Free Houdini Tutorial: Shading, Instancing, and LookDev Using Arnold​

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and this week we're going to continue learning a bit more about shading in arnold i'm going to shade one of the assets that we've create previously created and learned a couple more new tricks and then we're going to start uh preparing the environment and learning how to use arnold instancing and start creating one of the various layouts we're going to create couple small layouts and then hopefully be able to create all of this and learn how to use all the tools and uh go through the process of updating one of the assets including look dev and doing local overrides as well so we're going to explore all that and then hopefully do do some more lighting as well thank you guys for watching and let's get started thanks we're going to prepare the data and the same file to start shading this asset here and i'm going to add two more attributes to the geometry that we're going to utilize in the shader to add extra variation between the blocks and hopefully do some interesting uh shading variations and what i've done is i've created an id attribute that is a unique number per block and we've learned how to do this in in week five and then that got transferred to the geometry so the high res uh mesh has that id information i'm gonna generate a random color based on that to show you guys so here we have the the visualization a random color generated from that id okay and then it's a float attribute even though it's an int so keep that in mind and then i've created a rest attribute which basically stores the current position of the points as a into a rest attribute and the main advantage of this if we want to do let's say we want to make the bottom darker we can use the height the y position of these points and do and use that to drive the shading and then when we transfer this when we translate it scale it or change anything that information is going to stick to the mesh and if we use anything else relative to the position of the point of the mesh in the render then the shading is going to change when we reposition it or instance it so this way it's going to be static and stick to the mesh and then i've exported that as uh as a v3 so here has a v3 and it's called it's using the base variant so everything is correct i'm going to create an arnold procedural and i'm going to type in big cliff for the name of the asset and version 3. and now we have we have the mesh ready i've also created a lowrise preview using a poly reduce and this is what we're viewing in the procedural as well so now here i'm going to name this big cliff render procedural and let's give it a different color i'm going to assign the shader which is basically a standard an empty standard shader and then i'm going to import the lightweight from the previous week which we've changed a bit so we're going to keep using that for the first to shade all the assets and use it as the default so here i have the sky from previous week and the sun let's take a look through the camera and let's visualize this cool and let's go to the out context and i'm going to make sure that the ipr base has everything set correctly so that and then the sun and sky let's create a render view and select the apr base and hit render and we should see our assets rendering with the diffuse shader cool okay so everything seems to be fine and uh we're going to start creating the shader now so let's start shading this uh this wall here and i have two textures that i'm gonna be using this is the first one and this is the second one i've created this in in week 2 and they're both tileable and it's a 6k image and this is the bump map and the specular map i'm going to be using this for for both the specular and the bump and this is my diffuse and you can see i'm looking at it in a linear color space not in srgb and that's what we need to view it at because this is what's going to go into the render and then and then the light will be applied and everything should look correct and the the thing i wanted to talk about is we don't know how these textures will really look like until we try them on the geometry and the truth is this texture has gone through a little bit of iteration and i was testing it with the asset here but i had i'm not gonna show uh this process because i i want to focus on doing the shading primarily but what i want you guys is when you do uh when we finish the workshop and then you start creating the textures always have a simple light rig with the simple geometry uh that represents somewhat what you're going to be creating let's say if you if you're shading a rock you if you're creating the texture for a rock it's best to have something that resembles to rock because it's very important for the visual as well to sell that texture and i've iterated over this i think one or two times just changing the size of these white dots to uh look as good as possible in this mesh here but i'm not gonna i'm telling you that this is what i've done but we're not gonna do that here we're gonna just use them and i want you guys to implement this workflow when you start doing your own shading and or creating the textures you have to keep in mind that you may have to go or probably you will have to go and tweak the textures to give you what you want in the render so that's something to uh to keep in mind and let's get started i'm gonna dive inside and i'm gonna create a an image a color correction some of this is a duplicate from what we've done but i want to go over the process again probably a little bit faster than before i'm going to add a sorry i'm going to add a try planner and let's connect these guys i know that i need a call correct because the texture will need to be exposed uh two stops for this case okay and let's connect the let's add the texture cool and i'm gonna expose the texture so we can see it it's too dark and again with the light and everything we have to always uh tweak these these things a little bit in the shader cool so let's tweak the repetition here why is the scale locked i don't understand this okay and i'm gonna rotate the map a little bit to move the the details to a different area and get something a bit more interesting so you can rotate the triplaner and to anything you want and this is just placing the texture in a different just rotating the texture coordinate and i wanted to talk about the white that we're seeing right now and if we go back to the to this empty to the image here we'll look at we're looking at it through in a linear color space and let's gain it up two stops let's expose it you can see now we're getting we're seeing white but it's not actually white it's uh let me try and explain it so for example here the color itself is not white but because it's super bright we're we're seeing it uh as white but the real value is is this for the texture it's somewhat the real the value and this as well it's what the texture shows us is the real value and to get white uh you don't necessarily have to have super white and bright spots in the texture you can this is how i would do it this is the workflow i would create the texture and forget about the white and actually try to avoid having pure white values because they're really hard to work with and having these stones we can actually get the white that we need easily and this will look much more realistic and we'll also have a lot more tones in in these spots versus having just a flat uniform white here and you can see already we're getting a lot of interesting tones and this is all because of the lut as well so you can see here we're getting some interesting white values and in other areas it behaves differently and this is very very natural we're also getting a lot of cool uh uh informations in the dark areas and that and this is very realistic and it's really hard to you know squeeze this much information from a texture like this you know if you plug this into most of the any render without a lot you will basically get a garbage something like this this is what it would look like in an srgb space you can see we're not it's not really interesting at all and we're not capturing a lot of details from the mesh uh from the texture itself so let's let's turn on the color io back and you can see there is a little bit of artifacts in some of the areas here and the reason for that is because the tri planner uses the normals to create the uv projection and in some case the normal transition is very sharp on some of the complex meshes like these guys and there is a blend feature that we can use to help smooth the transition and that will fix pretty much everything and make it make it a lot nicer i'll set it to 0.5 you can see now we have perfect texture applied to the geometry and let's continue so the next thing i want is i want to vary the shading between the blocks so i'm going to create a user data node and this is how you read information stored in the mesh as point as a point attribute you can read float rgba you can read a string you can read and you can read the float and the id is stored as a float so i'm going to use that and let's type in id and i'm going to use a random node which is very useful and here i'm going to connect the float and let's take a look at the result okay now this this guy has two inputs we're gonna we have to tell it that it needs to use the float value but we're getting these uh this interesting change here and the reason for that is because because the data is actually one it's it's a flow it's an end value and because of this we're losing we're we're at introducing some errors in the values and the way to fix that is using a float to int boom and done and now it's much much it's 100 percent cleaner and i actually gonna use the input and change this to integer and now we have our perfectly uh clean variation that we need to use and now we have this information we can use for example the red channel we can use the green channel or any any of them to use to drive the shading to vary the shading and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create another tri planner i'm going to copy this and let's preview this texture with the shader i'm going to type in 0.09 and let's rotate it a bit and maybe let's increase it make it bigger make bigger tiles okay cool and i want to introduce a little bit of variation so i'm going to create a color correct node and maybe desaturate this a bit and introduce this let's try i'm just going to try to introduce a touch of blue here because these rocks generally have a very desaturated color and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a mix and let's mix between this and this new one using one of these guys let's try the r channel and let's connect that and now it's mixing between using this information you can see let's try i'm using a switch node that i will explain in a second so this switch node uh has different inputs basically from 0 to 20 from 0 to 19 and then based on this integer it will pick an input so you can have five different colors and have a random number that goes from 0 to 10 and then plug in different 10 colors that will get used to vary the shading now uh i'm going to do a snap i'm going to change the input to 1. and let's compare you can see now we're getting more mixing in in the shader sorry i mean here is is mixed more cool so let's uh let's use this and the information right now goes from zero to point from zero to one and i want to add a i want to multiply those values so i'm gonna add a multiplication here and the reason for that is because the mix goes from zero to one and i i've seen i've seen that the values doesn't go from zero to one so i want to just add a multiplier and see if i can make it make the difference a bit more more clear and make it more pronounced that's it that's the word and let me do something super quick to to make sure to show you guys that it's working so i'm gonna create another color correct and yeah so it's already very obvious now and let's set this back to one pardon me cool so you can see we're getting a lot of interesting variation as probably too much here so let me delete this and let's tweak this guy a bit more and we can also we can keep doing this let's add another mix between this guy and another version so let's copy this let's copy the try planner as well and unfortunately we don't have uh the mix only accepts two so the network making may get a little bit complicated so let's move this and i'm going to increase i'm going to make the details smaller and let's just rotate it so it's not the same at all and let's pick a different channel now instead of the instead of the red let's pick the green let's make sure it's also multiplied and in the color correction i want to change it now i'm gonna use a complementary color let me check the texture by its health actually i wanted i wanted to make the details smaller so let me increase this okay and let's take a look let's make this red to see it completely okay let's set this back to one as well and now you see i'm not i'm not liking this the percentage of how much we're getting this new texture is a lot and what i want to do is i want to generate something else so i connected this this is my random value actually let's um yeah that's fine so this is my random value and what i want to do is i'm going to generate another random value from these guys so i'm going to connect connected here and let's use the int instead and make sure we convert the flow to an end and now we should get something with less variation exactly but this is let's try this so this mask i'm gonna use that information and multiply it with this and now basically we're mixing the two two masks cool so now we're getting more more variation and i'm gonna use more variation that only isolates a few blocks i'm going to use that in the new mix which already which is already connected see nice so we have less less blocks with that new texture and we can also use a ramp to to remove any small values let's say i want to remove values from this range and only keep it in that range or we can add another dot here and just pick come on so we can specify using a ramp which blocks we pick based on their values okay so let's tweak this to add more variation okay cool and the last thing i want to do is i want to add a little bit more variation to all of this so what i'm going to do is i am going to take this texture and see how i'm not liking all these details here i want to break those up a little bit so what i'm going to do is i'm going to let me check something yes so see here with these tri-planner actually maybe it's best to explain this in a different section okay so now we have this this information and it's using the the point position and i don't want to use that i don't want it to have to use the p the current position of the points i'm going to create a user data rgb to import the vector and i'm going to import the rest attribute and let me show you guys the rest values so this is the position of the points i'm going to use that in the position of the tri planner so let's convert rgb to vector hmm yeah i'm not so sure okay let's not yeah let's not try to change the position completely i'm going to do something else see this offset here i'm going to use that to vary the shading per point so i'm going to create an a noise attribute and i'm going to it's a vector i'm going to create a vector noise let's set it to 1 something like that and then i'm going to use this in the offset and let's take a look see now we're getting this very interesting breakups within the texture using just using the tri-planner node and then what i can do is i can increase change the noise that's probably too much it's too much let's take a look at the noise size yeah so let's say two and two and let's add four octaves a little bit of distortion cool so now we have distorted the texture just using the tri-planner but i don't want to generate the noise that uh that is based on the work position because it will change uh as the mesh change it which could be fine which should not cause a problem it could actually generate more interesting variation between the blocks but i want to show you guys how you can use the uh the the breast position which will will look exactly the same but when we transfer the mesh it will be it will stick to the mesh so we'll use that for now and then we're going to copy these guys and let me plug them in here i want to change this pattern for the offset and i'm going to copy it and i want to change the original as well i'm going to add a little bit of offset and maybe change this to have bigger scales and let's take a look at what we have cool so now we have more variations we're not going to be able to fix this completely we have to distort that information in the mesh unfortunately and it's a little bit tricky we need to do that in subs but we've broken up the texture a lot you can see now we have a lot more interesting details that we've added we have a lot of cool variations let me add let me render this at a high resolution and we're gonna actually i'm not gonna pause i wanna show you guys this and we have a one diffuse balance remember and there is no bump nothing at the moment and that's our texture and we're going to add a little bit of specular to it a little bit of bump and hopefully cold is done and continue start building the uh the layout so let's continue and add the bump and specular and i have imported the the texture here which we're gonna use for both bump and specular i'm going to create a color correct node and i'm going to create a try planner now obviously in theory we would have to match what we've done here exactly if we want the bump to follow the surface but i'm not going to worry too much we can simply desaturate this image and use that to add a little bit of bump and have everything else come from this texture here so we can mix both of them and i'm gonna um we'll play with this when we when we start seeing the result of the bump and we're gonna add a bump node and let's connect this to actually here normal i'm still used to the old thing and now uh let me lower the resolution a bit and the settings as well i'm going to turn off gi so it's it's faster to work with and let's turn off specular indirect as well and you can see now the bump is destroying the the normals a lot let's reduce this i think we can go a little bit higher oh actually we don't know how the tri planner looks like so let's uh let's take a look at that okay so it's it's very titled let's set this 206 something like that and let's add the blend okay not so sure why we're getting uh sorry 0.06 okay cool let's take a look and let's increase the bump here it's probably going to be too high and what i generally i think it's working nicely now what i generally like to do the diffuse is really tricky to see the bump with i always prefer to look at the specular component so i'm going to increase the spec and set it to 0.15 i'm going to add the the specular aov and just take a look at that so we have it okay and for this we have to make sure that we have enough sampling so i'm gonna add i'm gonna increase the settings i'm gonna focus on this section here okay so i think it's it's too much because we're getting a lot of uh distortion we're getting the spec is very uneven and i'm gonna go back to zero see what we're getting first okay screen it up so there and let's try from zero to five and let's focus on this section here okay we can add more four times that let's try even more yeah it's too much here yeah i think this is good now so let's take a look at the full image let's increase it a little bit okay so we have our specular and i'm going to use this information as well to uh in the specular but i want to squeeze a little bit more information from the bump so i'm going to add a little bit more gamma to it to have more contrast in the image and i'm gonna gain it up a little bit which will also affect the bump values yeah i think it's cool so we'll leave it at that and then i'm gonna use the same information here for the specular so i'm gonna put down a range attribute and i'll explain why i'm doing this and let me move these guys closer to the uh node i'm going to add a dot and i need two of these so i want to vary the specular between 0 and 5 to 0.5 and 0.9 and then the roughness i want to change it between 0.6 0.2 and 0.6 so in the sorry 0.6 and 0.2 so in the darker areas it will be rougher and then in the brighter areas it will be less blurry okay cool yeah i think it's working now uh what else do i like to do i want to i want to use that rest information to add a little bit more shading variation so what i'm going to do is i'm going to i copy that rest attribute and let me create a color correct node and here within the color correct you can see we can drive all these values using a any input we want and what i'd like to do is i'm gonna connect this and i'll show you why so we can change it along the height so let's actually do that and let's fit range this minus six minus ten and ten okay and let's put down a ramp and i want to invert that so one just the bottom part this is something we've done but i think it's cool so we'll repeat it again okay and i'm going to use that information to actually change the exposure in here or any values but we'll use the exposure so let's add a exposure and let's take a look actually it's exposing it it's the other way so we'll add we can't yeah we can add a multiply we need to invert the ramp so let me remove this it's too much yeah and let's put down a range i don't want it to affect this much so i wanted to fit that between 0.1 and that's sorry 0.8 okay i'm not seeing pardon me i'm not seeing the impact on this clearly but we'll leave it at that i don't want to spend too much time on that i think you guys know how to do this and uh i'm lowering the settings so it's a little bit faster to work with the interactivity is a little bit slow i'm not so sure what's happening let me kill this this render and hit again hit the render button again find me okay cool so uh what i want to do is with this shading information before i deviate it uh i'm gonna take the the x is it the x let's take a look at the x value yes i want to take the x value and see how we're getting some some kind of cool depth map for this image and this is really cool i want to use this information to drive vary the shading a little bit more on the geometry itself and i'm going to we gained it down so let's put down a range node actually these values are good i know they're high so let's range from zero to three to zero to one four 3.2 i want this guy to be white so i'm looking at that okay that's cool and then i want i'm going to use this as a multiplier so i'm simply going to multiply this whole thing with this texture and let's just use a a single value and let's plug this texture here and take a look see how we're getting that uh the shading added back added onto the mesh but it's affecting the it's affecting the the texture a lot so i'm not going to use the this to multiply the texture i'm going to use it in the base to vary the diffuse intensity and i'm going to use the original texture and i think the the range thing is the height variation is is not working well behind me i think the height variation is not working as expected so i'm gonna i removed it and i'm gonna focus on getting this to work and i want to vary the shading to be between point six point seven and one so it's darker here and brighter at the upper level i can increase this actually one point four and we're getting a lot of uh more depth into this it's like a fake occlusion basically okay i think it's too much but fine you guys get the idea and i want to do one more thing with this i like i like to have these these guys have more specular on them so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this guy the noise here i want to generate a noise map and it's not a vector i don't want a vector i want a scalar noise okay cool and i want to use multiply that noise with this so let's set it to zero and one so i want just the top part so what i'm going to do is i'm gonna put down a ramp let's do a ramp rgb and something like that and right now the the position i want to break these guys i don't want them to be this uniform so what i'm going to do is i know this is a little bit getting a little bit complicated uh so let's see i'm gonna copy i'm gonna move this i want i'm gonna change the noise to a vector and i'm gonna add this noise to this position okay the rest attribute is now it has a noise added to it i'm gonna look at what we're interested in which one the red channel let's take a look at the red channel which should represent the the the depth you can see now the the position is distorted using this vector and i increase this and it will get more and more distorted i'm actually going to increase the scale i want finer details not that much so let's try five okay something like that let's just set this to one and then i'm gonna use this uh i'm gonna use this information here to to vary the shading instead of just that uniform and let me connect this here and let's take a look at the ramp okay cool now see how we're getting that nice edge instead of that uniform edge and this is going to be much more useful and let's take a look at the values one that's fine and all i i want to do now is add this to the this to the specular so here and this guy and this is my specular okay now you can see we've changed it we've added that information into the mesh now let me move these guys i know it's getting a little bit complicated but uh it's it's very straightforward the process makes a lot of sense we just isolated some parts and added them back to the specular to have more specular on those areas i think that's pretty much it okay and we can we can also pardon me we can also multiply this to make it more clear so the red value to make the specular show up even more on those parts we can multiply it to anything we want and that will make it more visible and you can see it here there's a more distortion actually let's play with the with the noise to show you the effect see how much it's broken down now that's because we added a vector to the rest position to to break this up even more cool so let me change it back to i can't remember the value and let's set this to two cool okay uh what else do we need i'm not going to use this i think the shading along the height is you guys have seen this so i'm not going to spend time on that and i think the apr crashed hopefully it did not because i didn't save this file and let me pause and come back it just came back i'm not so sure what happened but i think the machine froze for a couple of seconds because of all what's happening and you can see let's take a look at this back again you can see we're getting a lot more specs now on these parts which is very interesting and we're not uh we're not getting that much specular in these in these parts cool so uh what else i think that's pretty much it for uh for the shading i wanted to show one more thing using the id and the random thing so i'm gonna copy that and come in here and what i want to do is i'm gonna delete these guys i'm gonna connect this random guy and we should see such a we should see a black and white ramp map sorry not black and white but yeah and i'm gonna take on grayscale to generate a black and white so the values goes from zero to one and i'm gonna add a compare node with this compare i'm going to tell it if the value is less than 0.5 uh give me show me the result i'm going to use this input and let me verify something okay and then it's returning a boolean right now and it it's the boolean goes from zero to one and i'm going to use that with a switch rgba i'm going to set this to 1 and i'm going to connect this to the index and let's take a look and boom now we have 50 percent uh we're getting 50 we're isolating 50 of the rocks only i can say i want 10 sorry it's the other way let me change this to greater than so now we're isolating 10 now unfortunately there is not so much that we can do about that attribute but i think this will work just fine and let's say a 1.2 for example and you can what you can do is you can change the seed to get different blocks and you can treat them differently so let me do this i'm gonna copy this this guy and i'm gonna collapse it so it doesn't take a lot of space and i want to do something on a view of the shader i'm going to change few properties i'm going to turn off the fuse and add more specular i want more reflection and i'm going to actually turn off disconnect the the diffuse component and i want to lower i don't want this much diffuse i want to make i want to make it i want to make the specular more visible so i lowered the diffuse and we have the same specular and then i added a second one which is point one i'm going to give it a different color as well just a tiny bit of tint in there i'm gonna lower the roughness i want it to be super clean and i'm going to turn off normals i'm going to disconnect the bump okay and that will make it look much cleaner without the bump and what i'm going to do is i'm going to use a node called mix shader and this is something new in arnold 5. you can mix the rdfs and i'm going to mix these two guys and let's take a look and now it's not this is not a shader multiplication this is not uh it's not combining the result it's combining the brdfs and then that goes to the render so it gives us back a physically plausible result and what i want to do is i want to use that the the map that we've created as the blend between the both both of them so i'm putting the mix in and let me change this to let's have something unique so i know this is the shader let's add a mission let's add a red mission boom that's that's where we're getting the uh the the new shader and i'm actually going to change it to a let's leave it at blend cool and now we're adding this brdf into the into the mix to add this new look back and what i'm going to do is i'm going to actually turn off the diffuse completely and i'll explain why i'm doing that in a second let me turn off the diffuse and the emission as well and you can see now we're getting this shader more visible in here let's put back some of that diffuse in and what i wanted to do is i want to simulate the look of having a secondary specular on top of this that doesn't have a bump you can see these guys don't have bump on them and with this we can simulate having a uh a wet layer like let's say this is ra it's raining for example you still got the bump and everything but you will have a clean uh coat on top of everything that is much smoother than the actual surface itself and i'm gonna copy this and i want to i'm not going to use the switch i want to use the add mode so i want to add that and i'm going to add this specular component onto the mesh and i'm going to turn off the diffuse and let's turn off the specular as well i just want the clear coat i don't care about that roughness and the reason i turned off that is because i want to use this this section here which can have its own normal so see this guy can have its own normal we can also use the this normal to affect everything and but you guys get the idea of i think you can mix multiple brdfs with different normals to get interesting shading you can see now we're getting these smooth crack lines on top of everything to and that simulates having uh basically the rain on top of his surface and let me snap this sorry let me snap where's the button this guy and i want to rotate it 45 degree to capture to to have the surface face more this direction you can see how we're getting those nice highlights and that's coming from the secondary layer on top of it and if we render this you know what let's let's do this let's multiply this by 10. okay cool and let's multiply it by six and let's go back to the ipr base i'm gonna make a copy just in case and let's hit render here sorry i'm going to use the mplay so sometimes i noticed that the the cool thing with employees you can append images and compare them but the most of the interactivity passes i i use the uh the render view and see now even with the asus workflow it's set on it's not loading the it's not loading the lot and what i generally have to do is i need to load in the lot by hand i'm going to do that so i'm going to right click load lut this guy and set the uh the color the gum correction to one now the other thing i noticed is and play is a little bit well it's darker overall than the render view see here it's crushing the values a lot and um and yeah this is much more accurate i'm not so sure why why this is happening and right now we're rendering with a very low res settings so we're not getting we're not capturing all the details but hopefully you guys get the idea so i'll let this render for a couple more frames and we'll take a look at it so uh in this video we're going to start gathering uh our assets and preparing everything for layouts and uh before we do that i want to show the i want to show the render and this is what we have and it's actually it's a little bit fast so it's hard to see but you can see there is this top layer on top of everything plus the shading let's take a look at the specular you can see the layering of the shading as well here you can see the different layers which is very cool and this is our diffuse texture just diffuse lighting which is very cool as well and i think we're done with this asset and all the other stuff that i showed all the other stuff in the course is done using very similar technique and using the same textures and hopefully i'll be able to show some of the some of the scenes files so it's not blurry for you guys and i'm going to start let me move this and let's start a fresh scene and what i'm going to do is we need to import the assets and i have a simple script here that i made as a shelf tool and you all you have to do is uh create a new shelf tool and give it give it a name test test and then for the script we're going to copy this these lines here i'm going to paste them and hit apply and if we click test it will asks ask you for the name of the show and the show name is a aac workshop i'm gonna type that and hit enter and it will try and go and locate for all the assets now some i've made a lot of temp assets that don't have the data set up correctly and i'm gonna go over and clean those up and delete any any unused data so i'm gonna delete all the temp ones and let's run it again cool so as long as we have the data in there it should import everything correctly and i have a lot of duplicates i have various things here and they're not all shaded in this environment so we'll keep the one that are shaded recently that we've shaded together and then the other ones will have to assign a new shader temporarily for them and actually all the environment that i showed were were done using a single shader the the complete full environment i mean so let's go over this let me hide everything and let's start viewing them one by one so this one is valid let's keep it and this one is just an example i'm going to delete it this one maybe i'm not sure we'll check it what in the render so and let me give these guys a color so the one that is valid will give it a green color the one that needs to be checked and the render will give it a purple color same purple this one i don't think we're going to use this so let me give these guys a black color the one in depth and we're not going to use this we are what's the difference yeah i think we're going to use this one because it's the bend version of the cliff full bend we're not going to use this we're going to use just the full bend version we're not going to use this these guys will probably use so give it a green color and this is a green color as well let's hide this okay we're going to use this for sure i'm not sure if this is the correct asset or not because that's i made duplicates for the workshop this we're gonna use i mean i i don't have a clear idea where we're gonna i'm gonna put it last time i just tried to fit it in this guy will use can't remember if we did export the version that we shaded together or not but it should not be a problem we'll find that out soon okay let's see this one is empty it doesn't have a preview so we'll delete it preview workshop base and we're not going to use that uh this is uh an asset that we didn't talk about so i'm going to delete this is not included delete this is not used maybe you can use it i'm not sure this one we're going to use for sure and this one in doubt so let's put it here okay so we have them all lined up and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a folder and call it xx say 200 in the aac workshop i have an xx which me for a sequence name and then these are basically the shots so i'm going to call it xx200 layout sorry i have prep v1 and i need that light rig so i'm going to import that just by hand i'm going to copy paste it here i'm going to create a camera and go in the out context let's delete this let's create the arnold node and i'm going to include everything that is not uh that is not these three okay so i'm gonna make a copy of this and then let's go back to the object context and i want to force these assets except the artistic the standing blocky cliff base and the cliff stairs r d bass and this guy okay this is the geometry and then the first lights i want to include these guys okay and let's i'd like to make a copy of this i'll explain why in a second so i have a copy of the viewport i'm gonna set it to always on top and let's switch to the render view and check the resolution i wanna reduce it and make it square actually and let's hit render so it's rendering uh it it's gonna take few seconds for it to load in the millions and millions of points and let me make sure that the render settings i'm outputting the logs detailed logs i think there is an error with uh with one of the assets probably the texture is missing or something so let me uh let me find let me find where i opened houdini from and then we can we can check it okay cool so this is the thread and i'm going to take a look at the logs here and we'll be able to know if we have an error in the scene or not and i wanted to show you guys this process because because if i wanted to do everything real time if there is a problem i want to show you how i'm going to solve it and how i will try to fix it i may not necessarily fix it and we have to pause but i want to do everything as live as possible instead of trying to prepare everything so it magically works all of the sudden and i'm gonna display these guys in the viewport and now the reason i i the reason i uh set the resolution to square is because i want to follow um i want to see it in here and then i can select individual assets and move them gently i work one on a bigger resolution but because i'm recording i can't i can't do that so let me move these guys and let's turn off this from the viewport where is it viewport selection so i can select it let's move this and remember we're dealing with very high rise assets now it's if we zoom in to these guys they're the real deal so they're all super super high-res and let's move this guy away i'm not sure why why the sun is not why these guys are not receiving that much light and let's try let's move this okay i'm gonna scale it or we'll do that later it's fine but you can see we can tumble in and look at all the high-res assets now it looks like none of them have the shaders attached to it and i'm gonna go back and verify and make sure that i'm including at least the two the two assets that i've shaded them so i'll do that i'll pause and do that and this is pretty much all the assets that we ah sorry not all of them yeah this is all the assets that we're going to be using and uh we're going to start creating the environment using them now there is one that i'm not seeing a preview for which is this guy here and i'm not sure where that is yeah it doesn't have a preview and that is called sharp cliff based uh sorry it's it's hidden yeah it has a preview okay so we have all the assets that we need this is how we're going this is what we're going to be using to build the environment and i'm going to start by creating the the ground using this element and then we'll have a base that we will add the remaining assets for now what i'm going to do is i'm going to pause and then find a look for uh for this it's the same version that we've shaded together so i'm gonna find that and import it and then the other thing is i'm gonna find the version that we've created together that has the shading information embedded in it so we'll do that in the next video and explain the process and hopefully start building building the scene so now we're going to make sure that we're importing the latest asset of the ones that we've shaded and this one and i've i'm rendering it i'm showing it but it's actually not in any of these guys so we need to create a new one and i'm going to copy this because it's called big cliff base and it's the base variant and i'm gonna include that only that in the render settings so it is it is there let's hit render okay cool so it's rendering and what i want to do is i want to bend this 45 degrees so we can use it in a circular environment and i'm going to override this this geometry and i want to also include the shading so what happened is uh we didn't after we finished the shading we need to export the the data back again and so far we've been only using the procedure the geometry the to do the shading and we haven't exported anything back so what i'm going to do is i'm going to first add the bend deformation to the geometry so i'm going to use a bent node and a transform to move it to the correct location okay cool and then let's uh let's verify the low res version and that needs to be updated now okay and i'm i don't wanna i don't want to recompute the polity reduce so i'm just gonna apply the bend to the uh to the low res version as well and let me hide everything okay so both of them are deformed now the high res let me hide this the high res and the low rise cool and we have the shading the shader finished as well so everything is fine i'm going to go to the out context change this to 4 for version 4 and then hit render and that should export everything needed and then i'm going to go back to the layout scene and import version 4 and make sure that everything is rendering fine now we've only shaded two two assets again and i'm gonna just use the shade the these two shaded version and everything else will have a different shader so let's go to the object context and change this to four and we need to hit the render again to make to cause it to re-export the geometry cool so everything is rendering correctly with the shader attached now let's take a look at the other asset which we have we've done together so that is called the base cliff where is it the standing cliff base so i'm gonna copy this name and let's include that and let's take a look in the viewport to make sure that we're seeing it okay it's this guy and i'm going to go to the original scene so this is the scene that we've created together and this is the the geometry again we were shading the live procedural and we need to re-export everything again now what i'd like to do is i want to re-export the geometry and turn off the displacement because it was slowing down things so i'm going to set this back to the zero their default values set it on both of them and no subdivision and i think that's pretty much it i'm gonna re-export again and that will include the geometry now and i'm gonna export this not the procedural so that will include everything and let's go back let's increase this to version three and it's gonna hit that cool and this will include the shader as well okay let's change it to version three and let's go to the render view and hit render and we should see our object rendering correctly now it would be ideal if we had everything set up to have the same scale or relative scale because some of the values may depend on that like the bump values and things like that but hopefully you guys can improve on that and have a unified pipeline where you can have a a reference scene scale you can also have a some kind of reference in your scene whenever you build new assets and use that as a reference so why is this not rendering now interesting oh yes sorry i forgot to the the reason it's black is because we have displacement turned on in the shader and i forgot to remove that so i can do it here and go back to the out and export and that will just override the asset now again i was talking about the the scale you guys can have a a human as a reference and then whenever you build a scene you drop that guy and and use it as in as the reference for what the scale should be i'm not going to worry too much about that at this point okay let's hit render again cool so everything seems to be working as expected now obviously it's going to be slower because uh because there is gi as well so let's turn that off there is reflection so let's turn those two off but everything should be the same the light rig is the same that we used for shading both of them so everything should be fine and i think that's pretty much it i'm gonna check these assets and see what they are that looks very realistic cool let me copy the viewport again and i really like this and i want to tumble and take a look at it okay so uh what i'm going to do is i'm gonna go to the out context and i'm going to copy this again and let's go to the object and i want to only include these three guys so drag let's have this always on top ah we can't have them okay that's fine let's try this okay and let's render pardon me and let's view this in the viewport and see what we have it's these three guys okay so it looks like this guy has a different shader so and it looks like it's not the same geo so i don't know which one to keep i mean you guys can use both so we'll keep the we'll keep the blue one and delete this guy and then this i'm gonna delete okay yeah i think we have everything needed we need now and we're going to start creating the environment so now we're going to start creating the layout and i've hidden everything else and i'm going to um start instancing this geometry here so i'm gonna move it to the side and let's give it a different color and the way we do instancing is using the native houdini instance node and this is supported in arnold i'm to copy this name paste it and add instancing so i know this is what is used to create the instance of this object and i'll always keep them side by side so i know i can easily track that and then all we have to do is drag this in here and change this point and sensing to full instancing and let's hide this you can see now we have one one copy and the reason we have one copy if we dive inside this instancing node there is one point and we can add more points let's move this and let's add this so now we have two copies but we're not going to use this we're going to create a circle i'm going to set it to z and x and just give it 10 units and i'm going to create a let's see i'm going to create a scatter and scatter some points and boom that's our instancing and um if we dive inside we just see the points here and if i go back up i can pin the viewer to always show me this result but then when i dive inside it'll still be pinned so i can see the result and i'm gonna turn off relax points and the first thing we need we want to do is we want to randomize the scale so i'm going to create a random attribute and basically there's a few attributes that are supported by default well the few attributes that are supported there's not much else that we can do we can drive the scale orientation and um add any custom attribute that we want but to to basically modify the shape of the geometry there's only scale in rotation and the position is coming from the points and those are the things that we're going to be changing so i'm going to change this to go from let's see 0.5 to 1.7 and it's a one float it's a uniform scaler and then i want to create an angle and the way we change the rotation is using quaternion so i'm going to create a point flop and dive inside and create a quaternion sorry and then we have to export this as a uh a four float bind export come on we need to export this as for float4 so this guy this guy and then call it orient and by doing that we can chain we can rotate the instances per object okay and you can see the value here the angle is not in in degrees so we can change that we can create a red to degree sorry a degree to red and connect this and now we can set the degree to a reasonable number and it will be correct so 90 degree will give us that and now all we have to do is generate a random number per point for each of these guys and i don't want to rotate them along the x-axis i am only interested in the y-axis so i'm going to set that and then let's create a scale and an attribute and call it scale and that will be used for the rotation sorry we're going to call it angle so angle it's a single float and it goes from minus 360 to 360. and let's import that angle so bind angle and now we have a rotation so it looks like okay cool so let's increase the number of points and let's change something else i want to add height variation to these guys so i'm going to create a point wall dive inside and generate the noise and then use that noise to set the y component so set component vector and we want to set the y position okay cool so now we have randomization and i'm gonna add more and that's cool okay so i think we're done here let's create a camera or we have camera so let's place it and let's hit render cool so now we have our ground element instanced and we can always go back and fix the mesh i'm gonna change the resolution to have a an hd format and sometimes the instancing sometimes this happened where the instancing doesn't sorry the apr doesn't know uh doesn't have the correct geometry in memory and you have to hit render to get that again i'm sure that this is being worked on and probably fixed in the later releases of arnold of h2a sorry okay so we have the ground element and let's continue and add a couple more the next element i want is and the next element i want to start instancing is this guy so let me show you let me show the elements so this one and the idea is i want to copy this uh along this circle and have them point out upward so i'm going to move this here and i'm going to copy this and let's hide this for now and let's call this give it the same name and let's drag this guy here okay that's probably too much but you can see the benefits of having the proxy version instead of the hi-res version one second cool so what i'd like to do is i'm going to change the circle instead of being sorry i'm going to hide this instead of uh uh filled i'm gonna change it to nurbs curve and it's a yeah it's it's fine if no we need to change it to open arc so we just get the the edges and then we can scatter points along that those edges i'm going to set this to 50 for now and i'm going to keep that same same variation along the height now let's reduce this to 30 and then let's keep everything the same and let's take a look okay let's pin this and let's see why we're getting points oh sorry it looks like the there is a translation so we need to zero that out and let's take a look cool and now we can play with the uh with the scale so i'm gonna change this to one and i want to visualize the ground as well to see how these guys will fit in i'm gonna move them down a bit and i'm gonna scale the circle so they're a little bit inside and i want to scale them down as well something like that i want to get more more rotation more randomization in terms of rotation so i'm looking for this guy seems to be the only option you can change the seed and i want the more variation in terms of scale cool and let's add more points okay let's add more scale as well and let's move them up a bit i think they're too low something like that and then we don't care about the one at the center and um i want to delete some some points to make a gap so i'm going to do that and let's take a look here let's unpin this and take a look at the points and i'm going to put down a delete node and delete some points just to make an opening in the environment in case we needed we needed some some entries or something like that i'm going to make four of them let's extend this and let's actually extend uh let's leave it at that that's fine okay let's see cool and let's add uh i think more points probably too much let's pin this and let's set it to 80. i think this is cool and let's include this one in the rendering as well and let's do some renders i'm gonna i'm going to create another scene viewer here but first let me add this i'm going to create a scene viewer and let's change this to the render view and hit render and let's look through the camera pin the camera and see what we get okay cool so we're starting to get our environment built and ready and these rocks are very high res so if we zoom in see a lot of details and what i'd like to do is i want to change the settings a little bit the lighting settings a little bit and i'm gonna copy this in case i needed to come back to it and i'm gonna increase the skylight to two and this to eight i want to double everything and then in the shader i want to make it more reflective it's very reflective oh i know why so let's go to the render settings and let's set this to one to get uh indirect reflection and then the gi to one as well let's hit render and again this is uh this looks like a real black now it was not this much visible in the previous version but now i think it's happening more often and i'm gonna go back and change my settings a bit and the light settings a bit i think it's too too bright i'm gonna set this to six and this to 1.6 cool okay we're getting there and in the next video we're going to continue adding uh adding more elements so uh we're going to continue creating more elements using the assets that we've done and i have i've done a render 2500 and it took just a couple minutes maybe less than three minutes to finish this with gi and reflection as well and you can see we have all kinds of cool details so let's continue the next element is i want to create uh something using these rocks that is pointing downward in a circular motion as well so i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna copy this guy and put them side by side i'm gonna remove this and this is one and let's uh let's dive inside this guy i'm going to pin the viewport and what i'd like to do the the first thing i like to do is i want to change the uh rotation as well so that we're going to leave that and i want to rotate them to point downward so let's remove this and i want to rotate them along the x or z it doesn't matter and let's copy this as well and we want 180 degree so they're pointing downward cool and and right now we're overriding that orientation with this value so we need to do everything in the same one in the same in the same node so what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy this copy these two nodes and then add them together let's turn this off and 180 degree and then on the x-axis let's see interesting i'm not so sure why we have to do this maybe because we're adding both of them together yeah it could be because of the result so uh it's fine we're not gonna worry too much about that i'm gonna change the scale of this outer circle and i'm gonna remove these deletion and i'm gonna scale them a bit more okay cool and you know what i don't think the rotation is working so i'm going to copy this i'm going to scale it down like that i'm going to use this instead so let's drag this in here and i'm gonna remove the the inversion that we've added okay cool so it's much cleaner now uh it's adding the overhead of having this geometry red twice these two unique but arnold is not gonna arnold is gonna be smart about these two guys and we'll know that they are instance and will only uh read the mesh once so it's totally fine to do this okay cool something like that and i think maybe too much pieces too many pieces right now set this to 0.5 and let's reduce this yes something like that cool and let's take a look let's add this guy to the render and hit render let's go to the scene view and i'm going to select the camera and change the resolution to match what we have just for consistency okay cool and let's take a look okay getting there i'm gonna move these guys down a bit and now the instancing is not working uh sometimes it it's flaky with this okay we'll do it uh we'll do it in the scene that's fine and i'm mainly interested in this section here the new bottom part which i think is looking really cool okay so the next part is i'm gonna keep using this asset because i think it's very rich visually and i'm gonna create something like this but bigger that covers the entire scene so i'm gonna scale this and i'm gonna copy this guy and i'm gonna dive inside and let's scale it cool and let's move it up and i want to create some kind of gap in between these and this so i want to make this center and then we have something else surrounding it with the with a gap in between that we can add bridges or anything that we want and let's let's dive inside and we need to make this bigger to fill in the space and i just realized there was a value set to zero in the scale so we'll go back and fix that okay i think this is cool and let's go up and move it a bit more cool and let's make sure that scale on this guy is not negative it's not something like that okay cool i'm gonna add this uh this guy and let's hit render take a look at the viewer and see what we got maybe you can place the camera here something like this i want to add more pieces to this guy so let's do that where is it it's this guy here so let's add more points 160 and we have to hit render again to get that because there is a change in the data it was not this flaky could it be because i have the shader override now yeah i don't remember it being this uh this flaky to be honest with the instancing okay cool so uh we're gonna continue and actually let's do let's do something let's add that uh high-res awesome pillar that we've made what's called the standing bass cliff let's do that and i'm going to change its color we'll leave this rendering it's fine i have to scale it a bit to to match the scene scale but this may result in changing the display the the bump values and few of the noise settings so we may have to go back and and fix that which is totally fine totally fine to do and let's try and find the camera where we can see it nicely we'll do this and let's take a look at the render view and we need to add that to the render settings okay i can't remember which one it is yeah it's not this one for sure so let's oh sorry not the sharp one the bass cliff yeah that one the next part is going to be adding the circular layout that we've uh we've made and so far we've only shaded one two assets and what i'm going to do is i'm going to assign a shader for everything i'm going to actually go back to the light rig i temporarily changed it i'm going to go back and make sure the settings are the original one that we used to shade this so it's not too bright and then and then we're going to create a shader that we're to use temporarily shader to use one for the ground and one one for everything else so we can create some interesting reflection and things like that if we wanted to and then the other asset is going to be is going to be the wall which we're going to be creating very soon actually in the next video we're going to start doing that cool i'm gonna change the settings and let me show you i'm gonna change this to seven change this to multiply the resolution two times and i'm going to hit render and come back once it's done now we're going to continue and add more to our environment but before i do that i want to show the final render and this is the result that we have and it took let's see it took 16 minutes for this resolution obviously i have a 36 cores machine so if you are using a normal cpu you would be getting around the 40 30 to 40 minutes but you don't have to render this resolution as well i'm rendering uh 2600 and you definitely don't have to do that and i wanted to show the memory usage and right now we're at three gigabytes memory so this is really really efficient overall and we have millions of points and the main poly count the unique polis are 10 million that get incensed to 178 million and that's what we're rendering and it's i mean it's very efficient to be able to render that with just this much memory and the most of the render time was in this because of the complexity that this has and um and i'm going to assign a shader to override everything to work faster on the overall scene and let's continue so what i'd like to do next is i'd like to add the uh the the circular walls to these sides and fill everything at the upper at the outer level okay so let's uh assign a shader first to override everything i've made a diffuse shader this is the default and i'm going to assign that here there is an option to override the shaders so i'm going to assign that i'm going to lower the settings back to 1280 by 720 and the sampling as well okay and let's go back to the scene and i like this camera so i'll keep it i'll just make a new camera and call this reference one just in case i needed that again and i'm going to take which one the big cliff full bend and for this one i'm not going to use instancing it's much easier to to do it by hand than having to try to do what we're going to do using instancing so i'm going to scale this down it's not a perfect circle so i'm going to have to fudge that a little bit okay and let's make a copy i'm gonna create a null and this allows me to rotate the element based on the using the origin as a pivot so i'm going to do that and let's make another copy and let's make another copy obviously it's not a perfect uh circle but we i think we have to the best thing is to export the this exact circle and go back to the original scene and do that i mean bend this so it forms a just a portion an arc 45 degree angle that we can duplicate but for the time being i'm not going to worry too much let's just do this and we'll try to smooth out the transitions a bit more something like that and same for this guy i'm gonna use the star symbol so i'm going to go back to the obj here and i'm going to type in this the name and then add the star and if we click here it will resolve to select all of them one two three so we don't have to hand type them and let's make sure it's in the correct position so i'm going to go back and move them up i'm going to copy the the y position for all of them okay and let's move just the first one yeah i think it's uh they're too big so i'll scale them down i'm going to copy this as well and let's tweak the circle one more time yeah i think this is better okay not great but i think it's fine for for this example so let's take a look and see what we've got i want to render this let's select the camera let's move outside okay let's hit render again again the instancing sometimes doesn't work as expected okay cool yeah and now the sun is being blocked completely on all of it so i'm going to rotate the light rig to have some light come come into the scene and obviously we don't we're not limited by this light rig we can start creating new ones as long as we make sure that these assets look as as good as possible and that the lighting of the luminance information is similar to the to the one we used in the in the development i do think there is a lot of duplication here happening but i'm not gonna worry too much okay so let's rotate the light right i'm going to rotate it rotate all of it including the sky as well something like that and let's reduce the angle blurriness let me set this to zero i want to see the hdr by itself okay let's increase this to two and let's set this back to 6. shadow looks very blurry to me at this angle i think it should be sharp yeah so we'll reduce the angle to zero it's too sharp point five okay that's better cool and let's go back and try to find a camera where we can see everything something like that i'm gonna move the camera okay i think this is good i'm gonna make a copy of this by just making a new camera i can i can make a copy directly i mean it it made a new camera that matches this viewport settings and i think we're good for these guys uh what else do we have we have a couple more elements i'd like to add the i like to add the brick the wall bricks brick wall whatever and the other pillars the clips that we've done and i'm gonna do that without stopping without having to to do renders and what else we need this guy so let's move him move it here and what i've done previously is i've i've made a square that this guy sits on top just so that i can use this but there's no real requirement i think you guys should be i should spend a little bit more time be more creative than i am with these assets and i'd like to change i'm gonna move this to zero 0 first and i want to set it at the center and then create a null and use that null to transform the asset so this is good i'll leave this there i'm going to make a copy let's connect the null it's rotated 90 degree yeah this is this is what i was looking for let's move this back i'm gonna make another one duplicate this 180 degree let's make another one actually going to move these guys down let's make another copy and let's make minus 90 degree sorry gonna make another one uh looking upward copy this guy and let's change it to try 90. we reset everything i got confused so let's try this zero rotation here let's make a 90 degree here okay that's good i just want that to close this opening and i'm going to move this guy up and then uh what else do we have let's pack these guys a bit shift l i'm going to give them all the same color and the other thing yeah sometimes you have to change the viewport for it to redraw correctly and what else do we have we have what is this yeah we can use this but we'll make a different version let's keep it there and i want to use this version i'm going to scale it down and just make one of these one of these guys trying to connect the the scene with everything else so make it point this way again i'm just i don't have an idea a precise idea of what i want and hopefully you guys will have some more clever and interesting ideas on how to use these assets i have another layout that i will show later and hopefully explain more features about the workflow and i'm going to rotate these guys because there's nothing preventing me from moving anything and maybe we'll make another copy of this pointing on the other direction as well do actually let's try uh let's try four of them let's create a null i want to move them uh i want to rotate them 90 degrees so create a cross okay we'll uh keep it at that i think these could be bigger so let's modify that something like that and what else do we have we have i believe we have another element that i like to use not this one not this guy yeah this one so there is another cliff that i made i'm going to copy make a few copies of these guys here and we'll rotate them to make it more interesting make a copy and let's i already i flipped it 180 degree and let's make one more again i swear i have no idea what i'm doing but i think it will create some visual elements that is going to be interesting to light and i wish we have more time to go over and shade all the elements let's uh let's grab our camera one and let's move it so we can see everything okay i think now it feels like it's missing something if we don't have another cliff here so i'm gonna add that and i think this element is actually very interesting i like how i like the these guys so let me try something i'm just being taking a risk here let's let's see if it works i'm gonna copy the this guy and let's call this temp let's drag this let's make sure it's at zero zero and let's see what we have okay so i want to add uh some of those some some rocks like that using this element but i don't want it to be there i want it to be at this upper level so i'm going to lock the view which is locked and i'm going to dive inside and let me actually change this back to one so we if we wanted to scale we take care of that inside the attributes and let's move this up so we can see it okay and let's dive inside make the circle bigger and let's increase the size for these guys i don't need any deletion and let's just increase i can scale the whole thing here and i'm not interested in seeing all of them i'm only interested in seeing the top part so let me do this and then let's scale let's move it down yeah something like that but if we had if we clipped these guys i think we'll get something really interesting out of this but i will leave it like that just to see what we can get and then let me see here then i have uh an ocean which i think will be interesting but now to have as well so let me show you guys how to create that i'm going to create a geometry call this ocean and then dive inside and spray the grid let's make it 250 by 250. it's too much strap 20 by 20 too small something like that and let's take a look at the wire frame let's increase it try 500 by 500 these guys are bothering me so much but we'll fix them later so let's uh let's turn off that pin and let's create an ocean spectrum and ocean evaluate and let's tweak this i'm just trying to get some fine details here and it doesn't look yeah and we need more resolution 10 5 something like that okay cool so let's see now the list is going to be tricky and i'm going to uh try something let's go back i think everything that has that and starts with anything and then ends with instancing is something that we need to use and then we have all the other all the other elements uh so these guys these guys and let's try this too okay i think we have it i think we have the patterns that we need let's take a look through the camera and i think we hunted too much geometry it's getting crowded okay let's hit render we'll find uh we'll find an angle now obviously it has a lot more uh geometry and forgot to add the the ocean oh it's and that's fine these guys are super big super bulky they're not working well with the design of the environment this repetition i'm not super happy with i need to work on the rotation values okay what else so i'm gonna scale all of these uh let's let's find them so i'm gonna create a new null and because the scene is at the center i can use that yeah i think this is better in terms of scene scale and let's cancel hit render again and again we have a lot of instancing and a lot of geometry is being read from disk as well i think we're missing two objects but i'm not gonna not gonna waste time debug that for now i'm going to turn off the shading the shader override here i want to see the walls with their original shader let's hit render and the walls doesn't look like they they have the shader assigned on them so i'm gonna debug that and see what's what the problem is let me i think i know what the problem is i think the version i'm using here is not the correct one so let me let me fix that now so i have two versions we need to use the base one and i think v3 v4 yeah v4 and the base is the latest one that we have this is an older version that that i've made myself and i will explain what that variant is doing once uh once we get comfortable with this and let me debug this while we are at it oh i know why because these guys are supposed to go to this first yeah okay cool so everything seems to be fine there is a lot of repetition but i'm not gonna worry too much we just have we only have a couple of assets so it's obvious that we're gonna see patterns and repetition and to be honest i think the this element here is very very unique very rich in terms of visual and it's it's really hard to pick it up and distinguish distinguish that from everything else okay and let's see what we have cool texture is working and remember we've done everything using the rest position so even if we change the scale or the position of all the features to stay the same there's only the bump mapping and there is a feature to keep it to create the bump and tweak it uh relative to the object scale so it's independent from its scene scale but i'm i'm not so sure how we can make use of that maybe next week i'll look into that cool you can see we're getting a lot of uh details here oh i forgot the look that second layer turned on on these guys so we're gonna get some kind of wet look on these rocks and the last thing that we're going to uh to do in the next video is create two shaders one for the ground and one for everything else uh just to have some kind of shading on them and then uh yeah i think that's it that's it for this week cool i'm gonna do i'm gonna change the camera now pick a more interesting angle it's the camera one and i think the the water level is too high even though we're not using it yet i'm gonna change the lens on the camera so let me a copy of this let's go back to the scene view yeah something like this i'm going to add the ocean and do a high-res render i want to show the other pillar uh the other cliff okay i think that's pretty much it i'm gonna hit i'm gonna stop now uh change the setting or actually let's change them together so you guys can see that i'm going to change this to 6 and then this to 1.5 and 1.5 let's head render so now the render is done and it took 10 minutes for this to finish you can see we have the shader working the shader working here and you can see we're getting a different uh different information now it's because the light rig is a little bit different and the overall scene has different lighting that will pick up more information from the shader that we didn't see before and for example the blue overall is a little bit too much here and i think we need to kill that reflection uh completely and uh this is working and then we need something else for the entire environment as well some part of some parts of this is working really nicely like these guys here i think it's working really well and uh based on how much indirect elimination is coming we may see different results from the shader okay so i made another render to a close-up render showing the rock and i think everything is looking really nice and i wanted to talk about something we've turned on the specular bounces and we have one reflection uh bounce of everything reflecting each other so this rock is trying to reflect everything including the gi and all of it and this pass is very expensive but the visual contribution is not that much it's not huge but the pay the overhead is really expensive for this and if we compare this with the specular direct i think this has a lot more richness and it's much more useful for us to see versus the other information if we take a look at the diffuse direct everything is is cool and then if we take a look at the diffusing direct we see a lot of bounces we see a lot of light and this is very important for the visual of the image we cannot sacrifice this but for the trade-off if we look at this information versus the whole image and the render time the contribution of that pass is very minimal and once we start adding the texture as well it's going to be even more minimal more less important so we can kill that we don't need the indirect reflection which is a very expensive feature but it's not going to contribute too much in this environment so we're going to turn that off and yeah and then i turned on the auv to show you guys the that information and i think that's pretty much it i mean there's not much uh for the scene in terms of layout building this is the original file and it's very very similar to what i've done just minor tweaks for example this is the is wider the circle is wider so we have more space here maybe we'll do that and then the stairs i duplicated them and rotated it so it creates this i don't know what shape and then this this part i like as well you can see there's a gap here i like the distribution of these guys a bit more in the scene but overall there's nothing there's nothing that we don't have it's just a little bit more tweaking and it's gonna look very similar to this and this is an animated camera that i rendered and the ocean is animating so it takes time to compute that so this is an animated camera that i did showing the the full environment see another one this is another version and this is a static camera and this is another animated version as well so just some rough uh camera animation and that's pretty much it it's it's very similar to what we've done hopefully we'll get some interesting images out of this now what i wanted to talk about is this guy here so the wall is picking up different lighting and it's showing us uh different information and the reason we're seeing this blue is because there is a lot more indirect illumination and that is working that's basically a light hitting this object and it's going to show the texture under a different lighting condition and that's why we're seeing these these new blue details that we didn't see before because of this new lighting condition and i want to tweak this i want to change the shader and for that i want to show a feature of the pipeline that i implemented and currently if we wanted to do this we have to go back to the original scene and make the change and then re-export again and increment the version and that will get the update in but i want to make the tweak here i want to make it live so what i've done is i've isolated this object this guy and i made an arnold node so it's i only have that let me verify let's make sure it's that one okay and let's hit render and we should see the wall rendering cool so uh everything looks correct and i've realized that we made a mistake in the shader and i want to fix it as well see we've used that depth information to vary the shading and because it's uh because we remapped it to be dark at the center and white on the other side here it's showing up black so we want to remove that completely and i want to turn off the specular but the thing is this is a an arnold proxy with the shader embedded in it so we don't have access to that and if we go under the misc tab there is a this importator feature and if you guys remember from let's see from the original file when when that got created by the script there's under this export here export base if you go under script there is a post render script and this this is a python script that gets kicked in to uh strip out the shader into a separate hip file okay and if i browse this you will see let's see if we can find it if i browse to the folder where the data is located you can see there is big underscore clip dot v4 underscore shader dot hip and c that's the actual hip file that only contains the shader and it it gets created when we when we hit the export button and then there's this important feature so if i hit this it's going to go and import the original shader that was used and it's going to automatically assign and assign it to the to the geometry using this expression so this expression it was empty before so go here it's empty and this is the version we just imported the shader on so let's hit render and let's go to the shader and now we can dynamically we can live change it so let's prove that let's change the emission okay it's working cool so what i'd like to do is i'm gonna turn off the second layer and i'm gonna turn off the feature where we use the rest option to vary the shading even though we're not gonna see it so i'm not gonna i'm not gonna remove it i'm gonna keep it and um that's that's basically the change i want to do and remember now that once we have this local override it's only in this scene okay once we go back to that original scene we're not going to have this change so we have to remember that we have a local override and i recommend putting a note saying v4 has a share override to remove the specular component and this is only local to the scene and we have to also copy this path and make sure that all the other instances are using it okay so when i make a new publish of this i will i will make sure to reapply the same shader or just duplicate this from the scene back to the original one and let's hit render and now we should see less specular that these guys should go away i believe maybe not anyway this is uh live working and we can make any edits we want now i think the uh there is a ch there is a color correction that we did where it added blue to the scene to the texture and i think this that's very dangerous so i'm gonna uh reduce the that amount and let's take a look at the at the asset from the diff from a different angle yeah it's very blue here and let's make sure the light rig is matching the original one yeah it is i restored it back and let's rotate it so we have some sunlight hitting okay and let's reduce that blue in there yeah this guy here something like that now it's much much easier to work with and to look at and the other thing i want to do is i think the bump the pump is not that uh intense and i want to i want to change that i want to increase the bump level and let's make sure that we have some roughness in the diffuse let's increase that a bit cool so now we have we have this and what i like to do is i'm going to copy this by hand and i'm going to go to that original scene i'm gonna go to the shader delete everything and paste this new version because i like this one better i'm gonna name it as v2 and now when we make the change we can we'll get the same look and we don't have to override it and we can remove that shader override and have everything being read from here okay so this is one uh one feature and i really like this one i think it looks really cool so the other feature that i want to talk about is this variant thing and if you guys go here if you guys remember when we take a look there is this base feature here and we can type any value any name we want and let's say we decided to make a wet look of this or a destroyed version of this wall or let's say i want to fix the curvature for example and call it a full curved for example or circular we're going to make a bit of a new version of this it uses the same mesh it's exported it's done from a different scene but they're both in the same asset they're both considered as the same asset they use the same shader and everything so i'm going to go back here i'm going to save this scene as circular and remember it has the new the new shader that we just pasted and let's go back to the object and what i like to do i'm gonna take the circle from these guys so let's take which one let's make a circle it's as simple as that i want to make a circle to get the size that we need and then use that as a reference to fix the bend set this okay okay so something like that so let's copy this and let's go back to the previous scene this guy okay and this is our wall and it's been scaled down to how much this value so let's apply the inverse of that okay invert transformation this is the final scale and let's tweak let's tweak this and what i'm going to do is i'm going to transform this sphere this circle to have the come on why is this let me change it to open arc okay this is the sphere and i'm gonna template this guy instead let's take a look at the points and i want one point to be there and then i want this end here to finish here so that way it's much more it's cleaner and let's complete this and let's keep uh let's bend it and see uh see the value that we need it's uh the mesh is a little bit heavy so that's why we're getting this and i'm gonna uh make a copy of this and then i don't have to have that copy in there and let's template this again let's go 85 cool i think we're there and let's see the points again yeah it's still we can scale it a little bit try let's try one point one okay i like this i think this is going to work much better now and i'm going to save the scene and all we have to do is under the out i can copy this in case oh i'm not gonna copy i'm gonna change it and let's restore this to version one and under the base here i'm gonna call this circle circular and we have the shader applied everything so let's hit render and i forgot to make a change to the uh to the low rise version so let's let's cancel this it's exporting now but i'm gonna cal cancel it let's go back and in the low rise i want the low res to match exactly the high rest so we know that it changed if there is a mismatch in the proxy you will it will be really hard to debug the problem and track it down unless you switch all the proxies to high-res and view them in viewport which will be super expensive okay so here this guy let's delete this okay cool let's go back let's hit render and it's going to go through the steps as usual i'm going to change this version i don't need this this one anymore and all we have to do now is type circular here and it should work see why let's see what's happening trying to find the if there is an issue oh sorry yes so version it's set to version 4 i need to change that to version one and for some reason it's reading the first one and let's let's take a look let's try and find why this is happening so what i'm going to do is going to change the high-res version to the high-rise version and see if it's still if it will read the original mesh yeah so the original mesh is correct but the proxy is not so this is the new mesh that we've created and let's change it back to the low res and it looks like there is an issue with the low res version so let's go back to the scene and see where the low-res is being exported it's being exported here let's take a look this guy i don't see why it would still be exporting that okay you know what let's try and make version two and see maybe that will fix the problem but i can't think of why this would be the case we can check the path as well so it's going here correct and let's hit render we can also create a new arnold procedural just to be hundred percent certain and let's change this to version two yeah yeah there was some issue with the with export so now everything is cool and all we have to do is i'm going to delete these guys or how can we make this easy well we can name this xxx make sure not to export them and if we plug that in here they will inherit it will inherit the transformation so let me delete let me remove all the transformation that we have here except except the scale of course and it's all coming from these nodes no i don't like this idea so let's do it again let's delete these guys this is our new uh wall let's move it here let's actually scale it a bit i think i want a little bit more gap let's copy this let's add a null and rotate this let's make one more and let's rotate it i think they it's too big but i'm not going to spend too much time i think i wanted to illustrate the idea of having a new variant and i think you guys got the idea from that and this is all uh tweaks that i'm not gonna waste time going through okay i think that's pretty much it for for this part in the next video we're going to assign the texture i'm also going to improve this a little bit i don't want a gap a huge gap here so i'll go back and scale all these guys actually going to delete them now and uh we'll place the geometry correctly and hopefully finish the scene so uh i've made the changes to this guy and i simply didn't scale it up as much as before as the same value and then i just rotated it rotated these guys to create the circle and what else have i done and then i scaled these guys down actually let me do it live so you guys believe me uh i scaled these guys down they were about this size scaled them down and then i made a copy like this and selected these guys and then rotated them just to add some extra geometry in there something like that and then let's maybe move them i think that's that's better and uh just to add some geometry i i don't have a clear idea about that and then let's move this guy up i think i've moved it up yeah i moved this guy up a little bit just to add some padding and then what else have i done i think these guys are uh too much they're obstructing too much so i'm gonna remove them for now and i want to elevate everything so i want these guys to go up a bit so i'm gonna select them all hit the t key and move them up something like that and let's take a look at the ground i'm going to delete this okay ground is cool i really like the the elevation of this new environment but i'm a little bit worried that we're seeing too much of the background so i'm gonna do something stupid i'm gonna copy this i'm gonna create a null and rotate this 180 degree okay and then scale it up and i'm going to move this guy up so we have something surrounding the environment just to cover the horizon the horizon line see now it's we're covering it with uh where is it that guy so in case we see behind we have something and it will be coming out of this of the ocean as well okay so what else i'm gonna we're gonna create a shader i and the shader is actually really really simple so i'm not gonna it's everything we've seen before it's actually much simpler than the one we've created and i'm going to copy and paste it shader with texture for all let's for all let's dive inside and this is the shader and let me show the texture actually have it open somewhere so this is the texture it's a tileable texture that we're going to assign to everything everything that is not shaded which is pretty much everything so let's go go through and find that not sure if we're using these guys but it doesn't matter so sometimes when you select multiple nodes and browse it doesn't apply it to all of them so you have to be careful with that and these guys will get it these guys will get it big cliff base these guys want i don't think we're using that these guys will i know the ground will get it sharp cliff will get it the sharp cliff base it's the same this guy has a texture this guy doesn't okay what else do we have and then let's make a simple ocean shader i'm actually going to copy it from the existing scene and i will show the shader it's very complex it has a little bit of diffuse a little bit of subsurface and reflection and that's it let's go to the ocean and assign that and we haven't rendered this at all so we'll include that now and let's go back here and the selection i think we have some yes we have some new side stairs and then uh shark cliff i think that one yeah this is the new one for the exterior probably we need better naming so we can attract these guys and i think that's pretty much it you don't need those i think we need that and i'm not going to include this this is the this is the instancing no it's not that so we'll tweak them in the viewport in the in the render once we see which one we don't need and which one we do and let's change it to arnold 2 and make sure the settings are low res okay let's hit render it's going to take a little bit longer to export that probably i'll have to move the camera as well cool it looks like we have the texture applied and this looks much nicer now and this is rendering with texture and bump and everything and the new shader has bump as well obviously you can see the difference once you put in the time to shade the assets correctly it's not going to look as good as a generic shader applied you can see the overall lighting is also has gotten much darker and the reason for that is because we have less bounce now in the environment and the ground is not there the ocean we didn't include and maybe yeah these guys will need to be worked on a little bit more but i think it's fine i think we have a lot of interesting visual now i'm going to include the ground the ocean and hit render again there's a lot of cool details there and then what else i'm going to do i'm going to render different cameras and stamp the image and show you guys what we've what we've accomplished so far and i want to wait for this to show up first in case i needed to do some tweaks for the ocean shader i want to show you that i don't think i will i think as long as it doesn't look uh off or anything i think we'll leave it at that okay cool so i'm going to pause make few renders and come back and we'll continue in the next video it's rendering so it's looking really cool this is again using just three samples so now i've done the renders and i have them here so this is the when we start and then i believe these are the latest one and i haven't changed anything other than the sampling and this is this is what i've got and i think each took about five to ten minutes depend on the how much details we have close to the camera and look at how much details we have in in these uh in the shaded element with the display with the bump mapping and everything i think it's working pretty well and it's holding up a very nicely for the close-up as well you can see there is a lot of cool details you can see here even on a small scale you can still feel all the details of the texture there's definitely a lot of information and then that with the bump i think it's working really nicely so this is one render and then i started just moving the camera and taking more pictures and um yeah i think that's pretty much it and then i ended up scaling this object because i thought it's very small so i scaled it up uh two times and moved it a little bit you can see the dark the tweaks that we did were based on that light wig and because everything is occluded now it's the these are this object is not being hit by any direct light except just a little bit from the sky but primarily is it it's in shade so it's darker and we have to tweak the values a little bit more and overall i think the the skylight is a little bit dark because once we enclose the space it it's not lighting all these guys and i'd like to see a little bit more information here overall and i think boosting boosting the uh the environment light will definitely help with that also it will increase the indirect elimination which will bring in more light in there and this is a close-up on the rock which i think because of the scale is not working uh as well as before with the with the with the tri planner so we may we may have to tweak the shader based on the scale and let's see see what else and then i changed the lighting i hit the uh the sun in the sky and then added a point light behind this on this wall and then another point light close to the camera you can see we're getting all these cool details and this is not the shade this is just the temp texture that we applied you can see you can see we're getting a lot of cool details this is just the spotlight shining from top to bottom and i wanted to talk about the lut workflow again and let's go to an interesting image this one for example you can see how much contrast we're getting even on the blown out area we're still seeing a lot of information now let me turn off the lut i don't think i can view them without yeah so the uh this is without the lut let's see now i think it's still on let's take a look yeah so this is this is the raw image and it's in in linear so it's really it's hard to see we need srgb space and unfortunately i can't apply that now but you can see the details how much they're i mean that we can't use this there's nothing useful that can come out of this of this render and yes you can still get some some some kind of interesting information but the fall-offs of these lights for example will look in nowhere near the the one with the asus workflow and you can see now look this is day and night see how much how bad this fall off is and look at this it's much much nicer and it's much more realistic and this is this is the way to go so i think uh we're done for this week i mean this is the final environment the next thing would be to go to design something a bit more interesting probably and have some actual environment that is functional and then it would be nice to go over and shade these guys i've done the shading for this but i i we didn't do it in this workshop so i didn't want to include that i also uh did a little bit of shading on these but again i wanted to use the same texture i have a scene for this so maybe we'll in week 8 we'll go back and do some more shading if you guys wanted to and then and then create some more elaborate lighting and hopefully add some atmospheric effects and i think that's pretty much it for for this week unless i'm forgetting something well if i forgot something i'll make an another video in this video i wanted to show some more images of things like that i've done and different layouts and ideas of what can be done for this project so i'm going to go over some images still images this is the same wall that we've created and shaded uh this new the new shader that we've made is much better than this one the only thing is i've i have two different uh two lights one uh from each side that has um with different colors too and use that to to do the render and that's pretty much it this is the first version that i've done and i think the new version that we've created together is much more interesting than this and then this is the first rock uh i still prefer this a little bit but i think the new one we've made has a lot of uh interesting characteristics as well uh i think the the main difference for the in the new one is the the it's a little bit too dark in the in the cracks and cavities and then i like i prefer these lines as straight and we've distorted them that's i think that's pretty much the only the only difference and this is uh some high-res render of the previous version and again it's all it's all procedural and i don't think i added any displacement to this yeah i don't think i've added any displacement this is a a much older version and this one has a lot of displacement and i have can't remember which texture texture i used but basically this is the same idea of what we've applied just the texture is repeated a lot more and used to push the geometry a lot further and from far away it looks really cool it it has a lot of interesting details but once you start to zoom in you're going to see it breaks up a little bit so this kind of details is the one i was talking about mentioning that we need to add using actual geometry if we needed to add rocks between the cavities i think that would be really cool to give more scale to the scene and this has rendered using a different lut then the ace workflow this is using a sony lut which is very uh very similar to the asus one but has a little bit uh more warm colors in in the in the white and and the dark shadows it's a little bit warmer okay let's take a look and uh this is the wall with bricks i've added the uh this logo inside and i used a different shader as well we'll talk about this and we get i'd like to show this separation and let me make make a note of this i wanted to show how we can drive the shader with it's a single object but i have masks too that i use to blend in between different shaders and uh the texture is the same one that i used for the big wall it just repeated a lot more and it's i think i'm mixing it with something else i can't remember and then this is a very similar it's just a point light and this is the main the wall that we've created and then they are intersecting the two are intersecting you can see the split line is not high up and i duplicated it twice scaled it outward and this is the same ground with a texture applied and then a point light and see this falloff here that there's no way you can get this type this night this fall off with any any compositing tricks there is no way you can get this without having to to use a lot and do the render in this space and this is where the vfx is is making the big difference is because they they have this by default this is the same scene with the same light rig that we've we've used just a different texture on the ground again i don't remember which one it could be an actual uh map an actual texture and this is the same texture that we've used and you can see the normals here are being used to drive the this to add a little bit of mass to the geometry and i've rendered a turntable of this this is this is done using a real texture for the texturing but this is the sharp cliff inverted and shaded you can see variation between the blocks as well okay let's continue this is the same without any textures this is the same thing with the different geometry cool i think that's it for for the references these are some animation for to test the assets that i've done again the new shader is a lot better this is with just the lights moving back and forth this is with the object rotating this is with the lights turning cool and this video here is an older is showing the environment uh rendering and there is a an atmosphere pardon me there is an atmosphere effect which we're going to talk about in in next week let me show this is just showing the uh the atmosphere in action and look at the nice falloffs here and this is all there is no compositing nothing and this is real-time rendering as well including the the fog and this is just the fog with the with the environment so we'll take a look a lot more uh we'll talk about that a lot more next week and this is a render with one of the cameras i showed in the environment with the fog and everything and again no compositing this is raw renders and this is another raw render as well this is a longer version with a better atmosphere you can see now there's less noise you can see the god rays cool and this is the anime the final camera and you can see the texture is the same here pardon me the texture is the same i think the hdr is uh is different and that's what's making a difference in this environment you can see there's the it's much brighter and we can we can keep tweaking that as well yeah the environment is definitely much brighter and there is a lot more sun hitting the the geometry this is an a preview pardon me excuse me guys uh this is a preview of another layout that i've done where we have the circular wall surrounding the main pillar and and then some the sharp cliff outside just an idea that you guys may we get inspired from and then and then this is looking at the scene from the bottom you can see we're getting all this skylight this is the camera and burst and we're getting all these cool skylights coming from the top cool so there is that and again this is running real time and you can see it's rendering super super fast and this is a preview of uh one of the textures it's a procedural texture there is no tiling you can see the split here and the lights are rotating this is just with for the for the ground element to test the texture with and this is what i used to for myself to preview the textures and tweak them so i used something like that to test it quickly and this is a turntable with sorry this is a render with just the light rotating and i render it couple of frames and these are the different avs okay let's take a look uh this is another layout with just one one wall pardon me you can see it's the same here and inverse so these details sorry it's flipped so we're seeing the other side of the wall which we haven't explored yet but we can add more variation as well by just flipping the asset and exporting it it shows a different site and this is again the light turning and you can see we're getting a lot of cool indirect illumination coming from let me show you yeah there's this part here let me open this with uh the image sequence player i wanted to show a specific image so this guy come on see here as the light comes in it starts the bounce is starting to show to lit the the scene and it's very very very realistic and the bounce is also very realistic because of the because of the lut and this will look really bad if if you have if we're not using the lut it's really hard to get that nice fall offs you can see here there's a lot of illumination cool that's one more example uh this is a turntable of uh the light ray rotating showing the details on this element it's just one texture there's not and a little bit of variation between the blocks but i think with the techniques i showed you guys i'm pretty sure you can make this look a lot more interesting and let's see you have two more this one this is a i've done 100 versions of this guy just to show how uh how procedural the system is and then i animated certain few values few of the noise values that drives the input geometry for this and then everything else is the same and so i've saved 100 geometries and then load them in and render them using the same shader and you can see i'm getting all kinds of crazy details crazy variation by just changing few values this is that asset that we were using here the idea was i wanted to create sides that where i can put stairs in between but i didn't i didn't end up using it and this is a turntable for uh for a previous version of the wall i've used the curvature a lot in this version you can see there is a lot of variation in the and the cracks here it's completely different and you can use it to drive all kinds of cool effects you can see we're getting a lot of interesting details in the curvature here and that adds a lot of complexity to the shader as well so i wanted to talk about what i'd like you guys to work on for this week even though there's a lot we've covered i think the the main part is getting some assets and sensing them to create an environment to create you can take walls create a square and then put something in the interior drop some lights and you have a scene it doesn't have to be something really complex and i want you guys to try and use some some of the assets that you've made and if they're not working well go back and iterate on some of them don't don't think of it as a as a final product locked and with with the scripts and everything i wanted to show how in a production people would work and the um if you're the layout guys you would be you wouldn't have a lot of information about the assets and where they came from and you just run a script like we did and then it will bring in everything they've created everything all the other departments have made for you and it would dump them in a scene they will be most likely in the proper scale and you just have to place them correctly which we haven't done but that's not a problem we the end the end result is the same so you would have a lot of assets and then you start placing them and once you have the layout you hit render if there is any rendering issue you make a ticket and that goes back to that person uh who made the asset to make the tweaks or the change and or when uh when you do a layout preview and you show it in dailies they would give feedback about specific asset oh i want to make this bigger or smaller smaller unfortunately that person who made all the asset is you so when you see an issue you are the person who will open that scheme file and make the change and make a new version and then update your layout scene where you're using it and i want you guys to try that workflow you will also get a lot of notes uh when you work in production for if you're a look dev artist to go back and change uh change some settings in in the shaders and i want you guys to make that as well i want you to try and see the shader in the scene like we did here and then go back to the original scene and make the change a lot of other times as well they would ask the lighter to make a local override say you're lighting the scene and you want to make a change permanent in the scene only and to get the shot done and that's where the import shader comes in you can still do those local overrides and then if you receive a new version you just have to clear out and get the new version from from the shading department again it's all you are the same person doing all of this and i want you guys to practice with this to understand how the data flows how to make iterations on the asset how to create variants if you want to go there you can try the exploring using the variant option as well and then try to make an environment put some lights render it that's that's pretty much it try to have an idea of what you want to achieve otherwise you may spend a lot of time trying to figure out things if you don't have a clear idea just take whatever you have as long as and if they resembles to some of the assets here try to duplicate that it's totally fine what i want to see at the end of the day is some cool images uh rendered using a lightweight using assets you've made entirely you've made in houdini and then utilizing the uh the instancing feature and i think that's pretty much it obviously if you have time it will be nice to shade as much as possible in terms of the asset especially that you have to work on them on individual scenes you don't have to think you don't have to have a super crowded scene where everything is jammed and you don't know where things came from and what version you have everything structured you have 10 assets let's say make one every day trade one asset every day and then by the end of the week you'll have seven assets which is more than what we've used here we've shaded one two and we've made one two three four five six six assets for this environment and in once you get used to this workflow you'll be able to make much much more uh than what we've done here same thing for the texture you can start with uh with uh one you like and then work on and have the head and then have the scene and work on the procedural texture and see how they look like uh i'm pretty sure we can make something a lot more interesting even for this i think there's a lot more that we can do to push the quality of of these guys and again pick pick a camera and um yeah do some renders and good luck thanks guys and see you next week you
Channel: Rebelway
Views: 4,907
Rating: 4.9759035 out of 5
Keywords: Houdini Tutorial, Houdini, SideFX Houdini, Nuke, Nuke Tutorial, VFX, FX, VFX Industry, Special Effects, Visual Effects, Hollywood, Simulation, VFX Tutorial, VFX Tutorials, Shading, Arnold, Instancing, LookDev, Look Development, Lighting, 3D, Saber Jlassi, Rebelway, FX Tutorial, Arnold Tutorial, Shading Tutorial, LookDev Tutorial
Id: uHOwDTu9r_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 37sec (11197 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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