Free Lean Six Sigma Full Yellow Belt Training By Amitabh Saxena

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okay so welcome to the yellow belt training program and I'm at Cena and before we start very quickly I will introduce myself I'm a chemical engineer and with 31 years of experience in the industry I've consulted lots of companies in banking in manufacturing in healthcare lots of hospitals are our clients and we are a group of 25 massive black holes located around the world and these are all full-time master black belts not part-time master black belts who are full-time working with us and doing lots of projects right from North America to Japan Middle East almost we are very very well known brand in Middle East especially in Saudi Arabia United Emirates Qatar Gulf countries all the Gulf countries Oman we have done lots of good inside we have got good inroads into Philippines and we have gone done lots of projects in the United States as well I'll just introduce you to to to you know to the organization as well and in the first five minutes as the people are joining in maybe I will take you through a brief introduction of the company as well as myself so we have presence worldwide we are into a Lean Six Sigma training for the last 20 around 16 years and personally I have been doing conducting training programs for the last 25 years and we have also a good knowledge of artificial intelligence our PA and as I said that we have trained more than 150,000 professionals around the world especially in lean and Six Sigma we have trained more than 80,000 professionals and that includes 30,000 professionals in the classroom so we have a wide presence across the globe some of the this is some pictures to prove that we have done training for himself in the world so because I am conducting a training I'll show my pictures the trainer's like right now and the trainer and if you choose to join our training program definitely I will be your trainer for green belt and black but it's - so this is a mumbai program a bangalore program this is actually this has got a very emotional appeal to me because this fragra which you see on the left is the first batch ever conducted in whole of Middle East as a black belt training so that was for a hospital we did on the right you see Novartis so it's the land attending our training program and we have got as I said a worldwide trainings conducted we have in UAE even in China we have done training perhaps five years ago in China four five four years back this was a picture where we clicked it for a photograph for a hospital when we did the yellow belt green belt black belt master black belt training and also see pH few trainings which we also conduct we also do project management trainings this is in Denmark we have a actually head office in a dead map so this is program in musk in Denmark Novartis in Denmark and again pepsi in a us and even coke both are our clients although they don't talk to each other but definitely both of them are clients we have won lots of awards in various countries around the globe and appeared on TV programmes those who are from India can recognize this is who's a very popular TV show host and he was a Bollywood actor and he's all connects relating everyone on achieving the right now yellow belt anything and this was a see business show and I have been a regular speaker in American society of qualities world conferences for the last five years and this was one of her on 21st of May 2019 I'm going to speak in American Society of qualities world conference in Fort Worth Texas I'm going to talk about how one of the fields and artificial intelligence robotic process automation on our behave can be used to support process improvement initiatives along with lean and Six Sigma we will see how this combination leads to improve productivity through quality and reduced costs using a case study from a bank I will share a roadmap to leverage the capabilities of existing quality programs like Six Sigma with RBA to produce better results so see you there on a 21st of May in Fort Worth Texas so for the last five years we have been speaking in this year also I was scheduled to speak but unfortunately due to the current scenario you know it did not happen but yeah I'm speaking to everyone I think I've seen to a wider audience now that's a better better way of looking at the things so I hope now we have got enough information throughout me so and you have got enough trust that I can teach a little bit of lean and Six Sigma so well today what we are going to do is we are going to learn what green belts and black belts too so as a yellow belt see a yellow belt training is just a little bit of awareness of the tools and techniques used by black belts now how we are going to do this training is I will show you of course I'll introduce you to some basic concepts of lean and Six Sigma after that I will show you a project maybe one project or say two projects if possible and after that I will even if if there is time I will even show you some of the calculations which we do when we do something called as Minitab analysis so Minitab analysis is very much used by the industry when you are doing the database to oriented decisions you are making a data-based oriented decisions I'm assuming that you don't have any exposure to lean and Six Sigma there's my assumption and I am assuming that you don't have any exposure to even any any statistical analysis any any tools or techniques used in statistical analysis and based on that assumption I will be making my presentation so let us see what is Six Sigma so Lean Six Sigma can do all these things for you it can reduce your costs it can reduce your errors defects in certain cases it can reduce the defection errors up to fifty percent to 90 percent even sometimes even hundred percent of course such instances are very few but we have seen this happening in many companies and many projects we also reduce wastes typically the eight wastes very famous eight wastes if you have got a little bit of exposure to lean then we talked about eight waste and after of course I'll be introducing you to those eight wastes today then rework anything which is not done right the first time is known as rework so any rework which is not leading to any productive unit which goes to the customer if any anything which is not producing any value if you are not doing something right the first time it is known as the waste and one of the biggest wastes in on any organization is a rework so rework is also one of the things which drastically reduces if you implement lean and Six Sigma it also reduces the cycle times in your processes and it also improves the quality production efficiency productivity customer satisfaction capacity of your organization productivity and capacity if they are increased of course management is happy the owners are happy shareholders are happy and everyone is of course happy customers are happy so lean and Six Sigma actually we can say that it makes everyone's life happy happier and and which CEO will not like to have all of those Lean Six Sigma is able to deliver whatever CEO watts most of the cases lean and Six Sigma how it is implemented of course I like to take you through the whole roadmap as well but most of the cases and in fact 99% of the cases the best application of Lean Six Sigma is through project approach project approach means you choose improvement projects instead of telling that I would like to improve the productivity I would like to increase the customer satisfaction we convert whatever the problems the CEO or the organization is facing we convert these problems into projects the definition of a project is it has a starting point and it has an end point it stops after some time it doesn't exist after some time the brief definition for project is it has a starting point and end point so we convert all the goals of the organizations to projects and we complete these projects in three to six months typically Greeneville projects are completed in three months on an average and blackbelt projects are usually take around five to six months now who are these green belts or black belts so let us talk about it before I talk about it let us show a little bit of work which we have done of course we have done work around the world but I see that a lot of people are from right now attending from Middle East I see a loss number of people attending from Middle East so maybe I'll give some one or two examples from Middle East and I see some people from us as well so if time permits I will talk about some project from us as well and of course we have Philippines or concentric recently I just was in not recently like three four months back I was in concentrates in Philippines so anyway I will try to cover as much as possible as much of examples as I can this is one of the things which is one of the projects is one of the implementations and these three four implementations which I am just taking you through in the next five to ten minutes will show you how a typical Lean Six Sigma implementation looks like so this was a company so mostly into transportation and they over the period of ten years it's not that it's a one-time minutes of course lean and Six Sigma is always talking about implementing the improvements so some of the projects which we have taken are listed here of course I am NOT going to read out those projects I just have a quick view like reduce aging of outstandings from four months to two point five months which increase the cash flow by two million u.s. dollars the thing is all the projects mostly have a cost impact a positive impact on the organization and it impacts the balance sheet of the organization and usually the organization's like its then we have got Bank Muscat one of the well-known banks in Oman there also or the period of two to three years we implemented 40 projects and that Bank which was one of the top five banks in 2011 became number one bank by 2014 of course I'm not saying that it all only happened just to six sigma but of course sigma was our main contributing factor as acknowledged by the senior management that helped them to achieve so this is one of the production headed then we have got alpha time group it's a very large group in a Middle East most of you might be knowing so I think and of course when we conduct the programs now nowadays we have invented lots of new techniques to make a little bit of the program interesting online as well but when you use fear so to classroom programs as possible 31 we completed we started with that champions training another project for an oil company and maybe I will just talk about it maybe over rather let the media talk about it seven days to less than three days by doing so they would increase their production capability without investing in additional equipment Amitabh Saxena from a nexus consulting and one second of May in American Society of qualities world conference I am going to talk about how around 50 people of different nationalities came together to solve a problem which was considered to be very very difficult in our journey we used lots of lean and Six Sigma tools and techniques including the change management methodologies and advanced statistical tools in our 10 years of existence our company has completed many projects but this project still stands tall amongst all of them just like Burj Khalifa so see you there on 2nd of May in Charlotte in USA ok that was three years back and of course lost ministers the Health Minister of India healthiness of Saudi Arabia health minister of Vietnam and in Philippines they have attended our training programs national healthcare service in UK they have been our clients we have tons of projects there and Health Minister so I think we have given you information and about us as well as also how little idea you have got now I will take you through some of the tools and techniques which we use so best way to learn this would be we will I will just [Music] you you briefly talk about what is lien and what is Six Sigma lien is about now of course is a very lengthy topic and there we take around three days to explain this three days of both lean and Six Sigma Greene will program comprises of all the tools in techniques in detail but very briefly I'd like to tell you that lien talks about map the process we call it gamba investigation gamba means go to the feet go to the field Toyota initiated this Toyota says that when you want to improve any process first you should go where the action is we call its gabba gabba investigation would involve going to the workplace and mapping the process as is look at the way things are happening and map them take a list of all the actions all the activities being a certain place and after that evaluate each activity whether it is value-added or not where you add it an activity is value-added only if it is bringing that input closer to the output or it is being done right the first time or if the customer is willing to pay for it now if it is not being done right the first time that means you re working on it it becomes a non value-added activity we call it as waste so there are typically eight wastes identified here the lean lean circle given by Toyota has seven wastes it waste has been introduced which is known as intellect waste of intellect so maybe maybe I'll begin with that waste of intelligence means any intellect in the organization being wasted and that happens a lot you see most of the time of lot of senior people goes into answering some routine emails that is waste of intelligence lot of meetings take place which attended by so many people who may not be needed in the meeting that is again wasting the intelligence of the organization a lot of ideas are generated but they aren't from them implemented that is again a waste of intellect over production producing more than required is a waste waiting any waiting time is a waste so you will see that when you see a cycle time of a particular process like say procurement process if it takes 20 days to complete a procurement out of these 20 days you will see usually only few hours or maybe 1 or 2 days is the value-added type the rest of the time is just waiting we are waiting for another person to approve approval is one of the biggest waste in the organization's so that is waiting then we have transportation transportations of one of the biggest waste and covert xix situation has proven that today we see a lot of activities in the world can take place without transportation so at least the situation has exposed a big waste one of the 8 wastes called transportation which was prevalent in all the all around the world around us and we are not realizing it going to office is one of the transportation waste USA over processing or processing means delivering something to the customer which he is not asked for over something like polishing like we call it's gold plating as well inventory inventory means anything which you don't use the money stuck in that inventory which is a waste rework and rejection defects errors all are waste so underutilized resources is also always so this if you identify the waste in your system and try to reduce that waste in the system that typically a very short I would say is lean approach in the Six Sigma approach we look at reduction of variation in the process so most of the time our quality is affected adverse due to the variation in the process if you have less variation in the process the predictability of the process improves suppose you buy McDonald's now we have got people from all around the world attending this training program and if you let's take an example of such a McDonald's now McDonald's you go to New York or to Tokyo or to Sydney or Tori in Riyadh or Mumbai or Bangalore or Karachi or let's say Dubai the variation in the products of McDonald's is very very less means you know the burger which is which you get in different cities is almost the same means I'm talking almost same so if you are in Africa some country in Africa and you are looking for something to eat and you have two options one some unknown the restaurant which may be good but you don't know much about it and there is mac donnell so you will typically go to McDonald's because you can predict predictability of the outcome of the process that is the product of macros you are it's pretty predictable you know that you know what it would be so that is why reducing the variation is very very important when you are implementing lean and Six Sigma you focus on processes as Deming used to say that 85% of the problems in the process are due to the eighty-five percent of the problems in your organization's are due to the processes not due to people so people only contribute 15% of the problems in your organization 85% is contributed by the processes or defects in your processes so he said focus on processes if you focus on processes obviously your output will be perfect and you don't even have to check or inspect because checking on inspection is also a waste if you are but almost producing 100% quality you would not be checking could not be inspecting a Toyota has reduced lot of inspection - it has reduced a lot of warehousing warehouses and in that that means they have reduced the work-in-progress inventory and inventory in general and save lots of costs and reduce the price of their cars similarly by reducing the variation in most of the organizations which are well known for their high-class products you will see that there's very less variation so how is variation in a scene so I'll take you let me show my whiteboard so let us learn a little bit about variation any activity any repetitive activity follows normal distribution mr. gauze he found this gauze found it that any repetitive activity follows normal distribution it is known as normal distribution because it is normal to obtain a normal distribution and he also found that it has got an average and it has got we call it mean or average and it has got a measure of variation which is known as standard deviation yeah standard deviation so let us take an example of your travelling time to your office go on are these days you would say definitely when you were traveling to office and I'm sure after few months you will be traveling to office again so when you are traveling to office on an average so let me take 10 or 20 samples let's say you take one day 26 minutes 27 minutes 32 minutes 33 minutes 35 minutes 24 minutes and so on so forth your process will definitely have an average let's say it is 25 minutes or in given this state I would say it's 30 minutes and standard deviation let us say that we calculate as five minutes now it's very easy to calculate standard deviation the calculation of standard deviation right now it's not in the scope of our discussion as of now but it's very easy to calculate standard deviation using Excel or even using Minitab but in our training programs we also say clear and green but luckily we also teach you how to derive the formula for standard deviation but anyway we'll park it for the time being let us understand the applications that is more important from a levels perspective so I found that I collected the data and I found that have got 30 minutes as an average and standard deviation is 5 minutes so I can apply gaussian theorem he says that every process follows normal distribution and this curve this probability distribution curve goes on it never touches the x-axis or rather he says calls as said X's okay never touches that but it appears to touch at approximately 3 times the standard deviation and minus 3 times the standard deviation so for example if my X bar or mean is 30 minutes it will be once one standard deviation two standard deviation here I have minus one times standard deviation minus 2 times standard deviation and then minus 3 times standard deviation so if I were to calculate this this would be 30 this will be 35 because Sigma is 5 standard deviation is 5 right now and then we have 40 here and then we have 45 here and here I have 30 and 25 and 20 and 15 so now we have 99 percents as well version theorem he says 99 percent of the population and talking about the population or the sample now sample this is the sample but why I am collecting the sample to make a prediction about the parameter of the population so to predict the parameter of the population I can predict here I'm predicting the traveling time all the travels during the whole year when I go from my home to office it will take not less than 15 minutes and not more than 45 minutes 99 personal time of course sometimes it would be once or twice it might be but it will be 99% side it will be bidden 15 to 45 minutes we call this as lower control limit and upper control limit LCL and you see a lower control limit and upper control limit for those who are getting introduced to this concept for the first time I'll just repeat every process follows normal distribution and mr. gauss found that in eighteenth century that you know every process has got an average and something called a standard deviation and now don't worry about seventy nation television it can be easily calculated very easily in a few seconds if time permits i think i should be able to show you after half an hour or so how to calculate it and once you calculate it you can predict about 99% of the population I'm talking about the pop all the products produced by you all the patients seen by your hospital all the transactions done by your bank all the trips taken by your transportation company any industry all the polls done by your call center everything can be predicted with 30 samples just 30 samples you will be able to predict about one hundred thousand two hundred thousand 1 million and 5 million units of your population so there is the power of a Gaussian curve normal distribution curve and we use it to our advantage of course now if I want to if I just give you a little bit I hope you are still with me I although it may go a little technical but of course I will be you know talking about a very simple project as well it will show you the that the project what I'm going to show you this take you through all the phases of Six Sigma project but I'm just going to take introducing you to a very very basic as used in lean and Six Sigma and so my purpose is to reduce the variation now if I were just this is the as if I if you still remember average is 30 standard deviation is 5 so I predicted that is 30 35 40 and 45 theurgy 25 20 and 15 and those who know a little bit about normal distribution curve they may also know that plus/minus to type standard deviation has 95% of the total population okay so that means 90% of 95% of the time I take between 20 to 40 minutes now coming back to this now here if I am looking at LCL at UCL or I'll just go to the next page so what is my lower control limit and upper control limit I am taking 15 minutes to 45 minutes this is 30 minutes so you will see everyday you will travel sometimes 35 minutes sometimes 29 minutes so your process will have this random variation this is how your travel time will look like now I asked you during your normal course of travels yesterday you took 25 minutes today you are taking 32 minutes why what is the reason of this variation you will say well and let me give a technical answer you will DAW of cause and effect diagram we call its cause and effect diagram also known as fishbone diagram because it looks like a fishbone means variation in travel time travel time variation this is my problem isn't it I am trying to reduce the variation travel time variation is due to it can be the route I take it can be maybe the weather it can be traffic it can be let's say my mood mood yeah it can be the car at the vehicle I use and so on and so forth I know you can make a better cause on your diagram that means but the idea is that you can easily find some causes so if I ask you yesterday you took 25 minutes and today 32 minutes you will tell me it is due to common cause variation all the factors these are the factors which are acting on my system and producing this variation between 50 to 45 minutes this is my natural variation of my process I cannot assign a cause to it yeah so we call this as Y this I call it as Y and this all these factors which are causes I call them as X the factors that's the excess excess and we say Y is function of X Y the output what is the output travel time travel time is output time taken to travel is the output of the route I use my mood car the starting time of course what time I wake up I wake up time traffic on the road whether it's a tractor so many extractors are producing they are commonly acting on my system and producing this variation within 15 to 45 minutes and if suppose you take one day 60 minutes I would say if I ask you why 60 minutes you not tell me that oh so many factors are acting on the system introducing this variation you will give me one reason you'll say oh there was too much of traffic on the road maybe there was an accident of the road or something and you will assign a reason so when every process has got a lower control limit and upper control limit how will I know it I will collect the data from the process and I'll see at what levels the process is operating and based on that I will take make my lower control limits and upper control limits and I will say it's natural to its predictable for the process to take 15 to 45 minutes 99% of the time but very highly to go above or below that if I go about I say I've got out of control even below also like if I take ten minutes there's no some special thing maybe it's early Saturday morning and I just went to office you know early morning four o'clock so that was special cause there's not my usual time so this is how you differentiate in common cause in special cause now a statistician a green belt on a black belt how he manages the process when the process is operating between 30 so usually what happens in normal cases the managers they always panic let's say this is the sales let's say this is sales of an organization let's say $15,000 so let's say 50 million dollars let's say 15 a thousand and so weekly sales of a foreign organization as fifteen thousand to forty five a thousand dollars a sales manager if he said if he sees this week last week was twenty this week is a stratified he not been happy he'll say it's natural variation last week it was let's say 40 and it goes down to 35 yield not panic he'll not hold an emergency meeting what happened forty reduce to 35 if he does like that's what happens in the organization isn't it 35 reduces to 30 who what happened something wrong with our process with the people suddenly again it goes to 25 Oh last last week it was 40 we celebrated we also celebrated in the cafeteria we achieved one of the best weeks in the last 3-4 months we celebrated in the cafeteria and now since the time we celebrated it has gone to 30 25 20 now it's time to take action and there's an emergency meeting and then there is an importance of what a sales and revenue for the organization there's a nice lecture whether manager and sales increase to 35 manager feels that is nice talk in that meeting was impactful but no my dear friends even if I had not conducted that meeting still you would have produced sales of 35 because it's natural variation a lot of factors are affecting your sales it's a natural variation of your trusses so don't try to find root causes in the natural variation that is what a green belt and black belt see now that doesn't mean that if usually always feel happy like you know it doesn't mean that till the time you are 15 to 45 K you are sitting you're relaxing and then it goes to 60 you are happy or it goes below that 10 and you know you take an emergency action definitely that that time action needs to be taken but what does this tell you this tells you that today 15 K to 45 k is messes if I want to really improve I should not feel happy with 20 going to 30 no that is not statistically significant change when it breaches this something significant has happened so I would like to have new control limits of my process now this is true for all I am taking an example of sales process it can be true for cycle time let's say cycle time for procurement processes it's 15 days to 45 days I would like to reduce it now this procurement process I would like to reduce it to let's say 5 days to 10 days now if it were sales I would like to increase from now 15 to 45 to 50 to let's say 60 or 70 whatever I want my new control limits and change of control limits will only be delivered by a lean and Six Sigma it will not be delivered by a deep meeting because you are shifting the process you are changing the DNA of your trusts why your process is behaving within 15 to 45 thousand or 15 to 45 days because the way you have structured your policies the way you have trained your people the kind of people are present in the process for other the standard operating procedures the equipment the facilities in your organization today are capable of delivering 15 to 45 but if you want to move from you have to breach the control limits only lean and Six Sigma can help you that also will take three to six months it will not happen immediately and there we follow the Mac define measure analyze improve and control this was given in 1908 1970s by Bill Smith and Michael Harry when they were working in Motorola the CEO wanted to make a huge change in the organization he wanted to change may make five times improvement in five years and he invited suggestions how we can do that the list with the McCleary were too genius they said that you know why don't you implement stats follow quality control and and he was very much interested Bob Galvin the CEO was very much interested in what exactly these guys are doing and he was very much impressed by their work because he found that instead of telling that we will no improve the productivity like improving the productivity is I can again call it as say a statement boiling the ocean statement you know increasing the sales that these are generic statements but what Bill Smith and Michael Harry were doing they were taking improvement projects instead of saying I will improve the productivity of Motorola they would say production my line number 30 or production line number 17 the downtime of pumps is 16 hours per week and B would reduce the 16 hours per week to two hours per week in the next three months and they would take up a project they would reduce the downtime of the pumps which definitely would improve the productivity so Bob the element was very happy with these two gentlemen they said he said how many projects you have done they said we have done three to four projects in the last one or two years he said no I want 500 projects to be done in the next five years and then they came out with this methodology which I was referring to as Six Sigma so Six Sigma is the methodology which is used by the organizations now let me show you a Six Sigma project and what what do you mean by define measure analyze improve and control so let me take you through that as well so I will show you one project I will show you one project done by and I hope that you are seeing something called business excellence project recruitment cycle time on your screen and my team can keep telling me I'm an touched with my team in case something else is appearing so they can tell me so yes good so the business excellence classic recruitment and there's an engineering company so they are making lots of engineering structures for oil company and they have chosen a very simple project a simple process of recruitment cycle time because every one of us understands recruitment so I've just chosen one of the simple process so when you want to improve something when you want to improve something you come convert this into a project so we follow different steps which we call it define measure analyze improve and control we say d-mac define measure analyze improve and control I have even a presentation which shows the different phase as well and I'll just take you through that if you want me to write down these steps although they are written down here but if I want I'll just quickly write it for you on the whiteboard so you follow you follow define measure so you define the problem create a team measure how are you performing or how rather how badly are you performed and then analyze why you are performing like that root cause basically in the analysis you get the root cause so you collect the data here you collect the data here you define the problem and goal and of course a team and then analyze phase you get the root causes there is there are various ways of getting to root cause I will show you some of the and introduce you to some of the tools as I show you the project and then analyze and then you have improve you generate ideas suggestions and then control control means you would like to hold the gains means when you improve something you'd like this improvement to last for months and years it should become a part of your DNA of your company the end of your bank DNA of your hospital it should be part issue you people should not go back to their original state so that is holding the gain sustaining the improvement how to do that we will see some of the tools and techniques I will show you maybe if time permits to projects the one from engineering company went from let's say hospital and then I will take a little bit of analysis I'll take you through analysis of some of the projects as much as possible I would like to you know give you as much as possible although then the analysis part is not part of the yellow belt but definitely I'd like to show you some of the analysis that my green bears of like words and I will demonstrate it to you right now in front of you so let us go back to the project and I'm going to show you the project which is recruitment cycle time reduction for an organization so in the define phase the former team the former team we have a champion or the process owners champion of the process is the head of the department here is the chair the champion or the sponsor would be the recruitment head or the HR HR director process owner is the owner of the process here the cross of owner would be recruitment manager and the people who are doing the projects the Korean person dragon sour cream balls of black balls are the people who are when they are doing a project they are knowing the tools and techniques they may not be knowing the process they even may not the process owner tells everything about the process give access to the process through the screen person that go so green balls and black balls are the people and even yellow belts in this case are the people who know the tools and techniques to improve any process in any industries it was named as green belt black built by Bill Smith and Michael Harry the co erected architects of Six Sigma at Motorola because they wanted to say that like a green barrel or a black belt karate like that you know he can fight any any enemy any type of any kind of enemy so like similarly quality black belts are those girls or girls who fight who can fight any quality problem in any industry so when you are a green belt or a black belt certified you can deal with any problem in any industry it is not as industry specific although we conduct as a company and I also conduct lots of tree specific to the domains like we just finished yesterday Lean Six Sigma training program for hospitals dedicate to the hospital another one was recently for a bank I again for Siemens the the engineering company electrical engineering company coke etc you know you have different but the tools and techniques have remained the same musk the shipping company again the tools and techniques remain the same so the we form a team and then we do something called as Sybok supplier input process output in customer remember Deming he said problems are in the processes not in the people so when there is a problem we have a table typically we start draining the people or people are lazy if you know you have to look at for the process so first is you draw a Sybok supplier input process output of customers processes basic five to six steps as is process Maps today how the things are taking place just map in just five steps five to six steps don't go into the detail it will happen in analyze phase we will do go for the full process mapping and again by investigation later but not now in process step first step second very 50,000 feet view of the process when you travel in in the airplane you know you look at the city I remember gone are the days of travels haired fellows but soon the days will again come so when you are the aeroplane and at 50,000 feet and you look at the city you just see four or five roads you don't see the streets so here also it's a 50,000 feet view of your trusts so five six step basic steps and the outputs what is the output and who are the customers who are your customers in this case customers are the department's they write discipline departments output is the new employee the recruited employee is the output and process and the inputs what are they enhance the CV is budget etc these are the inputs to Madras and the suppliers to what are the works of cash now these suppliers to inputs process output and customer if time permits I will show you one hospital project also but I think I would rather give you more and more tools rather than showing DMACC projects because the typical d'emic projects look almost same as mini projects if you see one or two projects you will see okay I know I can predict nor what does the next tool you are going to use so so this is a Sybok supplier input process outcome customer and your problem is always the customer has an issue in the output so all your problems in your organization's can be defined as something customer is unhappy about in your output now whatever is unhappy about you have to find out you have to collect myself customers you ask the customer sir how do you feel about my recruitment they went to the department sir how do you feel about recruitment process and of course the department says oh no I we we hate you we don't like you you are always stealing now we are converting this into measurable something measurable we call it as ctq critical to quality or in in general in general sometimes people also call this KPI but we in Six Sigma we call it clean and 6 you may call it cgq critical to quality characteristics so we convert whatever the customer speaks in English or in any language we convert it to statistic into measurable characteristic because a green belt and black belt they always understand only mathematics status 6 theta and theta we trust sorry in god we trust' that mean you say the in god we trust' rest others bring theta so here also we convert everything whatever the customer wants into measurable characters and a green belt on black belt believes the three things first everything first is you cannot improve if you cannot measure you cannot improve if you cannot measure and the second rule is you can measure everything and the third rule is if you if you think something cannot be measured go back to rule number two that means you can measure everything or actually the third rule is if you think that something cannot be measured probably it is attribute data or qualitative data so let me explain that to you although that is not part of our global but let me explain we have still good time so let me explain that to you there are two types of data I'll take you through this project I'll continue with that but I'll just explain the two types of data and then and you will be able to understand this little bit better if I understand the two types of data so here there are two types of data in the world and there are only two types there is nothing no no third type so the two types of data are continuous and attribute continuous and attribute attribute it has got different names I'm not going to the like is what's known as variable data continuously does also known as quantitative data etc attribute it is also known as qualitative data but quickly continuous data I'm sorry for the handwriting I am still getting used to this whiteboard again online trainings you know new new things in the industry so continuous data I'm really missing my classroom sessions but now I feel as if you know I am sitting in front of you so there's no there's no difference so continuous data like height height 173 point one centimeters weight you 78.3 kgs cycle time time taken to complete an activity let's say procurement activity twelve point three days so if you see some similarities it has a unit and it also has a possibility of a decimal points that means it is on a continuous scale it can be expressed on a continuous scale this is continuous data has a unit has a decimal point an attribute data are those with a tribute those data qualitative which you think you cannot measure always you feel oh I cannot measure happiness so how to do that how to measure so here attribute data you will always have categories categories and you can always you'll have also count and then you will have proportions so let's say happy someone says I cannot measure happiness why not put happiness here whatever you think you cannot measure put it there create categories simple simplest categories binary in nature presence or absence of that particular attribute let's say happy not happy I can say that happy not happy I could have said very happy less happy maybe I'm having all that let's keep it simple happy and let's say I want to look at the customers I take 100 customers 70 were happy 30 were not happy so proportion is 0.7 and 0.3 now I cannot have 70.3 customers unhappy I cannot have so it will never have a decimal point it will never count it is also it will be discrete in nature attributed I will be always nature does discrete data sometimes people also call it discrete it although even continuous data get me to Steve Taylor so we generally don't call that but sometimes in some of the books you will find that attribute is referred to as discrete data so 70kg you cannot have seventy point one customer or there is no you in it and even if you think that there is a decimal here it's a proportion it's not it's not with a unit it's just a proportions salacious you know so it is not so one major difference between continuous and attribute now why you have to remember as a green belt in a black belt when you learn the analysis you'll find the tools which you are going to select to analyze your data is going to get affected by the type of data so when you have continuous data you will you can make histograms like you know you'll have you can have normal distribution curves we here at happiness another example let us say some other example of attribute data let's take an example let's say customer satisfaction customer satisfaction so I have got very very happy customer or I'm trying to okay neutral customer and then I have got okay let me I hope I am you are seeing my whiteboard I am assuming that you are seeing my whiteboard I hope you're seeing a whiteboard I think I'm just my team can you confirm that you are seeing my whiteboard yes okay so here yes they say is so now this is unhappy customer so I have very happy happy neutral unhappy and very unhappy so in one hundred customers let's say 50 are very very happy 20 are happy 10 are neutral and 78 seats of 15 are unhappy and fiber extremely unhappy yeah so this way I can count know here this height and weight and everything I can present in normal distribution here I cannot make normal distribution here it follows some other discussion which is out of scope of our discussion right now like if it is binary nature we have minor if I no means any way but let's say for simple as a simple understanding here I will have to make a bar chart happy not happy like happy 70 happy not happy 30 or I can make a pie chart yeah so the tool used to display our data depends on the type of data we call it as descriptive what I showed you was the descriptive stats is descriptive statistics means I'm display I'm telling you how my process looks like today how are the heights distributed in my you know in my organization that's how the weight of the people from employees are you know in my organization how the time taken to complete an activity an organization all the thing can be I can express this as a histogram or a normal distribution curve but when I say how many are happy and happy I will have to use a bar chart okay now I think you understood the end off of course when I go to the analyze phase it will also you know in the measure phase we collect the data and display that what is the average time but I would like to know is my average time related to another factor it's my average time taken is related to the let's say weights just average time taken to complete an activity in my organization in your organization is it related to the weight of the individual yeah so in that case we say inferential statistics we call it as inferential assists is the customer satisfaction in my organization related to the time I can also have established relationship between customer satisfaction with time taken more time I think maybe is less satisfied less time I take these four satisfied or that happiness related to the height so I can try to correlate each and every factor when I am correlating we call it's inferential statistics and also the tools which I will be using when I'm doing inferential statistics we know we have one factor we call it X and one factor Y Y is the output which we are trying to improve which I am trying to let's say I am trying to reduce the cycle time that becomes the Y and this cycle time is getting in fact like this is a cycle time and it is getting affected by the training provided yeah how much training I provide training hours let's say so this is known as X Factor this is the Y so I want to establish the relationship between the two and I will use an appropriate graph for that for example when both Y and X are continuous training hours is continuous data I hope now we understand and cycle time is also continuous data so it will be something like here at cycle time and training hours if I plot this on a scatter plot I can say there is a relationship more training I provide less there is the cycle time now the cycle time may also be impacted by let us say whether the person is happy or not let's say yeah if I go to back to cycle time I let me make its cycle time is it affected by happiness of the employee now happiness is attribute data and cycle time is continuous data I cannot use I cannot use scatter plot we call this as a scatter plot okay so here cycle time and this is X Factor it is not continuous it is a tribute happy not happy is it related to happiness of my team I'm here I cannot produce a chart like this because now I'm restricted only to categories and then I say when the employees are happy these are the cycle times produced by them and these are the cycle types produced by them and we we call this as a boxplot you call this a boss plot okay so this is the distribution I would say yes it appears when the employees are not happy they take more time I will say happiness is affecting my cycle time I am trying to have a relationship between happiness so it is also a root cause but suppose suppose this was the case suppose this was the case employees are happy or not happy they are taking almost the same time oh then I'll say Oh happiness is not the root cause happiness has nothing to do with the cycles I don't worry about happiness look for some under costs so this is known as root cause analysis and understanding is the reason I told you understanding of types of data is important because only the type of data will indicate what and how you are going to which-which how we are going to analyze and which tool you will be using to analyze okay so with on that note I let me come back to my the project which I was sharing with you because you have learned a lot now and let me you will understand the project little bit better so going back to the prior we did a sidewalk we asked the customers how do you feel about our output customer says oh it takes too long of course I'm not going to describe the whole project the idea is to show you the flow of the project okay so we connected the voice of customer and we transfer we convert that them into CTQ critical to quality means measurable characteristics what is the CTQ we are trying to grow cycle time of our recruitment recruitment cycle time is the city queue here and then I write a project charter where I have a problem statement I would say and we are in defined phase right now we are in the define phase so I'll write a problem statement that today it is exceeding 60 days and I would like to have at least 70 to 80% of my recruitments within 60 days so I'm trying to reduce and by when so he have listed down so a SMART goal by 31st July I would reduce the cycle time of recruitment which is right now more than 60 days to less than 60 days at least 80 70 to 85 percent of the recruitments will happen within that and then of course I mentioned the scope of the projects etc and if I do this project what is the financial gains or benefits to the organization I mentioned that that completes my defined phase then comes data I collect the data I collect the data and then because the data is continuous data here I can make a histogram and also I define add effects in add in this case I define a defect the effect is any recruitment taking more than 60 days is a defect so I had 27 defects out of 47 I convert this into a sigma level I'll show you of course the discussion of Sigma level calculation is not in the scope of our yellow berry discussion so but this is the cycle time can be displayed in histogram and using some formula we use DPM or defects per million opportunities I convert this into a Sigma level so typically a 6 Sigma process would mean it is you are producing only three defects in 1 million opportunities so higher the Sigma level lesser Rd defects better is the quality so here we found that we are producing around 62% defects 627,000 defects per million opportunities 62% defects 6 to 2% of the recruitment side going PR in 60 days so I am going to convert this to Sigma level there is a process we use to convert it and I get one point one four I am at one point four run for right now then I go to the analyze phase in the analyze phase I've madly process give my investigation go to the field go look at how the recruitment process is taking place you listen on all the steps in detail and then you starting evaluating can I combine these two steps if we call it s cap analysis ESC ap eliminate combine automate parallel eliminate specify combine automated parallel s cap technique so we do that each and every step is subjected to escape like first step can I had a minute it mmm yes we why are we doing that well we don't know ten years back this process of design maybe 30 years ago someone designed this process now the person didn't know that we have a watch set today the person who designed your process just eight years back doesn't know that you have a watch set today so he has mentioned some some steps which are unnecessary today like sending a fax it's not required today you know organization still have fax machines what do you believe in today's you know having any document can be sent to anyone in just two clicks I can send you a file in just a few seconds everywhere and there you still have a fax machine there so something lots of things like these fax machines are there processes so you're just following them blindly so eliminate can have a minute of course this in a minute oh I cannot tell a minute maybe I can simplify I cannot simplify maybe I can automate I can combine the two steps so you do this as analysis and then you come out with a beautiful new process with a reduced cycle type so that's what they did another method they follow was cause and effect diagram they they invited all the people who understand or who are part of the recruitment or who partially you know sometimes they take part in the recruiting process like even in engineering managers who would conduct interviews well prove the candidates everyone comes together in a room we also sometimes call it as a war room when you run projects you create a war room and there everyone writes all the possible causes on a post-it note so everyone writes whatever comes to their mind that why the recruitment side till the age they write it on the posted notes post it on the wall now here we have got twenty thirty fifty maybe hundreds of the causes I cannot work on them I will apply Pareto principle Pareto 8020 rule vilfredo pareto was an Italian economist who found that 80% of the wealth in Italy was with twenty percent people eighty percent of the wealth in Italy was was with twenty percent people and he called this as 8020 rule then Joseph Juran applied this to quality and he said 80% of a problem like delay in recruitment is due to 20% of your causes so he enlisted twenty causes twenty percent of this 20 is for only four causes are responsible for your 80% of that delays now how to find that you can use different approaches you can use a data I will show you how to use data and Minitab in a short while but here very quickly I'll just tell you they'll use sub technique like you can say voting technique they used voting technique and they asked the people to vote everyone got five votes and then finally they arranged all the courses in the descending order you see top five four are these and then they make a Pareto chart I will show you how to make this parrot or in Minitab very soon I will take an example of a hospital and maybe and then I'll take you through that so this is a Pareto 8020 rule you can see that the first one causes contributing 48 times or 21 percentage percentage wise and 13 percent and 30 percent so first three four causes combined cumulative percentages around 70 to 80 percent and this is these four to five causes are responsible for 80% of your problem so I will focus on them we generate ideas we use different techniques in our green button black built a program we teach you different techniques like 6:35 round-robin 625 is a technique where six people write three ideas in five minutes so everyone gets a paper everything even writes three ideas in five minutes after that you exchange your papers you give your paper to the next person and we see in the paper from the previous person and you have no three ideas written by someone else you look at those ideas read those ideas this will trigger new ideas in the next three minutes again write five eight years and after that no this goes on and on again exchange of paper so after 30 minutes you'll get one zero 808 idea so there are so many techniques which we learn our in our green culture black group training programs as a green belt a black belt they apply these tools and techniques and they generate lots of ideas that's what they generated and I'm not going to describe the ideas because they are specific to that organization but first root cause they came out for some ideas second would cause they came out with some ideas third again though they came out with ideas then they implemented those ideas over a period of two to three months and finally they found that they drastically reduce the recruitment cycle time of course they would not like to go back to regional stage so they put some control systems in place like making a standard operating procedure training the people in the new process and auditing the process every three months for at least one year so that it becomes part of the DNA of your organization so this is a typical d-mac project I just wanted to show it and I think one team a project is good enough for your understanding I have got thousands of them at projects and when you join our green belt level program a little bit of marketing our say but when you join our green building black program you receive around around 80 projects from various industries or from industries of your choice whichever industry belong to so if you belong to our from hospital we have got lots of Hospital real projects you will be receiving and that helps you to really do your own project we also guide you in doing the projects although for certification purpose we are fine if you just do a virtual probably do a virtual project in the classroom everyone all the team members they do a project we give a case study and then we describe like the the one I'm going to show you in a short while so you know we give you the data together we solve that as if we're doing the real project and from industry of your choice we do that and then you can complete the project plus you can complete a real project we want and of course this is part of our green button black but let me now take you through the the one of the data analysis which I was talking about so the data analysis which I was referring to let me show you and I am now taking you through I'm showing you a Minitab Minitab is a statistical software which is used which is used by green belts and black belts and when you attend our Queen route black belt we train you in Minitab we also give you this software the free free software the demo version also we give it to you and you can use it in your projects in any organization even if you're not doing a project you can still analyze your project and by the way I won't take away from this course yellow belt would be that you can at least if you are you may not be doing a project but you can always analyze the project analyze lot of data in your process so let me show you I'm going to show you how to analyze the data and how it is done in Minitab I'm assuming that are you sharing are you seeing my are you seeing my screen which has Minitab I am and I hope you are seeing some excel sheet kind of things yeah Minitab screen is fully visible yes so this is a data from hospital now when let's let's imagine you are a green well and you are sitting in my session right now so we will give you this data and then we will tell you that you know now let us analyze let us do a project so this hospital has a problem they want to reduce the discharge time of the patients you know in a hospital when you are told by the doctor or the physician of course you are ready to go home but surprisingly you'll find you do not leave for home immediately we'll take two hour three or five hours sometimes you know and it affects the of course the bed availability for the next patient and obviously it also does satisfies the patient's so this hospital wants to reduce the discharge cycle time so first in the measure phase I will quickly show you only the analysis part of course you will create a project charter a problem statement goal statement form a team and then so you have a patient so we have data in the measure phase we collected data from 15 patients when I am if you remember I told you if you are a continuous data you will make a histogram so of course right now I'll make it for you but in the class we do it together so baseline discharge time how does it this discharge time looks like in my hospital oh it takes mean 303 minutes a standard deviation of 25 minutes I can predict the control limits of my hospital I can say that Oh maximum 99% of the time you know in our hospital patients will be taking around three and a half hours to let's say around six six and a half hours yeah that's what the conclusion from this is okay so I would like to improve this process and of course I can make a control chart also like if you now you are a little bit aware of all these things I'm just showing it to all all these things here so I'll say that it's the process under control let me see whether the process is under control means it is within the control limits yes it is within the control limits but it is not a good process the control limits are 227 minutes to 379 minutes well I would like to make it better so now what I need to do I really need to work hard I really need to yeah so reasons for delay let us look at reasons for delay so I collected the data I told let's say A to Z nurses who were agreed to help you're a Greenbuild let's say black but you so they they collected the data they said that or let's say before that you made a cause and effect diagram so all the possible causes man related causes man machine material method measurement these are the six areas in the cause and effect diagram the fishbone you have six bones you know Ishikawa who gave us this diagram he told that if you use six areas man-machine material method a measurement as the causes categories of the causes you will be able to play strong lots of causes for your projects so that's what we did we did a brainstorm and we found the stuff not available skills motivation of the employees no equipment or this is this is related to the man then machines you are seeing my and I can see man-machine material method and measurement is highlighted right now okay so let me make a cause and effect diagram quickly on this so I will make a cause and effect diagram and very quickly I'll just put all the data which very quickly and then I see oh I have a cause and effect diagram so these are this is known as a cause and effect diagram and delay in discharge time in my hospital is due to staff are not available all the way to personal staff not available skills motivation material don't stationery etc pharmacy delay discharge summary delayed discharge summary means the physician has to write the discharge summary you know before the patient is discharged so maybe that delays their reporting is not accurate some reports documents they are not accurate maybe that is delaying so so many extractors I have got now all not all of them are responsible so I have to do huh cause an effect diagram sorry Pareto analysis so what I do I ask the nurses can you please collect for the next hundred patients so so assign reason whenever you see a delay assign a reason why the patient was delayed and they assigned reasons a reporting not accurate discharge summary delay etc now when the data is attributes I can do bar chart or Pareto chart so here reasons for delays attribute I hope you still remember so determine what is continuous and attribute data baseline discharge time is continuous data I read a histogram now I have got attribute data this is attribute deterring stands for delay here I cannot do a histogram I have to do any - I did a Pareto and when I do a Pareto you will see that reasons for delay have been counted Minitab counts the reasons for delay and tells you well the reporting not accurate was appearing 27 times the nurses found that reporting inaccuracy was causing the delay staff unavailability was causing lanes these are the factors this is what you feel yeah so now you have got your Pareto chart I will choose top four causes see first two causes are contributing to first is 29% second is 25% so first two together 54 this align this align cumulative length is non-stimulant line is indicating the total first two total is 54 first three total 60s and first four total around 76 so I can consider these first four as the root causes but no I am Greenville I will not even trust the reasons these two persons who have collected the data maybe the nurses have given I will verify it by because before I tell the hospital to act on making the reports accurate or increasing the staff or pharmacy take an action on pharmacy or change the process of pharmacy or discharge somebody delayed to be you know before I am blaming in a way all these causes I need to really very verify how I'm going to verify I will do I'll connect further on analysis so what I will do I will ask for the next 15 patients very carefully whenever you have a delay please write whether the report was accurate so reporting accuracy guide the first admission it was correct staff was available yes it was available Pharmacy to 30 30 minutes 30 minutes to get the medicines discharged somebody delay hundred minutes discharge time 300 minutes okay fine 240 so you have got all the data now for 15 Christians now let me see is my discharge summary time affected by let us say discharge summary dealing writing the physician is delaying the discharge something is it affected both our continuous data if you remember this to date our continuous I told you these numbers continuous I hope still remember I'm assuming that and if you remember then both are continuous data I use scatterplot I use scatterplot so I will use scatterplot scatterplot yes go for it discharge time and discharge just summary delete this just summary delay is it related is my Y and X what is my Y discharge time of the patient what is the X variable which i think is affecting my discharge time writing the discharge summary delaying the discharge summary oh it appears to be related yes there is a positive relation we also can find coefficient of our Pearson correlation but I'm not going to discuss all these things right now we are yellow bells so let us see the basic concepts so yes appeals to delete it now let us say the other one discharge time is it affected by the pharmacy time no pharmacy time is also continuous data I will also do a scatterplot again so lets me do a scatter plot discharge time versus versus pharmacy time okay aha no relation doesn't matter even this pharmacy gives you medicine within 10 minutes or 30 minutes doesn't matter it doesn't impact your discharge time so you will be mistaken if you think that I reduce the pharmacy a time or medicine dispensing time and it will it's going to affect my discharge time sorry it is not the root cause don't waste your time on improving that but focus on this just somebody and then let us say reporting accuracy is it affected by discharge time now if you see reporting accuracy is attributed correct incorrect correct in its category in it does attribute data and the search time is continuous data attribute and continuous if you remember we use box plots I hope you remember if you don't remember I'll show you that screen where I mentioned that and this this that screen if you remember this continuous and continuous scatter plots when continuous an attribute you have boxplot now discharge time versus reporting accuracy is it affecting reporting accuracy affecting I don't know I am a green belt I will not say anything till the time data proves it till the time analysis says so I'm going to keep quiet I'll say I don't know I don't know desertion but I know now from data analysis discharge time is impacted by discharge summary delay that is for sure but not from by pharmacy time but let's see reporting accuracy I will do a boxplot boxplot when I do where you will retire discharge time and categorical data is reporting accuracy let's see oh yes when the reports are correct it takes less time when the reports are infinite takes long time that means reporting accuracy matters let me work on reporting accuracy let me work a little harder on making my reports correct if I do that automatically the discharge time will reduce so let better to work on The X Factor the inputs in the process rather than worrying about the discharge time of the patient if you work on The X Factor if you improve your accuracy x' your discharge time will it use now let us look at the other one the last one that discharge time versus staff availability oh yeah of course staff you know if not available you know it did delays that's what everyone says but we are green bells we are glad bills we will not trust anyone it will not trust your experience will not trust your intuition will not trust your feelings pay trust only theta let the data prove it discharge time and staff availability let us see boxplot again because staff availability is a tribute continuous discharge time so quickly I will do it for staff availability and oh it is almost same staff is available or not available it is the same thing this has still the same so don't saying by improving the increasing the staff I am search time the staff availability is not the root cause of discharge time it may be root cause for something else of course but I'm working on discharge night so I will not make a mistake of recommending more stuff because I know it's a green belt in black belt it is not going to impact my discharge time so now I make a database or data based decision and definitely I will be much better placed in talking about whatever root causes are then I can when I make a suggestion I have very confident please make these changes and really the changes will happen and how many some how much samples are collected just for 50 seconds 50 60 patients now this we tell you in our green black belt session there's something called central limit theorem we show it to you that 30 40 50 samples very Mimi prove it to you using different examples 50 samples are good enough to make a decision about your process that's how you know you can improve your process now let me go back to this thing how do we implement you know how do you implement the Lean Six Sigma in a company in your organization in a hospital in your so let me show you very very quickly so we you select projects and various departments various disciplines and then you assign these projects to green belts in black belts and then green belts can also take some people from their team who are not trained in green belts in fact that they can help that they become yellow belts so yellow belts may not be able to do the analysis but they know they know what is X Factor what is y factor what is data they know what is d-mac they are aware of all these things and they help degree inverse and greenwalls together with black bills and support of master Blackbirds master black bars are people who guide others who like for example as I speak I just complete finished one master black do training for 15 individuals and from various countries and now they are going to run projects in their own company in a lot of people I see from Saudi Arabia I think around more than 150 people from Saudi Arabia so I would say that in many hospitals that quality directors they are trained by me as the master black boots in Denmark I see seven people from Denmark you know about it that in masks we have them good work that was 10 years back and I see some people from concentric Saul so Philippines you know that we have lots of projects in our Centrex as well and then I thanks thanks you know you are the people who have made our stories by the way I have written a book also the annexes story maybe I'll just go and get the book and show it to you aware you know we have told around last 15 years how we have know what how we have made it as a group of green belt black belts and master practice together we have made a huge impact in various industries it's more like you the title of the book is you can there is an entrepreneur in you and everyone and using lean and Six Sigma you can you can on your own you know I initially we can guide you and after some time you know the things on your own you you run the projects you go with confidence to any organization saying that yes I can improve your processes and I can help you help you to improve of course you can't say you can improve you can help the individuals your organization's your the employees of your that other client organizations company to improve the processes that's what you know that's how the straining committee is made quality leaders of the organization they stood together every quarter they look at the Six Sigma implementation how it is being done and this is how you know this infrastructure of Six Sigma looks like the first we created infrastructure we conduct the training then we support the projects and we also do a Champions training this is one of the champions training which one of the European companies that they are playing a game a furious service game you know they have to send the courier from one end to another the people customers are sitting at the corners and then they are going to send career soup each other and first they commit a lot of mistakes take lot of times and year after sometime they start you know they reduce the cycle time of the process as well as the errors they reduce drastically using t-mac approach so it's a one-day time is training which just is so we explain the senior management saying that you know they may not feel agreement they may not be back good but so you can you know get trained and basic tools in technique someone's something similar to yellow belt right now what I'm telling you I'm giving you an overview so as a senior manager you understand what Six Sigma is capable of also you will trust the lean and Six Sigma one important thing people consider it as a fad and say oh it doesn't work people just keep talking about this but see it doesn't work in many cases it depends on how you implement how you get trained what are the applications you are using you know how you're selecting the right projects you should be in the safe hands you should be the right hands when you are implementing lean and Six Sigma it's not a training program which you just download for it from some you know some videos to download and just go through that and think you are agreeing to live like that no it is not like that if that is the case I would have put all my videos you know I would have collected some made some videos and I have put on YouTube and you know we could have money but that's not the right way to do it is to be taught touch to the person like you know in the classroom like the way I am doing like we are doing in Greenville blackbolt we have 25 25 maybe restrict our people to 25 people and individually they can ask questions the person till the time the everyone understand of every topic you know we don't move ahead and it's not restricted by time you know we can increase the time till the time you understand we deliver a project that the training so that's how and this is just a typical three year plan it can be a one-year plan also a Lean Six Sigma implementation in the organization three-year a long term you know you have a better way of impacting the organization also as a green belt if you are just a green blue and black but you could do one project impress your boss that's there's the least thing you can do and yeah so that is what I just wanted on I just so before I take your questions I will just say that well you are all yellow belts right now if time permits I can show some other projects also but I think you have got sufficient information so there are lots of training programs coming up yellow belt green belt available already you have got and we have started it free right now earlier is to charge for that that's free and then we have green belt black bill programs personally conducted by me and you know we talk to each other on video calls and and the together all 25 of us you know they we restrict the group I don't know where there are five minutes people attending this call but in our green building black belt we restrict them to 25 group of 25 and we you know the team teach the people all the tools and techniques to improve any process in any industry yeah so and now I am open to questions hi my name is Anne Kusama I wanted to ask how does Six Sigma would work if we apply this technique to so in the customer services industries customer is interacting with you your resolving customers problem so again the same situation same process you have to follow asked the voice of customer Weiss of customer a customer will tell you you take long time to resolve my problems you take or you resolve it incorrectly so if it is long time the ctq's resolution time of my customer complaint so that becomes message acute then I do a cause and effect diagram find all all the root causes then do a Pareto analysis all the X factors and why I do a boxplot and scatter plot come off with ideas of course I did not talk about idea generation techniques except for one one one technique I gave it to you so I use all these techniques to generate ideas and then impact the X Factor so by delay in resolution of customer complaints is due to maybe it can be due to the less training it can be due to the less number of people or it can be a technical issue it can be system issue so whatever is the root cause you work on it and resolve that and cycle time is drastically reduced if you are trying to reduce the errors you can always reduce the errors committed by your customer services executors so number of errors can be reduced cycle time can be reduced cost of your operations can be reduced so this is how you can very briefly I just want to tell you just my service this you can do that yeah any kind of body from Kyoto yes sir actually kindly explain that the escape analysis SK escape is okay map the process no I'm just describing again map the process how to map not sitting on your table go to the field go how the people are working go on the field where the workplace is see how the person if the person isn't walking you have to mention that also if the person is looking right and left you have to mention that as well so you have to map the process asses then every step you have to evaluate you have to ask five questions suppose you have 20 steps in your process every step you have to ask five questions e s see ap eliminate can I eliminate can I eliminate this step yes no if he s eliminated if No okay no problem can I escape s simplify can I simplify it oh yeah it is complicated right now we can simplify it yes if he s okay give that suggestion if no no problem can I automate can I combine it with some other step or can I make it parallel with another step means to step number one and step number six can happen simultaneously so every step like your 20 steps to 20 into five five five hundred questions will be asking on the twenty surprises and you will be surprised in just two hours in just two hours you will come out with a new process and most of the time your manager and senior manager and most of the organization will agree with your new process of course some something will mean approval some safety related issue some compliance related issues will lead approval but many of your suggestions will be so simple everyone will have agree and they will wonder why you are not doing that Oh what are stopping you the thing is you never did a structure approach of d-mac structure approach of Six Sigma structure of lean so this is what you know this is escape yeah one mr. tubbs is asking that how do we confirm that the data and you can write me to privately also is written private question so it reaches me easily so how do we confirm that the data being consumed for the analysis is foolproof and without any error and how can we avoid such data points to impact our analysis as well as yes so there is one important thing which obviously I did not mention in the yellow belt but in the green written back we talk about we call it as measurement system analysis before I collect the data I want to ensure the data which I am collecting the understanding of the data is same for all the individuals who are giving me the data say for example one person like discharge time example if I think if two people are two nurses are giving me the data for one nurse discharge time is when the physician says okay to go and then the patient leaves the bed that is a discharge time for another nurse when the when the physician examines the patients and when the patient leaves the hospital premises that is the discharge time so there are difference between the two so this variation of course needs to be avoided so you have to be sure the data is collected properly we teach you the techniques to ensure the data based on which you are making decisions is thoroughly checked and that is the data to be believed or it should be trusted so we have those techniques we call it repeatability and reproducibility we do a R&R gage R&R study repeatability in the produce ability study where repeatability we cheats see we give same unit to everyone saying that okay what is the charge time of this particular patient three people giving three different results as the same person giving two or three results and different it's the same for the same unit I'll say oh there's a repeatability problem so we we teach you that there's something called repeatability in the participating cage artha yes another question it is right as you mentioned that every company whether it is any any for any domain or something everybody requires a data and how we can prove ourselves so until as we have a data people will not actually rely on what it is in that case because we don't have data Anna we need to ask Etta to prove ourselves no so the data has not to be in real great details though take the example of recruitment segment first of all select 2030 samples are so easy the problem is people think I need a lot of data that's the problem just 30 who in the world who in which company person cannot get 30 40 50 samples every company will be willing if the will should be there now we'll of course I can't get it then of course you will not get the data but I will if it is there 30 samples whatever I am doing the one gentleman was asking customer service time I just take I deal with hundred customers every day I just collect 30 samples and then go ahead with that and it will give all the information I gave you an example of a discharge time how many patients ampuls we collected but we were able to really move the process so the sample size is so low that you can do that and in fact your own organization is collecting much more data already there the data which I showed it to you so under D there so many reports you are preparing but no one was doing anything in that report they just look at those report they'll just look at these some data and then say feel okay fine and all their too many reports 20 reports that I don't have I can't do anything out of it no when you have those boxplots Kairat just few clicks few clicks will leave a lot of story what's going on in your process yes yes yeah so bad the benefit there are three ways of getting the benefit from the screening program the first is you get to first is they what's the theoretical part that you are certified green belt and black belt and we are also affiliated to a SSC which is the body of the certification so we you so your certificate is valid worldwide you go to any country you know you are certificate is valid that is one thing so you are a certified and a person who can improve your process so that in any process in any way so which is the good skill to have for employability so that is one part which I would say sometimes is essential or good good to know but the more important part that is which I would say you learn to solve you learn a skill for your whole life that you will be dealing with data and problems throughout your life in any company or even at your home as well I conduct another session also sometimes Facebook live I do by the way I would request everyone to connect with me on LinkedIn and there is a Facebook page also my name Amitabh Sinha so you can link a nexus Europe you can like that page and you can get I keep making videos on small tools and techniques on our Facebook page of annexes Europe and LinkedIn page also so you will get to know about it and of course I will be personally happy to link link with you on LinkedIn so send me a request yeah so coming back so if the first was the first part I was talking but you get a second is you will be able to solve your own real problems in any industry that is a third is you can be am the self-employment very good initiative very good benefit you get self-employment that is one thing opportunity which I find very rarely any other certificate you're a black belt or especially master black belt you can walk into any organization with confidence saying that I am here to improve your process or help you to improve your processes so I think these are the three main benefits and there are so many other benefits specific to your industry so the organization will get benefit your errors in productivity will improve your errors will reduce cycle times will reduce and of course the best I would say not from your personal perspective the best practice for your organization and when you have a good impact on your organization definitely they will love you so that is the benefit of doing a green version of language yes any how to calculate the standard deviation sir Oh calculate standard deviation so I will very quickly show it to you although actually it is not in our question but I you have asked then I will show to you let me variation is intensive if you want to see the variation so let us say I have to endless venturi and vendor B and I tell them I want let's say I'm buying this pen which writes on the whiteboard here and it should be seven inches long let us say I have two vendors one vendor I take a sample and he gives me this another vendor gives me this naturally I wanted seven I am not happy with both of them but if I ask you which vendor is closer to what I want it be closer to what I want I want seven so X bar is here seven both are seven range range means maximum minus minimum is nine minus five four year range and it mean doesn't tell me anything it is same for both but who is closer to what I wanted a is closer to what I want is deviating less so how to measure that I can do one thing I can calculate how each eating is away from the mean the distance of each reading from the mean and take the distance some of those distances so I can use X minus X bar five minus seven anyway I'm quickly telling you in the green procession I do it very slowly and nicely with very quickly after I can you I'm deriving the equation actually the standard deviation formula I can answer in two minutes this is X minus X bar square divided by n minus one but do you not understand anything that is why I am just trying to explain so 5 minus 7 minus 2 6 minus of n minus 1 7 minus 7 0 0 8 minus 7 one 9-7 is to sum of the distances go to list and then here - - - - - it was Nero - n - Thomas - zero so I need to do something about it because - in classes can be not so high a girl is married I will square them - 2 into minus 2 is 4 1 0 0 1 & 4 I'm quickly doing it for 0 0 4 & 4 the total is now here 10 and he is 16 yes so I would say variation here in B is higher I will take the average head average would be example 6 minus 1 I have to take one less yeah so here how many samples 6 minus 1 is 5 here also 6 samples - why this one is variance and I had taken a square this was a square I had taken here so I will take a square root so that is the standard deviation all the distances of each square them yes of course of course you can apply see every any anywhere there is the problem anywhere this is the problem you can always apply so this question you start up it can be applied anywhere there's a problem you convert them into a project like start-up you can be funding funding can be initial why the funding you are not getting a gain X Factor's you have one or two root causes see there are 20 reasons you are not getting funding out of there's only two are responsible for you not getting friending all your employees are leaving why you can also work on that so if I find the root cause again the same process making cause and effects make a Pareto they use if you have data make a data based approach if not apply your root cause simple root cause analysis better to is good enough and you will get to the solutions use some of the idea generation techniques which I when I described so you can do that definitely yes next one hello sir I'm Sandia I'm from India I do want some hint related to how the Six Sigma and lean can be applied to the software industry oh there are so many case studies of software when I was searching for this project I thought of showing it to you but there are more than 300 projects so one is you can reduce the very common projects errors bugs you can reduce time taken to write a software time SDLC cycle time reduction using making basically all the problems whatever you face you tell me one problem in software and this is what you would like to solve and oh yeah if i say about the quality attractiveness of the other coding which is very less effective so effectiveness of the coding definitely can we have one in bangalore i think seven months back we completed a very good project of on the same topic encoding effectiveness and they put a stick in the and the process followed the same the absolutely the same hello I mean after yes yes teamís payment process given to a third party and we want to means find out actually why exactly there is a delay in payment and the exceptions which are coming repeatedly despite we are given the solution and it comes on repeated again there is a delay in the payment so how we can armies reduce the means so you you got you got you are working on you know the exceptions very quickly I will tell you of course there's a very structured process for this whole thing but very quickly I will tell you there's a 5v analysis asked why five times so that for that particular exception ask why why that is happening you will get an answer again why I ask you why why that is happening again you'll get an answer again I ask why five so keep on asking why five times on every answer subsequent answer and you will get third for for the fifth when you get your answer to the two I you will get to the root cause so maybe you need to work on that now you are maybe working on a work on that and so you can do that power loss is a big area where we have lots of companies to reduce the power loss so that is one project which we have done equipment efficiency you know there's something called Oba overall equipment effectiveness so this also we can drastically improve using lean and Six Sigma approach again the tools remain the same Sybok start with the cipher of supply input process output customer etc etcetera and you know go to the collect the data make a histogram make control charts cause-and-effect Pareto box plot scatter plot if you are a black belt you do ANOVA analysis we also teach you chi-square test you know we do hypothesis test very taking 15 or 20 samples you can with 95% confidence you can make statements based on that you will be able to come mr. John is I'm hearing yeah yeah in construction company acai you implement this process knowing fully where that the ugly adapt to change German technology and there are several processes that needs to be improved but he attempt there dragging behind so I can improve the process that's question number one question number two is it possible to like a camp you have white belt yellow belt green belt the possible for a stop out to start with the Blackbirds yes you can do that so second question I'll answer first you can see when you do black belt you have to undergo the green and as well so when you enroll for black directly you you still undergo the green and black so so you can do even directly master black belts so you but you still have to go through the process of green and then black and mass selected so like when you say you want to do only black belt without doing a green print is not possible because in the black belt we take off from where we leave at we left green belt so yeah definitely you have to you know undergo the industry we can drastically reduce the time taken to for the activities procurement time of the raw materials procurement time of the materials drastically reduced by using Lean Six Sigma then time taken to construct the whole construction of typical components safety time taken to complete the respiratory activities plus the raw material procurement well the three good projects we did in November last year two big biggest construction underneath your cutter yes yeah please get ready Oh mister died us died adidas is there since in dagi he was he wanted to ask something hello sir oh yes so bad destiny okay once she has completed I have completed my in VA hospital administration I am Six Sigma agreement program for Manipal hospital their MBA hospital administration part of their curriculum you know the our program the next education is part of the yes please go ahead constant figured of massive black belt after finishing the Greenville weather will be you helpers to both for any job related to hospital anything yeah so helping definitely we can do it helping but we can't guarantee obviously but helping definitely so we have got lots of hospitals where lots of projects are running at this point of time in fact before the mid-nineteen situation there were eight hospitals around the world where we had three to four black person massive black holes doing the projects and these projects were of these people were all trained by us through our students we have placed them so this is some some were full-time assignment some were part-time assignments but definitely we can help you there but of course as I said I we can guarantee but help is definitely provided by our team okay go ahead I am doing a project called equality circle quality circle and I have portion regarding the same day at a is party cell is a part of posting Sigma because in this is tell you what is you know I got your version all the tools techniques used in quality circle are short in Six Sigma Six Sigma two covers all the things not only quality circle even TQM the tools and tactics once you have a Six Sigma of black belts you know all the tools and techniques used for improvement process improvement so in quality there are three areas one is quality management one is quality improvement and one is quality design for quality so quality management is dealt with the ISO 9000 etc means mapped across says make an SOP and reported the processes and follow the process that is part of quality management now there's improvement improvement means you are always unhappy means dissatisfied with your status coke whatever you're performing you would like to improve so Six Sigma lean all TQM fme is quality circle seven tools statistical tools sqc tools all these are coming under the improvement aspect so you become a master of quality improvement when you become a Six Sigma Black Belt we can say that it's part of Six Sigma also absolutely I would say that all the tools of quality circles are taught in Six Sigma yes someone has asked you will provide minute in which one is good training life or classroom minitab session we have been doing classroom and live both sessions they are equally effective in fact we have seen that online sessions are more effective because you are relaxed at your home and then you can ask question at any time you can write it in the classroom sometimes it's difficult for you to speak up but here in the classroom we can always write it and every written question you know has to be answered so I would say now we are finding online sessions but on live lion session that is important the person should be live with you not like you know I record my video and then you watch that that online session really doesn't work it should be live you know so life has to be played on impact because once like it forces you to attend the session because the time is fixed so a second is I can answer your question directly so and I can also understand you know whether you are understanding I also keep asking question a gauge your understanding is that based on that how people change the course of the training so it is like a grade like it's a graduation and post-graduation so I would say green belt as graduation black belt is for graduation and master black belt is like PhD so so everything is beneficial obviously green belt you learn some basic tools and techniques Blacula all the tools and techniques master black belt you will learn how to guide others to apply these tools and techniques we can be led by online because online I can tell you the kind of understanding in which you will have III can definitely guarantee if you have attended some online training on green belt or black belt and the way what you learned today there will be definitely vast difference and in such a short time you know we just took like one or two hours in two hours the kind of learning you have is more than you know yeah so we we conduct every day we are having a green belt and black belt sessions running throughout every day means you will get a schedule like weekends we generally have on Fridays Saturdays for middle east and Saturdays and this for in rest of the world we have so that people can always refer to that means they can definitely so I invite everyone in fact I expect a lot of people getting enrolled for ever being black built and sitting at home I am what lot of time and I have got all the time in the world I explain very patiently all the travel time has been reduced all the fatigue is gone so I am much more enthusiastic good morning yes yes please go ahead Dennis yeah so recording for the requirements of the block Bell sorry to involve it any project before we take the block bit of the merge certification no absolutely can go directly for black bones without doing a project but having I we will be doing a project anyway in our classroom we will be doing a virtual project so that is the project so you get the feel of doing a project you will be giving your projects in the classroom together as we proceed during the Great Recession you complete one project so actually I would say theoretically yes you complete the project but you don't have to do any project outside the training that would go for the black belt so how many sessions is useful for development so typically 8 into 8 into 8 so we have 24 hours of online plus lot of support we give remaining 30 to 40 hours of support one-on-one so once we conduct the training after that we give you exercises project so 50 to 60 hours the the classroom is three hour three days for green belt three days for black boots but after that individually you will be assigned a trainer so you will be on one-on-one with the trainer and then he will help you to solve the problems he will ask your about your understanding he will check with you what exactly you know he will ask you questions and he will understand that what you have understood and what not then he will repeat the whole thing if required and then hospital then he will help you to solve the questions the questions which are there in the case study so eventually he will ensure that you complete the project the virtual project so it's a three day program to become a green belt and three day black hood plus lots of hours of Pino support then that hours of support lasts forever means after we have people who attended our training 2009 and they come to us now saying oh sir now I have no got an opportunity to do real-life project and we help them we are once you are our alumni we are not going anywhere unlike you know typical online training organizations we are there for a long long time and we will be there after five years also to help you so that is the main difference I would say yes I said just keep me updated regarding for the buck of course yet you take that with my team you stay in touch with my name enquiry 8nx are starting it and so weaker we are also an RTP registered education provider of PMI us so we conduct PMP trainings also and we give you paid users also so they go hand in hand so you can do both but they are definitely separate hello crops Anissa Islam is there imagine between voice of cos gamma and the voice of process is a matter you watch out for then you please share your LinkedIn page cousin can you share with us your link for LinkedIn okay I will do that just type in Amitabh Saxena is easier we are telling you you just this is my name you search for that so if you just put in this name you I will and just send me and without the beard my picture is without a beard beard is only the development of this covet 90 situation so I usually have without beard now but so photograph you see face without beard and you can just send you the book the book on and Capri neo please akka we get its yeah I will it is available on an entrepreneur you can start something on your own whatever whichever way we have told our story of Lean Six Sigma professionals but it is applicable to all professions so what difficulties we faced and how I also in facebook life many times I do some sessions on some of the chapters you know so if you an accessory rope if you like our page the page is both Facebook Facebook and LinkedIn these are our pages the name is a Nexus Europe so you can always stay in touch with us so this is my Facebook and LinkedIn pages and this is the book name you can take the good the book here we'll send you the hard copy if you want the soft copy you can buy it in Amazon also and then the LinkedIn is the voice of customer and then the voice of process Y so if you remember this is my process why of business why some business means mrs. Crossley's why bo-peep processes telling you that I'm behaving between 15 to 45 days that is Weiss of process but customer is telling you please complete this job between let us say 30 days to 60 days or maybe it never tell like that 30 days to 10 to 30 days so this is voice of customer so specification limit recall it means voice of customer customer says complete your job between 10 to 30 days we called voice of customer and process when you collect the data from your processes check I take between 15 to 45 days process is selling there is voice off process lower control limit and upper control women give you the voice of the process and the specification limits given by the custom will give you why self customer good question I tried to give a technical answer I hope I hope you what you think that your outstanding are you are doing something different yeah so I will share that sheet which I had just shown it to you just give me a second first of all one difference is it is done by me and you can compare with any of the other trainers I can proudly tell you I am one of the best trainers in the world and I am not ashamed of telling that in lean and Six Sigma I am very well known for the last 25 years I've been doing quality with trainings and for last 50 15 years in annexes we are conducting class of training you will really find any individual person totally devoted to lead and Six Sigma so much for so many years although I have thought of other options and so that is one thing one of the primary thing that personally it is a one-on-one basis we do this training so you will not be left alone once you're done the project also partnerships with the people external knowledge of trainers all of our trainers are if you have seen my we do I might maybe have my team my steps and you all our trainers have got real-life experiences they are not like professors so they are all telling you the real-life examples real-life situations all examples are real thing success matters success in the sense passing the exam 100% you pass the exam that is one and you will succeed in your projects so in when you are doing of real projects the chances of success is very very high high quality of training and consulting all the statistical tools and techniques taught to you know very easy to understand format you will love in people say or in our program they fall in love with the statistics the chi-square test ANOVA hypothesis says regression correlation multiple Asian people were afraid of these things earlier they said now a master of that it's all hands-on training flexibility or timing flexibility of your area which area you belong we will give an example from that area speed is as per your as per your requirement and blueprint does the project is done in the classroom you do a projects in fact you do a real-life project in the classroom itself and fun we have lot of fun we have lots of example arts of games designed to learn all focused on Lean Six Sigma D which you know make the learning real real fun one of the thing is we play Kaun Banega Crorepati who wants to be billionaire so we have a full program full game you know I asked question four options are given to you and you know I act like the hostess blow the way the host would act and who wants to be male and we play that game and there's something we work on virtual money as well and we also give you a little bit of diagnose yeah we are also into AI and RPS so little bit very little brief background but separately we run AI session separately at the Asian Center so all these things are there you know you will not find I can tell you that it's very difficult to find training trainer like us so yeah so I think one of the major difference USP is our knowledge and our experience in the industry you have to purchase yes yeah first is I would like to show my gratitude for you I mean your explanation is quite deep and very very well before coming to this session I went to your website last night and I completed this white belt which is absolutely free on your website I completed the test though I haven't received any certificate but just know you can download it you can download it there it's already really I do that it's winner however I've sent in a separate email for that but that's not the case what I want you to ask us are we going to get any certificate for this yellow belt yeah after clearing any examination I mean I don't think so I don't think so I will just check with my team because actually my team has now full credit thanks of course for training but full credit goes to my team which they told me that sir instead of roaming around the world most of the time I'm in Europe in Middle East so he they said instead of working on the word sit at home and let us get the world to your nest up and let us do some programs so they only you know initiated this whole thing and that do free of cost so it is totally totally ready to my team of course and yeah regarding the certification I think you will get a certificate the electronic certificate you will get yeah that I'll and if you want hardcopy certificate I think some very minimal amount might be and they say so I mean beyond that I mean if we are talking about all the operations in a in a BPO for example I mean it is a BPO it's an industry where a lot of people are working out there you know so because you know they they are not very good with their own field for example a lot of engineering services is one of our major customers now if you see you must have seen my profile Deutsche Bank now in the Deutsche Bank I was working in the BPO industry or the KP or industry of light back so BP under stage is very much applicable and lot of best one of the best projects some of the best projects are done in the VP or industries I am also an evaluator of Six Sigma excellence certificates the awards so I see some of the best projects coming from service industries especially keeping you and BPO industry call center industry actually I had a very good project to show because right now the majority of the participants were from hospital so I showed a hospital example it took an Hospital example but there is a call center very good at call center example which is maybe some time next time or somewhere sometime in the future I will show it to you but the tools and techniques as I said they are almost same and it is applicable to all the processes the problem statement it is taking 20 minutes to dispense the medicine in the hospital they would like to reduce to 10 minutes and then they come out with the hour they correct the voice of customer and get the CT Q's here the medicine dispensing time they make this type a brief as I told you already Sybok and then and the process I mean every person detail and after that they come out with the value-added knowledge added analysis and after that you know cause and effect diagram quickly identify the X Factor's encoding time encoder reflection time one by one we evaluate through Y in my Y the capitalized medicine dispensing time encoding time number of items per prescription and type of cleaning etc these are the X factors and one by one I of course I see the capability whether how its performing so this histogram is there then box plot for profile that is profiler impacting my time yes maybe yes one person is taking more time is the number of items affecting my time no schedule what says no and then Pareto on the type of clinic spinal clinic and cardiological inning is taking more time and so you keep on doing this and finally again the root causes are encoding speed type of clinic and issuing speed of the issuer and then based on that you recommend solutions are using some few metrics and then these are the three solutions in yet the solution incremental solutions and you find that after implementing solution that time which was taking around 20 minutes is reduced around 12 minutes or so and that is statistically validated like to t-test using a man with interest and then yes so this is I just wanted to show quickly I'm from Pakistan could recession is very good I have learned so many thing that we can we can apply in Co effects in life but I have some questions about scatter diagram can you explain diagram again scatter diagram is both continuous and continuous data so you plot y and x axis and then plot the values then like for example age and experience so the Sal experience a or Aki age gives me the Jo experience pay age hoagie have ki 22 usually rather the selects the 32 it a yogi another mag bonaga the collet so scatterplot is used whenever you are trying to find correlation between two factors so what example I was giving was age and experience so this is 8 this is experience a mother arcade the selenium 32 circuit okay there re up key experience the salcat 32 I gotta be Sal experiences you really 42 T so this is 1030 teen t-cell experience you will be approximately 52 so yeah this relationship when you are exploring between continuous data is known as scatterplot so it can be somewhere like this also like time taken to complete a job and experience more the experience less the time so age or experience T of each major someone stopped with Karanga k this is my there almost my relationships like our age and experience me so this is our Y factor this is our X Factor so when we have won both the continuous data we will use scatter plot so scatter plot is this is what is Emma doctor about the problem-solving methods one of the is one diagram second Phi Y method then Pareto analysis okay patterns and other one and so we have we have seen process mapping game by investigation okay Instagram in tostito Graham is not for root cause analysis but displaying we have learned these techniques box plots and scatter plots excuse me sir there are thanks a lot thanks a lot everyone so I have to now the let's go time over eyes you know thanks for spending time and [Music] thank you so much thank you so much for your great driving I would like to have
Channel: Anexas
Views: 37,944
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Keywords: Free six sigma, free lean training, free lean six sigma training, lean six sigma training, anexas, lean six sigma, lean, six sigma, what is six sigma, Amitabh Saxena, free six sigma training, cphq, Fr
Id: ucE3xI_l1yg
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Length: 147min 12sec (8832 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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