Frequency | John Gray

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[Music] [Applause] Lord Jesus be glorified in this church this church was not my idea it was your idea let it stand well after I'm gone let relentless Church be here when Jesus comes back I hope you heard what I said if the Lord doesn't come back while we're alive made this church still be here ready to receive the Lord Jesus [Music] [Applause] Lord Jesus be glorified and speak through your word tonight in this most refreshing expression of our worship and praise to you Holy Spirit if you don't speak then time has been wasted and there's not one person in here who has one second to waste if you're not here we have nothing but if you're here we have everything and so in this moment I pray that you will breathe on those of us who will speak your word tonight that you will be greatly glorified and lifted up I thank you for your great presence in your sweet spirit and I prayed that as the word is being released miracles signs and wonders will follow them that believe lord I thank you you called me when I was 13 in the back of Bethel Baptist Church and from then until now I have endeavored to serve you and I pray that tonight will be no different now we love you and we lift you up for you are the king and there is none like you and there is none other and they'll never be another and you are still the only way to the Father thank you for the blood that cleanses us from all of our sins and gives us right relationship with the Heavenly Father and we bless you and we bless you and we lift you up and we hold on to you and we kiss your presence and we honor you tonight and this is my prayer in the name of Yeshua ben Yosef HaMashiach Jesus Christ amen amen and amen if you'll seal this moment with the most expressive form of worship that you can muster [Applause] [Music] you may be seated if you'll go to Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 first of all good evening two relentless church family we're doing things a little differently tonight and because you guys are the core we're gonna dive straight into the word this is gonna be an interesting sermon everybody say Oreo it's gonna be an Oreo sermon you'll understand that in just a moment right now I'm the chocolate part but tell somebody vanilla is coming vanilla is coming Genesis chapter one who was here on Sunday when we started our reset series trade in how many people were blessed by trade in praise God thank God for our relentless fire our teens who were here worshiping we love our teenagers come on let's celebrate our relentless fire kind of staying in this idea of resetting and staying in the same vein tonight we want to go a little deeper everybody say let's go deeper our church is not far from an airport how many people knew that y'all know better we're right across the street there's an airport there are certain regulations with the FAA the Federal Aviation Administration that certain frequencies belong to the FAA because they have to be able to speak to aircraft on a certain frequency without interference somebody say interference one of the things that the devil wants to do is run interference in your ability to hear from air-traffic control [Applause] air traffic control is is the place high and lifted up where God is seated the beauty of air traffic control though is that the Holy Spirit has come down Jesus said it's better that I go that the comforter may come and so when Jesus went up the Holy Spirit came down for the purposes of clear and understandable theology Jesus Christ Yeshua ben Yosef the fulfillment of the law and the prophets the propitiation for our sins is currently seated at the right hand of the Father now there are a number of instances in New Testament scripture where Jesus got up out of his seat one of them was when Stephen the martyr was declaring to the Jews that Jesus was Lord and he was so full of the Spirit that he looked up and he said I see Jesus I see the Son of man standing at the right hand of the Father and they were so disgusted and filled with rage and anger that he could say such a thing that they stoned him to death and as they were killing him with stone symbolic of the law because the law will always kill you the law will always tell you you're never good enough the law will always tell you what you can't be but grace says what you are and what you can be and what you shall be are there any recipients of grace in the church tonight are those on line Stephen the martyr said I see him standing and there's a there's a praise there's a boldness there's an authority that if you stand in it Jesus gets up out of his seat I wish that relentless church would be filled with people that when we speak Jesus gets out of the seat and says father that's what I'm talking about right there when they get up I get up when they speak up I speak up I want Jesus to have to get up out of this when Jesus gets up everything scatters there's gonna be about four pockets of breakthrough tonight one's gonna be over here one down here one in the cut and one over here it's gonna happen in intermittent moments in the service because there's a there's something in the atmosphere that has to break because there's interference and there's been interference in the atmosphere because interference always comes with an interruption [Applause] what relentless church represents is an interruption to the status quo of what people think church could be or should be or shall be and so you can expect for the enemy to attack what is interfering with this regularly scheduled program but we do not fight as the world fights and the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty in God to the pulling down of strongholds and so the worship that went forward was necessary for the assignment that's on this church and I need you to understand that the assignment has not changed the mandate has not changed and the power has not changed because God is still here Emmanuel God is with us and if you know that what I'm speaking is the Word of God that I need you to agree with me with a shroud that says Emmanuel [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don't know about you but the devil's been trying to kill me since I was little and I'm standing here 45 years later saying you have failed and everything you will fail [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with pain comes power tell somebody go through tell somebody else go through see the FAA has regulations that say you cannot interfere that has hindered our ability at times with our sound because sound rides on ways and so I've asked my creative pastor I said pastor MJ I can't hear The Sopranos I need two Sopranos with a team toes out French manicure don't be ashy on the worship team get him right don't have on those sandals and it looked like you've been kicking walls for a living [Applause] Altos Sopranos he says pastor we're doing the best we can with the frequency because we have interference because the strength of the frequency and the strength of the FAA signal interferes with what we're trying to do in here Satan is the Prince of the power trying to help you to understand why you've been having interference in your life you've been having interference because the enemy thought he ran that airspace til you showed up [Applause] I tell you to rise up I tell you to I dare you to take your rightful place I dare you to occupy your frequency I tell you to occupy your frequency I dare you to tune out the noise and occupy your frequency I dare you to lift up or praise on your frequency I tell you to worship God in your frequency I dare you to lift the eye I encourage you to lift up a South if you're watching online go ahead and lift up a sound that breaks through the atmosphere and if you feel some opposition let's do it anyway just God is looking for some bold folk some crazy folk that says I'm not stopping just because there's interference you run an interference in my way I brought an interference ignored you coming after me I'm coming after you I'm territory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] take your frequency yeah I see somebody running in the back and as he runs freedom is flowing as he runs healing is blowing happy rods deliver if it's blowing right through it's blowing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody say frequency the title of the message is frequency can you worship through the noise play it again that's the enemy trying to drown out some can you lift up a sound louder than the frequency no matter what the enemy tries can you push through the frequency can you get somebody with you that will agree to press through the frequency I need you to change the channel [Applause] you can't do it by yourself hitting somebody that will agree with you and the devil will run interference to get you to disconnect but to hold on [Applause] [Music] I need one person on each row to give God a frequency praise I need a few elders to give God a frequency praise watch the cancer leave your family as you give God a frequency praise watch kidneys heal up if you give a frequency phrase watch diabetes fall out of your body as you give her frequency praise and I need to go ahead and say something cuz I'm in the atmosphere [Applause] [Music] [Applause] frequency was the first creative declaration from God in the earth frequency was the first creative declaration from God in the earth is that what that sentence says is that what it says I want you to say it in the mic because a microphone amplifies frequency was the first no frequency was in the first creative declaration from God in the earth frequency was in the first creative declaration of God in the earth now before I tell you what that means I need to tell you why it was significant that I was able to read that my blood sugar has been above 300 probably for a couple of months I've been sick because I haven't been taking care of myself I've been running running running running and so my vision got blurry and I couldn't read text messages and I couldn't read my phone even this afternoon one of my assistants had to read what was on my phone now I just said to you that as you give God a frequency worship cancer would leave kidneys would heal and diabetes so I stopped to see if what I said now I need you to know that Pastor Daniel prophesied and said your levels will be normal before the end of the service so I lifted my hand and I agreed with what he said because some frequencies need agreement [Applause] pastor Byron I'm able to read what I couldn't read it's not perfect but I'm still pressing through because you have to have interference in order to gain strength you got to be able to press through God is looking for some warriors that [Applause] see pastor aperture is pressing through all hell breaking loose she's pressing through well there is will anybody get on her frequency in are there any women that will join with her will there be any man that won't join with me I need a couple of fucked-up restroom I need a couple of depression I need some minute card to open yo mouth I mean some women of God to lift up your voice get in agreement and rest [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] oh thank your mouth [Music] [Applause] [Music] four pockets our breakthrough gonna happen in this back here right there over here right in this area here it's gonna shift and I don't know who it is it's gonna be a catalyst because every frequency has a catalyst if you want to hear a certain radio station you got a dial to that station but if the music is good enough other people gonna tune in I need you to know that God is checking your frequency to see how many people he can allow the tune in but if you haven't been through anything he can't expand your frequency he can't expand your base you wonder why I was taking you through hell is because he's getting ready to expand your frequency he's about to introduce you to another audience some people have to leave so the new ones can come some people have to let you go so the new ones can arrive it's not the devil it's frequency [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I feel the Holy Ghost my mother drove seven and a half hours she was on the phone last night with my aunt I think my auntie might be watching tonight if I sherry is watching her her son my cousin Joey was he's a war veteran he's a marine and he was deployed what year was that 2009 somewhere he was deployed and his troop was at the front of a battle people in his troop died men lost their lives defending this country but my mother and my aunt made a covenant with God and they said we're gonna fast we're gonna pray and every time you put him on our heart we're gonna pray one night my mother reminded me tonight she said one night God woke her up every 15 minutes literally every 15 minutes God said pray for Joey his name is Joey pray for Joey she said he never did it since he didn't do it before but all night every 15 minutes he would wake me up and say pray for Joey pray for Joey here's what's important he told us later that he was walking through a river and the one behind him fell died somebody in front of him died but he got through and while the loss of life is tragic the only way he got through it's because somebody was on the same frequency as heaven because God needs somebody in the art that will agree with him tell somebody frequency matters frequency matters and she didn't just pray one time she prayed every single the Holy Ghost told her to tell somebody frequency frequently [Music] I need a warfare South I mean a warfare crop [Applause] lest anyone misconstrue what I'm saying well how come other people didn't make it I'm not saying that God didn't want them to live I don't know his will but I know that my mother and my aunt we're on the frequency and he got home he's still alive I need you to understand that stuff is not automatic some things ain't just getting to you you gonna have to pray for it C 2019 is the reset but you better reset your prayer life better turn that TV off and turn your prayers on you better get off that phone and get on your knees you better open your mouth you better know sake a day some anonymous okay they say I need somebody that will pray in the spirit war in the spirit because we've got to get on the same frequency as the Holy Ghost Genesis chapter 1 Genesis 1 and 1 in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters then God said stop right there the first thing the earth responded to was the voice of God the first thing was sound and what did the sound command let there be so frequency is found in the first command the sound is the authority the light is the substance of the authority that spoke there is substance there is sound sound and substance the sound spoke the substance into the earth I need you to understand the reason why you have not seen what God has shown you is because you're not saying not on it it's not about the words it's the authority behind the words if you say stop [Applause] your kids won't even listen to that I said stop it now put some Authority stop did you hear what I said devil bow down this house belongs to God who's here and let him go get out of my children's life come out of this house somebody needs to get some Authority and you'll put some bass in your voice stop your foot make a sound there sound and there's substance and everything in this church right now is measured by light and sound the reason why you can see me is because there's lights the reason why you can hear me is because the microphone amplifies my voice but if the lights went off all of the lights went off [Applause] this was the earth right here it was dark it was over the face of the deep and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters I need you to know that God is hovering over you he's hovering over the dark places he's hovering over the broken places he's hovering over the chaotic places don't worry that it's dark god thrives in darkness God creates best in darkness God actually is not afraid of the dark he's drawn to the dark see people throw you away when they spot your darkness but God draws near the darkness because God says now that it's broken I can fix it I can create in it I can go into chaos and create order and that's the power of darkness don't run from darkness when it doesn't make sense when you don't know if God's gonna show up that's when you worship the best I dare you to worship in the dark I said I dare you to worship in the dark is that the best you can do what if your sound was attracting God [Applause] and in the midst of the worship in the midst of the darkness in the midst of your tears when everybody else walks away God says I'm hovering I'm hovering but now that I see what's going on I need to speak something into the darkness and I want you to know that God is about to speak into the darkness let there be [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now that the light is on can you worship because light simply means revelation and illumination God's about to bring revelation to your situation and he's going to bring illumination to your calling your purpose and your identity see sound requires proximity light requires position you know the sun is shining it's shining right now it's shining elder it's shining but you're like but it's dark outside the sun is shining but because of the position of the earth we don't see the light but on the opposite side they got light because the Sun never moved the earth did now if you're struggling with darkness in areas of your life and disobedience don't say God left check your position to have somebody on the show to say are you in position I'm getting ready to shift the service right now Cheryl God is saying right now this is this is a moment of repositioning if you can if you can hear the man of God tonight if you will shift your mind and position your praise in the direction of your miracle many of us will see a supernatural hand of God in the most critical areas that we need him to move in and he will do it before Friday [Applause] I need a warfare phrase if you believe that God can turn it around in 48 hours [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just felt a shift right there I said I just felt the shift right there it's funny I haven't touched nothing but my my little Siri got activated said go ahead I'm listening pastor I believe God just says letting us know go ahead I'm listening it says sorry I'm having trouble with the connection please try again in a moment there's some interference but the first thing was what you needed to catch go ahead I'm listening just because there's interference don't mean you need to stop don't stop get it get it don't stop kitty-kitty there are three questions I need you to write down and get this in your spirit frequency God is riding on the light and the sound first John says God is light and in him is no darkness at all if God is light when he said let there be light what he was saying is let me manifest all over the earth help me and so I need you to get these three questions when it deals with frequency because God wants you to get on the same wavelength as him number one what is God saying number two what is God doing number three this this involves you who is God using what is God saying number one what is God saying this is so important you got to move the Bible says we don't live by bread alone but by some of the words mrs. cout you are most guilty under aldebran to help me every word that proceeds from the mouth of God okay well then talk to me Abraham God thank you I got my son you you came through on the promises I was a hundred my wife was about ninety Jesus oh but you came through yeah you like yo so I love my sons my boy man I don't even know how he be that's amazing yeah I'm I need you to go up the mountain I'm gonna need you to sacrifice him I've been waiting my whole life for this this is not Ishmael this is not a product of my flesh this is a supernatural want me to give up my supernatural miracle this is the manifestation of what you said yeah I want you to I want you to sacrifice that I've been walking with you long enough to know this that's what your I heard what you said come on Isaac up the mountain they go based on what God said sometimes he's gonna ask you to do things that make no sense to your mind leave Houston go to Greenville excuse me [Applause] at the top of the mountain but before he went he knew enough about God's character that he told his servants hey me and my son we going up to worship and we will return but he was moving faster aventure based on what God said then as he's lifting up the knife to kill the thing God promised you not worthy of it unless you're ready to let it go [Applause] God calls to him Abraham wait don't do it now I know I can trust you with generational legacy I can trust you cuz you didn't withhold your son your only son from me was crazy as that wasn't his only son he had Ishmael but God didn't count the work of his flesh I need you to know God's not blessing what you made he's gonna bless what he made then he he finds the RAM in the bush but I need you to catch that the reason why Isaac didn't die is because Abraham didn't listen to what God said he listened to what God was saying I need you to catch this there's a distance between what he said and what he's saying he'll he'll get you to move and then he'll shift it when you get where you think you're going that's why you got to keep listening cuz you'll end up killing Isaac and he never wanted you to kill Isaac he just wanted you to move to get in position so that he could give you a generational blessing tell somebody don't kill Isaac I need you to listen to what God is saying because if you only listen to what he said you'll only get half what is God saying that means you got to keep your your ear to his mouth who is what is God doing he's building his church right and who is God using he's using you and you and me now if you're perfect this is your time to go ahead and mosey on out we need you to get your premium things and head to your vehicle and go home and be amazing and perfect in all your ways so that the cat-and-dog can give you worship and honor but for those of us who have walked through broken places God says you're hired for the people who used to be addicts you're hired for the people that have been broken in your life God says you're hired for the people that have walked through hell and got a testimony and a t-shirt God says you're hired somebody say Oreo see I'm just one part of the cookie the other part of the cookie is coming because there's something that God wants to do every time you get a new device you don't just get to turn it on it has to be activated Pastor Daniel can you come here real quick I need you to come tag-team with your pastor and I need you to go ahead and help them to understand what happens when when two of us get an agreement pastor John I were talking before the service and I thought the Lord share something through his word with me a couple days ago and I actually posted it this morning that the enemy is not attacking you because you're weak he's attacking you because of your purpose and you know our saying here at relentless is where purpose comes alive pastor Q you said something about a month ago that God's not looking for perfect people he's looking for purposed people and I love this whole frequency I love this whole this whole mindset of tuning in to the right frequency the Bible says in John 14:26 that Jesus sitting at the right hand of the Father before he ascended to sit at the right hand of the Father and of the holy spirit here as our helper who helps as our comforter say the Holy Spirit is always speaking just like the Sun is always shining the Holy Spirit is always speaking but sometimes we've muddied the waters of our frequency the noise of a toxic relationship a diagnosis that we took on and owned ourselves when the Bible says in Proverbs 18:21 to speak life the life and death sin deprive your tongue so when the doctor says you are dealing with cancer you say it's not my cancer I'm not owning this cancer it's not my diabetes it's not my lupus it's not my fibromyalgia it's not my hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism it's not my kidneys struggles that's not my tumor because the Bible says that in James chapter 4 verse 7 very specifically do you have the authority look at the person next to him say I have the authority come on just let him know say I do I have the authority it says that you have the authority to resist the devil and it doesn't say he might flee it says that he shall flee so when you're tuned into the frequency in the Word of God it's inside of you what is filling you spills and so I love this whole thing about frequency because Jesus before he send it he left the Holy Spirit who is our comforter and we have to and I love the beginning of each year because I believe God wants to download a few very specific things to us if you take the notes which I encourage you to we always do here at relentless take notes Harvard did a study that if you take that Harvard community college it's not quite quite as Harvard did a study that said if you are a here only in a setting like this you retain listen 5% of what you hear so you only picked up a couple of things maybe you'll be able to echo and talk about the lights going off in the room 5% is not a lot but if you take down notes in the moment your human analytical mind it can actually retain 35% in the moment so look at the person next to you say take down notes come on take them down and then they said if you take down notes and you actually go back and apply it reread it your retention rate goes up as high as 90 to 95% that's a lot that's why we have to be students of the word that's why we have to turn off things that ding and ping and Bing and notify you of things that's why the still small voice of the Lord is still speaking so you have to get alone with God so that you know that you're tuned into the frequency write this down they're taking notes tag team or Pastor John tonight I believe there are three things that God wants to download to us tonight I believe he wants to download I said this a couple weeks ago in an exhorting moment but I believe he wants to download a new strength write that down new strength I believe he wants to download renewed power write that down renewed power and the third one is I believe he wants to give us activated faith because the person actually say activated faith come on my faith is about to get activated so let's talk about new strength here for a moment isaiah 40 chapter chapter 40 verse 31 i'm reading out the amplifi and we're not gonna have it on the screen so just write the reference down and you can go back and google it unless the team was ready to throw it up but i love this it says but those who waits for the Lord who expect look for and a hope in him see when you're when you're positioning yourself in a posture looking for expecting hoping and your posture is a posture of expectancy you're tuning into the frequency and this is what it says it says they will gain I love this right here new strength see new strength isn't refurbished it's not recycled new strength can break off generational curses new strength can give you the boldness to walk up in the doctor and say I proved I appreciate your professionalism but let me just let you know now that this thing that you said I'm gonna deal with I'm no longer gonna have to deal with so I'll take the medicine but get ready because you're gonna start backing it off the milligrams are gonna start dropping and one day you're gonna say something has baffled me I'm not sure what it is but you no longer struggle with this thing say new strength the next part says this new strength in renewed power man I love this renewed power because you know the definition one of the definitions I'm gonna give you a few definitions of the word renew is to restore to revive to make like new to restart to reset to begin again see as we jumped into 2019 I believe God has been trying to download new strengths of us sometimes have you ever been I was in a hotel a couple weeks ago and the Wi-Fi signal was spotty and I was trying to update my phone and it kept failing because the frequency I wasn't able to connect and I kept looking out like what is the matter and then my cell phone signal wasn't good enough so Jackie and my wife is text me and they all came in all at the same time have you ever seen that before like nine texts she's like how come you haven't been responding I just got 11 texts like you were super fast like how do they all come in because the frequency wasn't connecting the way it needed to and I love in this specific verse and limitations chapter 3 verse 22 we're talking about reset revived starting again it says the steadfast love of the Lord never ends it never quits it never ceases say never his mercies never come to an end verse 23 says they are every morning great is your faithfulness the Lord is my portion therefore I will hope in him seeing this renewed power sometimes we confuse the word and think that power just means strength and strong but you know there's a rest in this renewed power how many Oliver needed rest come on wave at me so this new strength many it's brand new God has the ability to give you something fresh and brand new and then this renewed power it not only brings this reset but it also brings rest I love this in Matthew chapter 11 verse 28 says come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest come on right now just lift your hands if you need that rest come on right now god I thank you for a church that embraces a move of your spirit Paul said in first Corinthians chapter 2 verse 44 he said it's not with my creative delivery it's not with my perfect oratory delivery this is what he said but it's the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit God pastor John's been prophesying it but I believe that there are gonna be people to walk out of this room tonight the Bible says if we're gonna brag to brag and boast on you I believe there are people they're gonna walk out of this room tonight download it's full of new strengths renewed power and they're gonna walk out and this is gonna be a testimony night that ten years from now we brag and boast on you the night that that tumor left my body that night that sickness and disease disappeared that night that that marriage that they said was falling apart in hopeless was restored the last part is activated faith activated faith and so over Christmas my wife Jackie we have three kids and a baby on the way in March and she said hey I want to buy the kids these Kindle Fire tablets maybe some of your parents they're pretty cool and so she bought the girls them and in my little boy and maid she was able to just boom sync up to the Wi-Fi activate it done handed the to the girls and the girls were playing they were playing my little boy sitting there like where's mine and my wife said well I'm working I'm working on it and she was looking at it and she was looking at the girls and then she was looking at it she said they're exactly the same and she said damn come here and I went in and I know she seriously she calls me Dan like who's Dan she's like Dan get in here I'm like oh and she's like it's not working and I said what's the matter with it she's like I've done everything I've done everything that I need to do the same as the girls tablets and there's her working and I said well why don't you ask for help and she said why don't you go and make me a sandwich and I said that's not a threat I'll pass for Todd's line don't threaten me with a good time I'm gonna make myself a sandwich too we'll make two sandwiches and she sat there frustrated for literally like two hours and I was like hey why don't you call Amazon she said no I'll figure it out how many all I've ever been stubborn yours then I'm gonna figure it out I'm gonna WebMD it I'm gonna google it you know if your last resort this prayer not your first priority you've already missed it so I believe that when we posture ourselves in a position where we say cuz they actually write this down if you're taking down notes I told pastor John this is before service God will never give you a life where you where he's not necessary he will never give you a life where he's not necessary and he wants us to come to him as sons and daughters and say Hannah I need you and needs you I trust I'll rely depend on you I need you and so we're talking about activated faith and the Bible says this in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 I'm gonna come back around to that he the the fire tablet in a second but this what it says faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen and it gives us the assurance about things we cannot see she's holding this fire tablet and it looks like a complete device it looked like the other ones if she held it out from a distance it shined the same it looked the same it even turned on the same but it just wasn't working so she finally decided to ask she called the lady and the lady said at Amazon she said ma'am are you synched up to the Wi-Fi and she said well for some reason I'm trying to get it synched up and in all sin she synced it up they said okay and she said wow this is really interesting the two other ones were activated but the one that's in your hand is deactivated I mean I heard the Lord say there are people walking around that look complete they look polished and maybe you even take pictures and put them on Facebook and social media like everything is okay but all hell has been breaking loose behind the scenes and I heard the Lord say there are people that feel deactivated you know what happened what happened between a phone call asking for help she never had to hook it up to anything she didn't have to plug it in anything when the frequency was dialed in and the Wi-Fi came alive or the thing came alive and in a matter of moments the lady said ma'am look at your device I just sent an activation code and I heard the Lord say there are people in this room tonight that need an activation code somebody give you a few activation codes you can write down the reference here's your first activation code Matthew chapter seven verse seven says ask and you will receive search and you will find knock and the door will be open to you here's another activation code first John 4:4 says greater is He that's in you then he that's in the world here's a third activation code Hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 says let us approach the throne of grace with confidence see so many times I feel like that we think that God's mad at us and maybe somebody has lied to you and said God's mad at you because you're duct-taped superglued and put back together in pieces the truth is God's now mad at you he's actually madly in love with you and he wants you as sons and daughters to approach him and the throne of grace with confidence Deuteronomy 28 13 says the Lord will make you the head and not the tail he will move upward and not downward Philippians chapter 1 verse 6 says I am confident with the creator this is my favorite who has begun such a great work among you will not stop mid design but will keep perfecting you until the day Jesus anointed our liberated King returns to redeem the world send your feet if you would Stan Stan Stan Stan and I want you to lift your hands towards heaven but don't lift your hands necessarily in a posture of just worship I want you to open your hands come on open handed and Lord this is my prayer and John chapter 3 verse 33 it says that you need to become greater and greater as we get out of the way and we become less so God with our hands open this is our prayer just close your eyes with me for just a moment though we need you to pull some things out that have been holding us captive I need you to break off some generational curses we need you to break off some mindsets toxic thinking and toxic speaking your words our seeds quit speaking I'm insecure quit speaking I'm depressed quit speaking I can't seem to overcome no greater is He that's in you you're above and not beneath through the head and not the tail someone 39:14 says you are fearfully and wonderfully made you are marvelously complex he spoke everything into existence except you he shaped you and he molded you and His image so right now God removed anything and everything God is trying to rob us of new strength I'm feeling mad feel the holy spirit on this there are some things that you've been holding on to somebody in this room right now you've been holding on to something since you were little little little and it's robbed you of your best life it's wrapped you up your joy you know the enemy knows that you're dangerous he knows that there's healing in your hands he knows that your tongue is like the pen of a ready writer ready to speak life he knows that if he could derail your destiny he not only derails you but he D reels all the people that are connected to your purpose so right now god I pray that old wounds that we've just been slapping band-aids on God that you would put some stitches and that she would do some surgery as the great physician and right now God we pray that he should remove these things you're downloading new strength I feel this right now this new strength fallin in this room pastor John's been talking about pockets there's new strength renewed power a power that resets restarts brings a reviving freshness and rest to our lives and God right now I pray for Supernatural activated faith right now the kind of faith that says mountain-top go into that see they kind of have faith that says cancer you have to leave the kind of fate that stands its peaks life with confidence in boldness so right now just tune into the frequency [Music] student of the frequency this new strength is new strength renewed power [Music] so your promises name Oh your promises I love this paralysis Plato you faithful [Music] come on with that loose string shout this out all your promises set all your promises are yes are you promising come on against a faithful seafood before forever you you [Music] all in your promises Collier on the promisee [Music] do me a favor sit down for just a moment stay in a posture of worship told y'all this was the Oreo but we'll bring it back around can we thank God for pastor Daniel grows [Applause] [Music] because this is Pursuit night we're doing things a little different tonight I want you to just be in a posture of prayer for those who feel led to so into this moment we're getting ready to go into a moment of offering I want you to just prepare that if you're watching online do that I want you to be in a posture of that but I want to share something with you everybody say frequency once you get activated understand that you become a target did you hear what I said when you start moving in the purpose and calling of your life you become a target and here's what you need to understand the enemy thrives on patterns we learned this in the book of Job we learned it in the book of Job when God says where'd you come from he said from going back and forth in the earth and walking to and fro on it the enemy was walking in a pattern and notice in John 18 Judas knew where Jesus would be at the time of the betrayal because the Bible says Jesus often would meet with the disciples there Judas was full of the enemy at that time he knew where to betray him because he knew the pattern tell somebody the pattern here's why you got to disrupt the pattern cuz the enemy thrives on patterns he doesn't have the Holy Ghost so he's just watching your patterns what you looking at he knows that's what you like so he's gonna throw something in there that fits the pattern somebody say pattern but that's why you've got to interrupt the pattern so that the enemy doesn't know how to get a fixed position on your life the Bible says that he would often withdraw a pastor Germain and I'm glad to see you Pastor Germain you're a great man of God we thank God for your leadership your service to this local congregation not just relentless but redemption as well love you so much and your assignment is not finished because the Holy Ghost told me that right there so whatever that means the Holy Ghost is about to shift something but what what God feel God what he just showed me is that in moments of pattern the enemy is waiting on you to do what what's familiar but if you listen pastor Todd if we listen if I listen he will he will tell me come talk to me now come spend time with me now the Bible says Jesus often withdrew to lonely places sometimes you got to get alone you got to get away from people you got to interrupt the pattern I know your kids need you I know your spouse needs you I don't your significant other needs you I know you've got a lot of things in your job but you got to withdraw you got to get you got to interrupt the pattern because the enemy is waiting on you to get weary and when you get weary you'll mess up your whole world so you gotta withdraw Luke 5 ones at Luke 5 and 16 Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness and prayed I love that he didn't go to an easy place he went to the wilderness you know why because only your friends will go to the wilderness [Applause] anybody will go to the air-conditioned comfort I need people that will pray with me in the wilderness do you know people that are coming in from the cold people that have been hurt by church people that have been let down by leaders they're coming here because they've been wounded by what they thought was church now they're coming into a reflection a refreshing place and God is saying they're coming in from the cold and we got scars from the wilderness and that's why we don't mind going back to the wilderness cuz we've been through it I got a I know how to I know how to pray in the wilderness I know how to worship in the wilderness I know how to give God glory in the wilderness final thought and then we're gonna go into a time of worship if you notice I love this new flow by the way I love this new flow but there is a moment where Elijah was running from Jezebel which by the way don't ever run from Jezebel [Applause] he gets to the mouth of the cave we know what happens fire earthquake wind and God says and the Bible says he wasn't in it and then a still small voice and it whispers and I need you to know you got to be close enough to hear the whisper it's my final point God's gonna quiet your life down in 2019 all of the noise he's drowning out that he's gonna get ready to put noise-canceling anointing on your life people that people that you don't need in your life God while they're talking girl you ain't gonna believe what I don't have time for what you're saying I got my noise-canceling on I've got to hear from God I need to know about the promises of God I need to know about the plans of God and the precepts of God so I got noise cancel this on I don't have time for drama so father I pray in the name of Jesus over your people that you will bless this church and that we will get on the frequency of heaven so that we can produce a harvest in the earth one of the reasons why babies when you bring your baby to church pastor Fallon has her new baby and and we love Dean her name is Dean Estelle she's my niece and she's amazing but but pastor Fallon puts headphones on the baby to protect her ears not because he doesn't want her to worship but because she's so young the sound would actually do damage God says some of y'all been praying and asking for revelation and he says you're so immature in the spirit that if I spoke that to you it would actually do damage to you so I can't tell you yet because you haven't matured enough your eardrums aren't strong enough and even if I spoke it you wouldn't understand it tell somebody frequency my son had an issue with frequency they had an issue with frequency he didn't like the sound then all of a sudden we prayed now he comes to church a big old boy and he used to literally close his eyes and close his ears because the lights and the sound did something to his little spirit but God delivered him and I don't know who this is for but God is about to shift and what used to make you uncomfortable you're gonna be drawn to it you're gonna go deeper in the presence of God deeper into the Word of God into the will of God and into the things of God does anybody believe this so father seal this word then we will get on the frequency of heaven in Jesus name Amen if you what to so let me see your hands who believes this was the word of the Lord you're gonna sew into the word tonight to our electronic givers wave your stuff and if you need an envelope would you lift your hands if you need an envelope if you need an envelope somebody give her an envelope right there her hand is up that's that woman that's a millionaire her business is thriving she's a she's a multi-millionaire that's not why I wanted to get an envelope it's just I just see the anointing on you I don't and I saw you holding that journal but I'll say where's your book cuz you need to go ahead and write that book you need to go ahead and and and tell the world what God showed you and then walking that boldness because God has given you charisma he's giving you a word he's giving you leadership he's giving you personality so utilize it and build the kingdom make that money so into the kingdom and be just as bold and unapologetic and unashamed as he made you don't dumb it down to make insecure people feel better be loud be bold be brash be you I wish somebody would worship with her because something's shifting and breaking who's ready to sow into this atmosphere who's ready to soak I want you to just keep your gift but our worship team is going to come we're going to worship right now okay we're gonna worship right now we're gonna shift things we're gonna worship and while they're worshiping as you feel that if you've got an envelope we don't normally do it this way but as we're worshiping come and bring your gift all right come on worship team [Music]
Channel: Relentless Church
Views: 41,006
Rating: 4.8776598 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 1sec (3901 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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