How to FIX Multilevel Buildings in Foundry VTT

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dragging your players tokens all the way across the map because they walked up some stairs sucks but don't worry because there is a solution first thing you're going to need is the levels mod and the walls height mod by mr ripper who is a legend in the foundry mod community once you have those downloaded and installed we will need our multi-level map shooting over to dungeon draft my go-to map making tool we have this one don't judge it too much i made it in a hurry though bonus points if you know what this is with this tool i can see the ground floor i can see the second floor and even comparing i can see what it looks like with them stacked on top of each other and i have a roof when i import each of them i want to make sure that i have the terrain pulled off i'm then going to go to export i'm going to crop i want to crop from the roof view because it has the entire map in there now i'm going to go to export i'm going to go one square outside so that we have the shadows from the building in there and then i'm going to export each of my levels let's start with the ground level i'm also going to turn off grid because i just like doing that so once you have that set you can export them you can do your ground level as the universal vtt and pull it in with the walls and lights how i showed in a previous video but i prefer doing web p and just using the background image for grass and the terrain and the building specifically just being a web p file um so let's go ahead and export all of those so once you have the mods enabled the first thing to note is this tool right here with the little levels icon that you should see when you click this you'll get a little uh navigator over here this tells foundry what level you're wanting to work on um i'm going to have two levels and so i'm going to edit set this one to ground which is going to look at zero to nine feet and then i'm gonna have my second floor which is going to look at 10 to 11 feet uh pro tip don't have them cross over have one end at nine the next one start at 10. um i also don't know why i put 11 this should have said 19. there we go so when this is up it's selecting what level i'm wanting to look at when i close out of it it's looking at all levels but i want to pull in my ground floor my first floor so we're going to come over here we are going to have foreground selected click on this button right here and i exported them at 150 pixels so i'm just going to select that and this does this be looking like my bottom floor so let's go ahead and pull that in you can see that i have this selected from zero to nine feet so when i pull it in by default this is zero to nine feet when i make the walls it will also be a zero to nine feet let's go ahead and pull in the second floor all right once you have those on top of each other i'm going to close out of that i'm going to select enable roof and i'm going to pull a roof on this bad boy all right so bringing my navigator back up you saw when it's closed you kind of see the everything on top of each other you're looking at everything at once and now things are pulling up correctly again i close it out i'll see the roof all right so once you have your walls in as you can see each of these walls goes from 10 feet to 19 feet and all of these walls go from zero feet to nine feet uh don't judge my placement uh it doesn't matter so i pull in one of my player tokens so that you can see what happens um now if they got to this point and said hey i want to go up these stairs i could then bump their elevation up to 10 feet and pull them up upstairs and now they can walk around upstairs but it would kind of suck for them every time to have to say hey i want to go upstairs i want to go downstairs awkward so we have a solution for that as well on the ground floor we are going to go over to this draw tool we are going to have this thing selected so that it knows when i drop this square down it is supposed to function as stairs and i'm going to draw just a little box here uh some things that i like to do uh one i don't like to see any of this stuff so i make it all very small and the stairs go automatically from zero to nine then i'm going to bump up to this floor and in that same spot i'm going to put another box and i'm going to do the same things with this one i'm going to drop the opacity way down and i'm going to drop the font way down and we can also see that it's technically going from negative 1 to 10. uh you can just leave that so now what we should see if we're on the ground floor is when the player walks it automatically bumps them up a floor so the stairs operate how you would expect them to uh except for just one little thing when this guy walks upstairs when he walks upstairs the tokens at the bottom floor disappear uh it's still better than dragging them all the way across the map but there's room for improvement so let's go ahead and fix that and so what i'm going to do is go back to this drawing tool i'm going to unselect this because i want to make a hole and this hole is going to fill this entire area and i want the hole to go from zero but i actually wanted to go up to 19. i wanted to go all the way up to the ceiling i also uh if you don't get rid of the lines or drop the opacity uh you see the lines on there there might be a better way to fix it anyway so the lines are on there i just like dropping the opacity down so that i don't see it though i guess you could also just take the text and delete it and bam now it's just invisible yeah let's just if you delete the text it goes away all right so now with that hole there if we click back over to the player view the players can now walk upstairs and the tokens are still down there uh you can mess with the settings uh and have them get smaller when they're on different levels um but you can still see the tokens down there and if this guy decides to walk out of view he disappears well that's it that's how you can use the levels mod to do a multi-level buildings if you like this video give it a thumbs up and i will see you next time did i get my outro done before you left
Channel: DungeonMaster Josh
Views: 30,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: foundry vtt, foundry modules, dnd, foundry vtt modules, dungeons and dragons, mods, dm tips, dungeon master, foundry vtt modules d&d, foundry vtt how to, foundryvtt, foundry, d&d, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, dnd 5e, d&d 5e, dungeon master tips, dungeons & dragons, dnd5e, dungeon master advice, d&d5e, foundry vtt dnd 5e, how to use foundry vtt, dnd 5th edition, 5th edition, tabletop, game master, gm tips, game master tips, dungeons and dragons 5e, tabletop role playing games
Id: pTSTgW6y8f8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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