“$50B orgy of spending”: Poilievre mocks Trudeau for latest federal budget

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who pays that's right who pays for this latest $50 billion orgy of spending by this costly prime minister we know won't pay it won't be those with trust funds that protect their millions of inheritance like the Prime Minister nor the billionaires that invite him to their private car Caribbean islands they'll they'll hide their money you know who will pay you will pay you the welder or waitress who can't pay your mortgage because he's inflated the mortgage rates will pay because he carbon taxed your food and now you can't feed your kids why should you pay for [Applause] him my my comment still uh still applies uh the right honorable prime minister Mr Speaker it is interesting to see the lengths to which the leader of the opposition will go to avoid saying that he is choosing to stand with the for wealthy against the middle class against young Canadians uh when we first got elected and raised taxes on the wealthiest 1% to lower them for the middle class the conservative party and that leader voted against it we're asking uh for the wealthiest in this country the wealthiest .1% to pay more in taxes so we can support the middle class so we can restore the dream particularly for young people of home ownership of a brighter future that the world is taking away from people all over the world The Honorable leader of the opposition Mr Mr Speaker the Prime Minister likes to blame the world for the problems that he caused he doubled the debt doubled the rent doubled mortgage payments doubled the needed down payment and now he's doubling down on the same costly mistakes that have made life unaffordable for Canadians when will this prime minister realize that he's not worth the cost and that repeating the same thing nine times and expecting a different result is the definition of [Applause] insanity the right the right honorable prime minister speaker what the leader of the opposition is saying is that he stands with the ultra wealthy point1 per in this country and everyone else is on their own because that's what he would do as he slashes programs as he slashes Investments as he doesn't build the homes necessary as he doesn't have a plan to fight climate change and create good jobs as he has stood against affordability measures as he stands against seniors getting Dental Care Mr Speaker he is choosing to stand with the ultra wealthy while we are investing in Canadians and building a stronger future that is fair for the honorable leader of the opposition Mr Speaker he is the AL through wealthy he hid his family fortune in a tax sheltered trust fund so he wouldn't have to pay the same tax as everyone else he vacations with the ultra wealthy on their private islands in tax preferred locations where they can hide their money and avoid paying their fair share here in Canada and now he's paying off the the ultra wealthy by spending $54 billion on debt interest more than on Healthcare why give more money to the ultra wealthy bankers and vond holders instead of the nurses and doctors the right honorable prime minister speaker this is a budget that invests In fairness for every generation by asking the ultra wealthy to pay a little more young people see right through this prime minister they know they're getting ripped off and they know the reason for it today rent is doubled grocery prices are Skyhigh and we're paying some of the highest cell phone bills in the world the reason is because of corporate greed this prime minister refuses to take it on and the conservatives they're afraid anytime we mention corporate greet because they want to defend those corporations I know what happens anytime I take on corporate greed the consumers get really upset cuz they were taking on their masters so they get upset about it but I'll be careful not to say too much cuz I know the conservatives get so angry when we mention corporate greed but what happens is young people are seeing they're getting ripped off with rent they're getting ripped off with groceries getting ripped off with with the high cost of cell phone fees and they know it's because of corporate greed the conservatives don't want me to talk about this but will the Liberals take on corporate greed which is driving up the cost of living
Channel: Global News
Views: 386,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: global news, poilievre, pierre poilievre, justin trudeau, trudeau, poilievre trudeau, jagmeet singh, singh, trudeau poilievre singh, conservatives, liberals, ndp, conservatives liberals, liberals conservatives, canada politics, canada budget, canada economy, canadian economy, 2024 federal budget, 2024 canada budget, orgy of spending, poilievre orgy, poilievre orgy of spending, trudeau poilievre, question period, QP, canada parliament, canada's parliament, ottawa, house of commons
Id: 8WQMiSnLllA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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