๐Ÿ†100 PHRASAL VERBS CHALLENGE | important phrasal verbs for any conversation in English

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all of the phrasal verbs in today's lesson are really common and you will hear them being used day to day I hope today's lesson inspires you to use more phrasal verbs in your day-to-day life here's the challenge every day choose two two new phrasal verbs from today's lesson to learn use the time stamps down below to help you choose the phrasal verbs you want to learn and to get through this list can you write me two example sentences in the comments every day or just write your example sentences in a notebook but do everything you can to learn the phrasal verbs in this lesson these are verbs that's a lot now I don't want you to freak out freak out let's start with that one definition you become extremely emotional very quickly we have our normal emotional state and then we can freak out what's that little s there I'll explain that in about a minute don't worry you don't need to know what that is yet freak out can be positive like with happiness I freaked out when I got the job offer freak out can be negative like with anger I don't know why the customer started freaking out her food was on time freak out can also be negative in terms of fear okay can you move that doll it's um it's freaking me out a little bit with this last one here fear we can also say creep out same thing oh spiders really creep me out so when I say I don't want today's lesson to freak you out I'm talking about fear please don't freak out oh I'm not freaking out are you freaking out no I'm just very interested I don't want this lesson to scare you because 100 is a big number two new phrasal verbs every day that's enough my name is Arnell let's keep going part one 30 phrasal verbs you can use every day before we start there are a couple things you need to remember one some phrasal verbs need an object if a phrasal verb needs an object I'll underline it for you some phrasal verbs are separable again if a phrasal verb is separable I'll let you know actually I'll put a little s next to the phrasal verb so you know you can separate that phrasal verb and some phrasal verbs don't even need an object I usually wake up at six today I woke up at 6 30. wake up woke up woken up remember you need to change that verb form depending on the tense I woke up at 6 30 but I got up at 6 45. definitions wake up stop sleeping you awake up get up out of bed on Saturday I didn't get up until 11. yes usually we can use these interchangeably what time are you getting up tomorrow here it's clear I mean what time are you waking up tomorrow I'm awake I turned on my phone I turned on my lamp I turned on the heater I turned off the notifications I turned off my lamp I turned off the heater I opened my phone I closed my lamp remember use turn on and turn off for electronics I have an interview at 10. interviews stress me out definition make me stressed paying bills stresses me out stress me out trust me out me is a pronoun right if your phrase a verb is separable like stress out you can see my S the pronoun must go in the middle let's look at a few examples in these four sentences you can see only the first three are correct the object can go in the middle after the phrasal verb or the pronoun can go in the middle grammar tip to remember never put a pronoun after your phrasal verb let me know in the comments what something that stresses you out why do interviews stress me out I don't like the questions I'm not good at coming up with answers I need to come up with a couple of ideas before 10. can you help me come up with something come up with something definition to think of something to say or you think of an idea whoever came up with the Cronut is a genius Cronut croissant plus donut cronut okay at the interview I hope they don't bring up my internship it was a really bad experience definition to start speaking about a topic don't bring up John's divorce okay don't start speaking about it I was talking to my grandpa the other day and he brought up the war I was really surprised because he'd never spoken about it to me before okay I think you can tell I'm a little bit nervous about this interview I don't know how many people are going to be interviewed but I hope I stand out I hope I stand out definition to be noticeable because you are different or more impressive if 10 people are being interviewed you want to stand out right look at this picture which umbrella stands out the red one stands out right right right for the interview I need to look up the location I need to look up the bus times and I need to look up I should probably look up the weather definition to search and find specific information how do we look things up we normally use Google right if you don't know a word in English look it up hmm no buses go to my interview place I need to figure out how to get there I also need to figure out what to wear figure out to think and find a solution how what when where who we often say figure out plus question word because we're trying to find an answer to a question you know I still can't figure out why my computer is so slow okay I can't eat breakfast at home because I run out of cereal I'm also running out of time run out of something definition you used everything but you still need more look at my examples I've run out of cereal I need more I need breakfast I'm running out of time I need more time I might run out of money before the end of the month so I've run out of cereal but that's okay on my way to the interview I'll pop into a coffee shop and pick up some breakfast definition pop into plus location you enter a place for a short time am I going to go in sit down have a coffee and enjoy myself oh I'm just popping it I'm gonna pop into my husband's office and say hello pick up breakfast definition collect I'll pick up breakfast I picked up my kids from school can you please pick up some milk on the way home what's the opposite drop off I dropped off my kids at school I dropped off my suit at the dry cleaners I'll pick it up next week so I popped into a coffee shop and picked up a cherry banana muffin it was gross so I threw it away definition you put something in a trash can yesterday I threw away an old pair of shoes it's too bad the cherry banana muffin was no good but I'm trying to cut back on sugar anyway cut back on something I eat this much sugar every day I need to cut back I drink four cups of coffee every day that's true I should probably cut back definition reduce normally when we cut back on something it has to do with food drinks or spending walking to work can help you cut back on gas costs okay I'm on the subway now heading to my interview the subway is crowded it's noisy it's smelly I wish I had a car so I wouldn't have to put up with this definition if you put up with something something is negative like a crowded Subway but you continue to accept it I only put up with my roommate because she pays most of the rent I've been putting up with your lies for years it's over hi I have an interview at 10 with Hannah Baker okay bear with me a sec please bear with plus person normally we just say bear with me definition please be patient while I do something else so here she says bear with me for a sec it's clear she needs to check my details and probably inform Hannah Baker that I'm here please bear with me while I check my notes now I'm at work I'm at my normal job and to be honest the interview was a disaster I really need to calm down foreign definition to stop feeling angry excited or nervous you can calm down or you can calm someone else down Gina was so upset this morning it took me 30 minutes to calm her down before she told me what was wrong okay I've calmed down I need to check my emails hmm I should probably get back to Dan and I have to get back to Amy why hasn't movie gotten back to me yet definition if you get back to someone is you respond to them this is normally via email phone or message so I need to get back to Dan let's get back to him together hi Dan sorry for the delay in getting back to you yes uh paper delivery on Monday would be perfect I look forward to seeing you next week Arnel smiley face look forward to plus noun or verb ing gerund definition I'm excited about something in the future every day I look forward to watching Netflix in the evening I'm looking forward to my vacation next month I am here I'm supposed to be there remember I was late for work because of the interview I have to catch up on my work definition if you catch up on something you have to work or do something quickly because you are behind I have to catch up on my work I have to catch up on my homework my mom is going to watch my baby this weekend so I can catch up on some sleep I have a lot of work to catch up on so I'll start by filling out these spreadsheets definition fill out to complete a form or document with information I filled out this form wrong I put in my details instead of my sons you can also say fill in you feel in a form fill in an application fill out is more American English fill in is more British English but they mean the same thing I know they look like opposites fill in fill out but they mean the same thing at work I sit next to Vicky Vicky and I get along really well I don't get along with Trish I prefer not to speak to her definition get along with someone you have a good relationship and you like each other this can be any relationship friends colleagues um husband wife any relationship why don't I get along with Trish because she's always playing her music every day she turns up her music really loud I have to tell her to turn it down foreign definitions turn up volume up turn down volume down and we only use turn up turn down with um music or the TV we wouldn't use it for people for example you wouldn't say I'm sorry can you please turn up next to my desk there's also a vending machine they need to get rid of it with a vending machine next to me I always want to buy some chocolate remember I told you I'm trying to cut back on sugar get rid of something definition to remove it I have a lot of old clothes I want to get rid of if we get rid of something we can throw it away we can sell it or just remove it right I need to go over these spreadsheets before I submit them go over definition review I went over my notes before the test let's go over tomorrow's plan the spreadsheets look good I can hand them in I can hand them in definition if you hand something in you give it to an authority an authority this can be like a professor teacher policeman think about it like your hand you hand in like you're giving something I found a wallet on the street so I handed it in in this case it's obvious it means I handed it into the police wow last one it's been a really long day hasn't it I'm so happy tomorrow Saturday so I can sleep in definition to sleep longer than usual in the morning I normally wake up at six but on the weekends I can sleep in I want to sleep in but my baby wakes me up nice and early okay we've already looked at 32 phrasal verbs how are you feeling when you're learning a language or when you're learning anything it's important to take breaks during your breaks you can work out or maybe meet up with a friend work out meet up workout means to exercise every day I work out in the gym for half an hour or you can say I hate working out meet up you meet someone you already know to socialize and socialize means you do something fun like with your friends or family members uska and I met up on Friday for coffee we can say meet up stop we shouldn't meet up more often or you meet up with someone I met up with uzga last Friday for a coffee what's the difference between meat and meat up Meetup is informal and we use it when we're talking about socializing remember doing something fun meat can also be used in this way but it's often used in different situations for example when you introduce yourself to someone new I met my new neighbor in my job I meet new people every day meat can also sound really official world leaders met to discuss climate change so if you say my boss and I met up on Monday this does kind of um give the feeling that you did something fun together part two 30 more phrasal verbs you can use every day chapter one the travel blogger okay I'm a travel blogger last month I went hiking in a rainforest I want to show you my favorite picture scroll down scroll down scroll down scroll down scroll down stop definition scroll down you go down your screen what's the opposite scroll up scroll up stop that's my favorite picture it's a bit small so let's zoom in zoom in zoom in you can see the orangutan is holding a piece of fruit zoom in definition you make an image bigger because you want to see the details so we can zoom in and zoom out before I publish my blog I need to do a few things let's look at my to-do list I need to upload the pictures write a 500 word article and think of an eye-catching title eye-catching is a great adjective it means to get someone's attention I've already uploaded the pictures I can check that one off check something off definition you write a check mark next to something you've completed on a list I've already written the 500 word article I can check number two off notice the s okay I still need to think of an eye-catching title assistant write these ideas down write down definition to write something short on a piece of paper for example your appointment is scheduled for 8 am on the 3rd would you like me to write that down for you no thanks I'll just put it in my phone we can write something down or we can jot something down same thing write these ideas down jot these ideas down okay eye catching title arnels rainforest Adventure I don't like it cross it out cross something out you put a line through something because it's a mistake or you don't like it I accidentally wrote the wrong date no problem just cross it out and write it again colorful pictures and they see of green I don't like it cross it out um let's see I don't know how many titles I thought of but I started to get really frustrated so I ripped up the list definition rip us to tear something soft into small pieces my dog loves ripping up toilet paper I love ripping up bread and putting it in soup okay after a few hours I ended up choosing this title for my blog my camera turning a rainforest into a rainbow Forest huh and up end up is a complicated phrasal verb definition eventually something happens and the ending is surprising or unexpected do you remember Darcy Hill from high school she ended up marrying Paul Miller if I just said she married Paul Miller that feeling of surprise isn't there we couldn't find a free room in a hotel anywhere so we ended up sleeping in our car I know Aaron loves his motorcycle but one day he's going to end up in the hospital let me know in the comments below do you understand how to use end up can you maybe give me an example sentence chapter 2 organizing an event I'm organizing a team building event for my company team building is when a company organizes an hour a day or a weekend for employees to have fun together and become a closer team so team building can be in an office like this Outdoors like like this the good thing about team building is that everyone is working toward the same goal work toward definition to work to achieve a goal my cousin Winona is working toward a degree in engineering mini note toward without the S is the preferred American English spelling towards with that s is the preferred British English spelling both of these are the same and you can choose which one you want to use they're the same so I thought hiking would be a good team building activity don't worry we're not just gonna be hiking and getting dirty and muddy and sweaty we'll be staying in a beautiful hotel we check in on the 20th and check out on the 22nd check-in you arrive at a hotel on the first day and you get your key what's the opposite check out definition you leave the hotel on your last day and you return your key check in and check out our phrasal verbs but they're often used as nouns for example on a hotel website check-in is at 3 pm and checkout is at 10 a.m organizing an event for 20 people is not easy I've spent weeks juggling everyone's scheduled around so nobody misses out juggle around and miss out let's start with juggle around first this activity here is juggling the verb is juggle you can see the balls moving in different directions imagine that but on a schedule juggle around definition to move people dates appointments so everyone is involved I'm trying to juggle around a few students so I can teach everyone before my vacation I asked my secretary to juggle the clients around on Monday because I need to leave work an hour early miss out definition to not be involved I don't want anyone to miss out on this hiking trip I work the night shift on the weekends I always miss out on my friends get-togethers parties and any fun weekend stuff so we can miss out stop I don't want to miss out or we can miss out on something if it rains the plans will still go ahead go ahead definition the plan continues even though there are challenges common mistake go ahead does not mean yeah keep going it isn't used to give motivation it's really sick I don't know if the negotiations will go ahead without him I don't know if they'll continue without him okay this is the best part about the weekend the company is giving away three thousand dollars to the team that completes the hike the fastest giveaway definition to give something to someone for free but we don't use giveaway with gifts I wouldn't say it's Sandy's birthday I'm giving away a book we give away things we don't want or we don't need where's the dress you sewed I gave it away it didn't look good on me so it's three thousand dollars to the winning team if a team decides to give up they have to work an extra Saturday give up definition to equip something because you are tired or you have no motivation you'll see a picture like this online a lot never give up this means never quit apart from the hiking the employees can hang out around the hotel hangout definition to spend time with people doing nothing important I think most employees will want to hang out by the pool my friends and I hung out at a cafe for a couple of hours because it was raining you know I didn't organize this whole team building event by myself I worked with one of my colleagues Zoe to be honest um Zoe isn't the easiest person to work with in one of our meetings I got so angry that I stormed out of the room storm out definition to leave a room in an angry way kind of like you're a storm what did you say to me we can say storm out he stormed out or he stormed out of plus the place chapter 3 living with your parents this is my mom I heard you lost your job yeah the company closed so I'm looking for a new job hmm I think you should move in with us no no no no um thank you I moved out when I was 18 and that's how I like it definition move out you leave a place you leave your home with all of your things what's the opposite move in you go to your new home with all of your things my neighbors are moving out I'm really gonna miss them I hope someone nice Moves In let's get back to the conversation with my mom um thank you Mom but I'm I'm not gonna move in with you guys it's the best thing to do you can save money living with us do you even have any money you're always wearing the same shoes you will never talk me into moving in with you talk someone into something with this phrasal verb it's a set structure the person always goes in the middle definition to convince someone to do something you manage to persuade someone I can't believe Jamie talked me into going bungee jumping I can't believe she convinced me to do this what's the opposite talk someone out of something I'm trying to talk my best friend out of quitting University my brother lives in a tiny apartment and she wants to buy a German Shepherd how can I talk him out of it how can I convince him not to do this foreign moving in for my parents why do you have so many boxes are these your boxes or your boyfriend's boxes um they have one rule for me be home by 10 pm which is kind of ridiculous because I'm an adult I usually sneak out when they're sleeping definition sneak out fully leave a place slowly and quietly so nobody sees you what's the opposite sneak in I sneak in before they wake up the meeting had already started so I sneaked in it looks boring so I sneaked out so we can sneak out or sneak out of plus place one thing my parents do is stock up on a lot of Essentials they stock up on toilet paper they stock up on detergent they stock up on flour definition to collect a large supply of something so you can use it in the future when my favorite shampoo is on sale I like to stock up you know living at home isn't easy um whenever I take something out of the fridge my mom immediately tells me to put it back take out definition to remove something from its place what's the opposite put back my daughter took out the markers but didn't put them back so we can take something out or we can take something out of plus place you can't just take out a piece of chocolate taste it and put it back gross okay I've been complaining a lot about my parents especially my mom but living at home isn't all bad I do get to pig out on my mom's good cooking Pig Out definition to eat a lot in a short period of time after picking out all Christmas um I decided to go on a diet do you like to pick out what's your favorite pig out food mine is ice cream wow 64 phrasal verbs done not bad anyway last week a friend and I met up for lunch remember meet up I was on time but Kate showed up 30 minutes late that's Kate she's always late show up definition to arrive my train showed up early my train arrived early so Kate and I met up for lunch my sandwich tasted a bit weird but I kept eating it eventually I had to spit out a bite it was gross after I got home an hour later I threw up spit out definition you you remove something from your mouth don't spit out your gum on the street put a trash can throw up you empty your stomach because you feel sick I had the flu last week and I was throwing up every day anyway I threw up my sandwich a few days later I ran into Kate she told me that she had also thrown up that day we are never going to that restaurant again run into someone or bump into someone same thing foreign I ran into one of my teachers at the grocery store it was a pleasant surprise you're never going to believe who I ran into I was waiting for my train and guess who I saw Travis he told me that he now owns four properties a property is a building you can buy like um a house or an apartment so he told me he owns four properties I don't believe him I think he completely made that up make something up you invent you create a story a lie or an excuse I didn't want to go to Martha's wedding so I made up an excuse about my grandma being sick is my grandma really sick no I just made that up sorry Grandma and makeup doesn't have to be negative um like with a lie my five-year-old daughter and her friend made up this story about unicorns mermaids and fairies all living together part three close phrasal verbs number one put on every morning I put on my clothes put on a t-shirt I put on jeans I put on socks we use put on to mean you put something on your body like clothes you can also put on a hat put on glasses put on perfume I put on clothes I put clothes on both are fine so what's the opposite of put on put off no take off you can take off your hat take off your glasses take off your T-shirt take off your jeans take off your socks I want to take off my shoes I want to take my shoes off fine both are correct [Music] oh this is a nice restaurant but I I can't wear this I need to dress up I need to look nice I need to look formal people dress up for weddings you can dress up for your graduation even though I use the word dress I don't really mean a dress men also dress up for example a man could wear a suit to dress up now dress up has two definitions the first one is the one we've just looked at to wear nice and formal clothes the second definition is to wear a costume people dress up for Halloween now don't worry depending on the context of the situation there won't be any confusion between these two the teacher said we had to dress up tonight that's right really are you dressing up [Music] Well normally there isn't any confusion we have dress up the opposite is dress down dress down means to wear casual clothes more casual than usual for example in my company we need to look professional every day I wear a dress suit but one Friday a month all employees can dress down on that day I wear jeans and a sweater number five hang out I like to hang out my laundry on a sunny day I like to hang my laundry out on a sunny day well what is laundry is the noun we use to describe clothes that are dirty and need to be washed or clothes that have just been washed so if my laundry is wet I need to hang out my laundry oh don't leave your jacket on the floor up your jacket use a hanger and hang up your jacket use a hanger and hang up your shirt use a hanger and hang up your pants we use hang up to mean to organize your clothes by putting them on a hanger in the closet or on a hook let's keep going are you ready for seven eight and nine okay last week I did some shopping online hmm I picked out some white jeans I picked out a dark blue shirt and I picked out some red heels yes you can also separate this phrasal verb pick out means select you need to select something from a group there are 10 choices on this page and I picked out three after I received my package I tried on the clothes I tried on the blue shirt I tried the blue shirt on I tried on the white jeans I tried the white jeans on I tried on the red heels I tried the red heels on when we try on clothes or shoes we put them on to see if we like them maybe they are nice maybe they are not if you're in a store you need to go to a changing room to try on clothes hmm I love the white jeans I'm going to keep them my the blue shirt is a bit big I'm going to return it the red heels oh I like them but they are a bit uncomfortable I need to wear in the heels I need to wear the heels in where in means to wear a new piece of clothing or new shoes to make them comfortable if I wear these shoes for a couple of days they will be comfortable so I need to wear them in we have buttons like like this we have a zipper I buttoned up my shirt I buttoned my shirt up please zip up your pants zip your pants up okay we use button up and zip up to mean close your clothes we can also use do up do up can be for anything even shoes please do up your shoes before you trip please do your shoes up before you trip hmm do you know when we really need to button up and zip up and do our clothes in winter it gets cold in winter in fact we need to bundle up in the winter it gets really cold so you need to bundle up like me I have on my gloves my scarf my hat I am bundled up when it's cold out I bundle up my kids I bundle my kids up I think it everyone has their favorite piece of clothing right this um is one of my favorite sweaters I got this when I was eight years old I'm not making this up and no I was not a really big eight-year-old I just wanted a big size okay um you can see it's a little bit old looking it's an old old sweater um what happens if you wear something every day for a long time like shoes or clothes they start to fall apart my shoes are falling apart you can say this house is falling apart fall apart definition something is so old it cannot stay together anymore it just falls apart right let's keep going this is my driveway I have to be careful pulling out of my driveway because there are a lot of cats in my neighborhood I obviously don't want to run over a cat pull out of run over if a car bus or train pulls out of a place they leave that place a car can pull out of a driveway a car can pull out of a parking space a train can pull out of a train station what's the opposite pull into a car can pull into a driveway a car can pull into a parking space a train can pull into a train station and if you run over something we don't mean run we mean you accidentally go over something with your car bike or maybe a truck I obviously don't want to run over a cat I accidentally ran over my neighbor's roses I'm probably going to have to pay for the damage ah let's talk money part four money phrasal verbs let's start with the first one put down you know what let's start big let's start expensive here's a house and here's a car the house costs two hundred thousand dollars and the car costs fifteen thousand dollars I want to buy the house I want to buy the car but I don't have two hundred thousand dollars I don't have fifteen thousand dollars but I can I can't put down a ten thousand dollar deposit on the house I can put down a thousand dollar deposit on the car down means to pay a part of the total and you will continue to pay the rest over time we normally use put down with the word deposit that's very natural we put down money we put down a deposit on something big like a house or a car something you can't pay for now I put down a three thousand dollar deposit I put a three thousand dollar deposit down both are fine finally finally I finally paid off my house it took me about 15 years it took me 12 months to pay off my car pay off means to finally complete a payment now the house is 100 mine no more payments the car is 100 mine I don't need to pay anything else I am still paying off my student loan I was still paying my student loan off both are fine remember how about a minute ago I said I can't put down a ten thousand dollar deposit on the house I actually wasn't being very honest to be honest I didn't even have ten thousand dollars I couldn't put down a ten thousand dollar deposit my parents chipped in to chip in means different people they want to help you buy something so they all pay a little part Eric Works in an office next Friday is his birthday [Music] everyone in the office knows that he needs a new bike so everyone chipped in to buy him a new bike Coral chipped in Amy chipped them sakua chipped in Isabella chipton everyone chipped in and bought him a bike have you ever chipped in to buy someone a present let me know in the comments so Eric is very lucky he has some great colleagues they all chipped in to buy my bike no one ever bought me a bike let's get back to my house so my parents chipped in so I could put down a deposit to buy a house I promised that I would pay them back when you pay someone back you return the money they gave you normally when we use the phrasal verb payback we put the person in the middle when are you going to pay me back she said she wouldn't pay us back I'll pay you back tomorrow of course you could put the object after the phrasal verb I promised that I would pay back my parents that's also okay let's keep going okay I have two bank accounts I have a checking account and I have a savings account the money in my checking account can be used every day I can pay my rent I can pay for my groceries coffees normal things the money in my savings account is not for spending it's for saving saving for something important like a hospital bill or or a vacation when we add money to our savings account we are saving up will you save up when we save money for something specific something we want or need I'm saving up for a new washing machine I'm saving up to buy a new washing machine save up four plus noun save up two plus verb unfortunately this month was very expensive I already paid my rent I already paid my bills I already paid for everything [Music] but my laptop broke my laptop broke and I had to buy a new one I had to dip into my savings first what is the verb dip we see it here dip it's such a small word it's kind of cute dip dip dip dip means to make a small movement into something for example you can dip a cookie and milk you can dip your toe in a bath to see if the water is hot dip into means we need to use money from our savings account but we don't really want to nobody wants to dip into their savings but sometimes it's necessary my husband and I had to dip into our emergency fund because a storm damaged part of our roof I have an important question for you what's your favorite animal I know what you're thinking you're thinking about a squirrel squirrel squirrel squirrel okay money phrasal verbs squirrels what what do squirrels do they collect things right they collect things they collect things and they save them so the phrasal verb is squirrel away squirrel away and save up can be synonymous for example I'm saving up for a vacation or I'm squirreling money away for a vacation but when we use squirrel away sometimes we mean we put money in a secret place we're kind of hiding money we're squirreling money away I didn't know my ex-husband was squirreling money away in a Swiss bank account you can squirrel money away or squirrel away money both are fine there's been a lot of information so far I think we need a break let's grab a coffee come on [Music] hi could I have a decaf cappuccino to go please that'll be 750 please [Music] 7.50 for a cappuccino that's expensive that's a little bit too expensive that's a ripoff that's a rip-off yes here I'm using ripoff as a noun don't worry I will get to the phrasal verb a rip-off is something that is too expensive for the quality or the service sellers might try to rip off tourists sellers might try to rip tourists off here I'm telling you that sellers might might make tourists pay more than necessary maybe rip them off does ripoff mean expensive not quite you know if you go to an amazing restaurant the food is great could be expensive but it was good food great service it was worth it that's not a ripoff so what happens if you need to pay for something but you don't want to I joined a yoga class I paid for 10 classes when I arrived from my first class the yoga teacher told me I needed to buy a yoga mat you need to buy a map what I had to buy my own mat I thought the teacher would provide the maths I had to cough up 40 bucks is an informal way to say dollars the word cough is this oh so when we cough up money we need to pay for something but we really don't want to kind of like coughing we don't really want to cough and listen to the pronunciation we say cough cough I'm sure you have probably had to cough up money at some point in your life okay good here we have a picture of this amazing food I would love to go to a restaurant but at the moment I'm just scraping by I'm gonna put scrape by down there I'll put Rich at the top and pour at the bottom so you can see if you're scraping by you're not poor but you only have money for the basics you can pay your rent you can pay for food maybe you can pay for your bus tickets but there's this kind of negative feeling to it you barely have enough I work two different jobs just so I can scrape by when I was a university student I usually managed to scrape by sometimes my parents had to give me money get by you can see get by and scrape by are very similar but get by doesn't have that desperation to it it's a little bit more neutral I live in New York and yes it's expensive but I'm getting by don't worry about me I'm getting by [Music] oh my God foreign I'm rich I'm rich now my great aunt Ellen just died and she she left me half a million dollars I can quit my job I can quit my job because I have come into money when you come into money it means someone has died probably a relative and they left you some money when I was 25 I came into some money my friends are really impressed that I own a house but it was really easy for me to buy so if you do come into money don't squander it away [Music] squander away definition to waste this phrasal verb is usually used to speak about money but it can also be used for other things like Talent or potential then slowly squander away his life savings on gambling booze and drugs it's such a shame that Tina squandered her Talent away she was so worried about failure that she stopped competing we're done wow there's been a lot of information in today's lesson challenge yourself write two example sentences every day using today's phrasal verbs I hope this lesson helped you and I can't wait to make another video for you thank you bye foreign
Channel: Arnel's Everyday English
Views: 741,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verbs, english conversation
Id: 8o09w0iFcbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 16sec (3916 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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