Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, and Seth Meyers Recall Prince’s “SNL” Afterparty

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Man, I miss having these guys on the show. Bill Hader makes my list of all-time great cast members.

👍︎︎ 67 👤︎︎ u/GogglesPisano 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

I hope Bill hosts again soon - or any of them. Ex members of the cast usually have great episodes.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/bittershrapnel 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

the end of this is awesome - the City will tell you - "That thing you did with the fireman that was dumb."

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/ColoradoEngineer 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies

Stern can NOT shut up for even ten seconds. It's hilarious.

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/anxiousdoubts 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2020 🗫︎ replies
i read this somewhere yeah that you went up to prince when he was alive obviously and you didn't go to the funeral but when you went you went up to prince and you said he was in some club or something no he had his own after party after he performed on snl right there's hour after party then he had his i would be thrilled to work on saturday night live but i would not want to go to any [ __ ] party i'd be exhausted so princess parties it should be noted he would then do a concert right um he's done that after his own shows but this one they had a dj and they were serving that a little buffet of macaroni and cheese oh my god wow he really knew how to party i want mac and cheese it was it was it was pretty like quiet and there was like a dj ant so but that's the one i wanted to go to it went to that yeah and then i'm such a prince fan and i really wanted to tell him this and i wanted him you know in my ego to say something back nice sure you know um so because he had just performed on the show so i walked up to he was sitting alone eating macaroni and cheese and i was like this is true this is true yeah and i was so i sort of carefully sat down i was like hey i just wanted to tell you i think you are the greatest and he said you know what i think the greatest is and i was like what he said this macaroni [Laughter] and then i had to walk away from the table alone back backwards because you know it's almost a joke or not a joke i couldn't tell why wha wait a second why do you think he does like did he do that because he just wanted to humiliate you or or is he trying to be funny what the [ __ ] is going on i think somewhere in between just as a you know just to be an optimist i thought maybe he's just trying to be funny or because it wasn't it didn't feel mean it's just like the cool kid in school who gets to pick on somebody and you know what i mean like you know you were being very sincere and i think you're the greatest and it's not easy to do that ultimately like prince the resp like prince's responsibility was to always be prince yeah but in the moment fred was like walking backward from the table yeah i'm about to go on yeah that the year that you guys were going to talk to him about doing prince show and they kept telling you who would talk to you after rehearsal yes and then instead i talked to his assistant what's that story well my memory of it and tell me if i'm wrong is you and maya we're going to talk to him and ask him to be in prince because maya played beyonce and i i always my favorite one that you did was the prince show where your prince and and maya goes oh princess i've never seen him laugh this hard and you barely you just twirled your lip a little bit and the assistant he was rehearsing on thursday prince was rehearsing yeah and they said as soon as he's done he's going to come and talk to you guys yes and then the minute he finished disappeared he just walked all the way down the hall right into the elevator yeah what is that like why would they say prince is going to talk to you and then have him disappear like why what is this i guess that's what he does it disappears you know i think it was easy to be prince i think it was probably really hard to be prince's assistant yes yeah yeah just in the morning where it's like we gotta nail down your schedule you know what i realize about the three of you you're good friends i feel like fred and bill bonded because they both walked off saturday night live together and i feel that was bonding right am i and it was very bonding it was very bonding actually yeah did you two sit down together and say we're both gonna leave basically yeah yeah even even how we were gonna do it yeah and then the whole season was us kind of doing you know last christmas show we would look at each other late this is it that's last one and then and then last and then that last week it was just table read like people read last night were you both neurotic about it together i mean did you go oh [ __ ] what are we going to do afterwards it could not work out maybe and you just kind of that was it it was just kind of we just wanted to enjoy it too we wanted to really appreciate every moment we had a kind of fun thing whereas at the good nights we had this thing of like okay we're up at good nights we're waving at the end of the show and we said when we step off the stage we're officially ex-snl cast members there's almost an excited three we went one yeah we looked at the floor we looked at the floor and we stepped off at the same time we're like an hour that's what you guys are doing during that end of the show i think you guys are all having fun talking about so you're talking about stepping off in unison yeah here we go let's go and then freeze frame credits came up that's the end of our story i still think that's such a great tradition on saturday night live that ending of the show where the host says good night and everybody i don't know why that's so fascinating i think i could stand 20 minutes of that like just watching the dynamics i love watching that because you see the real people you see what they're like how they stand yes it's more fun to watch than to be there though don't you think why is it awkward sometimes well you're aware that it's being watched right yeah not quite apart everybody is watching you celebrate and sometimes you do that thing where you see somebody who had a great thing in the show and you say great show and then you turn and there's another person you say great show and then you turn and there's a person whose thing got cut yeah right and they're miserable remember ones that were like a lot of times people cheer and then sometimes it was a good show we'll get a standing ovations great but the worst is when they good night everybody and immediately people start leaving and you're like do you know when you do a bad show do you can you tell that the audience will be getting up and leaving or is that the the indication for you the first indication no you know during the course if it's bad you do yeah those are actually kind of fun where we will sit down and make up chair and be like yeah i mean you'd rather i mean in all things being equal you'd rather have an f than a c minus yeah because those are the ones you remember i don't understand that you may rather have a grade of an f than a c you'd rather have a really horrible show than it's sort of a mediocre one very in the same way that i think fred was lucky the prince said mac and cheese we remember the terrible ones right as a thing that we all went through that we can laugh about now they're not really fun to go through at the time right does lorne lecture people afterwards no no you don't get any of that when it's really bad that's when lauren will tell you it wasn't terrible yeah and he'll say you know i think the crowd tonight you know i think you know it's that and they'll always be there you know what tells you when you have a bad show is new york city will tell you the next day i'll be going to a bodega with my kid and be like hey that thing you did last night the firemen that was dumb really yeah all right thank you
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 1,367,229
Rating: 4.9134789 out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, Prince, Seth Myers, Bill Hater, SNL, SML, funny, stories, BTS, behind the scenes, afterparty, after party
Id: 3ocyILFPX0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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