Pea Pea Explores Superhero Vending Machine Toy - Kid Learning - PeaPea Cartoon

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wow John has a superhero automatic water vending [Music] [Music] machine now it's pb's turn to choose a drink [Music] why isn't the water vending machine [Music] working it seems like pee knows how to use the superhero watch a vending machine now [Music] yeah the machine is working now let's get some [Music] water PP tries the Thor ice cream flavor [Music] [Music] first P Thor shoots lightning into the ice cream machine causing it to puncture two big [Music] holes John will be very angry Pei has to figure out how to fix the ice cream [Music] machine what will peee do [Music] P will use Flash's super speed to clean up quickly done [Applause] H oh no oh the ice cream for John is [Music] gone wow mm candy looks so [Applause] delicious John doesn't want to share this candy with peee John locked all the boxes of the candy [Music] machine nothing can challenge peee it seems like peee has figured out a way to get M&M [Music] candies PP turned into a key to open the candy box but he failed [Music] PB uses a ruer to open the lock but obviously this is not the right way to unlock it this time PB used a cran drum what is his plan [Music] it turned out that pee wanted to use a crane to pull out the Lo of the candy machine success John comes back and is extremely [Music] angry a John brings a glue bottle and asks pee PE to fix the candy machine [Music] M John look P has reinstalled the lockets [Music] before PE is professionally preparing milk for his little brother wow it's a lollipop candy oh no John took pee pe's younger brother somewhere Pei has finished prepairing the milk but can't find his younger brother he walked around to find [Music] him ah peee here's his younger brother's voice he must be in this [Music] room look pee's younger brother is trapped in the glass [Music] cage PE tries some methods but can't break through the glass he needs to find another [Music] way oh no the pink button has added an additional iron frame outside the glass page this is the first challenge for PE to rescue his younger brother Bingo PP successfully completes the challenge and removes the glass [Applause] [Music] cage baby wait a little longer for your big [Music] brother for the Second Challenge PB needs to arrange the shuffled square tiles into a complete picture wow success pee is so [Music] skilled welcome to PE pe's ice cream [Music] shop John is pee's first customer he orders a red ice cream let's get to work [Music] peee first peee Scoops Red Ice Cream into an empty ice cream cone [Music] oh PB shakes too hard causing candy sprinkles to cover the surface of the ice cream [Music] delicious o John really likes this ice cream a after paying John continues to order another ice cream yellow mixed with [Music] blue pee is earning more money every day rad also comes to buy ice cream he wants to purchase all the flavors on the menu you oh no pee shop only has one empty ice cream [Music] cone peee Scoops all the mixed flavors onto the empty ice cream cone creating a visually appealing four layered ice cream [Music] a red is very pleased with this ice cream [Music] oh red yellow and blue are playing hide and [Music] seek peeee is the Seeker which room should he start with oh right pee PE chooses the yellow [Music] room wow all the food in this room is [Music] yellow peee will use water to wash the fruit there is no water [Laughter] left it turns out the water to is yellow wow pee PE really wants to eat apples in the Red Room but could this apple be Red's friend OMG it turns out red has transformed into a [Music] table Hep has found red [Music] red runs so fast pee PE can't catch [Music] him PP has switched to finding blue in the Blue [Music] Room pee PE caught blue [Music] does pee pee want some water take all the [Music] [Music] water red is playing the drum very professionally PP policeman is awakened and is very annoying [Music] red is hungry and wants some food from pee pee pee PE policeman gives red a small piece of [Music] watermelon now peee policeman will continue his nap [Music] what's happening [Music] again it turns out that red is playing the [Music] trumpet red is started by pe pe's trumpet [Music] sound rad wants some water [Music] [Music] red shouldn't disturb pee PE the police officer sleep [Music] anymore red is hip-hop dancing with professional moves grooving to the music PP policeman is making a call to someone a flying saucer appears taking red and the jail [Music] [Music] away red is carrying a jar of paint but he's clumsy and spilled all the paint on his face look at peeee he's cutting the cake box into square [Music] pieces taada peei has made a cardboard house what is he planning to do with this green paint [Music] jar oh no the green paint splashed onto Red's house wall so peeee is going to paint his paper housee green [Music] peee is very satisfied with his achievement oh no pee's house was blown away by the [Music] wind suddenly it started raining let's go inside to take shelter everyone oh no Red's wooden house was also collapsed [Music] blue called peeee and red to take shelter in his house he's really [Music] kind pee PE discovers three mysterious [Music] doors explore them now h knock knock wow pee pee transforms into a firefighter oh no there's a fire that needs to be put out let's find another [Music] way thanks to the fire extinguisher PP successfully puts out the [Music] Flames The Green Door turns pee PE into a doctor Dr pee pee will help a sick [Music] dog the frog needs [Music] medicine I'm a police officer [Music] now a dog and a Frog are arguing over a snap pee PE reminds them that sharing is caring [Music] H peeee is fast asleep huh oh where is [Music] this the fire element room is only red oh no the wind's element room will help peee feel [Music] cooler this green fan blows so hard [Music] oh [Music] no huh the watermelon is so delicious the tree grows on pee's head o yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] delicious oh no peepi wets his pants [Music] oh what is this peee will go inside this room to see if there's anything red is so [Music] hungry he also sees a room like pee pees wow this room has a lot of weird [Music] [Applause] holes peee is very lucky to see a surprise [Music] egg it's an ice cream cone pee pee loves to eat ice cream so strange through the whole red can get pee pe's ice [Music] cream peee gets his food stolen again he won't forgive red this time [Music] rad put his hand through the hole again PE has a way to tease [Music] [Laughter] red all that red get is just trash [Music] oh no red pull pee peee [Music] up John has colorful boxes that hide delicious food [Music] inside huh peee is a clumsy boy where do you two come [Music] from let's explore the mysterious boxes [Music] [Music] young peee and old peee are arguing again [Music] wow a beautiful [Music] girl just a dream [Music] H look peee is on a desert island got to get something to [Music] eat I can't eat this [Music] wow it's chocolate peee got [Music] scared peee is exhausted after finding food [Music] peepi must put the coin in [Music] it's not food anymore oh no [Music] uh-oh pee failed look there are four mystery doors peeee will explore one room at a [Music] time oh no pee's trapped [Music] M let's check out Spider-Man [Music] room Che pe's Dr [Music] again look there is a mystery Room over there [Music] let's try this [Music] key [Music] H the door is open Bravo [Music] [Music] huh there are so many lockers how can pee PE open them all PE PE is fast asleep he's surprised to see that he had turned yellow there are two PE another peee who is real H John is very confused really wants to know who is the real peee [Music] [Music] peees compete to transform to prove that they are real huh [Music] ah wow delicious trly eye jelly all three of you love to eat delicious [Music] jelly h [Music] H Just a Dream [Music] peeee welcome to Red store wow so much food what should I [Music] choose PE wants to buy a pizza red one silver coin [Music] huh pee PE can only buy a small fish with one silver coin another silver [Music] coin without a gold coin pee PE can't buy a pizza look there's a [Music] ball oh no peee accidentally spilled the colored water pee has an idea he will turn the silver coins into gold [Music] ones look at this PP has two gold coins Now red eagerly takes the money without realizing that he has been tricked [Music] red discovers that the coins are fake
Channel: PeaPea Cartoon
Views: 2,341,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pea Pea Stop Motion, Pea Pea Animation, Pea Pea Cartoon, Stop Motion Animated, Kids Story, Cartoon For Kids, Stop Motion Cartoon, Kids Cartoon, Video For Kids, Kids Stories, Made For Kids, green alien pea pea, stop motion, Toddler learning video, educational cartoon, kid learning, color for kids, Pea Pea Explores Superhero Vending Machine Toy
Id: M5vRgPh6jbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 8sec (1868 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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