FreeCAD for Beginners #54 Copying Sketches and Bodies #freecad #cad #makers #design

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[Music] thank you [Music] in this video we're going to do a couple of things first of all we are using freecad 0.21 which is the latest release let me just show you that it's got this new fancy uh logo different to the other one and it's version 0.21.0 and I just downloaded it today so this has to be the latest release okay so what we're going to do I'm going to create a model and I'll show you how we do it we're going to create a file we are going to create a part and we're going to create a body inside that body we're going to create a sketch now I'm just going to create that on the X Y plane there's my sketch as we go through you'll see some of these things a different this is a bit of a new look and feel to it um based on the version so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a centered rectangle and I'm going to go from the center and I'm going to come out to about there something like that it's a good size and then what I'm going to do is I am going to put a couple of holes in it here here got one here do and I'm going to make those holes um symmetrical around the center point and do them diagonally as in there like that and then I'm going to make all these holes the same size equal constraint and then so if we if we now move them you can see those two are going to move together and those those two are going to move together now what I want to do is to constrain these together so I'm going to constrain this with a vertical and I'm going to constraint this with a horizontal and now if we look everything should move at the same time so they're nicely constrained all we'd need is a couple of dimensions and we can lock that down I'm not going to do that right now what I'm going to do is go have a look at this guy so you can see it's just a little bit of different looking um the elements and the constraints themselves I like it it's all good and then I am going to close the sketch I'm just going to pad that so I'll just accept this 10 millimeter pad and there I have had with four through holes in it now I'm going to create a second body and that second body is inside this part then I'm going to pop open this pad and I'm just going to take the sketch and I'm going to right click it copy and I don't want the X Y plane though there's already an X Y plane where I'm putting it so I don't need that X Y plane I'm just going to take the sketch and say okay now I'm going to click on that body I'm going to right click and I'm going to paste and now sometimes when you do that in the tree you see the sketches actually outside of this body I'm just going to drop it on top so that sketch is now inside that body and now I'm going to turn off this pad and I'm gonna go into this sketch so let me just close that one second so this is the sketch inside the second body right body zero zero one is the second body body is the original body so I'm gonna go inside this sketch and I'm just going to change the size of these holes for instance or I could say let's take one of these holes and just delete it just so we can see that it's different and then I'm gonna pad this sketch and I'll Pat it I'll just make it five millimeters thick and so you can see what I've done is I used the same sketch to make a pad in each body and I modified the sketch because I used the sketch itself I didn't link to the sketch I just used a copy of the sketch so that makes it nice and easy if you want to take apart let's say you've sketched something and then you want to go in and modify it like I did here so I sketch something I had four holes in it and I want to just put three holes in it of course there's many ways we can do that but in this particular instance I'm just showing that you can take a sketch and copy it here create a pad so now what I'm going to do is I'm turn off this pad turn on this pad this is my original pad I'll turn on that pad so now my original pad has the second pad in it one other thing just to show you they change this little Cube on here so you can get these Corners a little easier to change the way that you're looking at the views I like that it's a little easier to get to to move the guy around now I use a I use a mouse that has a wheel or a ball on it so I can do that I do also have a space Mouse I don't use that as much and the reason I don't use that as much is because most of the people watching don't have a space Mouse and I don't them to feel like their stuff doesn't work the way mine does but I do have a ball a ball thumb wheel and so that makes it a little easier for me to move things around so that's how you copy a sketch okay one other thing I wanted to show you and just for interest somebody asked me about how we reuse parts and obviously reusing Parts is important if you're doing a lot of CAD work so another way to reuse a part is if I want to take this part and I want to keep that bass part but I want to say let's cut out in that part I can do it like this I can take this body and make sure it's the Active Body and you can toggle the Active Body if you click here togglective body or if you just double click on it on a body it'll become active so double click on that one it's now the active body then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to use the Sheep and I'm going to clone that body so now this body and that is a clone of that body my windows I'm just going to put that body back inside my part because when you do it it pops outside the part and put it back inside the part to keep it on the same tree now if I look in this body which I'm going to now make the active body body zero zero two has a clone in it and I'm just gonna expand that and turn off body zero zero one I turn off body zero zero two you can see that they are identical now what I want to do is I'm going to make that cut out so I'm going to start sketch X Y plane and I'm just going to draw a rectangle okay now so you can see where it is and we'll close that and then we're gonna make a pocket we'll reverse it so that energy cuts through it and we'll say okay now what would be your expectation for body zero zero one given that body zero zero two is a clone of body zero zero one I'm going to turn off that body and I'm turning it off just by hitting the space bar I'm going to turn back on the original body notice it doesn't have a cut out now if I go in there to the sketch that creates this body open that sketch I'm going to go in here I'm just going to delete a hole so just turn that on so you can see our sketch all right select that I'm just going to delete that hole and I'm going to close that and now that hole is gone in this original body zero zero one now when I go back into body zero zero two so I'm going to turn off body zero zero one and I'm going to turn back on my body zero zero two and notice my holes disappeared in there so now anything I do to that original part is going to happen to my clone part and then the pocket's going to be taken away from it so that gives you an opportunity to create a bass part and then add and remove features now obviously if you're gonna create that bass part you want to make sure all the features that you include in the bass part are what you want in the cloned part if you didn't want that third hole to be in the cloned part then obviously you wouldn't have put it in there in the first place so you can always go back to the original sketch you can modify things in your original sketch and then anything that you do to the Clone after that will get done one thing to be aware of if you modify the sketch and you make it so that the sketch is now smaller than where that cutout is obviously that's not going to work it's going to break your model so you have to be a little careful you have to be mindful of how you do that but that's another way that you can reuse parts so you create a base part and then that bass part has different features on it so I would use that if I was doing like a right hand and a left hand let's say we'd have two holes in this thing if you wanted to make a cut out for a handed version so what we would do obviously body one has no cutouts and turn that one off 42 now has this hand cut out so what I'm going to do is go back to body one make that my Active Body and off body dude I'm gonna turn on body one and I'm going to clone it but using the sheet and then I'm going to put that body back inside my part and now I'm going to make body three my Active Body I'm going to turn off body one body three is now a clone of body one I am then going to create a sketch in the X Y plane and I'm going to just do the same cut out obviously we do it we'd Dimension it and everything if we were doing this for real and then I'm going to say close and I'm going to cut that out and I'm going to reverse that say okay so now I have a left hand turn off buddy three turn on body two that's my right hand turn off body two turn on body one and that's my blank so that's the reason why you might use clones and be able to make a right hand and a left-handed version they both have the holes in the same place but I have a cut out on different sides use your imagination as to what other pieces you might use in there for that to work so that's all I'm going to do for today is just a couple of quick items how to copy and reuse Parts in or reuse sketches and bodies in a part to make things useful and quick and easy so you can always reuse sketches anywhere you want to use them if you've already drawn a bunch of complexity and you want to put it somewhere else with some minor changes the way to do is just copy the sketch and put it in another body so any questions you feel free to leave me a comment I get all my comments and I'll try to respond as best as I can um as far as the channel is concerned we're growing nicely but I'd like to go quicker I do look at the stats it looks like 80 of the people are watching this and not subscribed subscribing to the channel is absolutely free doesn't cost you a bean and it helps me to get 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see in the future just let me know thanks I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Adventures in creation
Views: 3,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, CAD, CAM, CNC routing, Design, DIY, woodworking, 3D printing, maker, creativity, art, crafts, Blender, Inkscape, Prusa Slicer, OBS
Id: dc7ON66qzZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 42sec (882 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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