Hollywood Secret | Clarisse iFX

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since the end of 2019 i was looking for the tools that will help me to improve my works and allow me to create imagery at the level i want i tried different render engines tried switching to other 3d softwares but the story was more or less the same i felt limited until one day when i was offered to try clarice [Music] i have to admit it was fun reading your comments and see you guys trying to guess what software i use i totally forgot about unreal engine which is currently on version 5.2 no it's not unreal 5 it's clarisse 5. i'm super pumped about it and today we're doing its overview i'm not sure how i miss this software because it handles my craziest demands i missed it probably the same way as you did have you heard about clarisse neither have i this is probably due to how young guys at tropics is clarisse was first released in 2012 for the context softwares like maya cinema 4d even houdini were all released in 1990s this huge gap in time means clarisse is built with fundamentally different principles at its core to get you excited before we dive deeper you've seen clarisse in quite a few feature films over the last decade and there are of course many reasons why big studios deciding to bring clarisse on board some of these reasons we will try to understand today the main and most simplistic explanation is that clarisse virtually does not have any polygon limits it can handle trillions of polygons while maintaining an interactive viewport you heard me right trillions to prove this to myself i've made rainforest at dawn i just dropped thousands of highest quality trees into this scene all made and exported from speed tree no cheating no proxies raw geometry this study for me was also a great introduction to a set dressing philosophy as such at first i didn't really understand why would i need clarisse why would i be interested this is because the concept of set dressing and look dev tool does not settle in the head that easily the concept is clarisse is an additional production stage in your pipeline you create your assets somewhere c4d blender houdini maya and then bring it to calaris for look def and rendering why would you want that extra step no polygon limits that we already know but as a said dressing tool clarice has some special workflows to enhance your experience like shading layers for example i've made another study and recorded the majority of the process i will be publishing the full work with a comprehensive breakdown and all the details in this study i use shading layers shading layers and shading groups are developed to minimize the need for manual texturing your model wants assign shading groups assign materials to shading groups and clarisse and shading layer will shade your objects automatically as long as shading groups are preserved you can update your assets as many times as you need and your shading will be intact it may not sound as much and i have to confess when i was listening to presentations on the topic on youtube it didn't make sense to me either so i encourage you to spend some time with shading layers and it will start making sense it becomes especially effective when you're working with hundreds of assets that are sharing the same shaders like hundred buildings that have same concrete shader or glass shader or roof top whatever just make shading groups properly on the modeling stage and then shading layer in clarisse will shade your buildings automatically all hundred of them the next major thing is scattering tools this lunar shot you could have thought oh nice ground texture but it's actually hundreds of thousands of mega scan rocks scattered across the surface and interacting with shaders normal shader itself is pretty simple in total there are quite a few rocks scattered across this scene in various sizes and positions such load is easily achievable with clarisse scattering tools you can bake point clouds you can use internal tools to bake the points but i recommend baking point clouds externally as alembic files that way it won't take any ram it will load back in seconds and proceduralism is not lost you can just re-export olympics if you need super complexity is achievable very fast in a very efficient manner scatter tools similar to shaders can be driven by different procedural things like noises or scopes which are masks in clarisse or occlusion of objects anything you want another fundamental thing to understand before using scatters are combiners combiners allow you to well combine geometry then feed that to point cloud which scatterers are referencing whatever i say probably is super confusing for example you made five different terrains that you want to use to form your overall scene look and then you want to plant some trees on these mountains you build your overall look you can instantiate your initial geometry to make everything super efficient when you're finished you put all of this into one combiner you then scatter points on the combiner and then you tell scatterer to use these points to plant trees it works great it looks good but let's say you decided to change the terrain you want a mountain peak in the middle of your scene you go for it you add it and then you just add that particular piece of geometry to your combiner the point cloud and scatterers will get updated accordingly because they're not referencing each individual piece of geometry they're referencing one big combiner that you can change as you wish and the point cloud and scatterers will get updated automatically this is why it is important to understand combiners before using scatterers you don't have to scatter millions of objects on the surfaces to get detailed textures by the way i just did it because i could instead you can subdivide your geometry thousands of times tens of thousands of times if you need to you would need a super high resolution texture for it to make sense though not going to pretend i understand exactly how clarisse internal is working but from what i understand it works by streaming geometry instead of actually loading it into the scene like cinema 4d and other dccs are doing if you would look your scene size in clarisse it will be several kilobytes just because it's several lines of code representing where you've put some objects and where to find them on your system the tiny project size means it gets saved constantly every few seconds it saves and if it crashes there will be a crash file that will allow you to get back to exactly where you left off yes crashes do happen when you push your system to the limits or if you're not optimizing the scene properly like with the point clouds sometimes you may do something and even corrupt your scene but not to worry because you can open your project file with the notepad find what you did last the element you were working on last disable it or delete it and the scene will load back like nothing ever happened another big brownie point goes to clarisse for its unbiased render engine yeah that thing i love so much watch my how does rendering work video to find out more shading in clarisse is like octane redshift and houdini mixed together overall very pleasing experience the thing that got a bit of time to use to our context and the fact that you can share some notes between several shaders for example a constant color node can drive the scale of the texture and one shader and then another one at the same time this is probably a very simple example but if you need to pull out the same attribute from several houdini simulations this becomes particularly helpful speaking of houdini clarice is very friendly to any attributes you may want to put in your alembic files it can read it all this is one of the reasons big studios love clarisse so much whether it's a sim or a procedural asset with animated uvs and multiplied velocity no problem you can be sure clarisse will read it all properly another thing i really like is viewport in progressive mode and not to think about it like octane ipr or redshift ipr this is a different feeling it's not the renderer actually it's just a preview but a very good one you can instantly see how your scene is looking like adjust it and denoise it if it helps your perception viewport as well as any other ui element is customizable you can build your workspace as you like what suits you is it a single screen setup double the screen setup triple screen setup whatever you want it's all customizable getting back to render engine at the moment it's cpu only rendering but isotropics is close to releasing their hybrid engine that is called ng and it's supposed to be 10 times faster according to tests shown on isotropic's channel there are a lot of jokes about it the community is waiting for it eagerly to get you excited i will leave some links in the video description so that you could see the tests yourself what about scalability clarisse works perfectly fine with deadline vendor manager i use it a lot all my renders are going through it and in terms of licensing you need one master license for each workstation where you will be actually creating these scenes and then you need one license for each machine in the render form and they are called c nodes in terms of pricing for what clarisse is i think it's a very reasonable price i will leave the links to the pricing in the video description as well in addition to all that recently clarisse 5 was released where isotropic's introduced geolights and emission importance sampling again in this lunar shot there actually are no lights except the sun the lunar base and the rover are lit with textures now you can light entire cities with shaders and it will look like actual light how crazy is that this in a nutshell what emission importance sampling is if this fact on its own does not impress you i will leave some links in the video description for some of the isotropics presentations you can go there check out the presentations and i promise you you will get excited isotropics community deserves a special mention even though i'm not an active discord user or anything i see people helping out each other all the time if you're stuck someone will help you same applies to glitches and bugs if you get it reported properly it will get fixed in the next service pack and service packs are released quite often the isotropics team provided me with a special coupon for you my beloved subscribers the coupon grants you 30 discount in case you decide to give clarisse a shot the details are in the video description how many times i said video description in this video and the coupon will be valid for 90 days after this video went live this would be the end of my short overview of this amazing software but really there are so many things to talk about please in the comments let me know would you be interested in clarisse tutorials to summarize clarisse is indeed my new look dev and rendering tool i've built a render farm specifically for clarisse and soon i will be transferring my whole commercial workflow into clarisse the software is so good it's shocking that it's not as popular as other dccs and to be honest it feels like giving out a million dollar secret moment of self-promotion there are new assets available in my store some terrain packs that i use to assemble both locations shown in this video and also a rig for a six-wheel rover and cinema 4d there is no rover itself available you will have to put your own geometry but what's good about that rig is that it interacts with the ground so whatever tires you will put in there they will leave a track on the geometry it may be useful in so many cases go check it out all the links are in the video description if you found this video helpful hit the like button and consider subscribing because it will help the channel grow i noticed that majority of people watching my videos are not subscribed it will make more interesting content possible see you soon peace [Music]
Channel: Andrey Lebrov
Views: 66,315
Rating: 4.9706202 out of 5
Keywords: lebrov, cg, vfx, tutorial, how to, learning, filmmaking, step, up, master, lmi, lebrov motion imagery
Id: iiMvUTKjnGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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