Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt Training | Lean Six Sigma Training Full Video

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everyone and welcome to the lean six sigma yellow belt training by annexus this is amitabh saksina and it's a pleasure to conduct the yellow bell training once again for you i keep doing yellow training regularly for the people who have never been exposed to lean and six sigma and uh many times people say that they had learned something from the training sometimes they have even used those tools and techniques immediately right after the training although lean and six sigma illegal training is not intended to teach you the tools it is just intended to tell you what lean six sigma is so that you have sufficient information of what lean and six sigma is uh beyond that of course if you want to learn tools and techniques you have to upgrade yourself but well today let us talk about lean and six sigma yellow training a very fast paced yellow belt session where we will be learning many tools and techniques so we'll be i'll be talking about lots of tools and techniques uh see the purpose is to give you an idea give you a brief idea of almost all the tools of course i can't teach you all the tools in such a short time but at least glimpses of those tools and techniques so that you know what lean six sigma is capable of and then if you want you can go for green belt and black belt to upgrade yourself and learn more and more tools okay so i am amitabh saxena and i am okay let me tell you about uh myself a little bit and before i start telling about myself i will take you through the agenda so what we are going to discuss today so we are going to first introduce you to my company and of course i will introduce myself as well then we will talk about lean six sigma benefits what are the benefits of implementing lean six sigma then we will see some examples of implementations lean six sigma implementation so that you will get an idea how lean six sigma is implemented in organization and then i will introduce you to the basic statistics now why basic statistics because some of the tools and techniques which i'm going to talk about if you are not at all exposed to basic statistics you will not be able to understand at all so i will introduce you to basic statistics that's what i was telling you around 30th to 45th minute you know be prepared to learn a little bit of statistics and then after that i will take you through dmac define measure analyze improvement control this methodology is used when you implement lean and six sigma so i will talk about that and then i will take you through some project examples when i'm teaching you the dmac i will try to take you through a project so that you can see the applications right away so i'll try to give you as many examples as possible and i'm sure in the next two and a half hours or two hours to be very precise you will may you will know what lean and six sigma is at least you should be able to speak about 20 to 30 minutes on six sigma and lean okay so let us begin with introducing myself and the organization okay so i'm a chemical engineer and if i take you back to a little bit long long time ago during 1990 i exaggerated in 1990 and after that after graduating am a chemical engineer and an mba finance from jamal bajaj uh mumbai in india it's top five business institutes at least those days it was in the top three and uh i used to work after after joining you know i i was really i wanted to work hard and earn as much money as possible and actually i i joined the company where i was working 12 hours per day and around say 10 years i worked in pedro chemical companies and i also i'm an amateur poet i also write i've even published some poetry books and especially in hindi and urdu and i used to write then and i still write but that's what it was giving me 50 dollars per month not not poetry writing but of course being a chemical engineer and working hard then i came to know that uh the organization where i was working it was a petrochemical company i was you know i was told that they are going to implement lean and six sigma and they are going to choose 10 top performers 10 top performance of our performers of our organizations will be chosen to undergo something called as lean and six sigma black belt training and these people would be then given an opportunity to do some improvement project and you know they would be contributing to the organization in much better way than what they were and so so i was uh unfortunately i was not selected in those uh 10 people and what i saw that once these people became certified as lean six sigma black belt then uh they were very very uh respected by everyone and they were sought after and uh they were in fact this organization was a multinational company i was uh placed in uh southeastern uh southeast asia uh in one of the countries and this was a multinational company and this the ten black belts got immediate uh placements and so someone went to japan someone went to us someone went to london someone went to singapore uh you know australia middle east so so i thought like you know this is something very nice to do but unfortunately i missed the bus so what i thought i will i thought of doing it myself so what i did i spent my own money i invested uh 10 000 dollars for the course went to europe which additionally cost me those days five thousand dollars for too much money for me then and still it is too much money and i completed one project in the organization in fact organization had not allocated the project but still i did i said i am now a black belt now i can do a project and after that of course i was also accorded the same treatment i was also welcomed by everyone i was asked to present this project there's no time to describe that project right now but this project was to reduce the pet preforms you know we were manufacturing polyethylene teres chips and pet performs so i i my quality the quality of the product which was around 99 we i increased it to 99.99 using lean six sigma tools and techniques and then i saw the success i was asked to present this project everywhere around the world and i saw this the very very good career for me and i thought of becoming a master black belt and here am i so today some of the ceos and owners of the company have paid even 25 000 for getting personally trained by me of course this doesn't happen every day yeah but sometimes it does happen and i've been a speaker in reputed conferences and appearing in many tv shows and newspaper articles i regularly write for many english and hindi newspapers and urdu newspapers and i'm not talking about poems poem also i write but more importantly i keep writing lean and six sigma and process improvement with process excellence articles i have even published a book which was a bestseller last year in 2019 and october and november this book is about an extra story i'll just show that book yeah so this styles in fact it tells you there's an entrepreneur in you and everyone so if uh you know if you are uh interested in becoming a lean and six sigma master black belt you can even start on your own and i wanted to give you a message today that you also you too can achieve this and much more okay okay so let me i think that motivates you to become a at least a yellow belt okay about the organization i founded the company in 2006 and since then we have been doing lots of projects around the world and we have got 25 high profile professionals all master black belts located in different parts of the world doing lots of projects and we have total 150 000 people we have trained worldwide and of course today we'll have around 700 more added to that okay good uh just to prove that i have conducted training programs worldwide here is some proof some uh those days where i was doing the training for the last 10 years these are some pictures this is a london training this is a mumbai training uh this bangalore this is a riyadh this is my first batch of gcc not my first patch in fact this was my i think uh 21st batch but this was the first time anyone conducted an open house lean and six sigma black belt uh training in and anywhere in gcc in the middle east whole of middle east i i am proud to tell you that i was the person who conducted the first program uh in whole of middle east uh full-fledged lean and six sigma black belt certification training okay and since then of course uh i've done many programs in middle east apart from europe and the rest of the world us philippines singapore etc uh yeah so some more pictures from around the world this is china this is uh again european countries denmark but this is switzerland this is u.s and uh won lots of awards quality awards berlin six sigma best lean six sigma institute award uh in different forums we have been facilitated for our lean and six sigma services and process excellence services and appeared on tv shows those who are from india recognized so he used to be a bollywood hero earlier now he's a very popular tv show host we had a lot of fun on his sets and in fact i was very you know regularly appearing in different tv shows on 21st 2019 i am going to speak in american society of qualities world conference in fort worth texas i am going to talk about how one of the fields in artificial intelligence robotic process automation or rpa can be used to support process improvement initiatives along with lean and six sigma we will see how this combination leads to improved productivity fruit quality and reduced costs using a case study from a bank i will share a road map to leverage the capabilities of existing quality programs like six sigma with rpa to produce better results so see you there on the 21st of may in fort worth and texas okay and so i think we got an idea and of course uh even railways are over planned then and we have got uh [Music] i'll just proceed further this is one and this one is interesting when you are implementing lean and six sigma don't only train the senior management of course we start with ceos but we also train the middle managers and the blue-collared team members because they are the key to success so here is one uh program i did in jeddah in saudi with lots of arabia from various countries speaking lots of languages i like the way we have this client where we have trained senior management to the people on the front lines [Laughter] so as we see cross functional domains uh yeah so uh maybe i'll just now take you uh to the next uh thing on the agenda which is lean six sigma benefits so let us talk about what are the benefits of lean and six sigma now can you find some similarities here can you tell me what do you see what are the similar things you see here yeah so facts figures improve delivery as mercy is telling bush's selling process improvement efficiency juvaria kamal is selling facts and figures yes keep these telling production okay sachin kumar what adds value yes all of you are right and of course one more thing in common which is yes some of you got it they have all used lean and six sigma and data analytics to achieve breakthrough so lean and six sigma is also uh especially the black belt is about analytics as well data analytics you learn a lot of data analysis and today also you'll be learning some data analysis but from the perspective of process improvement okay so as i was telling you this has been proven in many industries in fact we ourselves have implemented in so many industries i'm not going to talk about them maybe while i'm telling you how to implement lean and six sigma i will take you through some of the case studies in maybe u.s uk uh middle east i see a lot of people from middle east right now so i will take some example middle east okay good lean and six sigma can do what any ceo of the company would like to have or any stakeholder or the shareholders would like to achieve what is that what they want they want reduced costs reduced defects reduced waste reduce rework and reduce cycle time of course they also want to improve the quality production efficiency productivity customer satisfaction capacity profitability resilience everything can be achieved using lean and six sigma how we'll tell you in lean and six sigma you improve a process so choose a sub process and convert this opportunity of improvement into a project and what is the definition of a project definition of a project is it has a starting point and it has an end point a project doesn't exist after some time so in lean and six sigma what you do you do improvement projects now i'll tell you how it all started it all started in motorola in one of the board meetings the ceo bob gellman he was given a challenge and he was challenged in fact he was told that quality is really not good in motorola and he took this as a challenge and he said that well i will improve everything by five times and without knowing how he's going to improve everything by five times he invited suggestions and one of the suggestions which he invited was why don't you implement uh in fact one of the suggestions by bill smith and michael harry was that why don't we implement statistical tools and techniques to improve our processes so bill smith and my gallery they were they used to they were statisticians they were engineers and they used data analytics to improve the processes bob galvin was very much impressed with that approach the best thing he liked was that they were able to improve the processes without you know without taking too much time within three to six months within three to six months they would improve the processes and they would so show some substantial results which will have an impact which would have an impact on the profits of the organization which would have an impact on the strategic business objectives of the organization so bill smith and michael harry were very very uh you know interested in implementing these improvements and bob galvin said that both of you are just doing five six projects in a year i want 500 to 600 projects to be done uh in the next five to six years and to make it happen dr bill smith and michael harry they came out with a methodology which is known as six sigma uh it up it follows the mac so what they did was they said that instead of we doing the project we will train the people we will train the employees we will train the people who are in the processes uh in these tools and techniques and they will implement these tools and techniques to the uh these processes and here thus was bond in fact when they thought of implementing uh these lean and six sigma in fact six sigma was born then i would say and when they thought of implementing these tools and techniques the statistical tools and techniques to the processes uh what would happen was they would improve in parts like finance person will reduce the account closing time hr team would reduce the recruitment cycle time and of course production team or manufacturing team will improve the productivity reduce the machine downtime which would have an impact on the production so everything whatever was done everything was having an impact on the strategic business objective of the organization now what is the strategic business objective if that appears to be jargon to you see every organization has got a vision okay every organization wants to achieve something what is the vision by 2025 we would be like we would like to be number one company in in the city or in this in this country or in the world whatever it is so they have a vision to achieve that vision using their mission statement mission statement is the purpose of existence of the organization generally the mission statement is something which doesn't change it remains constant throughout the life of the organization usually and the vision is you know how you see yourself at you know in 2025 or 2030 you know at after some point of time how you see yourself so the strategies you create how you will achieve your vision how you are going to achieve your vision the strategy which you create is the strategic business objective and what you do you select a sub process or process or you know sub sub process in the organization and identify an improvement opportunity and this improvement opportunity is converted into a project so now let me give an example so if you want to increase the profits for the company definitely the strategic business objective but uh let us talk about the production process in production process i will choose a sub process one of the sub process would be or improvement opportunity would be that the machine downtime in production line number 17 is eight hours per week and i would like to reduce this eight hours per week to less than two hours per week obviously if i'm able to do that it will improve my production it will improve my uh productivity and of course it will increase my profits so that's what lean and six sigma project does now if you imagine you can you can imagine one project can lead to some tangible benefits it can save some dollars for the organization imagine if there are 10 projects 20 projections maybe 100 or 200 projects uh being done in the organization what will happen and that's what happened with motorola in the next uh 11 years they were able to save 15 billion dollars and they also received the first ever uh you know the best the highest quality award in u.s is known as malcolm ballage award the first award first recipient of this malcolm baldrige award was motorola and in his award acceptance speech bob galvin attributed his success or his organization success to six sigma and the world was listening one of them was ge's jack welsh and jack welch he was so much impressed with this methodology that he told his employees if you are not a green belt you will not be promoted so everyone wanted to be a green belt and then a black belt in ge they started telling their suppliers also that if you want to do business with ge if you want us to give or purchase orders or release versus orders in your favor you have to be a lean and six sigma uh organization and then that's how leniency was spread out and it became very very uh popular initiative and since then of course it has been adopted by many fortune 100 and fortune 500 companies 80 of the 1400 companies still have lean and six sigma running initiative as uh is running in those organizations okay so let me tell you about what is lean what is six sigma so i already told you uh you use d mac define measure analyze improve and control i will talk more about it a little later but let me tell you in brief what is lean and what is six sigma what is lean and what is sigma lean in short if you were allowing me only three or four sentences to describe lean what would i say i would tell you that lean is about mapping the process by going to the workplace okay i will talk about some jargons afterwards but in simple words mapping the process by going to the workplace seeing for yourself how the work is being done identifying the waste in the processes reducing the waste so that you are able to reduce the cycle times and errors and defects this is what is lean now let me introduce some jargons going to the workplace going where the action is taking place we call it as gemba so we do a gamba investigation go to the workplace go where the action is really happening and see what are the ways there are seven types of wastes now what is a waste also called as muda in japanese what is a waste waste is anything which doesn't add any value now what is value value is from customers perspective please understand from customers perspective not from your perspective not from the organization's perspective not from the department's perspective not from the employee's perspective unfortunately not from employees perspective so value is from customers perspective and what is the customer looking at customer is looking at some value now you to achieve that value you are you know performing some steps many of the steps are not adding any value at all any value at all like for example waiting there's a lot of waiting in your process it is not adding any value at all lot of movement unnecessary movement transportation moving things from one place to another place it is not adding any value at all that means again it's a waste so anything any step which doesn't transform the input and brings us closer to the final value is known as waste that is criteria number one there are two more criteria there are three criteria for identifying or classifying the process step as a waste what are the three criteria first one it should be transfer it should it is not able it is not transforming the input and bringing it closer to the final value so that is final output that is first criteria second criteria if it is not done right the first time then it's a waste so anything starting with re rework review even checking inspection approval everything is a waste they are not adding any value now you say should i stop my inspection no i'm not saying that you should stop but it is not adding value at least acknowledge that it is not adding any value so these are all non-value-added activities identify them there are seven non-value-added activities over production waiting transportation over processing inventory rework underutilized resources and intelligence even like lot of intelligence of the people in the organization is being wasted you are giving some trivial job to some highly qualified people that means their intelligence is being wasted so waste of intelligence lots of ways we can we also call it as tim woods or downtime i don't have much time to describe all all of them but i'm just giving you some glimpses of various tools and techniques which are used in lean and six sigma okay so this is about lean six sigma six sigma is about reducing the variation more about variation i will talk when i come to the basic statistics part i told you i will be teaching you some basic statistics those of you have joined little late uh for them let me tell you that uh i will be teaching you about some basic status six for 15 20 minutes so just be with me don't leave don't leave easier things are coming up okay so let me talk about a little bit of very a little bit about variation so what happens see whenever see why do you trust a company when the company is giving you product and service without variation so it should be on time without variation it should mean like today it is on time tomorrow it is not one time no you don't like that it should be on time every time it should be defect free every time it should be whatever you are asking for it should be delivered every time without any errors and mistakes that means there is no variation see you go to a car you go to a car showroom and you want to buy a car and there are 20 cars in front of you and they you just pick up one any one of them if they are of their same models and same color let's say so you will just choose any one of them isn't it they don't tell you that i think this car is a little better than this this car is a little bit this variation will definitely uh not impress you isn't it so every car is almost same there's no variation you go to mcdonald's you buy mcdonald's go to new york or dubai or philippines or sydney or mumbai or kanachi or riyadh wherever london you will get almost the same service no variation and if you are asking for the same product the product will be same without much variation unless the variation is intended intended in the sense that the product itself is different then of course you have to that variation has to be there but the same product same same service will not be having too much of variation that means you are able to build trust build trust and the customer will come back to you again and again because your processes are predictable edward deming one of the quality gurus used to say problems are not in the people problems are in the processes again i repeat problems are not in the people problems are in the processes so focus on process improvement same people if they are given a better process they will be able to deliver excellent results and if you have got very good people but the processes are broken they will never be able to produce the desired results or the desired outcomes which the customers would like to have so focus on again people so 85 percent of the problems 85 percent of the problems are due to the processes and only of course i'm not saying that 15 where people don't contribute to anything people see everything happens because of the people but what i am telling you is about the problems the issues and the problems 15 percent of the time they are in the processes sorry 85 percent of the time they are in the processes and 15 percent is contributed by the people i'm just repeating this again because sometimes it is difficult to digest this so most of the tools which we learn in lean and six sigma in green built in black belt they are related to processes of course so let us see how linear six sigma is implemented let me take you through uh the implementation part first and then i will of course talk about uh as i told you basic status six and then after that i'll talk about dmacc so how do i implement lean and six sigma now i'm telling you the ideal way of implementing lean and six sigma there are two approaches one is top down approach and another is bottoms up approach top down approach means i and that is a better approach always you know you should get the buy-in from the senior management and then you will succeed your chances of succeeding is higher so you form a team of certified black bills and master black belts you train them you hire them you form a team and they choose improvement projects in different departments operations marketing finance i.t hr every department they choose improvement opportunity we ask the uh department managers what would you like to improve in your process and if they say that well i would like to improve the now reduce the cycle time so we will take up a improvement project to reduce the cycle time etc then um let me describe the infrastructure which we create uh let's suppose some organization and luckily we get an uh invitation by lots of organizations to implement lean and six sigma uh some as i told you many of the fortune 100 companies they are our clients a list of courses provided on our website and i i might keep talking about them on and off as i show you and show you how to implement linux sigma so first we form the steering committee steering committee means the top four five uh senior management uh from the site or from in the organization we form a steering committee along with the quality head who will be monitoring the lean and six sigma implementation in the organization who will be meeting once in every quarter to see how the lean six sigma is being implemented in the organization so right now as i told you i am describing the top down approach there is another approach also which i will speak a little later the other approaches uh you have lean and six sigma green person black belts trained in the organization like like the way you are doing you are you are attending a yellow build session if you want you would like to if you join me again for green belt or black belt session then you become a green britain black belt now you go to the organization and tell the organization that i am a green bird i am a black belt i am capable of improving any process in the organization and you take up improvement projects or not only it's not necessary that you have to always take an improvement project you identify some areas where you you'll be able to apply these statistical tools and techniques you can use a pareto chart you can do a chi square test you know you you can do an fmea scap analysis fme all these things we are able to do it quickly and show some good quick results and then organization comes to know hey something good is happening that is known as bottoms up approach so right now i'm describing the top down top down means the ceo is convinced the senior management is convinced so we have formed a steering committee in the top-down approach we do a champions training champions means the head of the departments or the senior managers they're trained for one day or half a day as per their availability in basics of lean and six sigma tools and techniques then they appoint the green belts and black bills and these green person black belt usually they are high performers they are appointed by the senior managers uh the department heads who are the champions and champions don't have to undergo any training except for half a day sometimes they won't even have to undergo a new training but the green person black bills who are in the processes they are given a structured training in high-end statistical tools and techniques these green words and black bills they take up improvement projects and then they do these improvement projects in the organization so this is how and master blackbirds like me you know they guide these green belts and black belts as they do the project they conduct the training program the way i'm conducting a training program for you yeah so if people like me they are conducting the training program of course you can be a master black belt too yellow belt zillow builds understand the basics of lean six sigma green belts are able to do projects because they know some tools and techniques black belts are able to do high-end projects cross-functional projects they are used able to use high-end statistical tools like design of experiments etc to improve processes and achieve breakthrough results breakthrough means drastic improvement not incremental not step wise stepwise is also good in kaizen you do stepwise improvement right but here you are doing breakthrough you know 10 uh 10 days cycle time reduced to just one hour or something like that these are known as all breakthrough improvements and master black belts are people who conduct training programs and guide black belts and green belts and of course yellow belts so these are all this is all about yellow green black master black belt now how do i implement so first we implement we create an infrastructure which i just showed you then after that we do a champions training which i talked about like this is one of the client in this is in switzerland and uh it's a major pharmaceutical company and here i'm conducting a game business game where they are being convinced uh uh using these tools and techniques how you can improve the process so that the business game which we are playing there uh well i there's no time to describe that but they were committing a lot of mistakes initially and once they learned these tools and techniques then they were able to as i was telling you they were implementing a lot of uh they implemented some tools and techniques and towards the end then they were able to improve the processes drastically so earlier they were not able to complete the jobs on time almost 80 percent of the jobs were completed uh they were delayed and now the delay reduced to just one percent so there was a huge and uh huge improvement in terms of cycle time and errors also earlier they were the quality was only 52 they increased the quality 200 percent after using some creation techniques so they get convinced basically the idea is to convince the senior management first before we implement lean and six sigma and then they also understand what is lean six sigma so that they are able to give some time they are able to give some time to the green birds and black bills they are they they they are patient you have to wait three to six months three months for a green belt project and six months for a black belt project so now once the senior management is convinced now we have time now it is time to train the green belts and blood belts so here are the reasons so this is the team ready to get trained and they have been allocated projects and they are going to now do projects in their respective departments so these green belts once they and of course they are going to undergo this training three days the four days of green building three days of black belt training so they are very inspired you can see that they are highly inspired and now so we have got different teams and uh another life as you know that team undergoes four stages or five stages forming storming norming performing and adjourning so farming means you form the team that's what that's what's happening here that is what happening uh here that we are forming the team then that comes storming you know people who are who are you they you know they start learning about each other they understand what's uh who who's who and then they settle down they're not thinking about the project objective they are thinking about themselves in the storming session and then they then the norming happens you know they accept each other then now they're ready to perform and then of course then they start performing so uh forming storming norming performing and of course once the project is successfully over it is adjourned team is adjourned now these people are from different departments they're not full-time green business black girls they have been trained as green belts and blackboards but they are doing their respective jobs an accountant is still an accountant an engineer is still an account engineer the it help desk manager is still id help desk manager so once that is done of course and if the team is successful and more greenblatant blackbirds are that trained and most of our organization where we have implemented lean and six sigma they have continued implementing lean and six sigma year on year on year so many uh many clients in europe middle east india us uh there are so many clients i will talk about the uk clients towards the end of this training program but uh let me uh let me talk about uh maybe one of the clients here in middle east i see a lot of people from middle east through alex's mr amitabh has teach me and more than one thousand employees this this affected our bottom lines by millions of reals and it is having a big impact in changing our company from a local company to a regional or multinational company thanks to alexis and mr thank you very much and we have got so many of these credentials maybe if time permits i will talk about them later now it is time to learn something yes i hope i have motivated you enough now you are ready to learn now tell me do you agree with this there are two types of data one can be measured and one cannot be measured tell me do you agree with this okay well many people say yes some people say no but most of you are saying yes oh no no no no sorry sorry sorry let me tell you there are two rules in fact i'll tell you the third rule also the first rule is you cannot improve if you cannot measure that is first rule second rule is you can measure everything yes you can measure everything and the third rule is if you think something cannot be measured go back to rule number two yeah that means everything can be measured now how you will ask me how tell me prove me isn't it you will you tell me that okay before i tell you uh let me from my previous experience like i've been into lean and six sigma implementations for the last 20 years my total experience is 30 years out of the 20 years has been hardcore lean and six sigma in and out i've been doing lean and six sigma for so many years and i see three responses when i talk about data these are the three responses what are the three responses first we do not collect the data why should i collect the data or if i collect the data and give it to you what will happen um you will show it to my senior manager and show that how inefficient i am i'm not going to use the data second is oh we have too much of data but we don't know we make report after report there are so many excel sheets lying around but i don't know what to do with that so that is second response third is oh analysis is too complicated i am not a mathematics person all these problems are solved now you don't have to learn mathematics you just need to know addition subtraction multiplication and division even that is not required because everything is taken care of by software's nowadays when you become a green built in black build with us we also train you in uh some software we give you a software for free you know and and i'll be showing you you know if time permits i will show you uh let me see if i i will be able to show you that and yes so i will show you um how uh you know you can implement lean and six sigma uh and uh use how how you can analyze the data uh while you implement lean six or minor organization so now coming back to our some learning we i was talking about two types of data right so there are two types of data continuous and attribute data so first let us learn about uh with some examples what is continuous continuous data is something which can be represented on a number line an attribute it does something which cannot be represented on a number line but we can have categories so if i want to uh maybe let me go to whiteboard and let me talk about the two types of data so there are two types of data continuous data and attribute data continuous data is also known as continuous data is also known as quantitative data or variable data and attribute data is known as qualitative data so attribute data continuous data some examples continuous data is age like my age is 52.5 years okay cycle time of completing a job so if i give a job to a team member or help it help desk response time it is 30.2 minutes okay or procurement time procurement time to procure any material or recruitment time so it is uh 90.2 days so if you can see carefully the similarity it has got units and also there is a possibility of a decimal point you can see that there is a possibility of a decimal point so this is a characteristic of continuous data it can be represented on a number line okay that is it it is a number line number line means minus infinity to plus infinity any number on number line any point on the number line can be represented in continuous data but in attribute data attributed to something where you feel that you cannot measure so tell me something which you think you cannot measure can you tell me something which you feel you cannot measure so i will put a measure to it okay every time i get the same response feelings happiness okay okay okay fine okay uh yeah okay emotions uh uh telling emotions feelings work satisfaction uh yeah okay so yes okay fine so um let me let me put some measure to it so attribute now first thing i will do is i will create category and then i will i can count how many of them belong to category a and how many belong to category b and c and so forth and then i'll i think i can express this in proportion so that becomes a good measure let me take an example so you said uh happiness right gender dharma is telling gender oh dharma okay i was just joking uh those who are from india they will understand they will realize i i share my first name with one of the bollywood heroes those who are not from india i'm just telling them that uh uh his name is also amitabh and my name is amitabh so by being amitabh i have tried to develop some of his skills of speaking and i uh hinting about anyway so sorry sorry i'm deviating oh sorry okay so let us let us go back let us go back to attribute attribute data attribute data happiness happiness right okay happiness now i can create two categories see every attribute i can create at least two categories every attribute i can create at least two categories presence or absence of that attribute so here i can say happy unhappy happiness present happiness absence that means happy and happy yeah happy unhappy and i can say that i checked with my uh my my employees and i i checked with 100 employees and 60 of them were happy and 40 of them were not happy then what is the proportion proportion is 0.6 or 60 percent and point four obviously total will be one now i can i have measured happiness in my organization and i can take up an improvement project sixty percent of my employees are happy today i would like to increase this to 70 percent and so on and so forth okay so this is how i can still measure and i told you you can't improve if you cannot measure even personal happiness also you can measure now there is no time to describe all these things but if you join my green belt and blackberry training i will tell you how to do that oh it's not that difficult you can even based on the today's training also you can apply the same concepts and also you can measure anything so i told you i gave you some hints happiness like some people asked customer satisfaction so obviously customer satisfaction also can be measured but just to save time i'm not going to talk too much about it so you have said customer satisfaction and that very very happy customer i can create five categories happy customer uh neutral customer and uh let us say extremely unhappy customer and i checked uh uh 40 of them were very happy 10 of them were happy uh uh 15 were neutral and let's say 55 65 so what remains is 35 so i'll give 30 here and 5 here yeah it's not necessary that you have to collect always 100 samples but you know i'm just making my calculations easier you can collect 50 also 100 also now that reminds me to tell you that how many samples should you collect you just need to collect if you are collecting continuous data then you need to collect only 30 samples only 30 samples if you are if you are measuring continuous data you need to collect only 30 samples 30 samples and if you are measuring attribute data then you have to collect 200 to 1100 samples there's a sample size formula i will not be describing here in fact in my blackbill training i even derive that formula using central limit theorem and everything is very easy let me tell you nothing is difficult everything is very easy we make you make easy for you okay yes ask my students they will tell you that okay now i hope you have understood continuous in attributa when i have continuous data how see first is first i collect the data you see our main goal is to improve don't forget the main goal my main goal is not to just measure my main goal is to improve so today my cycle time is 30.2 minutes my procurement time is 110 days now i need to improve but before i improve i need to tell the tell everyone how severe is the pain how how are we performing so we call this as descriptive statistics there are two types of statistics descriptive and inferential descriptive means it describes it describes how am i performing today what is my current performance today my performance is procurement time 120 days today my recruitment cycle time is 90 days that is how i am performing or today happiness index is 60 today customer satisfaction is at 30 percent 40 this is how i'm performing so when you are describing for continuous data we will use what will we use continuous data i will use histogram histogram and i can estimate the probability distribution curve using the histogram which we call it as normal distribution normal distribution i can create a normal distribution all the data all the continuous data all the processes in my organization not only in organization all the processes in the world they follow normal distribution why it is known as normal distribution because it is normal to obtain a normal distribution that is why it is known as a normal distribution it's a normal distribution i will talk about that okay now can i do happiness can i prepare normal distribution no sorry i cannot prepare normal distribution there there i can prepare bar chart like happy unhappy i can prepare a pie chart i can prepare a pareto chart like defects effect 8 effect b defect c defective d location a london new york dubai singapore no no all these categories i can prepare those charts bar chart pie chart pareto chart if time permits i'll talk about pareto as well in fact i will talk it's it's important to like i'll tell you what's good okay so i have just told you two types of data and i have told you how to express these two types of data continuous means normal distribution histogram and about the attribute data it is bar chart and pie charts i hope you understood everyone got it okay okay good well that's really good one of you is ask asking mark is a lean six sigma applicable to sales and marketing of course yes i have made a video on that lean and six sigma sales and marketing in fact that reminds me you can connect with me on linkedin uh in linkedin i keep posting lots of tools and techniques about lean and six sigma like two to three three minute video today i'm going to talk about fmea failure modes and effects analysis today here by by the way here i'm not going to talk about i'm just i'm trying to enact what i have done in that video so today we are going to talk about fmea what is fmea failure modes and effects analysis and i describe that whole tool in five to six minutes you can go to annexus europe youtube channel annexers youtube channel and subscribe and you'll get lots of tools and we i don't talk about anything else but only quality in that you know that youtube channel you can also subscribe to our instagram you can also subscribe to our facebook you can also subscribe to our linkedin page and twitter everything we talk about quality only we don't talk about anything else okay so please uh i invite you to learn more and more and all these are free by the way if you want to become a certified green belt and black belt with me definitely you can also join my training programs okay good so now coming back to so we have learnt about two types of data two types of data what are the two types of data continuous and attribute and now you have reasons to collect the data because you can't improve if you cannot measure now let me tell you some of the tools and techniques how to deal with the data first of all i told you how to measure okay we we learned how to measure any difficulty there any any any questions there okay no that's really good now uh yeah how to how to measure we learned here isn't it continuous data histogram okay if you are interested let me talk about what is normal distribution let me talk about a little bit of basic statistics okay okay what is normal distribution normal distribution mr gauss karl frederick gauss he found in 19th century that most of the repetitive processes they follow normal distribution and he also found that when you collect the data from any repetitive process what will happen let's take an example your travel time to your office one day you took 30 minutes another day you took 35 minutes one day you took 25 minutes one day you took 26 minutes 33 minutes and so on and so forth and if you take an average if you take an average this is the average let's say it is 30 minutes then you can even calculate standard deviation standard deviation is a greek letter sigma greek in greek you know s is s is written like this sigma that is known as small s sigma so standard deviation s for standard deviation as for sigma so standard deviation is let us say 5 now don't worry about how to calculate standard deviation it's very easy to calculate in yellow belt as i told just understand the concepts how to calculate but let's not go into that but in my green build sessions we derive the formula we derive the formula in such a way that you will never forget the formula okay and better still i will tell you how to do a uh stand how to calculate a standard deviation using excel just put is equal to stdev and all the cells and then you'll get in just one click you'll get it or even i'll show you how to calculate the standard deviation uh using minitab so if i say i have got procurement time let's take an example of a procurement time in in a company procurement time means to time taken to procure materials the raw materials from the for the for the organizations like you want to procure a buy a laptop how much time it takes you want to buy an equipment how much time it takes that is known as procurement time so i can quickly do this exercise later on you can rewind this and see how i'm doing it but right now i will not be showing you a step-by-step approach obviously because it will take a long time and i want to tell give you lots and lots of tools in shortest possible time so see it's very easy average is 124 days and standard deviation is 3 days i can very easily calculate so let's not worry about how to calculate but it can be easily calculated this is known as what average x bar average and standard deviation now mr gauss he found carl frederick gauss he found that this curve the probability distribution curve never touches the x axis it goes on and on till infinity and goes on and on till minus infinity but it appears to touch the x axis it appears to touch the x-axis at 1 sigma 2 sigma and at 3 sigma here it touches at minus 1 minus 2 and minus 3 sigma so it appears to touch at plus minus three sigma it appears beyond that there is nothing it appears like that so 99.73 percent or like just to make it easier 99 approximately of all the values i'm talking about the population i'm not talking about the samples see these are the samples now i'm talking about all your travels to your office from your home to office every day if i want to predict i can easily predict using normal distribution curve so let us predict about this travel i collected data i found average is 30 standard deviation is 5 now i can easily calculate this person on an average takes 30 minutes 1 times standard deviation standard deviation is 5 so 1 time 5 is 5 so i add 30 plus 1 times 10 division becomes 35 here it is 40 and here it is 45 here it is 25 here it is 20 and here it is 15 okay so i can easily calculate and i can say that 99 of my travels will take how much time 99 of my travel will take how much time tell me yes 99 of the travel will take how much time yes tell me absolutely absolutely yes many of you are able to tell me 99 of the some are telling 30 north 30 is the average yes but many of you have told 15 to 45 minutes 15 to 45 minutes 99 of the activities 99 of the travels will take between 15 to 45 minutes but but does uh 15 appear here in my sample no does 45 appear in my sample no 42 is also not appearing but i can still predict that you will take 40 minutes or 42 minutes you are capable of taking 40 to 45 minutes so 15 to 45 minutes 15 is known as lower control limit and upper control limit now i can change this to any industry so some people are from manufacturing so let me tell about manufacturing on an average my my plant manufacturing plant produces my manufacturing plan well i am not sharing my screen let me share the screen yeah my on an average my this is known as lower control limit and this is known as upper control limit this 15 is known as lower control limit and 45 is known as upper control limit yeah now within lower and upper control limits i have got 99 of my values i hope you are understanding what i am saying 99 of the time you will be traveling within what on an average of course you will take 30 minutes but this we call it as control chart which depicts lower control limit which is -3 sigma and upper control limit that is plus three sigma i hope i am not confusing you you are still with me okay trust me after 10 15 minutes i will be totally out of statistics then i will show you some beautiful projects you will enjoy seeing those projects and pictures don't worry but little bit of analytics please please stay with me yeah okay so 15 to 45 minutes control charts now i can transform this example to manufacturing 15 tons per day to 45 tons per day is my plant production if it is a sales organization 15 000 let's say or 15 million let us say 15 million sales 245 million of dollars of sales per month okay or per week why not per day also why not okay so whatever so 15 million to 45 million if you are a hospital then in that case my waiting time of patience on an average sometimes it's 30 35 minutes 25 minutes on an average this is 30 standard deviation is 5 that means total minimum to maximum plus minus sigma 15 to 45 minutes okay so you can uh you know 45 minutes right so you can transform understand the concept see for for a green belt or a black belt lean and six sigma green critical black belt can do improvement project in any industry when you become a black belt you're not a black belt for only uh manufacturing or a hospital or a shipping company or a say a theme park even theme parks warner brothers uh ferrari they're all our clients so i'm just talking about uh any domain you know you can apply these tools and techniques in every domain each and every domain okay so coming back this is known as control chart and we say that 99 of the time you will take if i go back to my travel example you will take between 30 to 15 to 45 minutes okay we call this as voice of process voice of process as if if process had a voice it would say that i will take between 15 to 45 minutes to travel if a production unit your production plant will say that i can produce 15 tons to 45 tons per day uh your sales t your sales process will say i can give you 15 million dollars to 45 million now why because the way you have created the policies the way you have trained the people the kind of people you have selected the kind of machines and equipment you have got you will continue to get between 15 to 45 units okay but of course if you want to change that then you need to do something about it but before i come back to come to that let me talk about one more thing see it's not that always you'll be 15 to 45 minutes we if i uh sometimes you will go up or down also right but suppose if i ask you let's say this is a sales organization and one particular month you have 44 millions the best achieved in the last one year and you have a party in the cafeteria or in a five-star hotel and then next month it goes to the for 35 then you would think that recognition has backfired it next month it goes to 25 then you will say well it's time to take some action next month goes to 20 oh you are worried you take you hold an emergency meeting and that after that emergency meeting next month it goes to 35 you think that meeting really helped or you invite some motivational speaker who you know had the lowest sales motivational speaker says go for it go for it go for it and then you know suddenly your sales improve you feel that motivational speaker really did wonders sorry a green button a black belt will say nothing has changed green blender black belt will stay cool he says all these this variation whatever you are seeing is due to common causes this is due to common causes this variation is common causes but yes if it's something like this if i ask you why let's say travel time why you took 90 minutes one day then you will give me another answer you will tell me you will not say just to do that it is my natural variation of my travel time you will draw a cause and effect diagram and you will say this is my travel time and it is affected by many factors we call this as x factors and this we call it as y so my travel time is affected by how many many factors what are these factors in fact there are man related machine related methods related we have got measurement related reasons environment or just to make it m if i make it six m's it's also known as cause and effect or uh yeah cause and effect and yes ishikawa diagram and also fishbone yes looks like a fishbone so it looks it also is known as fishbone diagram so here lots of reasons i can attribute like driver who's driving the mood of the driver yeah the car what type of car i'm using which route i am taking you know what is the speed yeah uh so yeah coming back to so here mother nature mother nature to make it m so this is mother nature method machine man measurement mother nature or environment man machine method material yeah so you know you can brainstorm this is known as cause and effect diagram i'll show you i showed you a project and how to do a good cause and effect diagram i'll show you using a project okay so if i ask you why you are taking 90 minutes um you will tell me well on the day there was a traffic too much of traffic that means you are assigning a cause so this we call it as assignable cause assignable or special causes assignable or special causes so there are two types of causes assignable cause and common causes now this star this reason this thing like this whatever happens it can be lower also it can be upper also like in production it can be a good news 90 tons per day we produce something special happened right uh sales 90 90 million dollars something special or it can be low also something special happened when it whenever this happens the operations manager will be able to take care of this special cause for a green belt or a black belt this is not of much concern the focus of green britain black belt is common cause and control limits so this i already told you this is known as voice of process lcl and ucl voice of process but there is one more important wise voice of customer customer tells you let's say if i'm talking about sales customer here is your senior management they tell you 50 million dollars i want so now you need to change the control limits yes and now you need to have your new control limits which make customer happy and if this is a cycle time let's say procurement time then customer might say well i need voice of customer your procurement should be less than 10 days then i need to have lower control limit i hope too much of things are there on the white board but i hope you are able to understand i have not lost you i hope okay because of shortage of time i have to hurry up a little bit that's why i'm doing little fast but as long as you are able to at least understand the basic concepts that's good enough in fact i have told you two advanced concepts right so common cause and special special causes of not much concern to us as black belts and green bills special cause should be taken care of by the operations team on a day-to-day basis whenever it happens they need to they know what to do they know the reasons but when i want to do a huge improvement you i need to do the mac approach lean and six sigma's dmacc approach only can take me from here to here it will take me to greater heights how to do that let us see let us talk about how to do that okay before i in fact before i talk about dmacc let me tell you about analysis before i go into the dmx so that you will understand the whole dmacc process much more easily easily easier way so here what we are doing the why the why is the output whatever i am trying to improve what i am trying to improve like sales i am trying to improve sales depends on so many expected skills of the employees production i want to improve it depends on downtime the machinery the skills of the operators the temperatures the parameters the cooling water temperature so many things construction time i want to reduce the project delays then it depends on so many x factors so my focus has to be on x factors if you remember these are x factors this is why why is function of x when you go to the doctor doctor checks the symptom tell him well i'm going i'm having fever that symptom is the if he applies lead six sigma there your measure will be temperature right now doctor doesn't try to reduce the body temperature doctor finds the x factor reasons and gets the root cause not all the reasons are of uh you know responsible for that high fever he gets the root cause and then he gives the medicine for that root cause similarly as a green blue black build what you do you find the root causes how will you do that by doing data analysis how by using data analysis let me tell you let me tell you a little bit of data analysis before i show you the project so that you can understand the things much much easily well the data analysis two types of data when i want to analyze is there any relationship between the two factors let's say for example is is happiness of my employee affecting the cycle time is happiness of my employee affecting the cycle time yes or no then i have got x factor is this y is this right is age of my employees related to the cycle time it does age impacts the cycle time so what am i doing here i am trying to correlate the cycle time with age and with let us say happiness now cycle time is continuous data age is continuous data happiness is attribute data when i'm trying to find the relationship between two continuous variables i will make i will use a chart which is known as and let me see i also don't remember actually right we can always refer so remember when it was continuous data one variable like cycle time i can make a histogram when it is attribute data i can make a pareto i told you when it is continuous and continuous i can make a scatter plot both are continuous right both are continuous age is continuous data and cycle time is also continuous data i can make a histo sorry scatter plot scatter plot y is time taken and age is x factor now if now tell me is age affecting the time is age responsible for the time as the age increases time taken to complete the job decreases due to experience like for example as my age is increasing time taken to teach tools the same number of tools and shortest possible time increase like you know time taken to teach a tool reduces i can teach you more tools in shorter time that's what is happening right when i was young i would explain only the control chart for one hour people will keep asking and still i was not able to explain but in very short time i will do that i hope i was able to do that yeah okay now look at this scatter plot here there is no effect of age young or old doesn't matter or it can be reversed also as the age increases time taken to complete the job increases some physical activity maybe yeah so there's a relation or not so if i find something like this or this then i'll say yes this is root cause similarly let us look at happiness happiness is attribute data happiness is attribute data continuously cycle time if i want to correlate the two can i use scatter plot no i will use continuous one attribute is one i will use box plot let us do box plot time happy employee and unhappy employee unhappy employee sorry to write happiness here is happiness okay happiness this is x factor this is y factor continuous this is attribute happy employee takes less time unhappy employee takes more time so i should make my employees happy if i want to reduce my cycle time but if this is the case happy unhappy then happiness is no impact so i can say happiness is impacting or maybe happiness not impacting depending on 30 40 samples just 30 to 40 samples will give me the root causes that's the beauty of it let me tell let me show you how you can do it in a in a in minitab this is a mini tab which we teach you if you join our green building blackboard we teach you this mini tab so here if i am looking at the mini tab here i already told you if the data is continuous data i make a histogram i showed you histogram now i have collected the data man machine material method i've got i've collected the causes brainstormed invited people and asked them what why our procurement time is high they tell us and i quickly quickly i can make a cause and effect chart yes this tells me well these are the reasons for delay okay and now what i do i collect further data deming used to say in god we trust rest others bring data in god we trust rest others bring data so i'm not going to trust you if you are not giving me the data so now out of those reasons we collected further data and found that reasons for delay one day i i there was a delay we found oh sop was not followed skills so we collected 50 to 100 procurements and i signed the reasons for the delay and these were the you know reasons assigned and when am dealing with attribute data remember i am describing right now i will use pareto chart attribute data pareto chart remember so i do a pareto will fredo pareto was an italian economist who found that 80 percent of the uh 80 percent of the money or the wealth was with 20 percent of the people in italy he called this as 80 20 rule joseph juran applied this to quality and he said 80 percent of your problems 80 percent of your problems eighty percent of your problem is where you have listed ten causes but only twenty percent of them that is only two of them are responsible for your eighty percent of your problems so focus on these eighty percent of your problems right okay so here we have listed down pareto delivery delay how many times 14 times vendor selection delay 11 times lack of clarity nine times approval delay six times oh percentage contribution of each one of them delivery delay is contributing 27 percent 22 percent is vendor selection and so on and so forth then in that case we are looking at now can you tell me cumulative cumulative first two are first two delivery delay and vendor selection delay are responsible for 50 percent twenty seven plus seven twenty two satisfaction sorry forty nine percent forty nine percent of your delays first four are contributing to almost eighty percent of the delay so what does it mean it means that if i just focus on these four causes 20 percent of the causes then it is going to give me 80 percent of the solutions i can solve my problems by just focusing on this 20 let us see and then i can just work on these four causes in fact i can further validate if you remember i can further validate using some more data so if i collect some more data i can just look at this data and looking at the data i can see that aha i collected some more data purchase order number this had delivery time of 10 10 days vendor selection time of 6 days clarity what are other x factors the clarity of the requirements if my requirements what i need to procure are very clear does it affect my procurement time so clarity was checked oh medium high low medium categorical data approval delay was there an approval delay yes no it is again categorical data so what i have done is i am yes i am collecting data and try to validate validating how will i validate yes let us see is my procurement time impacted by let's say clarity of requirements continuous data and attribute data continuous data and attribute data what will i do go back to my ppt continuous an attribute i'll use a box plot and then continuously continuous i will use a scatter plot let us do that procurement time and clarity i will do a box plot oh sorry a box plot this let's do a box plot mhm procurement time and clarity oh yes appears that it appears that high clarity gives me lower procurement time low is responsible for high procurement time that means it is clarity is the root cause so i should ensure some system is in place where my customers always give right clear clear requirements and i'll develop a system so that you know i'll ask have some spaces to be filled in some uh you know fields to be mandatory filled in by my uh internal customers or department or the employees or the people or managers the department managers they will i will tell them unless your requirements are not clear i can't help you and then i will make my um requirements a document little bit easier so that they are able to fill in the clear requirements and that will reduce my procurement time and similarly you can try for approval delay uh is approval uh affecting my procurement time well let us see approval affecting or not affecting approval is affecting or not let me see approval delay oh it doesn't appear to be affecting so that is not the root cause then comes a procurement time versus let's say delivery time both are continuous data i will use scatter plot and if i do a scatter plot it will tell me well sorry vendor selection time and procurement time it is not affecting it is not affecting no relationship right but let us look at the uh the delivery time let us see whether delivery time is impacting and scatter plot again because both of them are continuous data so when does delivery time and procurement time are they affecting well um appears to be affecting they are related so this is where you can do your uh now as i told you i will talk about the dmacc define azure analyze improvement control now you will be able to understand this much more easier way i will choose a project which is uh you it is a manufacturing industry example but a procurement or not sorry let's say recruitment time recruitment cycle time so that you are able to you know uh understand the things a little bit easier so the defined phase we define the problem write a project charter we do a cyborg i will tell you what is cyborg in a short while very briefly i'll tell you measure phase we measure the types of data we create the normal distribution analyze phase we map the process find non-value-added activities cause an effect pareto box plot scatter plot in the improv phase we do brainstorming and in control phase we use 5s and poke okay fablicle poka okay means mistake proofing even by mistake you will not commit a mistake develop a system such that you are not able to commit a mistake at all there there's a possibility we can do that so define measure analyze improvement control let me show you a project okay so i'm going to now show you a project of dmacc project and i'm deliberately choosing a process which everyone understands okay everyone understands so let me uh yeah so i'm uh i hope uh until now you have understood whatever i have been speaking i hope uh you are able to at least get a little bit of knowledge what a lean six sigma is uh you know and i although i took to uh you know uh took you through some of the advanced concepts but uh it uh appears to me in my assumption i don't know whether my assumption is right or wrong correct or not correct but uh i hope you are able to at least fairly uh you know a little bit of understanding of what lean six sigma is has uh uh oh yeah thanks thanks a lot so you're telling you have understood till now you have understood wow that's great now you will understand better always see an example yeah okay define measure analyze improvement control here we are trying to reduce the recruitment cycle time of an engineering company so first in the defined phase we form a team identify the champion head of the department hr director is the champion process when you are trying to improve something convert that into a project right project is always done in a process i told you project is the one time activity improvement project but project is done in a process so you have to first identify what process i am talking about here which process i am talking about i am talking about procurement process first i do a cyborg supplier input process output and customer why process why because 85 of the problem are due to in in the processes so this is the high level process but not the detailed process my very high level process map the 50 000 feet view of the process yeah so customers who are the customers the departments what is the output recruited employee what is the process is listed here what are the inputs these are my x factors remember these are my expectors and the measure on the measure on the output that is y and these are the x factors now you can measure everything right cv is available not available mobilization plan time interview time time taken to shortlist the resumes all these are affecting my recruitment time recruitment time that is known as ctq critical to quality how do i identify i go to the customers i say mr customer how do i feel about my output how do i feel about my recruitment and customers will say oh i don't like you you are all delaying but what does that we can't improve we cannot measure so we put a measure to that whatever the customer says whatever the customer says we put a measure why is of customer it takes too long to recruit the right candidate okay sir measurement is recruitment cycle time and i write a project charter project charter is like a contract between the green britain blackbird greenbelt or blackbelt and the senior management saying that i agree to do a project for the next three to four months i will work on this process and show that i can reduce the recruitment cycle time problem statement it is taking more than 60 days to recruit an employee goal statement i would like to reduce it to less than 60 days if i am able to do that i will be saving some few million of the millions of dollars and then i complete my defined phase in the measure phase i collect the data calculate uh some collect the data do a histogram average standard deviation also calculate the sigma level how do i calculate sigma level uh in green blood and black belt i tell you in detail what is the sigma level but in short for yellow belts it's good enough to understand higher the sigma level better is the quality lower the sigma level lesser is the quality so if you are at six sigma you are just producing three defects in one million opportunities you are not ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine seven percent quality so first i identify a defect what is a defect from customers perspective any recruitment taking more than 60 days is a defect how many defects i found 27 defects out of 47 i convert this into defects per million opportunities dpmo defects per billion opportunities in one million recruitments how many defects would be there 627 000 defects which corresponds to 1.14 sigma level there's a table which you uh you know refer and you can get the sigma level there is an automated calculator also which i teach you in my green button blackbill do join in then comes analyze phase i map the process and uh identify the seven wastes and then i find whether i am able to uh you know do apply escape technique escape means eliminate simplify combine automate and parallel i have made a nice video on scap technique and also one more uh fmea you can have a look at it just type fmea annexas or escap annex as nxs is the company name yeah in youtube type this this plus this or this plus this you'll get the video or you can subscribe to my channel of course why not i will be happy to do and teach you as many tools as possible all tools are available okay now coming to the so i do escape technique can i can i eliminate this step can i eliminate yes i can i can eliminate not required can i combine these steps together can i make these two steps in parallel can i automate this step you will do wonders of course with the help of the team cause and effect diagram invite all the team members tell them whatever causes come to your mind with respect to man machine material methods write down on the post-its they post it on the wall and then they create a nice cause-and-effect diagram they use voting technique to vote on the causes and we arrange the causes in descending order and make a pareto chart of course there are some few causes which are contributing to 80 percent of the delays let us attack these causes in the improved phase in the improve phase we generate ideas we fantasize freely we don't evaluate we generate a lot of quantity of ideas more the quantity better because if a pearl diver he dives into the sea to get the pearls if he just collects 10 or 20 oysters the probability of getting the pearl is very low but if he collects thousand oysters then the probability of getting the pearl is very high so if you are going to or if you are looking for a great idea collect 50 60 hundreds of ideas and then you will get the great ideas there are so many tools available i have explained all of them in my youtube channel just subscribe to those channels round robin technique 635 six people write three ideas in five minutes maybe after sometime if you are willing to stay for more time i will show you an oil and gas manufacturing example also but let me first formally complete this uh two hours so that at least those who have to move on they can uh you know proceed further yeah so i'll be i'll be i'll be showing you one more project okay maybe two projects one from manufacturing one from let's say service okay one uh yeah even some people are saying hospital well even hospital stay on stay on for some more time okay so now we have got for each of the causes we have come out with some solutions and once these solutions are implemented then we see that the recruitment cycle time has now reduced and once it is reduced we would like to sustain the gains for a long time this is known as control phase it should not happen the process goes back to its original state so control phase very very important and once we have control phase in place the we see that you know process is able to sustain for a long time at the improved levels so 62 percent of the recruitment is taking more than 60 days now 15 are taking more than 60 days now after after a while i'll show you a detailed project after a while but before i uh you know go back let us as i told you uh let me take 10 minutes lot of people are asking how to enroll for green built in black belt trainings well let me uh talk about that also so yeah some more projects some glimpses i can show you uh but wait hold on hold on i will talk about four years ago somewhere in the middle east one of the largest oil companies took up a lean and six sigma project to reduce the rig move time from seven days to less than three days by doing so they would increase their production capability without investing in additional equipment i'm amitabh saxena from nxs consulting and on 2nd of may in american society of qualities world conference i'm going to talk about how around 50 people of different nationalities came together to solve a problem which was considered to be very very difficult in our journey we used lots of lean and six sigma tools and techniques including the change management methodologies and advanced statistical tools in our ten years of existence our company has completed many projects but this project still stands tall amongst all of them just like burj khalifa see you there on 2nd of may in charlotte in okay then we have done in bank musket also there's not much time to show you all the uh case studies and the video credentials or maybe i will just proceed further uh because of yeah i i yeah even health minister of saudi arabia uh dr tarifa lama he has attended our greenbritten blackbeard trainings and health ministers of vietnam india and uae also have attended our training i i'm waiting for you i'm waiting for you to join the sessions and i'll be happy to teach you more and more tools thanks a lot thanks for joining you
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Keywords: anexas, six sigma projects, amitabh saxena, quality, lean six sigma yellow belt, Six Sigma, Lean, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Six Sigma Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, Six Sigma Master Black Belt, CPHQ Certification, ASQ, IASSC, DMAIC, SIPOC, Minitab, 7QC Tools, 7qc tools, Online Six Sigma Course, Online Six Sigma Training, Tips For Six Sigma, Six Sigma Expert, How To Become Six Sigma Certified
Id: 18ubKie6d6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 9sec (6309 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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