Is The Healthiest Part Of Dandelion Its Flower?

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some people love it some people hate it some people cherish it and others just poison it today we're talking about tracks to come efficient now the common dandelion plant now I know a lot of us are familiar with how to properly identify Danny line we know that it's edible and many of us are familiar with the medicinal properties of dandelion this is a fantastic plant it has had a protective properties collar etic properties meaning it helps to stimulate bio production and also diuretic properties but what doesn't get a lot of attention and what I want to shed light on in this video are the health benefits associated with the flower of Daniella dandelion flowers and it turns out that the dandelion flower might be the healthiest part in the most medicinal part of the whole entire dandelion plant and there are four key areas where the dandelion flower really shines compared to the rest of the plant so in this video I want to talk about those four key areas and all this is based on one particular study that was published in the journal nutrition reviews in 2012 and the study was titled the diverse biological activities of dandelion and so if you are looking to feel better if you want to look better and if you're looking for unique ways to connect to your land then I encourage you to watch this video in its entirety and see if the dandelion flower may be the best thing ever so the first reason why dandelion flowers may be the healthiest part of the plant is that they contain higher levels of polyphenols compared to the rest of the plant so what are polyphenols and why should you care well polyphenols constitute a very extensive group of chemicals in the plant kingdom and today there have been at least 8,000 isolated and described so if you've ever heard of the terms Flavin's isoflavones catechins anthocyanidins these all fall under the umbrella term of polyphenols so why should you care why should you look into getting more polyphenols into your diet well there's been a lot of studies on the impacts of polyphenols in human health and I want to quote one particular study published in 2009 in the journal oxidative medicine and cellular longevity what the researchers found was this I'm quoting them epidemiological studies and associated meta-analysis strongly suggest that long-term consumption of diets rich in plant polyphenols offer protection against development of cancers cardiovascular diseases diabetes osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases so what the study on dandelion found was that the flowers contain 115 times the levels of polyphenols compared to the roots 115 times and so if you're looking to get more polyphenols into your diet and if you're looking to maybe decrease your chances of developing cancers cardiovascular diseases diabetes osteoporosis maybe even neurodegenerative diseases maybe you look into the dandelion flower and see if it may or may not work for you number two Daniel and flowers contain higher levels of antioxidants compared to the rest of the plant now I know you've heard of antioxidants pretty much everybody's heard of antioxidants if you've ever shopped in a grocery store or at a Health magazine watch dr. oz you probably heard of antioxidants you know you've been the fruit juices in the grocery store with all the added sugar with all the artificial dyes can still say somehow illegally that they contain antioxidants and so antioxidants combat the processes of oxidation within our bodies oxidation is normal every time you breathe every time you exercise ever tummy digest food you're oxidizing to some degree but when this process is left unchecked it can lead to some pretty serious illnesses various cancers diabetes Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular diseases now there's a particular oxidant with our bodies known as the hydroxyl radical as symbols Oh H of that little dot next to the O which symbolizes a lone electron this is a very potent and reactive molecule within our bodies and it leads to DNA damage it damages our membrane lipids and can also damage tissues within our bodies now it seems that at least according to the research that the dandelion flower offers the strongest inhibition against this hydroxyl radical compared to the rest of the plant so strong antioxidant properties especially against that very damaging molecule the hydroxyl radical so perhaps by consuming more dandelion flowers we will be getting more antioxidants within our bodies we can steer clear some of that fruit juice at the grocery store number three dandelion flowers are anti-inflammatory and more anti-inflammatory than the rest of the plant so have you ever experienced inflammation at all in your life any kind of illness associated with inflammation I know I've experienced inflammation you know even after working out exercising a little bit of soreness and your joints can't stand up as quickly a little bit inflammation in there in time you cut yourself the wound healing process involves a little bit inflammation but even more chronic illnesses a lot of autoimmune conditions associated with inflammation so perhaps by consuming dandelion flowers we might be getting anti-inflammatory agents into our bodies because the research shows that this provides inhibition against two enzymes that are associated with inflammation in our bodies nitric oxide synthase but also cyclooxygenase - have you ever heard of cyclooxygenase - that's also known as cox-2 cox-2 inhibitors a lot of people take cox-2 inhibitors some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are cox-2 inhibitors this is essentially a natural cox-2 inhibitor now it's not going to be as potent as some of the pharmaceutical brands out there but maybe long-term consumption of this in addition to other lifestyle factors can't provide a lot of anti-inflammatory support within our bodies so to summarize that the dandelion flower is compared to the rest of the plant offer anti-inflammatory properties and number four dandelion flowers may act as chemo preventive agents in other words they have anti-cancer properties specifically anti-angiogenic properties so angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels within our bodies this is a normal process however it's also associated with disease states especially the progression of tumors from the benign state to the malignant State and so it seems that according to the research that ethanol extracts of the flowers so alcohol extracts of the flowers possess anti-angiogenic properties essentially anti-cancer properties it's not just the flowers either but the leaves also and so if you were looking to get more chemo preventive agents into your diet consider looking into the dandelion flower to make that happen so there we have it four reasons why the dandelion flower may be the healthiest part of the entire plant and this is why I consider dandelion flower to be its greatest secret now it's raining right now the fun is about to come but I just want to wrap up with a quick story I was watching my neighbor the other day literally spray every single dandelion flower in his front yard with a conventional herbicide just stooped over every single one taking him three and a half seconds per flower and I thought you would save a lot of time just yanking it out probably only two and a half seconds compared to the three and a half seconds and you wouldn't be poisoning your polyphenols poisoning your antioxidants poisoning your anti-inflammatory agents poisoning your chemo preventive agents perhaps it's Daniel line is your greatest solution right now and there you are poison who really knows I don't really know his backstory but I do encourage you if you have Danny line growing where you live and I'm sure you do maybe don't spray it yank it up behalf you but use the plant as well not just the roots not just the leaves but the flower as well because it seems that the flower may be the healthiest part of the entire plant and it may be the best thing ever for you so here comes the rain I'm gonna wrap up thank you so much for watching this video truly appreciate it and I hope you enjoyed and elion flowers on your next excursion through your yards or the woods or wherever you like to explore take care
Channel: Learn Your Land
Views: 1,335,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Haritan, Learn Your Land, Wild Foodism, Foraging Pittsburgh, Dandelion, Eat Wild, Foraging, Wild Food, Crouse Run, Hampton, Pittsburgh, Western Pennsylvania, Hunting, Morels, Mushrooms, Medicinal Plants, Nature, Outdoors, Outside, Hiking, REI, North Face, God, Universe, Deer, Venison
Id: J1lYtk16UMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 6sec (426 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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