Franklin Berridge Funeral Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we could stop have anybody else to come good morning this morning we had the celebrity life of franklin franklin right beacon field barrage so in these few moments because today is the last day that you will actually see his body and in these few more moments what i want you to do is reflect go back in time the times that you spent with him he spent with you and the moments that meant a lot between you and him please stand in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with you in the waters of baptism franklin that is christ and rose with him to new life may he now share with him eternal glory so so so do let me sing alone right though we'll get some reading fighting hello let us join our voices together sing what a friend we have in jesus water friend we have in jesus all all sins and griefs to bear water privilege to carry everything to god in prayer oh what peace we often fall for feet oh what needless pains we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer [Music] have we trials and temptations [Music] there trouble anywhere we should never be discouraged take it to the lord in prayer oh oh what peace we often fall feet oh what needless pains we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer can we find a friend so faithful who will all of sorrows share jesus knows our every weakness take it to the lord in prayer my brothers and sisters we have come together to renew our trust in christ who by dying on the cross has freed us from eternal death and by rising has opened for us the gates of heaven let us pray for brother that he may share in christ's victory and let us pray for ourselves that the lord may grant us the gift of his love and consolation oh god in whom sinners find mercy on the scenes find joy we pray to you for brother franklin whose body you honor with christian burial that he may be delivered from the bonds of death admit him to the joyful company of your sins and raise him on the last year to rejoice in your presence forever we ask this through lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the holy spirit one god forever and ever amen please be seated um somebody will come to the eulogy [Music] franklin beaconfield barrage was the first was born on december 9 1942 in tabaki trinidad and tobago to his parents randolph and estelle franklin was the third of six children which include one barrage usually duty ralph barrett no deceased clermont barrett and marina phillips no disease after his father and mother died in the in early 50s franklin and his five siblings were placed in belmont orphanage now known as sense dominic whom franklin spent about the next seven years of his life in sin dominic's home of photosphere where he learned tailoring and fit and a french horn and played the offer in the orphan ban franklin was also afforded the opportunity to study at outside the orphan home and became an accomplished artist he enjoyed joy in black and white and produced beautiful works of art during his 20s and 30s franklin also used his artistic talents to design t-shirts and costumes for carnival bands for many years franklin was a free-spirited free-spirited non-conformative artist and philosopher he read extensively on many subjects throughout his life and loved a good debate he had his own ideas about the meaning of life and while society was not set up to serve the people later in life after losing fate in society franklin dropped out and moved to the hill of granville toku built a very modest shelter overlooking a beautiful scenery anu mostly lived off the land franklin was content with his life loved his family and siblings and was extremely happy spending time with them in mid august 2021 franklin took very ill and was taken to sandy grandi hospital by his friend and neighbor kevin after several weeks in the hospital getting a die of cancer diagnostics and prognostics franklin was discharged to his son jason who along with his family cared for his dad compassionately until the end franklin transitioned peacefully on september 22nd 2021 after a life well lived franklin is survived by his three son jason jerome and giraffe his grandchildren jonathan adrian whitney natalia courtney sean justin james daniel nathaniel celine ariane anton and myself felicia he has one grand great grandchild tristan he is also survived by his sister ursula dirty and brother clement verage who both live in california usa thank you please stand for the gospel reading hallelujah may jesus christ be praised now and forever a reading from the holy gospel according to john glory you beat you alone jesus said i am the true vine and my father is the vine dresser every branch in me that bears no fruit he cuts away and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes to make it bear even more you are pruned already by means of the word that i have spoken to you make your home in me as i make mine in you as a branch cannot be a fruit all by itself but must remain part of the vine neither can you unless you remain in me i am the vine you are the branches whoever remains in me with me and him bears fruit and plenty for cut off from me you can do nothing anyone who does not remain in me is like a branch that that has been thrown away he with us the gospel the good news of our lord praise to you lord jesus christ please be seated so let me start this morning by saying this again anyone who does not remain in me is like a branch that has been thrown away he with us everybody here knows about pool in a tree right put in a tree so the trees are growing wild where you do you cut off the branches that green wild you make give the tree some sheep and you truly rest you put somebody root for the truck okay you might take it out with it depending on where i live in you might take it a minute that branch with us it has no value or so we may think but let's look at the the branch that has been left on the tree once that prune they start to sprout again these branches start to sprout once more you see little branches come out of these main branches and the tree starts to take shape and when the season time comes the tree starts to be a fruit doesn't matter what tree it is mango lime whatever it starts to be what happens then is that we as human beings look forward to the fruit so we go towards the fruit we reach out for the fruit sometimes the fruit is so sweet that we wish the tree would not stop bearing and we continue to use the fruits whether we make chow we use it in whatever dish however we use it we utilize the fruit and this is where we are at this is where we must ask ourselves now am i the fruit that everybody wants or am i the branches that was just cut off thrown away pushing our corner ready for the garbage truck if you stay in me i will stay in you let us look at relationships whether it's friendships family relationships even work relationships if you stay in such a way with an inviting spirit wouldn't people come to you as a friend wouldn't you be liked everybody will gravitate towards you but if you develop the attitude where you don't want nobody wrong here i think anybody will come around here it shows it shows in your demeanor it shows in your face it shows just by the way you walk in here you look like you put some costs on me but sometimes people want to be a friend but we live in a world today where from every time somebody says i want to be a friend it is perceived to be something different we fail to realize the true friendship in human beings the true person we fail to look at that we see things from a materialistic way if your car helped me don't come near me in our situation which of us don't need money which one of us does not need money anybody sitting here don't need money every week twice a week i share everybody plenty lotto because you could use that to two point something plus million dollars to pay off your bills pay off your mortgage finish your house to fix yourself so when we look at people this is what we see we see assets and valuables the new samsung phone not coming out that's so nice i want to earn but it costs money but somebody might come and say they willing to be my friend and they might [ __ ] our money from here i want you everybody driving driving on a marxist it's cheaper it's cheaper the inconvenience is waiting on transport way cheaper pay five dollars and you're dropping where you're going yeah next five dollars to go further when you have a car gas tires maintenance you name it insurance and we have burdened ourselves with so much things that we cannot afford to become the fruits we have not made ourselves likeable approachable we have not made ourselves the way our lord wants us to be to be loving caring and sharing we have become selfish and myopic we have turned away from the world because the world does not see it the way i see it and if we can agree all right let me go my way compromise is something we don't know anymore we don't even know how to pronounce it anymore because you want your way i want my way we're not willing to work with each other i have a job on my boss or my supervisor tell me [ __ ] them chester but they know my work i get somebody when they say listen we don't need your service anymore we just have to do defense definitely who caused that who caused her and this is what all those things what i just described encompasses what the lord is saying you are the branches whoever remains in me with me and him bears fruit and plenty so in those same scenarios when you learn to change your ways change your heart and mind you when i say your i'm not referring to you i'm speaking generally because i am inclusive you know all of that when we learn to change our ways on our hearts when we learn to work with people when we learn to show appreciation it returns in many ways sometimes in the least way we might find rewards in the least way you might be in that job catching your heart your call it and then one morning you're going to look at your manager hey come here i will talk to you here happen the supervisor no you can't read anymore and i'll find you the supervisor put the supervisor job simple as that you didn't expect that but you know the supervisor pay is twenty dollars more than who you gain right now you wouldn't take it you will learn how to be a supervisor and only complains yours completely supervisor you will know how to face these same challenges people will complain about you too the same challenges but then you will remember you know i always complain about the supervisor i didn't know what the supervisor are to be facing today i learned and changes are made so what happens is that you have now become fruitful you have become fruitful in in so far that people will pelt at you you respect when he was growing up you ever pelted up manguchi that have no mango [ __ ] now you were looking for trouble you were looking for trouble but we always pelt trees that bear food so let's chuck chicken with a rod because you want the fruit and when you start to become a sweet fruit everybody will want you rather than being negative and living by yourself and being selfish in your own ways in our own ways why not start to rebuild the family there are some friends who are closer to us than family there are some friends who real close they're more family than family i am one of the persons who try to encourage people to build your family franklin can no longer get up and see if you get up everybody run if you get up here listen mr armstrong still those will not be strong enough but franklin cannot get up and say i am sorry he cannot get up to say i love you he cannot get up to say hey everything will be all right you could dream him and in the dream he will see it the moment we have is now all of us all of us to look at each other and say brother sister neighbor friend i love you what we had between us please let that pass let us rebuild our family because our time will come too each one of us will have to face this day and you see guilt you see conscience when you sit down and he quiet let me play this when he said that by yourself and your conscience here oh god why why why why didn't go and tell my brother i'm sorry why didn't tell my mother sorry i didn't tell this well i followed my sister-in-law why ain't it well i didn't touch yeah sorry she didn't and gone and i never get to say sorry i never get to say i love you i am sorry and i love you are the two sets of hardest words to see we just say it jokingly i love you yeah and many times in those jokes we don't hear the seriousness and the truth behind it but those are the two hardest phrases to see to actually look somebody in the eyes and say i'm sorry what happened between us i'm really sorry and i'm hoping that we could make amends i'm hoping that we could put that down and build a new life build a new relationship because in honesty the only thing we have amongst us is blood is blood and there is nothing thicker than blood we in our own way in this society have allowed water to run thicker than of or blood and when we think we have friends who are close to us they just use us they just use us so let me describe it this way and i know about it you pick mango you want to make a good mango juice you cut the mango you get everything over the skin and your blendy juice what would you do to make it a little more palatable to make it more tasty you might add sugar in a tent if you're going to do it as a business you will have to return tin it down a little bit to get more and that is the relationships that we have everything we do in our relationships we really turn it on it has so much will attain it all or to say no come back together stay with me and i will stay with you that's the relationship he wants together we can do it and an idea go back to our motto together we aspire together we achieve and if we band it together bring ourselves together meet all the resources you know because somebody might have two dollars more than the other person but we come together and together together we could make it happen amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen trusting in god we are praying together for franklin and no i've gone too far i forget into sessions god you almighty father raised christ his son from the dead with confidence we ask him to save all his people living and their lord hear us lord graciously hear us for franklin when baptism was given the pledge of eternal life that he may now be admitted to the company of the saints lord hear us lord graciously hear us for brother who eats the body of christ the bread of life that he may be raised upon the last dear lord hear us lord graciously hear us for the family and friends or for their brother franklin that they be consoled in their grief by the lord who wept at the death of his friend lazarus lord hear us lord graciously hear us and for deceased relatives and friends and for all loves helped that they may have the reward of their goodness lord hear us the lord graciously hear us follow us assemble here to worship and faith that we may be gathered together in god's kingdom lord hear us lord graciously hear us just where you are for your hands and close your eyes and let us see with confidence our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine as a kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen god our shelter and our strength you listen and love to cry for your people hear the prayers you offer for departed brother cleanse him of his sins and grant him the fullness of redemption we ask this through christ our lord amen trusting in god we have all prayed together for franklin and now we come to the last fear well there is always sadness in partying but we take comfort and hope that one day we shall see him again and enjoy his friendship although you will disperse in sorrow the mercy of god will gather us together again in the jeffers kingdom therefore let us console one another in the faith of jesus christ [Music] [Music] oh to ourselves and loving you into your hands we commend the laws to you lord we commend the solar franklin your servant in the sight of this world he is now dead forgive whatever sins he committed through human weakness under no goodness grant him everlasting peace we ask this through christ our lord amen please stand we gather here to command our dear brother franklin from this to god our father and to commit his body to the elements in the spirit of faith in the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead let us offer prayers for him because god has chosen to call franklin from this lifetime himself we commit his body to its final wrestling place for we are dust and unto us we shall return [Music] physical attributes but the lord jesus christ will change our mother bodies to be like his in glory for he is risen the first one from the dead so let us commend our brother to the lord that the lord may raise him in peace and raise up his body on the last city blow your heads as you pray for god's blessings merciful lord you know the anguish of the sorrowful you are attentive to the prayers of the humble hear your people cry out to you in their need and strengthen their hope in your lasting goodness we ask this through christ our lord amen eternal rest grant unto franklin oh lord and let perpetual light shine upon him may he rest in peace amen may his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of god rest in peace amen may the love of god and the peace of the lord jesus christ bless and console you and gently wipe every tear from your eyes in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit amen franklin beacon field marriage angels lead you into paradise miramatas come to welcome you and lead you to the holy city the new and eternal jerusalem where the choirs of angels welcome you and leave you to the bazoom of ibrahim and where large rosters pour a longer franklin where you find eternal rest so who's singing here for now who's singing [Music] now why is that really chorus carrying on body music to the earthly song right well you all get to heaven so blessed are jesus is mine o what a full taste of glory divine here of salvation virtues of god born of his spirit washed in his blood this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day lord this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day lord [Music] perfect submission perfect delight visions of wrapped in abyss on my side angels descending ring from above echoes of mercy whispers of love this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long this is my story this is my soul praising my savior all the day long perfect submission all is at rest i in my savior i'm happy and blessed watching and waiting looking above filled with his goodness lost in his love this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day lord this is my story this is my song praising my savior all the day long so let me um ask my son strong to open so you can pay your final respects ah thank you you're free to come pay your final response after which again he will be taken so you
Channel: Dyffer Stream
Views: 119
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Drhi3CjvdOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 20sec (3080 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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