FreeCAD for Beginners #60 3D printing #freecad #cad #makers #design

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[Music] welcome to adventures in Creation in today's tutorial we'll dive into the exciting world of 3D printing using freead a powerful and free parametric 3D CAD modeler whether you're a beginner or looking to expand your 3D printing skills this step-by-step guide will walk you through the entire process we'll start by designing a simple model from scratch exploring freeads intuitive interface to bring your ideas to life once our design is ready we'll tackle The crucial step of exporting the model in STL format join me as we discuss various export options within freecad ensuring your 3D prints maintain the highest quality we'll then transition to the slicer software where we'll be able to explore its features and settings to optimize our 3D model for printing but the journey doesn't end there I'll guide you through the process of up loading your sliced model to your 3D printer discussing different options and considerations to ensure a seamless printing experience from layer height to infield patterns will cover it all whether you're a hobbyist student or a professional this tutorial is designed to empower you with the skills needed to navigate freecad and successfully bring your 3D Creations to life so let's dive in and unlock the incredible possibilities of 3D printing with the freead together don't forget to like And subscribe and hit that notification Bell to stay updated on our latest tutorials let's get started the first thing we're going to do in the part design workbench I'm going to start a new file and then I'm going to create a part and I'm going to create a body and we'll just go straight in create a sketch we do on the XY plane and we're going to do something very simple here we're just going to create a rounded rectangle angle and we'll use our symmetrical constraint just to constrain that we're going to give this radius a dimension and I'm going to actually give that a 5 mm Dimension and then we're going to Dimension horizontal we're going to make that 65 and then we'll Dimension the vertical and we're going to make that 25 now once we've done that we're going to close that sketch and we'll just Pat it and we'll Pat it up to 25 mm and then for our final piece we're just going to holl that guy out and I want to make the Walls 2 and2 mm just Tu that in and we'll say okay and now we have a box and that's what we're actually going to print so we're not going to do anything more complicated than that now for my model I have the option I can select the body and I can export the body or I can select the part and I can export the part in this case there's only one body so if I do the part it's going to be just that body I've got several bodies I'd want to select the the body that I want to print and then I would say file and Export and here's where you can choose to export it um in a different format so mine's set on 3mf show you the options so we got 3D manufacturing format or we can go all the way down here and do it in an STL format it just depends what your slicer is going to accept so I use the prus slicer and it will accept the 3mf so I'm actually going to use that and I'm just going to call mine printing 3D and I'll save that and now we need to switch to our prer slicer so let's do that this is the interface for the prer slicer and I'm going to show you a couple of things you can use any slicer you want I like this one it seems to be pretty stable pretty easy to use so I'm going to say import my file and I can import an STL I can import an SLA a zip file uh 3mf step object so there's a bunch of different files I can um import this particular one is going to be print in 3D there's my box and now with the Press slicer there are certain things I can do for instance if I want to put it on a different face I can just select that face and it'll move my box around obviously for this one I want to print it on this face which was the default so that's a good place to have it and then you can also move the model around you can scale the model you can and um flip the model over you can paint on supports and you can measure the model there's all kinds of things you can do you can duplicate the model you can delete the model so uh the way the Press slicer works this is the platter tab these are my print settings so the print settings are set up for PLA and I have a layer height of2 mm my first layer is4 mm I have two perimeters and and I use all of these different settings you can use basically if you pull in the um default settings they're pretty good on the left hand side here I can change my infill so for this one I'm going to use a 30% infill my fill pattern is rectilinear um and again there's lots of different options I can select there I can choose to have a skirt or a brim and I can choose when to put supports on for this simple model we don't need any supports I I can change the speed of what I'm doing if I have multiple extruders I can work with that there are different output options and all of these data you can change as you go through the model then I have my filament settings here so this tells me I've got 1.75 mm diameter pla here's my Coolin information so turnning my fan on um I can add custom gcode if I want it to do something at beginning at the end I can certainly do that and then here's my printer setting so it tells it the size of the bed it tells it my Z offet how many extruders I have what kind of G-Code I'm using all of those things again you can add custom G-Code and you can lay out the machine limits so you know where the edges of the machine are so all of that is done within this um slicer and honestly if you take the defaults that prer comes up with you won't be far off now I'm using my uh printer as a ender three by creality it's the version 2 Neo so I've set up my printer with the extents of that printer so I make sure that I'm not printing past the bed because obviously that will cause me problems so once you're happy with everything that you've got set up you can simply slice the model and we sliced the model to put it into layers so I'm slicing it now when I slice that model what it's going to do is it's going to slice it and tell me an estimate of how long it's going to take to print it so if you look over here it say it's going to take an hour and 29 minutes with the settings I have to print that model now for my setting I can use this send to printer from the um prer slicer I can send it directly to my printer without ever having to put it on uh an SD card or put it on my printers or my computer's hard drive and move it around I can literally just send it that's what I always do but what you can do is you can export it so this is the actual G-Code and you can export that G-Code to a file and then you can actually look at that G-Code if you want to so if we look here this is the G-Code I have it notepad plus uh here if I show you what it does it says it's generated by PR slicer and then these are the actual G-Code commands that are going to create my model so you can see all G-Code here for those of you that want to look at the raw data I don't do that what I do is from here I will hit this button and it'll allow me to upload it and print it and set the printer go in at once now for me I use octar print to run my printer I can turn the power on on my printer here so that turns the power on and then I can simply upload this print and print it if I go back to my browser you can see it uploaded that gcode and now it's starting to print so first thing it's going to do is it will heat up my bed and I can see that happen in here you can actually look at my printer here and I can see the G-Code that's being sent here if we run through you can see how it's going to print and I have a terminal so I can see what's going on it's actually heating up and it's waiting it's waiting it's waiting it's heating up right now and so generally I just watch the temperature you come up you can see it coming up here and I'll usually wait and watch it kick off uh make sure that it starts okay and so once it gets going here we're reaching our here's our actual temperature here's our Target temperatures it's getting up to 150 when it reaches 150 it will kick the bed off to get to 60 and then once it's up to temperature we'll see it start to move the printer there you can see the head moving it's actually doing the bed leveling when this gets up to temperature it's going to move the the pla temperature up a little higher bed leveling is done and now you can see the target's 200 because the bed got up to 60 so now it's running the the hot end up to 200 and once that reaches 200 the printing will begin and we're almost there comes ahead and it does a a swipe like clean of the head of the nozzle and once that's complete then I'll go off and start this Printing and now it's starting to print there you can see it's printting in the outside shape and we'll take a couple of looks at it closeup and I'll show you it once it's finished so here's the part that you being printed and of course it takes a little while to do that once it's done um I'll show you the final product so thanks for watching the video if you've enjoyed it please give us a thumbs up give us a like and if you haven't done so already please subscribe to the channel doesn't cost you anything if you want to join our patreon you certainly can if you go to the link that's on the screen or if you just want to one time buy us a coffee you can do that too again link is on the screen thanks for everything if you have any suggestions or comments please feel free to leave them below and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Adventures in creation
Views: 3,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, CAD, CAM, CNC routing, Design, DIY, woodworking, 3D printing, maker, creativity, art, crafts, Blender, Inkscape, Prusa Slicer, OBS
Id: OMF5gjQAtSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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