Is Freemasonry a Cult: Seven Minute Seminary

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Freemasonry is the best-kept secret in the Christian town even Freemasons themselves the large majority are ignorant of free masonic teachings so when you're approaching a mason when you're approaching the issue of Freemasonry you're going to be dealing with the problem of ignorance however once educated the freemason is faced with Christ or the lodge and I hold that you cannot be a Christian and an informed mason at the same time without being in some kind of rebellion against Yahweh why first of all there's some preliminaries Christians affirm and it is universally true transcultural II true trans chronologically true that the biblical God is the only true and living God and in Jesus Christ we have the self revelation of God in space and time and Jesus says I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except through me in order to become a freemason you must affirm belief in a Supreme Being it matters not according to Freemasonry what your individual deity is but you have to say yes to the question do you believe or affirm in the existence of God if you say no you're out you're blackballed and they really do have white and black balls and take a vote you must believe in a Supreme Being and it doesn't matter what the Supreme Being is it can be of Krishna Allah Brahman Vishnu God in quotes etc now Freemasonry will take these men who believe in different deities even the Christian man bring them into the lodge and in ritual and this is key the Canon of Freemasonry our rituals produced by grey and lodges themselves so they will take these men who believe in different deities and pray to the Great Architect of the universe and each Mason silently reads his God into the Great Architect of the universe a canapé God known as the Great Architect of the universe this God is prayed to in Lodge in collective syncretistic fashion and this is detestable to Yahweh according to the scriptures one prayer for example in the first degree they pray to Almighty father of the universe and grant our present convention that this candidate may be by the pure principles of Freemasonry better enabled to display the beauties of holiness to the honor of thy Holy Name this is theology Almighty father of the universe a prayer of sanctification for the candidate no matter what deity individually this candidate believes in and yet the Christian is there potentially the is the Muslim is there the Hindu is there the unitarian universalist is there and they're all praying to the Great Architect of the universe for the sanctification of the candidate so in the lodge we have the Great Architect of the universe and he is prayed to in a synchronistic fashion secondly the lodge the Masonic Lodge takes all these men who believe in different deities and through the ritual gives them a way of salvation and Jesus Christ is not in the picture for example Freemasonry takes the working tools of actual masons they build stone walls cathedrals etc takes the working tools and invests them with salvation and other forms of theology universalistic type theology the lesson on the common gavel I'll quote it verbatim verbatim from ritual as operative Masons they use the common gavel to break off the rough and superfluous parts of stones thereby fitting them for the builders use but we as free and accepted masons are taught the more noble and glorious purpose of divesting our hearts and consciences of all the vices and superfluities of life thereby fitting our minds as living stones for that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens that spiritual building what is going on here here's the scenario men representing different deities the lodge saying that in the common gavel in its lesson by the teachings of Freemasonry we are chipped off and fitted as living stones for that spiritual building that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens but if you look at second excuse me first Peter 2:5 Christians and Christians alone are called living stones Christians and Christians alone in 2nd Corinthians 5:1 and following have the hope only have the hope in Jesus that we will be fitted excuse me that we will come to that spiritual building that house not made with hands eternal in the heavens how dare the Masonic Lodge wrench these two biblical texts from their contexts which and apply them to those who reject Jesus Christ and Jesus isn't even mentioned in the ritual this is why Freemasonry is a non-christian cult and is directly opposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ and especially tied with the gospel the purpose of the incarnation of the Blessed Son of God Jesus the Christ finally in the third degree the candidate plays Hiram Abiff a Masonic hero Hiram historically they say was slain by three ruffians in the temple and he was raised by King Solomon with the strong grip of a Master Mason symbolic of high of the candidates now the candidate playing Hyrum in this death and burial and resurrection scene symbolic of the candidate identifying with the death burial and raising of Hiram Abiff and in many a Masonic ritual we are taught or candidates are taught to imitate the great Grand Master Hiram Abiff that we too may achieve immortality
Channel: Seedbed
Views: 166,444
Rating: 3.7167544 out of 5
Keywords: Seedbed, Christianity, Asbury Theological Seminary, +cults, +theology, seven minute seminary, Seminary (School Category), +freemasonry
Id: 8C8pDTG92es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 30 2012
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