The Only Amazon FBA Tutorial You Will Ever Need (FOR BEGINNERS)

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- What's going on? My name is Simon. And in this video, you're gonna learn step-by-step how to make money selling products on Amazon through Amazon FBA. And here's everything that this tutorial is gonna cover. First, we're gonna look at how the Amazon FBA business model actually works and if it's the right business model for you personally. And then we're gonna split up the entire process of building your Amazon FBA business in six phases. Phase number one is gonna be product research. Here you're gonna learn exactly how to find the best products to sell on Amazon, where you can actually make a good profit. Phase two is gonna be how to find a supplier for the specific product that you have chosen to launch on Amazon. Phase three is gonna be branding. Here you're gonna learn exactly how to brand your product to actually sell it at a premium price and make a lot of profit. In phase four, we're gonna look at how to create an amazing Amazon listing that will get the customers on Amazon to buy your product. In phase five, we're gonna look at the entire process of getting your product shipped from your supplier to the Amazon warehouse. And in phase six, we're gonna look at the product launch. Here you're gonna learn exactly how to get your product on the first page of search results, which is where you're gonna make the most of your sales. So this video is gonna lay out the entire process of building your Amazon FBA business and take you from knowing nothing about selling on Amazon to launching your first profitable product. We're gonna go through everything step-by-step. So this is gonna be a very long video. So make sure you save the video somehow so you can always refer back to it whenever you need on your journey to becoming an Amazon seller. And all the chapters and topics you can see on screen here, they're also timestamp down below in the description. So whenever you want to go to a specific part, just go through the description of the video and click on the timestamps there. So let's get started with the tutorial. (upbeat music) So let's first look at how Amazon FBA actually works. So let's say I wanna make some money by selling products on Amazon. Well, the first thing I need to do is to find a product that would be actually good to sell on Amazon. And I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that in the product research phase. Then once I found my product, I'm gonna go and look for a manufacturer, a supplier for this specific product who can make that product for me, because we're not gonna create the products ourselves. Once I found a good manufacturer, I'm gonna order a specific amount of products from that specific supplier. Then the supplier is gonna create the products. They're gonna manufacture the products for us. And once those products are manufactured, we're gonna tell our supplier to send those products into an Amazon warehouse called Amazon Fulfillment Center. Then once our products arrive in the Amazon warehouse, we can create a listing for our product on Amazon, and then people can actually find our product on Amazon, and go ahead and buy it. Once they buy our product, Amazon will take care of the rest. They will ship the product to the customer. They will take care of the returns, and also of the customer support. Once our product is listed and it's getting sales on Amazon, all we need to do is to make sure to continue ordering new products from our supplier, tell the supplier to send them in the warehouses so we don't run out of stock and we can continue selling the products on Amazon. So FBA stands for Fulfillment by Amazon, because once somebody goes to our listing and buys our product, Amazon is gonna be responsible to fulfill that specific order and ship that product to the customer. There's also something called FBM, which stands for Fulfillment by Merchant. If you go with the FBM model, then once somebody orders your product on Amazon, you as the seller are gonna be responsible for shipping that product to the customer. So you're gonna be responsible for the fulfillment. Now for this video, we're gonna focus on FBA, so Fulfillment by Amazon. Now let's go over the four main business models how you can sell on Amazon. The first one is wholesale. If you do a wholesaling, then you're basically buying a lot of products in bulk from established brands and you're reselling them on Amazon to make a profit. The second one is retail arbitrage. If you do this business model, then you're just going out and find discounted products from retailers and you're listing them on Amazon to sell them for a profit. You can also do dropshipping. If you're gonna be dropshipping, you're gonna create a listing for a specific product on Amazon. And then once somebody buys that product, you are gonna tell your supplier for that product to sell it directly to the customer. And then the fourth business model is private labeling. This is gonna be the business model that you're gonna learn how to do in this specific video. So with private labeling, what we're basically doing is we're gonna go out and look for products that are already selling on Amazon. And then we're gonna sell the exact same product or a better version of it with our own logo and branding. And because we're selling a high quality and branded product, we are able to sell it for a very high price point, also giving us a very good profit margin, and making us a lot of money. Here you can see some examples of private label products. Take, for example, this head shaver right here. This is probably manufactured somewhere in China for like $30, but because this is branded, and there's actually a logo on the product, they're able to sell it for $110 giving them a very high profit margin, and they're probably also making a lot of money. And it's basically the same thing with these resistance bands or this water bottle. Now what are some advantages and disadvantages to start an Amazon FBA business? The by-far biggest advantage of starting an Amazon business is that you're gonna be able to leverage the brand and infrastructure of Amazon. Amazon is the biggest e-commerce platform on the planet. And they already have millions of customers buying from Amazon every single day. And you're gonna be able to access those customers if you put your product on Amazon. You'll also be able to take advantage of the infrastructure of Amazon, meaning you don't need to rent a warehouse and ship the product to the customers yourself. Amazon is gonna do all that for you. They're also gonna manage a lot of the customer support and handle their returns. And your products are gonna get to the customer as quickly as possible with Prime Shipping. Now, another advantage, in terms of this specific business model, is that once it's running, it can be very passive. So once your product is listed, and it continually gets clicks in the Amazon search engine, then all you need to do is make sure to send more products from your supplier to the Amazon warehouses, and everything else will basically run on autopilot. So it's really kind of a passive business once it's actually running. And that's also why Amazon FBA is a great business model to start as a side hustle. And then once it grows big enough, you can do this full time and grow a million-dollar brand. Another great thing about this business model is that you're gonna have location independence. All you need to run this business is a computer and an internet connection. So as you can see, there's a lot of advantages of starting an Amazon FBA business and leveraging the Amazon FBA platform. However, you are also gonna need to play by Amazon's rules if you wanna sell on their platform, because eventually it is their platform and it's also their customers. So this could definitely be considered a disadvantage of selling on Amazon, that you're basically gonna be dependent on this specific platform. You're also gonna need to pay fees for every sale that you make directly to Amazon. And it's also very hard to build a customer list from people who actually buy your product because Amazon really wants to keep all that data for themselves. Now, with all that being said, I do think that Amazon FBA is one of the best business models you can start right now, especially if you are a beginner. And now let's go over some of the most asked questions about Amazon FBA. The first one is how much money do I need to start this business? And a good range would be $2,000 to $5,000 as a starting budget. Because in order to sell on Amazon, you're gonna need to order a specific amount of units of your product and sell that to the warehouse before you can make your first sale. And you're gonna have to pay that upfront to the supplier. Also, you're gonna have to pay for shipping those products into the Amazon warehouse. That's why you need a starting budget of $2,000 to $5,000. Obviously the more, the better. If you have less than $2,000, then it's better to make some more money and start the business the right way once you have enough money. How long will it take to make money? So usually it takes three to six months to make your first sale on Amazon with your new product. Reason being is because you're gonna need to take some time to find a good product. Then you need to find a supplier for that product. And once you have found a supplier for a good product to sell, that supplier obviously needs some time to manufacture those products. Once they're manufactured, you need to send them to a warehouse, which depending on your shipping method can also take like a month. And that's why it takes a couple of months to get your first sale on Amazon. But obviously the more time you spend on your business in the beginning, the quicker you'll be able to get it running. How much money can I make with Amazon FBA? So actually there's really no cap of how much money you can make. Obviously it depends on what product you're selling, your profit margin, how many products you're selling, and how big your brand eventually is. But as a beginner, I would shoot for somewhere in between $3,000 and $10,000 per month in profit. Then, can I do this from anywhere? Yes, we already talked about this. And is Amazon FBA already too saturated? The answer is no. Obviously there are some niches where the saturation is quite high and it's gonna be very difficult to get in that market as a beginner. However, there still are a lot of markets where you can still get in, where it's not too saturated. And honestly, if you have a good listing, a high quality product, and good branding, it's not that difficult to outperform all the other products that are already selling on Amazon. And that's what you're gonna learn exactly in this video, how to find a great product, how to brand that product, and how to create an amazing listing where the customers are gonna choose your product over all the other ones. Before we get started with phase one of building your Amazon FBA business, I wanna give a big, big thanks to Dan Vas, the Founder and CEO at Ecom Freedom, and also a big thanks to the entire team at Ecom Freedom. Dan Vas has been my mentor when it comes to learning how to sell stuff on Amazon. And honestly, he's the best person to learn from, in my opinion. I'm gonna leave all his details down below in the description. He also has a YouTube channel. So check that out as well. So again, a big thanks to Dan and his team at Ecom Freedom, who made this video possible. All right, so let's get started with phase number one, which is product research and how to find a good product opportunity. Now, this phase is extremely important because the first product that you're gonna choose to sell on Amazon is gonna be the basis of your entire business and brand. So you definitely don't wanna just go out there and launch some random product that you don't really know much about, you're just hoping that it works, because the chances are very high that it's just not gonna work. You're gonna lose a bunch of money and also a lot of time. So you wanna make sure to follow this part of the tutorial step-by-step and really learn how to judge a product, if it's a good opportunity or if it's a bad opportunity. So let's get into it. All right, now, before we're gonna go into the actual research methods and look at all these products on Amazon, we wanna know exactly what we are looking for in a product. Because if you don't know what you're looking for, it's gonna be very hard to find it. So as a beginner, it's good to follow a specific criteria list that your products need to have in order to be considered as a product opportunity. So here you can see the nine product criteria that you should apply to every single product idea. And if one product falls out of one of these criteria that you can see right here, then you need to discard the idea completely and move on to another product. So these criteria are, Demand, Competition, Selling Price, Simplicity, Private Label Potential, Brand Potential, Improvement Potential, Legality & Liability, and Profit Margin. And you can also see there's a range for all these criteria right here to give you a guideline of where your product needs to be in this specific criteria. And now we're gonna go into each of the criteria individually to really make you understand of what you are actually looking for in a product. Now, the first criteria that you wanna judge your product by is Demand. Meaning that, is there a demand for your product? Because if there's no demand, then you're not gonna sell anything on Amazon because Amazon is a search engine for products. And if there's nobody searching for the product that you wanna sell, you're not gonna sell any units. So what we can do is we can find out what the demand is for the product that we wanna sell using a tool called Jungle Scout that gives us the revenue numbers of the products that are already selling. Because with private labeling, we are selling products that are already selling on Amazon. So we have all the data of the revenue and so on, so we can see exactly how much money people are making with a specific product. And that tells us if there is actually demand. Here, for example, there was a product that was making over a $100,000 per month, which obviously there's demand. People are buying this product. And then there was a product only making $26 per month. So obviously I wouldn't go for a product that only makes, I don't know, a $100 per month because why should I spend all my money, time, and energy on launching a product that people aren't actually buying? And a good number to go for here is that you wanna look for a revenue number of a minimum of $6,000 per month in revenue. Because if you're gonna have like a 33% profit margin, which is actually pretty good, and you're gonna have a revenue of $6,000, then you're gonna make $2,000 in profit per month, which is like the lower end. And it's not really worth spending all your time and energy going for a product that's making less than that. And you're probably wondering how we're gonna get all the revenue numbers. We're gonna use a tool called Jungle Scout to get all this data, which I'm gonna show you how to install and everything later in the video. The second criteria is gonna be competition. So when you're gonna go and do some product research, you're gonna find a lot of products that you really like and that you think are very cool, but the competition is just too high. Because when you're gonna launch your product, you're gonna start out on page 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, where you're not gonna make any sales because people are not gonna go to page two or three even. They're just gonna type in whatever keyword they are looking for, whatever product they're looking for. And then they're just gonna look at the first page and buy the product that they like on the first page. So what we're trying to do is get our product using the launch strategy to the first page of the search results, so we start making organic sales as well. However, if the products that are already on the first page are from some very established brands that have a lot of reviews, then it's just gonna be the up-hill battle, is just gonna be too steep, and you're not gonna be able to do a launch and to create a listing that is gonna be outperforming these brands because they are just too far ahead compared to you. So a good range to go for is you wanna look for products that have below 1,000 reviews. So if it's over 1,000 reviews, they're already kind of too far ahead. And it's very hard to compete with them, especially if you are a beginner and launching a first product on Amazon. What you also wanna look at is that there are multiple competing brands. So there's multiple brands selling the same product because with some products, you're gonna notice that there's one dominating brand and they're making pretty much 90% of the sales. And you don't wanna get into a market like that because it's just gonna be too hard to compete with that established brand because obviously people wanna just buy from that specific brand. So those are the two things you wanna look at, the number of reviews, and also if there are multiple competing brands for the product that you are considering to sell. And we're gonna get more into this later on when we're gonna actually do the product research. Now here, just a quick example of how it looks like when you see multiple competing brands. So here, the product is a heating pad for neck, shoulders, and back. And as you can see, there's three different competing brands on the top. So this would be what it looks like when there's multiple competing brands. If all these names here would say Andola, for example, then it looks like that everybody just wants to buy from this specific brand. It's probably not worth it going into this market and trying to compete. Criteria number three is gonna be the Selling Price, meaning how much you can sell the product for on Amazon. And you can estimate that price by looking at the competition, what they're selling the products for. And a good range to shoot for is $20 to $70, and as a absolute maximum $150, depending on your budget. The reason why you don't really want to go below $20 is because after the shipping cost and the Amazon fees, it's gonna be very hard to make a profit if your selling price is so low. Especially if you're selling in Europe, you're also gonna have the VATs, the value-added tax, that you need to charge, which is also 20% to even 30% in some countries. So you wanna consider that as well. So this is why you wanna make sure you're gonna be able to sell your product for at least $20 on Amazon. Now you also don't wanna go too high. And the reason is because the first inventory that you're gonna need to order and ship to the Amazon warehouse is gonna be just too expensive, especially if you have a limited budget. So for example, here, if you're gonna sell your product for $250 and the unit price for the product that you can source it for is $70, you're gonna order 300 units, then you're gonna need to spend $21,000 just for your first inventory. Now, this doesn't mean that this can't work out and that you're not gonna make any profit, but you're never gonna be a 100% sure that the product that you're launching is actually gonna work out. So why should you risk $21,000 when you could have just risked like $3,000 to $5,000 on a product? So this is why as a beginner, it's a lot better to shoot for a product that you can sell for $20 to $70. Criteria number four is gonna be Simplicity, meaning that as a beginner, you're gonna try to find a product that is very simple to sell and that doesn't break easily. So here's a couple of examples that you wanna think about. So you don't wanna try and go for a product that is either too heavy or that is too big because that makes the shipping process very expensive, and sometimes also more complicated. You also don't wanna go for a product that has a lot of variants because it's gonna be very hard for you to estimate what are the most popular variants. So for example, if you're gonna sell, I don't know, T-shirts, then you don't really know what color is the most popular, what size is the most popular? So it's very hard to keep those sizes and colors in stock. And it's just gonna make your entire business a lot more complex if you gonna have many variants. So try to go for a product doesn't have too many variants, as a beginner. You also wanna have a product that is very durable. So if you're gonna have a product that might break very easily in the shipping process, or just after a couple of uses with the customer. A good example here would be if you're selling glass. So glass is very breakable, especially when shipping it. It's just gonna end up giving you a lot of bad reviews. And if you have just too many bad reviews, especially in the beginning, your product is pretty much gonna be dead and you need to do another launch. So try not to go for products with like glass that is easily breakable. And make sure it's just a simple product, there's not much that can go wrong with it. Now, another thing you wanna look at is seasonality. You can go to, or, and then type in your product. And then you're gonna see exactly if the product is a seasonal product, meaning that there's only a specific time in the year when people are gonna buy it, or if the demand is there throughout the year. So here, for example, Christmas tree lights, obviously people are gonna buy that just before Christmas. You don't wanna go for a product like that in the beginning. You don't have the data of how many units you're gonna have to order. And also there's gonna be a lot of money coming in at one point of the year, if you do everything right, and then the other times in the year is just gonna be dead. So you don't wanna go for a business like that. You wanna have a steady business. So don't go for a product that has a high seasonality. Criteria number five is gonna be Private Label Potential because this is the business model that we are pursuing here, private labeling, meaning we're gonna take a product that is already selling on Amazon. We're gonna brand it and we're gonna put our logo on the product, and we're gonna sell it for a premium price. The reason why this works so well is because branded products are just, people are willing to spend more money on branded product because they perceive it as being more valuable and being more high quality. And there's just a couple of products that is very hard to private label. For example, these baskets right here, this is a commodity product, and people don't really care what brand those are from. So it's very hard to sell this product at a premium price just because you have your logo on it. So you wanna stay clear of commodity products. And you wanna just have products that you can increase the perceived value of by branding that specific product, like for example, this head shaver right here. Criteria number six is Brand Potential, meaning are you able to create an entire product line and build a long-term brand from the first product that you're choosing to launch on Amazon? So the key for long-term success on Amazon is to build a brand and to keep selling high-quality products, branded products at a premium price with customers that keep coming back to your brand because they trust and know your brand. So here's an example. So let's say you're gonna sell this head shaver as your first product. It goes well. You're making a lot of money. You don't wanna stop there. You wanna keep building out your product line. So you might wanna launch a second head shaver for a premium customer base, or a premium version of it. Then as a third product, you wanna launch one for women. As a fourth product, you're gonna go in another thing, like hair clippers, for example. But you're gonna build like a grooming brand eventually. So you wanna ask yourself, with this first product that I'm launching, am I pitching holding myself, or am I able to create an entire brand from this first product? What you wanna avoid doing is running after these hot, new trendy products that work maybe for a couple of months, but then it burns out and you stop making money, and you can't really build on this first product. Then it's just gonna be a rat race where your life's gonna be miserable, just chasing these one-hit wonder products. So you wanna choose a product where you can imagine yourself, like you already wanna have in the back of your head, a couple of products that you can launch off of this first product if it actually is successful. Criteria number seven is Improvement Potential. Meaning, can you make the products that are already selling on Amazon even better? So what you wanna do here is for the product ideas that you have, you wanna go into the reviews and you wanna look at the positive, and also at the negative reviews, and look at common themes, like patterns, that people keep saying about the specific products. Here for example, people keep saying, "This is horrible to install," "Nightmare install." So now an idea might be to create a very easy-to-follow instruction manual, how to install this product. And just by doing that, you're gonna avoid all these one-star reviews, making your product have a higher on average review score compared to your competition, which will increase your conversion rate. It will increase your sales. And eventually it will make you rise to the top of the search results, and you're gonna be the top seller for this specific product. So if you're gonna see those patterns and you should really should look in the reviews before you decide on your product, to see all the opportunities that you have to work with your supplier, and make the product actually better. Criteria number eight, Legality and Liability. So this is a criteria that many people overlook and they just realize after they have already ordered the product that it's actually restricted, that they actually can't sell it because maybe there's a patent, maybe there's a trademark, or maybe it's just something that Amazon doesn't allow to sell. So you wanna make sure that you check your product idea for patents, trademarks, dangerous goods, hazardous material, and also Amazon restrictions. And I'm gonna show you exactly how to check for these things before you're gonna decide on your product that you wanna launch on Amazon. And now, last but definitely not least, the Profit Margin. So you wanna choose a product that has a profit margin of at least 25%. Now it might seem obvious that you need to have a product with a healthy profit margin, but many people really underestimate all the fees and expenses that come with selling on Amazon. So there's the fulfillment fee, the referral fee. There's shipping costs. There's payment process of fees. There's the monthly fee for your Amazon account, and all that stuff, that can really add up. And if you don't consider those costs before you choose your product, you might end up not being able to make a profit at all. So this is why you really need to calculate your profit correctly and realistically, so you can actually have a high chance of making money with your product on Amazon. Here just a short example on how to calculate your profit margin. So it's basically your selling price minus your expenses. This equals your profit. The profit divided by this selling price gives you a number. You multiply that number by 100. This gives you your profit margin. And again, you're gonna try to go for at least 25% for this profit margin. Later in the video, after we do the product research, I'm gonna show you a free tool that you can use from Ecom Freedom, from Dan Vas, that he has made available for free, that you can use to calculate your profit margin realistically and put in all the costs. Then you can see exactly if this product would be a good opportunity to go for or not. So now that we know exactly what we are looking for, based on those nine criteria that we have looked at, we can go ahead and actually go into the product research. So now we can go on Amazon and look at all the products, and filter those through the nine criteria that we have just learned. That will give us our product ideas. And then with those ideas, we're gonna put them on a list. For each idea, we're gonna calculate the possible profit margin, looking at how much it's gonna cost to source those products. If the profit margin is still good, then we're gonna keep the products on our list, which is gonna be our products that we could potentially launch. And eventually we wanna have a list of like 3 to even 10 products that we can potentially launch if we're gonna find a good supplier for them. So this is gonna be the process. Let's get into our product research. All right, so for our product research, in order for us to see all the data that we need to see for the products that we're gonna look at, we're gonna need to use a tool which is called Jungle Scout. So this is really pretty much the only tool that you really need when selling on Amazon. I don't even know anybody who is selling on Amazon who doesn't use this tool. So this is definitely something you wanna get. I was able to get you a discount for Jungle Scout. So I reached out to them and they created a special landing page for fans of Metics Media, as you can see here. And there, as you can see, you're gonna get a discount of up to 30% for Jungle Scout. And you also get a seven-day money back guarantee. Now this is also the plan that you need here to access all the features that we need for product research, and also later on for our keyword research. So make sure you get this tool. I'm gonna leave the link down below in the description to this page right here, where you can get the discount. Now we're also gonna need to install the Chrome extension because they have their own platform, which I'm gonna show you in a moment here. And then they also have a Chrome extension where if you install it on your browser, you're gonna see a lot more information on the Amazon platform itself. Then you wanna go to Google, go to Jungle Scout Chrome extension, if you're using Chrome. If you're using Firefox, then type in Firefox. And then just search this. And then you wanna go to this one right here, Jungle Scout. And you wanna just install the extension right here. Once you have installed the extension on your browser, you're gonna see that up here on all your extensions here. So if you don't see it right here, you can click on this icon right here. And then you should see it. So here I can see Jungle Scout. And you wanna make sure that this pin here is enabled so I can actually see it right here and we can open at any time you want when we are on the Amazon platform. All right, so now I'm logged into my Jungle Scout account here, where we're gonna start with our product research. I'm gonna show you two different methods, how you can find products utilizing Jungle Scout and Amazon. The first one, you're gonna find this one a lot on YouTube. A lot of people show this with Jungle Scout. It's kind of the main way how people filter their database. The second one is not as known, but it's a lot better to find products that other people are not finding. So let's look at the first one first. What you wanna do is you wanna go here to the left side, go to Product Research, and then you can either go to Product Database, or Opportunity Finder. They pretty much do the same thing, but you can put in more detailed filters in the Product Database. So we're gonna go to Product Database right here. Then we're gonna just tick all the categories that make sense for us to look for. Not all categories are gonna be great for selling private label products. So for example, video games is probably not something you wanna look for. But let's just go through them. So Appliances, Beauty and Personal Care, Cell Phones and Accessories, mostly very saturated, or we can also look there, Computers and Accessories. I wouldn't sell food or anything, especially if you're beginning. Home and Kitchen, Kitchen and Dining, Office Products, Pet Supplies, Sports and Outdoors. Toys and Games, I wouldn't really look into that. Baby. Let's do Camera and Photo, Electronics. Industrial and Scientific, let's do that as well. Patio Lawn, Garden, and Tools and Home Improvement. So these are the categories that I would look into. And then here on the right side, we have the Product Tier. So let's do Standard. We don't wanna do Oversize. And also Seller Type, Amazon, and FBA. And now here we have some filters. So as we've learned before, we wanna go for a price between $20 and $70. So here let's just type in 19 because many products had also sold for $19.99. And then the max price, let's just put that as, we can also do $100 so maybe we find some good opportunities that are a bit out of our range. If you have a good budget, you can still go for these as well. For the rank, we didn't talk about this before, but there's a rank where Amazon ranks every product in the main category, like the ones that we have just ticked right here, the best seller rank. So the lower the rank, the more is sold in this specific product. And we really don't want to go for a product that have a very low best seller rank, like below 100, because the competition is just too high. So we can type in 100 right here, but most products that are below the rank 100, they have too many reviews anyway. So we would rule them out anyway. So then minimum sales, I like to go by revenue for the demand. So I'm gonna type in 6,000 as a minimum revenue right here. Then you can also go minimum and maximum reviews. Now our maximum reviews would be a 1,000 because otherwise it's just too much competition. So we type in a 1,000 right here. If you want to, you can also look for products that have a lower rating than maybe five stars, four-and-a-half stars, because they wanna have them some improvement potential. However, I usually don't put anything in here because I don't wanna rule out all the products that have just a good rating. Weight, you can just type in 5.5 pounds, just so you rule out all the products that are just very heavy and expensive to ship. Then sellers, we're gonna leave empty, and then list quality score as well. So what we've done just now is we've used the database of Jungle Scout. We put in all of our criteria, so Jungle Scout will spit out all the products that fit this criteria. So we can click on search right here. Now Jungle Scout has generated all the products that fit the criteria that you have just entered above. So the next step would be to just go through all these products manually, and then decide on if this might be a good idea to sell on Amazon and private label it, or not. So when we find a good product here that we might be able to sell, so these products are all not really looking as a good idea to private label. So sometimes you're gonna find that there's a lot of same products coming up. For example, these screws right here. So if we wanna eliminate all these products that just keep coming up, it doesn't really fit our criteria, we can just take one keyword that they all have. So for this would be, for example, screws. So we would just type in for extra keywords, here in the top, screws, and then do another search. And then these products shouldn't come up anymore. All right, so let's just go through some more products, and maybe we wanna find one that might be a good example right here, so no caps. Let's maybe go to another page. So here we have over 2,000 pages of results. Let's just type in a page. Let's say 321, just a random page. And now let's see here, here we have some paddles, all right. Is that batteries? No, no, no. So here I found a product which might be worth looking into, which is this bird feeder. It's just something you hang in your garden, and then the birds will come and eat your stuff. So once you find a product that you think might be a good idea, what do you wanna do is just click on this View on Amazon button right here. And then it will open up this product on Amazon. You can look at the price, the rating, and so on. Now, from this point on, I'm gonna go a lot more deeper later into what you're gonna do from here on out. Because from here on out, you're gonna try and analyze the market for this specific product right here. Now, before you're gonna do that and learn how to analyze product markets, I'm gonna show you another research method that I think is a lot better on how to find product ideas. So yeah, this would be the method on how to use the product database here on Jungle Scouts to get some product ideas. Again, I'm not a big fan of this method. The reason being is because I think it's not really fun to do this stuff using the database. And also like the bigger reason is because if everybody just uses the same filters right here, everybody's just gonna get the same product list. So everybody's just gonna go through the same products, and the chance of a lot of people launching the same product is actually pretty high if everybody just uses the same filters right here on the database. So it's a lot better to use your own unique product research method, where you get to a place where nobody else is going, so you can find a product idea that nobody else has thought of. And I'm gonna show you exactly how to find those product ideas right now. So maybe, you know the situation when you go to YouTube, and you click on a random video, or maybe you search for something, you click on it. And then you watch the video, and then sometime through, you look at the suggestions on the right side. And then you see something interesting and you click on the suggestion, and then you watch that video. Then you click on another suggestion. And then before you know it, you're watching some kind of random video about stuff that you didn't even know existed. This was kind of a way how you can discover something that you didn't even know existed. And that's the same approach that we wanna take finding our product opportunities. We wanna go down a random path, and then we wanna end up at a place where there are products that we didn't even know existed. This is the place where you're gonna find all the product opportunities, because nobody else did think of them. This method that we're gonna look at now, as opposed to the other one, this is really a rabbit-hole method going down different avenues at each step of the process. What we're gonna do is we're gonna start with a simple keyword. And we're not gonna just come up with the keyword ourselves. We can either just go take a dictionary, like put up a random page, and then look at a random word, and then just type in the word here in Jungle Scout. Now you don't actually need to get a dictionary. You can also use word generators here on the internet. So for example, what you can do is type in object generator on Google, then click on one right here. And then for example, this website, you can just click on randomize, and then you're gonna see just random words like this. Like bonesaw, washcloth, candy cane, map, just something like this. So what we can do is just take this random word, and then we're gonna go to Jungle Scout. And now we're gonna use another tool here. We're gonna go to Keywords. And then we're gonna go to Keyword Scout. Then we're gonna paste in our randomly generated word, either from the dictionary, from the object generator, wherever you want to go, and we're gonna click on Search. Jungle Scout will just generate a lot of keywords that are related to this keyword that we have just typed in, that people are actually searching for on Amazon. So now we have a lot of ideas. So here we have world map, world maps for wall. So whenever you find something here that looks interesting, you would just, again, go to the Amazon button right here. And then you can find that search string right here on the top of the Amazon page. And here you can find the products that are related to this specific keyword. So then if you think this might actually be a good idea, you can just open up the products in a new tab. So open it in a new tab right here. Open in new tab. And then just look at each of these products individually. So like this, you can also get product ideas. And then if at some point, you find that this specific keyword is kind of a dead end and you're not gonna find anything good here, then you can just move on to another randomly generated keyword. However, I find that if you dig deep enough with each keyword and category, you're gonna find some viable products, at least that look good at first. Now let's just do another keyword right here. One that came up, last time I was using this random object generator was neck. So the neck right here. So let's search for this one. And then I did find some, so interesting products here as well. So here we have neck fan. So let's open this up in a new tab. Portable fan, also interesting. Neck stretcher, neck massager, back massager, okay. So these are all categories that I definitely would wanna look into. So here I would just open up all these tabs, and then go to the first one right here. And then here, the first thing we see is some sponsored post. So you don't wanna look at the sponsored ones when you're doing the research. You wanna look at the ones that are actually organically ranked here on the top. So here we can see these fans that you can put around your neck that basically blow some cold air up your head. Looks like this space is quite competitive, just judging by how many reviews they have. So maybe we need to scroll further down to find a specific product that we might wanna look into. So let's actually go to neck massager right here, because I believe this is where I looked into last time a bit deeper. So here again, we can see some sponsored products on the top. And then we can see like this massager right here that you can basically put around your neck. A lot of the time, you're gonna find there are like similar products. And most of these people that are selling these are also just sourcing them somewhere from China, probably, maybe from the same supplier even. And some of them are also using private labeling. So here we have maybe like this product. Let's just open this one and look into this a bit further. Then let's see, we also have... I also see like these kinds of products a lot, like these kind of electric massagers. So let's open up this as well. So let's maybe look into this one first. The first thing that I see, it has a lot of ratings. If you see a product that has a lot of ratings doesn't mean you should rule it out immediately because maybe there are still other brands that don't have as many reviews, but they're still making a good amount of money and they're listed on the first page as well. So just because it has over 1,000 reviews doesn't mean immediately that we're gonna rule it out. But if everybody who's on the first page has like over 1,000 reviews, then it's probably too competitive. Now let's look at this product as well. This also looks like something we could private label. This one only has like nine reviews. So this might be less competitive. So let's kind of look into the market for this specific product. So now what we wanna do is we wanna find the keyword that is most related to this specific product. Meaning, when we type in the keyword here on the top, then only these types of products will show up in the search results. So this is probably an intelligent neck massager with heat. So maybe let's try this one. So I'm just gonna take this and then just paste it in here in a new tab, and just click on Search. You wanna ignore the first sponsored products again. So here are the sponsored ones. And then here are the organic search results. So here it looks like this is really kind of the keyword that leads to this specific product. So with this page right now, we can now analyze the market of this specific product. As you can see, all these products are very similar. They are kind of like necklace that you can just wear, and they have these two pads, which is kind of like a electric massage, or something like that. So now what we're gonna do is we're gonna use the Chrome extension of Jungle Scout. So here we're gonna go to the top, right here. Actually, we're gonna close all the other tabs, so otherwise my computer's probably gonna just be too slow here, right? Now, we're gonna click on the Jungle Scout extension right here. And then it will open up all the products here on this specific page. So we're just gonna need to give it some time so it loads all the products. Okay, so now once this button here is not gray anymore, it's all loaded. And we can actually start to look at it. Just gonna make it a bit bigger like this. And then the first thing we wanna do is we wanna sort them by best seller rank. Meaning that the one that sell the most are gonna be at the highest right here. So here you can see rank, so we're just gonna click here on Rank. And then it will sort it from lowest to highest rank. And then what we wanna do is we wanna go through all these products and delete the ones that aren't the product that we are actually looking into. So we are looking into this Electric Pulse Neck Massager. As you can see right here, this looks pretty much the same. So we're gonna leave this. Then this one here is something else. This one would be the neck massager. So we're just gonna click on the cross right here. So it's gonna be gone from our list. And we're just gonna go down. This also actually looks a bit different. If you look closely to the sides, it doesn't have those three dots, or actually I think this is Photoshopped in. So I'm gonna leave this in right here. It looks like the same product. This one as well, this one as well. This one looks actually different. So I'm gonna just delete this one here. And you're just gonna keep doing this until you only are left with the main products right here. So now I've deleted all the products that are actually a different kind of product, because we are looking for this specific one. And what we're gonna do now is we're gonna analyze the market based on the data that we can see here. So we're just gonna go from left to right through all of these columns right here. First of all, the Brand. So as we can see here, we have multiple different brands selling the same kind of products. So the first one would be Clitalies, then YOMISOY, then Skinkit. So this is actually a good sign because then we can see people are buying from multiple different brands, and they're like not loyal to just one brand. Meaning that if we enter with our own brand, we have a good chance of being able to compete with these brands that are currently selling. The next thing we wanna look at is the Price. So like we've said before, we wanna look at something between $20 and $70 optimally. And the top competitor here is selling for $38, which is a pretty good price to sell for. There's also somebody who's selling for $55. This is probably like a more premium one. In terms of price range, it's definitely in our criteria. Then we also have the Revenue. So we use the revenue to determine if there's actually demand for this product. So the top-selling product right here with 32 sales a month is doing just over 33,000, approximately, in revenue per month, which is not that bad. It could be more for a top-selling product, definitely, but it's something that is in the range that might be worth going for. With our range, we said we don't wanna go with for anything that is below $6,000 in revenue per month. Now, the next thing we're gonna look at is the Rating Number. So here we can see, there are two products that actually have over 1,000 reviews. Now judging by the review, like they have four stars, and the top one has also four stars. So if we are able to maybe address the issues that they had, because they could definitely have a better rating, we might be able to still get into the market. And you can also see that, like this product right here is making just over 7,000 in revenue with only 45 reviews. And this, for example, like this one is making over $9,000 with only nine reviews. So there's definitely potentially here to get into the market. So I wouldn't be thrown off too much just because some competitors have over 1,000 reviews. And you can see also that their rating is pretty low, actually like 3.8, 3.4. So there's probably a lot of problems with this product. A lot of people are unsatisfied with this product. So if you're gonna notice that, it's gonna be very hard to satisfy your customers with this specific product. It's probably worth it not to go for it. However, if you're gonna find a way how you can improve it and actually address the issues that the people have when you read the reviews, this might actually be opportunity for you to get into the market with a better product. Now, I quickly pulled up another product right here, which is this eye massager. So I didn't even know this existed. But apparently you can just put this on your face, and then it massages you, and maybe it's good for headaches and stuff. So the thing I wanted to show you here is that you can see that this RENPHO, RENPHO brand, they're really dominating the market for this eye massager right here, because they are like really, they've taken the majority of the market share, as you can see by the revenue numbers, by the daily sales, and so on. There are other brands also making money, but compared to what the main brand here is making, it's really not that much. So this would be a situation where I wouldn't go into the market if I see there's like one dominating brand, which is probably gonna be very hard to compete with, because eventually the long-term goal is to become the number one brand in your niche for your product, because that's where the most amount of money actually is. And here's an example of another product, this eye wand. This is also some kind of massager, like this stick that you can put on your eye that massages the eyes. I just want to show you this, because this is an example of where there's just not enough demand. So as you can see here, the revenue numbers are pretty low. Like the top product here is making just over $6,000. So this would be a situation where even though the rating numbers here are very low, so it might be easier to get into the market. But still it's not worth your time, and effort, and money to try and scrape some pennies right here, because there's just not enough demand in this specific market for this specific product. Now for the rest of this video, I did choose an example product that I found before I even started recording here. And I'm gonna quickly explain to you how I found it. I basically was looking for some kind of gloves, or something like that, and I don't even remember. I just noticed that in the results right here, I just found something where it says survival gloves, or something like that. And then it came like to my mind that survival might be a good niche to look into. So I typed in survival tools right here on the top. When you just browse Amazon, you just randomly get ideas and you type it in, and then you find random products. And like, for example, if you go to this one right here, and then you check it out, and then maybe you go to the bottom, and you just go to this section right here where you can see the recommendations, or the sponsored posts even. This is like the sponsored ones, the ads. And if you go even further down, you can see related to this item. And here you're gonna find a lot of other stuff as well. So here you can see this product right here, Survival Settlers Wrench Tool is the one that I actually chose for this video. So let's click on this one right here. So here it opened up. So here I can see a very low price point. It's actually quite a cheap version of this one. So what I've done here is it looked to me, like I didn't even know what it is. It looked interesting. Foremost, it looked very simple. So I thought like there's not much that can go wrong with this product. Again, when we see a product that we find interesting, the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna try and find the keyword where when we type that in, only this specific product comes up, because this is how we're gonna analyze the market for the specific product. So here we'll just look at the title, Survival Settlers Wrench Tool Bushcraft. So I think what I've entered is just settlers tool, and then I think only those ones came up. So we wanna ignore the sponsored ones here on the top. As you can see, all the results is pretty much the same product right here. So now we're gonna again go to the Jungle Scout extension right here. Click there and then it will just open up all the data for all the products on this page. So I've already loaded the results, sorted everything by ranks to have the lowest rank here on the top, which is the best selling one. And then also we have deleted the products that don't really are the same product here, as the one we wanna look into. So this is a kind of like a survival bushcraft product that you can use to kind of build the wooden houses and stuff like that. I didn't even know that existed actually, but apparently it's a very convenient tool to survive in the wild basically. So again, we wanna look at the market. So first, do we have multiple competing brands? Yes, we have like this main one right here, WEYLAND, and RDSTER, Pexzey, and stuff like that. And then the price point is rather on the lower end of our optimal range, but still like the top competitor is able to sell this for $38, which is great. And they're making like $43,500 in revenue per month. When I looked at this first, it was like $80,000. So they're easily making like $10,000 to $20,000, $25,000 in profit per month, just from this one product. The rating number is all right. So it's almost 1,000. But the second competitor right here, which is already making 10k in revenue per month, they don't even have a logo on the product. So they're not even really private labeling. They do have like a brand name in front of it, but they don't really have a logo. But they still have a lot of good reviews. So it looks to me like it would be possible to enter this market with really good branding and marketing, and a good listing, and stuff like that. So that's kind of what I looked at. And now we're gonna look at each of the nine criteria in detail for this specific product to decide on if it's gonna remain on our product opportunity list, or if you're gonna move on to another product. All right, so let's quickly go through each of the criteria one by one for this specific product. This is what you wanna do, especially in the beginning, when you don't have these criteria, just in your head for all of your product ideas. So here you can see just a screenshot of Survival Settlers Tool where you can see all the products. This was actually taken a couple of days ago. So we wanna look at the revenue numbers obviously here. So the top one is making $46,000, second one, $27,000, then $11,000. So definitely within the range that it's worth going into this market. Then let's look at the second one, Competition. So we already looked at it, reviews. Here it's like almost 900 reviews. As like the last couple of days, they already got some more reviews, apparently. Multiple competing brands as well. We looked at it already. They have multiple competing brands selling the same product. Then we have Selling Price. The price is between $20 or $15 to $37. But if you are able to put a logo on it, I think we can sell it for at least like $25 to $30. So that's good as well. Then we have Simplicity. So here I looked at a couple of different things. I looked up the weight of this product. So it's 0.7 pounds, which is fine. The size is rather small. So it's gonna be easier to ship. It has one or two variants. So we can also have this in black, like the case in black leather, or even the metal in black. But this is not that much of a problem, like you can just order one variant if you want to. Then the durability. Now I did find some issues here when I looked at the reviews. If you don't manufacture it correctly, it probably breaks easily. So this is something that we definitely need to look into. Then seasonality, I just checked Google Trends for bushcraft tool and also for bushcraft, which is the activity that people who buy this product are doing. And as you can see here in this graph, throughout the year, there's not like a huge dip. So there's a almost consistent demand for this specific product, which is what we are looking for. Then Private Label Potential. Here I just need to look at the first kind of product that is selling, which is the best selling one. And here they'd already done it. They did put a logo on the product, and also on the case, and just like that, they are the top-selling competitors. So here you can see the power of private labeling, the power of branding. We wanna do the same thing. We wanna take the generic product here. And we wanna make it better. We wanna put the logo on it and just increase the perceived value so we can sell it at a premium price, just like they are doing. So they're making a lot of profit selling at $38 for sure. Then we're gonna look at Brand Potential. So again, I looked at the storefront of this seller that we've looked at before, which is Weyland Outdoors. They have already some other products that they're selling. And obviously if you're selling this product, we can just build a survival product brand. So the next one we could launch is like this wooden slingshot thing, or this axe, or hatchet, or whatever, or we can also do a backpack. So just anything related to survival would work with our brand. Then let's also look at Improvement Potential. So here is where I looked at some of the reviews. So here the main theme that came up consistently was for some products, that it broke easily. So here, as you can see where it broke. And also that the weld is really ugly. So they welded this two pieces of metal together. And apparently people don't like it when it looks ugly. So here's definitely an opportunity for us to talk to our supplier that we're gonna find later on, and just tell them to make the weld really strong and also make it look very nice. So then they should send us a sample of this. And we wanna test it as much as possible so we can prevent that stuff breaking like very quickly, because we wanna prevent as many negative reviews as possible, right? So we can make it better, that's good. Then Legality & Liability. So I did check this. I didn't find any patents for the product. I did find like a trademark. So when you type into Google like settlers tool trademark, which is something you wanna do for every product that you're considering, just type in the product name and then trademark. And then you can see here, like USPTO is the official website for the US. If you are selling in the US, you want to check this website right here. So here you can see that some person has a trademark on this specific name, Settlers Wrench. And this is also when I noticed that many people are selling this specific product just under another name. So I guess you can still sell this product, just not under the name Settlers Wrench. I also did check like for any patents, but I didn't find anything. So if this product would have a patent, then I couldn't sell it for sure, because they have patented the design of this product. However, if it's just a trademark, I just not allowed to use the name Settlers Wrench. However, I don't really like that there is a patent for this product. So this is why I wouldn't go with this product. I wouldn't launch it like personally, just because maybe this person has also filed a patent, which is it's just not live yet, it's just not accepted yet. But once it is, then I'm not able to sell that product anymore, basically, because then I'm violating the patent. So I'm still using this product, like as an example, but just be aware that you wanna make sure you search Google for any patents and also for any trademarks. So let's go back here. As we've said, there are no patents currently. So that's good. But there is kind of a trademark. You can probably get around this by just using another name for selling it on Amazon, which all the other guys are doing as well. But it's something that can kind of come back and haunt you later on when you're building your brand, and then suddenly you're not able to sell this product anymore. So that's definitely something I would stay clear of. However, we're still gonna use it for this video. Then, is it dangerous? No. Hazardous material? No. Amazon restrictions? No, like not that I'm aware of. You can check Amazon's restrictions before you order any inventory, and you're gonna decide on this product for sure. Then you wanna make sure to do a test-listing on your Amazon Seller Central Account, and just leave it there for a couple of days, and look if it triggers any restrictions. Because sometimes you wanna launch a product, and then you already order inventory, and you think everything's fine, and then suddenly Amazon is like, "Okay, no, there was a restriction triggered. You cannot sell this product on Amazon." So definitely make the test-listing and make sure that you're actually allowed to sell this product. I didn't do the test-listing for this one, but I didn't find any restrictions. And you can also see other people are selling this product as well. So there's probably no problem. And then the last criteria that we need to check is the Profit Margin. And in order for us to find the profit margin for this specific product, we're gonna use the Ecom Freedom Amazon FBA Profit Calculator, which is a free tool of the Ecom Freedom platform. I'm gonna link this tool down below in the description. So you can click on that link and then sign up with your... Just sign up with any email address, and then you can access this tool for free. So once we're here, just click on Register right here. Type in your name and email address, and then click on Continue, and create your account like that. Then once you're here, you wanna first name the product that you wanna calculate the profit for. So I'm just gonna name it Settlers Survival Tool. and then the selling country, decide on where you're gonna sell. So I'm gonna sell in the United States. I'm gonna leave the United States right here. Then you wanna paste in the ASIN number, so the identifying number of the specific product on Amazon. Every product on Amazon has an ASIN number. So we can get that also just by going to the product right here. So you wanna go to your main product for this first one right here. So this would be the best selling one for this product market right here. And then right here, you can see the ASIN. You can simply click on Copy right here. If you just go to the product directly, you can just scroll down. And you're gonna find the ASIN here as well. So the A-S-I-N number right here. So you can either take it from here, but I usually just take it from here directly, which is, the Jungle Scout already gives me the ASIN here on the top with the Chrome extension that we have just installed before. So we're gonna paste that in here. Then we have the selling price right here. So the selling price, we can determine by just looking at what the competition is selling for. So here, the main one is selling for $38, then the second one for $26, and then $20. Now these ones, they don't really have any logo on the product. So we could probably sell this product for probably like $29.99, I would say. So let's type in 29.99. Optimally, we wanna go higher with the price, but especially for the launch, we wanna keep the price low because we don't have any reviews yet. So then we also wanna type in the ASIN for the competitor number two and competitor number three. So this is just for you, so you keep the data of all the competitive product, because later on, you're gonna get a lot of data from these products. So we're gonna copy that as well, and let's paste it in here. Competitor number three is this one right here. Copy ASIN. Just paste it in right here. Click on Continue. And then the Sourcing Costs. So here we are gonna need to find an estimated cost per unit. We don't really know the exact price that we're gonna pay for this product, because we haven't negotiated yet with the suppliers. We haven't even looked for suppliers yet. So what you wanna do is you wanna do a quick search for suppliers, and then just look at what the product is selling for, for a certain amount of units. So what we're gonna do here is we're gonna go to Alibaba, which is probably the place where you're gonna find your product to source it from. This is the main site. Later on, we're gonna go into how to source your product, how to find suppliers, and all that. Now we're just gonna try and find with a quick search what is probably the price that we can expect to pay per unit for our product. So then on Alibaba, we're gonna type in our product. Let's just try Settlers Tool to see if our product actually comes up. And there we go. So this would be one for $3 to $10, depending on how much we order, obviously. Then we have this one right here, $4 to $6.70. There we have $6.80 to $8. So it's around this $8 mark, I would say. Here's a bit cheaper. Obviously depends a lot on how much we're gonna order for our first order. Here you can see $0.10 to $10. So probably if you're gonna order, like, I don't know, 10,000 units, then they're gonna make it really cheap. But for your first order, you're not gonna order that many. It's just gonna not make sense. You wanna take like an average of what you can see here. Also, what I'm gonna get into later is, everything here is negotiable. So you probably gonna be able to get a lower price than the first offer that you're gonna get. If you're not gonna negotiate here in Alibaba, then it's gonna be really hard to make a profit because they basically expect you to negotiate. So, yeah, just based on these prices that I can see here, I would say we would be able to source this product for, let's say, $7.50 cents. So we're gonna type in 7.50 right here. Again, this is just an estimate. And eventually we're gonna have numbers based on estimates. But it's gonna give you an idea of if this product is worth looking into further, or if it's just gonna be too hard to make a good profit. And we can also play around with the numbers a little bit, and then see what we need to negotiate for, like for the unit cost to actually make a profit. So this helps us also for the negotiation later on with the suppliers. Then estimated shipping costs per unit. Now you can also just make an estimate right here. So here, I just opened up one of these providers here in Alibaba. And then we can actually type in how much we wanna order. So let's say our first order is like 250 units. And then it automatically calculates us the price that we would have to pay. So this would be almost like $10 per unit right here, for this provider. This looks like a higher quality one, to be honest. And then obviously we would have to negotiate the price down, but then we also see the shipping cost. So now we can just use the shipping cost divided by the number of orders. So let's just say $150 divided by 250, which is $3.80 for the shipping cost. For now we're just gonna put in $3.80 for the shipping. All right, so then we're gonna click on Continue, then Operating Costs. So here you wanna get your FBA fee. And the way we're gonna find out our FBA fee is just we're gonna go to Google. Type in Amazon FBA fee calculator, like this. And then we're gonna go to the official Amazon Fee Calculator. Here you could just click on Continue as guest. And then this is actually the new version right here. So let's go to new version. Probably when you watch this video, this is the only version of this calculator that exists. Then you wanna go to Search Amazon Catalog right here, and then you wanna take the ASIN, so the identifier number of the top product in your market, which is this one right here. You wanna take this ASIN right here, copy, or again, you can also scroll down and just take it from the bottom right here. And then we are gonna just paste it into this field right here, click on Search. And then Amazon will give us the exact fees that we would have to pay for this specific product. So here we can see Amazon fees is $6.68. Fulfillment cost is $3.96. So that's the FBA fee, $3.96. So we're gonna just put that in right here. Then referral fee is automatically calculated. So that's just like 50% of the selling price. And then we can also just decide on how many units we're gonna order. Let's say we're gonna order 300 units for our first inventory. Then we're gonna click on continue right here. We can also add a cost for a logo. So usually that will be around $0.10. So I'm gonna just type in 10 cents right here. Label, mostly it doesn't cost anything. So we're just gonna leave it at zero right now. And inputted cost, we can see actual unit cost, which is per unit for the supplier, and then the shipping cost. So the total unit cost is $11.40. And then it also calculates you the processing fees, 2.5%, and the cost for your first order right here. Then when we click on Show Results, we can see the results for this specific product. So as we can see here, these are results. As it says, it's apparently medium results. So the profit margin is 33.8%, which they judge as medium, and return of investment, 88.9%. You often wanna be at 100% minimum, and the cost of goods sold, $29.99. Here you can also see the profit on the first order. If all the inputs that we have just put in are actually correct, will be like $3,000. Then for the second order, when we're gonna order more units, so when we're gonna order 600 units, instead of 300, then it's gonna be obviously double the profit. We can also play around with these numbers. So we can, for example, see, if we change the selling price here to, let's say we were able to sell this for $34.99. Then all of a sudden, here it says, it's actually a good result because now we have a profit margin of 43.2% and a return of investment of 132%. First order, we're gonna make profit of $4,539. So here you can play around with the numbers. You can also play around with the unit cost. And you can play around with it and see exactly what you would need to do to get a good profit margin for your product. Now, if you can see that it's just gonna be too tough to get a profit margin of at least 25%, then move on to another product. Then it's just gonna be too difficult to, yeah. It's just gonna be an uphill battle. You don't wanna go for it. So this is exactly how to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon using FBA and private labeling. Now the key takeaways are that you wanna apply the nine criteria every time you have a product idea. And you also wanna use the random word method to find some rabbit hole, and some different avenues, and find niches and products that nobody else even thought of, and you just stumbled upon by accident, or just by chance, because it just started with a random keyword. You just clicked on. You just put it in the Keyword Scout on Jungle Scout. And then you just opened up a couple of tabs. And then you just look through the products. And then you just somehow found a product that you don't know, that you just looked into. You found the main keyword for this product, looked at the market, applied again the nine criteria, and then found that this might actually be a good product because the demand is there. The competition isn't too high. There are multiple competing brands. And all the other criteria apply as well. So one more thing I wanna say is that don't expect to find like a perfect product the first day you do product research. Be prepared to spend a week, at least, probably more than one week, just doing product research, putting in the hours, and just going through Amazon, applying these strategies that I've showed you here in this part of the tutorial. Because every hour that you spend doing product research might save you tons of time down the line, because you don't wanna go with the first product that you find. If it's like not a good product, everything else after this is not gonna work. Now at this being said, don't fall into analysis paralysis where you just never launch any product, because you always think you're gonna find something better. If you have spent a couple of weeks doing product research and you actually put in the hours, and you didn't get distracted by watching Netflix or something, then it's probably time to choose one product, and actually go look for a supplier, and then decide which one you're gonna launch. Otherwise, you're just not gonna move forward, and you're never gonna start your business. I guess that's everything for the product research phase. And the next phase is gonna be how to find suppliers that can provide high-quality products long-term for our Amazon brand. All right, so let's move on to the next phase, which is finding a great supplier who can consistently deliver you high-quality products for you to sell on Amazon. Now, optimally, at this point, you already have a list of some product ideas, like 5 to 10 product ideas, so that you can now focus on finding a great supplier for each of these products. Now you wanna do this one by one. So take the product that you're most confident in, that you're most excited about, and start researching suppliers for this product first. Now, if you're gonna have a hard time finding a supplier that you feel comfortable with, you can also move on to the next product and look for a supplier for other products. So eventually you're gonna have suppliers for a couple of different products, which will give you a better idea eventually, which product you actually want to go for, and launch with a reliable and good quality supplier. So let's get started. So just like we've done with our product research, where we've focused on those nine criteria to decide on if a product is a good idea or a bad idea. When looking for suppliers, you also wanna apply some criteria, what you are looking for in a great supplier. So the first one would be Product Quality. This is the most important one. So the manufacturer, the supplier has to be able to deliver you a high-quality product. Otherwise, you should discard this supplier immediately because eventually you're not gonna be successful selling a low-quality product. On Amazon, you're gonna get bad reviews, and your business is not gonna work. So the only real way, how we can judge the quality, if a product is good, is if you're gonna order samples. I'm gonna talk later about how to order samples and what to actually do with those samples to test the quality. The second one is Unit Cost. So obviously we are intending to make a profit because we're gonna build a business. And so we need to negotiate a great price for the units that we're gonna order from the supplier. I'm gonna get into how to negotiate these prices so it's fair for both sides because you wanna also have a good long-term relationship with them. So they need to make a profit as well. But you need to negotiate a great unit cost for your product. Obviously, that also depends on how many units you're gonna order, but you wanna make sure that you're gonna have a great price for your product so you can actually make a profit. Then the next one is Communication. You're gonna find that if you're gonna contact suppliers in Asia, mainly, then communication can be hard sometimes. And it's partly because just English is not their main language, and the culture is also different as well. I'm gonna give you some tips there as well, but you definitely wanna get into business with somebody who can communicate effectively and somewhat easily, because eventually this is gonna be like your business partner, delivering you the products. And if you wanna make changes to the products, also to make it better, it's gonna be very hard if the communication is very difficult. So these are the three main things you wanna look for in a great supplier. Then some other things you wanna consider is that there are manufacturers and also trading companies. And manufacturers are basically creating your products. They're making them. And trading companies are basically buying them from manufacturers and then reselling them to make a profit themselves. Now, optimally, you wanna go for a manufacturer. Going for a trading company also has its benefits. And sometimes you will have to choose a trading company because you're not gonna find any manufacturer. But I'm gonna also get into what the difference are there and what to look for. Then the last point is Experience and Rating. Now, if you're gonna look on Alibaba for products, you're gonna see the experience level, so how many years they are in business, and also the rating. Now this is not the most important thing, because sometimes you're gonna find that these companies, they are actually a lot longer in business than what Alibaba says because they had to create another account and stuff like that. But the more experience and higher the rating is, obviously the better. And also the response rate that we're gonna look at, it's also good if they have a high response rate. But eventually you're gonna notice if they're a high-quality supplier when you go back and forth with them. Now, where should we go and look for suppliers? So you have mainly two options. You can either go and look for a supplier locally. So in the country that you are selling in. Or you can also go to and look for suppliers in Asia, mainly China. So both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages. And what you mainly wanna do is you wanna look locally and also in Asia so you have more options to choose from. Because sometimes people just go to look on Alibaba, and they don't even think that there might be a supplier also locally. So let's quickly go over the advantages and disadvantages of both options. First, the product quality. Usually, the product quality, if you have a local supplier is a lot better, just by default, because the standards are kind of higher there, if you're selling US or Europe. And in Asia, they also have good suppliers, obviously, but you also have some suppliers that are delivering bad quality. So you have to really check the quality, ordering samples, doing product inspections, and all that kind of stuff. So the products quality can be variable, but obviously when we go to the next point, unit cost is a lot cheaper usually when you go and look for suppliers on Alibaba in Asia. And locally, it's gonna be more expensive. Then shipping costs. So because you have to ship the products from overseas to Europe or the US, if you're selling in this part of the world, then it's gonna be more expensive, obviously, because it's just a longer way. If your supplier is already local, then obviously the shipping cost will be a lot cheaper. And then as you can see here, if the shipping cost is so much cheaper when you have a local supplier, then maybe you can get away with a higher unit cost. And you might actually be better off working with a local supplier compared to with a supplier from Asia because the shipping cost is so much cheaper. Now, shipping time is obviously higher when you order from Asia compared to local supplier. Then the communication, which is a big point as well, as you're gonna notice when you work with suppliers, that with Asia, it can be very difficult. And with local suppliers, obviously it's a lot easier. The variety of suppliers that you're gonna find for most products on Alibaba, you're just gonna have so much more suppliers. For most products that you're probably looking at, there aren't even any suppliers that are offering private labeling locally. So you don't really have the choice, but you wanna definitely do a Google search, and look if there are any local suppliers. I'm gonna show you exactly what to type in to find those local suppliers. And then what's very important also, if you intend to sell food products, or like stuff that goes in or on your body, definitely don't go with a supplier from Asia because the regulations there are just different. So the way you go and look for local suppliers is actually pretty straightforward. You simply go to Google, and then just type in your product right here. So for example, let's say we wanna private label protein powder and sell it on Amazon. So we would just type in protein powder. And then we are gonna type in private label because what we wanna do is we wanna find a supplier, then put our logo on the product, and then sell it, so, which is called private labeling. So there are actually companies that specialize in that stuff. So they just make the product, and they just leave the marketing to the other companies that are doing private labeling. So protein powder, private label, and then wherever you are selling. So if you're selling, for example, in Germany, just type in Germany. If you're selling in the USA, type in USA. And then you're gonna find those local companies that are offering protein powder for private labeling. So here you can see this company, this company, this company. So there's tons of companies, especially for protein powder, obviously, where you can just contact them. You can go on their website. You just wanna contact them. You can always find like the contact information by clicking on Contact Us. And we're gonna talk later about how to contact these companies. It's a lot easier obviously with local companies, because the culture's kind of the same, and the communication is just gonna be easier. Most of the time, again, you're not gonna find any local suppliers for the product that you wanna sell. But for a product like this, obviously I don't recommend you wanna just sell the protein powder, but here you're gonna find many options on Google. Cool, so let's now look at how to find suppliers in Asia. So the one website you wanna go to to find the high-quality suppliers in Asia is You've probably already heard about this website. This is really the best one to find high-quality suppliers in Asia. So just go to, and then you're gonna end up on this site right here, where here on the top, you can see a search bar where you can type in your product. So sometimes you need to try a couple of different keywords until you finally find the product that you actually wanna sell. So I'm just gonna try Survival Settlers Wrench, because I think this is what it's called, and look if our product comes up. And it looks like a yes, this is our product. But before we go and look at any of these suppliers that we can see right here, the first thing you wanna do is tick this box where it says Trade Assurance right here and also Verified Supplier. Now Trade Assurance is something that will protect you as the buyer. When you order your inventory, if something happens to your order, or the shipment is like far too late, then the Trade Assurance will basically protect you. And you'll get a refund if you actually pay through Alibaba using Trade Assurance. And you only wanna work with the suppliers that have Trade Assurance, because otherwise there's just no reason to take the risk if they don't have Trade Assurance. And then you also wanna go with verified suppliers. Do you suggest the suppliers that are already vetted by Alibaba? So make sure those are ticked. And then you can actually go and look at the suppliers. So what we wanna do here is just look at each of the suppliers, and we don't want to get in detail just right now. We just wanna look at them and see if this is a product that we intend to sell. Then you just wanna open them in a new tab. So we basically create a list of suppliers that might be a good fit for you. So this one looks like, it might be like kind of bad quality, the case it looks like, but still let's look at it later on. Then we have this one right here, also looks like this is our product. So we're gonna just open this in a new tab. Then I'm gonna go further down. Looks like they have a similar product as well, but they don't really have a case. So if there are limited amount of suppliers, you could also look at this one right here. But I'm just gonna go on because I see there are many suppliers that actually have the exact same product that I'm looking for. So this one looks actually quite high quality. So I'm gonna open this up in a new tab as well. And I'm just gonna go down and do this for a couple of more suppliers. Now, another thing I wanna mention here is that the search algorithm of Alibaba is actually quite bad. So it's not like Google or Amazon where you're gonna type in your product, or your keyword, and then the best results will just show up at the top. Sometimes the best supplier is actually found on like page four, five, six, seven. So you really have to spend the time and just go manually through all the possible suppliers because you don't wanna like miss one that might have been the perfect supplier for you. So you have to be patient, spend some time on Alibaba, and just look at all suppliers. Make a list of them, save the links, and then once you have done that, you're gonna look at them individually. So now I've opened up a couple of suppliers that I think might be a good fit. So we can look at them a bit closer. So the first thing that I noticed here with this one is that this is actually a trading company, which you can see right here. So let's quickly get into the difference between a manufacturing company and a trading company. So like I've previously mentioned, a manufacturer is the actual factory that is producing the products from scratch. And a trading company is just like a middleman buying from a manufacturer like a bulk order. And then they're gonna resell that product for a profit. It's kind of very similar what we are doing. We're just gonna sell the product on Amazon with branding. What they do is they just buy the product from the manufacturer and then they list it as well on Alibaba, and they try to resell it for a profit. So what are the advantages, disadvantages, and differences between those two types of companies. So the price is usually a bit cheaper when you go for a manufacturer because you're just buying straight from the source. And a trading company, they need to make a profit as well. So they're gonna have a margin on the product. They're gonna buy cheaper from the manufacturer. So obviously it's gonna be better to go for a manufacturer directly if you are gonna look at the price. And the minimum order quantity sometimes, or mostly, is a lot higher when you go directly with the manufacturer. When you go with the trading company, you can get away with a lot lower minimum order quantities because they're just reselling basically. And the communication, this is actually a reason why you would wanna go with the trading company because they usually have somebody who speaks English a lot better than with these manufacturer companies. So generally the communication's gonna be easier if you're gonna go with the trading company. And then product changes. So because we eventually wanna make some improvements to our product, and maybe wanna invent an entire new product, with a manufacturer, it's gonna be obviously better if you're gonna be straight with the manufacturer compared to a trading company, because you don't wanna tell the trading company to tell their manufacturer to do something. You wanna have this straight line of communication. And this is why if you can, you wanna go with a manufacturer if possible. Sometimes you're gonna notice you're not gonna find a manufacturer directly for your product because they are just at some place in Asia and they're not listed on Alibaba. So then you're gonna have to go with a trading company. In which case, you should do it if it's a good product and a good supplier. Otherwise, you might wanna look at another product. Now, what are some of the other things we wanna look at here with our suppliers? So you wanna check out the photos of the product that they're offering here. Sometimes the photos can be a bit deceptive. So you definitely wanna order samples to really check if this is the correct product. And what you can also do, if you're not sure, is you can contact the supplier and ask them to send you some real photos of the actual product with their like phone camera or you can also ask them for an actual video, and tell them where they should focus the camera on if you wanna look at specific details. So if you're not sure if this is your actual product, or you wanna check out the general quality of it, you can ask for a video as well. And then in maybe a couple of minutes, you're gonna have a lot more information. However, that doesn't replace the need for you to actually order a sample. And we're gonna get into that a bit later. Then obviously you'll also check out the price, but eventually gonna ask them for the prices of the minimum order quantities. You're gonna contact the supplier and then you're gonna be a lot more specific with the price. So another thing you can look at is the years of experience. So right here, you can see there are 14 years of experience, which is really good. Sometimes you can see it's only one year or two years. Generally the higher, the better. But I wouldn't like rule out any supplier just because they says they have a low amount of experience here, just because some suppliers, or some manufacturers, they have been in business for years. But for some reason, they had to create a new account here on Alibaba. We can also check out some more information here. So for example, we can see the lead time. So this is the time they take to manufacture the products. And this is gonna be important for you later on when you are managing your inventory. And then you can also have the customization. So you can see customized packaging and customized logo, which is very important for private labeling. They have a minimum order quantity of 100. But eventually all this information that you can see here, it's not really that important because you're gonna ask that stuff anyway when you are contacting the supplier. So you don't need to spend too much time going in detail here with all this information. You just wanna make sure that this might be a viable option. And it doesn't cost you anything to contact the supplier. And after you get your first answer, you already know a lot more and a lot more deal information than you can get from here. And sometimes the things that are listed here is also wrong. So we definitely want to contact the supplier. And eventually you're gonna get an proforma invoice anyway before you're gonna move on and actually choose your supplier. And what you can also do is actually check out their company itself by going to this right here. So they're called Danyang Tongyu Tools Co. So it looks like they're specializing in tools as you can see here. And maybe you're also gonna find some other products they have. So it can go to Products right here. And let's Drill Bits for Wood. That's probably where our product is in. So let's see. It looks like they're specializing in the kind of product that we actually wanna sell. I don't know, this is a trading company, but if you're gonna see manufacturer actually specializing in what you actually wanna sell, that's actually a good sign, because eventually if you wanna make some adjustments, some improvements to your product, it's gonna be a lot easier because they know what they're doing and it's gonna be easier to make the product better. So here as you can see, there's the product. So then the next step would simply be to contact the supplier. And we actually have a Contact Supplier button right here where you can click on and contact the supplier. Now, when you click on the button and you don't already have an accounted with Alibaba, you're gonna be prompted to create an account first. I would recommend to create a separate business email just for Alibaba, because usually you get some spam emails to that email account you're signing up with. So make sure to just create a separate account to communicate here on Alibaba. So then you click on contact supplier. And then you're gonna see this box right here, which is the messaging system, which isn't too great. So eventually we want to get them on Skype so we can actually communicate with them properly and easily. So here, and the first thing I would wanna do is increase the order quantity to probably 1,000, because if you have a too-low order quantity, they're just not gonna respond to you very immediately, because they make their money with large orders and a long-term relationship. So a lot of repeat customers basically, and like real companies that have maybe brick and mortar businesses. They're just gonna buy like these huge orders. So just put in 1,000 pieces right here. And then you can fill this out if you want to. It's not really necessary actually. And what really helps is next to your entire text and the questions is to send them a photo or a screenshot of the product that you wanna sell on Amazon. So you can go to Amazon. You already have your competitor's products probably saved. Just send them a picture of the competitor's products and then just attach it to them. You can ask them if they have this exact same product. So here's a couple of things you wanna keep in mind when contacting suppliers. So first of all, you want to not only contact one or two suppliers, you wanna contact five at least, like 5 to 10 suppliers locally, and also on Alibaba, if you're gonna find local suppliers for your product. Because eventually you wanna have options, which is also gonna help you to negotiate. And you don't wanna miss a great supplier just because you didn't contact them. Contacting suppliers doesn't cost you any money and also doesn't cost you any time because you're gonna send the same template to every single supplier. So make sure you contact all of them so you have a wide variety of options when choosing your supplier. The next thing is, again, like I said, you wanna create a template for your first contact. So it's easy for you to just copy and paste it to all the other suppliers that would also be a good option. What I wouldn't recommend is to just take some template that you can find online, because they have seen these templates a lot. They're just gonna think that you're just another random person trying to sell some stuff online. And they wanna work with big companies because that's where they make all the money. So you wanna create your own template and you wanna write it as official as possible. And you wanna sound like a legit company. What you also should keep in mind is that English is not their main language. So you wanna use as simple language as possible because otherwise, if you use fancy words and stuff, they're just gonna ignore you. And it's gonna be a hard time communicating with them. Then you wanna switch to a messaging app like Skype or WeChat as quickly as possible because it makes it a lot easier for you to go back and forth, especially when you have more questions, when you're negotiating, because going through the Alibaba messaging system is very cumbersome. Then you wanna number your questions, because if you're not gonna number your questions, you're gonna notice that they're ignoring questions that are numbered for some reason. So number your questions, and then eventually negotiate. So everything on Alibaba is negotiable, the minimum order quantities, the prices of the units and stuff. So you wanna negotiate as much as possible, just as long as both parties eventually benefit still from the deal. All right, so what are some of the questions that you want to ask when contacting your suppliers? So you basically wanna take these questions and then create a first contact sheet, like a template that you can then send to every supplier. And again, be as professional as possible, sound like a legit big company so they actually respond to you. So the first question is, can you add a custom logo and packaging? Because if they can't do that, then it's not gonna work with private labeling. Then, do they have any colors and styles? So this is just so you have more options. What is the lead time? So this is again important for you to know when you need to order your second order, because the lead time is a production time from the day you place your order to the day it's ready to be shipped. So this is gonna be the time they just take to manufacture the products. Then you wanna also ask, what is the minimum order quantity? So what is the lowest amount of units you can order for your first order? You also wanna ask what the units cost is for an order of 250, 500, or 1,000, or any amount that you think is a good amount for your first inventory order. And you wanna also ask, what is the lead time for each of these order numbers? Then you wanna ask if they can provide a sample via air shipping? Because if you're gonna do sea shipping for your sample, it's just gonna take too long for you to make a decision eventually. So I would recommend air shipping for your sample. Then, what are the estimated shipping costs? So some suppliers, they are able to give you a shipping cost because they have their own freight forwarders. And other suppliers, you're gonna have to organize your own freight forwarder. And I'm gonna show you later how to estimate the cost when you are gonna use your own freight forwarder and how to find them. But for now just ask them what the cost would be. If we're gonna estimate the shipping costs ourselves using our own freight forwarder, we're gonna need the dimensions as well of the products. So we wanna ask the weight, the dimensions, and how many pieces come in a box so we can estimate the shipping cost. So those are the main questions you wanna ask. You can add some more questions if there's some specific topics for your product. But these are the ones that you should ask so we can have all the information you need to make an informed decision later on when you're gonna decide on which supplier to go for. And now let's talk about one of the most important steps when it comes to choosing a supplier, which is getting and testing samples. So what you wanna do for the suppliers that you have talked to, that you think this might actually be a good fit, you wanna order samples. So maybe that's like, I don't know, three to five suppliers, and then you want to tell them they should ship a sample to your house where you live. Now, again, I would recommend to use air shipping for that. I would recommend to use DHL Express so you get the product as fast as possible. Obviously there's costs involved. And if you have a limited budget, you can also look into other shipping methods, or maybe you're gonna order samples from really just the top suppliers that you think. So when you find a good one, then you don't need to order any more samples. If you don't find a good one, you can order some more. You wanna pay through either Alibaba Trade Assurance or through PayPal Goods and Services. This is just so you are protected. And then you wanna test those samples as you were the customer. So for example, this drill survival product that we're looking at here in this video, I would wanna take that and actually go out and use it like in the actual use case. So I would take it, I would hammer on a tree or something like that, and just really use it for a couple of hours and just try to bring the product in all the situations where actually something could go wrong so that you can prevent choosing a product that will have a lot of issues eventually. Because again, you wanna avoid as many negative reviews as possible so that you can actually be successful with this product. So make sure you test your product thoroughly before choosing a supplier. So let's now talk about how to negotiate with the suppliers to get a great price so you can have a good profit margin. So, first of all, if you have a local supplier, then the negotiation will probably be limited because they usually have fixed prices. And there's not a lot of wiggle room there. So you're just gonna have to take what you get there usually. However, with Alibaba, when you find those suppliers from Asia, they basically expect you to negotiate with them. So they're gonna give you a price that is too high, and they know that. And they're gonna know that there is gonna be a negotiation taking place. And then you're gonna find yourself somewhere in the middle. So the first thing you wanna keep in mind is that you wanna try and negotiate a win-win situation. Because, let's say, you get a very low price and they don't make any profit, then they're just gonna end up providing you with a bad quality product, because otherwise they wouldn't be able to make profit. So you wanna make sure that both parties benefit from this deal. You wanna tell the supplier that you are actually looking for a long-term relationship that you want both parties to benefit. They're used to people trying to just squeeze them out of any profit. So they're just gonna be very open to negotiating with you if you tell them that you want them to profit as well from this deal. Then what you also wanna keep in mind is that you wanna contact multiple suppliers, as I've said before, because that gives you options. That gives you a good idea of what a fair price would be. Then you can also ask other suppliers to match the price that you've gotten from another supplier. So then you can tell them, "Look, I have options. I can go to this supplier. I can go to this supplier." Obviously that's just one factor, like the price, which supplier you're gonna choose. But if you have a product that the quality isn't so good, but the price is good, you can ask the supplier with the good quality product to match the price of the other one. So you wanna have options. That's the main point here. Then, long-term relationship. Again, like I said, you reiterate to them that you're looking for a long-term relationship because that's where they are making all their money. Then negotiation is, they're gonna give you the first offer. Then it's very good for you if you know the floor price. So if you know the price where they're basically breaking even, then you pretty much know how far you can go with your negotiation. And one way you can find out the floor price is by going to a website called 1688. So this website is basically a Chinese version of Alibaba. And you're gonna navigate through this website by just using Google Translate. And then you're gonna find your products for the Chinese market basically. And the prices usually are a lot cheaper. So here you can basically see for what price the suppliers are offering their products for domestic customers, which is usually cheaper. So there you get a better idea of what the floor price is for your supplier. And then once you've negotiated all the details for your potential order, you wanna ask for something called a proforma invoice. This is just like an invoice that you would get if you would, in fact, order your inventory from this supplier. You wanna make sure the order quantity is on there. You wanna make sure the unit cost is on there, including the cost for the logo, the packaging, and also the manual insert, which we're gonna talk about later, and also the shipping cost if it is available. So once you have the proforma invoices of all these suppliers that you've talked to, you have all the details that you need to make your informed decision. And then once you have your proforma invoice with all the information about the unit cost and the shipping cost, you wanna go back to your Ecom Freedom Profit Calculator, which we have looked at in the product research phase. And you wanna go to your product and then change all the numbers here to the actual numbers that you have negotiated. So let's say our unit cost is in fact like $8 and then the shipping cost is maybe $3.50. So now we can again go back to the information and we can see our actual profit margin that is actually realistic. So don't forget to actually do this before deciding on a supplier because you, again, wanna make sure that the profit margin is in fact good. Now, if you don't know the shipping cost, because you need to use your own freight forwarder, meaning you need to organize the shipping yourself, then you wanna use Freightos, which is a website where you can find freight forwarders to calculate your shipping cost and then you can put it in here. I'm gonna show you how to do that in the shipping phase. So you can skip ahead to that if you want to. However, use the profit calculator here to do your final profit calculation so we can make a decision. So then when you have all the information you need from your potential suppliers, you basically wanna make a list. And then also look at all the criteria that we have discussed in the beginning of this phase, which is product quality, unit cost, communication, manufacturer or trading company, and experience and rating. So you wanna compare all the suppliers against each other and then choose the best one. Now, if you didn't find a good supplier, then don't just take any random one and go ahead selling this product because you need to have a good supplier in order to be successful in Amazon. So it's better to go for another product compared to a product that would be good, but you couldn't find a good supplier for that. So just keep that in mind as well. And one thing you also wanna keep in mind is that before you order your first inventory, which is something we're gonna talk about later in another phase, you wanna make sure that the entire deal is in the chat of Alibaba itself. This is just important because if something happens and then you want to use Trade Assurance to get a refund, then the entire deal needs to be documented in the Alibaba chat. So just tell supplier to reiterate all the deals that you have negotiated with them in the chat so it's just black and white, everything is there, so you can go back and then just use Trade Assurance if something were to happen. Let's move on to phase three, which is branding and how to build a long-term profitable brand on Amazon, because building a brand on Amazon is really the key and is actually required to sell your products at a premium price where you can actually make a good profit. So let's get into it. Now, let's take a moment and talk about the power of a brand, because the simple fact is that people want to buy from a brand rather than from some nameless company. Just think about all the products that you own and ask yourself how many of those products are from a brand that you know and trust and how many of those products are from a nameless company. Chances are that most of the products that you actually care about, you actually bought it from a brand that you know and trust. So as a powerful brand, you can then leverage your brand, take your logo, and put it on a simple product. And just by doing that, you're increasing to perceived value. And you're able to sell that product for a price that is a lot higher compared to what the product is actually worth based on utility or materials. Just take this coffee cup, for example. Because Starbucks has built a powerful brand, they can get away with producing that coffee for like $1 putting the logo on the paper cup and then selling the product for $8. So just like that, they have an insane profit margin just by selling a commodity product. Or for example, take this Louis Vuitton bag. And people who buy this specific bag are basically not just buying a bag that can put stuff in. They're also buying kind of a status symbol because Louis Vuitton has built their brand around being a luxury brand. And when people wear that brand in front of other people, they probably think that those people think that you are worth more if you have this kind of bag. Now you might be into this kind of stuff or not, but you have to admit that the branding strategy of Louis Vuitton is actually genius because that way they're able to make bags for maybe $50, $100, and then sell those bags for thousands of dollars, which is an insane profit margin. So it's kind of true that just by putting a logo on a product, you will automatically increase the perceived value. However, you have to be careful to not put your logo on bad product, because eventually this will destroy the reputation of your brand. You only wanna sell high-quality product because with every happy customer, you make your brand stronger, and later down the road, it's a lot easier for you to launch new products by just putting your logo on the specific product. So the key takeaway is to increase the perceived value of the product that you're selling by branding it. Now, the first step of building a brand is choosing your brand name. And the brand name that you're gonna choose here should stick with you forever. Because like I said before, every happy customer that you get is gonna build that reputation of your brand. And if at some point down the line, you wanna decide that you wanna change that brand name, people are not gonna know that it's actually the same brand and you're gonna have to start building your reputation from scratch again. So you really wanna put some thought into the brand name. Now, in a moment, I'm gonna show you some tools that you can use to find a good brand name. But first, I want to go over some things that we want to keep in mind. So the first thing is that it should be easy to remember. So optimally, it should be easy to say, easy to remember. So not too long, because like Amazon, Google, Apple, all these powerful brands, they have a very easy name to remember and to say. So then it should also be relatable. So depending on the product or the niche that you're building your brand in, it needs to be relatable to those customers. So if you know people that are in your niche, say your brand name idea to them and ask them if that sounds like a good brand name to them, and if they would buy from this specific brand. So you wanna know your customer, as well as possible optimally, you're a customer, you would be a customer of your own product so you have a better idea of what a good brand name would be. Now, it should also be general. So you don't wanna just create a brand name around one single product, because then if you wanna launch your second, third, and fourth product, maybe the brand name was just like geared towards that first product and you're not really able to brand those other products with the same brand name. So it's gonna be hard to build a brand that is kind of just in a niche and not just on one product. So you want it to be general enough. Then you also wanna make sure that the optimally is available. So before you're gonna choose your brand name, you can use a tool that I'm gonna show you how you can check like the social media platforms and also if the website is available, like the .com., .co, or something is available for your brand name. Because eventually you wanna branch out even... Next to Amazon, you wanna build your own online store. And then after you have put all that effort into your brand, you notice, "Oh my God, the .com is not available. I can't even make social media pages under that name." So this would be then a problem in the future. So I wanna make sure this is available, and then also that it's not trademarked. I'm gonna show you how to check if your brand name idea is trademarked. If it is trademarked, then you're not allowed to sell under this specific name. So to get some ideas and inspiration of what our brand name could be, we can come to Google and type in brand name generator. And then a couple of websites that can give you some ideas come up. So one that I have used before is this one right here, So here you can just go to this website and type in related keywords to your niche. So not only about your product, about your entire niche that you wanna build a brand in. So if you wanna sell this survival product that we have looked at in this video, I would probably type in something like survival and also bushcraft, because this is kind of the activity of people who wanna buy products like that. And maybe you can also type in something like outdoor. And then we can just click on Generate right here. Under Randomness, we can actually go with low. You can play around with this. I like to start with low here. And then Name Style right here, I like to click on Brandable names right here. So then I'm gonna click on Generate. And then it will generate me brand names. So here, as you can see, those are the brand names that are generated for me. And they're also kind of displayed in a logo fashion. So maybe you can already kind of imagine what the brand could look like. So here is survival gourmet, OutdoorFolk, sysmsport, survivalistcity, CAMPISH. You're gonna notice that a lot of good brand names, they're already kind of taken. And to be able to get the .com, you're gonna have to pay thousands of dollars. So definitely don't do that. You don't need to pay thousands of dollars for a domain. You want to pick a name that nobody else has already the domain for. But you're gonna get a lot of inspiration from this side right here. That's actually the way I found the name of my YouTube channel, which is Metics Media. So I just wanna go through here and look at the brand names and think about what could actually work with the brand that I wanna build. We can also look at some other websites that we can use for inspiration. So let's go to the search results. And here there's the Shopify Name Generator, which is also good. So I'm gonna open that up as well. And then one other one that I don't really see here, I think it's called Lean Domain Search, Lean Domain Search. Yeah, this one as well. So let's open up this one as well. With the Shopify Name Generator, you can find good combinations. So here you can type in, for example, survival and then click on Generate names. And then you can see Cipher Survival, GoldenRule Survival, Bio Survival, and stuff like that. So if you wanna go for a name like this, then the Shopify Generator is good as well. And the website is also good. So we can type in something like bushcraft, for example, then click on Search. And then it would also give us kind of combinations, BushcraftGroup, SuperBushcraft, Mobilebushcraft, CloudBushcraft. So kind of like generic words combined with your main keyword that would, that you wanna have in your brand name. So these two websites would be good as well to get some inspiration. Eventually you wanna let that name sit with yourself, like maybe a couple of days, and really think about if you can imagine building like a multimillion-dollar brand with this specific name, because you're gonna be stuck with it for a long time, basically. And you also wanna ask your friends and especially people that are already in your niche and about that brand name, what they think of it. And maybe they also have some great suggestions for you and your brand name. And also for all of your possible brand names, you want to come over to a site called I'm gonna leave all the links down below in the description. And then you wanna type in your possible brand name. So let's just take one from this site. So let's just take this one, WILDFAVE. So then we can just type it in here, WILDFAVE. And then click on the Search button right here. And then we can see all the major social media platforms and also the .com if it is actually available. So for this example, the .com is unfortunately not available. So I would probably not go with this name because I really want to have the .com eventually to make my online store on a separate website. But there is a lot of social media pages where it's actually available. If you would have something like wildfavstore, then maybe the .com is available. If you really wanna have that name but the .com is not available, you can put like store at the end of it if you're fine with that. And then maybe you get the .com as you can see here. So you really wanna make sure that you check if you can actually get this name on the major platforms that you wanna be and that you wanna do marketing on later down the road. You also wanna make sure that you don't violate any trademarks. So people who have already trademarked that specific name that you wanna use. So if you are selling in the US, you can come over to, which is the official site where people can register trademarks. Then once you're on the site, you simply go to Trademarks right here, then click on Searching trademarks. Then you wanna go to Search our trademark database right here. And then you can simply do the Basic Word Mark Search. And then you can type in your possible brand name right here. So I would just type in wildfave right here. Click on Submit Query. And there we go. So there's nobody who's already trademarked this specific brand name, which is good. Now, if you plan on selling in other countries as well, then also look up the official site where the trademarks are registered for those specific countries. And then also search there if the trademark is already taken in that specific country. And now before we go ahead and create a logo or have logo created, we wanna make sure that we determine our brand colors, because with every brand, they have their own color theme, so to say. So a good approach here would be to just look at the major leading brands in your niche and look at some patterns that you can find there, like, what colors are they using? And the chance is high that they have already tested a lot of different colors and they have already kind of done the work for you and they have found what actually works. So what you wanna do is go ahead, do some research on what are the leading brands in your industry that you intend to sell in, and then look at their color theme. So you can just go to Google, type in your keywords, your products, and then you're gonna find all those companies. Now I've already done that for the niche that I'm selling the product for and for this video. So let's just go through some of these stories to find out what the patterns are for this niche. So this is the first one. Here you can see, they have kind of like an orange and black theme going on with some photos as well. Then the second one, there's also orange and also this greenish earthy color. So we can already see that there's kind of a theme that it kind of has the color of nature at the outdoor. Then the next one, we have just like black, and then again orange. So every website until now had the color orange. So that's something to note here. Then there's kind of a brown, greenish color. Then this one, again, orange and black. So orange seems to be like a common theme here. Then we also have this one, which is using mainly green and then this brown. Then here, we have this orange, yellow color with some black. And then here again, we have orange. The takeaways after this very short research is that we probably want to have orange as one of the colors here. And then also some like brown, greenish tone, because that really gives the feel of a outdoor survival brand. So a very cool website that you can use to create some nice color pellets for your brand is I'm also gonna leave link down below in the description. And here you could just click on Start the generator to generate some random color pellets that work well with each other. Or you can just click on Explore trending pellets right here. So let's just do that. And then we can find very popular color pellets. So here we just can go through and look at what kind of fits the theme that we want to go for. So we could just use this one, maybe with the brown, greenish color. Here is some orange and blue. Once you find a color palette that you think is a good start to create your colors with, you can just click on it. So let's maybe just take this one right here. So I'm gonna click on the three dots and click on Open in generator. And then you can also change all the colors. So let's say we're not looking for five different colors. We're happy with just three main colors. So let's just click on the cross right here so we can just delete those. And then let's say this orange right here, I really like that. So I'm gonna click on this lock icon right here so this color will actually stay. Now I can just hit the space bar. And then every time I hit the space bar, it will generate new colors that work very well with this orange right here. I can also just go to the color code right here and then just choose a color manually. So let's say we wanna have orange and then also some kind of a green, maybe like this, or we just wanna have a gray kind of black, gray like this. Once you have the color, we can click on the lock again right here. And then for the third color, we can just hit the space bar until we find a good color that will complement each of these colors as well. Now, one thing to say here is that if you're not a designer and you don't really have a good eye for this stuff, you can just ask a designer, because later on, the chances are high that you're gonna hire a designer to create your logo anyway. So you can just send them all the pages that you have looked at of established brands in your niche. And then they should decide on what would be a good color theme for your brand. Those people are already experienced, but you can also do it yourself like this. Let's say those are our color. So I'm just gonna click on the lock again right here. Then we can also just click on Save right here on the top. And you can create an account here with Coolors, and then you can also save just pellet. You don't even need to create an account actually. You can just save this URL right here, and then you're gonna have this color pallet available at any time. And for your designer, you can just simply take the color code right here. You don't need to send them the link. You can, if you want to. And you can just send them the code right here. And then they know exactly what color that is. Now, let's talk about how to get an awesome logo for your brand. So you have two options, the first one being to create the logo yourself, and the second one to hire a designer to create the logo for you. Now, the only reason why I would consider creating the logo myself is either I am a designer myself or my budget is so limited that I just don't have enough money to get somebody to create the logo for me. I would highly recommend to spend some money on getting somebody who actually knows what they're doing to create the logo for you, because it's really not that expensive as you might think. You can already get a great logo for like $50 on Fiverr, or you can also find somebody on Upwork who can create an awesome logo for you. So let's get into how to get a designer to create a logo for you. I'm gonna just show you what I would do and how I find those designers. And then I'm gonna show you how to create a very simple logo in Canva if your budget is very limited. So the first place that I would go and look for a logo designer is I'm gonna have the link down below in the description as well. This website is kind of based on gigs. So people can post a gig where they say, "I will do X, Y, Z for you." So people say like, "I will create a minimalist logo for you." You can just search their database and then find the people who can make something for you. This is kind of like a one-time deal. So you're gonna pay a certain amount of money for whatever you want to have created. So we just come over here and then just type in logo design. And then you can just click on Search right here. And then we can already see a lot of gigs about creating a custom logo. Now there's actually over 180,000 search results. So you're definitely gonna find a designer right here. However, you want to actually find the best ones for the best price. So a couple of filters that I would recommend to apply here is to go to Seller Details right here. And then only take the top-rated sellers. That way, you're not going to need to work with people who don't really have a track record of delivering good quality logos. So we wanna click on Apply right here. And then you can also decide on your budget if you have a specific budget that you're willing to spend on a logo. You can also go to Logo Options and then decide on what kind of style you wanna go with, if you wanna go with a vintage logo, a minimalist logo, and stuff like that. And then you also can sort the results by Best Selling so then you usually see the ones that are the most popular here on the top. So then what you wanna do is just go through these gigs right here and look at the designs that they have already made and look at if this style actually is what you're looking for. So this first one right here starts at $55, and this is kind of a minimalistic colorful logo style. This one is more like black and white, also minimalistic style. Then here, this is more fancy. So the ones that are actually looking good to you, you just wanna open them in a new tab. So let's say this one right here, maybe this one as well. And let's say this one. So what I do is I usually open up 10 different designers and then I go through them individually right here. And then I choose the best three designers that I find and I send them the same message. So I never buy immediately here through these packages that you can see right here. I always contact them and tell them exactly what I want to create the logo for, what colors I wanna have in the logo, and kind of like what price I'm looking for. Just so before you order anything, you want to get some feedback from them. And immediately you're gonna notice how much effort they put in that first message. And I usually go for the one that puts in the most effort. I had the best experience with people who really I felt like they wanna create something awesome for me. Then once you open up the gig right here, you can again check out the pictures right here. And what you also wanna look at is these packages. So with the logo, you wanna have the source file and the vector file, because then eventually you can make changes to the logo if you want to. So for example, here, the vector file is not in there, the source file. So we would have to go for the standard option right here. If you're on a very tight budget, you can also kind of negotiate with these sellers because they can send you a custom offer. However, these top-rated sellers, as you can see, this one has 234 orders in queue. So currently this seller is working with 234 clients. So he probably has many designers working for this guy or for this girl. So they have enough clients. So they don't really need to give you a lower price. So I usually don't negotiate with them. However, you can try to do that if you have very tight budget. So in order to get a good logo that you actually are satisfied with, make sure you communicate exactly what you're looking for with the designer, because otherwise they have to guess, and then the result matching up what you expected it to be, the chances are very low. So you wanna send them examples that you like. You wanna send them the colors that you wanted to have. If you're not happy, just send them, please change it, please change this, because the logo that you're gonna create is very important and you should be happy with it. And you're gonna stick with that logo for a very long time. So you really wanna make sure that it's a good one and that it's kind of aligned with the brand that you wanna build. Another platform you can find designers on is This is also like a freelancer platform, but it works kind of differently like Fiverr. So on Fiverr, you can basically search for gigs. And here, the way it works is that you basically post a job. So you can post something like, "I'm looking for a designer to create a logo for my e-commerce brand." And then the designers that are registered here on Upwork can apply for your job that you have posted. So in your job, you can set your budget. You can say exactly what you want. And then the applicants, they basically will tell, like they will write a letter saying exactly why they are the perfect person for this job. You can either pay those designers per hour, or you can pay them based on the entire project. I usually use Upwork to find like virtual assistance that I continually work with, that I basically have on a payroll. And I use Fiverr for like one-time projects for logo designs and stuff like that. So now, if your budget is really limited and you don't want to pay a designer to create your logo, you do have the option to create the logo yourself. And if you don't know how to use a professional tool like Adobe Illustrator, then I would definitely recommend to use This is really the easiest way how you can make great-looking designs very quickly. You're gonna find a link to this one down below as well. So here, just go to And then once you logged in, you can just click on Create a design right here. They already have pre-made design templates for different kinds of designs. So Instagram posts, flyers, and stuff like that. So here we wanna just click on Logo. And then on the left side, you have a lot of templates that are already kind of made for you, which you just have to change a little bit. Let's just go down here and look at some of the things. So let's just, for example, take this one right here, then it will basically just load it in your Canvas right here. And you can change all the design. So let's say our brand name is, I don't know, like SM Survival, or let's say SH Survival. So now we just put in SH and then type in Survival. And just like that, we have created a logo in a couple of seconds. We also can use another design. So maybe let's just take this one right here. We can just say Survival, of course, just use the brand name for your brand. Then we just have to make this a bit smaller. It's like really all this like drag and drop. And then we can just change this word right here. Let's say OUTDOOR, like this. Just like that, you have created a logo that looks actually amazing. So this would be the way that I would recommend you do it. Once you have created your logo, you can just click on Share here on the top and then click on Download. And then you can download it as a SVG file as a PNG file, whatever you need. All right, now let's move on to packaging. Eventually, you're gonna have to decide on how you wanna package your product. Obviously, that depends on what kind of product you're selling. A good thing you can do here is to order the product off your competitor and see exactly what kind of package they're using. Usually, you can already see it on the Amazon listing, but it's still a good idea to order your competitor's product, just because then you can also like test it out and see what the quality is, how they're branding their product. And the goal is to have a better branding, a higher quality product than your competitor. So definitely do some research about what the best packaging would be for your specific product and think about what would increase the perceived value of your product the most based on the packaging, because the packaging is gonna be the first contact of your customer with your product. And you want that experience to be as good as possible, because this is the first time they decide on if this was a good purchase or a bad purchase. And they're also gonna judge the quality of the product based on the packaging that they see. They want the experience to be good, because you want them to leave a good review compared to a bad review. And the impulse reaction to leave a bad review probably first starts when they see a low-quality packaging that doesn't really look like the listing that they saw on Amazon. Now, you also wanna talk to your supplier about what kind of packaging they can provide. And they should also send you a layout of the packaging with all the dimensions so that you can then go to Canva and create your packaging design yourself. Or you can also just send it to a designer at the layout, and then they can create the design for you. Now, if you have a limited budget, you can go with a very minimalistic design, but still like very premium looking. So just put your logo on it basically. But make sure you actually do a packaging design, because it will increase the perceived value of your product a lot. For a lot of products, you also wanna make sure to create a detailed instruction manual for your product, because you don't wanna have your customers have any question marks when they try and use your products. So if there's just any information they need in order to use your product, you definitely want to create an instruction manual. If you're not sure, you can also just order your competitor's product and look if they provide an instruction manual. And if they do, you definitely also wanna create an instruction manual for your product. You can create that instruction manual on Canva itself, and also talk to the supplier if they can print your instruction manual and put it in the box. If there's some issues with that, you can also maybe create a QR code and they just put the QR code in the box, and then you have the instruction manual online. So people can just scan in the QR code, and then on their phone, they're gonna see the instructions. Now what many Amazon sellers do as well is create a custom product insert where it's just basically a piece of like a card or a piece of paper that you put in the box with your product, basically thanking your customer for the purchase and asking them to leave a review. Now, there's kind of a big discussion going on of what you can actually do on your product insert because Amazon obviously has rules, and they're actually not allowing you to collect any like customer data, any content information on your product insert, but people kind of still do it. So they put like a QR code or a website on the card that takes them to kind of an opt-in form, where they can give their email and exchange for a free product or kind of another free gift. So a lot of people do it. And the reason why they do it is because you wanna build a customer list, obviously, because with the customer list, you can then launch new products directly to the customer list. And it's just gonna make your business a lot easier. Amazon on the other hand wants to keep their customers on their platform and they wanna keep the customer information for themselves. So you kind of have to decide for yourself, if you wanna use the product insert strategy to build out your customer list. It's definitely very valuable to have a customer list. However, this strategy is kind of risky because at least to my understanding, it is against Amazon's terms of service to collect contact information from your product insert. However, I still see many people doing it. Now, what you absolutely cannot do on your product insert is ask for a positive review. So you can ask for a review in general, but you cannot ask for a positive review. And the other thing you cannot do is incentivize reviews with maybe a free product. So you cannot say review our product and then you get another free product or you get like a discount or something like that. So you can ask for review, but just not incentivize it. And again, the website that I recommend to create these product inserts is All right, so in phase four, we're gonna go through step by step, how to create a high-quality product listing on Amazon that will be optimized for a specific keyword so people can actually find your product. And then it will also communicate to the customer that this is the exact product that they were looking for. So let's get started. Let's start by looking at the most important elements that go into a product listing on Amazon. So let's start with the product title. In your product title, you wanna make sure to include the most relevant keywords for your product, because only if you include those keywords, then the Amazon algorithm will know what keywords to rank your product for. Otherwise your customers will not be able to find your product on Amazon. And in the next step, I'm gonna show you exactly how to find those keywords for your specific product. So let's move on to the price of the product, which is just below the title and the rating. So the best way to find out the best price to sell your product for is by testing prices and then looking at how many sales you're getting. So you're gonna start with a launch price. And then once your product starts ranking, you're gonna slowly increase your price. And you're gonna look exactly at what is happening to your sales. So you're gonna track everything that happens once you have changed the price. And then eventually you're gonna find the best price to sell your product for. Now sometimes to even get more sales, if you increase the price, because having a higher price also adds to the perceived value of your product. Then we also have our product images. So you're gonna have a main image for your product, which is just gonna be your product on a white background. And there are specific rules of things that we can and cannot do on this first image, which we're gonna look at in a moment here. And then you're also gonna have secondary images where it can kind of showcase the main benefits, the key features, and just show your product being used as well. So the main thing you want to consider here is that you want to have high quality images, and you also want your images to communicate to your customer, the main benefits and key features of your product. Then we also have the variants right here. So if you have multiple variants, you can also set those later on when we're gonna create the listing. And then we have the bullet points right here. So in order to write great bullet points, you're gonna have to know your customer in and out. So you're gonna have to do some research and know exactly what the customers are actually looking for. What are the pain points of those customers? What's the actually problem they want to solve with this product? And what are their objections why they might not buy your product? And what you wanna do is you wanna address all those things in your bullet points so that when somebody goes through your product listing and reads the bullet points, they feel exactly that this product is exactly what they were looking for because it solves all the problems that they have. It actually says that in the bullet points, and it also kills all the objections, why they might not buy your product. And we're gonna look at one of these bullet points later on and look exactly how that can be done. Then we can also scroll down. And then we are gonna find a product description right here. Now, here for this specific product, they have a product description with images. And you're not gonna be able to put images in your product description when you start out on Amazon, because you don't have a registered brand on Amazon yet. So later on, you're gonna wanna fight a trademark for your brand. And then you can do brand registry for your account. And then you're also gonna be able to put images in your product description, and then you should absolutely do it. However, in the beginning, you're just gonna be able to put text in your product description. This is something it could look like. So it's basically just gonna be text. And what you wanna do here is just reiterate all the key benefits, the features, the objections, and all that stuff that we talked about before with the bullet points. You wanna reiterate them here in a product description. And you also wanna make sure it's very easy to read, which we're gonna look at how to do that just in a moment. Now, before we start and create our listing on Amazon, we need to do some keyword research to find all the most relevant keywords that we want to rank our product listing for. So those would be the things that people type in the Search bar and then optimally, when our product is ranked for those keywords, then our product will show up on the first page so people can actually click on our listing and buy our product. So the best tool you can use to find those specific keywords is Jungle Scouts. You're gonna find a discount link for this tool down below in the description. So once you're logged into your Jungle Scout account, you wanna come over here to the left side and go to Keywords, and then click on Keyword Scout. And now the way we're gonna find our keywords that we wanna rank for is we're gonna use the data of our competitors, which are already selling the product that we wanna sell as well. So the Amazon algorithm has already kind of figured out what would be the best keywords to rank those products for so that those people are actually buying that specific product. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to Amazon and then we're gonna type in the search bar, the keyword where our product is the main one that shows up. So for my product here, for the video, Survival Settlers Tool is a keyword where mainly my product will show up. So I'm just gonna click on Search right here and then see if this is actually true. So here we can see, this is the main product that people are actually wanting to buy when they type in that specific product. Once we have confirmed that, we're gonna go to our Jungle Scout extension of our browser by going to the top right, clicking on the extension. And then Jungle Scout will load all the data of all the products here on the first page. So we're basically doing the same thing as we did when we have done the product research and analyzed the market for a specific product. Now, once the results are loaded, you can just increase the size of this a little. And then you wanna sort all the results by rank right here. So make sure the lowest rank is at the top. And if you're not gonna find a rank right here, you can just delete the product. And then you wanna delete all the products that aren't actually your product right here to find your main three competitors right here. So those are my main three competitors right now. So what I'm gonna do here is just copy the ASIN right here, which is the identifier number for the Amazon product. And I'm gonna go over to Jungle Scout and paste in the ASIN right here. I'm also gonna do that for my secondary competitor right here, and also for the third one. So let's go back here and copy this one as well, and then paste it in here. And then once I've done that, I'm just gonna click on Search. And then Jungle Scout will generate the main keywords for me. Now what you first wanna do is make sure everything is sorted by search volume right here, which is already done by default. And then you wanna manually go through each of these keywords that you can find here. So as you can see, we have two full pages of keywords. And you wanna make sure to go through all of them. Now this is gonna take some time, but it's definitely worth it because then we're not gonna miss any keywords that we might get sales from. So let's first look at this first one here, which is survival. Now, before you put this keyword on your list, you wanna make sure to click on this Amazon icon right here and then look at what actually comes up when people type in survival. So here we can see it's not really our product. It's not really the main one that comes up first. So I wouldn't put this keyword on my list yet. Then we're just gonna go on backpacking gear, we do the same thing. Hand drill, we do the same thing. We are only gonna put on the products that we really are confident in that this is relevant for our product. So here, hand drill, you might think that this would be a good keyword for our specific product. But as we can see, our product is not really coming up here on the first page. So we're not gonna put that on our list. So let's move on here. Let's go to bushcraft gear as well. Let's check out this one, sponsored posts. So for bushcraft gear, it seems to be like this is the top-ranking product. So bushcraft gear would be definitely a keyword that I want to have on my list. So what I'm gonna do is just tick this box here, left to this keyword. And then I'm gonna move on to all the other keywords. You can also click on hand auger. So again, you wanna go through each of them and just check on if they are actually relevant. So hand auger is definitely a good keyword as well. So then I'm gonna just tick this as well. And every keyword that you basically tick the box for, you can then later on save in a keyword list. So let's say we have just gone through all of these keywords right here. Then what we wanna do is go to the Add Keyword to List button right here, and then click on Create New List. And then you can save all your keywords in a specific list. So I've already done that for all the keywords for this specific product. So once we've done that, we can go to Keyword Lists right here. And then we can see all the keyword lists here on the top. So I think this one was actually the most recent one. So then I have just saved all of my keywords here in this specific list. So these are all the main keywords that we want to target with our Amazon listing, by putting them in our product title, in our product bullet points, and also in our product description. Now, before we can start creating our listing and actually sell our product on Amazon, we're gonna need to create our Amazon seller account. If you've ever bought anything on Amazon, you'll probably already have a buyer account, but the Amazon seller account, which we need to sell products on Amazon, is actually totally separate from your buyer's account. So you're gonna need to sign up for a seller account specifically. So there's two different plans for the Amazon seller account. There's the Individual plan and the Professional plan. With the individual plan, you're gonna pay for each product that you sell. So whenever you sell a product, you're gonna need to pay a fee of $0.99 for every product sold. And then there's also the Professional plan where there's no additional fee for every product sold, but there's a monthly fee of $39.99. So obviously the more you sell, the more it makes sense to go for the Professional plan. So I actually started with the Professional plan, but you can totally just sign up for an Individual plan. And then once you notice that you sell more units, you can upgrade to the Professional plan. And you can also look through these plans right here. And you can see you have more features with the Professional plan as well. But if you have a limited budget, you can also definitely start with the Individual plan. So to sign up for your Amazon seller account, you want to come over to and then simply click on Sign up right here. Then here, we're gonna click on Create your Amazon account. And then here, you just wanna fill out all the fields. So make sure you actually type in your actual name as it says on your ID card or passport, because later on everything that you provide here, all the information is gonna be verified. So you're not gonna get away with kind of making something up here while signing up for your Amazon seller account. Then you're gonna have to verify your email address. So just go to your inbox and get the one-time password. Type it in here. Then on the next step, you can get some information. So what you'll need is a valid government issued ID or passport, a recent bank account or credit card statement, a chargeable credit card, and a mobile phone. So it's very important that, again, you type in all the correct information as it says exactly on your ID or a passport. And then also the credit card statement or the bank statement has to be in the same name as the name that you actually type in here for the sign up or the company that you type in here. So let's move on here. Then you gotta select your business country. So business location. So this would just be the location where your business is registered, or if you're just individual selling, this is where you live. Then you want to type in your business type. So if you don't already have a business, then you can totally just say, None, I'm an individual. But if you already have a business, then you probably wanna choose the Privately-owned business. Then on the next step, you have to type in your business name. Now, again, it's very important that you actually type in the business name as it says on your business bank account statement. Otherwise, they will reject your Amazon seller account. Then you just type in all your business information, the address, and all stuff like that, phone number. Again, make sure it's your correct phone number. And then again, the contact information. So this would be your information. Then on the next step, you're gonna have to type in your credit card information, because like we've seen, there are plans and you're gonna be charged for having an Amazon seller account. So you just wanna type in that. And then you can type in your store name. So here it's not really important, what you type in, you can change that name later on. So just type in something that would make sense for you. Now, then you have to answer the question. Do you have Universal Product Codes, UPCs, for all your products? Here, you want to type in yes. And we're gonna look at how to get these UPCs in the next step. And then, are you the manufacturer or brand owner? Here, you also want to just select yes. And then do you own a government-registered trademark for the branded products you want to sell on Amazon? Now, if you do, you can just tick yes, but 99% of you watching this probably don't have a registered trademark yet. So you can just select no right here. Then in the next step, you're just gonna have to verify all the information that you have given here. So you're gonna have to upload a national ID document, front and the backside. So we wanna make sure that it's actually like readable, so it's high quality. And then you also have to upload a proof of address. So this would be your bank account statement or your credit card statement. Now, the first time I've done this, I actually just uploaded a PDF document that I've downloaded from my online banking account. And they didn't actually accept this. If it's actually just electronic or digital, you're gonna have to print it. And then you're gonna have to use your phone to do a scan or a photo of this bank account statement, and then give it to them like that. That's the way it worked for me. And then also to verify your identity, they want to have a call with you. You just wanna select Schedule a Video Call. And then you see all the dates and times here where you can actually get on that call. And on that call, the person that will talk to you is just gonna be like a three-minute call. They just wanna see your face and your actual government ID card in your hand. You have to kind of show them that it's not a fake one. Apparently, they say you also might have to show your bank statement. I didn't have to do that. So I don't know, something they need to do to avoid illegitimate sellers on Amazon. And then also you're gonna get a letter from Amazon with a code to activate your Amazon seller account. So they want to prove that you actually live where you have said that you live. So they're gonna send a code to that address. And then a couple of days later, you're gonna get that. You're gonna log into your Amazon seller account. You're gonna type that code in and activate your seller account like that. After you had the call with the representative of Amazon and after you've entered that code to activate your account, then you're gonna be ready to create your product listing. The last thing we need to do before we can create our Amazon listing is we need to get a UPC or EAN barcode. So these barcodes are just like unique identifier numbers for pretty much every product that is sold in retail around the world. And Amazon requires you to have that barcode before you can list your product. So if you're gonna sell in the US or in Canada, then you're gonna need a Universal Product Code, which is the UPC code, or if you're gonna sell in Europe, you're gonna need to use an EAN number, which is European Article Number. And now I'm gonna show you exactly how to get those barcodes. The official site which gives out those barcodes is There's also reseller sites like And you're gonna get the barcodes there a bit cheaper, but the official site is GS1. And that's also what Amazon recommends where you get your barcodes from. And now you can actually get just a single barcode on GS1. It used to be that you can only get like bundles, which would be a lot very expensive. That's why a lot of people got barcodes from reseller sites. But now you can get a barcode for like $30. So I would definitely recommend to go through this site right here. So just go to And then on the top, you can click on Get your barcodes. And then here you wanna select the location that you wanna sell in. So if you select any location that is in Europe, you're gonna get redirected to the page where you can get your EAN barcode. But let's just get a UPC barcode for now. So I'm gonna click on United States because that's where I wanna sell that product. So I'm gonna click on Get a barcode/GTIN number. Then we get to this side right here. And you can read through this. And what it mainly says is that, you need for every size, for every variant of your product, you're gonna need a separate barcode. So here is an example. If you have three sizes, three colors, three styles, three packages, then you're gonna need 81 barcodes for each one of these variants. So this is just something to keep in mind. But if you have watched a product research section, you've probably chosen a product with not too many variants. So you're probably just gonna need one or two barcodes. So here we can just scroll down, read all the information. And here you can either get a prefix pricing where you can get a bundle where you have to pay an initial fee, and then there's an annual renewal fee. But you can also just get one barcode where there's no annual renewal fee. So let's scroll down here and click on Get a GTIN. And then here, as we can see, we're gonna have to pay $30 for our barcode. So the next step would be to type in your brand name right here. And here, you wanna make sure to type in the actual brand name that you're gonna use to sell your product for and not your company name, if that is different. So let's say my company name would be Metics Adventurous, LLC, but I'm gonna sell my product under the brand name, WildGator. Then I wanna type in WildGator right here. So I'm gonna type that in right here. And then we also have product description. So just type in what your product is. You can also go to the question mark here. And then they say exactly what the product name should look like. So I'm just gonna type in Auger Wrench, just something very generic. Click on Add to Cart. And then if you need another barcode, just do the same thing again and add it to the cart. So here, I'm just gonna click on Checkout. And then, here, we're gonna need to create our GS1 accounts. I'm gonna click on Continue as New. Here, you just wanna type in all your information. Now, one thing I wanna mention here is that probably a lot of people watching this video don't really have a company registered yet. So under Company Name, you can use a DBA name, so a Doing Business As, and this would be the brand name that you're gonna sell your product with. So in this case, this would be WildGator. So you can just type in your brand name. And you can say you're doing business as WildGator. And you can set up your account like this. And then once you complete this and confirm your order, you're gonna get your UPC or EAN barcode, and you're ready to create your Amazon listing. All right, so let's start creating our Amazon listing. So the first step is to log into your Amazon Seller Central account. Once you're logged in, you want to go to Inventory right here on the top and then click on Manage Inventory. Right here, you can see you don't have any products listed yet. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna click on Add a product right here. And then we're gonna click on I'm adding a product not sold on Amazon. And now the first thing we need to do is decide on what kind of category your product should be listed in on Amazon. Sometimes it can be hard to find your category. So the easiest way to find it would be to go to your competitors and look at where they have listed their products in. So let's go to one of our competitors right here. And then we can simply scroll down. And here we can see, they have put it in the Adjustable Wrenches category in the top-level category, Tools and Home Improvement. So what I would do is just copy the Adjustable Wrenches keyword right here. Then we're gonna go back here and just paste it in the Search bar for the category. Click on Search. And then we can see three different options, how we can put them in the Adjustable Wrenches category. So the first one would be Tools and Home Improvement, Power and Hand Tools, Hand tools, Wrenches, Adjustable Wrenches. I think this one pretty much makes a lot of sense. Then we can also go through Automotive, which doesn't make sense, so I'm not gonna choose this one, or Industrial and Scientific. So the best main category I would think for this product is Tools and Home Improvement. So I'm gonna choose the first one right here and click on Select. And now the first thing we wanna do is make sure we see all the options. So we're gonna go to more attributes right here and make sure this is turned on. And then we can see here, we have a lot more options for our product. And now let's go through each tab here from top to bottom and enter all the details of our product. Now Variations, does your product have any variations? In my case, I don't have variations. So I'm just gonna leave it at No. And then here, we're gonna have to type in our UPC code or EAN number that we have gotten before from GS1. So you can just put that in right here and then also select what kind of code that is. So in my case, this would be a UPC code. And then we can move on to the product name. So just to recap, this right here is the product name or product title that you're gonna have to put in this field. So let's look at how to create our product title. A good structure for your product title would be to start off with your brand name and then follow it up with your product name, including your main keywords that we have found before using Jungle Scout. And then also add some key features and benefits, also including as many keywords as possible. Then you can also use some words like some copywriting to make it easy to read and also look good for your customers. Before we create our title, we wanna get our main keywords from our Jungle Scout Keyword List that we have found before. So let's go over to Jungle Scout, go to Keywords, Keyword Lists. And then look for the keyword list that you have created for this specific product. Now here, you can see those are all the keywords that I have found for this specific product. Now, what we wanna do is look at the main keywords right here, note them down in a list, and then this keyword list, we're gonna use to create our title. So here you can see, I filtered out the most important keywords for this product, which is bushcraft, gear, hand, auger, survival, and so on. And then I came up with this title right here. So I'm gonna start off with the brand name, which I have just named WildGator, as an example. Then I follow up with the product name. So Bushcraft Hand Auger Wrench. And as you can see, each of those words is actually one of the keywords that we want to target, that we have found before using Jungle Scout. And then I'm following it up with Ultimate Settlers Tool. So ultimate was just a word that I included here to make it look better. And then settlers tools also in our keyword list up here, then we have manual hand drill, which is also just a keyword that people are looking for, then essential frontier survival gear. Essential is just something to make it look better. Then frontier survival gear. These are all keywords. And then we also have some features and benefits. Now I didn't find a lot of like features and benefits specifically for this product, but one that I found makes sense because people are varied that it will break very quickly is that I looked at what a good product is made of. And that would be like strong high carbon steel. So this would just be a title that is optimized for all these keywords that you can see up top here. And I also used these dashes to kind of separate each of the main phrases here so it's easier to read for the customer. So it doesn't look like you just stuff all the keywords in your title. So then once we have created our optimized title, we're just gonna copy it and paste it into the product name field, right here. Then under Brand Name, you can just type in the brand name that you have decided on. So as an example, I'm just gonna type in WildGator right here. And then under Manufacturer, you can also actually just use your brand name. So I'm just gonna copy and paste it in. Then the Unit Count, so how many units is in your box? For me, it's just gonna be one. So I'm just gonna type in one right here. And then you can just continue down here and fill out all the details of your specific product, like sizes, colors, and so on. And once you've done that, we're gonna move on to the next tab, which is Variations right here. If your product has variations, you just select the type of variation right here, and then type in all the details. Now my product doesn't have any variations. So I can actually just move on to the next tab, which is the Offer. Here, we can set the price that we wanna sell our product for. Now you can always change the price later on. So if you don't know what to put in here, just put in something that kind of looks right for you. And you can always come back here and change this later on before you actually launch the product. However, a good strategy to price your product in the beginning is to price it a bit lower than what you actually want to shoot for later on when you actually have some reviews and some social proof for your product. So you can go to your Amazon FBA Profit Calculator, which again is a free tool from Ecom Freedom, which you're gonna find down below in the description. You just type in all the costs for producing and sourcing your product. And if you've done that, you're gonna see your profit margin right here. And what you can do now is just play around with the selling price down here and look at what the profit margin is gonna be. And a good profit margin to shoot for, for your launch is gonna be like 25%, because then you're not gonna lose as much money for the launch. So here we can, for example, just try like 26.99. You can type that in here. And then go up and look at what the profit margin is gonna be. So we're gonna have a 26% profit margin if we're able to sell the product at $26.99. So again, this would just be our launch price. And eventually down the road, we wanna sell at a higher price and make a lot more profit. So what we can also do is look at our competition and look at what they're selling the product for. So here, these are the products on the first page. This one is the main competitor, so the top one that comes up when you type in most of the keywords. He's selling at $38. Those guys probably have a very high profit margin. And eventually we wanna also get to this price or even higher. However, we're not gonna be able to sell at this price point because maybe the quality is just as good or even better. And it looks better even, but we don't have any reviews yet. So we don't have any social proof, which is really important on Amazon. And then the second one is sold for $29.99, but they don't really have branded the product. So our product is gonna look a lot better than this one right here, because they don't even have a logo on the product. Then the third one as well, they don't have a logo. They're selling for $25.99. So what we can do here is position ourselves somewhere in between the second and the third competitor at the price point of, let's say, like $27.99. So we're a bit cheaper than this product right here. They have 36 positive reviews, but our product is gonna look a lot more high quality because we have actually branded the product. So what we can do is just price it at $27.99 for the launch of the product. And then later on, when we get some initial reviews, we can increase the price and make sure we increase the profit margin as well. So I would actually go ahead and type in the price right here, 27.99, which I'm gonna use for the launch price for this product. What you could also do is set your standard price as a higher price, and then enter a sales price right here, which then the standard price will be crossed out. And it will show like there's a discount going on where you can get the product actually cheaper. So you can do that if you want to. Then we can come down here. And at the Quantity, we sell one of the product. So we're gonna type in one. Then the Condition is gonna be new. And then we're gonna move on Max Order Quantity. We're just gonna leave that stuff empty. What you can also do is you can offer a gift wrap so people can decide on if they want to gift wrap the product for an additional fee. And this is actually a way you can make some extra profit by not doing any extra work because the work is gonna be done all by Amazon. So I'm gonna select yes right here. And then under Fulfillment Channel, we're gonna select Amazon will ship and provide customer service, because we're gonna be doing Amazon FBA, which means that Amazon will deliver the products. We'll just make sure it will be sent into the Amazon warehouse. And if you actually take the first one, I will ship the item myself. Then you will just sell through Amazon, but then you have to physically ship the product to the customer. So this is a Amazon FBA tutorial. So obviously we are gonna take the Amazon will ship and provide customer service, right? And then we can go to the next tab right here, which is Compliance. Most of the information that you're gonna type in here is gonna be very specific to your product. So I'm not gonna go through that in detail. Most of the fields, you're probably gonna leave empty anyway. And if you have any questions, just talk to your supplier and they're gonna tell you what the details are for your specific product. So let's move on to Images. Now for your main product image, which is gonna be the first one that you upload for your product, you're gonna have to adhere to some rules. So the first one is that your main product has to be on a white background and it has to fill minimum of 85% of the image. It also should only show the product for sale. So what comes in the box and not anything else that is not actually delivered when customers order your product. Then the product needs to be fully in frame and it needs to be well-lit with realistic colors. And you also can't add any additional logos. So don't add the logo of your brand, unless it's like on the product itself. And obviously you're just showcasing the product. And you can also not add any text or graphics additionally on the image. Sometimes in Amazon, you're gonna see people are doing that, but eventually they're gonna be taken down. So you definitely wanna not break any rules when it comes to the images here on Amazon. Another thing that is important to have a actual high-quality image. So make sure your image is 2,000 by 2,000 pixels. And that way people can actually zoom in the picture by hovering over the picture. The minimum would be 1,000 by 1,000, but you want to go for 2,000 by 2,000 so people can actually zoom in and see details of your product. Then after the first image, there's gonna be like secondary images where it can showcase the features and benefits of your product, show it from different angles, and show some lifestyle images of people actually using the product and like them being happy with the product and stuff like that. Now the key thing here is to make it high quality and just look at the overall perception of what your listing looks like with your images. Because if the images are bad quality, then nobody is gonna buy your product. So when we look at the top competitor of this specific product, when you hover over the image right here, you can see that you'll see a zoomed-in version of the image, which is only possible if you have a high-quality image, which is 2,000 by 2,000 pixels. So that's definitely important. So on the main image right here, you can see they have just the product on a white background, which is required. And you can also see the logo very well. And even on the case, they have the logo. So the branding, pretty good here, especially compared to the other competitors for this product market. Then for the second image, they have this just case, the product in the case, from different angles. Then they also have an image of the product being used. And here they even have somebody using the product. Now, this person really looks like a potential customer. So just by seeing that image, the potential customer probably can relate pretty well to this image right here, which increases the likelihood of them actually buying the product. So if you use people in your product images, make sure it's relatable to the customer. Then you have some more images of the product being used, another image without the case. And then you also have two videos. So at some point, you wanna register a trademark for your brand. And that will enable you to put a video in your listing. For now, you're not gonna be able to do that. But once you can, you definitely do a video because it really helps people to see the product in action. And it will basically help the conversion rate of your Amazon listing. So if you have the budget for it, the best way would definitely be to hire a professional product photographer because images are so important when it comes to selling on Amazon. Now, if you have a limited budget, you can also watch some tutorials on how to take great product photos, and then just take them yourself. But make sure you actually put some effort in creating high-quality photos, because if you have crappy photos, then you can do everything else right. And you're probably not gonna be successful selling your product on Amazon. So let's move on to the next tab, which is the Description. So here we can put in our bullet points and also our product description. So just to recap, our bullet points is what you can see right here. And then the product description, we're gonna have to scroll down. And here we can see the product description. Now, a couple of things to consider when writing your bullet points is that you also wanna include relevant keywords, like the ones that we have found for our product in your bullet points, because this will help you rank your product for those specific keywords. You also wanna focus on your key benefits and also features of your product. And by doing that, you also wanna address the pain points that your customers have and also kill any objections why your customers wouldn't buy the product. So in order to be able to do that, you're gonna have to know your customer as well as possible. Optimally, you would be your main customer. So if you would be a person who would buy that product, you definitely have an advantage. You wanna definitely read as many reviews as possible because their people always communicate what they are actually looking for in the product and what they were disappointed of. Then you also wanna join forums of people who are in this specific niche and also just talk to the customers that would buy that product. And just by doing that, you're gonna get to know exactly what those customers are actually looking for. And you can communicate that in your bullet points. So let's look at this product listing as an example, and let's see if we can find some strategies that we have just talked about in those bullet points. So it starts off with Upgraded r3 Powerful Massage Gun. So powerful massage gun is probably one of the main keywords that they're trying to rank this product for. We are dedicated to offering a more exquisite and intense sports muscle massage or gun. This muscle fascia gun is designed with premium metal, so premium metal housing and super powerful brushless motor, delivering high penetration. So these are probably topics that they realized the customers care about. So they are including this in their bullet points. Convenient USB-Type c charging massage gun deep tissue. So here again, massage gun deep tissue is most likely a very good keyword that they're trying to rank this product for. And then one of the objections is probably people not knowing if they can travel with it. So they include no worry about charging when you travel with it in different countries. Deep tissue percussion muscle massager, again a keyword. Gun can be charged by USB Type-C with (murmurs) and can be charged with power bank too. So probably, these people are asking themselves, can I use this while traveling? And then they read, okay, I can charge this using USB Type-C. I can charge this using a power bank. So this is probably just killing an objection why they wouldn't buy the product. Ultra-portable and Silent Percussion Massager. Silent is probably also something they're worried about. Like, is this thing gonna be very loud? And then Massager for Athletes. The key demographic here for this product is probably athletes. And then when you read this, this is for athletes, then you're probably gonna be wanting to buy this product because you can see, this is exactly for me, the customer. So I think you realize here what I wanted to show you. So let's move on. So again, take some time to do some research about what would be good topics to talk about in your bullet points, write them out, and then you're gonna put them in here. So here, this is the first one. Then you can just add more and just add a couple of bullet points for your product listing. Now, the next thing I'm gonna look at is your product description. The strategy for your product description is basically gonna be the same as for your bullet points. So you wanna include relevant keywords. You wanna reaffirm all the things you talked about in the bullet points, and you wanna address objections and pain points of your customers. And like I've said before, when your brand is registered on Amazon, you're gonna be able to use images in your product descriptions, just like they have done right here. But in the beginning, you're only gonna be able to use text. However, you wanna make sure that that text is actually easily readable. So you wanna use bold titles and use paragraphs and all that good stuff. So here's an example of this seller right here. They have just put a block of text, which is not really easily readable. Now to make our description look nice and easily readable, we're gonna need to put that in here in an HTML format. So we're gonna go to a text to HTML converter. I'm using this one from You're gonna find the link to this one down below in the description. So you just wanna write out your description, make sure it's perfectly optimized. Then you wanna paste it in here. And then you can do all the formatting in this field right here. So let's say we're gonna do a paragraph right here. This one, we're gonna make bold. Then we can also use some words and make them italic as well. We can also add some bullet points right here or some numbers. Let's maybe add some bullet points. So I'm just gonna add some random stuff right here. And then once you have created and formatted your description, you can simply just copy the HTML code right here by clicking on Copy HTML Code. And then you go back to your Amazon account. And you just paste that in right here. Now it looks pretty weird right here, but later on in the actual listing, it's gonna look exactly like this one right here. So let's move on to keywords. And here under Search Terms, you just wanna type in all of the main keywords that you wanna rank your product for. So just go to your Jungle Scout account, look at your Keyword List and take out the main words. And then you can just paste it in right here. And that's basically all you need to do. Then we're gonna click on Save and finish right here. And then as you can see here, your listing is being created. The process can take up to 30 minutes. So just take a break, come back in 50 minutes. And then you can check out how your listing looks like on Amazon. Now I've refreshed the page after like two minutes and then under Inventory, Manage Inventory, you should find your listing. And then when you click on your listing right here, you can see exactly how it will look like on Amazon. So you can check out the description right here, your bullet points, and also the title and pictures. Now the listing will not be visible on Amazon for your customers until your product arrive in the Amazon warehouse. So don't worry. Nobody's gonna see your listing yet until you actually have inventory. Phase five, Shipping. So in this phase, you're gonna learn everything you need to know to place your first inventory order with your supplier and how to ship your products from your supplier to the Amazon warehouse. so let's get started. Let's first look at the two main ways how you can ship your products to Amazon if your supplier is overseas. So you can either go with air shipping or with sea shipping. Now both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages. So let's quickly look at what they are. In terms of the shipping time, for air shipping, it's gonna be around 5 to 14 days. And for sea shipping, it's gonna be like 30 to 60 days. And in some extreme cases, it's even gonna be longer. For example, if one port is suggested, then you can look at like 120 days sometimes until your product finally arrives in the Amazon warehouse, especially in the last couple of years with the entire world situation that was going on. The shipping times were rather on the longer side compared to the shorter side. In terms of shipping cost, it's gonna be a lot more expensive doing air shipping compared to sea shipping. So usually you're gonna look at around a three times higher price to ship your products by air. Now the complexity is a lot lower if you do air shipping compared to sea shipping. However, if you do sea shipping and you need to organize it yourself, then you definitely wanna hire a freight forwarder, which I'm gonna show you exactly how to find one. And then this company will arrange everything for you and will just manage the entire process for you. And they have all the experience. So you don't really need to worry about the complexity too much if you go with sea shipping. Now, if the products that you wanna ship are very heavy, then it's definitely recommended to go with sea shipping because the cost obviously is just gonna be a lot lower compared to air shipping. And if you have big inventory orders, then usually it's also the better way to go for sea shipping. And for very light and small items, it might make a lot of sense to actually go with air shipping, just because of how much quicker the units will arrive in the warehouse. Sometimes if your products are very light, if the shipment is light, then the price difference isn't even that much. So then you might actually want to go with air shipping. So for most of you watching this video, you're probably gonna go with sea shipping just because of how much cheaper it actually is to ship your products. However, in some cases, it actually makes sense to go with air shipping, even though it is much more expensive. So for instance, if you already have a product selling on Amazon and you notice that you're gonna sell a lot more units per day than you initially expected, and you're gonna realize that you're gonna be out of stock for like one to two months. If you decide to go with sea shipping, then it probably makes sense to ship your products by air, because then you're gonna be back in stock a lot quicker and you're not gonna lose out on the profit that you would've lost out on if you would've to wait for the sea shipping to arrive in the Amazon warehouse. Now let's talk about ordering your first inventory from your supplier. The first thing you wanna make sure is that you've already created your Amazon listing and leave it there for a couple of days just so you know that your product is not gonna trigger any restrictions that you're gonna have to deal with before you want to order your first inventory. Then also before paying your supplier through Alibaba Trade Assurance, you wanna make sure that all the details of the order are in the chat in the Alibaba system. Otherwise, if something happens and there's any problem, then you're not gonna be able to get a refund if all the details are not on the Alibaba official communication system. And then usually you're gonna have to pay 30% of the order amount upfront. And after the manufacturing is completed and the shipment is ready to go out, you're gonna pay the rest, which is 70%. Sometimes it's also 50/50, kind of depends on the supplier, but you shouldn't need to pay more than 50% upfront for your order. Then I would highly recommend to pay through Alibaba Trade Assurance because of that protection. However, if for some reason, you want to pay through PayPal, then definitely pay through Goods and Services and not through Friends and Family. Because when you pay through Goods and Services, you're also gonna be protected as a buyer. And when you pay through Friends and Family, which does come with lower fees, but then if something happens, then there's no way to get your money back. Now, a big question is, how many units you should order for your first inventory? And the optimal amount of units you should order for your first inventory is so many that you will not run out of stock before your second order arrives in the Amazon warehouse. So you can use this formula right here to determine how many units this is gonna be. So it's gonna be the lead time, which is gonna be the time from when you place your order to the time when the manufacturing process is finished and the orders are ready to be shipped, plus the shipping time, so the time it takes from your supplier to the Amazon warehouse, plus the decision time, so this is gonna be the time from the time when you launch your product to the time when you wanna decide to place your second order so you know exactly how many units you should order for the second inventory. Then you also want to add a couple of days as a buffer time. And this is gonna give you a number of days. Then when you multiply those number of days times the estimated sales per day. So you're gonna need to make an estimation of how many units you think you can sell per day with this product. You can use Jungle Scouts to look at your competitors, how many sales they're making per day. And using that data, you can make an estimation of what you think you're gonna be able to sell per day. Now, this is just gonna be an estimation. It's not gonna be 100% correct. But it's still better than just guessing. And then the days times your estimated sales per day is gonna be the order quantity that would be optimal so that you will not run out of stock. So here's an example. If you're gonna have a lead time of 20 days, you're gonna add 20 days, plus 30 days shipping time, plus 20 days decision time, plus 7 days as a buffer. It's gonna be 77 days. Then the 77 days times 10 sales per day. On average, it's gonna be 770 units. Now, depending on your budget, you're not gonna be able to order 770 units for this example. So in this case, it would be better to just order a lower amount and then just use the profits from your first inventory to then order your second inventory as quickly as possible if you notice that your product will work out. And it's not that bad if you're gonna be running out of stock for just a couple of weeks. You're gonna be able to gain your rank back pretty quickly when you order your second inventory as fast as possible. And you're just gonna be out of stock for a couple of weeks. A few terms you wanna be familiar with before starting the shipping process are EXW and DDP. So you're gonna get a quote from your supplier. And if that quote is in EXW, what that means is that you're just gonna pay the supplier for manufacturing the products, and then you are gonna be responsible for getting the products from the supplier's warehouse to the Amazon warehouse by using freight forwarder. If you're gonna get a DDP quote, it means that you're gonna pay the shipping fee to the supplier itself, and then they're gonna be responsible for getting the products from their warehouse to the Amazon warehouse. So the simpler method would be to ask for a DDP quote, and then let the supplier handle the shipping process. However, if you wanna make sure to get the lowest price possible for the shipping, it's better to ask for an EXW quote and then look for a good freight forwarder and arrange the shipping process using that freight forwarder because usually the quote that you get from your supplier is a bit higher than what you would pay using a freight forwarder. So this is really up to you. If you don't mind managing your shipping yourself using a freight forwarder, then go for EXW. But if you want to have it as simple as possible and you don't mind paying a bit extra, then go with DDP and let the supplier handle the shipping. So if you're gonna go with EXW, then you're gonna need to find a freight forwarder, which is gonna manage the entire shipping process for you from your supplier to Amazon. And the best site to go and look for freight forwarders is Freightos. This is kind of like a search engine and comparing website for freight forwarders. So let's go to Freightos and look for our freight forwarder. You're gonna find a link to Freightos down below in the description. So click on that link and then it will take you to this site where we're gonna click on Compare Rates Now, right here. So here first we need to select the origin of our shipment. So let's click on origin right here. Then the type is probably the warehouse factory. Then decide on the country where your shipment comes from. Most likely it's gonna be China. And then you wanna type in the address of your supplier. So just ask your supplier what that address is. I'm just gonna type in Shenzhen right here and click on Confirm. And then you have to decide on the destination where the shipment will go to. So we're gonna go under Type. We're gonna select Fulfillment center. So this is gonna be Amazon warehouses. And the country, obviously you wanna select the country you're gonna sell your product in. And then on the address, you don't know your exact warehouse yet. Later on when we're gonna create the shipping plan, we're gonna see exactly what warehouses we need to send our products to. But for now, it doesn't make a lot of difference in the price. So we're just gonna choose a random warehouse right here. And then we're gonna click on Confirm. So under Load, we're gonna have to give some more information about the dimensions and the weight of what we are shipping. And here we have to decide on between Loose Cargo and Containers. Now, chances are you're not gonna be ordering so many units that you're gonna be able to fill an entire container. So we're gonna choose Loose Cargo right here. then we're gonna select Calculate by unit type. And our package type, you have the possibility to ship by pallet or by boxes/crates. So you wanna ask your supplier or freight forwarder, what would be the best option to ship your products with? I'm gonna go with boxes and crates for this example. And then we have to type in the amount of boxes that we are sending. So let's say we are sending 10 boxes. And here we have to type in the dimensions of those boxes. And you're gonna get all that information from your supplier. So ask your supplier, how many boxes will be sent out with your product and what are the dimensions of those boxes? And they wanna make sure that you type it in the correct unit right here. So if you get it in centimeters, type it in centimeters right here. Then also type in the weight of each box right here. Once that's done, we're gonna click on Confirm. Then under Goods, we're gonna have to type in the value of our shipment. So this is just gonna be the price that you have paid to your supplier for manufacturing the product. So let's just type in $2,500. And then we can also type in when our shipment will be ready. So let's say it's ready within two weeks. Obviously just select whatever it applies to your situation right here. And then we're gonna click on Done and click on this arrow right here. Now you're gonna be prompted to create an account with Freightos. So just create your account right here. And then we're gonna move on to the next step. Then once you've created your account, you're gonna get to this screen right here. So for Amazon labeling and palletization, usually you can get your supplier to put all the labels on the boxes. So you can actually turn this off. But make sure you communicate that with your supplier. And if supplier is not able to do it, you can also have your freight forwarder do it. And then you obviously wanna turn this on right here. Then insurance, this is up to you. If you wanna ensure your shipment, I would recommend you do it just so you're covered. And then for customs, brokerage and bond, you wanna say, yes, here, I need customs brokerage. That way the freight forwarder will be able to get your products through customs. And then if you do sea shipping, you're also gonna need a customs bond. So if you do sea shipping, you wanna select yes here as well. If you do air shipping, then you don't need this. So then we can click on Confirme Services & Get Results. And then Freightos is gonna generate us the best freight forwarders for our shipment. So here the best one on the top ranked by best value is gonna be this one right here, which is gonna be shipped by sea. It's gonna take 54 to 64 days. So this is actually quite long. And it's gonna cost us around $1,500. The second best option here would be the express shipping via air, which is gonna be 7 to 18 days. And it's gonna cost us around $4,000. So as you can see, shipping by air is always gonna be more expensive than shipping by sea. You can also sort these results here by quickest or by cheapest. And for your first inventory order, you're probably not gonna be that concerned with speed. So you probably want to go with one of the cheaper options right here, which is then ocean shipping. So then once you have decided on your provider, you just wanna click on Select right here. Then we can see a booking summary where once again we can go over all the details to make sure everything is correct. And then we can click on Confirm & Book Shipment right here. Then here, we're gonna need to fill in some more information like our company information. We're gonna need to upload some documents for the shipment and also tell them where to pick up our shipment and where to drop it off. And then once you complete all these steps, then they will get in contact with you and start getting your shipments to the Amazon warehouse. We also wanna let Amazon know that we want to ship our products to their warehouses. So in our seller account, we're gonna need to create a shipping plan. And by creating that shipping plan, we're also gonna get our Amazon barcodes and our shipping labels and also the warehouses that we need to send our products to. So to create our shipping plan, we're gonna log into our Amazon Seller Central account. Then we're gonna go to Inventory right here. And then we're gonna click on Manage FBA Shipments. Then here, we're gonna click on Send to Amazon. Then here we wanna type in the address where our shipment comes from. So this would be the address of your supplier. And then you wanna choose the marketplace. So if you're gonna sell it in the United States, then just choose United States right here, or wherever you're selling. Then we're gonna choose the listing, which we're sending a product for. So it's gonna be this one right here. Under Packing details, we have to choose between Individual Units and Case Packed. So Individual Units, you would wanna choose if you have multiple different products or skews in one box. But if you only have one type of product in your box, then you wanna choose Case Packed. So we're gonna click on Create new case packed template right here. Then here, we wanna decide on a name for this packing template. I'm gonna name it as my product name, Survival Auger Wrench. And then we're gonna have to decide on how many units come in one box. So I'm just gonna type in 32. So it would be 32 units in one box. Here, we have to type in the dimensions of one box. So you're gonna get that from your supplier. And make sure you look at the units right here. So the dimensions here are an inch and the weight in pounds, because usually the supplier in China will give you all the dimensions and the weight in the metric system. So you're gonna have to convert it into this Imperial system right here. Then here, we have to decide on if we, the seller, are gonna label the units ourselves, or if you want Amazon to do it. Now, if Amazon does it, they're gonna charge a fee to do it. So usually it's less expensive if you're just gonna have your supplier or your freight forwarder label the boxes for you. So I'm gonna choose By seller right here and then click on Save. And if you see any errors here, you could just click on these links up top here and make sure you just enter all the information that they ask of you. So here they want to know the dimensions of each of the units. So I'm just gonna quickly type that in here. Then I'm gonna click on Save. And just like that, we have created our template. And then we wanna make sure that under Packing details, we actually have the template we have just created. And then we want to type in the amount of boxes that we are sending in to Amazon. So let's say we are sending 10 boxes. Now, if you have selected individual units right here, you're gonna have to type in the number of units that you're selling into Amazon. So then we're gonna click on Ready to send right here. And now we're gonna get our Amazon product barcode. So we're gonna click on Print all SKU labels right here. Then we're gonna click on Print all. And this will download a file to your computer where all your labels are gonna be. So when you open up that file, this is what it's gonna look like. These are the barcodes that you need to put on every single unit that you send into the Amazon warehouse. Now, oftentimes there is a confusion between the UPC barcode and the FNSKU barcode, which is the one that we've just generated, which is the Amazon specific barcode. So the UPC barcode, we're gonna get that from And we just gonna need that one to create our Amazon listing. But once our listing is created and your products are ready to be sold on Amazon, the only barcode we need is the FNSKU barcode. So the ones that we have just created, you wanna send those barcodes to your supplier and then your supplier should put each of these barcodes on every single unit off your product. So again, take this file and send it to your supplier and tell your supplier, you should put those barcodes on each of the units before shipping them to the Amazon warehouse. Then we're gonna click on Confirm and continue. Then here we need to select our ship date. This would be the date when the inventory is handed over to the carrier. So if you don't know the date yet, just select any date that makes sense. And later on, you can come back and adjust the date right here. Then on the shipping mode, you either have to select SPD or LTL. SPD is just individual boxes and LTL is boxes on pellets. Now the best way would be to ask your freight forwarder what you should choose right here. And then under Shipment, you can finally see the Amazon warehouse where you need to ship your products to. So sometimes it's gonna tell you to ship it to multiple warehouses. Right here, we only have one. so this would be the one warehouse we are gonna ship all of our units to. And then under Select a shipping carrier, you can use the Amazon partnered carrier if that's available. We are gonna just use our freight forwarders. I'm gonna choose other right here. Then we're gonna click on Accept charges and confirm shipping. And now the last step is to print our box label. So we're gonna click on Print right here. And now for each box that we're sending to Amazon, we're gonna get one shipping label. So you wanna take this document and send it to your supplier or your freight forwarder, whoever will put those labels on your boxes. So just to make it absolutely clear, the shipping label that we have just generated, you wanna send that to your supplier or your freight forwarder, and they should put that on every box where all of your units are in, so every cartoon. And the FNSKU barcode that we have also generated in our shipping plan, you wanna put that on every single unit or your supplier or your freight forwarder should put that on every single unit before you're gonna send all that in the Amazon warehouse. So, as an example, if I have 10 cartons with 32 units each in one carton, then I'm gonna have 10 shipping labels, one for each carton, and 320 FNSKU barcodes that I need to put in every single unit. Now, one thing we haven't talked about yet is quality control. So what I would recommend is to organize a product inspection before your shipment goes out to Amazon, just because you wanna prevent any negative reviews just because of bad quality when you launch your product. So the easiest way would be to hire an inspection company, which is gonna just check some of the units of your shipment and make sure the quality is actually good. If you wanna save the cost of an inspection company, you can also just send the products to your house first and then inspect them yourself. And you can also put in all the labels yourself. And then you're gonna send units from your house to Amazon. Now, if you are not living in the country that you're actually selling in on Amazon, then it's probably gonna be more expensive to ship it to your place first and then to Amazon. And it's also gonna take a lot of time. So then I would definitely just hire an inspection company. We'll leave a link to one that I recommend down below in the description. But you definitely wanna do an inspection to make sure the quality of your products is actually good enough so you can sell it on Amazon. All right, so let's move on to phase six, which is Product Launch. In this phase, you're gonna learn exactly how to get your first sales and reviews and how to get your product to the first page of search results and get your first organic sale. Now, the main thing we want to keep in mind with our launch process is that the main goal is to get our product ranked on the first page for our main keywords. And it's not the goal to make as much profit as possible. Then once you notice that you get more organic sales from your product being ranked on the first page for your relevant keywords, and you also get some more reviews, that's when you can start to optimize for profit. But in the beginning, it's already a success if we're able to break even with our cost, but we're slowly able to rank our product on the first page of search results for our main keywords. Now, when you first list your product, it will be sitting somewhere on page 10 where you're not gonna be making any sales. Even though Amazon kind of gives your product a boost in the beginning, it's not nearly enough to get your product from page 10 to page number 1 where all the sales are made. So what we need to do is to artificially increase our sales and reviews in the beginning, and also run some Amazon advertising to our target keywords, to boost our product to the first page. And once our product is listed on the first page, we will slowly start to get some organic sales. So just people typing in our target keyword, and then they see our product on the first page, and they start buying it. Now, when you actually have a better listing, better photos, and a better product than most of the other competitors, then your listing will stay on the first page. And you're gonna be able to continue making organic sales that you don't really have to pay for. And once this is the case, this would be when the launch process is over. Now, let's look at a couple of ranking factors that the Amazon algorithm looks at when deciding where to rank your product. So number one would be the keyword relevance, meaning your product and your listing has to be actually relevant to the keyword you wanna rank your product for. Now, because we have optimized our listing for our main keywords, this should already be the case. Then the sales history. So the Amazon algorithm is gonna look at how many sales were you able to make for a specific keyword in the past. Now, when you launch your product, you're not gonna have any sales history. And this is exactly why we need to artificially boost our sales in order to get a sales history and get ranked on the first page. Then you also have CTR, sessions, and conversion rate. So these are just some metrics of how well your listing is performing. But if you follow to the Amazon listing phase of this tutorial, you shouldn't have any problem getting a good CTR and a good conversion rate. Then you should also make sure that your product is in stock. Obviously the Amazon algorithm is not gonna rank any products that are actually out of stock. Now, when your product is out of stock for too long, you're gonna need to do a relaunch, because it's just gonna be too hard to get your rank back just by getting your products back in stock. But if your product is gonna be out of stock just for a few days or a few weeks, then it shouldn't be too hard to get your rank back on the first page. So the launch process can kind of look like this graph right here. In the beginning, we're gonna have a lot of boosted sales. And I'm gonna show you exactly how to boost those sales in the beginning. And then once our product starts ranking because of those sales, then we're also gonna get organic cells. And once you get enough organic sales and the product is consistently ranking for your main keywords, then you can slowly stop artificially increasing your sales. And that's where the actual profit is made. That's when your product will be listed on the first page. And you're gonna be getting organic sales that you don't have to pay for. In terms of the selling price, in the beginning, you wanna have a launch price, which is a bit lower than what you actually wanna shoot for once you start getting organic sales. And if you've watched the Amazon listing part of this tutorial, then you already kind of know what price would be a good launch price to go for. And then once you start getting organic sales, you can slowly start increasing your price, and then look at what the conversion rate is gonna be, what the sales are gonna be. And just by testing this way, you're gonna finally find the best price to sell your product for so it can make as much profit as possible. Now let's look at a couple of strategies how to get your first sales. Number one would be to get your friends to buy and review your product. Now, this strategy is very straightforward and hands-on, but it actually does work very well. And it's very powerful. Now, actually it is kind of against Amazon's rules, but if you do it correctly, then there's really no way how Amazon can find out that you have initiated those sales. So what you wanna make sure is to tell your friends to actually type in your main keywords in the search bar of Amazon, and then go through all the pages, look for your product, and then buy your product going through that way. Because then the Amazon algorithm will see that your product has been bought after a specific keyword has been typed in the search bar. And that way, Amazon is gonna rank your product higher for this specific keyword. You also wanna tell your friends or whoever you're telling to buy your product, to make sure to leave a review after like a week or two after using the product. And obviously this should be a five-star review, optimally with pictures, just giving the product some good initial reviews to give it some initial social proof. And you absolutely need to make sure to make this look as organic as possible so Amazon has no way to figure out that you have initiated those sales yourself, because actually this is kind of against Amazon's rules. So for example, you don't want to tell your flatmates to order your product, because then it will be sent to your own address. And then Amazon's gonna figure out that you are behind this specific purchase and they might close down your account. And again, this is a great way to get some initial five-star high quality reviews to get some initial social proof. And the best way would actually be to write the reviews yourself, make them look natural, and then just send them to your friends and tell them after a couple of days of them buying the product that they should now post this specific review under the product that they have bought. Another strategy, which is a bit more advanced, is to use Facebook ads to create a customer list for your specific product, and then launch your product to that specific customer list, also giving them a big discount so they can increase the sales for your specific product. Now, this is kind of an advanced strategy, and you have to know how Facebook ads work in order to make this work. But it is a very powerful strategy if you actually know what you're doing. Another great way to get some initial sales is to leverage micro influencers. So you'll probably know that there are multiple influencers which have millions of followers, which actually charge a high price for them promoting your product. But there's also micro influencers who don't have that many followers. And for them, you don't actually need to pay them to promote your product. All you sometimes need to do is just send them your product for free and just tell them to kind of feature it in one of their stories. And oftentimes, those promotions will get a higher conversion rate than one of these big influencers, because it's just gonna be more authentic. So you just wanna make a list of some micro influencers, which don't have so many followers that they actually charge for a promotion. They're just gonna be happy that they're gonna get a free product. And then you just send them this product. And in return, all they need to do is just do a story or a post with that product. And just like that, you're gonna get a good reach for people that are gonna see your product and you're gonna get some initial sales. And the main way, how we're gonna boost our sales is gonna be Amazon PPC Campaigns. PPC stands for pay per click. So we're basically paying Amazon to show our product at the top of the search results for specific keywords, and also next to other products that are already getting traffic, so that are already ranked for specific keywords. And that way, we can also get some initial sales. We're gonna have to pay for those clicks. But if you set those campaigns upright and optimize them properly, then you're probably gonna be even profitable with these campaigns. And you want to keep continue running these campaigns even after your launch is finished, because they're just gonna make you money anyway. So now let's look at how to set up our PPC campaign. Now, one thing I wanna mention before we get started with our campaign is that in order to be able to use advertising on Amazon, you're gonna need to have a professional seller central account. If you have decided to sign up for individual account to save some money, now would be the time to switch it over to a professional account so you can actually set up your PPC campaigns. So once we're logged into our seller central account, we wanna go over to advertising here on the top and click on Campaign Manager. Then here you wanna look for a button that says Create campaign. There's three different types of ads on Amazon. There's the Sponsored Products, the Sponsored Brands, and the Sponsored Display. So we wanna set up the sponsored product ads. And what these are, is just when you type in the keyword here on Amazon, then on the top, you can see these sponsored product ads. These are the ones we wanna set up. And then also when you click on a product and go to the product listing, when you scroll down, you can also see some ads right here under products related to this item. These are also sponsors. So we can also use to sponsor product ads to set up these ones right here. So we're gonna click on Continue right here. Here, first, we have to give our ad group a name. So I'm just gonna name it like my product, which is Bushcraft Hand Auger Wrench. You can just name it whatever you want. Just make sure it makes sense within your campaign structure. Now, somethings, the layout here of setting up a campaign will be different in your account, depending on when you watch this. So just try to follow along here because most of the main items are gonna be the same, but the order sometimes is kind of different. And then here under Products, we simply want to add the product that this specific campaign is for. So we only have one product right here. So I'm just gonna click on Add. Obviously make sure your product is actually in stock before setting up your campaign. Then let's move on to targeting. So there's gonna be automatic targeting and manual targeting, which you can choose from. So if you choose automatic targeting, then the Amazon algorithm will decide for itself what would be the best target keywords to show your ads for. It's basically gonna look at your title, bullet points, and description, and then filter out the keywords where they gonna show your ad for. Now, personally, I would set up an automatic targeting campaign and a manual targeting campaign. But if your budget is limited, I'd rather set up a manual targeting campaign where you're gonna have a lot more control over the targeting. And you can really make sure that all the keywords or products that are gonna be targeted with your ads are very relevant to your specific product. So for this campaign, I'm gonna switch from automatic targeting to manual targeting, and that will give us a lot more options here for what we want to target with our ads. So with the manual targeting, we can either target specific keywords or we can also target products. So when you target keywords, then you basically decide on what keywords your product should show up for. And then your product will show up here in the sponsored products. If you decide to target specific products like this one, for example, then your product, your product ad will show up down here in the product related to this item. So you can see these, these ones are sponsored as well. And these ones are targeting this specific product right here. What I would recommend is to create a campaign for both of these targeting options. So one for keyword targeting and also for product targeting, and then see which one is more profitable for you. So let's start with the keyword targeting option right here and move on to keyword targeting. And as you can see, there are different keyword match types. There's the broad match, the phrase match, and the exact match. And before we move on here and decide on the keywords that we want to target, we really need to understand what those match types mean. So if you go for the exact match, then your ad will show up for that specific keyword. So the exact keyword, misspellings, singulars, and plurals. So for example, if you target the keyword, mummy sleeping bag, then your ad will show up for mummy sleeping bag, mummy sleeping bags, which is a plural, or mummy sleping bag, which is just a misspelling. If you also go for the phrase match, then the ad will also show up when your keyword is just within a phrase. So for example, for mummy sleeping bag, it could also show up when somebody types in three season mummy sleeping bag, mummy sleeping bag blue, and so on. If you also go for the broad match, then your ad can also show up for synonyms, abbreviations, acronyms, misspellings and variations, including plurals and stemming. So for the keyword, mummy sleeping bag, your ad could also show up for sleep bag mummy, mummy style sleeping bag, sleeping bag, hooded sleeping bag. So the net that you cast here is a lot wider the higher you go. So for exact match, it's just really that word that you're targeting, which is very narrow. Then for phrase match, you're gonna have more options. And then for broad, it's gonna be even wider. Now, when it comes to deciding what keywords you want to target with your ad, you can look at the suggested list right here. Here, Amazon kind of gives you suggestions, what could be good keywords for you to target? So what you wanna do here, if you decide to go with this option, is to go through these keywords and decide on what would be the most relevant keywords that actually are relevant to my specific product. And then you can add those keywords by just clicking on Add right here. You can also decide on what match type you want to go for. Then those keywords will end up in the right column right here. And here, you can also adjust the bid. So if you wanna make sure that the likelihood is a bit higher, that your product ad will actually show up, you can actually increase the bid here, just a tiny bit like a couple of cents. Now, the strategy that I use for finding my main keywords to target is basically the same one as we've used to determine what kind of keywords you wanna put in our listing. So I'm gonna quickly go over that method again. So you just want to go to Amazon and type in the most relevant keyword for your specific product. So you can see, in the results, only your type of product will show up. Then you wanna click on the Jungle Scout extension right here on the top. And that will load all the products in a list. And again, if you don't already have the Jungle Scout extension, you're gonna find the discount link down below in the description. Then here, once everything is loaded, we wanna sort the results by the rank. So we're just gonna click on Rank right here. So the one with the lowest rank is at the highest. This is usually the one who makes the most money and is ranked number one on this specific page. So here you can see, this is the main competitor for this product. So what I'm gonna do is just copy the ASIN right here by clicking on this button. Then we're gonna go to the Jungle Scout platform, go to Keywords, Keyword Scout, and then just gonna paste the ASIN in right here. I'm gonna do that for two more products. I'm gonna copy this ASIN as well. Again, go to Jungle Scout, paste that in here, and do the same thing again right here for the third competitor and paste that in. Now I can click on Search. And now I can see exactly what keywords those products are making sales from. And these would likely be the keywords that I should target as well with my ads, because they have already proven to convert into a sale for my specific product. However, here, what we wanna do is we wanna really just capture the keywords that are most relevant to our product. So you wanna go through each of those keywords and then click on this Amazon button right here, open up this in a new tab, and really see if your product is actually at the main one that comes up for this specific keyword. So for survival gear, this is kind of related to the product that we're selling here, but it's not really too relevant for this specific keyword. So I probably wouldn't wanna use this keyword to put my ad on. So I'm gonna go back here. And I'm not gonna select this specific keyword. So let's go through each of them. Let's for example, let's go for hand auger right here. And here, you can see that this keyword is a lot more relevant. So I'd actually want to use this one and target this one with my advertising. So for all the keywords that you actually want to target, what you wanna do is you wanna select them right here. So let's say this one was well. And then we can click on add to keyword list and we can actually create a specific keyword list of all the keywords that we want to target with our ads. Now, if you already have watched the Amazon listing part of this tutorial, then you should already have a keyword list for your specific product. And once you have your keyword list, you can just come over to Keywords, click on Keyword List right here. And then you can find all of your keywords in that specific list. So now we can just select all of these keywords right here. Click on Download CSV file. Then we can open that specific file, copy all of our keywords, and then go back to our Amazon Campaign. And click on Enter List right here. And then just paste all of our keywords in this list. Click on Add Keywords. And then here it tells us that 10 of those 60 keywords don't actually have a suggested bid. That usually means that there's not too much traffic for those specific keywords. So here, what I would do is just lower the bid slightly. So let's say we are willing to pay $0.65 for those keywords. And then I'm gonna click on Add keywords right here. And they will put all of these specific keywords in our targeting list right here. So here, if you wanna go really narrow and just really target just those keywords, so the exact match, and maybe also the phrase match, you can just delete all the broad match keywords right here, if you want to. However, I'll actually like to keep most of them in right here. And then after a couple of days, I'm gonna see which keywords I show up for with the broad match. And I can put the ones that wouldn't have converted in a sale into the negative keyword targeting list right here, which we're gonna talk about in a moment. So that's really up to you, how broad you want to go in the beginning. Basically, you're just gonna have to pay some money to get some data inside of your campaign right here. And then you can optimize from there. You can change all the campaign settings later on once the campaign is running. So if you notice that Amazon is spending too much money, because you have like too many phrase and broad matches inside of this campaign, you can just remove them and just work with the exact matches. So this is exactly how to target specific keywords with your ads. Now let's also look at product targeting, which we have looked at before. These are the ads that show up below a specific product, which is probably your competitors. So these ads right here. So when we go back and change from keyword targeting to product targeting, what we can do right here is actually add products that are our competitors, where we want to show up next to them so people can actually decide to go with our product rather than this specific product that they're actually looking at. So what you wanna make sure here is that there's actually a reason to actually go with your product. So one reason might be that you're gonna have a very similar product, but your price is a bit lower or you actually have a same price point or a higher price point, but your product listing looks a lot more high quality or just something differentiating you from the listing that you type in the campaign so that there's actually a reason for the customer to go for your product instead of the product that they're looking at currently. So to add the product that you wanna show up for, you wanna just click on Individual products right here. And then you wanna create a list of the products that you wanna show up for. So the way I would do it is just again, go to Amazon, type in your keyword where all of your competitors show up. And then if you wanna show up next to your competitor, all you need to do is just go to the competitor's ASIN right here. You can just click on Copy ASIN. And then you just wanna go to enter list and you just paste the ASIN in right here. Now we can also do that with a couple of other ones. So we can also go for the second one right here, paste that in right here, and then maybe take another one. So let's take this one as well and paste that in right here. And then you can click on Target and you can check out if those are actually the correct products. So again, in the beginning, you're not really gonna know what will work for your specific listing. So just gonna have to try out a few products right here that makes sense for you. And then you're gonna come back every day to your campaign and you're gonna see what products are gonna work better. So I wanna increase the bid for those products. And the ones that aren't really working, you can basically delete or you can just decrease the bid. One other thing I wanna show you here is, let's, for example, go to automatic targeting right here. Then when you scroll down to negative keyword targeting, if you have a manual campaign targeting specific keywords, and you also have a automatic campaign, you wanna make sure that you take all the keywords that you're targeting in your manual campaign and put those in here in the negative keyword list so the automatic campaign knows that it shouldn't target those specific keyword. If you don't do this, then your automatic campaign will compete with your manual campaign, which is something you don't want to do. So what we haven't talked about yet is bidding. And if you see a bid, what that basically means is just how much you're willing to pay for a single click on your product listing. Now, optimally, you wanna have your bidding as low as possible. So you're gonna pay as little as possible for a click. However, this is kind of working like an auction, so the advertiser who is willing to pay the most for a click. This is the advertiser who actually gets the best position for the ads. So we can scroll down here to campaign bidding strategy. By default, it is set up to dynamic bids. So Amazon is able to increase your bids and lower your bids, depending on how well your ad is performing. I would actually change this to dynamic bids down only. So Amazon will decrease your bids if your conversion rate is not as good. And I would manually increase your bids if you actually find good search terms, which your ad is converting well for. I wouldn't let Amazon do it. So if you select this one right here, then Amazon will do that for you. However, if you choose this, then sometimes you're gonna find Amazon is gonna spend a lot of money. So I would rather do that myself manually, but just going into the campaign, seeing what works, and then increasing the bids of the terms that actually work well. Then we can move on to Settings right here. So you wanna give your campaign a name. So again, we can just name it whatever our product is called, or whatever name you want to give it, based on your campaign structure. I'm just gonna name it like this. Then we have a start and an end date. So let's say we wanna start this campaign tomorrow. And I usually leave the end date blank because I'm gonna check my ads manually. And I'm just gonna turn it off whenever I feel like the ads are not working. However, if you might forget to turn off your ads, you can also just set an end date right here. Then for a daily budget, I usually set this to $10 to $20. Now I would do like $5 to $10 at least just so you get some clicks and some data. Otherwise, you're probably not gonna get many sales through your campaign. So then once everything is set up, we can click on Launch campaign right here. And there we go. Now we have successfully launched our first campaign for our product. So now we can go to campaign manager right here. And now here, we can see the campaign that we have just set up, this one, which is scheduled to start running tomorrow. You can also see all the information, like how much has been spent on this campaign, how many orders it has generated, how many sales and the return on ad spent. If you wanna change anything inside of your campaign or optimize your campaign, you simply click on Bushcraft Wrench or your campaign name. And then here, you can switch up your Ad groups. You can adjust your bids right here. You can add some keywords for your negative keyword list and just go into Campaign settings and change whatever you wanna change and optimize your ads with. Now, I hope this gives you a good idea of how to launch your first PPC campaigns on Amazon. Obviously, there's much more to running successful PPC campaigns, but to just go that far into detail would be too much for this video. However, if you want me to make another detailed video just about PPC campaigns, leave me a comment down below and I'll make sure to make one of those videos sometime in the future. Now here's a couple of ways how you can get your first reviews on your product. So the first way we already talked about, which is getting your friends to buy your product, and then a couple of days later, getting them to review it and leave you a five-star review, optimally, you write the review for them, make it look very natural, and then just tell them what to review your products with. Then you can also use the product insert, which is also something we have already talked about. On your product insert, in the box, you can just leave a card thanking for the purchase and also asking to leave a review. Then the last one is to use the Amazon feature to send a review request. So once somebody orders your product, you can click on the Order Page and you can click on Send Review Request. And then your customer will get a request to review your product. Now to do this manually, every time somebody orders your product, it's gonna be a lot of manual work. So now I'm gonna show you a way how you can automate this using Jungle Scout. So on Jungle Scout, you wanna make sure to connect your Amazon Seller Central Account to your Jungle Scout account. And then you can come over here to marketing on the left side and you wanna click on Review Automation. And then here, all I need to do is just activate the Review Automation button right here. And that's all you need to do. Then once that's activated, every time you get an order on your Amazon account, this feature will make sure to automatically send that review request to your customers. Now, I normally don't promote any courses or mentorships on my videos, but I feel I would do you a disservice if I didn't tell you about this platform Ecom Freedom, because this is where I learned how to sell on Amazon. And honestly, it's the best resource that I found to learn how to sell using Amazon FBA. They have 40-plus hours of high-quality instructional videos where you're gonna learn all the strategies step by step. There's also a mentorship included where you can actually send in your product ideas to experts who have done this 1,000 times. And then they can tell you if this would be a good product to launch or not. You can also send them your listing and make sure it is optimized before you do your launch. They also have an amazing Facebook community with active Amazon sellers. So people who are actually doing this stuff, helping out each other, which is an amazing resource as well. Now, again, normally I don't promote any courses on my videos, but I did get to know Dan Vas personally. And I saw how much he actually knows about how to sell on Amazon and how much work he has put into the Amazon FBA course on the Ecom Freedom platform and how much effort they put in their students actually becoming successful. So I really have a good feeling promoting this course to you, because I really know that it will help you. So they do have a seven-day free trial, which you can just use to check out the entire platform and decide if this is the right thing for you to invest in. And if you decide to do, then I also have an exclusive discount for you. I basically ask Dan if he was able to get a discount for my audience, people watching my channel. And he actually agreed to give you guys a very generous discount for the Amazon FBA course and mentorship. So click on the link down below in the description, sign up for the seven-day free trial, and see if this might be a good thing for you. Thank you so much for watching the video all the way through to the end. I know that not even 5% who will click on this video will actually watch to this specific point. So congratulate yourself just for getting to this specific part. And again, thank you so much for watching this video. I hope you got some value out of it. And if you did, please make sure to like the video, subscribe, leave a comment, and share it with any person that you think might benefit from the video. I do wish you all the success and all the best for your journey to becoming an Amazon seller. And I look forward to seeing you in the next video. (upbeat music)
Channel: Metics Media
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Keywords: amazon fba, amazon fba for beginners, amazon fba tutorial for beginners, fba for beginners, how to sell on amazon fba for beginners, amazon fba course, how to sell on amazon for beginners, amazon fba tutorial, amazon fba step by step, amazon fba uk, amazon fba 2022, amazon fba tips and tricks, how to start a amazon fba business, how to start a amazon fba store, selling amazon fba, how to sell on amazon, meticsmedia, selling on amazon, sell on amazon, how to start amazon fba
Id: zACVbRmxUDo
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Length: 223min 48sec (13428 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 09 2022
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