French & Saunders and Dame Judi Dench visit The Repair Shop 😲😍 Red Nose Day: Comic Relief 2022 🔴 BBC

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welcome to the repair shop where much love treasures are brought back to life first to arrive are two familiar friends awaiting their arrival is furniture restorer jay blades hello how are we doing and fellow expert steve fletcher don't get silly about it so what have you brought in for us there well this is something that um matters very very very much to us jay blades that's very melody no not yet do what yeah this is something that's been in my family for many many many many years jay blades and um all of my friends and family have gathered around this i've gathered she's chasing he's been gathered around it unfortunately it's broken and and now it's just gathering dust in a drawer and we will cry if you fix it steve we best take a look can we see it yeah can we have a look yes of course yes um this is it oh oh close up closer it's a toaster yes yes it makes toast it makes lovely lovely toasted used to make toast because you used to get the old-fashioned slice of bread and put it in the these slots steve can you see and then you jam that down but it's not working anymore it used to make toast i'm going now because i used to really enjoy making toast with my son but he's he's gone now he's not with us he's in dubai he's in dubai oh yeah they don't make toasters no it's against their culture i believe jay please okay yes so yes can you fix it can you fix it for us at all because it's very costly to get things repaired you don't charge here do you no we don't charge no we've never we've never done toasters we haven't ever done one but we were too difficult for you no it's not too difficult right it's just that we don't do toasters it's kirsten here baby that's fine it's fine it's a family heirloom everyone cares about it and we were gonna cry but that is fine very very disappointed so am i not what i thought it was going to be i'm very very disappointed i mean we've come all the way from team yes we didn't even get a reveal we didn't even get to meet question we don't even know if questions still work so you know she's still working or she got private [Music] next into the repair shop are a mother and daughter cindy williams and her national treasure damn judy dench where are we when's the repair shop remember oh why to fix your dog oh and to cj blakes they're greeted by jay blades and toy experts amanda and julie hello oh it's jay blades no no no mark no calm down how you doing ladies okay good thank you what have you got for us well we've got an old friend who i'm afraid has been a bit neglected he's seen better days we all you speak to yourself um no this this is jasmine and what are you hoping for dang judy well um i'm hoping for another agatha christie with ken no she's um she's hoping to be really surprised and to be taken back to her childhood during the war what war no i just want to see how you remember her oh yes i'd like to see her how i remember her well if you leave her with us i'm sure ladies are going to be able to um we'll do our best you take care now yes that's jay blades yes bye jay no moth good bye bye bye-bye bye okay bye-bye come on i'm so pleased to have met jay blades oh no but really what we want to do is see jasmine again and um and take her home to be where she belongs oh yes yes yes oh the door yes oh yes she means more than i can possibly say [Music] back at the repair shop the careful and delicate work continues toy restorers amanda and julie are lovingly putting the stuffing back into dame judy's door jasmine this is such an emotional story just got to get it right absolutely well we've literally just got to get the doll re-stuffed yeah and i'll take the head back to kirsten to fix it perfect all right we'll take the head just helping just helping [Music] very delicate isn't it very delicately do this here you don't need to do that there's another way of doing this i've seen it on television paul daniels does it he takes very precious watches from people in the audience and he puts them inside a lovely bag and he shows them the greatest of respect and then don't panic don't panic because look abraca doodle oh dear just need question don't we we need question what have you done the doll's head is beyond repair is a bit of clue oh we get a new one no no no we do not get new ones not on this show but hold on how long have we got how long not long i'm afraid finnty williams and her mum dame judi dench are now on their way back to the repair shop oh no they're eager to see jasmine dean judy's treasure door hello hello again how are you excited yes nervous and excited this doll has the power to transport award-winning actress dame judy back to the past are you ready yes yes but will it be just as she remembers [Music] i bet you can't wait to take our own no you keep her all right then i'll take her what about a body oh you can keep that for spares [Music]
Channel: BBC
Views: 2,450,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBC iPlayer, United Kingdom, British TV, British TV Shows, Watch UK TV Online, Watch British TV Online, Watch British TV Shows Online, Comic Relief, The Repair Shop, Red Nose Day, French & Saunders, Dame Judi Dench
Id: 9YOPnI7fScg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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