FreeCAD 0.20 For Beginners | 9 | Modelling Lipped Containers | Multibody Workflow | Part Design

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hi everyone and welcome back to the channel and welcome to another episode of the learning free cad for beginners where we teach fundamentals for freecad from beginners perspective as we understand workflows in this video we're going to be using the previous skills that we've developed to create some containers we're going to be using the part design and following a multi-body workflow this allows us to do the lid and the bottom of the container or the box our first example we'll be using a revolve and we'll end up with something that looks like this so we have a cylindrical container that has a lip that runs all the way around it along with fitted lid in our next example we're going to be following the same workflow in the part design with multiple bodies and this time we're going to create a different shape and we're going to be using the sweep or the additive pipe to create that the end result is going to be something a bit more different where we end up with a shaped box or a shaped container that again has a bottom and lid that fit together as you can see you can't use a revolve with this and we're going to be showing you the techniques of how we will create such a model i hope you're enjoying this series let's have a look at these techniques if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen for slash min g0 i also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at for slash mango jelly solutions any money that's currently donated will be used to span the channel so in freecad and i'm going to create a new document we're going to be using the part design and the first example i'm going to show you is this standard circular box and that's quite simple to do we can create a body and create a new sketch we're going to use multi-body workflow so i'm going to go along the xz plane and i'm going to create the profile for the top of the box so i'm going to start with a polyline and come out say about here and this is going to be the top i may want to have a curved lining here i'll go to that in a minute and the shape we're looking for is basically a step in here so we're looking at something like this and we'll come across what we're looking for is just the profile of the box to allow for the revolve the hit scope get the mouse pointer back and just add some constraints in here so we've got a point on line constraint and make sure that's straight as well and again for this one when this revolves this leaves step and we can make a box that connects up in here and we may want some constraints in here so i'm going to constrain these two points or this line with horizontal constraint now remember this is half of the box that we're looking at so if i want a 15 millimeter box i'm going to put 25 millimeters in there okay and also remember when you're sketching that if you're making a smaller box you end up getting something like this so you have to repair this to the shape that we want so it's always worth getting the first line in so we could get this line in first and dimension it and then start sketching off of that so this gives you an idea of what size you're dimensioning that set the height 15 millimeters and i may place at these two i have a quality and we'll bring this one down i might make this one and this one equals as well so we've got this step in here and we'll set some length in here as well about three mil that'd be three milled there and you may want to decide that this will be a short distance but that doesn't matter for the time being we can always put that in let's just bring this constraint down and we'll set a height in here so this will be the width for the box and i'm going to make that around about two mil there so that's our profile let's hit close and we'll use the revolve or the part design crane handed feature and revolution that makes the revolution across the vertical sketch axis so we've got the top or lid of the box that we want to create now i want to create the bottom so we're going to come around to the front make sure nothing's selected so we've got nothing selected in here and create a body so this is a new body that we're creating now while i'm here i'm going to rename this body to top and we're going to start building the bottom of the body for that i need to reference this top shape to allow for a closer fit to do that i'm going to use a shape binder and i'll show you the reasons why in a moment let's rename this to bottom and this one is bold at the moment so that's an active body so if this one was bold any new sketches will actually go into here if this is not bold just right click toggle active body that'll become bold or double click it we'll create a new sketch now and we want to place this along the xz plane so that's placed in there you can see that in the model we've got the bottom and we've got the sketch that sits there i'm going to use the section view to cross section through this also available from sketch view section so cross section in there and i want to pull in some geometry in here we're going to get into a bit of trouble here because if we try to reference any of this you can see we've got a stop point and that's appearing and if you look down to the bottom the meshes says the object belongs to another body can't link and this is because we're trying to do multi-body modelling but reference the other body and you can't actually do that free cat what you got to do is pull in some geometry from the top into the bottom so from our top body and pull in the geometry into the bottom body there are a number of ways to doing that the best way is to use a shape binder or a substrate binder so let's close this sketch what i'm going to do actually is i'm not going to reference this revolve i'm going to hide that revolve so click on the revolve and press the space bar and come in and show the sketch so this is the revolution of the sketch and we're going to come in select the bottom edge control click this edge and this edge and these are the edges that i'm going to reference now there's a little green icon here called create a substrate binder also available from part design create a sub object shape binder now before i click on it look to the left you see that the bottom body is in bold if i click that now we get the binder added to this binder here let's hide the top body sketch by pressing the spacebar and we've got this edge that's been extracted out if the underlining sketch changes in size this will change as well because it's in the same body as my sketch i can reference it so let's come into that sketch by clicking that you can see we've got this here so this allows me to do the bottom body so we can come in here and start pulling this in as reference geometry i'm going to use this tool here to external geometry and pull this in like so and we know that there's another one here so i can reference this now one thing we've got to think about when doing this is tolerances so i'm going to sketch the bottom body with the tolerance to this let's zoom out a little and we can see where it's going to be revolved around so at this point here let's come in and use the poly line again to look across see the polyline here and i'm going to add the bottom of the body to say about here come up and i'm going to attach to this point come along and come past this point here so past this point tell a bit of space and we've gone over constrained because of this one but we carry on and come up and come across so it's in line and we add our shake so i want this hollow i'm exaggerating the sizes of these and i know it's all gone orange because we're over constrained we've got our water constraints on and we're just all constrained to all those i'm gonna have to sort this line out in a minute so click this redundant constraint and hit delete it's got those there let's come in and make sure that these points are connected which they are click on front and we can start adding some constraints in here so i can see we've got this one here i'm going to use these two and set them some distance away so first of all make sure that we haven't got that line selected make sure we select the points and use a distance and say 0.25 millimeters and the same here so this point and this point it's that height in there that's more 0.25 now set this height 10 mil and take this point and this point and make sure they're in line and then we can just set the depths here so i don't need to constrain this one but i'm going to come down and constrain this one instead it's about two millimeters so we've got that one there if i hit close now you can see we've got that and if i bring back the top body in the revolution press the spacebar you see how that sits in there with some distance away and click on that sketch that bottom sketch there and use the revolve you use the toolbar revolve down and that's revolved around there and i hit okay we can do some finer adjustments perhaps this top is too large or this bottom is is too small let's come into the sketch and just change this one here to go page up 50 millimeters there we go so we've got that there and hit close so we've got that one now so that's all done one thing to remember about this is that we can't come in and say click the top and have a look at it by right click transforming and rotating this up and pulling this away and hitting okay because well this happens we start ripping the model apart with the constraints control said that and control r so what do we do well we've got this clone tool here create a clone also in part design create a clone so if we want to have look at these separately to decide that we rotate them etc but we just make clones of both of these from here so click on the top create the clone it's cloned one of them we can now transform that so that body002 can right click transform move this out the way hit okay and we'll do the same for the body click on that one body and use a clone tool part design correct clone and right click transform and place this out the way like so so now we can do what we want with these we can right click transform we can even model on top of these if we so desire and move that up and we can see if i hit okay everything's fine and we can look inside that and see in there so to do the same with something that will say an oval or a different shape then we can't use a revolve because that's for circular objects we have to take a different approach and that's where the suite comes in handy with the part design again create a new document and create a new body and a new sketch i'm going to place it along the xy plane and hit ok now if i just sketch the top of this container or this box we'll see that we can't use the profiles for revolutions if i was doing something like this so i've got two arcs and i've got something like this and that's tangent to there to done that i need potentially after i just hit ctrl z then and we'll place another one say from here to here and curve this outwards i'm going to use the tangency now and use the tangency against these two okay that and these two okay that and tend to see against these okay that and these okay hit escape and we'll bring this out a bit something like that and use the trim tool and i'm going to trim away this arc and this arc so i've got this shape here if i hit close you can see that well we can't make a profile of this to allow us to use the revolve tool this one here so what do we do will we drop into a sweep or an additive pipe workflow let's take it from the front and first of all click on that sketch and create a pad of around two millimeters to make the bottom i'm now going to create a profile on this notice i haven't constrained this down but we're just going for speed for this one just show you how you would do this i'm going to make sure that i've got nothing selected and i'll create a sketch and what i'm doing is creating a sketch basically along this plane and i'm going to place a sketch along here on these sides here so the x said plane and we'll use the section view so we can see through that and we haven't got a seam so i'm just going to take the top line the import the input geometry tool that top line there that brings that line in there and now i can start adding the profile we can use the polyline and we'll add some kind of profile in here something like this it's really bringing around to the front so i can see what i'm doing and we'll come down connect up to this point and this point here redundant constraints click select and delete matter of fact i'm going to leave that like that to make it a bit more interesting i said close and you'll fully constrain that but this is just to get an idea of what we're doing and we'll take that sketch use the additive pipe and then add edges so i'm going to click on this edge you can see them adding add edge this edge and we just keep on going around adding the edges as we go so as then the added face let's remove that and edge and we can see how they're going to be added in there so create the bottom there that's hit okay and now we've got that running all the way around there so we're getting a much more interesting shape that we can use and to do the top well that's rename that body to bottom and we'll create a new body rename that top body let's hide that bottom body a minute so we can see what's in there and come into the sketch in the additive pipe and press the spacebar so that well we need to actually show that body to hide to actually see the sketch and click on the additive part and hide it that's it because if i hide that body that's going to hide that sketch in there as well so we've got this profile i need to create the reverse of this to sweep around this way for that the top body is our active body we can see that in bold and this is important because i need to reference this sketch inside here because if i try to create a sketch in here and what i want to do is place this along the xz plane then if i try to import this geometry to make the top it's not going to allow me to do that so come out and use the shape binder against there so i'm in the part design and we click on that sketch this sketch is our profile and this sketch in our bottom body is the sketch that we want to bind to so come back to part design and create a substrate binder that'll place it in the top body so it's sitting there in the same space that we can actually reference let's double click on that sketch that we was trying to reference that from now if i try to import the geometry here we're going to still have problems so if i click on the import geometry tool you can hear it's having problems there and that's because one need to click once and basically get the mouse pointer back before i come into the model see the sketch here press the spacebar that's hidden that sketch so that sketch there press the spacebar it's hidden it it's actually sitting on top of there that's the reason why we can't actually select this and now we should be able to pull in the points of this like so and create the top that i'm going to use for this i'm going to pull in the bottom as well so this bottom line the reason being is because i've got match the profile to the bottom and you see the reason in a minute let's click on the polyline and pull in some of this geometry so we want to come in here and come down across and up and come across here and back down again let's go get the mouse pointer back come in and make sure that these two are in line let's bring this across here make sure that's got a vertical constraints on and set some width of 0.25 millimeters and the same for the height 1.25 mil and we'll set the height in here as well 0.25 same for this one 0.25 and we're going to make sure that this point and this one are in line so we've got those in line now so we've got the profile that we want to create the additive pipe around here but we need to path to sweep this around for that i'm going to bring back the additive pipe in the bottom body so you see that there and i'm going to use the shape binder again so i'm looking for an edge so i'm going to take this edge and control click this one this one now i've unselected them just paint so click this one control click this one control click this one using shortcuts to move this i've actually got my finger off the control key as long as i place it back on the control key and click the other edge then we're okay let's use the shape bind for that and what will happen if you look at the top body we've got another binder in there so now i can click the additive pipe press the space bar to hide it and we've got that shape and now we click the sketch in that top body part design additive feature additive pipe that's already selected in there add an edge and start adding edges so add edge again and just follow this edge around and edge and finally add edge and this one so those are all in there hit ok we created the top or the lip for that so we bring back the additive pipe and we can see what that looks like now we've got to close the top to do that i'm going to use not a shape binder but a clone because we have this base so this pad here inside that pad i have a sketch so i'm going to click on that sketch and press the spacebar we can see that sketch there i need to take that sketch and place it on top of here so i need to copy it or i need to clone it that way they will be kept in sync with each other so we've got the sketch selected in the bottom body we don't use the clone from the part design this is for cloning bodies we don't want that this won't help us this will create it in a body and create a new sketch in that body which is no good to us if we come over to the draft workbench you see we've got that grid in that's appeared there we can turn that off by this icon down here we don't need that let's take the sketch in the bottom body cut modifications and click clone we cloned that sketch now and if we click on the sketch press the spacebar we have the clone of the sketch here sitting on the bottom but if you look at the support and the map mode they are deactivated at the moment there's no support and also it sits out the top body it sits outside of it click on the sketch hold down the mouse pointer and drag that into the top body it's now in the top body but it's still sitting on the bottom so now we've got that sketch in there we need to place it so click on the sketch and come into the map mode at the moment it's deactivated so click on that hasn't got a support yet so we're going to select something to attach this to now you might have to play with the faces to get the right attachment but we've got some tools down the bottom here to place it as well so i'm going to select this face here it's round the wrong way so i can come down and rotate this around the x-axis so rotating that round and then we can use the positioning if that's not positioned correctly i've actually picked the right face to place that up on so let's click top and come in and we can do 180 on there and that's selected in there but we've got the in y direction and what in z direction etc if we can't place that so that's placed in there and everything's okay hit okay and now it's just a case selecting that sketch it's now got support it's mapped flat face and come over to the part design and add a pad that's padded now and we'll set the pad something like two millimeters to add the top to that and we hit okay so now we've got a closed case for the shape we've created remember we can change this profile as well to allow for a different shape fit and what i'm going to do is come in and because i can't really move these if i try to move these these will go into error i'm going to use the clone tool to clone the top and the bottom also from part design and create clone this means i can hide the top and the bottom so these two pressing spacebar i've got these here and these are safe to move so i can right click transform and move these up and out of the way so i'm going to move this one down and rotate that one forwards so we can see inside there so that shows you the different shapes you can make with the sweep or the additive pipe sweep is in the part that as if pipe is in the part design in our next video we're going to be looking at surfacing and how we can create curvature with some basic modelling techniques so i hope you're enjoying these videos and i hope to see you next time if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or a coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen for slash min g0 also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at for slash mango jelly solutions any money that's kindly donated will be used to span the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing and i'll see you again soon
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 25,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, freecad 0.19, freecad 19, freecad basics, basic course, fundamentals, learn freecad, freecad beginners, freeCAD 0.20
Id: W-whnGUUQ2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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