Free Antibiotics — Making Medicine From Japanese Barberry with Adam Haritan

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hey everyone I'm Adam Harrison from lunar land I was driving on the highway yesterday and I came across a billboard there's a large ad taken out by a grocery store chain here in Pennsylvania and if you're familiar with this area then you probably know which grocery store I'm talking about and on this billboard were just two large words that's it two words free antibiotics that's it free antibiotics and I'm kind of wondering if you're laughing right now because honestly my first impression was to literally laugh out loud I thought this was so funny so interesting so fascinating that this grocery stores marketing strategy at least on this particular stretch of the highway was to entice customers into its store by throwing free antibiotics at though not free salad greens not free fruit vegetables not free organic grass-fed meats not free raisins but free antibiotics and this might seem innocent enough yes I'm very aware that antibiotics form a foundational component of modern medicine especially modern emergency medicine I'm aware that throughout history antibiotics have been responsible for the prevention of numerous deaths however I'm also very familiar with the ramifications of the overuse the misuse in the abuse of antibiotics which is also known as antibiotic resistance one of the greatest threats to our health today this is something that decades ago Alexander Fleming warned against in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech he's the one who discovered and popularized penicillin he warned against a future of antibiotic resistance while my friends the future is today in fact he's been going on for quite some time you know according to the CDC at least two million illnesses per year here in the United States are due to antibiotic resistance and what's even more startling is that 23,000 deaths per year here in the United States are due to antibiotic resistance and you might be saying well I don't really use antibiotics that much I only use them when necessary however if you are consuming tap water on a daily basis if you live in an urban environment a suburban environment there are antibiotics in your tap water and what's even worse is that research is showing new research is showing that antibiotics in the water combined with the chlorine another antibiotic in the water to form new compounds that display stronger antibiotic properties than the original antibiotic and the chlorine itself and this is in our drinking water for eating livestock that have been fed heavy doses of antibiotics we're getting antibiotics if we take antibiotics from a doctor just for general conditions health conditions that we are experiencing and we're getting heavy doses of antibiotics and this can lead to huge problems not only for our bodies but for the Health and Environment held in the entire global population as well so what the heck is the solution here I have a solution however mild it may be and if you've been watching my videos no surprise it involves hanging out in the wild you know nature does not have a PR agent though if it did have a PR agent I imagine that if it worked to create a billboard with this PR agent that the Billboard might say something like this as a gift to help you along your journey I offer to you countless plant and mushroom species for free that demonstrate powerful antibacterial properties that do not lead to antibiotic resistance use them wisely enjoy in this video what I'd like to do for you is share with you at least one particular plant species out of countless plant species that has demonstrated powerful antibacterial properties in numerous studies and it is my hope that by watching this video you become familiar with what antibiotic resistance is and you learn some viable and very safe the solutions to this pressing problem now it may come as a surprise to many of you to learn that this particular plan has any importance in the wild beyond choking native plants in this particular plant is Japanese Barbary or barbarous thunbergii ax is a deciduous spiny shrub characterized by having numerous red fruits this time of year fruits that are longer than they are wide in their bright red you really can't miss it if you're walking through the trails in Pennsylvania or throughout the Woodlands in the northeastern United States these fruits are edible though they're kind of bitter so you don't want to eat a whole bowl fold them though I like to eat them as a trail nibble in the springtime the leaves are edible though this time of year they're much too fibrous and they probably already fallen off in this strut grows to be about one and a half meters tall now Japanese Barbera has been shown in numerous studies to demonstrate potent antibacterial properties and one study in particular showed that root extracts ethanolic extracts from the roots demonstrated potent antibacterial properties against five different strains of bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus which is responsible for skin infections and streptococcus pyogenes which is responsible for strep throat so they are ethanolic extracts or alcohol extracts of the roots you can make your very own Japanese Barbary medicine at home by digging up these roots in the fall in the springtime bringing them home drying them out crushing them up and then steeping them in alcohol for two to six weeks and then straining that out and you will have your very own Japanese Barbary medicine now if I had a strep throat infection that was due to streptococcus pyogenes or Staphylococcus aureus infection I might consider looking into Japanese barbary root extract for myself I'm not recommending you do it I'm not recommending anybody else do it except myself however use your best judgment do your own research and see what works best for you now this study found that other plants demonstrated similar antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus and against streptococcus pyogenes and this was European Barbary which is barbarous vulgaris and also goldenseal which is high dress's canadensis and the researchers attributed these properties to berberine which is a yellow pigmented alkaloid found in these plants berberine has been shown in numerous studies to not only demonstrate antibacterial properties but anti-inflammatory properties antioxidant properties anti-cancer properties and more so if you're looking to make your own potent antibacterial medicine at home consider looking into Japanese Barbera unless you absolutely need golden seal I would consider looking into the bar berries just because golden seal is a threatened species here in Pennsylvania probably throughout the northeastern United States but Japanese Barbera is very common and it can be very effective as well so if you're looking to make your own antibacterial medicine look into making ethanol liqueur alcoholic extracts from Japanese barbary of course we're only scratching the surface in this video and I could have mentioned numerous other studies for example I recently released a video on the oyster mushroom the common oyster mushroom pleurotus austria Attis that mushroom that many of us just walk by whenever we're taking our daily walk in the woods this mushroom a hot water extract from it has demonstrated antibacterial properties against Staphylococcus aureus and against ecoli and remember I am acknowledging the importance of synthetic antibiotics especially in modern emergency medicine however with the threat of antibiotic resistance just getting stronger and stronger and stronger it's absolutely essential that we start to implement other strategies in healing and within nature lies several solutions I want to thank you so much for watching this video really means a lot to me if you could do two things for me I'd greatly appreciate it number one if you could join the community at learn your landcom and sign up with your email address so that we could stay in touch with each other and number two if you could subscribe to my youtube channel by hitting subscribe down below that would be great as well thanks again for watching this video really appreciate it and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Learn Your Land
Views: 69,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Haritan, Learn Your Land, Arthur Haines, Daniel Vitalis, David Wolfe, Wild Foodism, Foraging Pittsburgh, Japanese Barberry, Berberis Thunbergii (Organism Classification), Foraging, Wild Food, Western Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Botany, Invasive species
Id: 6eK6gnVHWGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2015
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