Fox News: 20 Minutes of Contradictions | The Daily Show

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Complete blind hypocrisy. Claiming that BLM is beating up on cops with no video evidence. Then looking at video evidence of an anti-lockdown protestor running a cop over and saying "well it looked like to me he was trying to warn him to get out of the way."


👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/VerySuspiciousFish 📅︎︎ Jun 03 2021 đź—«︎ replies
[Music] the border patrol is completely overwhelmed facilities overflowing and unsanitary we're going to show you how the trump administration is actually trying to protect these children and give you a look at their real living conditions one of our lawmakers went through one of those facilities and we saw that little girl wiping her tears she was huddled down the conditions were better they said we could actually i felt like it was so clean i could eat off the floor he said i did see the agents comforting kids you see these overcrowded detention centers frankly i find it abusive towards these kids none of us would want to be in a detention center i'm being very clear about that but you know what people are safe people have recreational activities soccer fields and they're not dying 10 to 12 year old little boy with the tears streaming down his face and you could hear it in his voice he said i am afraid the treatment these children are getting is pretty darn good and those who do make it across the board are often held in cramped cages are the democrats for these children do they matter like it or not these aren't our kids it's not like he's doing this to the people of idaho these are people from another country as of tonight there are no more beds in border facilities we have long past the point of not enough the bi-administration seemed totally unprepared for the argument in the other side is that the trump administration has constructed cages and they'll get teary as they tell you this into which for reasons of racism it is throwing latin american children letting them languish no it's not true [Music] the national left-wing media has undergone a fundamental transformation they are gushing over president biden you are if i may say everything is advertised as you ran for president you're also one of the most loved and respected i would say that also in history well get ready it's going to be four years of nauseating gauzy coverage the watchdogs well they're just lap dogs are you having fun in this job is it i love it look at the economy take a look are you getting the credit for this economic revival they continue to fawn over this guy like he's jesus christ the media pretty vicious not just to you but to your family how do you process that the answer to the question is mainstream media loves him right over there is your hotel yeah that's right isn't that beautiful it's a beautiful hotel real change in tune uh with a new leader in the white house the pundits were not hiding their excitement when you were with the president of china you're launching these military strikes right there you're saying a reminder here's who the superpower in the world is when did you tell us but i'll tell you before deserving but i will only because you've treated me so good for so long right he's used to the media asking them easy questions we want to get to kanye west he tweeted that he loves you that you're his brother the left goes ballistic what's your reaction yeah the tingling sensation up and down the media mob's legs well they are throbbing like never before promises made promises kept mr president thank you will he keep donald trump's air force one color scheme change those were just some of the hard-hitting questions that pressed through with jensaki this week and a preview of what we should expect from the mainstream media over the next four years given your ability your successes all of the things that you can talk about for two hours here how are we going to get that across to the american people wow double standard much you know there are 75 million people that voted for president trump and they're scared they're worried about what the future of this country looks like many of them they're confused they are they're confused they're heartbroken that their candidate didn't win and they don't want to be forgotten why does the left struggle so much with accepting defeat democrats might have another reason to cry come 2018 do you think democrats need to move on and just accept what's happened oh there's simply no doubt the left's mob like tactics are backfiring a lot of people are not dispossessed they're not some you know creepy androgynous blogger who shows up to burn things down they're like kind of solid americans and they're deeply frustrated and i i wonder if people in washington where i spent most of my life understand why really understand and empathize with their frustration look around who's angry who's yelling who's hysterical the left don't you think that it's true that when you accept blame for things when you realize that your failures are your fault it's liberating it's good for you you feel better when you do that my god you cry babies you lost stop trying to find excuses for your failures self-responsibility is wonderful oh but rare and that's nice twitter storm you know i just feel for the president i see the pain and the frustration you do everything you're supposed to do you you run the country well you you campaign your heart out while the other guy's in a basement and then in the end um fraud and and shenanigans at the local level um you're robbed when republicans lose eric they accept the results they reflect on it and they come back stronger democrats have not figured out in politics that when you lose you don't get a second place trophy you don't get a juice box or a therapy dog and i think that this is what's happening here americans are sick and tired of being lied to and not being listened to they're also unhappy about the fact that there's seemingly no desire to fix an election system that clearly has problems huddled cry baby liberals continue to freak out over president-elect donald trump's huge victory danny presty he's the co-owner of the staten island bar max public house he was arrested for refusing to abide they say by new york's draconian coronavirus restrictions some people have an appetite more risk than others there's still freedom in this country curfews need to be enforced until now they're not being enforced we have curfews now in effect in many cities nobody's listening you can't take away everybody's freedom and expect it's all going to go smoothly you can try to manage you know human behavior but people are people are on the edge sean excusing criminal behavior as somehow justified when it's carried out in response to police brutality or any other abuse only ends up making a bad situation worse governor cuomo one of his comments was uh he's a mr tough guy sarcastically he drives his car into a police officer it's disgusting and he's a coward i'm not sure what gets accomplished when you just beat up on officers seems like if you stick your neck out you're one of the few and you object to this lockdown they ruin you how do you stop the rioting if the rioters are arrested but not charged and set free how do you do that deary me police say presti hit one of the deputies with the car but it kind of looks like he jumped on it he was trying to go away the way i saw you pulling away you're trying to say get out of the way and you're going slow to start so obviously you're scared here too our police officers are under attack there is absolutely no reason no excuse that this continues to take place [Music] we have a presidential nominee for one of the major parties in this country and the bar that is set is he can deliver a speech from a teleprompter without really flubbing the lines that's it that's the bar for joe biden this treaty threatened your subjugate and you know exactly what's going on here it's hard to screw up a prepared speech like this where you're reading in the teleprompter while the social and socialist democrats he managed to read a speech on a teleprompter and to avoid liability shifting production to thailand the speech last night reading a speech on a teleprompter is one thing americans will never fire or tired in our effort the bar had been set so low that if he could put a couple of paragraphs together it would have been a triumph he read the teleprompter speech with confidence they stared down the invasion and they held that they had to endure the fact is they held like nobody could have held before ultimately reading off of a teleprompter is not all that difficult of an exercise our army manned the air it ran the ramparts it took over the airports it did everything it had to do [Music] if people get away with breaking the law it incentivizes others to do the same then you are engaging in rampant lawlessness chaos and tyranny not allowed in a democracy which upholds the rules of law supporting these protesters that are breaking the law these people should be arrested they act like animals in the streets i don't see many lawful demo demonstrations stopping regular traffic on sidewalks in front of buildings that is not lawful demonstrations and they should enforce it these thugs they all should be locked up thrown in jail for any type of crime i don't care how little it is put them in jail forget politically correct garbage that everybody talks about [Music] president trump upsets today's illiberal elites when he tweets things like law and order law in order is what all of our citizens deserve if people broke the law they have to be held accountable because if we just allow that to happen then we invite that type of crime in the future that's why the rule of law matters i think it's very obvious that the two clintons are are completely pathological and in some ways it's a real pity that the law keeps giving them a pass allowing them to stay one step ahead of the posse because it sends them the message that they are literally above the law the crimes that were committed before during and after benghazi are the things that really shield ought to be held to account for when it was happening nothing was done about it and afterwards they had to lie to cover up their tracks simple question why is joe biden hiding from the media and the world what is his campaign so afraid of hillary why is she hiding from the press what's she afraid of the biden family business the syndicate was churning a massive profit every step of the way selling access is what was going on clearly she sold access and and profited from her office for the clinton foundation some might call it influence penalty i call it quid pro quo joe tillery quid pro quo certainly conflict of interest biden is also adopting the radical left's war on police hillary has embraced the black lives matter movement you know what do we want dead cops now i'm not a doctor but i have observations this this this is not just your occasional gaffe i'm not a doctor but there's something going on here i don't know what's going on with biden but it's obvious that something is off very oft there were moments when i'm literally watching her and i'm thinking okay the facial expressions are odd they seem off america needs to now demand a full physical and cognitive assessment of joe biden this is a cognitive issue a neurological issue joe is quick to fly off the handle and fits of rage and irritability she admitted she collapsed not once but a few times and he appeared flustered irritated she keeps getting flustered all the coughing fits forgets the day of the week forgets what office he's running for she couldn't even remember being briefed because of a concussion that she suffered two brain aneurysm a cerebral vascular collapse eye is filled with blood we hear about the blood clots declining mental acuity and alertness parkinson's is that a possibility ms impossibility [Music] it's crazy that we'd be taking a recess let's not take any recesses let's work let's work every day let's work weekends let's work till we get the job done apparently the majority leader made the decision that it was more important for senators to be home on vacation home playing golf home doing anything but being here on the floor of the senate doing the people's business president obama and for that matter hillary clinton and the democratic party they're so out of touch with where the american people are right now he goes and plays golf hundreds of times with his buddies um he is not focused on the people who are hurting who are paying the cost we got a job to do and we got a short window of time and and so we ought to stop taking recesses stop taking time off and just keep going until we get it done apparently playing a game of pool is a higher priority for this president than it would be to go and see the humanitarian crisis he's created democrats are drafting articles of impeachment to further divide america in days when we really ought to be focusing on the policies that can improve the lives of our fellow americans mr potato head was america's first transgender doll and even he got cancelled it's not constitutional nor should it be the focus of the senate right now when we're still dealing with this pandemic disney is putting these kind of disclaimers on the muppets this is not driven by trying to help out the people who are hurting back home and i think it's a waste of time you know jerry seinfeld doesn't tell comedy anymore because any jokes that's funny is cancelled i think impeachment is totally wrong why would you spend your time on this first they outlawed dr seuss and now they want to tell us what to say this is not dealing with the issues that the american people say are front and center for them which is getting people back to work the left is telling you to submit or they will cancel you sounds a lot like communist china doesn't it this is what the democrats want to do with their time pursuing a personal political vendetta and it is totally wrong the liberal media have tried to cancel me censor me they'd cancel the book book i was writing still going to get published by the way it'll be out soon we should not be pursuing this impeachment let's bring the country together and move forward that's where we need to focus republican jim jordan called on chairman jerry nadler to hold a hearing on the impact of cancel culture in michigan hundreds of people protested and managed to push inside the state capitol the pro-union protesters inside the capitol building this is america we're allowed to disagree with what our leaders do however we like and we're allowed to express that disagreement in public that's our birthright yes that's america so with the left holding the democratic process hostage what is next for wisconsin michonne maddock participated in today's protest she joins us thank you for coming on tonight and thank you for exercising your constitutionally protected rights as an american bless you pro-union protesters scream like children why doesn't left make its case win the voters of wisconsin to its side rather than resorting to tactics that really are contemptible [Music] democrats are being sore losers they refuse to acknowledge they lost the election so what do they do they cry malfeasance wrongdoing criminality fraud democrats more so than republicans seem to have a problem conceding defeat either the election system broke down or some mystery votes are hiding somewhere you know a whole series of democrats who just said bluntly if our canada doesn't win they stole the election the dems just want to make america suffer it's like losing the world series and demanding an extra inning a day later the democrats are refusing to accept the declared results of the national media so how do they do this lo and behold they find missing ballots the radical left is attacking the sanctity of our votes refusing to accept the midterm election results so what if these were republicans refusing to concede democrats may see how they'll be able in the future to steal elections through lawsuits that they can't win with the voters legal legitimate concede you know what sounds sore loser-ish you
Channel: The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Views: 695,865
Rating: 4.8985667 out of 5
Keywords: the daily show, trevor noah, daily show with trevor noah, the daily show episodes, comedy central, comedians, comedian, funny video, comedy videos, funny clips, noah trevor, trevor noah latest episode, daily show, trevor, news, politics, fox news, trump, tucker carlson, donald trump, fox, 2020 election
Id: 8pUK04rIf34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 19sec (1039 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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