'm here with our musician extraordinaire the voice that you heard this evening mary verdi mary welcome thank you brother jason and it's wonderful to be here and it's such an honor to have prayed with all of you and been in such a sacred space tonight now with other events that we've done mary people want to know where they can get your music so we know that they can get your music at our bookstore but how else can they get your music you can also go to my website which is and there is a page with my six cds on it and you can have a download link or you can also purchase a physical cd that's wonderful so go and get some of that music so you can continue to praise and worship our lord in your home in your car wherever you may be may god continue to bless you thank you thank you hi i'm father chris aylar and thank you so much for joining us for this beautiful time of making reparation to the most sacred heart of jesus here on the first friday but don't forget please join us tomorrow for the first saturday devotion as we make reparation to the immaculate heart of mary the two hearts of jesus and mary are together inseparable so we've done our first fridays please join us tomorrow at 3 p.m right here from the shrine as we do our first saturday devotion that mary asked for us at fatima thank you god bless you and we'll see you tomorrow at 3 p.m you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 57,905
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Keywords: Divine Mercy, Divine, Mercy, Divine Mercy Official, Shrine of Divine Mercy, National Shrine of Divine Mercy, Shrine, Mass, Holy Mass, Mass today, Holy Mass today, Catholic, God, Jesus, Christ, Mary, Mother of God, St. Faustina, Faustina, Marian, Marians, Immaculate Conception, priest, catholic teaching, spiritual, spirituality, eternity, live, life, grace, pray, prays, praying
Id: j1L8b-YdUSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 34sec (7534 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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