Fresh in Fifteen

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all right oh this is gonna be hard okay a lot of times I get up well sometimes they tend to snooze but most of the time I get up with like between 5:15 5:30 in the morning Luke typically stars at about 5:30 but he usually suits himself back to sleep by sucking his thumb until like about 6:15 but whenever I hear him I'm like get up in hurry just in case this is that one day that he get wakes up super early and David gets up usually like six twenty six thirty um anyway on days that I'm not working and I'm just kind of doing casual errands or hanging around with the boys I still like to feel a little bit put together but um I I don't do the whole shebang just kind of not in that I don't mean this end alike because who cares kind of way but like it wait who cares um but I like to feel I like make up in hair and I like to feel like okay I put a little effort into myself I can get this day going so I came up with this concept called look great innate and I asked on Twitter for any other suggestions and you guys have a lot of really good ones my favorite was don't be a mess in ten minutes or less and I actually don't know if I'm going to be able to do this in eight minutes so I might have to switch to don't be a mess hot mess in ten minutes or less and then look like heaven and seven impossible don't look so sick in six what was the five someone said out the door in four and I was like huh I can't do that other when we can I can't look decent enough to go out Republican for anyway so this is the challenge I've got my iPhone here I set at eight minutes I'm about to head start I am just going to like fly through makeup and hair as if I only had eight minutes to get ready so this might not be like a super easy tutorial to watch but you'll be able to see what I'm going through what I'm focusing on and how like kind of pull my hair together in about eight minutes so the status of this mess is I when did I wash my hair Friday night yeah because it's Sunday I washed it and dry it Friday night and then I styled it with a two inch barrel curling iron so it just had a really soft wave on Saturday and then actually worked out last night but I just kept it in a really high pony and hit it with a cool blow-dryer afterwards to make sure it didn't melt sort of onto my scalp and then slept with it and a ponytail like right up here on top of my head so it's really hot in my bathroom so I'm not going to take it down yet but I think I'm just going to probably refresh it with a couple curls but go for like the really undone look today if I have time if I don't I don't know what I'm going to do but I'm hoping to spend like four to five minutes on makeup and then you know four or three minutes on hair so we'll see okay so I am going to hit the timer and then you're probably hear a lot of banging around because I'm just going to be like flying through my makeup bag get everything getting everything out and getting my curling iron out and all that but I thought this could be a good way to show you you know that it can be done if it can I don't know I'm curious and if I can see maybe how far I can get in eight minutes and then adjust maybe it's like let's see something that rhymes at twelve I don't know feel good about yourself in twelve maybe we'll do that that's terrible okay let's get it going so I my makeup and hair stuff is over here but I have to have the camera here the way my counter is so I'm going to try and make sure I'm looking at you but more importantly I'm going to stick to the clock so if you feel like this isn't a personal video looking at you it's because I'm looking here to get everything done so I'm nervous if you hear my baby crying it's because I have the monitor in here as well you should be good for like another 30 minutes all right um guys I put the baby monitor right below my camera because I'm just that much of an idiot and you can hear a buzzing in the background of my entire video and it's I mean top five most annoying things in the world right now because I can't refute the video because it's you know like actually what happened so I'm sorry that's so annoying to listen to I'm going to try and put some background music in here and like tone down the buzzing but it is driving me crazy and that buzzing was my husband with some kind of tool he has in the backyard anyway there's just buzzing all around sorry for that noise lesson learned keep the electronics away from the camera when you're filming kind of a facepalm moment but I was actually really in a rush as you can see in this video so I wasn't thinking doing a nap so I just wanted to pop in here and tell you that sorry someone want to listen to I'll be better next time forgive me alright please I'm nervous okay are we ready a generic beer for this but this is real deal okay head okay we're going so I'm gonna plug in my ght one and a half barrel curling iron and this gets hot really fast so I'm going to turn it on yet but I've got it plugged in and I can turn it on you know a couple minutes of pouring and starting on my hair so making it a little bit of the fresh blow this you preserve soon and I just did a little dab it's all over a tire need so I'm hoping to like better organize my bathroom so I don't have to do like that digging every morning but you know who this type of that pardon my language if you consider crap Oh Bevers okay next painterly paint-pot I'm gonna grab the make it to palate mmm just use a frisk only the crease I want the painterly that I just put on look like the base color so frisk is just going to add using a tiny bit of depth and since it's a light sheesh since it's a light eyeshadow I can get away clean the messy with it holy cow it's already at 6 minutes I'm not going to be able to do this oh my gosh I'm gonna have to do 12 ok now we're going to see this is the problem this is where time is wasted honestly okay I'm gonna do this one just focusing on the outer corner bring it to lick the middle all right I learners done do it five minutes do lashes shoulda known better than to make bold claims that I could actually look great a night but what I'm going to do is keep going at the speedy pace I'm going I mean it we're at 4 minutes and 30 seconds I have left there I just lose my way so I can see how I need to adjust this but there's no T on the end of this I've had a lot of coffee - I thought that would work to my advantage so I'm doing mascara and then these unique lash fibers I did a whole a tutorial about that if you want to watch that okay I'm getting tarts airbrush foundation in the clear light neutrals and the brush laughing this them and then for concealer under my eye I have been using the fair neutral of the urban decay it's got such a long name but it's this compact wetting the sponge it comes with and then pressing that under my eye and that gives a really nice coverage better than I would have thought two minutes and 44 seconds couple blemishes to cover Tremayne minutes and 21 seconds I anticipated the eyes to take the longest and then we don't have to but I like to put a lot of impact on my mascara on my lashes on days that my makeups really light because my eyes tend to get lost just putting the fibers on the tips and then I'll do yes one more coat one minute 22 seconds holy that was the fastest eight minutes in my life okay but we could probably do get the makeup done see this is the hourglass arch brow pencil you really shouldn't do your eyebrows all willy-nilly like this but turn at least give this one right not perfect but they'll do just soften Amero with this fully 30 seconds picking up from the showstopper palette some blush a little bit of bronzer under my cheeks edge of my face I really like the glow that gives me oh we're at eight minutes okay alright I get it I get it okay so this is as far as I got in eight minutes or my hope that's in focus for you but this isn't bad for getting makeup done in eight minutes I mean I would have liked to do one more coat of mascara and um you know grab lipstick before I run out the door rather than that there's really nothing else I've changed so for challenge sake I'm gonna put four minutes seven timer and I'm gonna see if I can pull off like you know somewhat decent hair and allow me to cheat maybe we could do like 50 I only really have to do this because I use lash fibers and they will fall off on my face so this box them in and it's funny how make up I'm going to already feel like I could pull up the mess people in today announced my makeup said but without makeup I just doing completely hot mess alright so I'm going to leave my face like that you know this is as far as I got in eight minutes um will do for my curling and hot and ready as it was before alright let's pick up where we left off / - start okay we're doing here in four minutes you know what I'm going to make sure this has been focus so this I'm not adding any extra time I'm going to pause it turn my camera off make sure I'm in focus and pick up right where we are okay my focused I am going to use the per cup dry shampoo by Tomica Oh resumed okay we're at 3 minutes 15 seconds so what I love about this GHD curling iron is it gets really hot so when you're in a rush either by choice or by reality you can move really fast and you'll get a nice soft bend to it make it's really hot so you don't so you see I got a little bend in there I've been alternating the way I'm curling just to give my hair even more texture that really curls don't mesh together you can see more slowed down concentrated version of this technique that I'm doing on my hair on my blog called the lived in waves tutorial get my men in my hair page it's one of the more recent ones so you could just look over on youtube if you want two minutes really the front matters more than anything when you're refreshing your hair because you'll have just some leftover wave from the day before all around and the front feels nice and fresh it won't look totally floppy I really don't want that to look too curly so I'm going to pull it out while it's still hot minute-and-a-half taking really big sections to make this work so this is a great lesson for me and how action how long it actually takes for me to even just do like the bare minimum for me around back you're almost at a minute warning I don't know if I can do it in four obviously if I really had to be ready in eight minutes there it would be a messy bun but you know it's trying to link right Nate so I got to come up with a rhyme or something catchy for it's going to have to be 15 so help me think of something 15 is good it's I mean that's a little bit of time you took for yourself but you know to get up all that much earlier if you have to get a good vibe between you can just think of me because I'm up well 537 days 27 seconds I can do this last curl but this doesn't give me any time you like spray and actually finish it Oh should I comb this out before I started 1413 this is like really stressful eight seconds three two okay here we are okay I get it so twelve minutes to get here with talking um isn't going to be acceptable okay making an executive decision we're doing 15 look less like you just had your spleen removed in 15 I don't know come up with a rhyme for me so we're at 12 so I'm gonna add three minutes I'm sorry guys I'm literally sway because I'm so stressed out dude okay so we're doing 15 minutes I'm adding three more we're going to start and finish the hair this is amigos I'm done textured spray I've got yesterday's hairspray in there as well but I want even more texture and definition okay watch me have like a minute left over here to rough tease just to give my roots a little pop they're kind of flat because I worked out and slept on it but little tease pops it up especially kind of back by your ears that's where you're going to get a lot of width the height is going to come in you know booties close to the top here kind of feed through it with my fingers you my hair always softens up as the day goes so I like to start it really big and then in about ten minutes it's going to soften and kind of melt on to itself since I know it does that I start really big really big got a minute 29 I got all the time in the world I'm gonna give you something that was sweat human hairspray face when you're spray a lot of women do but I very much on their like their tutorial videos you just naturally I think is you're spraying something new your face just naturally do that base I do because I always get those little hairs to pop out under my bang area spray with hairspray right under that section sort of stick everything together let that dry well cuz you've got a lot of hairspray on there and then will stay off your face I've got 27 seconds I crushed it actually did terrible I really thought I was going to do better I thought I'd at least be able to get my hair curled um after doing this much makeup in eight minutes but that was tossed up so we're doing 15 look clean because I'm not going I showered I wash my body last night so I'm like half my head isn't clean okay I'm gonna need your help with coming up with the rhyme for that and I want to see hey I know I've been bad um I want to see your renditions of the 15 minute speed Beauty thing to see what you're doing to maybe help me save some time for crying out loud this was such a poor display so anyway I'll come up with hashtag after I see your suggestions what the heck I'm going to call this and I'm excited to do this and hopefully have other moms inspired and even on mamma's what women I just want to get running really fast this is a good good thing maybe follow along with so we'll come up with the hashtag so you can share your looks or any of your videos if you make videos as well so we can all learn from each other so please forgive me for doing such a terrible job and making huge false claims at the beginning and will come up with a bad name for it and actually be able to execute it okay thanks guys you
Channel: The Small Things Blog
Views: 441,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fresh, in, fifteen, makeup, routine, tutorial, tips, quick, daily, cosmetics, hair, hairstyle, styling, style
Id: 2ceN2if3wHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 58sec (1438 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2015
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