Frankie Muniz DID NOT Lose His Memory | Wild Ride! Clips

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i was under the impression like someone had to tell you like no dude you were on this show malcolm in the middle of the big show and you're like how you described it to me that's how i always thought it was and you'd be watching the episodes i'll say this this is that's the first time that i've actually ever gotten to clarify so i remember from uh you know like when you were younger doing malcolm in the middle like you were like the kid with the obnoxiously flashy cars yeah that was kind of your deal and and i think at the time you were like maybe like barely legal age to drive yeah and you had these crazy cars and and i i got a kick out of that man yeah and crazy getting ready to speak to you today and seeing that you're now 35 years old yeah i know it's over it's everybody like it's over i mean i just think of you as like yeah because everybody does things yeah you know yes so going back cars were definitely my vice you know what i mean like i've always liked cars obviously i went into racing and all that but like even before that i just loved cool cars i love driving um but yeah now 35 you know i look back and i think of my life 20 years ago and i go was that i really was that me like that that was pretty cool you know what i mean so right you know now i i uh you know i have an eight-month-old son and a wife and i drive a mitsubishi well i had to get like a car for for the baby paul here was saying that he read something or saw something that uh that you have suffered a bunch of concussions which make uh make it difficult for you to remember like the years of malcolm in the middle yeah you know it's it's an interesting i i've i've thought about it a lot like over my years of like you know why do i have a bad memory you know what i mean the only logical thing i can say is yeah i've had nine concussions you know what i mean like i've and they're all from cars no when i was a kid playing basketball and getting tripped i played football you know like pee wee football like just doing life things sports and you know uh there were some in in car car like racing accidents but you know for the most part no like it's not just that but and i i try i've gone to a lot of doctors over it and uh looked into it and i don't know as weird as it sounds i don't want to blame the concussions or blame anything else i just think it's the fact that i did so [ __ ] much okay when in that time frame that of course i can't remember all of it you know what i mean okay you know do you remember you have some memory of memories you know like like there's there's definitely things that pop up and i go like whoa but a lot of it of my memories now are almost like i can't distinguish if it was a dream or if it was reality yeah you know what i mean like thing places i went things like you know people i hung out whatever it was you know what i mean i heard something also that really do that i heard something also that you've had like these mini strokes throughout your life yeah is that related to the concussion is that a separate thing this is why maybe without getting into it like i i never trust doctors anymore the rest of my life um i went for a long time i was having these uh these episodes uh where i'd have like numbness and i couldn't really see like i lose peripheral vision and all this stuff and everyone was telling me like you're having tias transient ischemic attacks or mini strokes i'm like what like what are you talking about like i'm healthy like i don't do or you know i don't have any of the the the signs of people who would normally have those things so like it didn't make sense so i went to a bunch of doctors and nobody could really give me like a straight up answer so i had people kind of speculating and of course like i said what they were speculating and now it turns out literally after all that and like if you search my name like all it talks about is how like i have no memory or i'm dying on strokes and all this kind of stuff and the reality is like i finally got diagnosed with or migraines so just intense intense migraines that literally like those are the symptoms and it it's similar symptoms to transit ischemic attacks okay now all this time like i've been being told that and thinking that we're realistically like i just had some pretty intense migraines got you but the story's out there is like you searched my name it's basically he's dying right it's life he doesn't know where he is and it's funny because like i i've never talked about it i did dancing with the stars four years ago now wow we've had a lot of guests that have done dances yeah i did dancing with the stars did you have fun did you enjoy it i did not enjoy it i loved it i can't blame the show and and like after my season i went back and you know i was a friend of the show and i would go to like the following sequence seasons and sit in the audience and stuff it was just like uncomfortable for me man i was i was newly sober and i was like just like in a really awkward phase of my life and it's an awkward thing to do yeah you know well how'd you do on the show i did pretty good i made it to the finale wow so it's top two top three top three and uh i i was a nervous wreck every single time i had to go out like i was a disaster because like i'm a little neurotic like i wanna be not perfect but like i wanna do my best you know what i mean and i put a lot of pressure on myself but that's like that competitive like sure nature in me that i just wanna i wanna be the best i can be so like i would i would be in rehearsal like 12 hours a day like longer than anybody i think i broke the record for most rehearsing in a season but that's just the way 12 hours a day if not more geez that was like in the studio like then i go home and like practice too because i'm just i'm i'm a fool wow were you like that with like rehearsing lines and stuff always and [ __ ] like that that was always easy for me like i would look at it once or twice before i went to bed and like i'd wake up in the morning and somehow i just know it you know so that was never like a thing but i'm not a dancer you know right right at all and you know they've been asking me to do the show for like 12 years like all seasons i was like no hell no i don't dance like it's not my personality like i'm right even though i'm in uh the entertainment business i'm pretty shy i think you know what i mean like i'm not like i don't want to be seen you know to me i'm more like i'll be over here sure give me my lines i'll say my lines and i'll go back to my trailer you know what i mean like i'm not hollywood or whatever you want right but i did it and i'll say the first episode the first like time i went on stage it was one of the coolest feelings i've ever felt like hearing like the crowd go crazy like when i when i know i and i killed it so i was really excited so i enjoyed it but anyway i was bringing that up because i was talking about that's kind of where the story came from of my memory from their little story line on the show yeah because they have they have um an episode like most memorable year and to be honest like i love dancing with the stars and i don't want to like say anything that'll make them hate me but they kind of tell you what your most memorable year is going to be you know what i mean and they were like it's 2001 because it's when you were nominated for an emmy and the golden globes and all that kind of stuff and they're like we want you to talk all about it and i go i don't remember what i felt that like i don't you know and so it was me kind of blowing off the fact that like i can't say that's my favorite year because like i can't tell you what happened in 2001 you know i mean you would have to tell me what happened in 2001 like frankie muniz can't even remember but they didn't they didn't really say it just kind of like the storyline in my episode then was like you know i as cheesy as it is i said my most memorable year is like is the present because i've learned through all my past to live in the moment like accept everything for what it is whatever right and i brought up like the fact that like i don't i had to say like i don't really remember but i wasn't saying i don't remember anything i was right just saying told me what i ate for breakfast the day that i went to the when i was down here fernandez i go i have no idea right i mean like that's so funny i was under the impression like someone had to tell you like no dude you were on this show malcolm in the middle of a big show you're like described it to me that's how i always thought it was and you'd be watching the episode like i'll say this this is that's right this is the first time that i've actually ever gotten to clarify oh well great we're going to cut this clip out and we'll send it out dude you're going to cut this clip out and it's this no no we'll we'll promote this dude this is a big deal well it's it's just funny cause like you know i have people write me all the time like oh it's so sad that you don't i'm like [Applause] my wife he just met she i am afraid to forget memories now as you know what i mean like because like or good moments like i wanted so she has journaled like our entire relationship you know what i mean why because she thinks you're gonna forget it ask him i might need it you know i i just like to be able to go back because when i read it on paper it brings me back to that to that moment completely you know what i mean and even now having a son like he's eight months old and i go like how is he eight months old you know because i i remember him how he is right now it's not that i don't remember but i see him right now i can't remember just like any other normal person journals yeah yeah because i have a problem with my memory too but like i also read that like smart people do that because they have so much bandwidth going in that they don't they purposely just let it go out because if they retain it all they're going to lose their [ __ ] mind i think that is i mean i'm definitely smart so no i i think that's more of it to be honest like is especially if you think i started acting when i was eight malcolm when i was 12 to 20. you know like i was literally every moment of my life from when i started acting until i stopped i had to be somewhere and had to do something yeah you know what i mean so there becomes a point i think where you just kind of start just in one ear as the other floating but you just kind of you do what you got to do when you go where you need to go and and you do your best job but then you forget it well it's crazy because like you know i i i found that i had this problem and then i'd go to steve i'm like dude i can't remember it and steve can remember the month in the year to a t but like his third grade teacher said to him line by line and i'm like what the [ __ ] yeah your money is crazy i generally have a really good memory yeah particularly for dates and stuff like that however i totally relate to what you were saying about you know so much stuff happened like for example if if i were to sit down and watch an episode of my old show wild boys yes which we taped all over the world from 2003 to 2005 yeah i i'm sure that a bunch of the scenes that were i have no recollection i did that yeah i did that like i should remember wait you you wouldn't i would absolutely not like i would i would i would feel like i was watching a bunch of that stuff for the same time and and it's specifically because what frankie said just so much happened right yeah so there was just so much going on all the time so yeah but wow i i got to watch i never watched malcolm you know when it was on you just you kind of film it but now with like the streaming services like you can sit down and just kind of crank through and my wife had never seen it so we watched it a few years ago and i truly could watch it as like a fan because i i really didn't know what was going to happen i could watch it as a fan because i'm [ __ ] awesome i don't see it as me i'm saying like you know you're from an outsider's perspective but also because when you film i filmed the parts i was in i don't really know what else they filmed in the show i mean like i don't know how that turned out or the other you wouldn't watch it when it aired no like a viewing party with your buds oh no no i was always kind of more like embarrassed to like i don't know just kind of awkward yeah dude thanks for watching that clip and if you live in america there's a good chance that this big badass tour bus is coming to your town with my bucket list tour what is it well it's an x-rated show full of all the stuff that i would have never have been allowed to do for jackass and a lot of it is flagrantly illegal so it's adults only and if you live in any of these states then you better go to and check out my tour schedule hurry up and get your tickets too because it's selling out everywhere yeah dude [Music] yeah dude
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Clips
Views: 4,587,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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