Four Weddings

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Which shoe are you supposed to put the sixpence in? I don't know. I think I'll sit like a statue until three o'clock. You take care of yourself first, then you can take care of everybody else. I can't take care of anybody in this outfit. I'm just saying for the rest of your life. I don't like weddings. As a concept, I find weddings difficult. I, I know they're a big ask. You know, somebody invites you so their wedding and you're kind of like I've got to like pay for two train tickets, I've got to like find us some accommodation. You know, I never expected everyone to just get so excited about it. I tried on about 15 dresses or something. The first time I met Mike, we were at a gig. We were discussing what the best thing was to throw out of a hotel window. From that first time that we met, he just had this ability to make it feel like it was just us in the room. Life hasn't kind of gone the way that I thought it would go. You know, lots of curve balls, basically. And that was already the case before cancer happened. I always figured I would get married. Have I always wanted to get married? No. I was very much like: I want adventure and I want to go out and do all this stuff, and I don't know why in the back of my head I didn't think that I could do that with somebody else. I was 19, and I couldn't afford university so I decided, "Hey, what better place to see the world?" So I joined the Air Force. I really wanted a career in the military. I should have just been more careful, really. I got out of the military in 2006. They politely asked me if I would leave and became a civilian contractor and did the exact same job. Ended up going to Iraq and Afghanistan and that was when the summer fling happened. I am really nervous. Like I haven't slept for a week now. I hope everything goes smoothly and I don't mess up. We are six siblings, and we are direct descendants from Maharana Shakti Singh Ji. I am the 21st generation, the most pampered one, I will say that. My parents wanted to have our wedding in a five star hotel. I was quite stubborn. I wanted my wedding to happen here. Yeah, it's home. I am going through a mixed feeling right now. I feel like I'm a kid here and suddenly I'm going to be a daughter-in-law. I am really attached to this place. He's really hard to describe. Tall, blonde, strong. He's kind of got a wandering spirit, you know? He's a touring musician. He gets really nervous, that's something that I have noticed. We don't have anything in common. Very different, like opposite. He sees something different in me than what I see. I'm very emotional, so I work on emotional energy, and he is more practical. So I'm up in the clouds all the time. I will make a scene. It's a huge part of our relationship, just working that balance. It's going to be hard for him to handle me. He is my whole world, yeah. Yeah! She beat me to it. We always kind of said that we'd quite like to have a big party. That, as an idea, really, kind of grew on me. I remember my hands were shivering when we met for the first time. We were laying on this little kind of cove, and I hunted around for a shell that had a hole in it big enough that I thought might fit over his finger. I just kind of remember her face and her voice, how it started to shake. We spoke for half an hour and after that we decided let's just go for the wedding. And I just sort of asked him. I believe in arranged marriages. Yes, we were introduced through family, but we got the time to talk to each other. We talk a lot. But we always had the option that, if any one of us want to back out, we can do that. When it comes to traditional values, there is a need to have a balance. You can't follow whatever used to happen 100 years back. Somebody needs to grab George. Did you put lipstick on my face? I did! Here's let's fix your ring. Does it go on the front there? I love you. I love you too. I got choked up in... Okay, so stand here! I always said no formal... Just go! I always said no formal photographs! Did you like it? Yes. I couldn't hear of it. Have you had enough oysters? Have you had oysters? Come on! Do you know, I've never even tasted an oyster in my life. Do it, do it, do it, do it! Somebody I haven't seen! Ooh! How are you? Have an oyster! We're in Devon. The correct way to have a scone is cream and then jam. Question? When is the cream... Mike's up next! How amazing and incredible Emma is and, as [Stuart] said, we compliment each other perfectly. In many ways we're very different people, but we just fit just like that and it's absolutely totally genuine when I say it's a bit of a cliché, but we are the best of friends, and... I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2013. Through all of that, there was no question that I wouldn't be cured, and then at the end of 2014 I went to the hospital for just a regular check-up. I remember her kind of feeling around my clavicle. It was quite tender, so she sent me for a couple of scans to just double check, and basically it came back that I came back that I had cancer in my lungs and my liver and my bones. It's not curable. Treatable, but nor curable. Yeah. It's just been the most perfect day for us. We've got the nicest, the best, most special people in our lives all together. Please, this evening, all just have a good old piss up! Everybody said, you know, "You should hide it, you should hide it." Having to look over your shoulder for nine years, you know, it kind of messes with you a little bit. So my discharge papers, they say "homosexual conduct" on it. Obviously I wouldn't change anything now. I deployed, I met Lindsay. I could be myself. I was always just natural. I know I can depend upon my family more than I can depend on myself. I am sad, because I am going to leave this place. I've grown up here and then suddenly I have to go. But I'm happy that I'm going to be a part of a very warm and welcoming family. You know, if life gives you lemons then you make lemonade, don't you? Which is why Mike and I are doing some of the things that we are doing because we have to plan for a future. I don't want to kind of figure out what the future will hold. I want to just figure it out as it goes. From tomorrow it's going to change. Everything's going to change.
Channel: The Guardian
Views: 86,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal wedding, wedding, prince harry, meghan markle, brides, indian bride, cancer, gay marriage, lgbt, same sex marriage, gay, lesbian, india, indian wedding, weddings, four weddings, uk, documentary, cancer story, us, iraq, us airforce, afghanistan, romania, bridesmaids, groom, wedding dance, wedding dress, army, gdnpfpdocumentaries, wedding documentary, indian wedding documentary, 4 weddings, weddings around the world, the guardian, sikh wedding, sikh, sikh wedding uk, muslim, muslim marriage
Id: 7OPmwM9rXdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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