Fox News Hosts Deride Vaccine Mandates While Complying With Strict Covid Policy

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All they do is outrage peddling to rile up their base, keep them angry, keep them scared, and get them to support insane ideas. Tribal politics. The hypocritican party is not a political party. It's a political tool.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/absumo 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2021 đź—«︎ replies
good evening from new york i'm chris hayes the very loud minority of anti-code vaccine extremists have been making their presence known across the country they've been showing over protests and school board meetings and unfortunately also in hospitals even the blue states have their own contingents here in new york city for example there have been these um anti-covet vacs protests mostly not that well attended but folks are really and truly riled up in fact yesterday a group of those anti-vaxxers marched from brooklyn to manhattan protesting coveted vaccine requirements for school employees vaccine requirements have been quite effective in getting folks vaccinated we should note and when they reached union square a few of the marchers just attacked a mobile covid testing site you can see them here flipping over the tables and chairs and then the tent and the crowd boos and chance now at one level this is just people acting poorly i'm not sure how much thought went into these actions but i've watched this a lot and when i saw it yesterday it struck me that this moment actually does capture something much much much deeper than just the actions of these yachts even if you bend over backwards right to try to concede the most empathetic reasonable version of vaccine skepticism and there is some what on earth does that have to do with testing for the virus right testing for covin's well established it's safe and effective it's just a you know swab in your nose it's not a shot in your arm it's not some you know new thing that someone's making you get in fact if if you test often enough you can even keep people relatively safe without the vaccine that's why the biden administration has given employees a kind of either or choice so why knock over the testing display the answer is the rage you see on display here is omnidirectional that rage the emotional core of that has fed this fire from the beginning it's been directed to all sorts of targets right now it just happens to be the vaccines of the maxim mandates but when you are knocking over the covet testing tents what you are saying is stop talking about coven stop reminding us this thing is real and dangerous and we have to do something about it i don't want to hear it shut up shut up shut up and that's been the through line for so much of the messaging and disinformation coming particularly from the right wing remember this was donald trump's original sin on coven it's going to go away like that a miracle you told people to not worry about it don't let it dominate your life and so this the metaphorical knocking over the covid testing tent has been the response to every new measure to fight the virus whatever it is right whether it's masking or social distancing or vaccines we're shutting down bars and nightclubs shut up stop telling us what to do stop making us deal with the reality of this once in a century pandemic that has now killed more people than all american wars combined other than the civil war the views of the folks showing up these protests um are not that different from the people of positions of power the folks feeding them all this were spewing and spreading the rage in the first place here's one example republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin who is really i gotta say carved out a niche for himself as the most vaccine resistant u.s senator so congrats on that uh senator johnson has been thumping on about supposed miracle cures first with the malaria drug hydroxychloroquine remember that one he's now become the parasite drug ivermectin guy again i'm open to the data and things could change i suppose but the data we have now shows that neither of those drugs are effective in treating kovid that's just what the data says but this desire for those to be miracle cures right and the experts to be wrong all emanates from this deep emotional well of rage against the experts against the people trying to tell us what to do last night in an interview with a vaccine public enemy number one tucker carlson senator ron johnson went so far to spread a lie about the approval status of one of the vaccines these mandates are driven by the bait and switch of the fda that we now have an improved vaccine we do not have an approved vaccine in america they did it for the community it's available i guess in europe but the pfizer vaccine available in the us is not fd approved it's got an emergency user authorization absolutely not true like you're probably watching at home thinking like no i don't think that's true i'm pretty sure i heard about the actual authorization 100 wrong the pfizer vaccine received full fda approval back in august of this year it was a big deal it was on the page of newspapers they covered it all over the news right it's approved for individual 16 years of age and over it is now being marketed under the name community which is not the name i would have chosen but that's not my job to choose those names so i honestly i've watched this club a few times i don't know for sure if ron johnson is just like confused and addled and can't quite get there with like with the new name of the drug or he's just lying but tucker carlson who works in news doesn't seem to care one way or the other and listen to me do not underestimate how many lies are being pumped into people watching these shows media matters around the numbers they shared new study with us that we published tonight that shows that fox news pushed a claim undermining vaccines during 99 of the days in the past six months 99 of the day is the past six months so this is what it looks like when someone like another center republican senator lindsey graham south carolina who to his credit is vaccinated has publicly supported vaccines tries to gently suggest that people think about getting the shot you haven't had the vaccine you want to think about getting it because if you're my age [Applause] i didn't tell you to get it you don't think about it well i'm glad i got it 92 of the people in hospitals in south carolina are vaccinated not true not true no they said to senator graham as he just quoted statistics about hospitalizations in his own state where do you think they got the idea that's a lie right that the vast majority of people in the hospital were unvaccinated and the hospitals are strained well came straight from the source of course we now know that when they say the hospitals though are being overwhelmed it's almost always a lie with the exception of a few big city hospitals in the u.s our hospital system was stretched for sure but it was never overwhelmed and with the delta variant any hospitals that were stretched usually found themselves in that situation due to staffing shortages created by their stupid vaccine mandates that's not true i mean i guess if you interpret like what the difference between stretched and overwhelmed is you can bend over backwards to try to make sense of it but that's from exactly a week ago of course what makes all this so deeply cynical aggressively cynical is that while rupert murdoch's fox news is the source of so much of this they have been running one of the most destructive disinformation campaigns i've ever seen rupert murdoch himself was among the first in line to get a vaccine back in the uk back in december of last year strongly encourage people around the world to get it not only that fox news also has a vaccine mandate stronger than the one proposed by president joe biden they are requiring any unvaccinated employees to be tested every day and of course while many of their on-air hosts were railing against covert restrictions they were broadcasting their shows from the safety of their own homes in fact here's an amazing look behind the curtain fox news recently aired this footage showing off their newly renovated washington dc bureau looking pretty good there gotta say what on earth though is on their faces what is going on oh right yes they are wearing masks and they are also all vaccinated or getting tested daily because that's the corporate requirement so inside fox news everyone takes this seriously they're in on the joke i guess they understand the science is quite solid they understand the methods preventing infection severe illness hospitalization and death the methods for maintaining a safe workplace are all pretty clear when they go on air they undermine that exact message tucker carlson's even launched a little personal campaign against the horrible tyrannical employers out there who require their employees to get vaccinated and he has been giving sympathetic interviews to people who have taken the to my mind rather extreme step of quitting their job rather than getting vaccinated cassandra ratalic is one of the victims of this latest purge she is an icu nurse who just left her job at a hospital in indiana because of vaccine mandates jesse riddles joins us tonight cassie thanks so much for coming on thank you thank you tell us why oh well it's our honor to have you tell us why you left your job i left my job when policies were being ruled out at our hospital that would ultimately initiate the segregation of its staff on who was vaccinated versus who was unvaccinated tucker buddy i got news for you the call is coming from inside the house your own bosses are doing this and i gotta ask why don't you have the courage of your convictions the very lowest level of that courage which of course you failed to show would be to simply use your platform to actually criticize your own bosses who are making this requirement you could go on air and you can say hey my bosses are doing this and i don't agree with it but that would require the tiniest little sliver of moral integrity you'd have to take some little slight risk to your bottom line and your paycheck and your stature you're probably not going to do that you certainly wouldn't do the thing that you have celebrated in others which is to just quit and walk away rather than be subject to this tyranny although i am sure there will be lots of youtubers who would be happy to host you for your exit interview if you found the courage to choose to do so [Music] you
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 142,662
Rating: 4.7325611 out of 5
Keywords: All In, All In with Chris Hayes, Chris Hayes, MSNBC, MSNBC news, MSNBC live, MSNBC TV, news, breaking news, current events, US news, politics, politics news, political news, elections, fox news, tucker carlson, tucker carlson vaccine masks, vaccine mandates, mask mandates, masks, vaccines, covid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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