Friday 02 April 2021 Apostle T.F Chiwenga (Moment of Laughter) Part 2B

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[Music] the first one we want to identify where the devil is the second one we want to identify the lie that is using to deceive our people the third basis or objective for the for the moment of laughter we want to rescue our brethren from the synagogue of satan [Music] er [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] my is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] know [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] like a new card [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] my [Music] doesn't [Music] me [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yes just because of your sins we thank you lord thank you jesus moment of laughter welcome to the moment of laughter pastor is [Music] [Music] please convey this message to our mind to our apostles they are all saying happy birthday to you and we are really grateful that we thank god for your life we thank god for his word we thank god for the family jrm we thank you our mother to tender thank you believers for the joy that you are sharing together with me i think the significance of this birthday this time is it came through a lot of suffering yes we were not expecting that we could be having a process runner today our life we've gone through a lot and this is the reason why we are image of your mood today thank you so much for the messages thank you for the sweet messages thank you for the words of encouragement thank you for the solidarity in the campaign yes god for kissing man yes then also are you getting up for the moment of laughter yeah he's always the customer it's always a good time we we seek to expose all fossils and scoff them and also uh teach among us how we what to then put on with the right mind toward the false creatures yes yes so it is important for us to remind you that the moment of laughter is not a normal church service is the way it is spelled it out it's a moment of laughter we will be exposing falsehoods laughing at them scoffing them yes [Music] messages false preachings by my so-called counterparts and as we do so we seek to achieve two things the first thing is we want the church to be warned that the sahaja you in the search are not men of god and sergeant such are not changes of jesus christ and then the second issue the second objective of the moment of laughter is to awaken the elect to dependent if you are in four souls there is a greater possibility and the probability that you don't even know that this is a false message i am not supposed to be in the first place so instead of just telling you to come to jesus because you think you're already in jesus you think you have already found jesus but the moment of laughter will show you that you are still a long way from home we are intending to awaken the people of the world to truth yes to those who are meant to be saved when they are awakened to the truth they will then run away from danger and come to the true god and those who are not meant to be saved some are not going to be saved but this truth is being to awaken them number one so that they will not waste time listening to people who are basically bent on enriching themselves using the name of the lord jesus but also they are not going to lose money you remember they were saying this preacher is saying he wants you not to lose your mind he's not worried about your soul he wants to appear like he himself is worried about something tina [Music] foreign so i'm going to give you these pictures two i'm not going to read them here i will ask you to read them in your own time and then the third one will read it so that you may understand why falsehoods shall be always exposed and every day as long as we are alive [Music] but the third scripture which i want us to read i want us to read matthew 25 verse number 13 to verse number 15. so pastor shall read brother nathan who read in english and then after is in sunnah brothers again the third time to just emphasize the gravity of this matter people think that if someone is preaching falsehoods why can't you just leave him alone just leave him let him be okay we know you are saying he's a false preacher and we have listened to the scriptures you have read but don't force around this matter don't put enough pressure it's not very serious you see but as we shall listen to the lord's words in matthew 23 it is going to show you the level of these matters where they are yes but who answer you scribes and pharisees hypocrites it's it's method 23 verse 18 yes yes but more unto you scribes and pharisees scribes and pharisees hypocrites you are hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men now the pharisees the hypocrites they said you says the scribes when jesus labeled them hypocrites people thought that jesus was just intent on just causing war and fighting with everyone who was preaching her but i want you to listen to exactly what the lord said but who unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men for you neither go in yourselves neither suffer you them that are entering to go in right before we go to verse 40 and 15 have you understood what the lord said about the scribes in the pharisees they are cursed why are you kissing them they are liars eventually a hypocrite is a lie you can't be hypocrite if you're not allowed because a hypocrite is somebody who is deceptive a hypocrite is somebody who is double standard a double standard kind of a person is a double deeper that's a hypocrite he says this and he does that he says he does this and he says that so he's a deceiver he doesn't say what he does he doesn't do what he says he's a person with a double standard he is a deceiver who mesmerizes people into believing that he is something substantive or substantial to give we as you will be actually up to no good you are hypocrites why was he calling the hypocrites for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against me a problem with hypocrites they closed the door of heaven so that men we would enter into heaven have you seen the gravity of the mantle yes the pharisees in the skies which are hypocrites they were cast they were being cased before shutting up the kingdom of heaven against them yes for you neither god in your cells they don't go into the kingdom themselves they don't enter yes i suffer you them that are entering to go in they are not entering the pharisees they probably they don't go into the kingdom after discovering that they don't go they then stand by the door shutting up the door so that those who want to enter may not enter yes so if you hear the lord the casing the pharisees he is not just a man who is after causing conflict and affliction with other persons he is but a very important matter that is bothering him i have opened the door of the kingdom of heaven so that the men may enter but they stand some people ate that very low they are not entering themselves but they are saying to those who want to eat you can't come in verse number 14. who unto you scribes and pharisees hypocrites for you devour with those houses and for a pretense make long prayers therefore you shall receive the greater damnation the second aspect of the pharisees is they are devourers in other words they are looters you loot with those houses and you make unnecessarily long prayers in preteens you shall be greatly condemned the the hypocrites are not just deceivers they are also looked at okay if if if you look very carefully in that way to devour it is actually meaningless news the pharisees and the scribes are looters who are they looting from the widow's news how are the windows deceived or rooted from by long prayers first [Music] um [Music] um they are allegorical they are symbolical we could replace the word long prayer with long incantations a pretense they make long incantations they start to speak in tongues and and the people begin to shiver and tremble we could replace the words the incarnations with the declarations for a pretense they make a long declaration out out out fire fire fire for a pretense they make long declarations and everyone will say this is my if i don't get money this year i'll be doomed this man is power i feel something when you are seeing fire why are they making long declarations the answer is they are investing yes they are looters yes they are sure we will go back home with something so if jesus had not spoken these words in matthew 23 we were never going to know that in our churches we are invaded by number one they cased the preachers number two the looters number three the the the the two men who are in the habit of closing the door against men they are not closing the door of the hospital against men they are not closing the door of the university against men they are not closing the door of the clinic against men the door of the beer they are closing the door of the kingdom of heaven against men if we return they're going to join 10 where the lord decided he was the dog in verse number 7 and you could see if they are closing the door to the kingdom or against the kingdom of heaven what it means is there are people who are being deprived of finding christ if jesus is and here uh uh the scripture in matthew 23 13 says you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men it means the door that leads into the kingdom is it close who is the door what is the door the door is christ so they are denying you access to jesus they are saying you don't need to see jesus i can deal with your problems who are these men or they are described in the pharisees or they are the hypocrites or they are the false preachers [Music] if people are going to come to church they must define the christ in the church because what the people come to church for no mortal can offer it to another mother what jesus promised to give you i cannot give you that what a good diploma is to give you through christ the pastor the apostle the prophet cannot give you that yes so what then is the right method the right method is the preacher when anyone comes to church the preacher can say oh there is jesus go there and jesus will attend to you oh this is jesus the preacher must say come to jesus come to jesus so the preaching of the gospel that is centered on christ it is there to provide the people with the christ who can meet their spiritual needs which the man of god has no capacity to meet but there is a group of people who are closing the door of the kingdom of heaven against men they don't enter themselves but they also do not allow those who are entered into india let's read verse 15. who answer you scribes and pharisees they are killed hypocrites they are hypocrites for your compassion and land to make one personality there are hard workers in doing outreach programs in the crusade and when he is met when he is men you make him twofold more the child of help than yourselves you see if you are successfully convicted by the pharisee and the sky you become times two a child of hell than themselves so they are not just in the habit of closing the kingdom of heaven against you they will find you something to do yes they will convert you and make you their proselyte and when you are proselytized you become times two a child of health than themselves yes this means you're also [Music] so the process of an eating and covering and shaming forces yes it is actually opening you the door that was [Music] [Music] the animal the person who deceived you did you know brother nelson that they are children of god and they are also children of hero yes there is the scripture yes they are ordinary shooting of the world [Music] don't they are children of god and they also are children of hell and make no mistake about it these children over here are not being found in the bro they are not found in the betting shops they are not found in the brothels they are found in chairs the pharisees and the scribes were not drunkards they were preachers of the them day [Music] so this is why we are doing the moment of laughter we are opening you the door to the kingdom of heaven which has been closed against you by the men and women whom we were listening to whom you were following who deceived you yes we are also converting you from a child over here to a child of god because after following the pharisees or the scribes you are already established as a child of here so when the gospel of god comes to you it seeks to retrieve you from such a deadly identity so that you may come back to the to the right identity yes for as many as they have received him to them gave him power to become sons of god children of god so tonight [Music] um [Music] you are twice two times to fold a child of hell we can't just convict you and bring you into sonship to god we have to tell you who you are today yes you have to appreciate your situation that's why every doctor before writing a prescription for you he first of all makes a diagnosis what is your problem and he will sit down with you mr chimuti mrs anderson i have done this test and the results are bad it appears you are suffering from sugar diabetes it appears here with houses in your stomach it appears you have put a disk on your back this is the prognosis this is the prescription this is the healing plan this is the treatment plan you are going to be taking these medicines for the next 15 days but you are going to need also to attend the chiropractic sessions so that you may straighten your back you can just be to take these drugs two times the day you are going to ask what am i taking these drugs for am i sick what am i sick of so the gospel doesn't just say come to jesus be saved it tells you what you are being saved before why should you be saved why should you come to jesus why should you become a child of god it is because if you continue to remain a two-time child of health you are condemned you are you are being prepared for the wrath of god yes and we all know the terror of the lord that's why we persuade men yes so those who say just praise jesus don't talk about other preachers don't mind them they are still seeking their minds it's like a patient who is telling the doctor don't tell me about my disease just give me the medicine if we don't tell you about your disease so what is the medicines but [Music] [Music] foreign okay [Music] you will know how to behave yourself yes yes of course you will know how to to to to live safely yes there is a need for for spiritual social distance yes hmm [Music] um [Music] would so let us watch the first video and see if we can laugh into that one took wood and went to the mountain with the wood or to sacrifice the sun we all are africans we know there is something wrong with that statement yeah because we get wood from the mountain we don't take wood to the mountain so when we take he took wood to the mountain and sacrificed as he was about to sacrifice his son i don't know if you're hearing the bible says he looked forward and then saw this ram caught in the woods so if adam if if abraham had taken wood from the mountain there was not going to be a place for his miracle to be caught in okay come again come again come again come again come again come again on that one come okay i know someone is going to be to be to be delivered from something right now i know we cannot take money from the church we take money to the church abraham took wood to the mountain if he had looked for wood from the mountain and taken wood from the mountain the ram would not be caught in the wood because he would have taken the wood so if you take money from the chest he removed the trap you have removed the trip that will trip your miracle jesus jesus jesus jesus [Applause] and you need to understand on the way to the church with your money on the way to the church [Applause] he did no and on the way to the church with your money you understand when abram is climbing up the mountain when abram is still in the plane he is crying that my son is going to be sacrificed but when he is now climbing the mountain of revelation okay he realizes now when the sun asks where is the seed he said god will provide himself a lamb being a prophecy by himself that god himself will become the lamp now but one thing we need to understand is isaac is an offering asking where the offering is so on your way to church you might be holding a hundred dollar in your hand and your one dollar in the same pocket and when you when you are thinking i will put this 100 there is another sacrifice we are too nice that our father if our father is opposed we will go and pray no the bible never says go and pray in the bible look at philias phineas saw somebody bringing committing promiscuity and he took a knife and others were kneeling down praying and he took a knife here [Applause] my name is yuba angel i stand on this way that i've just given did you listen okay sit down let me explain [Applause] io you are too nice to be a partaker of the anointing you are too nice to associate with money [Applause] okay [Applause] foreign the ambassador at large if the potential repairs but i was not surprised when i saw him being appointed in ambassador yes you know there was a man i i would give you the name another time who was invited when donald trump formed this government and he was invited by donald trump to hold a post in his government in that mentor donald trump mr president he have no dignity i do not want to soil my name by associating with you if it was a different person i don't mind saving my country but not with you i know very soon things are going to get wrong because of your character but let's not talk about this ambassadorial role role leaders addressing from the from the right platform we are going to address this challenge yes this economy yes from the scriptures that he is spoken about i don't need to translate what he said because he said it in english he said abraham brought fire from home because if he did not broad fire from home god was not going to find a place to place or to put that which he was given as a sacrifice to replace isaac on the altar and you bet angel says the fire would was money you don't take money from church you have to bring money to church so that that's the way your blessing may come my heart bleeds when i hear people mentioning the name of god like this it makes me feel embarrassed to be a servant of god it makes me feel embarrassed when people list or name prophets or servants of god or preachers and they put my name alongside names of sorcerers and wizards like this one a shameless a tall shameless in the soulless wizard you'll be the angel now i have no person of individual with these gelatins but since he names he mentions the name of god i have a spiritual obligation to respond to whatever anybody says in the name of god and after talking about him we are going to read the scriptures by which i am authorized to make sure when anybody mentions anything about jesus i will respond i will respond some few days ago this shameless loud poor spirit called passion java who is very broke news he is only a loud squirrel a loud mere kid he was dressed like a masquerade and he was kissing me saying i cannot afford to buy a shirt with one thousand dollars it's shameful that we search people as well talking about god with with the suggestion yes to think that such a person who is sorry who is basically that guy is basically a half pair from it to imagine that we have people in our country who actually follow that person it leaves a lot to be desired i have no problem with easy shamelessness on public media or on social media my problem is when such people comment about god yes that's a problem people who have never been employed in their entire lives people who don't know what it is to read a pay slip they now walk around the whole country provoking everyone claiming that they have made the money yes there are two questions i have to passion java the first reason i have to him is that when he was a man discovered when he was man discovered three years ago when he ran away from zimbabwe because he called people of their assets including a woman which is one damn chrysler he did not been for a court case or a police case that she reported he could not have retained the vertical mirrors after divorcing his wife in an empty official shamelessness changing why is he like you like like like whatever he runs to america and now he's now working around the same i'm good man good man my question is when was money discovered in this world maria's going to worry nicole yeah as i told right now there are people in america who can employ fashion in general as a gardener in the earth yes who is money real money a declining money for that means those people don't they don't flound their own social media yes they are raised with the decorum they are groomed so do you think when i buy a right now i am going to bring a receipt to convince the person that i don't i don't i'm not but who fears 1 000. i respect people who have money that they've earned i respect anybody who swears for their own living yes there is no job that is inferior in my mind a chief executive officer of a conglomerate a multi-billion dollar conglomerate is is dignified to me as a house made any helper or a baby monitor or a gardener what matters to me is you are eating from your sweat you are raising your children with the right principles in order for you to eat my child you have to work i respect the people who wake up every day to go to work it doesn't matter the value of the clothes that they wear it doesn't matter the value of the assets that they have i respect somebody who is using a 50 usd mobile phone if that money was properly aimed i would respect that person over somebody who cannot explain to anybody where the money is floundering is coming from yes i respect the such people my next question i said i had two questions between my second question to him is if jesus comes today on earth brother no so does he attain your church can jesus come and attend rejected services let me change when they asked jesus where do you live he said the foxes have walls and and bear deafness yes but the son of man is no way to lay his head when they were looking for man from peter and john in acts chapter 3 verse number five to nine peter and johnny looked at the lame main by the beautiful gate and they proudly spoke to him and said man we do not have yes such people who you are never going to come closer to as far as saving god is concerned they served god with the purity of conscience with a pure character such people who were given so much great great grace in such a manner that christ used them to lay down the structure of the new testament apostle paul apostle peter apostle john those are the pillars of the new testament church and yet it despite the enormous grace they had in their lives they opened their mouths and they said we do not have money if apostle peter was to come back right now would he attain the javascript apostle paul he faced corinthians chapter four from verse number nine he said i suppose that god has made the approach was lasting as it were appointed today before we have made the respective one to the world into angels and to men yes we are fools for christ's sake yes but you are wise in christ yes we are weak but you are strong you are honorable but we are despised even unto this present are we both hunger and peace and are naked and appropriated and have no certain place you know because they lie to the whole world or to those who follow this experience the question is how many lives was poor going to get after saying gives me to this present hour we are hungry we are thirsty we are naked we are beaten up we are tenants when he said we have no certain dwelling place he was actually saying i am renting a house i don't have a house of my own years my question is how many likes was paul going to get after writing such a scripture how annoying it was at all [Music] foreign some of the words that come from his mouth i don't know why we still have zimbabweans who call that rascal a prophet yes a man of god you must have a mouth that is seasoned with the salt you don't just open your mouth and speak obscenities ah ephesians chapter 4 verse number 9 29 let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister grace and to the earth oh read it again let no correct communication proceed out of your mouth yes but that which is good to the use of a defined that it may minister grace and to the hearers do not allow your mouth to speak things that are corrupt don't use corrupt communication a man of god does not sway a man of god does not speak without the ways there are certain words which if you encounter the grace of god you will not even imagine that one day you say those words yes foreign [Music] yes because we are mindful of scriptures like detroit chapter 22 is 18. [Music] yes and the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise me it's chapter 23 thou shalt not bring the eye of a war or the price of a dog yes into the house of the lord thy god for any of our use for even both of these are abomination and to the lord their god where is do not bring the price of a dog or the higher of a prostitute into the house of the lord for any vow or any offering because they are abomination so let's walk away from talking about this guy but i'm talking about this rascal because we have a problem in our population yes we've got a population that is that appears like it's suffering from some strange disease some of the things that our people chase after some of the people that are celebrated in our society is a serious cause for consent especially if those people are not hesitant when it comes to matters to do with god people like you betty angio emmanuel macron java they cannot talk to me about god they cannot have even five minutes of the conversation with me concerning the bible i would rather give them some some small little boys from our church that 12 year olds can engage this guy and teach them saudi adultery yes let us play again you bet angels if you don't want to cut them to eat because these guys they think they are clever yes this guy i mean yes that's why you saw some few weeks ago when i said angel lied in that video which we played that following week this is willow was kissing me and insulting me on social media he is used by evil angel he's used like a small puppy i know it it is angel we introduced this rascal to america he knew now nobody there he was connected to the likes of benny and others by his angel and so he worships he does his bidding [Music] yes if there is a man or a woman who follows this rascal thinking he's a man of god anyone needs medical identity you need your psychology india you need this average evaluation yes let's watch it there you can end your video writing the scriptures of the bible so that the people may give them money in that video to foreign militaries and you better india two things right let's watch it the bible says in abraham took wood and went to the mountain with the wood to sacrifice the sun we all are africans we know there is something wrong with that statement yeah because we get wood from the mountain we don't take wood to the mountain [Applause] so when we take he took wood to the mountain and sacrifice as he was about to sacrifice his son i don't know if you're hearing the bible says he looked forward and then saw this ram caught in the wood so if adam if if abraham had taken wood from the mountain there was not going to be a place for his miracle to be cut in okay come again come again come again come again come again come again on that one come okay i know someone is going to be to be to be delivered from something right now i know we cannot take money from the church we take money to the church abraham took wood to the mountain if he had looked for wood from the mountain and taken wood from the mountain the ram would not be caught in the wood because you would have taken the wood so if you take money from the chest they removed the trap you have removed the trip that will trip your miracle jesus jesus jesus jesus [Applause] and you need to understand on the way to the church with your money on the way to the church he didn't create no and on the way to the church with your money you understand when abram is climbing up the mountain when abram is still in the plane he is crying that my son is going to be sacrificed but when he is now climbing the mountain of revelation okay he realizes no when the sun asks where is the seed he said god will provide himself a lamb being a prophecy by himself that god himself will become the lamp now but one thing we need to understand is isaac is an offering asking where the offering is so on your way to church you might be holding a hundred dollar in your hand and your one dollar in the same pocket and when you when you are thinking i will put this 100 dollars we are too nice that our father if our father is opposed we will go and pray no the bible never says go and pray in the bible look at phillies finney phineas saw somebody bringing the committing promiscuity the bible says in abraham right so we are going to talk about the other aspect we see in which he was inciting his church hunger games to go and beat up other people we are going to talk about that let's talk about the wood now what i find disturbing and worrisome troublesome is the level of the of our people's naivety means the level of our people's gullibility the level of our people's subservience susceptibility to deception a man of god should not just run and run and run and run with his mouth and each time he talks everyone says amen we need to raise a bearing change mentality in the church believer we know what the variance did is after paul preached that's 8017 from this time when he came into berea he went into the synagogue of the jews and the bible says the period jews were more noble yes than those of thessalonica yes because what they did is they received the word with all readiness of mind yes and they said the scriptures daily where that those things were so yes they could only just say amen to for amen to paul they would sit down and read the bible verifying what the preacher was saying on the puppet trying to find a concordance with what is with what is in the bible i i don't know why people could not see that what you did angel said is a self-contradictory is he contradicted himself on the first account he said the wood that abraham brought to one of the morale mountains represents an offer news in the same in the same same message same same one he said no isaac represents the money the wood represents the money isaac represents money in the same message he says oh when abraham was asked by isaac where is the offering he said god will provide himself an offer and he said with his own mouth he said it was a prophecy that god was going to be a sacrifice himself and then he self-contradicted and then he says when isaac asked his father where is the offering it's like you have 100 dollars and one dollar in your pocket it's now the 100 not asking the the owner where is their offering suggesting that the 100 is refusing to be offered you have to offer the one dollar the hundred dollar does not want to be offered how can people continue to clip hands into this victory or i don't understand it if isaac asked abraham where is the sacrifice where is the offer how damn can you say it's two offerings talking to each other asking the owner where is the sacrifice did isaac ask another isaac or isaac asked abraham his father yes was abraham also to be sacrificed in this mountain statements i think these people they don't take time to listen to these people yeah yeah and they are confident that no one asks them so they continue to be vitriol i think the the the food the black magic that these guys use they they have got some strange powers to cage people's minds when they are speaking on pulpit so that people's brains will be posed until the service ends are said to them i don't think they would jump like what people are jumping into if the master is saying yes he says you can't take money away from church yes you must bring money to church because abraham brought the fruit of firewood to the mountain if it is a revelation that the fire that abraham brought to the mountain represents money what it actually means is god could not use abraham's money he used his own money to provide a sacrifice because the ram was caught by the wood or red in the mountain place which means in order for god to provide abraham with an iran [Music] i [Music] [Music] shamelessly good because when abraham was asked by isaac where is the offering in his own ways he said isaac represents money is a hundred not asking the dollar note where is the sacrifice he is forgetting that abraham came back with his eyes if isaac represents a man then that man is not an offering to jesus because abraham after sacrificing he went back home with his isaac how dare he does isaac he presented over him look what surprise is that this guy is deported to be very educated [Music] a man be called to be a hold of a master's degree how did he write his thesis yeah you want people to give you man a little bit and you are telling them that isaac was brought to the mountain isaac is an offer isaac is a hundred dollar note okay assuming that you are right so if i come to change to eubaid angel's changed today with my hundred dollars yes and he tells me that this money is your isaac after giving him that man when the church service ends i will go back to him and he isaac was not killed abraham took his son may i have my hand [Music] go [Music] don't you know that isaac is a type of christ you have never come across garages in your very entire story life now to abraham this seed where the promise is made he says not end to see the age of many but is of one and to thy seed which is christ isaac was anti-apology of christ according to galatians chapter 3 verse 16 according to romans chapter 9 verse 69 isaac is a type of christ yes according to 8th chapter 3 verse 25 and 26 isaac is the type of christ yes you are excuse for a preacher if you don't know that you are a sacrilege yes you are an abomination huh very eloquent but very deceptive very eloquent but very confused very important but very bankrupt of the truth this man is destitute yes by jesus [Music] he's a clown we want to play the rest of that video we want to address this incitement you bet angel is inciting their church congregates to come and attack us he is telling his own begins to beat up everyone who criticized them yes that's a sign of account but before we do that if you consider the pastor that he was actually saying the hood that was in the mountain is there so that you can be blessed don't take away the wood in the mountain yes it is a platform for you to receive your blessing from bring your wood to the mountain bring your money to church that was the message yes and the people said in this one now this map worship he then started to stand up and to say jesus oh say it again men of god they have to hear it it was a revelation to him yes nobody among them asked this question in what way was abraham blessed in mount moriah after saying everything that they say yes abram brought isaac to the mountain yes with his the fire would end the fire don't forget he also had a fire and he also had a sword he brought all things to these things to the mountain yes and then god replaced isaac with a lamb yes a sheep yes because god wanted to portray the message that apostle paul then taught in hebrews chapter 10 verse number four to verse number seven because in verse number four it says for it is impossible that the blood of bulls and gods should take away sins in other words it is impossible for isaac to be an acceptable offering unto god for one reason he is an offspring of a sinner he is a descendant of adam who was outstanding from god's presence and then he fathered the children so if god could not atone our sins by the blood of bulls what then was he going to do for us so in verse 5 what does it say wherefore when he comes into the world he says sacrifice and offering thou this not but a body has thou prepared me in bed offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure yes then said i know i come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do thy will oh god god had no pleasure yes in sacrifices and offerings for sin yes that's why christ came because invested when he says then he said no i come in the bottom of the book it is written of me to do your will oh god so after god rejected the sacrifices for sin and the offerings that israel offered according to the law that's why christ came then he said i know i come of course opposed to pose cutting some 40 46 to 8. but so we see a clear replacement understanding here instead of isaac put it around instead of isaac put it around instead of isaac put the ram for your only record the other reason why god rejected isaac on the altar it was because isaac did not come voluntarily onto the order abraham yet to deceive isaac that's why isaac was not knowing what was happening he had to ask his father i don't see the sacrifice where is the sacrifice yes whenever i'm prophesied that god was going to give a sacrifice in his mind he didn't know he was prophesying he was actually telling his son to not to continue pursuing this person of his yes when abraham put isaac on the altar he didn't ask isaac to climb onto the altar because isaac did not die and then they put on the altar yes isaac was put on the altar alone and alive by abraham yes i don't know if you're understanding it and that is a sign that abraham did something to disable isaac from resisting this order yes he was not there hold on tell me if isaiah was not dead then he didn't need to be put on the water by his father abraham abraham was simply going to say go on for the older my son i want to kill you yes instead isaac was put on the altar by abraham yes but when god provided that i that that ram that ship there was no road or there was no cord tying that around to the to the bush the same way that ram was found by abraham with its own caught in the thicket that is the same way jesus was arrested in the garden of get men news when they say to him we are looking for jesus of nazareth he asked them why are you keep coming with the swords and the stars as if you are coming to arrest a thief did i not you preach in your temples and synagogues in the day yes i am homeless i am not resisting to be crucified yes i am not like isaac i know why i am here yes i'm here today for my people as a sacrifice my question is to ibit angel what a blessing did abraham come down from the mountains with after he sacrificed that iran because in their teaching brother knows what's good they were saying bring offerings so that your blessings may find a platform from where they will learn from heaven and by saying such things they are suggesting that god can be stopped by many from doing what he wants to do yes there was a voice that was heard by abraham it shouted stop don't kill isaac and abraham looked debate and he saw that if somebody wants to gain say he would simply say okay if you are saying i must not abraham didn't take wood from the mountain because the lamb was the iran was never going to find landing platform then abram was going to borrow from a different mountain because there was no one mountain there there were many of them he just needed to find out this is the mountain where i'm going to put my altar let me go to that other one if you come back don't you know that would represent the crosses first peter 2 24. i don't know what's wrong with my people who his own self being our sins in his own body yes he killed our sins in his own body yes we are on the tree yes that we being dead to sins should live unto righteousness by whose stripes you were healed faster yes he bear our own sins in his own body on the tree the same thing that apostle paul taught in galatians chapter 3 verse 18 to 15. christ redeemed us from the case of the law being made a case for us for it is written cased is everyone that ends the only thing that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith so the scripture was it said if anyone goes onto the tree is held on the tree such in one is cased and the apostle goes on to say so christ became a case but it was done for us yes when was christ cased he says oh it's not an issue if you go to deuteronomy 21 verse 23 the scripture is there there was a case there yes which is said everyone who is hanging on the tree is careful so christ was aimed on the cross yes he became a case to do or to do what to give us the blessing of abraham what is the blessing of abraham is in 83 25 and 26 it's forgiveness of sin so forgiveness of sins was the reason why christ was aimed on the tree so the ram that was quoted by the thicket was painting a picture of christ hanging on the tree so that we the children of christ might define salvation forgiveness of sins yes instead of seeing the cross in the fire that abraham brought to the mountains you better injure so many this revelation is not from this world let's finish the video let's finish the video himself a lamp being a prophecy by himself that god himself will become the lamp now but one thing we need to understand is isaac is an offering where the offering is so on your way to church you might be holding a hundred dollar in your hand and your one dollar in the same pocket and when you when you are thinking i will we are too nice that our father if our father is opposed we will go and pray no the bible never says go and pray in the bible look at philia phineas saw somebody bringing committing promiscuity and he took a knife and others were kneeling down praying and he took a knife [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign my name is you better angel i stand on this way that i've just given you did you listen okay sit down let me explain and then outing [Applause] you are too nice to be a partaker of the anointing you are too nice to associate with the money you want to wear [Applause] foreign [Applause] angel is making an assumption he's making too many dangerous assumptions and i think i want to use this platform to respond to you mr inviting you maybe you've been in england for too long you are no longer familiar with the situation on the ground inciting your followers to go and physically abuse physically attack physically assault those who are opposing you is a sign that you are not descent from god yes and the promising that if they are arrested for such violence you are going to pay their fines it's another sign that you are not sent from god yes we are opposing you here and what i can say to you is if you are preaching violence if i oppose you don't send your children to come and fight you [Music] why do you think that your church congregants are good at violence better than those who are opposing you foreign you are taking chances but i want to ask him a question but i want to start by reading three scriptures after those three scriptures i wanted to ask i want to ask him why he is saying this and what is his response to the three scriptures i want us to read we will start by reading ii corinthians chapter 10 verse four second corinthians the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds for the weapons of our own faith yes are not the kana yes he is sending his church members yes to go and slap those who are opposing me he used it they should not i don't know what do you say you betrayed you about this scripture yes our weapons are not physical is not a slap a physical a uh we point is it not a select a physical weapon yes a karma weapon our weapons are mighty through god yes to the pulling down of strongholds verse 5 says cutting down all imaginations and every i think that exhausts itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ the second scripture is ephesians chapter 6 verse number 12 for a wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against peaceful wickedness in high places against his spiritual wickedness in high places man may chapter 5 verse number 38 you have here yet that is it being said an eye for an eye and a truth for a truth but i say unto you that you resist not evil but whosoever shares might be on the right sheet turn him 10 to him the other also 14 and if any man will soothe thee at the law and take away thy court let him have thy cloak also thank you my question is what is script shall mr you bet are you getting this holy ganesha you are basically confirming what you have been saying all these days that your institutions are not to churches you can't go to church and come back home worse than when you went to church in the morning yes you are training your church congregates into holy guns in the thugs and mafia you cannot afford to do that any man or any woman who is going to obey what this man is saying he is not in his right senses when our lord was arrested peter brought out a knife and he sliced off the ear of a servant of the epistle by the name maokas jesus did not say you have done him well he cannot touch your purpose while you are hearing or watching he said you shouldn't have done it yes those who use this word who died by the sword yes if i wanted the physical security i could have asked my father to give me legions of angels to protect me if they do not arrest me how are the scriptures going to be fulfilled that is what our lord is saying yes that this was say yes um let's let's read verse number 51 may 26 to 54 and behold one of them is and behold one of them which were with jesus stretched out his end and he drew his sword and struck a servant of the high priests and smote off his ear then said jesus unto him put up again thy sword into his place for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword think as to thou that i cannot now pray to my father and he shall presently give me more than 12 million of angels but how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled that thus it must be so if jesus was in the habit of training peter james john bartolomeo and the others sending them karate and judo in the ndmd in thai condo how then were our sins going to be forgiven in order for us to be saved he needed to be arrested he needed to be beaten up he needed to be crucified so jesus is asking peter how can you be a believer with a knife in your wallet how can you be a disciple of mine with a magic in your jacket how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled if you behave like this yes the apostles were beaten up they walked around rejoicing that they had suffered they were found waiting to suffer for his name yes so as we conclude this expose my message to mr angel is you are not a preacher it's better for you to study politics says politics do politics join in the government and do government business yes as far as the gospel is concerned you are broke you have nothing in your in your in your spirit you are empty yes you are an empty cloud that apostle peter described in second peter 2 from verse number 13 to verse number 19 and also the teacher of the word did you mention in jude chapter 1 verse number 10 to verse number 16. you are an empty cloud there is no water in you at all and we are not going to stop exposing you send your children we will face the we'll meet them when they come yes yes but finally i want to say to him yes brother nelson this is a doctrinal war don't change the fighting ground don't change the petroglyphs the better ground are the scriptures the better ground is the holy bible the better ground is the doctrine yes if you find yourself offended with what we are doing go and open your bible do another broadcast do a live program kill your followers is not getting it here are the scriptures they are the other scriptures there is another scripture don't detain your church members into oligarchs into thugs and eventually into matters yes can you believe firsthand that we are we are campaigning right now yes because our government has turned some of our brothers into murderers and we are saying to the government stop using our brothers and sisters as agents of death to other citizens yes we have [Music] [Music] can easily um together they are different people yes these are not members of the church of jesus christ yes the change was supposed to be a place where people are brought to bed [Music] [Music] when god looks at this guy says this guy is like he's a fugitive of righteousness [Music] [Music] me [Music] um [Music] thank you lord and after god spoke to moses i wanted to delete amalekites on earth moses stole two stones started to build an altar from hearing that and he called that older jehovah niece or jehovah my banner yeah over my obvious victory he put an altar why is he putting an altar to organize continuous victory for israel [Music] because all does always addressed the future that means your future is a foundable if you don't have an order there are people hearing me who are entering into transgenerational victory by establishing altars don't ever make a mistake to take altars as ministry or church fundraising you'll miss the revelation god will say you bring your beast you bring your god burn it to show you i don't eat these things i don't need them your future needs it don't ever make a mistake to take family out as business voters as church fundraising strategies god is not desperate for your pocket your destiny is demanding an altar god has a future for himself without you he cannot use your pocket to create his [Music] future he does not live in time he created time existence is in god time is in god it's humility for god to come and join you in time so when he says it is to be out of your revelation from hearing the voice of god and say i agree with what you said do you see what happened god just said the way amalek has treated you i am going to fight them one said you said you will fight what i'm like i'm building a note so how does i all revelatory agreement with what god has just spoken god spoke to you i will build you a house until now you have no building order i will build your family if not building out i will build your ministry but you're not building out i'll give you greatness our establishing ministry or business you have not built an order remember last time i told you even demons asked permission to end someone's business two thousand pigs were possessed with demons only because he started the business without water what he denied god for sacrifice was collected for free by the sea [Music] same time broke in one day only because someone denied to obey god by revelation i want you to note this all does unlock your potential your altar if it's broken no matter how you try you are at a disadvantage do you know all that jesus did on the cross even to go to the grave was not enough mary came and tried to touch it he said don't touch me because i have not yet gone to the father what was he doing because he needed to present the blood on the golden altar before their father they're all tired did not received the blood all those efforts the altar was still waiting for his blood please please take this moment plant the seed mighty god i've done what you said i know they are going through different battles they have secret private long-time questions which you are ready to answer them on the order and not only that lord do a wonder to everyone who built their altar this season you said you do wonders through altars this message was pretty detained ago and then i looked at the date yes it was a very enticing message it was a voluntary message it was it was preached on the 14th of february the message was built in altar i am refused to be detoxified if you are following this man walk away today come out of this man's business this is not a church it's a personal business where shall we start from i want to start by showing you that there is no altar without a blood hebrews chapter 9 verse 18 to verse 23 yes when upon neither the first testament was dedicated without blood it could not be dedicated without blood yes yes for when moses had spoken every present to all the people according to the law yes he took the blood of calves and of gods yes with water yes excalibur yes in history yes and all the people saying this is the blood of the testament which god has enjoyed unto you yes moreover he springwood with the blood bought the table necklace and all the vessels of the ministry take note take note he sprinkled with the blood highlighted that device with yes and all the vessels of the ministry yes there's 22. and almost all things are by the law paged in the blood and without shading of blood is no remission almost all things are by the law paged with blood yes and without the shading of blood is not a mission 23 it was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with this yes but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than this for christ is not entered into the holy places yes which are the figures of the truth yes but into heaven itself yes now to appear in the presence of god for us now go back to verse 21 moreover you springwood with the blood bought the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry 22. and almost all things are in the wrong paved with the blood and without shedding of blood is no remission so tonight i will recommend yourself they don't believe they just [Music] so i don't know where we are going to be honest as a nation and as a continent yes africa is the biggest number of creatures compared to other continents and yet it is the poorest because people are converting factories into jeju buildings and people are spending their whole day their whole week their whole night in the church building asking god for the job now where are we going as a nation when we have mature men and mature women in terms of age not proper maturity just people who have grown up yes who are who have been in the church business more than i am myself but they make fundamental understanding of faith fundamental principles of faith tabonga uttablash is a friend of another cornerman called imano makandiwa and we saw him in another video with another con man who is now going to bed with our government views my question is where are we going because i don't expect a person who causes of an apostle to profess ignorance of the effect that there cannot be an altar without a blood it doesn't matter how beautiful what you are cooling in water is if there's no blood on that altar it's not an altar it's a tv stand it's not an older it's just a resting place where you can sit down with your girlfriend and you do some pic picnic the truth is an older is an altar because of blood yes if an altar is an altar because of blood how come this guy is asking people to build orders with money [Music] if he is saying no we are not good with man then what are they building those orders if they say blood there wasn't which blood was blood what blood yes is yes i know i know believers know this i am aggressive ladies and gentlemen i'm addressing those who are still sedated by this foolishness by this aphrodisiac by this concoction the last older ladies and gentlemen is called cow fire it is an altar because that's where the final blast was offered on golgotha for the remission of sins and we we are going to play a lot more videos so let's let's try to minimize the number of scriptures we read in each program in each video which we are exposing let's let's just read hebrews chapter 13 and we shall read it from verse 10 to verse number 12 and this is a very important scripture because it tells us of our altar we do have an older mr tabonga but not this one which you are asking your stupid congregants to build yes anyone who is an alter right now is not in his right mind you are foolish yes you are rejecting a true order and building yourself a charm of an altar what does it say we have an altar we have he didn't say go and build an order he says we already have an order yes yes wherefore they have no right to eat which saved the tabernacle when he said there is no right they they that saved the tabernacle he was mentioning he was talking about those who save the old testament of the law yes so we have an altar and what we get from that water is forgiveness of sins we also obtain food we eat from that old day yes yes for the bodies of those beasts whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priesthood foresee foresee foreseen highlight that the altar is the foreseen yes it is not for transgenerational blessings or breakthroughs mr object it's foreseen an altar is built for sin yes where are those bodies then are they without the camera they are bent outside they can wear for jesus also you see that soon after mentioning the old days is all lest others are going to be wise in their unconscious con conceits yes and confuse themselves jesus also what did he do that he might sanctify the people with his own blood what happened suffered without the kids the altar is of jesus own blood jesus his own blood yes so our water was built by christ himself news i said last time pastor yes you can't build an order by just desiring the building order in order for you to build an order you have to be a high priest only in high priest can stand on the altar in the shade m if everyone is required to build an older mr.wise how come you are reading a scripture in in in the book of exodus where only moses is building order if everyone is required to build an order why would you read the scripture which only moses is building order you should give a scripture in which every many and every woman of israel built an altar an altar is built by the high priest you have to be appointed to build an altar yes an altar is not an altar without the blood the blood that is shared on the altar is a covenant blood yes it's a sin offering blood you asking people to give you money manipulating scriptures that are very very grave scriptures yes those are the scriptures that if you read them you should point the people to calvary where their blood was shaded for their own salvation and now the confusion brother knows after talking about an altar he then says when jesus had defeated shedding his blood it was not enough he had to go to heaven to the golden altar to present his blood this blood how do people clap hands into such a self-contradiction so if i put my mind right now when they own the altar how is it going to go to heaven you are talking about jesus going to heaven with his blood and using that scripture to ask people to give you money are you saying money is equivalent in value with the blood of jesus can you imagine can you imagine he tells his hunger games that jesus rose from the dead and he said to me don't touch me i am not here to finish which is true he had to go to god that's why we read it was 9 24. he in the over on an old in a worldly sanctuary or worldly altar he entered into heaven itself to appear in the presence of god for us after talking about the blood of jesus calvary and going to heaven you then use that scripture to ask people to build altars of perishable things corruptable things such as silver and gold these men love money like in in opioid abuser or a ruined abuser they can they will stop it nothing to to to decipher the money from your wallet yes they are not here he is he is not afraid or ashamed to talk about the car over it and then asking people to give him money using the resurrection of jesus christ [Music] let him wait if he wants money go and wait mr tarana you can't get money this way if you want people to give you money you can ask you for free will offerings that is allowed don't lie to them that they are going to build orders how can we have a man of god who is not the bible says without your salvation we can fear exactly in philippians 2 12 this man has no fear of god he is no fear demoniac when you say this oh that's what i was forgetting he said the reason why the demons entered into the pigs it was because the men had nothing build an altar for his business of course that's a lie it is a lie because the bible doesn't say that yes and for the record the people who lived in the land of the jedi sins were not jews they were gentiles so they didn't know anything about all that's that easy that's why when the demoniac was delivered jesus could not allow the demoniac to follow jesus because he would notice a gentile follower before the cross yes okay foreign everything that is wrong in people's lives is because they don't give money [Music] yes yes mm-hmm foreign [Music] is 2000 pigs and then the sea gained two thousand peaks in one day i suggested i i presume that the sea with a strong water [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wake up zimbabwe wake up this is not the message of god yes this is not the true question this is armed robber this man is armed with the hypnosis this man is armed with the flattery this man is armed with the a a a spirit of mesmerizing people that they should believe everything that he said it's terrible it is terribly nonsensical there is one out of ladies and gentlemen that is the last altar the altar of the blood of jesus it is enough that's why apostle paul when he wrote it was 12 24 he says we have the blood of jesus which speaks better things than the blood of everyone kill me ladies and gentlemen tell me you that listen to me tell me believers what is going to be spoken by your 50 dollars which is going to outsmart and how to do what is spoken by the blood of jesus the blood of sprinkling the blood of jesus it talks better things than the blood of evil yes [Music] the blood of jesus they say they forgive them father for they don't know what they are doing what is going to be saved by your money on that stupid altar which is going to be better than that which is spoken by the blood of jesus you know when apostle paul thought about altars yes he compared the altar of the blood of jesus and the oath of the blood of evil he could not imagine that there is going to be a new order without the blood at all there is a new motion zero blood it is going to bond not anybody yes every person who listens to the moment of love he should pray for me he should pray for us he should thank god because you could never hear what you are hearing he did not be for this program yes it's an awakening program yes that people are coming to jesus and say oh we have woken up yes how could we have desecrated the art of jesus like that how could we have disrespected the oath of jesus like that yes if you have an oath right now at home i want to encourage you i want to instruct you if you if you believe that god created you for salvation yes by the end of day tomorrow ben that older ethio yes [Music] [Music] that is not the proper way to give to god if you have something in your yard in your house in your office which was said to be an time by a friend select this one before the end of tomorrow destroy that and on friday next week we are going to open our line to receive testimonies we want to hear how many did what i said yes and we are going to thank god before you come back to your god come back to certainty come back to soberness yes you are not in your right mind you can't make this table in all time that is a few things that is self defeating you are shooting yourself in the fruit and if you are here you believe the lord has opened you are to believe before we end this program we are going to call the call the goal of salvation you have to repent to start the general faith from zero to say i'm starting now to do the right thing yes if i come back five years from now and ask you to build an altar don't continue to come to church yes that is day that begins the end of jesus revelation ministries the truth is not the truth because it was preached by me it is the truth because that's what god said it is the truth it doesn't change over time the truth is not dynamic the truth remains the truth [Music] yes [Music] um is [Music] [Music] people's lives yes and the way god is being desecrated yes it's really painful you see now how we read matthew 23 yes because by asking people to build an altar he is making them not to end yes because the moment you put the water your door to the kingdom of heaven is closed you are now made two times a child of hell that this man who is telling you to build an old town asking whatever how is it that i finished my degree in the past without this you see because you won't be built you won't build this one out but you have within your home yes is [Music] [Applause] choose this man [Applause] revelation chapter three perfect queen you are a free moral [Music] hallelujah you have a choice to go to hell and you have a choice to go to to to to heaven hallelujah go to heaven it has to be grace but it's grace on top of choice but i want to tell you something i'm going to look for this man's number i love him very much i don't know for some reason but i have a soft spot for you i like his passion and he's one of the people that i admire for his genuineness in what he does all right when he does something he usually does it with all his acts yes even the way he moved away from the airplane he was old enough he's a peaceful man and he's very passionate with what he does [Music] i'm telling you the truth i'm going to find a way to reach out to him i just want to talk to him but what is nothing but is the fact that he was not convinced with what you were saying yes did you see that yes he argued with himself he heard the conflict inside of him he said it he saw that there is a contradiction and he started to justify the contradiction on the pulpit and that's a sign that there is a chance that this man may be saved yes yes these are carefree soulless videos this one is different at least he's pushing some target of course he has got a trap or he loves to save the lord he just needs to know the true gospel yes i hope he's going to listen to this video and i'm going to reach out to him but the truth of the mentor is no one has a choice yes to go to hell or to go to heaven it is wrong in the summer of my brother charles he knows something is wrong with what he's saying but he has no choice because what he's saying right now is what they taught him at bible college you know he's somebody who is using what he has i think he's caring from the admonition that he once gave on him we once mentioned his name on pagan but we were counseling yeah but i think something will come out if i talk to you i will try to reach out to you but as of now we will correct his years for the benefit of those who were listening to him when he was preaching yes mr charles charamba my brother if you would only learn of these scriptures which i am going to show now you would realize that we are not a free moral agent like you said in your seven now i also do not understand how you connect spirituality and morality let's say we have arrived to choose i have a right to choose between drinking beer right now and not drinking beer those are issues we could talk around being moral and morally independent or morally dependent on a certain spiritual force or whatever yes which causes us either number one to behave in a specific way or to think in a specific way but how could you connected that to salvation are you suggesting mr charamba that your morals are a condition for your salvation does the salvation come to us on our moral ground where we stand easy the salvation is spiritual when god gives us salvation does he end it to our conscience does he end it to our brains because the power to choose mr charamba is in the mind but the power to believe is in your spirits i don't know if you are getting any mirrorless if the point is the idea of choosing is something that is in our minds if we are in the hotel there is a buffet breakfast we are going to go into the food bowls and shoes do you want spaghetti are you going to eat chips there's fish there's chicken there is beef is true you are using your mind to choose what you are seeing the whole exercise is is it way karna because the sensations and the emotions we are using in choosing what food to eat they are in our flesh we are dealing with the tasty birds we are dealing with our eyesight we are dealing with what the stomach is saying but when it comes to salvation it's a spiritual matter what it means is it is an aspect that is demanding a response from the inner man how then does a salvation coming to your spirit be received by the flesh are you getting it salvation is our choices are fleshly they are kana how then do those fleshy cannon earthly choices be the the decision deciding place or the deciding platform for something that is going to a different dimension of our physical in the natural existence but let's let's not go there i don't want us to have an academic argument i want us to look at what god said yes happens when one is to be saved yes you are confusing yourself you are contradicting yourself yes after reading john 15 16 which says you have not chosen me but i have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring for the fruit after god they say you have not chosen me you chose mr charamba to counter what jesus said he said even though jesus said it but we are free moral agents we can choose whether to go to heaven or to go to hell mr number there was a choice before you between preaching what they taught you at least you want us bible college and preach him what you all already knew jesus had thought you knew you knew that jesus said you have not chosen me you you decided to stick with what many said to you you trashed it and tragedy what your only savior he taught when he was still here that is not an easy thing to do yes it's a travesty of righteousness and i find you a troubled soul i feel that something is happening in you there's a conflict inside you yes in afm you never preached like this you never said what they told you to preach and also peeped into what god decided yes this time you know you have accepted the inclination a certain instinct telling you that there is more to it than what you are saying yes and you are being uh stubborn to the holy spirit news i suggested that this man stops preaching for quite a while and he prayed to god to bring him the truth he is not far away from the truth do not allow anyone mr charamba or anything to put pressure to you to preach news we are not in the business of insulting preachers we would be very happy if you do start to preach the truth yes you don't need to join us you don't need to to relate with us you don't need to be ratified by us if you are preaching the truth you are a servant of god full stop chuerga is not a regulatory authority of the ministry of of the gospel is an apostle yes but when you are an era like you are clearly in era right now it is my duty also to bring you home yes now before i open the scriptures i want to open miss charamba i want to expand your imagination with these following questions it is true that a man is a right to choose between going to heaven and going to hell if it is true what is the achievement of the devil because christ is taking the saved ones is the trophy for his suffering i died i shaved my blood i was humiliated for you by believing you are proving that i did not die in vain those who are entering heaven christ is taking them as his harvest is his prophet yes i made an investment this is my dividend then is the profit of the devil because if people are going to go to hell because they chose to go to hell we have to learn what investment hell meant for those people to enter here how do we explain the justification between those who are going to heaven and those who are going to heal because the justification for those are good even is the investment made on the cross yes and then christ then says since they did not choose me i am the one who took them the authority to save the authority to redeem the authority to to deliver out of sin is is obtained through my suffering so christ is taking us to heaven and he says these are the people i harvested from the earth so we are going to heaven because the clarity carries us to heaven i will come back and take you in my father's house there are many mansions that's what they said john 14 yes so how then do you justify going to hell if people are going to hell because of their own choice in other words i am asking what is the basis for condemnation people are going to go to hell and they are going to say we are banning in hell because the self here did not include us in his beneficial list now if your message is not this one i am talking about if your message is choice then you are going to make the devil appear stupid yes why does he need to deceive [Music] if people are going to make a choice then why does he need to deceive why do we need to preach what is your relevance in this teacher if people only need to choose why should you stand in front of the people the second question is if people choose god [Music] what do you say about those who die before they come to the right head or age of choosing if a child dies 85 years old where does he go if you say to heaven did you say they have to choose in order for them to go to heaven he chose them to go to heaven 85 years if the answer is no then we say okay so they are not going to heaven because they died before they got old enough to choose to go to heaven and then they asked the other person so where do they go if you say they go to we see so did they choose also to go there i was saying they were too young to choose to go to heaven but odd enough to choose to go to here there is to be one method to go to heaven because jesus said i am the only one no one can come to the father except by me if choosing is the only way the question is where does little children a little child go when foreign the last issue i want to say before we read the scriptures to research is by preaching that men his power to choose to go to heaven he makes god an object yes you make good to appear like a packet of sugar in a supermarket shelf who doesn't know or which doesn't know where it is going to end at the end of the day whose house this packet of sugar is going to end up in it doesn't you know yes their choice is not in the packet of sugar the choice is in the tm supermarket are you telling me mr that this is how you feel god is good a packet of sugar for you asking god today who is coming to heaven god's answer should be i don't know i will wait for them to choose me when they are done choosing me yes i'll of course compare the list because each time a man chooses god according to mr number go to write his name and when he decides to go back to the devil god will delete his name is gold a packet of sugar in a supermarket waiting for mortal men to choose him yes how good is good to you mrs now the last question i want to ask you mr before i open three scriptures because you don't have time the last question to you mr charamba is can you give me three examples of people who chose god in the bible maybe three is too big a number for you because if you bring out such a very important double tree mr don't you think that you should be reading scriptures do you think that you can just walk around saying [Music] the bible says the bible says the bible says and for the record revelation chapter 3 verse 20 which you cited means the only problem you did is you didn't read it you just recited it yes if you were a bible student like myself you could have restrained yourself yes revelation chapter 3 verse 20 misty charamba was not a scripture that was said at a coset yes the letter was written to an already existing church the people who is who were the recipients of this letter were not sinners they were already believers yes they were not being asked to open their doors so that jesus may come inside of them for the first time no no that's a problem which makes me angry those are guys the argument against john chapter 15 verse 16. yes he just said it is written that i chose you but there's a scripture like this yes yes in other words he was using revelation 3 20 to 95 john chapter 3 chapter 15 verse 16 years what he didn't acknowledge them was that in both the scriptures it is the same person who was talking yes in john 15 the lord was speaking while he was still here on earth in revelation 3 he was now glorified yes but it was the same jesus talking yes that's what the scripture says from verse number 14. yesterday [Music] would one choose [Music] let's just show my brother what makes us to tell him that he was contradicting two scriptures which was said by the same preacher yes in john 15 16 it was jesus talking in revelation 3 20 it was jesus talking by saying even though jesus said he chose us that we have power to choose he is saying jesus is an incoherent creature yes jesus is an inconsistent preacher who antagonizes his former saviors and i don't like i don't like it when people speak irresponsibly like that about my jesus i don't like it at all reflection is three best questions let's start from verses verse 14 and unto the church unto the angel of the church of light edition the letter was written to the church of law descendants right these things said the amen who is talking his name is amen the faithful and true witness his name is and true witness the beginning of the creation of god if you don't know mr charamba who is called the beginning of the creation of god go and read colossians 1 5 to 14 or to 15. it's clear jesus christ is the festival of every creature so in other words according to revelation 3 14 the one who said those words which he quoted in the revelation it was jesus the same man who had spoken in john 15 16 saying you have not chosen me but i have chosen you out of the world now that's the first part the second part we were saying you cannot use a scripture which was written to and already established the believer jesus did not say choose me he said behold i come at the door and knock yes if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and will suck with him and he with me now what jesus meant was not that people should open their hearts for jesus to enter for the first time news the context of the scripture was the church he had now called dead down yes he said you are not hot no cold you are warm that's what he said in verse 16 17 yes i will spew thee out of my mouth and he says because you walk around saying i am rich i'm increasing goods i have need of nothing no it's not that thou art wretched miserable any poor and blind and naked the answer was the admonition was the instruction was i advise you buy of me call the trade in the fire so that may be rich in the white raymond that doubt means be closed in the shame of the nakedness do not appear endangering their eyes with high self and that doubt means to see [Music] so what the christ was saying there was i want to heal a wounded church yes i want to mend a broken church i want to resuscitate a church that is no longer functional so the idea of if anyone opens my door he was talking about the change receiving the word of god for its resuscitation yes [Music] um [Music] foreign so those are the issues mr remember which evidently you are struggling with you are struggling to understand them so let us open scriptures to my brother and show him that contrary to what he is saying yes we are not robots we are human beings we are created with a desire we are created with a hunger in the test and a in a zoo for different things when it comes to our salvation what secret god used to establish the institution of the church he created what he called the ministry of the holy spirit the ministry of the holy spirit's duty or purpose is to wake his salvation not from outside the body from inside nobody can choose to believe the word of god yes believing is spiritual you don't even know how to open the door of your heart let us read let us read the book of romans chapter 9 verse number 10 to verse number 15. and not only maybe to this number 16. and not only this but when rebecca also it conceived by one evening by our father isaac for the children being not yet born neither having done any good or evil that the purpose of god according to election may extend not of words but of him that caused it was said unto him the elder shall save the younger as it is written jacob if i loved but he said if i hated yes what shall we say then is there unrighteousness with god god forbid for he said to moses i will have mercy on whom i have mercy and i will have compassion on whom i will have compassion so then it is not of him that we live nor of him that runs but of god that shows mercy i want you pastor to repeat verse 16 repeat it maybe maybe let brother nurse will repeat it individually to just improving my brother's understanding so then it is not of him that really know of him that's running but of course that show it mercy means going to heaven is not about whether you want to go to you or you want to choose to come to god to run to come to god it is of god yes who shows mercy yes yes nice also [Music] yes [Music] which i want you to ask mr mr when the ghost though is ahead who would have chosen between the ear of the world and the bringer of the world at what point does a person choose god because the starting point is to hear the word of god yes if you are going to choose to hear god where are you going to find him speaking in order for you to say speak and then i will choose to believe whether or not i will believe what you are going to speak but by bringing the word to you god you definitely demonstrated his willingness to save oh yes so in other words god chooses where the gospel must go yes if you look at exodus 16 for verse number three four and five the apostles wanted to go to preach in messiah in a phrygia in galatia in the holy spirit they said don't go there yes how then can the phrase say we chose not to believe something that they did not hate us the choice of god is demonstrated by giving us jesus before we knew him he was given to us when when he rose from the dead he sent holy spirit before people knew who what the spirit was after holy spirit he came called the center the preacher of the word before we knew who a preacher was so how can then a man who is sitting idol in the dosa then start to lift up his chest and say i empowered to choose god how can you choose something that is not available when peter became an apostle yes was he the peter who came to find jesus oh it was jesus who came to find peter okay let's foreign of course let's go to x16 and let's read 14 13-15 [Music] and on the sabbath we went out of the city by a riverside the preacher was going to preach to the riverside where it was once to be made and we saved them and speak unto the women which resulted there cannot be a woman among them who can say i chose to believe you can't defeat something that has come to you while you're doing something else and a certain woman named lydia lydia a senator of people he was a fabric mentorizer of the state of theater she lived in thirty years which was god she was a churchgoer helped us she heard the gospel what how did she believe whose heart the lord opened that she attended unto the things which were spoken of porn and when she was baptized when she was baptized in the household she besought us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the lord come into my house and abide them and she constrained us how did lydia believe mr the lord opened a heart yes if the lord does not open your arteries you shall continue to preach messages that are basically out of your own speculations but if god is willing you can open your heart to sit down so that you can listen to our messages and you understand the broad spectrum of the fundamentals of the gospel the third scripture shall be [Music] upon the name of the lord shall be saved yes and then the apostle begins to ask how they shall they call on him in whom they have not believed and how shall they believe in him or for whom they have not yet and how shall they heal without a preacher and how shall they preach accept they are said and as you if if you closely analyze romans 10 13-15 you realize that he was pursuing the thread of the gospel to answer the question what does it take for one to be saved the answer investigating is oh it takes a calling upon his name and then the second question was what does it take for one to call upon the name of the lord yes the answer was it takes the faith the second question was the third one what does it take for one to believe the answer was you have to hear the gospel in order for you to believe the fifth question was what does it take for one to hear the answer was you need to be saved he was pursuing the threat of salvation what does it take for one to be saved at the base of that inquiry was jesus the preacher cannot preach if he is not saved in other words it takes jesus for him to be saved yes we know it takes jesus but our auntie is supposed to just simply call on his name and be saved and then he says oh you can't you can't go if you don't believe you you can't believe without hearing you can't hear without a preacher and how can i find a preacher you can't send yourself jesus must send you a creature in order for you to hear any daily belief and then when we looked at eggs 16 13 to 15 we saw that even if jesus said the preacher yes you will not just believe it simply by hearing yes it needs jesus again it takes jesus again to open your heart yes so that you can believe what jesus has sent in the preacher to preach and of course let's hear it in 45-48 but when the jews saw the multitudes yes they were filled with envy yes and speak against those things which were spoken by paul contradicting and blaspheming yes then paul in barnabas was the boat and said it was necessary that the word of god should first have been spoken to you but seeing you put it from you and judge yourself and wait of everlasting life lord we turn to the gentiles for sorry the lord commanded us saying have said thee to be a light of the gentiles that thou should just be for the song for salvation and to the ends of the earth verse 48 let's pay particular attention to this one and when the gentiles yet when the gentiles had it they were glad they were glad and glorified glorified the word of god the word of the lord and as many as we ordained to eternal life believed he didn't say as many as chose him they believed no he said as many as we ordained to eternal life and this is what charamba was saying we are not creating these robots there are people who are predestinated to salvation news those are the people who are saved yes so a the scriptures are so exciting let's hear vested 7 39 of 82 now when they heard this they were preached in the heart and said unto peter yes and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the holy spirit yes for the promise is unto you end to your children and to all that are afar off even as many as the lord our god shall come [Music] salvation is not to those who just walk out a week wake up from their beds and start to call it is to as many as the lord our god shall come sacramento whatever today when i say [Music] in that moment is contained in the following question i want to ask you mr sharamba i know you know the story of the exodus of israel from egypt god delivered the israelites from egypt and he brought them to their native land the land of cana my question to you is jaramba whose choice was it for israel to leave egypt was it the choice of the hebrews who chose to leave egypt and follow god or it was god's choice who sent the moses to deliver them out of egypt is the question yes my question my second question to you mr the ethopian united recorded in 80 from verse 26 to verse number 41 when when the lord descended the evangelist to philip to meet him on the way to ethiopia and he eventually got saved and got baptized yes whose choice was it did the ethiopian united chose to meet philly did they top you know he choose to get saved of course the last person means teacher is the coming of jesus whose choice was it did the men of the earth send a petition to heaven send us your son to die for our sins and as you try to answer this third person be cognizant of romans chapter 10 verse number 6 to verse number 9. for the righteousness which is of faith is speaking on these ways say not in this who shall ascend into heaven in brackets that is to bring christ down from above yes in brackets that is to bring up christ again from the dead but what state it what does the righteousness say the word is naive the word is close to you even in right now it is the word in your mouth and in thy hand it is the word in your heart that is the weight of it is the word of faith which we praise which we preach verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shalt believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved for with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation so this is the question you have to answer this question being mindful of romans 26 to 10. when jesus came here to die for our sins whose choice was it [Music] let's watch the next video colossians 3 come on leo don't talk tells us of the law say hallelujah and part of that case is poverty and every evil thing will come upon you because you've broken every law of god but christ he says was made a case for each one of us by being hanged on a tree that the blessing the water of abraham the blessing over there the anointing on sunday that god told me i'm going to anoint you with the anointing of the blessing of abraham somebody say hallelujah that's the blessing of abraham may come upon you in this who may come upon your way now that the blessing of abraham may come indians and the chinese and the africans that you may change the tribe say hallelujah in the arrangements of god that the blessing of abraham may come upon the gentiles through jesus christ and that you may receive the promise of the spirit by faith say hallelujah when you are studying the word of god tonight tomorrow friday saturday and waiting for sunday please study what happened to those who belong to the tribe of abraham and even they now look naturally what has happened to the natural descendants of abraham somebody say hallelujah they will tell you that in the top 100 rich people of the world over half of them are jews they distinguish themselves even in any nation that they go can somebody say hallelujah and when god is speaking in his word it doesn't means his word he said the reason why jesus died and shed his blood on the cross was to change your tribe when you were handing vets to change your tribe we were beginning slaves where others were 400 years to change your tribe where you are more proud of the name of an englishman none of your name own name in your own language can somebody say hallelujah to change your tribe when everyone in the world looks at you and say these africans are so stupid let's go to them and get everything that belongs to them and they will come to the place where you are going to the toilet and said dig here for gold will pay you can somebody shout and say hallelujah praise god there is a moving of god there is an anointing of god that changes the nature of a person that changes the thinking of a person that changes the expectation of a person you know when you are crying in a prayer tell god i want to become a jew he said that the blessing of who the blessing of who the blessing of who hallelujah may come upon the gender i was through jesus christ abraham they encompassed everything the man was blessed financially the man was blessed even militarily somebody say hallelujah the man was a winner the man was blessed even in his loins and in his flesh there was no dimension in which he did not distinguish himself and that blessing he was told is spilling over to your sons [Music] this one has been around for too long this one this one is in the league of the mutandis and the manangos and the booties he has been around for too long this one is called andrew taunashe he is the chief necromancer of the family of god israel if you realize that all the false preachers most of them they don't like you to read the bible they just want to pass up and down shouting and spitting all over yesterday it's a shame when all people in the flesh they're my jews it's not true yes he could have just made a few a small essential on the internet so the the truth is israel is very poor that's why they always ask you for donations as i talk to you right now there are business initiatives to persuade the people from all over the world to start buying all from poverty israel is not rich it is not true if it was not for the united states of america it could have been worse than it is today yes the american government is deceived to think that by giving israel money free they are going to be blessed themselves which is not true yes so you can't rely using the bible and then also lie about worldly affairs yes it's not right 10 minutes if there is a debate right now whether it's a developing country or it's an underdeveloped ugandan but let's talk about the abrahamic blessing that he was gallivanting about let us just read one scripture maybe two to obey second corinthians 13 verse 1 and 2 news let us read 83 25 and 26 mr andrew taunach you don't deserve to be called an apostle with this shameful bankruptcy of understanding scriptures blessings family of god ah yeah let us read verse 25 and 26 you are the children of the prophets and of the covenant which god made with our fathers saying unto abraham and in thy seed shall all the kingdoms of the earth be blessed yes unto you first god having raised up your son jesus yes sent him to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities the blessing of abraham according to the apostle peter was to turn us away every one of us from our iniquities according to romans chapter 4 let's start from verse 16 i just love the word abraham in verse 16 but the scriptures i want are actually a verse 23 to 25 but for the sake of clarity who according to verse 16 is our father all of us the jews and the nine jews so there are two abrahams that paul was discussing in romans 4. yes there is the verse one abraham and then there is the verse 16 abraham yes the first one abraham is the father of israel that's why paul said abraham our father is pertaining to the flesh and then there is the verse 16 abraham who according to paul was the father of us all so the verse 16 abraham is referring to christ yes but suddenly in verse 17 he goes back again to talk about the first dimension abraham yes so let's read the president verse 16 17. and as it is written i met the a father of many nations therefore before the father before him whom he believed even god who quickeneth the dead and call it those things which denote as though they were who against hope believed in hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be and be not weak in faith abraham was not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about 100 years old neither yet the deadness of stella's womb he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief but was strong in faith giving glory to god abraham was strong in faith he gave glory to god and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also abraham was fully persuaded that god was going to make good to his promise and therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness and therefore he obtained graciousness yes yes now it was not written for his sake yes that it was imputed it was not for abraham alone what was not imputed righteousness it was righteousness yes what was not written for abraham alone it was imputed righteousness whole issue of abraham having many children it was about imputed righteousness it was not for him alone yes but for us it was also written for us to whom it shall be to us righteousness was going to be imputed if we believe on him that raised up jesus our lord from this not if we believe in abraham but if we believe in the resurrection of christ we shall receive imputed righteousness yes yes who was delivered for our offenses is he talking about abraham brother is he talking about abraham no christ was delivered for our offenses yes and was raised again for our justification in the simple layman's terms believers what the words what is the phrase the blessing of abraham means it means imputed righteousness yes yes obtainable through the resurrection of christ it was a euphemism it was an allegory it was an encrypted phrase that needed decryption when holy spirit would come now i am telling you something that i have preached for more than seven years i have always been telling you the blessing of abraham was not monetary yes if that was the case god would not tell abraham as late as in genesis 22 verse 14 that in blessing i will bless you in multiplying i will multiply you in abram for the name of the place your vagina as it is said to this day in the mount of the logic of this in verse 15 and the angel of the lord according to abraham of heaven the second time and said by myself if i saw say the lord for because thou has done this thing it is not with your thy son then on the side that in blessing our blessing blessing shall possess the gate of his enemies now abraham was said to be rich materially as early as genesis 13 verse 2 but even in genesis 22 yes god continued to tell abraham that he was going to bless abraham yes if the blessing was monetary if the blessing was material then abraham could have said to god but you've already blessed the rich in keto in silver and in god in genesis 13 abraham was already rich yes but in genesis chapter 14 god talked about blessing abraham in genesis 15 he talked about raising abraham in genesis 17 he talked about blessing abraham in genesis 18 he talked about blessing abraham in genesis 21 22 god continued abraham but he continued to tell him i will bless you yes only danda heads 325 to 26 romans 4 16 to 25. the blessing is forgiveness of sins according to exodus 3 25 and we disease and imputation of righteousness according to romans before verse sixteen to twenty five prophet noah yes we open scriptures yes and to tell you that all that he was saying is rubbish how can you pray to god and ask god to make you a jew huh he is not did you hear that he said if when you pray pray to god you need to bend you in the flesh you are confused mr angel down life go make it your first wife that's the only help we can give you together [Music] which is one outwardly neither is that circumcision circumcision which is outward in the flesh but he is a jew which is one inwardly and circumcision is that of the heart in the spirit and not in the letter whose praise is not of men but of god if you are in a family of god the church remember in the end is your opposed to because himself situation you are not yet saved what this man preaches cannot bring you salvation the blessing of abraham that he had delayed in galatians 3 13-15 he immediately to everyone going to exit three yes to find out what a blessing because if you look at pastor i don't know i don't talk much about this he had read galatians 3 yes first 18 and 14. yes christ has redeemed us from the case of the law yes he was made a case for us for it is written case this everyone that is on a tv that the blessing of abraham might come on the gentiles through jesus christ that we might receive the promise of the spirit through faith he thought in his shallow mind that the word is the blessing of abraham it means the blessing from abraham it is not a blessing that we are going to receive from abraham it was a blessing that was first spoken to everyone oh yes abraham cannot bless us and of course i was thinking that as a man who calls himself an apostle he would have started reading russian three from earlier scriptures like from verse number seven and eight which is telling us that we don't get blessed by abraham abraham is a core beneficiary of the blessing of god together with us yes that's why the bible in romans before it said oh when abram believed he got imputed righteousness it was not written for him only but also for us in other words just like abraham received imputed imputed righteousness of course it was symbolical we also are going to receive imputed righteousness by believing in the death and resurrection of jesus christ which happened before our justification according to verse 25 of romans 4. yes so if you brought the salvation and therefore when we talk about salvation we don't need abraham's name mentioned except for reference deposits how do we know that god was going to give us this blessing number one all forgiveness of sins all number two imputed righteousness then the bible says go to abraham that's when god started to talk about this blessing yes so god talked about imputed righteousness for the first time in the bible to abraham yes that's why the blessing is called the blessing of abraham it doesn't mean that the blessing comes from abraham it doesn't mean that we need to mention the name abraham to receive the blessing told to abraham about it so let's look at galatians 3 verse 7 and 8. knowing therefore that they which are of faith the same are the children of abraham it doesn't say they which are the children of abraham the same are of faith what is emphasis that is what it means when you hear the words abraham's children it simply means believer that's what it means are you getting it nice and then in verse 8 he clarifies it yes in the scripture for seeing that god would justify the gentiles replace the word the messengers and the scripture for seeing that god would justify the gentiles through faith preached before the gospel unto abraham the gospel was preached before to everyone yes yes saying in thee shall all nations be blessed verse 9 so then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful abraham they which are of faith yes are blessed together with make it take note of the word with it there it doesn't say they will be of faith are blessed by faith for abraham the word with it means together okay in conjunction foreign so we don't need abraham to be blessed in in in other words was not preaching jesus he was preaching abraham and that was too poor in the timothy never to communicate is as bisody to avoid still at ephesus yes when i went into macedonia yes that now my testimony and endless genealogies which minister questions rather than godly edifying which is in faith so do you know so buddha was not preaching things that apostle paul in second timothy chapter 4 he called them old wives footballers he called them footballs again yes so so mr rainwood my question is in that message there that they can be part of the top 100 richest people it means gentiles have no hope of getting rich because jews are even millions of them if they fit in the top 100 it means most jews are poor i don't want to beat you why should i be a jew yeah huh he contradicted himself as usual after asking them to pray to god to turn them into jews he then said you are going to be proud of your own name you will not need to use in english name anymore to make us jews something peculiar about the false preachers in one same one they always contradict themselves wind up this moment of love listen here's the secret did you know that when you're born into christ you are born as the seed of abraham and therefore the abraham for poverty there's no room for luck there's so that's what i don't know how to hold back giving to god is something of joy stupid discussions now i get those questions all the time and i have an answer for them and i always say do we give the tithes on the cross on the next do we give the first fruits on the cross on the nets i say giving is an act of faith anyone that your faith goes with if your faith goes for the gross give it on the grass if your faith goes for the net give it on the net the bible is replete with stories upon stories of the god you're dealing with so you just find a stream of miracles happening you start wondering how come as though it's a wave of blessings yes because that page has been flipped and your name has come up because when you did what you did god wrote your name in that book of remembrance the bible says in due time we shall reap if we faint not in due time so there is a due time and if god tells you due time it's your time can you say amen in due time at the appointed time you say father i know there is an appointed time and i cannot lose my blessings because i have given as an act of faith turn to proverbs chapter 13 the ransom of a man's life are his riches but the poor hear it not rebuke ransom that is the amount demanded for someone to be freed or rescued he says the ransom of a man's life are his riches but the poor hear it not rebuke that is the problem of the poor they hardly understand they hardly receive correction and that is the reason for continued poverty he said your riches are given to you to ransom your life your riches are given to you to ransom your life it's no longer jesus given to us to ransom our life it is now our riches so if i am born poor in a poor family i am doomed let's read three scriptures and find out what is the ransom for our life first john chapter 2 this one to three i need your children my little children these things like i am to you that you still not and if any man sin we have an advocate with the father jesus christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins take away the way the propitiation and put ransom and he is the ransom for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world according to first john jesus christ is not just our advocate yes he is the ransom for our sins yes faith between god and men yes the man christ jesus who gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in due time according to scripture mr chris yes christ gave himself a ransom for all to be testified in your time the fullness of time yes was for the manifestation of christ is a ransom for all yes but if you realize the brother not also that this means he's also written a new bible yes he manipulated we are substituting gracely substituting the blood of christ the riches of a man are going to be israel marketing verse 45 mark 10 verse 45 for even the son of even the son of man came not to be ministered unto the son of man did not come to the minister the answer but to minister he came to save and to give his life a ransom for men christ came to minister to give his life yes a ransom for many years if you look at the scripture that chris read proverbs 13 verse 8 the ransom of immense life which is but the poor the earth what proves was talking about is life how can a life be ransomed how can a life be redeemed yes and he says it is the riches of that men that are going to redeem him and chris made a very dangerous assumption that the word is there is referring to the sinner himself who needs an answer he also contradicted himself in the same message all right because he is saying you need to give so that you receive more yes and this man is giving so that he gave a ransom of or if it is made of riches it's not requesting to the rich man the rich man is not looking for riches yes he just wants to save his life yes but the chris is talking about getting rich he said if you are a child of abraham you should never be poor but that is in the bible is not wealth yes the relevance of abraham is faith yes yes abraham's fame in the bible according to scriptures was not wealth abraham's fame in hebrews 11 from this age to this day yes by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive when the inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith he so joined in the land of promise as in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the ends with him of the same promise thank you yesterday for he looked for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is god thank you so by faith abraham is not decided to have acquired the world by faith yes by faith he left his land of nativity by faith he refused to build houses in canada yes by faith he tried to offer isaac there is no record that abraham paid the tithe by faith there is no record that by faith abraham was rich yes these guys are creating non-existing scripts they are the verses that they want the bible to have if you have abraham the abraham faith if you have faith like abraham you are going to be rich that's a lie yes they failed abraham yes by faith the bible says by faith he rejected it he lived tents with isaac and jacob yes [Music] there is no thief who doesn't talk about abraham they have manipulated verses to make you get confused and think that if you believe like abraham you are going to make money yes sorry the bible is not scripture that says by faith abraham got rich by faith abraham was made righteous that's the correct message from the holy bible yes so the time has come for me to invite those who are awakening to the truth those who are seeing the light trickling into their hearts through these activities the moment of laughter sessions if you believe that what we have done what we have exposed and what we have taught is pricked your heart to repentance you want to be a child of god lift your hand and follow this confession after me say thank you jesus for what i've learned and i continue to learn through this assignment i believe that you are the son of god i am a sinner and i believe you are the only one with the capacity to redeem me for my sins because you died for my sins and god raised you from the dead god for having done the moment of laughter yes until we meet again is bye for now [Music] [Music] a [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] m [Music] [Music] foreign my uh [Music] yes i got it away [Music]
Channel: Jesus Revelation Ministries
Views: 32,207
Rating: 4.8137474 out of 5
Id: -pxcAgaD9Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 225min 22sec (13522 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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