Foundry VTT Tip #24: Setting up a Campaign in Foundry

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello it's parm king and today's foundry tip is setting up a campaign in foundry i've been asked this question numerous times how do i set up my campaigns and boundaries my journals my maps and everything and i thought well why not just make an epic video of the methodology that i use now this is a long video because i'm going to be going from scratch creating an entire area of a campaign everything from journal entries to npcs loot even roll tables in here in this eight step process that i use so sit back and relax enjoy the show i did put time stamps in below so that you can go ahead and jump to the different sections or go back and review them as you see fit but before we get started i want to talk about the benefits of using this methodology now whether you're playing dungeon world or pathfinder or dnd or rather no matter where you get your content whether it was drive through rpg or dms guild you can use this methodology to build your campaign and adventure in foundry there's no modules i'm not going to be using any modules this is just foundry in the raw now the second benefit is by doing using this methodology you're gonna be really good at understanding it's almost like a session campaign prep you're gonna have full comprehensive knowledge of all the details of the campaign that you're running because you're going to go through and filter the stuff take notes and put this all together in this methodology number three is you're going to become really comfortable using foundry you're going to really understand the simple majestic beauty of how all these things work together in a very simple level again we're not using any modules in this video at all this is just building it using foundry raw number four you're gonna be able to customize use homebrew stuff on the fly as you're building your campaign in foundry uh for your players you're gonna be able to add your own home brew stuff in add some customization which i will be doing and showing you how i do it and some of my thought processes and the last but not least is enjoy this experience uh role-playing games are a hobby and if you're a dungeon master a game master you are a unique breed you enjoy reading the books and the rules and the lore and the characters and i'd see foundry as kind of that portals that i get to jump into and start building and creating this world for my players so i love foundry i think understanding it from its core basis with no modules and using this method is a great way to get comfortable with the system and of course i use i'm a module addict i use tons of modules but i think this is fundamentally something that uh i think is important and i always go back to these roots and this methodology so let's go ahead and get started and we'll talk about step number one now step number one is called defining the area and it doesn't matter if you're playing on a tabletop or in a virtual system we need to define the area and that really means a set of locations npcs loots quests within a given area in which your players are going to spend at least one or multiple sessions in and this is a really important philosophical concept to operate by as a game master or dungeon master because um i can't imagine picking up a book like cursed straw and just trying to absorb the entire campaign and plan it all at once by focusing down on different areas we can get down into the granular details really create a rich experience for our players in each and given session so i build campaigns from different areas now one of the great things of wizards of the coast and their campaign books is they break their books down into chapters based on areas and so we're going to be doing our area on the village of borobia from the curse of straud and so i'm going to go step by step and slowly incorporate my village of borovia into foundry so let's talk about step one step one is we start with the journal and i have a picture here this is the the command buttons up on the right hand corner of the screen and it's the center one looks like a book and why do we start with journals well we're playing role playing game it's about content i think of the journal as my own campaign guide i'm going to be pulling pieces of curse of stride into building my own campaign guide in my journal and in my journal i'm going to have links to loot and to stuff online and pictures and everything so this is really my online campaign book and all my maps and characters everything are going to be linked from this book we're going to start with this as our outline so let's go ahead and jump into um into foundry right now so let me just turn on off my powerpoint and here we are we are in foundry completely blank we have nothing in our journal entries we don't have any characters nada zipa so the first thing i'm going to do is i purchase curse of stride from dnd beyond and let's bring it up right here here we go here's the main book and the chapters you can see the chapters are broken down into areas which makes it really easy for you to start building your campaign so you can see there's a village of morovian there's castle ravenloft the town of lockheed the ruins press lincoln pass we're going to be doing village of brovia so i'm going to just click on that and everything we're going to be doing is coming from this chapter so we're going to hyper focus on this chapter and we're going to build an area we're going to use our journal as our foundation to build from so the first thing i'm going to do in in here is i'm going to create a folder and i'm going to call it um village of barovia all right so i got that in there and i'm going to create a color and we're going to be using color coding because it's really important you're going to see see later how this works really well together so i'm going to pick a color out i like blue i'm a blue guy so i'm going to pick this blue right here and this is our village of berovia folder in everything that happens in village of borovia this is the parent folder for it so the first thing i'm going to do is what are my locations in the village of borovia and if we click in our cursive straw book we have areas in here we have it looks to be seven areas we have builders mercantile exchange the blood and vite tavern a townhouse the mansion the church the cemetery and the haunted house now before you start even jumping into foundry and doing this i always recommend whatever campaign or adventure just sit home read it cover to cover don't worry about stat blocks or tables you want to read it like you read a novel or watch a movie you want to just absorb the story the the characters the lore the antagonists and protagonists everything that's going on so that you really have a flavor and understanding and theme of what's going on then when you're going through this process that i'm talking about you're going back through it now you're going to be focusing on stat blocks and kind of building this up piece by piece with this eight-step methodology that i'm talking about excuse me so we got our areas here we're gonna not use a haunted house uh that references the death house which is a separate mini adventure uh in the appendix of cursed straw so we don't really have six locations here and we're gonna click on the first location builders mercantile and we're gonna just go ahead and copy ctrl c we're gonna go back over here and if you click on the folder you'll notice another little folder pop pop-up with a plus sign i'm going to click on that i'm going to just hit builders mercantile hit okay now you've got a sub folder underneath your parent folder i'm going to do this again for each of these locations really quick so i'm going to go to the blood and vine i'm going to copy and paste now the reason i make a folder for each location is they're going to be some situations and we're going to demonstrate this in village of brovia where some locations have multiple uh journal entries into it and there's a reason for that and i'll explain that as we go through this step-by-step process the next one we have is mad mary's townhouse um and we're gonna hit copy and paste put that in here we're gonna go to the next one we have is the burgermeister's mansion now i i really enjoy this process i you know this is part of when we go through this process that i'm talking about building this area up we're really getting to know this area really well by copying and pasting reading some stuff and i'm going to show you about some notes how i put some things together let's do another one here we got uh that was mad mary's we have the church oh sorry we had the burger meisters mansion did i already do that one yep uh we have the uh church here we go the church remember before i was talking about an area that's going to have uh multiple journal entries the church is one so if you look at the church it has the hall darrow's bedroom father donald vicious bedroom the track door job etcetera etcetera that's going to have multiple journal entries in there because there's a battle map and i'll explain how this all works in a bit let's go to the cemetery i'm just going to copy and paste the cemetery in here and do another one cemetery and i think that's it we got our six places here now what we have here is we have our parent directly for the village of borovia and we have folders uh for each of the individual areas now before we get started i have i always make one kind of primer uh for the entire area now you look at each one of these folders they have like a little feather next to it that's to create your journal entry and we're going to do one for the village of barovia here and we're going to go back to the top the beginning of the village of borovia we're going to call the village of rovi and this is just the primer it's some notes about the village at the high level that me as a dungeon master just needs to know now we have our uh first journal entry that we've created and what foundry's done is they've made this very clean but has some really powerful editing abilities to it in liking abilities which as we go through the step by steps you're going to see how cool this really is how amazing foundry is and of course you have a bunch of editing here you can do bullet points and pictures and links now what i like to do in here is we're not going to copy and paste all of curse estrada here that's just ridiculous you might as well just have the campaign book sitting with you next to foundry what we really want to do is we're creating our own in-game campaign book with succinct notes and some flavored texts and some references in here so we just don't want to blast this with a bunch of stuff we want to put in stuff in there that's going to be important for us to remember so we can stay in the moment in the game as we're talking communicating to our our players so i'm going to go to the village of brovia the village is a sad place in land the residents are so terrified that they venture out very very very rarely ventura out of their homes that kind of gives us a little bit of an idea of the village here i don't need to really copy that i kind of understand that but there is an important note here strata has been paying nightly visits to irena and the adopted daughter of the village burgermeister and carries a soul so this is a really important hook the entire campaign so i am going to copy and i'm going to paste that i'm going to put that right there inside the village because this is at the very onset of the campaign this is a flavored story hook that's going to be touching the players and npcs through the entire campaign the next thing i see in here is approaching the village there are some flavor texts so i'm going to just copy that flavor text i'm going to put that in there as well hold on there we go copy and paste now i'm not going to go into a lot of how to edit these things in here you can design these however you want but there is one important factor a thing in the journal notes that i want to show you the first thing well there's two first thing is i like to highlight everything and i use this i with a little x next to it gets rid of all the the uh the um what do you call it the um clears the formatting the second thing i do is i'm gonna determine what's secret and what my players can read because you can share your journal entries with your players now i don't often do it but sometimes i do so anything that i think i don't want my players to see i'm going to put in secret and so they have a a uh a thing in here where you can put some of your text in secret so i'm going to highlight this first section which i don't want my players to ever see go down to custom hit secret that means if i share this screen they're only going to read the flavor text and anything in this gray box is secretly won't be able to see so i'm going to save this now one thing i like to do with my journal entries for my players is i always like to show my players picture it helps pull them into the the scene it creates a better immersion experience and what's really cool about our journal entries is we can put in these photos that we want to kind of send a visual message to our players so up here there's a little button called image i'm going to click on image and i'm going to put a picture of the village in here entering the village i have one already in here hit select and i found this on the internet and there it is so now as i'm i can read through this text i have some information i can go to the image and if i want to i can just hit show to players and this will pop up on their screen and it kind of gives them an image right away as they're sitting in front of their computers and you're telling the story maybe you got some music going on in the background it's really going to to give them some flavor of this desolate kind of dark place okay so now we're going to go ahead and go to each one of these and put in a um some text for each one of these places so we're going to start with the uh builders mercantile place and i'm just going to use the flavored text we don't want to copy and paste everything in there it's just ridiculous to do that i'm going to give you a few little tricks that i use oh kind of screwed that up we need to do builders thing first let me just close that and do another one so i do this i'm going to put the flavor text in there and i'm going to show you how i keep my notes i like to keep things succinct not too not too much so i got this in here and i'm going to get it down and i notice right away that in builders mercantile we got two npcs it says it right here in the text so i'm going to go back down to my notes my journal entry i'm going to type in npc and i'm just going to copy and paste them in here for now i'm going to show you what i'm going to do later but this is important because it's just a reminder for me as i'm going and reading through this so we've got the owner which is mildred's just going to highlight him owner bildreth hit copy and paste and put them in here and we've got this guy that's his nephew the stock boy uh perry whipple i'm gonna put copy and paste i'm gonna put that right underneath and there's a little note that i should remember here he is a gladiator so i'm going to need to put a copy and paste into here copy and paste there we go and these are npcs and this is a store right so we're going to be selling stuff here what are the kind of items we're going to sell well it tells us right here in the beginning he sells items for the adventuring gear from the player's handbook sells them anything that's lower than 25 price but he marks them up 10 times the amount so we're going to just copy and paste this in here i'll show you what we're going to do with it later this is just quick notes that you need to remember and again we're going to block this off into secret so our players can't see it and this one's done we're gonna go move off into the blood and vine tavern and get this ready to go so we're gonna jump down to blood and vine and here's blood and vine tavern copy paste i got blood and vine and i'm gonna do with my flavored text and put that in the top and we have some more npcs in here that the players are gonna run into and who are my mpcs that we're gonna run into well a major npc is ismark if you're familiar with cursive strong so i'm just going to hit copy and put ismark in here and then we also have the bartender bar keep right here he's a he tends to bar so i'll just put him in there oh in fact i'm gonna put that whole sentence in there because he's a punchy little man gives me a little description of him the punjeb keeper there we go and we have these three vestani uh owners here they're all sitting in the corner here near the door i'm just gonna put that sentence in there so this kind of tells us who's in the bar and we're going to go ahead and get all that crappy formatting off there we go turn on some crappy formatting i'm going to put this npc stuff in secret we don't want our players ever to see this okay we're gonna save that close that off we're gonna do the burger meisters uh mansion at this point we're gonna swing down here to burgermeisters now this place has a lot of stuff going on there's irena in here there's some other stuff in here too so we're going to put the um this is the outside of the place we're going to go ahead and oh let's do the burgermeister's mansion first you can see this is pretty quick this is fun to do you're getting really familiar with your campaign as i mentioned before um you're going to put your flavor text i always like to put the flavor text in i don't always use it but it helps me understand what the what the um the author is going for and sometimes i ad-lib my own the characters enter the mansion to read this so i'm going to just put that in there too and then i'm going to go down we got an npc in here so i'm going to put in a section called npc don't worry about how this crappy this looks i'll fix this all up in fact i can do that right now if it's it's annoying you just just highlight everything and just get rid of this there you go we got rid of it um we're gonna go in here and we've got irena and she is right here she's a noble uh 14 hit points this is pretty important to grab we're gonna put her in here um this is something that's just from inside the mansion so i'm gonna put a secret there and we're gonna do this and again we're just trying to keep this when we're putting this together this is the core foundation of getting our journal notes together just some flavor text some important npcs um and we're good to go so now we're moving down to we've got this one done this one done this is done we're going to go to the cemetery next just because they're in alphabetical order there's a cemetery i'm going to put some flavor text now i have the cemetery i created and do some home brew i'll show you some home brew from my own cemetery when we get to that point um i have a special event happening at the cemetery and we'll put this together for you i love doing this stuff it's just quite fun there's nothing other uh in the cemetery here from the game it's just kind of you know blonde here so uh i'll put something else in there later i'll show you so let's go to the church now this is the one that's going to have multiple entries in it and if we go to the church you're going to see that right here this so they've got they have this map here so you've got a which is the hall b and c are bedrooms um d is this trapdoor area e is the office f is the chapel and then g is this kind of under dark basement area so we're gonna go click on the hall we're just gonna we're gonna type it let's go up here and co-haul i don't do the maps first by the way i do all my maps it's the very last thing because then i populate my maps um with a lot of stuff that i'm pulling for my journal entries and the characters i create so journal entry is always first because i feel like i'm building a book i'm building my story for my journal entries so this hall is just that's it there's nothing else in the hall you can see pretty quickly when you read this if there's not a lot in here there's not much in here like dora's bedroom there's not much to doro's bedroom it's just it's just another location um we're just going to put it in there because it's part of the campaign and and i'm just going to hit copy paste for the flavored text you notice how much stuff i'm not putting in my journal entry notes is because it's just stuff that's just superfluous you just don't need it you just need i like to have the flavored text so if i want to draw upon something i can and then uh after that it's it's you know if there's anything unique if there's an item in the room there's loot in the room if it's part of a quest there's an npc in here and we'll show you we'll get to some just patience you know what i'm going to do if you guys don't mind i'm just going to put on a little music to listen to as i do this in the background here hopefully it's not too loud it probably isn't there we go just turn down a little bit okay so now we've got the uh that's too much for you guys i'll just turn the way down for you i'm listening to it because i enjoy listening to some music when i do some do some work we're going to do another one here and we've got the trap door now the trap door has something interesting in here that we need to pay attention to and i'll show you what i'm going to do with here with the trapdoor so i'm going to put the flavor text in like we have i got the flavor text in and what i'm going to do down here is when you read the trapdoor it says right here is the trapdoor stuck the glock is gone it's padlocked shut you need a dc-12 check to open it so all i need to do in here is right um trap door dc 12 strength uh to open okay there's no lock to it um and that's really all i need to know is as the player don't need to know all the details right boom and we're done with this one let's go to the next one here we have the office the office is interesting because we're going to be doing something a little different here with the office so we're going to go office boom there's our office we've got our flavored text here there's our flavored text and in the end of the office i have uh items i saw some items in there if you look at the text down here there is a parchment quill pens and some books so i'm just going to copy this i'm going to show you what i'm going to do so i copy all this text i see all these items here that i'm reading about and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go okay quilt pens i'm going to delete this hit enter there's some ink charge ink let's hit enter there is some let's fix this so you can read this okay uh there's some candles there is some books there's two books there's this one and there's this one okay i'll get back to these things but trust me you're gonna like what i'm doing here so i got some items in here items that my players might want or take with them or might be important in the campaign somehow so we're gonna go to the next location we have the chapel itself so we're gonna add the uh the chapel here there we go and i'm gonna go to the chapel and hit create and i'm going to put in the labor text boop and when i get rid of all of this crap the crappy editing stuff i'm going to put this into secret there we go now we have an npc in here so let's put the npc and our npc is father donovich he's a human acolyte so we're gonna put copy that hit a copy paste and what else do we have in here there's some stuff about his son um some really interesting stuff stuff about irena about the march okay special event march of the dead so i'm gonna click on march of the dead this is a special event i'm gonna highlight this i'm going to go down here and i'm going to type in event i'm going to do a march oh merch of the dead and i'm going to highlight march of the dead and i'm going to hit link i'm going to put in that link march of the dead and now i've got a link to it i'm going to just get rid of this editing put this in secret there we go custom secret and the other thing i notice in here is there's some other stuff that's going on in the in here there's the funeral for the burger meister there's stuff about irena there's a bunch of stuff about donovich as well so what i'm going to do is i'm going to click on this this chapel link and i'm just going to put in here more info just in case i need more info so i'm going to type in more info chapel and i'm just going to turn this into a link just so i can always jump just click on it and takes me right back to dnd beyond or wherever my reference information is and i'm good to go so i save this and i'm i'm good to go i've got an npc i got an event in there um now where else what else do i have i have oh the under croft this is my last area in the church this is where doro is so i'm going to hit undercroft i'm going to go up here to the church hit on control v under croft and i'm going to put in the flavored text it's pretty much the only thing i always copy is the flavor text just in case i need to read something or familiarize myself with the theme now duro is a vampire spawn so we got an mpc here vampire spawn and i'm going to just put him in there real quick vampire spawn nadaro [Music] there we go and get rid of that flavor text so anything else here yes fortunes of raven lock so if the card so in cursor straw there's a tarot card reading with some different items and stuff and some of the items are hidden throughout borovia so this is one of those places where it's hidden so i'm going to copy this i'm going to put that in that's an important note obviously i'll put that down here again get rid of the formatting and i'm just going to put this in bold just because it's really important so i can remember that the rest of this stuff is going to be in secret okay so i have pretty much everything i need right now the church is done so you can see the church had all these other locations the last place we have is mary's mad mary's place and we're pretty much done with our our fundamental journal that we're going to start from build everything away out of this thing so we got mad mary's townhouse mad mary's town house we're going to go ahead and click on adding matt mary's town house boom there it is and here's some flavor text for dow townhouse there we go and now we have an npc there it's mad mary herself crazy mad battery okay she's she's just crazy clutching a male formed out kind of says everything you need to know about this crazy lady there she is there's also an item in here it's the doll right and there's some interesting things about this item you know again i've read through this but you should already realize this if you've been doing this she has a daughter gertrude which is important there's a malformed doll that's made by gandalf so there's mel form doll strange lyric first class we're just going to put this dowel in here i'm going to say there's an item here the malform dial is made by gareth blinsky this is the maker of it and there's a tag a frayed tag on the doll that says is no fun is noblinski so we're going to get rid of that and we're going to put this in secret okay so let's just review quickly what we've done so far we have a parent folder over here which is we have no maps nothing we have our parent folder which is the village of borovia we created our our entry here which has a picture of borovia with some general text some information that it's really important to understand the village of borovia we have folders for each location some of them only have one journal entry some of them like the church have multiple in some of the journal entries we've included some items some information about some items and some of the journal entries like the chapel we have an npc there's an event with some links there so we're off to a good start we have this journal folder and we're going to go back and revisit this and constantly tweak it and update it as we go to step two so let's go ahead and go to step two and step two is what is step two oh sorry step three step three is creating our npcs now in fear and foundry you're going to see the three heads up here up in the right hand corner and we're going to start creating our npcs so let's go ahead and jump back uh into into foundry really quick and start making our npcs so here's the npc's and guess what we're going to make a folder just like the one we have over here so we have this village of block if i right click on this hit edit folder i want the floor to be the same color so i'm just going to copy and paste the color and when i go over here i'm going to create a new folder and i'm going to call it guess what the village of barovia create i'm going to make it the same color so there's no denying it's from the same place and we're going to do the same thing that we did in the other folder we are going to create a folder for each of the locations now i'm just going to call it tavern right instead of actually the name of the tavern but we know what it is and we're going to go ahead and open up our journal entry for the blood and vine tavern and this is going to tell us what characters we have in there we have ismark human veteran we have the pudgy bar keeper he's a commoner and we have three pastani spies so what we're going to do is we're going to open our compodium up now if again i don't have anything installed this is dnd 5v and just the normal srd in here that uh when you install the dnd rule set you get that so here's the monsters i'm going to open up the compendium here and i'm going to type oh i got spy typed in already so we're going to just grab a spy and we're going to because we got three of these spies we're going to grab a spy and we're just going to grab it and drag it right into the tavern so if i open up we got a spy in here now there's we have multiple spies so we can do this one of two ways we can drag another spy in here this way and have another spy in there or i can just right click on a spy and hit duplicate either way it doesn't really matter now we're going to click on each one of these spies and we're going to name them because we have their names so we have a lenka right here a linka the female spy the vastani spy so we're going to put that right there hit linka and a link is done we're gonna open up the next one and the next one we have is maribel so sorry my hand's a little jittery there we go maribel we're gonna put her in there boom and our last spy his name is sevilla sofia the female the stani spy there she is so we have all of them in here now we need is the veteran veteran there's the veteran we're going to drag the veteran over there and this is guess who this is this is ismark we're going to grab his mark and hit copy paste and put ismark's name in there now we don't like this ghost image of his mark notice all the stats are done for us we don't have to do anything um but we don't have a picture of this mark so let's go back to our game go up to the blood vine tavern there's ismark we're going to click on his picture i'm going to right click and open image a new tab and i'm going to hit copy save image as oh i already have him saved is his mark right here i'm just going to save it again let's replace it okay and i'm going to double click on here i'm going to go up to my assets library go to images build your browser there's ismark here select file and guess what there is is mark there's a picture of his mark over here here he is he's all ready to go so we got ismark we need one more we need a commoner let's get our bartender commoner there's our commenter we're going to drag our commenter over here into the tavern folder and our commoner's name is we're just going to call him the bar key we don't need to know his last name that's getting into too much detail we're just calling the the keep yeah there we go now this is what we're going to do we got this done right for the blood vine tavern we're going to reopen this up and we're going to we're going to delete this here and i'm going to show you something really cool i'm going to drag and drop his mark in here i'm going to hit enter i'm going to drag and drop the bar keep in here and hit enter i'm going to drag and drop the one vistani woman in here maribella the second vestani woman here enter and servia the other side woman here i'm going to hit save now what i've done is now i have links directly to this actor so if i need to bring them up as i'm reading through the blood and vine timer and i can just click on it and boom i'm bringing up the the character already i can also put some additional notes in here if i want to so if i want to say you know in here um three the stani women who own who own the place right and so now i know hit save and here they are here's the three vasani women that own the place i can just click on them and i can just bring them up so we've got the blood and vine tavern done let's go to the next location here this is the blood vine sound we got mercantiles exchange so we're going to go up here open up our compendium again and we're going to create another folder in here this time we're going to create [Music] a builder's place p-i-d-r-a-t-h builders hit create and in builder's place we are going to be we need another commoner so we got the commoner and we're just going to drag him in there boop and we need a gladiator right gladiator there we go there's the gladiator okay and the commoner here that we have his name is his name is bildreth obviously it's his his place he's the owner they copy and paste there he is there's bildrith and we also have the gladiator here so we're gonna open up the gladiator and his name is perry whible and we're going to put perry whipple in here and we don't have an image of perry whipple in this game i don't think we have an image of builders so we're just going to type in perry whipple on google images and see if anybody else is used to perry whipple this guy looks like a perry whipple he's kind of a goofy goofy prairie whipple guy here's another perry whipple looking guy so let's use this view this and we're just going to go save image and we're going to call it perry whipple and we're going to go back here and just click on assets and images villagerovia choose file pray whipple hit select file and there we have is perry whipple so now we've gonna do the same thing we did before i'm going to click in here i'm going to delete both of these i'm going to drag over build with and i'm going to drag over periwipple right and hit save entry and now i can just open them up right inside my excuse me in my journal notes so let's do the next one here we've got uh the burgermeister's mansion which we've got nothing in the cemetery we got the church the only thing in the church is dorou and um so let's do the church one here we're gonna do um the church church there we go and in the church we are going to we need who do we need in the church well instead of going back to the book we already have that right here so we go to the church we know in the chapel we have an acolyte so we need to find an acolyte from our compendium alcoholic there we go so we're going to go back over to our hackers characters here and drop him in the church there's our acolyte he's in the church and the other location was doru the vampire spawn and he is in the undercut so we need a vampire spawn those things are nasty um so we're going to put that in the church to a vampire spawn that goes in the church right now we're going to do go ahead and do the vampire spawn first we have a picture of doru already comes from in in the game we uh right here in the church he's in here there he is so we're going to go ahead and just put a picture of him in here and we have him in the images village of borobia and there's dora right there and there we go we got doru already in there and we're going to actually get rid of the name vampire spawn because we're going to use his name daru and we're going to do the same thing we did before we're going to just go ahead and drag and drop them right there put them in the wrong area drag and drop them right here and get rid of the vampire spawn issue right here save and there you go you got door right there in the undercroft and we are going to update the picture of our acolyte here this is um [Music] game images we want to use uh village of brovia and we want to use father donovich there he is there's father danovich and we're actually going to put his name in there father don donna there we go he is done and we just need to make sure we update our book over here right because we have the church and he's in the chapel let's just go ahead and make sure that he's in there properly in the chapel properly father danovich so we're going to delete this out of here and we're just going to drag father donovich in here don't hit save and there we got father donovan we can just bring up from our journal notes so now we've got our characters we got these characters the tavern characters everything's looking really good so far what other characters do we have well we have mad crazy mad mary and we have uh irina in the burger meister's mansion right here she's a noble woman so we need to find a noble noble there we go we got a noble and so we're going to put in the burgermeister's mansion we need that we'll just put we'll just put a mansion okay create the folder and we're just going to drag the noble into the mansion there it's going to be irena we're going to change the name to irena there we go and she's in the mansion irena and was there any images of irina in here i don't know if there's yeah there she is right there so we're going to use this image of her save image of irena we're going to take and type in irena and we're going to go back here open up irena and obviously put a nice picture of irena that's more representative of our our character in the game here village rovia choose file there we go we've got irina irina there we go and she should be loaded up in there did i pick that right no i didn't sorry about that i was clicking too fast i'm a fast clicker there she is good irena's in there so we got irina in here we got the door in the church we're going to do the same thing over here we're going to just delete her out and we're going to drag irina in here there we go we've got irina in there save her we can always pop her out and she has more hit points he said that she had 12 hit points we're gonna put her in there now again there's some alternatives for running our arena you can go ahead and upgrade that if you want we got the tavern we're missing we're only missing mad mary and we're missing something else which i will tell you about in a second so please hold on let's add in mad mary here we're gonna call just uh mad mary crazy local local yoko local yokel mad mary so let's read about mad mary we got the burger meisters here's mad mary she's a commoner those darn commoners they're so common it's a bad joke okay so we're gonna drive mad mary over here into the folder we're gonna call her mad mary because for whatever reason that's her name mad mary right and we're pretty much we can oh yeah we want to put a picture in there ever too right because we got this picture of mad mary why they have a picture of mad mary in here i don't know opening a new window we're gonna hit save mad mary mary we're saving you here's mad mary and i am going to find mad matter and put her in the images of village of barovia choose my file there's mad mary open wait till loads hit select and now we've got mad mary now uh oh let me just click this out one other thing here is we've got mad mary and i'm just going to hit enter drag mad mary over here i'm going to get rid of this part because i like this this note that i have in here hit save so now i've got it right there i just click on it bring her up whenever i want to so you notice now we've got two folders done we've got our village folder done and you notice what i did here in the village folder is like if i click on the chapel you can see if other down if it's just linked right here i can just bring them up from here and then we have over in our character folders we have a same color folder and we have all the locations with all the the creatures in each of those locations now as the game moves on you can always drag and drop and move these characters to different folders so there's another group of actors that we need to make and those are kind of random encounters and creatures so let's just put a create a folder here and we're going to call this we're just going to call this uh i don't know creatures because it might not just be monsters this might be creatures you can call it whatever you like and we're going to make this folder just leave it black and it's going to be a separate folder and the reason we're going to do that because when we go back to the village of borovia and we go approaching the village we notice in the beginning there was a table up here that a lot of the houses were empty and some of them had swarm of rats some had zombies some of them had villagers in there and i've also added my own campaign um theme uh homebrew thing in here so i'm gonna add that as well so we're gonna go back here and we're gonna have we're gonna type in swarm of rats swarm of rats we'll put that over here and we got swarm of rats in there you know what might be also fun is swarm of bats we have bats in broadway let's put some bats in there too not just rats we'll put bats in there so we got bats and rats bats and rats we have a wolf which i'm going to be using i'll show you for my own little edition that i've made and we have zombie now i don't have the straw zombies in here there's some unique straw zombies so we're going to have the zombie and we're going to do a duplicate of zombie i'm going to open this up and we're going to look at straw zombies see it says straw zombies here and if i click on straw zombies that's from the appendix there's some unique stuff about the straw zombies so what i'm going to do is in my zombie copy i'm going to call this strawd zombie because he's a little bit different than the normal zombie so the first thing i'm going to do is what is really different than the normal zombie well i have this description down here so i'm going to grab this description i'm going to control copy and go to my straw zombie and put it in the biography here i'm going to just delete this out this is all the normal zombie stuff i'm just going to put my straw zombie stuff in here i'm also going to put a link in here as well hold on let me i don't know why it's there we go i'm going to put a link right down here called strod zombie because i might need to jump back here just just in case you just never know and i'm gonna just link straw zombie down here so i can always get back here if i need to to get to the straw zombie i'm gonna save that so i can always click on this it's going to bring me back to the straw zombie now what else do we know about the straw zombie well the straw zombie has 30 hit points it's 48 plus 12. so we need to make this 30 hit points 30 30 and this is 48 plus 12. so they're a little bit more powerful 48 plus 12 replace 12. now you only have to do all of this once because once you save this he's going to be in your your actors area and you can pull out as many of these as you want so you just do it you just do it once get it done with and it's done with now his features the straw zombie has some unique attacks it has multi-tech savvy makes three attacks oh my gosh a bite and two with this claws so we got to put the bite in and the closet so let's add the bite makes three attacks this is one main zombie so we're gonna go hit add right here we're just gonna put this one in and edit it we're gonna call this one the byte and we can put the details in right here and just say okay what is it what happens what's the description this plus three and it's a one d four plus one plus three melee attack one d4 plus one so we go over and click on oh i didn't mean to try to there we go get that so it's um weapon it's a uh just a simple melee attack activation cost is one some action um let's just bring this up here and it's a melee weapon attack it's got a plus what the head um i just read it it's right here in the description plus three to hit so you put um attack roll bonuses plus three to hit and the damage formula here is for the byte was one d4 plus one one d4 plus one piercing there we go and so that's done we can check that right now let's just go to it here and go ahead and roll this see if this byte works okay normal roll there it goes and the damage is one do you want one uh one d4 plus one so we're going to add another one of these this one here is the claw attack so we're going to grab a copy that's going to be a plus 3 with a 1d6 plus 1 slashing so we're going to go back here going to edit this we're gonna call this claw these are mean zombies i'm gonna tell you but hate to be coming across these guys get three attacks that's just brutal details so this is a weapon attack melee weapon attack it's a plus three to hit the damage is uh one d six plus one and we're done now you can if you want and i'll just show you here i'll just show you on the bite i didn't need to do that um you can make a picture here if you want to so if i go up here i might have some images of some if you have a byte i could do undead pipe yeah there you go look at that now you have an image of the attack i have one of the claw too check this out so i like to just really bring some more flavor to the game by just throwing some images in there so you just don't have that blank image so i have um attacks oh i have a claw here i think i have a no i have the claw here here we go we'll use this claw here select there you go so now let's delete this when i do the attacks over here it has a little image so they can see there's a byte image there they can you know you can head to the attack and then you go here there's your roll there's your damage roll look at so you got it all in there let's just check out the claw we got the claw it's attacking and there's the damage roll boom so this is working really well for me got this all done i got my straw zombie my straw zombie is right here so i got my straw zombie swarm of bats swarm of rats wolf and zombie all done remember we were talking about uh let's get back to cursive straw here so we have some other creatures in there and that's what we went ahead and added in there so let's just do a review really quick we have our village of brovia npcs in the various locations and we just have a creatures folder which we're going to be adding more and more of these creatures to now my creatures folders are not proper names or just zombies and rats spiders and stuff like that the proper npcs i put them in their proper folder so for instance irina valerdanovich etc etc will be in there so we have gotten that so let's talk about the next um the next thing we've got to do here so let's just go here and step four creating items so the items looks like the briefcase up here and we're going to go ahead and talk about creating items here so let's do that so we're going to go up there and guess what we're going to do first thing we're going to do is we're going to open up this folder so i can get the color so i don't have a memorized color copy and we're going to take a folder called village of barobia village of barovia and we're going to i'm still not used to this keyboard got a portuguese keyboard there we go village of barrow and we're gonna put our items in there do we have any items well we already do have some items so let's take a look at some of those items right now from our folder if we go in here when we were at the church you remember in the office we saw some items so let's just leave this here we're going to go to here we're going to add a folder called the church there's our church folder and we're going to create some items now the the way we're going to create the items is we're going to go to the compendium and there should be an items directory right here and i got ink bottle and pen ink pen so we're just going to go ahead and put those already in the church folder so i got an ink bottle remember we found the ink bottle and we found the ink pen there we go both of those are done and what else do we have in there we had candles there we go we're gonna grab a candle we might have multiple candles but no big deal we're going to put the candle in there in the folder so we have our candle uh well we have parchment gotta have some parchment right there we go see i found some parchment and they found some books so i think you they might have a generic book in here nope maybe not yeah they do so we're going to drag this book over here i'm going to drag two books in i didn't put it in the folder right away so let me fix that so we have two books and what we're going to do is we're going to click on this book here and we're going to grab this title control copy and put that in there and we're going to say volumes a volume chance of the morning lord i'm just going to put that in here like save so we got that book of hymns what was the other book here the other book was the blade of truth and i'm just going to leave it in the blade of truth okay so i put the blade of truth in here and then i'm going to grab all this other content here copy delete all this stuff and there we go we've got our books in here and now i'm going to do what i did before and check this out i'm just going to delete all this stuff and so this is what they're going to find in there they got some candles they got this hymn book they've got this other book they've got the ink bottle pick up the ink pen and they got the parchment i hit save and look they're all in there so now i can just click on these things i can actually make more quantity of it for the players if i want to here's a book item so i have all the stuff in the office ready to go now what else did we have in here let's go look at um our other stuff in the mercantile exchange we're not going to fill up his mercantile exchange there's nothing in the church oh mad mary i had mary's place she had a dowel doll doll there's no doll in here so we're gonna have to make something right so we're gonna make something from scratch so we're going to go over to our thing we're going to put in mad mary kids create folder and we're going to create an item and it's a loot item and we're going to call it a malformed doll doll i don't know what i'm calling it dowel doll mad form malform doll mad mary's create item there we have it now we're going to do something here we need an image let's find [Music] blinsky dial see if somebody made one lenski somebody might have made a blinsky dial image oh yeah we got some right here kind of a malformed crazy down there's polinsky all right he's in the campaign let's see if there's a cool blind ski down let's just use this one right here this looks kind of funny so we're going to save this image we're going to call this uh blensky dial hit save there we go we're going to go back in here we're going to go images and go to images village of barovia choose file blinsky dial select file and we won't put some stuff in there so we're gonna grab this copy this text in here we're gonna put this in here and hit hit that hit save and i think we're pretty good to go so now we can go over just like we did before we can just grab this item out of mad mary's place and drag it right in here and hit save so now there's the dial pretty cool so now we've got let's just review quickly we've got our main folder and we've been going to this folder going back to this folder and just been adding stuff to the folder as you can see links to everything we have our items directory we've got a couple of items that people are finding we've got all our characters and creatures so what is next what do we need to do next let's just check our next step i hope you guys are having fun i am step five tables okay i love the tables so there's a little thing up here in the screen shows you pictures of the tables we're going to create some tables and there's actually some tables here from the village of baroque we're going to go ahead and add them in here and show you how we how we go ahead and do that so let me get the tables whoop didn't mean to do that get the table squared away there we go so we're going to click on some tables and guess what we're going to do just like we have in everyone else we're going to hit edit folder copy this color boop hit close and go to tables and we're going to create a folder called village of barobia and we're going to put the color in so they all remain color coded the same the reason i do the color coding is as i'm making more areas as you can see when i go to each one of these folders whether it's my journals or my characters or actors i just know that they're all of them are the same color so i can quickly just go oh this is my items from village of brovia this is my character from village of brovia you know it's just really easy so now we're going to create a table so let's go ahead and create our our first first table and it's actually in here in the house occupants we have this house occupants table it's a 1d20 random table so remember some of the houses in the village of borovia are either empty or there's rats or brovian villagers or there's uh straw zombies and i'm just gonna make it fun and throw in some bats too i mean why not make it a little bit different so what we're going to do is we're going to use this is our so we have house occupants of the houses in berrovia okay in the village so we go back here and that's we're going to call this table boom and we are going to figure out what's going to go in each of these tables so we're going to do that by going to our creatures we go swarm of bats a swarm of rats uh straw zombies oh and we don't have any commenters we gotta add some commerce so let's just go ahead and go to the compendium one more time and we're gonna just go monsters and commoner there we go and we're going to put those into creatures as well because we're going to run into commoners all the time so we'll just put those in here we're just going to call this barovian villager sure there we go and we're going to drag him in there too so let's find out uh what this tables were so they had rats and bats one to three was nothing uh we're gonna make it one and two was nothing so we have to add another result and that's going to be text empty empty home and we're going to make that results [Music] one to two and then three to four are the bats five to six are the rats or the straw zombies oh seventeen to twenty let's try zombies for 17 to 20 20 and the actors are going to be 7 to 16. what do they have them in here oh they had a lot more uh more bats than rats so we're gonna make it nine to sixteen nine to sixteen nine to sixteen and we're going to make this one two three and this is four two [Music] six this is going to be seven to eight there we go yeah update this should be all organized there we go um you open the door to the home and find dot dot and this is a d20 so we'll just type in d20 here and let's give it a shot see how it works out let's just clear this up okay and roll boom brovia villagers there we got a bromine villager there and see it's got the icon we just pop it up right away let's do it again what else we got oh straw zombie it's not good and you know they got that nasty bite and claw attack okay so we got that table complete now are there any other tables why yes there are if we go to the previous chapter um there's some stuff about barovians here and they have a bunch of of uh lore here at the devil stride so about straw and vampires about borovia and beliefs and superstitions so we're going to create three tables we're going to do barovia and that's about strod and vampires and create this table and so when you ask about strod and vam and vampires they tell tell you blank blank blank we're going to add a result right here now these tables are just awesome right so i can just copy paste this text so they run into a villager they're in the bar talking to somebody or the bark tender i could just run this table and we're good to go okay i'm gonna add another text and just do this one here copy paste i'm gonna do another text i'm gonna add this one here ooh a vampire must rest in the coffin of course crazy vampires um vampires cannot enter unless you invite them in that in there and we got one more let's add that one in there running water oh they don't like running water they don't take showers crazy vampires okay and this is a five now one of the things that's really cool about uh boundary is you don't have to have the exact dice you can just go okay this is just a d5 right even though there's no such thing as a d5 dice you have five outcomes so let's just check this out and roll it and when you ask about strident vampires they tell you the devil's stride is a cursed place of the uh christmas is a curse placed on the land because of a forgotten sin of the brovians and sisters you roll it again talk to somebody else at the bar the devil's john he says the same thing guy doesn't know that much trot is a vampire and dwells in the castle raven loft no one is welcome to the castle okay cool so let's go ahead and do another table so we're going to make another table then we got a barrovia berrovia about barovia if they ask about aurovia what are they what are the people going to say when you ask about barovia they tell you dot if i can spell you my mic's in the way i'm wrapping my hand around the mic okay i'm making i'm making excuses now okay uh the land of barovia brookies know the following facts at home so here we go copy paste the text add another one here we go copy paste the text add the next one and i go copy paste the text go to the next one so what you're doing is you're just pulling on all this stuff this content and just designing your own kind of tables and everything so that you can engage with your players without having to flip through books and stop and pause the game the last thing you want to do in a game is to slow it down you want to keep the players constantly engaged um you know role playing is a huge element these kind of random responses with with the tidbits of of lore and stuff it's really going to help them because a big part of cursive striding a lot of campaigns are are trying to discover and learn about some history because you got to find some locations and find ways of of of uh you know dealing with your foes okay d8 because there's eight choices and we're gonna go roll and see how this one comes out when you ask about barovia they tell you a mad wizard of a great power haunts the foothills of mount vera talk he's an outsider and no friend of the vampires it's a pretty interesting bit of information that you've gotten from a borovian villager okay let's go ahead we've got one more i think to add in here yes superstitions so we're gonna go ahead and add barovian superstitions we're gonna add that table as well okay superstitions did i spell it right no superstit shuns i'm a horrible speller and i'm an author go figure okay here we go beliefs and superstitions the first one is a text and we're gonna add another one is see this is you know this might seem mundane but it's these little things that really enhance the game it's these little things that are going to give clues to the players it's these things that really going to enrich the game and give the players you know sometimes it's that one little clue that's gonna be pivotal in them solving a problem or part of this magical experience that you want them to have um never harm a raven it's a good one you know cursed straw you don't want to be harming ravens if asked about their belief they answer dot dot this is a d6 because there's six outcomes let's check this one out there you go mastani served the devil straw they're alone are all allowed to leave but rovia those bastards the presence of the mother knight is felt most strongly between dusk and dawn although nighttime prayers to her go unanswered it is widely believed that she has forsaken the brovian people and sent the devil's stride to punish them for their ancestors offenses now just like we did before what i'm going to do with these tables so we've got these tables here and we're going to go to the tavern right so i got the tavern here and i'm going to go over here to my table and i'm going to go in here and uh about barrovia and i've got these tables so i can grab this one here hit enter i've got this one here hit enter and i got this one here and hit enter so hit save and if they're in there i can say oh you're talking to one of the bustani's oh and you ask about borovia what did she say oh she tells you the town of the sunny lies in the heart of lockheed vlogging lies in the heart of the valley it's burgermeister is named uh baron vargas balakovic so you know you just roll on the tables you gotta bob perovia straw and vampires and superstitions and and we've just put this again in our journal notes because this is kind of the our own journal to run our campaign i mean this is just awesome how cool is foundry it's really cool okay so we've done our tables oh i think we need to put our tables in one other place yes we're gonna put it in the village of brovia here and i'm gonna put this down here because this is if they run into some occupants of the houses i want to just have this saved in here just in case so i can go in here and see what see what happens with these with these buggers these buggers okay so where does that leave us well let's look at our powerpoint we are now on step six creating the scenes this is what everybody's waiting for because everybody's really into the maps and let's talk about the maps before we jump into it so that's the third icon over it looks like a kind of a folded map there are three types of maps that i use in my campaign i use actual maps like the village of brovian i'm going to show you how i use that i also use theater the mind maps a lot and what a theater mind map is it's just a static or an animated uh a picture that my players can see and i put my players usually along the bottom they can interact with their characters and there's a static picture that's you know worth a thousand words and i can put my npcs in there as well to interact and you can even run kind of an abstract combat if it's a if it's in like a shop or something you don't need to have an entire battle map for a shop you can just have your npc's and you know if they're standing next to each other or if there's a little distance you know distance is just abstract but you can just run your combat encounter in there and last and one of the coolest are the battle maps and battle maps serve really to purpose one is an exploration to explore using the fog of war they're looking for treasures and secret doors and and it's also really good for combat so we're going gonna make all three of those maps for the village of barovia so let's go ahead and get that going here so we're gonna go back to here and we're going to talk about scenes so look we've got our we got our tables we've got our journal we've got our items we've got our characters and now we're going to do our scene so we're going to do we're going to create two folders here but we're gonna do the first one we'll just do the village approval folder which you guys are already familiar with okay edit this one because we want the same color don't want to forget the color right boom and this is a village aprovia okay can we create folder and we have our village of borovia here and we're going to create our first scene here and our first name of our first scene is going to be the village of barovia dash and i type map okay and we're going to create that and you're going to get this thing pop up and what we need to do is find our picture so we're going to go to village of barobia here we're going to go to the next chapter which is the village and there's a map here now you'll notice there's two maps one says player version and one says you know the dm version whatever we want to click on the player version because it doesn't have any of those numbers on it you want to right click and open as a new image because it's going to give you a large image we're going to save this image we're going to call this village map and now we're going to go we're going to select that image the file path right here we're going to find our assets library i'm just going to leave it in the village of barovia that's fine because i'm making that just for this and put the village map in here it's gonna take a while for it to load there it is hit select and i hit save changes it says yes and now i've got my village map here for the players to use now one of the things i do on my village map this is a little different than what a lot of people do is i give my players access to this map and we're going to just customize this a little bit we're not going to make it too crazy but we're going to right click up here hit configure and what i'm going to do is i'm going to re-change my grid squares um a little bit here i'm going to i don't have the uh red square tool which is kind of too bad uh set up on here so i'm going to make this grid square smaller and make them 50. i think that's going to be pretty good yeah it could be pretty good and it should be okay just keep we can go back and fix this later and i'm going to go ahead and hide the grid capacity i'm going to give it global vision so you can see everything i'm going to set the darkness level up about a little bit here and hit save changes and this is my village map now what i'm going to do is in my tokens over here i'm going to create a new folder called players now i don't even have any players yet for my game but i got a new one i'm just going to make this really green so we know this is my players folder bright green there we go actually it's a little too green for me let's make a little darker green there we go and put that at the very top and the creatures right here in my players folder i'm going to create a token player character token and i'm just going to call it the party token this is for all the players okay and i'm just going to grab a you know image uh let's find a [Music] dnd party let's see if we got any images here we go let's just use these people here i'm going to save this save as my dnd party usually i like to use a shield sometimes to represent the entire party but we're just going to try something different here and i'm going to use my assets library images village of brovia and we're going to choose our dnd party look at it there there it is the indie party i should be in there i don't know i didn't come up maybe i didn't do it right images bilgebrovia dnd party select there you go and you hit close and what you're going to do is you can drag this out on the map maybe i should use a shield let's go and change this to make it a shield ah shield sometimes shields are better i can't spell with the crap there we go we're just going to use a shield we're going to use png shield arms i'm going to make it png png just a shield to represent the entire party it kind of stands out and i like this kind of you know something that stands out like this this round one png is going to work really well so i'm going to hit save image and i'm going to call this the dnd part i'm going to change it yes i want to replace you and i am going to go to my party token and i'm going to go to images and i'm going to go choose file dnd party load and select and there we go that's a little bit better get rid of this one so what happens with my dnd party token oh come on really thought the prototype token was good uh image oh that's why there we go let me fix that okay can i screw that up there we go so my this represents my party traveling through the village right so i've got the village map here on here and the village map right here is i'm going to go ahead and mark a bunch of stuff on the village and i'm going to create an entire another journal entry right here create folder i'm going to call this players journal then we're going to make this a different color all together we're going to make this the same green same puke green okay and what i'm going to do is i'm going to create a folder called village of robia in there and i'm going to put in there um church folder a church this should be a church journal entry sorry church close i'm going to put another one in there called blood and vine tavern you're wondering why am i duplicating all of this stuff didn't i just do all this well you're going to see what i'm doing so patience patience virgo masters mansion create going to do another one called the cemetery or graveyard graveyard great uh oh blinskies oh sorry uh build dress uh shop okay so we got the church graveyard virgin mansion blood and vine tavern oh mad mary's uh there is home okay now when we go back to the game here we'll see that says e5 here right so we're going to do in the game is we're going to take um the church we're going to drag that church over on top of the church and they allow you to use some vision so we have a do we have a cross or something here castle cave chest city ruins obelisk temple tower um i thought there's like a religious thing right here skull trout tower temple tanker ruins obelisk mountain house hanging sign coins fire bridge cave castle barrel which one should we be using for the church i'll use the temple there for the church so i'll update that so there's the church and we're going to grab the graveyard and we're going to drag that over here and the graveyard might have a skull or crossbones castle chest city coins fire hanging sign mountain oak tree pawn print ruins tankered temple trap skull there we go skull there we go we're gonna grab one for the tavern we're going to put that right on the top of the tavern and we're going to go to tankard there you go there's the tavern this is a bilderous merchant style tile place we're going to drag that one here i think there's a hanging sign you know there we go hanging sign it's a shop there we go matt there's a burgermeister's home mansion put a home there maybe is there's a uh mansion or a bigger house there's a temple sword statue whatever we'll just put a house on there there you go burgermeister's home and we also have mad mary's home which i believe is right here let's just double check the map yeah right there it was right uh mary's home we're gonna put that right here and use another home icon okay now what we're doing with this entire folder is confirm positions all players are owners so it means every one of these things in here uh confirmed permissions they're all all players are owners so all the players are owners of these of of of all the all the all the journals entries and what this allows the player to do is the player can now click on any one of these things and start filling out their own journal notes for all the players and we've marked on the map we've pinned them on the map so they can they can see these pins on the map and we can move their token around here on the map so they can see the tokens on the map and we can go ahead and move the players around you know on the map if they're exploring the map this is the entire party not the individual tokens so i always like to put that player journal in there i'm also going to give the players when i configure this i'm going to give the players access to navigate to this map okay let me just get rid of this thing at the bottom save changes so now the players can always activate and get to this map we have a party token for the all the players so they can move around as a party on this map and then they can leave mess leave their own notes and pictures and stuff in their own journal entry so i have that as green players so every place every area i go to i have a folder in here underneath the player's journal now let's go back to um to ours here we've got our map here of borovia and we are going to go ahead and put in uh um on this this is the players map we're going to get our own maps for each one of these these areas so we don't really care about these these are for the players but we are going to need a map for this tavern so what are we going to do for the tavern map but we're going to use a theater the mind map so we're going to do blood and vine tavern i'm going to type in blood and vine blood and vine tavern hit ok create tavern and i need to find an image of a tavern so i'm going to go online and i'm going to go tavren fantasy and i'm just going to go google images and does there is a good-looking tavern that i want to use you know for inside a tavern this one gets used a lot um i actually used this one before so i'm going to go ahead and save image and i have this as a blood and vine tav and i'm going to show you how we're going to do this we're going to make a theater the mind map right here so i'm going to go and do the file path and go to uh images village of borobia choose file and i'm gonna go blood and vine tab open it's gonna load up select and hit save and here's my blood and vine tavern now what i'm going to do is just make a quick you can watch my videos on making theater the mind maps but technically what you're doing is you're just going to put a quick wall around the outside of the map on here like this really quick nothing fancy oh what happened i kind of got a little carried away gotta cut away that there we go so i've got this and if you want to this is where you can put some lighting effects in here i want some candle lighting going on you can put some candle lights in here you want a little torch flicker make this a little orange a yellow update some blade you got some torch lighting and this is now going to be your tavern map now let's just do a couple things in here i just like to do i'm going to turn the grid capacity off i'm going to make the background like the same color as one of these map areas like this woody color here i'm going to do global illumination this is the darkness level to about 50 you know and there you go you've got your your tavern map for your characters on here you can drag your characters in here you've got this kind of fear of the mind map but what we want to do is for our journal entry is we want to grab the journal entry and put it right up here okay and we're just going to put it here the players can't see this is just for you so you can click on this right and now if i need to bring bring carrick some characters in here we're gonna have ismark in here right so uh let's go to the tavern and we have the barkeep i'm just gonna put him over there and i have ismark he's over here why is mark's image oh you know what cuz i don't have the um i do the prototype token i forgot about that image is his mark my apologies i forgot about this bilge bros probia ismark select update token get rid of this doofus token and just drag his mark over there there we go there's his mark he's sitting over here right wanting to talk to us i can grab the mirabella and the other other actors and put them in here i usually use circular tokens are upright i don't use the head down tokens but you know you can change these and what you want to do on these tokens by the way is you want to get rid of the names here make sure that the names are appropriate to the to each one of them so here we got uh his mark just make sure all these are correct i forgot to do this you should do this in the um prototype tokens as well so that when we're hovering over here here's his mark players can talk to him so now you've got your tavern you've got your notes up here if i need to um you know if they ask about something in here i can just go oh they're going to ask him about brovia what do they say oh the town of lockheed lies nahad to the valley it's megameister it's named the veteran vagas valkovich you know or whatever you want to do you can do your own voice acting or whatever but you've got everything built into to to here and you're already ready to go now what we did with his mark remember we put we didn't put his biography in let me do that real quick let's just go through these maps and get these maps squared away so we got the village of blocky we're gonna do the um the other maps we need to create a map for the church so i'll do the church map and the church map is already built in here here's the church here's the players version the church map so you're gonna open and you're just gonna go save as church church map so we have the church map saved and we're going to just load that up from the village images that we've been adding here here's the church wait till it loads hit select save changes okay click save changes did i do that wrong hold on church oh there we go yes here we go so here's the church map now i didn't i haven't done the walls yet but i mean once you get to learn how to do these walls it's really really simple and there's a bunch of tutorials on there but it's it's pretty you know pretty quick you just you know i'm not doing this super perfect but you can see how fast you can just put these walls in here and just kind of get them done you know so once you get all your walling done and everything what you're going to do with this map and i'm not going to do all the walling for you i've already done that for this in my actual campaign is we're going to go to the journal entry and we're going to click on church and we have all these areas here so we have the hallway we're going to drag that over here then you can just leave it as hallway so you can hover over it we have the office which is right here okay we have the trapdoor room which is right here we have the undercroft which is right here again you're going to want to line up all these squares and all that kind of stuff we have the chapel which is right up here we have donovich's bedroom which is here and we have doro's bedroom which is here we're also going to um so i'm populating as i'm drawing them and actually to tell you the truth what i should be doing here is i'm doing the maps and i'm populating them at the same time so i'm actually kind of doing part two and part three at the same i'm sorry part six creating the scenes and part seven at the same at the same at the same time so um what what you should be doing is getting all your maps but what i'm doing is i'm populating them now with with the journal notes so let's go through what what the other maps we have to do is in barovia so we have the the vine the church the village of barobia we want to do another scene for the uh the bildreths bildreths scene and we're going to create that scene and we're going to do another fantasy we're going to look something up we're going to do um a fantasy shop and what one looks like a bildreth's shop where you would be buying some some stuff at it uh there's quite a few good looking images for fantasy shops here this one is the one i think i actually use like an old pharmacy looking shop so we're just going to save this and call this builders i'm going to save that and i'm just going to go ahead and choose that file there's pilldress okay select so here's builders shop here again i'm going to have to turn this into a theater of the mind map let's go to the next scene that i have which is going to be um the cemetery now i actually made our graveyard i actually made i have a whole nother um campaign thing that's uh homebrew thing that i'm gonna do with this so let me show you where this is this is a pretty cool map i've actually made for one of my guides actually it's in my documents maps uh brovia church graveyard we'll just put the crate very no great this is a big map load please load my graveyard it's a high-res map no grid so it might take a little while i don't know why a second so there it goes um hit save it's going to take a little while for it to process this whopper of a map it's going to go this this dimensions are just gigantic dimensions okay so here it is so i actually made this in dungeon draft and this is my graveyard scene so we're gonna have to this is a battle map in here and you can see uh we're just gonna we're gonna have to wall this off and uh you know use some glass walls for the uh uh to go around the edge here so i just i'm not gonna do everything right now but what you want to do is you want to start doing all your walling and getting this all ready for your for your maps now what i've done in the graveyard scene i'll just show you this is a map that does not come with the game this is a map that i've made in dungeon draft and what i'm going to have here in here is and you can do these um these really cool uh drain walls here like i'm gonna i've got a giant um statue here that i'm gonna train wall off the players come and see this giant statue it's kind of cool um what happens here is when they're burying the the burger meister who's passed away uh ismark's father straw is going to be out here and he's going to try to charm irena and then they're all going to be attacked by strawed zombies so what i need to do in this one right i'm going to have to update that so i got this map i got my graveyard my church and by the way we need to go in here and re-title these things so uh i'm going to go in here and configure bildris and i'm going to put a dash sorry a dash and so i know this is a theater the mind map save i'm going to do configure i'm going to do a dash m so i know this is a theater the mind map a church figure is a dash b for battle map graveyard is configure is a dash b for battle map and i got the village map so um these are my maps that i have in here so i got two theater of the mind maps two battle maps already um the burgermeisters that's another one that's going to be a battle map go master bigger master and i have a map for that as well already so let me find that map that is going to be on bilge of borobia maps might be my [Music] birdermeister so this is going to be a battle map as well so i have my burger meister map i gotta do all my walls for this one and burgermeister i've got to configure this is a battle map so i'm going to put a b after it just so i know it's a battle map and um so i've got the blood and fine i got six one two three four five six the sixth location is mad mary's right so i got cemetery church med mary's burgermeister yes mad mary's and what i'm going to do for for mad mary's is um i'm just going to have a uh outside you know village map [Music] village uh fantasy home see what i can get here is a kind of an old village fantasy home you know kind of outside looks like mad mary's and mary's little home looks kind of um let's make it um um dark see if that makes it yeah it can't look too nice so something looks like mad mary's little home that fits in with this kind of narrative story that we're doing you know it might be something like this this is her home right here so i know you view this file here i'm going to save image mad mary home again i'm not doing all the walling on this it's going to take a little bit of time you guys can watch videos on how to do that but i just want to get building this campaign so you can see how it's done mad mary madd mary this is a theater of the mind map it's going to create an image i'm going to use the gm path for mad mary and where is mad mary's home right here okay so i got mad mary's home so here's her home she's gonna be crying and screaming this is her little her little her little residence here now if you do have an encounter you want to do maybe a fantasy home battle map for a generic battle map see if we can find one an indoor village home uh there's a ton of stuff on the internet i mean you can find stuff on reddit just you know all kinds of villages you know um um barovia village home battle map maybe someone's made one who who knows okay here's like something you could probably use yeah so we're just going to use this here here's a simple map i'm going to go save as and we're going to call it a village home and this is going to be a generic um battle map that we're going to use and i'm going to explain why we're going to use this this map here so we're going to use village home this is a battle map oh come on here we go and file path is select village battle map this is so when they're they're um it hasn't loaded yet uh load and there it is um this is so if they go and visit a house and we're gonna roll the random encounter this is what's gonna be in there so we got the village home map and let's just check this out i'm gonna show you something really quick on here i'm gonna fix this up really quick for you to show you how i'm to set this up because this this is an important one so here's our grid we're going to change our grid grid squares down make them pretty small see how that looks that looks pretty all right we're going to use that commit to changes we're going to bring up the darkness level quite a bit hit save and i'm just going to do some quick walling to show you what i'm going to how i'm going to use this map so i'm going to just go boom so it looks like there's a door here and some windows okay so we're just going to do this here boom boom boom boom again this is just quick okay and is this the seller oh yeah this is the seller check this out this is cool because now you got a seller too okay let's put some windows the door in right here come on door door let's fix this wall here because i did a crummy job of that and this window i did a crummy job with this one i'm just going to bring this up there we go put the window in here a couple windows there's one there's two there's also oh there's three and there is an invisible wall which is a curtain should just put right there um we can put some terrain stuff out it's not terrain we put some train stuff outside like this right here a tree here's another small trail let's put a train wall out here kind of one right here let's create some shadowing now this is going to be our generic um village battle map and i'm going to show you what we're going to do with this let's let's just finish this up really quick i'm going to get rid of the lines hit save changes um and what we're going to do here is i'm going to go to my village and i'm just going to put this over here because this has this has the table in it to roll for house occupants and so what you want to do here right because there's going to be multiple house occupants and i forgot to add that secondary table in is we're going to we've got our creatures we're going to grab some peruvian villagers we're just going to place them right here and actually let me show you a trick you're going to hold uh alt down and drag them out here they'll be invisible so i'm going to grab one two three four four villagers we're gonna grab one two three four strong zombies we're gonna grab one two three three four swarms of bats and one two three four swarms of rats i'll leave them invisible on here so that when they go check my players are right here and i have some players let's say i have some players who are outside they want to check inside this house so the first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to roll this here and i rolled bats privately swarm of bats and i want to determine how many bats now let's say i want to roll i'm going to do a r d4 determine how many groups of bats are going to show up and it's one so what i can do is i can just drag one of these bats in populate it turn it on and my players go in there and i can go ahead and begin my combat encounter i have my my bats in here i think they're flying around upside down yeah there you go maybe it looks like they're they were upside down so now they can begin their combat encounter right in here and i just keep all the the uh the creatures over here on the side invisible and i have this is already right here i just open it up i have some information about the village and i can go ahead and run this over and over again so this is just going to be the standard village battle map combat encounter in fact you can it's cool because you've got a second floor like there's a trapdoor it takes you down to the basement you can have some zombies down in the basements ready to attack but i just stack them all over here invisible i can drag them in based on how i roll off my occupants of the house encounter you know if i roll in and it's empty then there's nothing in there they can go in there and search it you can also decide to put some various loot items in here if you want to as well you know just to change it up a little bit now on the burger meisters manner um i ran uh another encounter which is in the guide that i'm writing to village of brovia and i have a bunch of of the wolves they're going to try to break into these windows and so i've got a i have another roll table to determine which window is they're going to come through so i'm going to build another roll table and you know create my own home brew so as they're staying here with irina and ismark here's the the body of the father that they're going to go bury at the church they're going to be attacked by wolves at night and i'm going to determine which window breaks using a roll table and how many wolves are going to attack them and it's something that i'm designing for my own home brew adventure when we look at the when we get to our um graveyard here once i've got all the walls done and everything in there when they're going to be burying the burger meister here in one of these empty crips then i'm going to have a bunch of zombies attack them so i'm going to probably have a bunch of my my zombies already here they're going to be invisible you know and i'm going to pre-populate the map with a bunch of invisible zombies by just you know controlling and and and have them just populated all over the map so that when they're burying the uh the burgermeister then they can get attacked here you know we can add lighting effects and what have you so right now we're in the the populating uh phase of building our area for our campaign so we've got our our our maps here at village of barobi we have the the uh the various theater the mind maps which are going to be just a picture or a animated picture the whole purpose of this is so that the players can see have a common frame of reference they can interact with npcs x access their character sheets and again on each one of these we're going to have to start populating these with our notes so the burgermeisters we're gonna grab the his notebook here so i'm gonna have the notebook on the screen oh update and so here i have everything i need all my notes for this encounter this scene is right here i have my npcs i have the adventures gear i can just click on this and see what kind of adventure gear they have now i can create a table of adventure gear um there's a module called loot sheet which i would definitely recommend using um but i've got my characters here and i can also drag my characters i'll have them in the scene as well perry whipple and and whatnot will be in the scene but we want to keep those journal notes succinct tight just a little bit of text with links to the different stuff the same thing when we're in the church as you're going through the church you know they get into the office and they find something i can say oh you found this book what i can do in the item here is i can take that item from the church and one of the players takes it i can right click in the item i can configure position and give it to one of the players as an owner and they can now own that particular item now again there's modules to do this so you can pick it up and drop it but you can do this already without just core foundry so each one of these notes you're going to place on here you can see in battle maps you're going to have multiple notes right so i have multiple notes in here next thing we do is we're going to populate our creatures in here so our pla in our village of barovia in the church i have doru i'm gonna grab him i'm gonna place him over here again i have to do my forgot to do my token here just let me do my token image and get this fixed i apologize i apologize where is he where's door there he is update token image and now he should look there he is and the same thing with father donovich i need to update his prototype token with his image and go ahead and do that by making sure that i'm using um my assets library and using my images so he doesn't have the generic uh the generic image okay and hit up token and so now when i grab father danovich i put him over here in the chapel you've got a image of father danovich in the chapel and not you know a generic generic token there he is so here he is in the in the church in here now i've made some maps on how i do all my lining and walling and all that kind of stuff i didn't want to get into that i just want to get into the populating in the maps putting in my notes in here i usually like to keep my notes just on the outside of the walls like this it just makes it a little easier so it doesn't get too confusing with my with my my players here so i can just click on the office and see this over here on the side and then give them any of the items here or open up the items really quickly against and also have my roll tables when we get to the next map the blood uh the bildreth i've got the burger meisters mansion the church the graveyard mad mary's the same thing with mad mary's place i can go ahead and go to the scene take mad mary's grab it just place it on there we can make this more of a role-playing uh more of a role-playing um scene and again there's an item here she's got the dowel that's in the house there's mad mary as well and you can go ahead and add some additional additional images is as well sorry removing something upstairs so i do apologize so the last thing that we're going to do let's go to the last step this is a really long video so i do apologize let me just go ahead and do that here is art are you kidding me with all this can you hear that up there all that pulling your arm last thing is we're going to do a gm review and what we're going to be doing with a gm review is going through and checking out all these maps checking out our journal entries making sure our npcs our items are in there um if you're going to have your roll tables like we do make sure they're properly in the right scenes i i like to operate always from my journal but not from the journal entry i like to have them on my maps so i can just click on my map bring up the journal entry read read some of the text in here if i have a specific image so for instance if i want to add an image here of mad mary herself i can just go to mad mary and click on this select image you see this woman and she's she's crying and screaming i can just hit show players all my players now see this image of of mad mary so this allows you to to really show images to your players in your journal entries you get all your roll tables your important text you you know the the moaning saab floats to distill great sheets coloring your thoughts with sadness the sounds flows from the small two-story townhouse they go down the street you say there's the townhouse you have your player characters here you know you can bring mad mary onto the scene if you want to and i should already have you should load her always upload all your characters into the scene already and if if you don't want to show her again i should fix her token which i will it should be an image of mary not uh image of mad mary not a not an image of a regular commoner so again this is going through and doing your gm cleanup click on all your tokens make sure all the visions are correct make sure that your um the all the images are correct on your tokens that they have the correct vision there she is she's invisible but now i can make her visible so she's on the street she's crying you're also going to have there is you're going to have your item um from mad mary's which is the which is this you can display the bring this onto the screen as well i didn't know where did it go he's hiding behind mary i thought i had it on the screen well i don't know why it's showing up on the screen it should oh you can be you should be able to lay those right there on the screen anyway anyway you have them in here i think that might be a module that does that but you have them in here and here's the item you give that item to the give that item directly to the player and you have mad mary here you can have her crying on the street and you have your notes here for what's going on and ending that in so you want to go through each one of these scenes you know clean up the lines um i'm a stickler for all this little stuff there's no excuse to have this set up the way i have it let's click up the darkness there you go and so now you've created this scene let's even fix it up just a little bit better configure we're going to do this color tool here we're going to make the sky to match the background save the image there you go it's just a better experience for your player and then you have your notes up here in the corner you can just click on them read them you want to show an image of mad mary you can show the players go back to your text oh they find a the doll one of your players is going to get the dial and you can always go over to your item directory here and just give this configure positions and give it to a particular player as an owner they want to take the dallas as flute and add it to their player character sheet so let me go to the last thing in this entire uh long we did video which i hope you guys enjoyed so far is about modules so i'm a big module user i love modules i probably i just did housekeeping i probably have 50 modules modules come in three basic flavors and what i just went through this methodology that i'd like to put campaigns together through journal entries first of all identifying the area doing your journal entries creating your items sorry your npcs then your items your tables create the scenes begin to populate the scenes and then finally doing your gm clean up clean up everything make sure you got all your links everything done it doesn't take that long i've spent um two hours on this video and i've done almost all of borovia maps everything i've got to still do the walling but i've got my journal entries and everything and now you once it's done you can take a breath go do your genome gm cleanup easily read through it go back read through the chapter add some little text here and there don't load up your journal entries with too much text now once this is all done i've done this without any modules whatsoever let's talk about modules for a second modules come in three flavors the first one is what i call environment enhancements so stuff like dice so nice fx master does some fog effects and cloud effects snow and rain you have some community lighting by plants there's soundboard to do sound all these environmental enhancements you should go ahead and start adding these modules and these modules will not interfere at all with gameplay so it's great way to learn how to install modules how to turn them on and off how to set certain settings in them because all they're going to do is affect the aesthetics and the environment they're not going to to impact any of the mechanics and the players don't need to learn anything the next group of modules and next tier modules to start implementing i would say our player in dm aids this is stuff like dice tray goes to the bottom of the corner and has pictures of dice and you can roll some dice formulas this is the gm notes that are notes that you can attach to everything from journal entries to character sheets this is some player aids in which you can put up a player tool tips stuff like that these are all aids which helps the player play the game not not visual but helps them with pushing buttons or organizing stuff like tidy sheet which organizes your your character sheets um the next thing are mechanic enhancements and mechanic commencements are the most complicated of the three types of modules you're not going to see these are under the hoods and these are getting into macros they actually impact rolling of the dice they impact performance of the game to smooth out the game for instance you're casting a certain spell and it always needs a certain type of modifier it's a macro and one of these what i call mechanic enhancements so you don't need any of these modules to run a foundry game or even build a campaign like i've done with zero modules at all and just using foundry raw and getting familiar with it and the roll tables how to link stuff together but then modules definitely enhance the experience from the environment to the players to some aids for the dungeon master and the players and lastly some mechanics which we just added in our last campaign to improve some mechanics um of the players i really hope you enjoyed this very very long video you went with that we went through uh and i'll just go through it one more time just briefly here at the end step one is identifying the area in which you're going to focus on the area has locations npcs loot quest keep it as tight as you can it's an area where your players are going to spend at least one or multiple sessions in i chose the village of borovia the next thing we're going to do is we're going to start with journal entries and we're using those journal we're using those journal entries again and i'll show them uh really quickly here we're using those journal entries um as kind of your for you as the player this is kind of your uh cursive straw book that you're designing you've got your village as a parent directory or your area's parent directory your subdirectories here are the different locations and then there's the entries in here that explain each of the locations you're keeping these notes succinct with some links back to maybe dnd beyond or the module that you're using links to the npc characters your journal is going to be your your bread and butter of running your campaign you don't need anything other than that journal and attach them to the different maps the the next thing that we're going to be uh using here is the creating your npcs that's this icon here as you notice when i first started is i just copied and paste from the book what kind of mpc is in their name so that when i created the npc and pulled them from the compendium i just can copy the name in there really quickly and then i can put them right back into the journal entry as a link to the character of the actor the next step that we did was we started creating some items there were some items located in the church some of them came right from the compendium some of them i created them myself like the two different books the next step is creating tables we created some roll tables one two different types of tables one table was actually to create creatures to populate a uh uh an encounter a random encounter and then the other one was three tables of lore if you're going to ask somebody at a bar they can roll a table and they've got an answer to it and real simple roll tables which are awesome again i i linked those tables back into my journal notes so that in the tavern when i bring up my journal notes in the tavern we'll just take a quick a quick look at that real quick in my journal notes for the tavern when i get to the uh tavern scene here we are in the tavern where we are tavern i should have my journal notes i don't know why it's not coming up i'm having a little bit of problems with some speed here there it is there's my notes it's right there in the map and then i have my lore above brovia i can just go ahead and roll right from this and my characters can see it here i can just make this on my g my reveal to everyone and they can just read right here take notes right from here so i have my roll tables just right in my sheets along with my characters npcs and my items the next thing that we had on our list to do when we're doing this in our program is creating the scenes and we created a map one of the things i did and i didn't even plan to do it but i just did it for you guys anyway was creating a map for the players and i and i really like doing this i think my players like this as well is i have a map of the village and what i did was let me just clear this out is i created an entire separate journal just for my players with a village and i put these in here and so i have a token for my players to move around the village and then i have these entries which my players these are for my players only for my players and it's all the locations that they're going to build to visit they can keep their own player notes in each one of these locations when they visit each one of these locations real simple and it's all done right right in here so there's a separate parent folder called player journal with a subfolder of the area with all just blank journal entries and i've given my players permission i added this in as just a an added bonus um but that's the way i like to that's the way i roll okay so let's go to the the uh next one uh the last thing here was populating the scenes we're going to drag in our our uh we're going to drag in our characters our npc's we're going to make them invisible we talked about one particular scene that i thought was important to touch on and i'll just go over that really quick one more time and that was the village home scene because this is going to be just a routine saying that'll pop up if they visit multiple homes which is going to be completely populated by your um occupant house encounter and i put all the um zombies and bats and everything on the side invisible and depending on what they roll i can just drag them in and then we can have our encounter so this is just a generic battle encounter mapping you could probably have quite a few of these you know one on the road one in the snow one on the river you know a village house they're just generic battle encounter maps for your encounters and there's one here in the village of of of borovia the next one here is last but not least is what we've been doing is our gm review going through each one of these journal entries the scenes make sure all your lines your walls are done all your lighting is done making sure your characters have their biography in there and all that kind of stuff once you get this done and you're going through your gm review this is when you re-read the chapter just reread the chapter again look at the location let me just do this here so this is kind of how i go through my my gm stuff here so let's start off with like the blood and vine tavern i've got my notes here i've got my characters dragged into the scene i have him here's his mark there's the bartender here oh see the bartender's name is not right i gotta fix his token and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go back into into um the village of borovia and i'm going to go to the blood and tavr bar and i'm just going to read through it again right is there anything there's some stuff about ismark that i should have uh in his in his biography so i'm going to just copy this i'm going to go back in here and i have ismark here he is and there's the tamron there's is mark and i'm just going to go into this biography and i'm going to just copy and paste in some of the stuff in here you know he's typically he invites the characters to join him he's drinking by himself in the corner he's type flip about the other uh the other uh barovians so you know you just want to review this stuff once you get your your journal done your maps done your character's done just go through we reread the chapter of some stuff in there you want to have again if you didn't want to put all this stuff in here you can go ahead and and do this role playing his mark just copy this this link control c go back into here and just say hey you know what i'm just going to do ismark info here so i don't have to copy and paste it if i'm going to be having dnd beyond up just put a link in here and now i've got the ismark link all squared away and i can just always click on this link and bring up d and d beyond and read about ismark right here role playing him and role playing role playing the others and that's one of the great things about these journal entries and these character sheets is you can put all this stuff in your journal entry in in your character sheet so go through read each one of these locations read through it thoroughly make sure to do any little updates that you want to do i don't know i've got that like that do any updates that you want to do and make sure you got your journal note right there ready to go you've got your roll tables here you got your characters and npcs and i haven't used any modules we spent uh a little over two hours together and i've got almost everything done for the village of borovia going through this step-by-step process hey i really hope you enjoyed this video i hope it was informative if you have any comments or thoughts please leave them down below any tips that you have which are great again uh i think this methodology can get you really comfortable with using foundry and get you in a rhythm and a process regardless of what module you're going to want to use please like and subscribe to my channel until next time this is palm king and may all your roles be critical 20s you
Channel: Pyram King
Views: 21,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Foundry VTT, How to use Foundry, Campaign in Foundry, Curse of Strahd, Foundry Curse of Strahd, Help using Foundry, Journal in Foundry, foundryvtt maps
Id: qXna5BFJ99M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 9sec (8529 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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