Six Sigma Black Belt Salary (at Each BELT LEVEL)

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over the past few years i've been meeting with folks um clients and just people that want to know what a lens that sigma black belt earns that that question seems to resonate um green belts and black belts and master black belts these questions seem to come up whenever i'm meeting with folks so i thought in this video even though it's sort of a taboo topic to talk about money i would cover a few things right and by the end of this video you're going to know exactly what a six sigma black belt makes as well as green belt and yellow belt so make sure you stick around now if you do like content like this make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel if you're not already a subscriber because i'm going to be releasing a video every tuesday hi my name is chad and i'm a fortune 500 business improvement professional with over 20 years of experience now i started this channel right here the one you're on to help professionals just like you who maybe want to transition into continuous improvement or someone who has a little bit of experience but maybe isn't getting the exact traction that they want in their career i started this channel to share concepts and tools and advice because i've already been through that stuff right i've been doing this for 20 years i've made the mistakes i've corrected so i'm going to share that knowledge to help you correct your path or either start out the correct way so you start your journey correctly so like i said if you like this kind of content make sure you subscribe to my channel so the way i'm gonna structure this video is i'm gonna talk about the income possibilities at each belt level but in order to do that we need to break this down into three steps step one we're gonna talk about belts step two we're gonna talk about knowledge and then finally in step three we're gonna talk about salary at each belt level so i'm gonna take you over to my computer now and jump into some slides with step one so step one is belts and when we're talking about belts we're gonna have to start at the white belt level because that is really kind of the beginning so we start with white belt and then when we move up from there and you can see that it goes up the pyramid right so you can get a lot of people in it white belt it's very high level when we get to yellow belt we start narrowing the uh the the i guess the pool of people we start teaching very few people this i wouldn't say very few but definitely uh fewer than white belts these are the people that are really getting interested in learning these tools and concepts they want to grow in the field or we want to expand our workforce and make sure that we have a solid foundation in lean and six sigma principles and continuous improvement that kind of thing and then we move up to green belt obviously getting more experience now getting into some statistics but don't worry we're gonna cover some of this stuff in step two and then black belt and finally master black belt not sort of the pinnacle the top of the pyramid here and not many people achieve that level so that's why at the top of the pyramid you see there's you know it's obviously fewer people there let's talk about expectations so step two is expectations now i mentioned this as being knowledge but i really think it's expectations at each level so let's look at that so the white belt level you're gonna have about zero to one years of experience right because it's the beginning it's the beginning of your um careers the beginning of maybe learning maybe not your career but definitely your knowledge around lean and six sigma or continuous improvement concepts and tools so you're aware of lean you're aware of six sigma you're you're aware of you know continuous improvement and that kind of thing but you're just not that knowledgeable about it and then moving up to yellow belt you you know you're going to have about one to two years of experience you're going to be trained in overall lean methodologies and you're able to participate on teams and this is where i think the biggest difference between white belt and yellow belt arc because you're going to have enough knowledge about lean six sigma concepts tools principles that kind of thing to really participate on teams and and be successful to participating on teams you're going to be an active participant right so that's sort of the expectations at yellow belt and there's a quite a bit of training that can go on at the yellow belt level so then we move up to green belt now at green belt this is where you're getting a few more years of experience two to three years of experience your practitioners of demaio which is the defined measure analyze improvement control sort of framework for six sigma and problem solving and then you're also a practitioner of lean so you understand ling very well you're going to understand the tools needed you might not be proficient at all of them but you definitely have a good understanding and foundation and you're going to spend approximately eighty percent of your time on projects so this doesn't mean you're going to be in a in a dedicated continuous improvement role although that may happen you may absolutely be in a dedicated role where you're using these tools 100 of the time but what i've noticed in my experience working for companies is that a lot of times these green belts are in like engineering maintenance even i've seen that before as well they're in possibly finance accounting so we have these green belts scatter throughout the organization because they're going to be sort of the cheerleaders for the for for this kind of problem solving and process right because they know and understand the benefit of having these tools or use utilizing these tools to solve problems and then we move to black belt now here we're getting really experienced three to five years of experience um often more experienced than that but definitely three to five understands the make and lean you know fundamentally they understand it not just fundamentally but also very um on a technical level they understand all the ins and outs of demaio and lean they're able to use statistics to make decisions big differentiator between black belts and green belts is that one and then you're going to lead and coach multiple green belts we mentioned this earlier right where we're going to be leading and coaching many green belts throughout the organization so many projects going on at one time and they can teach complex lean and six sigma topics this is something that i would encourage all green belts to get into as they get really experiences to start coaching and teaching or at least teaching um you know lean and six sigma concepts it's going to help you grasp and understand the concepts more yourself when you're teaching these things right but definitely a black belt level you should be doing this and then we get to master black belt now madison black belt is going to have five plus years of experience again often more usually 10 years of experience but i mean i'm safe to say that some people get it with five years of experience but you know it takes a long time to learn these these concepts and tools and principles they're going to coach and mentor black belts they're going to coach leaders in the organization on methodologies so this is a big differentiator between black belts and master black belts between a black belt so at the black belt level you're learning a lot of the technical tools you're going to use throughout your career right and you basically get you're not going to get any more of those technical tools at master black belt so you're going to be using what you've learned to coach or leaders in the organization on why it's important to use these tools and concepts right that's going to be your main differentiator between black belt and master black belt and you're also going to be leading strategic planning to ensure growth so using these tools you'll be doing things like ocean con repla planning or policy deployment you know these are things i'm involved in now and it's something that as you move throughout your career you'll get more involved in as well now if you'll notice you might not stand out it might not you know stand out right away but between black belt and master black belt again black belt is technical but when you get to master black belt you already have the technical skills so really what you're doing at master black belt levels you're using the skills that you've learned to influence the organization and the business so this is where soft skills come into play and that's mainly what you learn at the master black belt level all right so step three is pay so the white blo at the white belt level you can expect to earn about 45 to 60 thousand dollars in uh in pay and and stick around to the end of this because i'm going to tell you if i agree with these or not at the yellow belt level we're looking at 50 to 70 thousand dollar range so what i did was i went out and gathered information from the internet you know you just various websites you can get on on these pay scales and everything and then of course i have experience in this so i want to make sure i cover that at the end to tell you if i really agree with these these pay scales and then when we get to greenbelt now it gets pretty you know this is this is where we're getting into six figures right according to the internet seventy thousand to a hundred thousand dollars is potential at green belt and then at black belt you have a hundred thousand to 138 000 and then for the master black belt we're looking at 138 000 to a hundred and ninety seven thousand you know plus maybe bonuses and things like that now a lot of people might look at this and say why the big range well i'm gonna talk about that in these bullet points there's variables right you have industry maybe like if you work in the aerospace industry you're gonna earn more as a black belt than you have then you'd earn at like maybe a plastics injection molding type of uh environment or something that's considered not as technical as like aerospace right aeronautics and then the job title right because a lot of people they get a black belt or a massive black belt they don't always stay in that role they're not dedicated to a massive black belt rule or a black belt rule but they'll get jobs in logistics or they get jobs in you know finance or they'll move up in the organization and become directors and c-level execs right so they're not gonna that job title is also gonna have some impact on these on these incomes and then of course a level of education you know what type of education you have is it just a high school diploma do you have a two-year degree associate's degree your bachelor's degree master's degree or you know phd a doctorate whatever but that's also going to have some impact on these ranges so that's why you see the large ranges there but what i want to say is i want to talk about my experience with this and what i'll say is at the white belt level i have no idea that that could be right based on a level of experience probably a lot of white belts um that are certified at white belt level um or are probably in some low level quality positions or you know supervisor positions and i'm not i'm not knocking that i think that's important that's where i started so it's important but i didn't have a white belt um i went right straight into green belt so but i can tell you at the yellow belt level this is true because i've coached and trained a lot of yellow belts so i do agree with that salary range there again depending on industry it may even go up a little bit more than that and i wouldn't say less than that though i guess it could depending on the industry area but i definitely think that range is believable and it's something that i'm not afraid to say i agree with it now when we get to green belt 70 to 100 000 i again i do think that the 100th at the six figure range at the greenbelt level is tough um i don't think it's normal i think it depends on i think that hundred thousand six figure range probably comes in when people have gotten a green belt but move up in their career but not necessarily dedicated to a ci role so for example if you got your green belt when you were a supervisor or you know maybe you got your green belt through college or something and then you've moved up the ranks into um like a management role then you're earning like a mid mid-level management role you're earning you know six figures possibly right but you still have that green belt and that could be throwing off you know the fact that just green belts make a hundred thousand dollars and that's you know simply not true not in all cases anyway but now when we get to the black belt range um again it does depend on the industry job title level of each level of education but this saturday range is absolutely believable it's definitely true black belts um that have been in this field for a while usually when you get to the black belt level you you really like this field so you're sticking with it and so you've dedicated a lot of your time to earning the certification because you've done projects and you've turned those projects in and you've had some cost savings to back that up so the salary at 100 000 to 138 000 is absolutely believable and then the massive black belt as well i do believe that when you get to the massive blood belt level because you have so much influence on the organization 138 thousand to 190 or 197 000 even beyond that i believe uh with bonuses and things like that i definitely think that's um that's true so as you can see you can build a lucrative career in this field whether it's lean six sigma business improvement these all fall under the same umbrella you're gonna use some of the same tools and concepts now likewise even if you want to learn these skills to build your current career or enhance the current skill set that you have this is also a great field to learn it's a great tools to learn and concepts to teach not just yourself but maybe your employees if you have those all right so here's how you get that free download simply go down to the description below and there will be a link there likewise there's also a link in the banner of youtube i have it up there um you can go in either place and download that free resource i talked about in this video so make sure you grab that because i think it's really going to help you it's going to do a couple of things one is going to go over some of the same concepts we talked about in this video as far as salary and things like that but it's also going to go into detail on creating that roadmap that you need to get to the point in your career that you really want to be at so make sure you get that resource subscribe to my youtube channel look for future videos like this video if you like the content and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Learn Lean
Views: 14,679
Rating: 4.9170985 out of 5
Id: zXqQXxGdxAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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