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Mr Speaker the Liberals delay in protecting women's rights and the conservatives straight up want to attack women's rights last year they brought in a motion attacking a women's right to choose right now they are blocking free birth control for women and later on this week they're going to go and attend an anti-choice rally do Democrats want more freedom more choices and more affordability for women so will the government is it a coincidence in stopping the cons me throat hurts and trude has an itch on his crch free birth control you're here The Honorable minister of Health let me state it clearly and unequivocally every woman in this country every part of this country must have access to the oral contraceptives that she needs to have speaking oral for me knows all about that any party that stands in the way of that is standing in the way of basic freedom for women in this country to have freedom and autonomy over their body I will say to the Conservative Party of Canada stop blocking this so that women can get the reproductive AIDS they need to have control over their reproductive Futures I'm just saying man I is it a coincidence or [Applause] what Rolex Punk Mr Speaker free contraceptives virtue signaling us all the way to the front door of Rox choose but the conservatives want to block that they want women to pay more and have less freedom but new Democrats won't allow it will the government vote with us today to ensure that 9 million people have access to free contraceptives The Honorable minister of Health thank you very much Mr Speaker it's a question of freedom for women all across this country the freedom you know what the funniest part about this debate right now need it's not even women arguing their it's feminine men and I wonder why the conservatives are blocking this bill will provide why isn't a woman advocating for free birth control diabetics it's time for Action Mr Speaker it's time to ensure that there are true freedoms for women all across the country this is time to stop blocking this from Calgary Forest Lawn after 9 years of the subp Prime Minister it doesn't feel like Canada anymore life is more unaffordable than ever Canadians the governor of the Bank of Canada even random Liberals are saying this government is not helpful with they're out of control spending random liberals Canadians are living in their cars and intense because they can't housing they're lining up at food banks in record numbers because they can't afford food and leaving in droves because they can't afford the High Cost of Living when will the Liberals Implement a common sense plan and bring in a dollar for dooll law cap government spending so inflation and interest rates can come down yeah buddy let's get some W's in the chat folks Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr Speaker we have put forward a budget that invests in the things Canadians need first and foremost housing and we're doing that by asking those at the very top to contribute a little bit more and the good news Mr Speaker is we are doing it in a fiscally responsible way and you don't have to believe the partisans billion dollar multi-billion dollar deficit mood last week reaffirmed Canada's AAA rating the highest that exists with a stable Outlook doesn't get better than that Mr Speaker oh my God she's huffing her own fire span Forest Lawn speaker common sense is chasing this Finance Minister just like in Alberta she's speeding away from it taxpayers on the hook $54 billion of tax money go just in interest to this prime minister's doubling of the debt that means more money is going to Bankers Bond holders and this Finance ministers Bay Street buddies than to doctors nurses and to the healthc care system why doesn't she pump on the breakes on the hypocrisy and let Common Sense catch up introduce a dollar for dooll law so inflation and interest rates can finally come down holy man he's good prime minister he's good speaker last week Moody's reaffirmed our AAA credit rating these are objective analysts who have pointed out that Canada has the most fiscally responsible plan in the G7 but let's talk for a minute Mr Speaker about hypocrisy conservative hypocrisy last week Mr Speaker the conservative leader wrote an opad asking Business Leaders to attack our budget I guess that's because he doesn't have the courage to come out and say the truth which is he stands for those at the top not regular Canadians wow is she saying that he's danced for them because he's of color is that racism last week the governor of the Bank of Canada confirmed what millions of I don't know anymore just saying random spending is making life more expensive 9 years of NDP liberal deficits had led to a lost decade lowering standards of living record Food Bank usage and a housing crisis will the doll will the government finally commit to a dollar for dooll rule that allow Canadians to feed their families and keep their homes great job Phil The Honorable Deputy Prime Minister Minister Finance Mr Speaker Speaker I respect the member for north umberland and he is better than actually misrepresenting the words of the governor of the Bank of Canada the reality is the governor of the Bank of Canada in testimony since the budget has said and I quote the budget does respect the fiscal guard rails that the government put in place and I quote that's what he said and he said quote keeping the debt to GDP ratio on a declining track and importantly keeping the deficit below 1% of GDP in future years the budget commits to those guard rails and that is helpful The Honorable member from North umberland Peter Burl S I will quote the governor directly he said that this liberal budget is not helpful it's more distraction more to denal in order to cover up their record of massive deficits which has led to over $ 54 billion of Interest being paid in this in this uh budget alone we'll pay more in the GST we'll collect more in the Gs collect more here than in the GST in terms of Interest we will pay more in interest than we will in healthc care transfers when will they finally get their def suits under control so the Canadians can eat and then keep their homes hereon why is that a crime to advocate for better cost of living Mr speaker that is simply not true I encourage people to read the testimony of the governor of the Bank of Canada and news reports about that testimony here is what he said and I am quoting precisely keeping the debt to GDP ratio on a declining track and importantly keeping deficits below 1% of GDP in future years the budget also commits to those guard rails going forward and that is helpful those are the words of the governor people can just take a look at the transcript Mr have the honorable member for like the one that the house Speaker quebecers are struggling mortgage rul are hurting them mortgage rates are high due in part to the chaotic management of public finances by this prime minister and the block over the past nine years more than 500 billion in additional spending has been voted voted in by the Liberals and supported by the block that includes 115 billion in June 2022 for pipelines and yes the so-called Green Block voted for a pipeline will the Liberals on the Block take responsibility for the high cost of mortgages and of living The Honorable Minister Mr Speaker Canadians here one party that has no ambition no vision and no plan Mr Speaker Canadians have a choice to make they have a choice to listen to a party that has no vision or a government that's investing in youth in growth in housing in science and in research Mr Speaker here on this side of the house we will continue to invest in Canadians because countries that have confidence invest in their people and that's precisely what we'll do the honorable member for shab O Let's see in the comments how many times we can get chihuahua has a lot of vision and Common Sense unlike the government opposite which seems to have lost sight of that the block is doing no better than the Liberals the block supported 500 billion in extra spending they've always voted against the budget but they do vote for all of the budgetary Appropriations and that's why quebecers and Canadians are struggling will the government ask the block why they're always supporting them in their nonsensical programs the Mr speaker Canadians watching understand that that's not common sense it's nonsense in 20 24 to have no ambition for the country no vision no plan for the country at a time when we're in a full economic transition people watching at home understand we're investing in science and research we're investing in the Next Generation we're investing in growth it's the time for that that's what we're doing it's time to invest we're a confident nation and we will build the Canada of tomorrow together
Channel: House Of Canada
Views: 46,034
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Keywords: Justin Trudeau, Canada, Trudeau, Trudeau Canada news, Trudeau news, prime minister Justin Trudeau, Canada news, pm Justin Trudeau, Canada gun laws, cndpoli, Mistersunshinebaby, pierre poilievre, pierre poilievre debate, pierre poilievre vs trudeau, pierre poilievre today, pierre poilievre justin trudeau, pierre poilievre news, pierre poilievre crypto, pierre poilievre leader, pierre poilievre youtube, pierre poilievre leadership, poilievre trudeau, poilievre vs trudeau, shorts
Id: qiYYqkO49rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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