Francis Chan: Watermark Marriage Ministry Conference 2015

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thank you um same thing thank you it's like 7 o'clock California time and you know and yesterday we flew out the with Little Rock real quick to do an interview and then our flight got canceled on the way back so we rented a car last night and drove here and yeah thank you yeah was appreciate that but five minutes into the drive I get pulled over man even pulled over in years and I might have been gone 90 um I you know I was just like man I get to this confident I know I'm gonna get there and you know it was new car so you don't know how fast you're really going you know it just it was wrong as well I mean I saw you know I look down like well I'm going you know nicer so I slowed down and then got pulled over so but he reminded me I was going 92 and I'm just confession time since you know Jason did his confession here's my um but he let us go I was awesome I know and Arkansas like state trooper was already know I was thinking you know you one of them Chinese from California you know and something there's no way I'm getting out of this one but you know we got out and so here we are I knew he would have mercy on us we would not have mercy after hearing your flight got canceled and you're taking a rental car driving to Dallas I thought that was good enough no it's all good wouldn't you just always hear about those guys you know like like in the movies that they don't like people in California anyways here we are that's the end of my confession I haven't sinned other than that um now it's just been a crazy trip and and and yet I I thank God that he got us here and I don't know even that video from Jason kind of got me thinking because you know that's when we you know we used to hang out with Jason a little bit and I and I think about why was during that period of time and I don't think I ever seriously you know just kind of asked him hey what's going on in your life like how is your walk with the Lord you just make assumptions and I haven't we all done that where you were with a couple and you know and you were hanging out with them for so long and you you didn't think to ask and then suddenly that week everything fell apart and he's gone you're like I didn't even think to ask I just assumed everything was good and sometimes even on your church staff or wherever it may be and so I guess when I watch that video that the thought that came to my mind is don't just get up there and assume oh these are the leaders oh these are the guys that are setting the pace and they've got their walk with the Lord you know their marriages are strong and this and that and everything else and just make these assumptions because you know like like Jesus said to the church in sardis he goes you've got this great reputation you have a reputation that you're alive but you're dead as Jesus speaking of everyone thinks you're a certain way but are you really that way and man I gotta just throw it out there and remind you like this this isn't just about a marriage conference you know or or getting a marriage ministry together not to belittle that but it's it's kind of the whole theme of our book is man this is great yeah let's enjoy each other we were having a great time and and and we want these happy marriages and and I hope you're having a great marriage but there's something so much bigger going on like right now there's a being up there who's looking at me right now like he notices me and he knows what's going on in my heart if I just want to be liked by you if I want to be respected by you or if I'm really here to say no he's so amazing we're gonna face him and he's done everything for us and he's so much bigger than our marriage that this book this book is not about marriage okay there's a couple verses in it about marriage and yet we've got hundreds of marriage books okay this book is about him and this book is about a marriage between us and him and even if evens five is not about this it's about it's not the miracle the mystery isn't how a man and woman can become one the mystery is Christ in the church how in the world can God and I be connected right now how in the world can one day he and I be married and have this marriage supper of the Lamb that's what this book is about and so so even as as we as leaders need to be very careful we're walking on sacred ground that we don't make marriage between a man and woman everything this is a tiny tiny piece that might give the world a glimpse of this future marriages to come and so I gotta ask you you know is this right I don't want to assume oh you know these are leaders of course they're all in God's Word because our are you really are you alone alone reading this book backwards forwards over and over again to figure out for yourself what is emphasized in this book what is obvious and what is emphasized okay that's so important this into a and H because there's so many false prophets so many false teachers out there that can pick one word and exegete the heck out of it you know and say so this means you know and put a whole theology around it I'm just saying just read it read it for yourself over and over and over again and say what is emphasized because you can go to the Christian bookstore right now and support any view you want if there's one thing I learned in seminary it's that I can make this book say anything I want you know throw out a Hebrew word no one else knows better you know and just make it say it pull one verse out of context but when you read it over on my question is what to emphasize what is obvious and this is obviously not a book about marriage okay so while I believe in marriage and I love marriage and I you know it got created marriage let's be careful also not to over focus on the family yeah or allowing marriage to become something that ends up being an idol in our life right especially when you're in marriage ministry you're talking to married people and you're dealing with married problems it's very easy to lose sight of our greater purpose and how many times the Lord has to tell people all throughout the Old Testament and again in the New Testament but he's constantly saying return to me don't forsake me like it says in Jeremiah to the spring of living water my people have forsaken me and they're going after all these other things and in the way that we counsel and push people in their marriages it isn't so that they can be so perfectly United with one another it's so that they can be right with Christ and that is what's going to unite them yeah I mean when we were talking about writing this book it was in my head I'm going okay do we really need 6004 marriage books you know do do do I really need to write another one but but the point was gosh it's it's it's kind of a marriage book it's kind of not I mean it's about marriage in light of attorney in light of this bigger picture you know the passage that really I've been having a hard time with words lately um it's bad for a speaker Oh was pivotal in your thinking hit mid oh yeah yeah okay well it's just the main verse that was yeah yeah yeah pivotal is good um gosh it's been happening just recently we're obvious words are missing mm-hmm I booked a Buell Airy but it's the passage that I go man 1 first of all if you just wrote down go through the Gospels and write down every time Jesus mentions family or husband and wife and marriage just write down those verses and just start reading them I think you'd be shocked okay at what he says about husband wife you know mother children you know it's it's interesting what we emphasize and what this book emphasizes but there was a passage that really motivated me to you know in writing this book and it sends out of first Corinthians 7 in 1st Corinthians 7 verse 29 he says this is what I mean brothers the appointed time has grown very short from now on let those who have wives live as though they had none and those who mourn as though they were not mourning those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing those who buy as though they had no goods and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it for the present form of this world is passing away I want you to be free from anxieties the unmarried man is anxious about things of the Lord how to please the Lord but the married man is anxious about worldly things how to please his wife and his interests are divided and the unmarried or betrothed woman is anxious about the things the Lord how to be holy in body and spirit but the married woman is anxious about worldly things how to please her husband I say this for your own benefit not to lay any restraint on you but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord okay so Paul who's the one who says husbands love your wives also right those who are married should live as though they're not okay I we didn't see that verse as a theme of many marriage books I'm like hey let's do this those who are married should live is and I get it there are some people who are married and totally live like they're not and in a sinful way but but but sometimes we just swing this pendulum the other way and and what scripture saying there's something so much bigger than your marriage and the goal in life is to secure under vote undivided devotion to the Lord how can we get ourselves so that we are totally devoted to him and it talks about how the single person can be so focused and that's exactly what we see that's what we've been seeing is we see these singles that are radical for the Lord and then they get married then they get married and it just becomes so inward it's like well we're dating and we're going about you know we're going to make a big decision and so we don't want to get too involved in ministry we want to stay focused and make sure I'm marrying the right person and then well we just got married so the first year of marriage really should be about us we don't want to get too involved in marriage because that'll that'll ruin things you know and then because that first year is just about us you're pregnant and and then it's like well we let's just get this first baby I mean we can't be too involved in ministry while we're having this baby and you know in those first couple years we're adjusting to to the new life with you know a little little do cuckoo you know and then and then you know after that is you know it just goes on and on let me get my kid through adolescence and you know this is when we really got a hunker down as a family and it just goes on until finally okay now they're out of the house now we can serve the Lord it's like really is that God's intention that okay during those single years we can ork or can there be this new generation of people who still live by faith I understand it's more difficult I understand as a single person you go man if I die I die big deal not that many people care you know and and and they don't depend on me and that's the way you start feeling like you know what I'm just in charge of me and so if I get hurt I get hurt but then suddenly you're married and I go okay she depends on me now my life is somehow more valuable oh now the kids depend on me and what will it be like without a dad and yet you guys we can't think like that man we have to surrender every moment our life this book is about people who had insane faith that just says you know what I just go wherever God calls me to go I do what I need to do where is that passage in Luke word is talking about the banquet when everybody was invited in was it for changing yeah I was just reading on a plane on the way here and I was struck by you know that passage when it when Jesus is saying it for those who don't hate their father their mother their wife their children they're not worthy to be my disciple read Luke chapter 9 we read Luke chapter 14 again to refresh your mind of just how strong Jesus speaks to us about being willing to let go of our lives and really surrender our lives to him um it says in verse 20 yeah so this is the parable of the great banquet when you know the master is telling to his servants to go out and invite everyone but in verse 20 another said I have married a wife and therefore I cannot come so the servant came and reported these things to his master then the master of the house became angry and said to his servant you know what go out quickly to the streets bring in the poor and the crippled and the blind and the lame you guys know the story I will fill up my house there will be people who will say yes to me but it's only a few verses later down in verse 26 jesus says if anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters yes and even his own life he cannot be my disciple house thinking man there it is right there that excuse well I just got married I can't I'm not right now the other person is like selling his land he's got a business deal going on and God is like are you kidding me and Jesus is like listen your love for your family for your husband your wife your children that has to be lost in your love for me you have to be willing to give up everything for me that is going to mean that sell times we're going to make decisions now together we were just talking about it that even are going to be uncomfortable and hard for our children it's going to place them in a position of wow my parents love God more than me and that is what we want to communicate with our lives you know what as hard as it is we are gods and we are here for him so there should be many many things in our life that don't make sense to them in their little minds or don't make sense to those that don't belong to Christ because they're thinking why are you guys doing that why are you giving up your own your home your comfort your space your time whatever it is it's because we know our hope is not for this life we belong to Christ our life belongs to him we have a mission if you know I think I'm just going to go straight into the masonry okay I just I told her you just say what you need to say and I'll work around it just it's just just like life it's rare if I have a moment where my brain is functioning I need to take it um one of my high schoolers and I we loved the show The Amazing Race so we watch it on our little Hulu computer at night when all the little ones are in bed and after if like a season or two I was telling her I am so struck at this like spiritual significance of this show because it's teams of two if you've ever never watched it that the two you know sometimes it's husband and wife it's brothers and sisters whatever but teams of two they are on this race they have to get from all these different places around the world different checkpoints that they have to get to the last one there gets eliminated so I mean they are booked in it they are having to complete tasks together there's work for them to do there's assigned tasks they rip it open okay you had to do this I got to do this go you know and when they get to the checkpoints they're like so relieved they can they can high-five for a minute take a temporary moment for victory but then back in the race next day what are we doing got to keep going and I'm like that is what our marriages should look like we're in a race that study that's a biblical example even Paul uses run this race with endurance throw off the sin that entangles you and keep going running because you have a goal in mind for these people they want to win a million dollars but we give something so much better than a million dollars we get to get to the end of the race and finally get into the presence of God and look at each other and say we made it we did it we're tired were worn out we sacrifice some stuff and it was hard work but then God says well done good and faithful servants that's our goal and if we live our lives with that in our mind we are going to be doing things differently we're not going to argue as much those teams that argue and bicker and fall apart they are out of the race but those teams that work together and remember what they're doing and remember why they're doing it and they have the goal in their mind they just are united and it just it's like yes let's get on the race yeah it's it's it's the whole idea of is there a point to your marriage is there a point to your life beyond just loving yourself and enjoying yourself but are you here for something that's why I love that analogy that she brought up at some marriage conference when she said and she was like I feel like our life is this long episode of the Amazing Race you know that we don't even have time to celebrate the victories high-five and it's going on the next one and then one day we're going to collapse into his arms are going to cross that finish line and and that's the idea is this goal you know I love what Paul tells Timothy is one of my favorite maybe my favorite passage 2nd Timothy 4 you know at the end of his life when Paul says in verse 6 I'm already being poured out as a drink offering the time of my departure has come I have fought the good fight I finished the race I've kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing or Paul at the end of his life because I did it I finished the race I I completed everything I fought the fight man I've been fighting my whole life for this and now I'm gonna receive my reward see if I didn't really believe in that day then we would be living our lives completely different right now but what does it mean for me to actually love my wife it doesn't mean I do all the things on earth that's going to make her life most comfortable and most fun loving her means man she's going to stand before God one day and I want to help her do everything she was supposed to do on this earth God created her for a reason and he created us together for a reason and I want her to stand before I think about that day man Lisa is going to stand before him and and and if I if he would say to her on that day well done Lisa and I had some part of this man to me that's real love and to have that vision of what are we going to do on this earth we're supposed to make disciples and I just feel like sometimes in marriage ministry where we're concerned about them being happier them getting along but when we're writing our book one of our the thoughts in our mind is there are a lot of happy and worthless marriages okay happy and worthless that's great you get along way to go that's cool you got a cute family all neat you know they're worthless you do nothing for the kingdom there's a war going on and you you huddle inside your little gated community and you know with your kids at the helmets you just you there's a war outside of your house that's going on and we're supposed to be raising up soldiers there's something bigger than your family and and I'm not saying that to destroy all of your fun and that's not what Paul is is saying or what Jesus is saying he's just saying you don't get it with everything when you give up your life when you lose it that's when you find it because we're we're going man we've been married over 20 years we got seven kids and then I we never fight hard I look I'm like why do we ever fight and you know and we said arguing about that and uh but but it's like you know I realize it's like you know what because it's like The Amazing Race because we have this mission it's like we don't have time to fight we don't have time for this or something bigger going on the glory of God is at stake okay we cannot bicker about this there's something bigger going on remember we're trying to cross this finish line we're trying to win this race okay so we got to get over this because we're about something bigger and we just find so many people I think they lose sight of the mission and that's what causes their marriages to fall apart and yet when you work together like any sports team you know when you're actually about the championship and you win that championship what happens the whole team just starts hugging and dogpiling and everything else and you just see this uniting this you know this love between them and this unity and that's not because they sat around the locker room and held hands and say let's get really close to each other no they just started pursuing the mission and as they pursue the mission and they see things happening this just Nach this is the byproduct of living mission aliy that's what you got to understand this is why this happens on every mission trips you know couples hook up you know people people's you know start just loving all these other people on the mission team why because they were serving together and what's destroying couples is too much of just focusing on one another it's like well you're not meeting my needs anime you're you know and yet what Scripture teaches is it's not about me looking at myself and what I need in fact in second Timothy 3 he warns how in the in the latter days you know people are gonna be lovers of themselves it's like what pleases me and looking back in my years of marital counseling men consoling couples for 20-something years and you look back and you look at mistakes you made and I realize gosh they were did they just kept looking at each other they didn't really look at God they didn't really look at his mission and I didn't turn them there I just kept listening to why she's so horrible why he's so horrible you know and there were times I throw my hands and I go you guys have both convinced me I wouldn't wanna be married either one of you I would just say that I go seriously he's he's terrible you're terrible you're eight being with either one of you I've said that I add this is terrible to me okay so you guys both you're great lawyers you the point is you know it's like a guy emailed me the other day why don't you give me more of your time and I'm like you know what it's because that's the last thing you need is more attention you know first of all you're single and no one depends on you right now you're not disciple in any one man you know if people depend on me God created us in such a way that we're supposed to be givers and there's people all around the world they're dependent and you you know you you you only depend you you don't have anyone that you're just about you and then you try to gather more people to focus on you let's talk about you and your problems again but if you would actually love him with all your heart soul and mind if you would actually look around and see all the needs in the world right now if you would actually consider what it what it looks like when God says depart from me I never knew you and a person going to hell for ever and actually caring about that rather than yourself you'd be blown away how much life that would give you to focus on someone else and to focus on the mission I mean you'd be amazed at how that brings you together I mean it's recently heard as a Tuesday night you know like these sociologists are saying now that this is by far in all of human history from what we can tell the most narcissistic culture ever let me build a page around me and have everyone look at it and tell them how much they like me like we've never had anything like this where everyone's about me and how do I look on this picture oh if I do this it makes me thinner you know it's just say oh you know what I'm talking about and let me get this picture just right so everyone sees me we've never been in such a narcissistic culture and we've never had so many depressed people that you go together the more you look at yourself the more depressed you're going to get seriously and every year it gets worse right and and and and so we wonder what's going on and and that's why man the answer is not let's just focus on this and this will fix everything it's like now let's take our eyes off of this or something bigger going on and if we focused on his mission you'd be amazed how the byproduct of this comes together and you've got this family that's just really focused on the mission when I look at our kids you know we got seven kids live a crazy life but um it's been amazing I don't want to dare take credit for anything I'm if anything I've made decisions that have been so difficult because I think oh man I think the Lord's leading me to do something and this gonna be so hard for Lisa to hear she's not gonna like this initially um but I love her and so yeah and yesterday I have to say in the radio interview it's interesting because I he kept pressing and asking me like how does Francis show love to you you know and I I could really sense that he's looking for like he brings me flowers every week and he feeds me chocolates you know at 6:00 p.m. every evening um and I was like are you are you talking about practically okay and I didn't answer the question well because you know you always think of the best answer after right but as we're driving from Arkansas to Texas I said yeah I wish I would have said you know how francis loves me by loving god more than me he loves me by loving God so much that he does ask me to do difficult things and he does push me and our family to believe that God is bigger and better than this world and even though a flower is nice now and then I would far rather him keep me focused on eternity that is how you love your wife well is lead your home in that way because even though there's the struggle and there's the sin and the pride and the fear and all those things that are inside of my heart those things slowly get put to death and they come to the surface and the Lord removes a little bit of it each time and that's what I'm most thankful for yeah and and that's what's gonna fulfill Lisa is not me I'll never meet all of her needs um okay she's not ready here's a code go to Target but you know like the Bible says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want it's in trying to teach my kids look you got to depend on him you there's times we'll make decisions that aren't fun that it's part of denying ourselves and trusting you know that we're laying up rewards and anything we sacrifice here on the earth it's going to be worth it in the future and I know you can't see it right now but it's it's there I can't promise you that we're gonna have the most comfortable easy life here I mean when I read this book it's about people who live by faith till the end even though they never saw the promise on the earth but they knew something better was coming that's what this book is about it's not about us in the here and now it's about the future and getting them focused on that and and and and and and and I see the fulfillment in them when when we take some risks when we deny ourselves and we see the result of that I mean just the other night we were walking with a couple that we loved so dearly that you know they were getting married and and they were asking us questions like well we're just about to get married and we're thinking about taking this homeless lady into our I mean is that insane and we're like yeah it is but do it you know like that we've been so scared of so many things along the way where we'll wrestle like do we do it do we do it and and we're always terrible I mean we've done some scary things but each time as we started recounting the early days and it was so fun we just walked year by year two different things we did and we just thought what if we didn't do that we would have missed out like I'm so glad we just tried we pursued man this book is clearly about action about let's stop talking and listening to another podcast and reading another book without doing anything let's assume people would say well you know we were asked that yesterday how do no God's will I'm like greatest thing man you know true religion is to care for the widows and orphans go adopt a kid well I don't know if God told me to do that yes he did you know like why my question is why wouldn't we assume adoption unless we hear a voice from heaven telling us to stop but we do everything backwards you know we go well I don't really want to do that so I need to hear a voice from God I'm going to you've heard a voice from God now start doing it start pursuing it unless you're a voicing stop don't don't adopt you weirdo what are you thinking that isn't that the voice we should be listening for because he already said something else then I better act upon this in some way I'm not saying everyone should adopt but maybe we should I am saying it is ridiculous that there are like a million literally a million Christian churches in America and there are half a million foster kids that no one wants does that make any sense to you so it's like if every other Church would adopt one child but that's just - but it just I'm just going this is ridiculous this is getting silly now I mean I how bad does it have to get before we finally realize man there's something so wrong with the way we've been doing things and the focus and again I'm saying look I'm not trying to ruin everything or put this pressure this wait I'm just going you're missing out on life you are so missing out on life because that doesn't we're saying like you imagine if we didn't do this how lame our life would have been if we didn't do this or this or this or this because God rewards and he blesses and he gives you this life this to the full I mean most recently even even a you know eight months ago she was a pregnant with our sixth kid you know we have a three-month-old you know and you know we have a college-age daughter we win all sorts of and and as she's pregnant we find out about this gal you know who needs to be adopted and but she's 16 you know and comes from pretty bad back around and it's like oh man what do we do you know and it's like gosh this is not good timing you know she's pregnant this is not a good time to ask for anything you know it's just and yet as we it's kinda like but what do we what if we don't do it you know what's going to happen to her and this and that and and to take her into her home and I can't imagine life without her now so we're in this process of adoption I mean we are crazy about this girl and I even remember you know it was even just a few weeks into it and social worker comes over and says you know how long is she allowed to stay in your house and and when I was able to just look at her and it was just it just flowed out of my mouth like honey you can stay here as long as you want I will treat you I will take you as one of my dogs you see how I treat my girls I want you to be one of my girls and you know what everything I own would be yours you would be just like them no different I want you as my own you know as long it's up to you but you can stay here as long as you want honey I will take you as one of my daughters and as I'm saying that man I just had this moment as it's coming out of my mouth man I can't mix flanked us somehow simultaneous is like God was speaking to me going Francis don't you hear yourself don't you hear what you're saying that's everything I've been saying to you man why is it that you still feel insecure sometimes why is it why do you think you're able to just look at this person and say look I want to adopt you everything's mine is yours it's because I put that spirit in you and it's because that's what I'm saying to you Frances everything that belongs to my son Jesus you see him that's yours all the riches and everything I take you as my own son and there was just this moment of security of this reminding God thank you for the Spirit thank you that I get to kind of kind of represent you here on earth and give that picture and and just for my own life and now that I just adore her and can't imagine life without her I go man we would have missed out again we would have missed out was it terrifying was it timing good it's never good timing okay that's something we learned you just do things you just pursue things and yeah you might make mistakes I you will make mistakes but you know what you're guaranteed to make a mistake by doing nothing okay so at least you have a chance by acting and trying something but by sitting there and having your cute little family you're making mistakes left and right the issue is assume action assume that when you hear the word of God you do something and I feel like we've thrown so much at you in in half an hour but I'm still mad about the drive so uh can I just I know we just jumped everywhere but I just I really want to pray right now that something sinks in and I really want to believe in this moment as I talk to this guy that I've been talking about let's just bow our heads and recognize that he's in heaven and he sees everything that's going on in my heart and father you know you know my frustrations of just I don't get what we call Church here in America what we call Christian here in America Lord and sometimes we just have our own version of the American Dream rather than really denying ourselves picking up our cross and following you and trusting that if we lose our life we'll really find it and so god I just pray that somehow your word your scriptures would just sink into our hearts sink into these leaders bless them father for what they do and yet God help them to guard just the sacredness of what we do that were to turn people towards you and your mission and God when they find you you are like that great treasure you do fill to where cups are overflowing and we're not strangling one another needing life we get everything we need from you and we have plenty we're overflowing pouring out to others to our Beryl says to our kids to our neighbors to lost around the world because you are that good so God give tremendous wisdom please to all of us and how do we lead self-centered people into your presence to believe that by focusing on you everything else turns around it's a key to everything you are everything Lord so have your words sink in through your spirit in Jesus name Amen you guys got one second awesome um we're great way to start a day and I hope I hope that messed with you a little bit okay should have you come talk to me at the break if that didn't mess with you so you guys are like this international couple of mystery Vietnam writing books jet-setting all over the world adopting kids do you ever just sit and just rest and enjoy each other does that ever happen or is it all 24/7 full-on mission I think we do well I think we totally do we've got some great counselors back today yeah you answer it cuz I'm gonna say oh I'm a great ask me no I he is a great husband um yes just last week we you know our older daughters they're old enough to stay home with the little ones now so it's like let's go down to that little sushi place and get a crunchy roll and some edamame for a dollar now I mean like we yes we we rest and enjoy each other and have fun and sometimes I get to come on a trip with him a lot of times he'll take one of the children with him so they can bond and have a good time yeah even last night I mean as lame driving in the car but even then I was like you know what I just looked at her and go there's no one else I'd rather be driving to Dallas with right now like it's still fun it's still cool and and during the drive does the whole time just thanking God don't god this is so cool this was like my dream to have a life partner like this and so even in the silly mundane things to still be able to enjoy is so cool but yes we definitely get our time to go once you guys to hear that so you guys had 20 years how long 21 21 so you had a big anniversary trip is that the happen or is that coming up we got overseas Oh last year for Archer you tell them about what you did for your 20th oh yeah we just said you know the best the most fun we've ever had are the times when most fulfilling are not our vacations you know to Hawaii or whatever but it's it's those times when we got to serve somewhere so we decided hey let's go to let's go to Africa that's this funny you know let's just the serve somewhere let's let's find a new ministry that we can support and and give our lives to and and so we went and did that and man it really was it was just it was the greatest trip and there's on so much fulfillment from it Allison okay incredible kind of a joy in connection in the middle of ministry so I'm gonna tell you what we're doing for 20 at the thousand your church you tell me how you feel about this okay so Pam and I have been on a really busy really busy run planning this conference and not we almost did almost without even knowing what you guys did we almost kind of pulled the trigger and I was going to surprise her with a mission trip surprise and so instead I said hey babe what if we went to Iceland for a week and just drove around the island and we're just together she said that sounds great booked the trip and then I found out what you guys said at OPM you married the wrong man there's a Debbie it happened just like that so I'm in your church and I say hey Francis we've been running hard and we're just going to go be together for a week you know and just enjoy each other what what would your how would you how would you feel about that if you were my pastor yeah I mean so much depends on who you are and knowing the people and going man no you really have been working hard and yet you know because there's so many people who say that I'm not saying to you I'm just saying yeah there are so many people who say that especially in a church culture everyone's exhausted I only had 40 hours of family time you know it and that has some of the senior pastors norm talking about and you know it gets to a point where it's only through discipleship some people really are burnt out they really are just going nuts but I think more and more there's fewer and fewer of those people and so I would say I need to know them before just giving an answer of yes take another vacation you know for some people I'm like man how about you work for a week um awesome okay great hey guys uh yeah I I won the point you know like you're just that thought that Pam and I are gonna stand at the gates and she is gonna look at me and go either I'm ready or I mean you failed me on this side I was just it wrecked me and it motivated me and as I think about Psalm 90 12 Lord teach us to number our days aright so we may gain a heart of wisdom that absolutely applies to marriage we understand how short this side is and how long the other side is we love each other differently or on mission differently was a huge help to me I hope it's a huge help to you if you guys would give these guys took them pick someone
Channel: Crazy Love
Views: 141,943
Rating: 4.8665018 out of 5
Keywords: Francis Chan, sermon, Marriage, Watermark, you and me forever, ymf, church, GOD, Jesus, Crazy Love, Crazy, Love
Id: SgWk5Bsy9es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 15sec (2655 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2015
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