Freecad tips and tricks (#4.1): Mapping text to a curve surface

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hey guys welcome back to another video i'm justin and in this video we are going to go over how to map text and logos onto curved surfaces in freecad so yeah let's get started okay so the first thing we're going to do is install the curves workbench as you can see up here i do not have it installed and to install it you go into tools go into this add-on manager and in workbenches you want to scroll down until you see curves right here make that a little bigger right here curves and then you want to press install and it's going to install itself and after it installs you're going to have to restart your program so you can close that and you can press ok and this will restart freecad so just do that and wait until it reopens okay and after it restarts you can see up here we have the curves workbench and we're just making sure that opens up correctly it might take a little while to load if it's your first time opening it up but it looks like but it looks like everything is here so we're good to continue okay so in this video i am only going to show you how to add text to a curve surface next video i will show you how to put a logo um it's a little different but it's pretty much the exact same but um adjust the s vg file that might need a little bit more work okay so after that we can start a new file and the first thing we want to do is we're going to make the curved surface or the object that has the curved surface on it so in my situation we're just going to make one in sketch so we're going to open up a sketch i'm going to make a rectangle and then i'm going to use a a b spline i'm just going to add a couple points here something like that show those so that looks good any curve will work for this process so after that i'm just going to extrude this up to like i don't know uh 30ml yeah and so we have a nice curved face here and this is where we're going to project our sketch onto it so after that we're going to actually want to make text so now we're going to go into the draft workbench and up here you're going to create a shape from the text string we're going to select this now there is other options that you do not want to select like this a um this is for making annotations you do not want this and this other a with a little pencil this is something else you don't want but that is also to create annotation so we actually want to make a text string so we want to create one we're going to pick a point any point really works for this i'm going to put our string you can type in whatever you want here i'm just going to write in subscribe and height is fine but in font type now if you want apple since i don't have an apple computer i don't know how to find the fonts if you do want to figure that out just google it i'm sure there's a bunch of ways to do it but on windows it is just under windows and fonts right here then all your fonts show up but and you can select whatever you want but you don't have a view option so what i like to do to see what my text is going to look like is i go into like a microsoft word document and i'm just going to paste in my text here and then in here i can check all the different fonts and what they are going to look like so you can pick whatever you want you want i want to put something kind of a thick font um how old are you black that looks good so i now know what font i want so then i can go back into frequent and i look for ariel black i um it's this one yeah and there it is so now i got my text in i can start projecting this text onto this curved surface okay so before we do that is we're just going to make this text into a sketch because right now it's just a string so on one press this little button is convert bi-directional between draft object and sketch i'm going to press that and it's going to make a bunch of sketches that's fine and now we don't need the string anymore and we don't need that sketch anymore so we have the one sketch that says subscribe okay so after that what we can do is now we can go into our curves workbench we want to select the face we want as a curve so it's going to be this curve and then we're going to select the symbol with the half cylinder with a sketch this is map a sketch to a surface so we go and press this and it's going to make a sketch to surface now if we drop this down there is a map sketch here and this is square whatever's in this square and part of the sketch is going to be mapped to the surface but this this rectangle is quite small so what we're going to do and this is what you probably are always going to have to do is delete all of these constraints because we don't need those anymore we want to delete these two to vertical lines construction lines and these two lines here whatever's in between them because they kind of make like a rectangle so let me put some horizontal restraints whatever's in this rectangle is going to be mapped onto the curved surface so i'm just going to make this a full rectangle like this for another vertical constraint here and then i'm going to put this over our text just fit this over like that that looks good to me but then i have to bring the subscribe text sketch into our map sketch so what we do there we want to press this symbol this is copies of geometry from another sketch and we're going to press this and we're going to press one point of the sketch and then you can see that brings it into our sketch so we're going to unclick that we're going to select all of the text we just brought into the sketch and since it gets brought in into a construction line we want to convert this back into one of the uh a normal line so we're going to press this symbol that has the like a red square red white square uh in front of a dash blue square so we're going to press this that brings it all the text into uh normally and there's a lot of processing here so it might take a little bit for your computer to run usually my computer can do this a lot faster i do have a bunch of stuff running right now to do all the uh recording and stuff so i'm just gonna sit here waiting for a couple seconds okay there it took about i don't know seven seconds but that's all we actually need so if we close this you will see there is text on the curved surface but you will notice it is upside down what is this um yeah it's just upside down so what we want to do here is we want to select on sketch to surface and these three options on the very bottom reverse u reverse v or and swap uv so if we set one of these true and then it process again it will flip them for us so that is not the correct side uh i think it's reverse v yeah move us v does flips it horizontally um and you might just have to play with each um each three of them just to find the combo you need and if we just do this i don't know if this does what does this do um i think this okay yeah so it rotates at about 90 degrees so that's not false so this is the sketch we want so if we turn off the back sketch or if we turn off the extrude we have we can also turn off the sketch uh you will notice our text is here but but it's just really a map right now so to give it thickness we want to go back and select sketch on surface you want to select all of this and we're going to do extrude face we're going to set that to true and now we'll add a face to all of the lines and we want to add a thickness um if you add a a positive it extrudes out a negative extrudes in so you know what let's do an an inset so let's do an instead of uh 1.5 milli uh millimeter millimeters we do that wait until it processes there we go um this fill extrude if we turn this off um this just makes it essentially not a solid so if you check here it just removes all the lines so i want to turn that back on because that's what we want went for processing and there we go so if we turn back on our our main object and then we can go back into parts we can select the two the curved object and our sketch to surface a sketch on surface then we can do uh then we can make a cut of the two shapes and there we go we have uh sketched mapped onto a surface then cut in now if you wanted to you could extrude this out that would just be in the settings in the sketch to face setting the thickness you're going to add a plus you want to add it as a positive number and you're going to run make a union of several shapes to combine them together so that is how you can get text onto a co surface and freecad my next video should be out in a week or so i'm going to show you how to uh how to add a logo to a cup is a little different it's pretty much the same but it's a little different so i'll show you how to do that separately so that's the end of this video guys if you like to give it a thumbs up i really appreciate it consider subscribing i'll see you next time bye okay
Channel: Tabletop Robotics
Views: 16,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing for beginners, 3d printing for nobs, 3d printing 101, getting into 3d printing, how to 3d print, 3d printing how to, 3D, printing, mr maker, master maker, how to make, latest maker's news, teaching, new maker, young maker, makers news, what makes a maker, make, TTR, robotics, arduino, tabletop robotics, how to, projects, Code, 3D printed, learning, STEAM, STEM, electronic, computer, simple, fun, easy, learn, maker, makers, maker faire, modeling, map, curve, text, logo, cup, project
Id: yV26cig0p4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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