Why Chevy Chase Fought Bill Murray When He Returned to Host “Saturday Night Live” (2008)

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"I was probably a little full of myself"

You don't say.

Also he seems a little preoccupied with how tall people are, if one were to judge off this single anecdote.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ConradBHart42 📅︎︎ May 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the great joys of the book "Live From New York" is reading every self-serving statement from Chevy, only to see him immediately torn apart by everyone else. It's really incredible how almost no one had anything positive to say about him.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shell-of-Light 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
you and bill murray were always at each other's throat it's true not always not only but a lot of times right what happened once what happened between you and bill murray on that set of saturday night live uh yeah what happened i went to host right in uh 1978 or something okay bill had been my replacement when i left right and uh i didn't know him well but i knew him right very funny extremely yeah and a tough kid from chicago who probably thought i was from uh you know a very yeah and had never had a fight right unfortunately uh that's not true right but um here's what happened i went to the show i uh found out later from lauren that john who i'd known for years john belushi even before snl uh had been quite kind of jealous about my rise to fame and maybe for good reason the fact is that john was brilliant and by by any real standard he should have been the big star but there there are things that happen you know my name is said every week nobody can spell his name right you know it was legendarily known that belushi was sort of the star in the group and then you danny was actually the the real what a brilliant guy he was the resident genius and all of a sudden chevy did the weekend update whatever the reason you charmed the american public you got for whatever reason you became the face of saturday night live okay so this a a little bit at john enough so that uh as i found out later um john had uh said things to bill about me when i'd been on the show that simply hadn't occurred or existed everybody knew that right um but i didn't realize he had said these things so it already worked bill up a little bit right and i went in i was probably a little full of myself after a year of fame or whatever i think that billy probably wanted to knock me down a couple of rungs you know and i think he wanted to take me on and basically uh there was words were said just before the show in the makeup room and and he got it he got me really pissed i finally went to his dressing room uh just before the show and said and opened the door and said uh if you say something like that again i'm gonna yeah you know whatever and and john was there they were both sitting uh back in the car and i realized in that instant it was john because he gave me a look it was maybe a little guilty too because what happened was bill bill billy jumped up from the from this couch they were sitting on lounging on and charged me at the door and i immediately got into a fight stance which is i boxed a lot and said you know all right i didn't so i had no problem with fights um i was ready to level him and he was probably ready to scratch me up and uh at the same time john rushed to the door and together john's like five four seven build he's like six one right i'm at like six three and a half at the time right and and john puts his hands in the door to block it off and and as i remember i might have thrown a glancing punch off to his forehead wow and billy i think might have hit him in the back of the head so john was the one yeah john broke it up john broke his head up i mean i know yeah basically and then also brian doyle murray who's billy's older brother came behind me and grabbed my arms just stopped me oh great and um and he was strong as hell yeah he maybe he was very a short guy but uh these guys had obviously been in a few rumbles so you're not close with bill murray even to this day well we've never been close but we've been very friendly we played golf together he's oh you have oh yeah oh and i can't play for crap i don't like golf billy is a golf maven right he really knows you play because it's a social thing yeah yeah if someone invites you you'll go yeah and i think we've made an effort over the years to get to know each other better and to put that stuff behind
Channel: The Howard Stern Show
Views: 1,685,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern, Robin Quivers, Fred Norris, Gary Dell'Abate, Baba Booey, SiriusXM, HSS, htvod, howard stern show, howard stern interviews, stern show, chevy chase, bill murray, john belushi, saturday night live, snl, comedy, stand up comedy, sketch comedy, dan akroyd, lorne michaels, community, clark griswald, national lampoons
Id: QjVdEq6moQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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