World, Regional, & Continent Maps - In FoundryVTT! Using Mass Edit, Advanced Drawing Tools & More

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[Music] hey everyone this is Zephyr and welcome to the Bailey Wiki Channel where we teach everyday DMS how to create truly amazing experiences for their players by combining art and Technology if you're a DM who likes to wow your players and you're using platforms like Foundry virtual tabletop and dungeon draft then you're in the right place we've recently been playing around with a lot of really cool new modules and features and Foundry VT that make creating continental and Regional Maps an absolute Breeze Regional and Continental maps are amazing tools for World building in your games but sometimes they can be harder to assemble in Foundry than say a battle map where they might require knowledge of another piece of software that you haven't used before to that end we wanted to share all of these techniques with you and get your thoughts some of these are more effort than others and some give really amazing results for really minimal effort so we wanted to Showcase all of these and see which ones you guys think make the most sense to implement what you'd like to see more of and what we should start incorporating in our own modules since we're covering several different modules and techniques check out the timestamps and hop around to the different subjects that interest you and let us know your thoughts on all of the ones that peque your curiosity with that said let's Dive Right In and get to map making when it comes to creating a regional or world map in Foundry we of course have to have artwork for it and there's three main options that we think of with this the first is creating your own map in wonderdraft like I've done here you can of course also use a map from whatever campaign or setting that you're using for example this is just a closeup of never winter along the sword Coast you can also grab your favorite maps from online at a variety of different sources one really great place to find maps made by other DMs is if you go to the tabletop RPGs subreddit in their Wiki they've got a whole lot of different resources but what we're interested is the community and the related subreddits and there you can find all kinds of other subreddits this is a great place to go to Just for General role playing things but specifically for maps there is a section dedicated to that you can see there's all kinds of things in here so the one I would most recommend taking a look at is something like wonderdraft or maybe fantasy cities these others have a lot of Battle maps specifically so if we go to our wonderdraft here on r/ wonderdraft you can see that there are a variety of different maps and if you're going to randomize this or you're going to customize it in Foundry you want something that's fairly devoid of labels or extra symbols and so this is a great caner right here from user TOA Fon go ahead and we can take a look at this and this is a great map that you can go ahead and and save the image onto your local machine and then put onto your Foundry instance and then we can use that down the line in a another step no matter what we've chosen for our BAS artwork there's a few different ways we can start to build out the features of our world map and probably the most basic of them all is to have Journal notes if I go to my journal notes here you can see that I have added pins for all of these different settlements and cities throughout the world now if I had this toggle notes dis turned on then I would be able to see this all the time in this case it's a little cluttered to have that on all of the time so I actually prefer having it off there's a couple modules that will link down in the description that have options for enforcing one setting or another on your players so that they know that there's Journal pins around or you can just make sure that they're informed and know where to find that again you can see that these have just the names of the locations and different icons depending upon the size of the settlement you can link these to journal entries like I've done with ravent bank here or you can just use them as kind of hover notifications to show what's there that's perhaps more useful if you don't have these built-in labels like I do from dungeon draft and you can do this on like a blank map where you're adding in specific cities there all these can be further customized you can adjust the icon if you would like to and you can change the tinting color Etc and that brings us to the first point of customization that's going to start taking things up a notch here we can adjust this icon here and you can see that there are a variety of icons and these are all found in your SVG folder if you go into the core data structure and you're looking at icons and then you can also go to custom and there is an option right here to open up a custom icon and here you could do something like since I'm only using this for information I can go into say the bwii maps towns and then I can go find the little info active tile here and now this just looks like an information button and you can make this less obtrusive in this case and you can adjust the icon size down to something a little smaller but you could then use these as little info buttons telling people that hey there's a journal entry here and again this works well with that idea of keeping it clean and just using the built-in labels for it next we're going to build off of that custom icon idea and to do that we're going to head over to cartography assets if you're not familiar this site has a bunch of different mapmaking assets for Dungeon draft Wonder draft and a host of other platforms we're interested in the wonderdraft assets here now obviously if you're using wonderdraft to create your Maps then this is going to be really helpful to you but even if you're not this is a great place to go because we can use Wonder draft packs to create amazing tile sets for Foundry VT if you filter your assets by software specific for Wonder draft and you just click on the Wonder draft it'll give you a variety of assets for some really gorgeous mapmaking pieces you can filter these down further with tags license information Etc and you can see a lot of different options here go for a talet that you enjoy the style of if you want to keep it consistent with a lot of the things that we're doing then we recommend adipic maen and adipic if you're watching this I apologize if I just butchered your name um a lot of these assets are paid but there's also a lot of free options again if you are willing to spend the money then adipic is a great Creator to support he has a massive library of really awesome stuff and that's what we'll be using later today but you can scroll through all of these different pieces and you can find what speaks to you the most for example we've got this ultimate winter and snowy settlements and towns from adipic and you can see there's a lot of different assets and most of the creators are really great about showing you everything that's on there and most things come in multiple flavors and whether you're using Wonder draft or not again these are great options for tile sets because unlike dungeon draft wonderdraft assets don't come in a pack file so you don't need a separate utility to unpack them they come in a zip and then you move the direct pgs into a folder to register that asset pack for wonderdraft so for this it's super easy to get those really gorgeous assets and use them as tiles for yourself in Foundry virtual tabletop whatever Wonder draft or other mapping assets you decide to pick up they'll download in the form of a zip file for you to extract so go ahead and extract those with your method of choice whether that's szip or your operating systems default archiving tool then we can start drilling down into it if you're going to install this as a asset pack for wonderdraft then you want to check out the readme we're not going to cover that in today's tutorial but let us know if you're interested in a wonderdraft tutorial and we can cover adding in custom assets in that tutorial in the future but when we drill down we're going to go into Sprites and that's where all of these wonderful symbols are so if we go into trees and go into the subfolders we can see we have these different pieces now the ones we're looking for are not the ones that have this white color to them those are going to be kind of hard to work with even if you tint them they're not going to work quite right here so we're looking for things like this these are single trees and I'm perhaps more interested in the tree clumps here and these are going to be much larger and so you can see this really bright green is actually part of Wonder draft's version of colorable the way Wonder draft does colorability is a little bit different from dungeon draft so it doesn't play quite as nicely with token magic effects macros so we're going to go ahead and ignore those and these default colors are pretty gorgeous already so we can see we've got all of these great options here which are going to make it really easy to add forests and Groves to any kind of regional maps that were customizing in Foundry so you can take these and you can move these into your Foundry assets directory however you like to store and organize your pieces you could do that as is if you're using a lot of these assets we highly recommend that you convert these into a webp format you can either use something like or photoshop any kind of photo or image editing software usually has a way to convert it from PNG to WEP or you can use a bulk utility like xn convert or something similar to that whether you've converted the assets to web P to save space or you have left them as PNG however you've organized them we're going to hop back into Foundry and we're going to play around with those tiles a little bit here and this is just going to be a quick demonstration I have put them inside of a assets folder and then a section for maps like this and tiles and then again the artist that we're using today is AD AIC maen if you like these tiles you like this artwork definitely go check them out and give them your support it's really great stuff and there's a massive Library here so we'll drill down into nature and I have a couple folders here for colorable and that sketch as I was experimenting but again I recommend that you just don't bother with that it's a little hard to get working nicely and we can scroll through here and we can find all kinds of different assets in here and we can just take a look at these uh tree clumps that we brought in earlier and you can bring them in and just like any other tile you can also change the asset grid size to be a different size so if you use a higher number then it is going to be really small and if you use a lower number it's going to come out much larger so you can use that to adjust these I find just dragging them out at the base and then you can resize them by just holding down this bottom corner if you hold down alt when you do that then you maintain the aspect ratio and that's really nice so we can use this for all kinds of things that we can then create brand new kind of Landscapes and geography using these tiles but another application here is if we go back to our map pins here we can also change these map pins to use a custom icon so rather than this Village we scroll up to custom and select custom icon and if I go into structures this is where I've put all of the different towns and everything let's see this is a pretty small town in the woods so this seems appropriate and if we update that map note you'll notice that you have this nice little Custom Image and you can scale up the icon size to use that as kind of a deao look now you have a map note that looks a lot classier than just the standard uh icons here so it's got a lot more detail to it so that's a decent option for you and of course we love our Automation and our fancy effects so we're going to show show off another version where we use monks active to triggers so here I have another version of the same map set up but you'll notice that there are no Journal notes over here instead there is a tile and this tile works on some hover logic and I've got the option to approach the location which is going to give the game master an option to activate a new scene and then we have this new area called raven bank which is kind of drilling down into the City returning to the we can also hover over this and then open up a box for the journal entry so this is a way to add this kind of slick look and your players won't be able to see these tiles or anything so they'll be able to just hover over the cities and be able to get a look that way and of course you can apply this with instead of using this hidden artwork we could then do the same thing with one of the tiles that we've grabbed and just if we Mark that not hidden anymore then this tile now has the same functionality and gives us that hover and all the options to approach the location Etc so there's a lot of flexibility with the monst active TI triggers but it might be a little much for some of the automation you want to do if you want to take a look at how this is set up this is the very rough overview here on the setup screen and then going into the actions will slow down for you to be able to see this I've got some extra Landings in here to remind me what to edit in case I copy and paste this and then it allows me to easily and quickly see what needs to be updated for when I'm copying and pasting from my template now this has some logic in here to make sure that multiple players aren't opening up this dialogue and we're not having the scrolling text spam constantly we're still kind of workshopping the ex exact mechanics of this but it works pretty well as is to have this hoverable option that each player can activate individually without stepping on each other's toes so that is the tile that if you want to replicate you can go ahead and do that but again the monks active tile triggers maybe you don't need to be this complicated maybe you just want to have a hover over tile that you just click on it to change the scene or click on it to open the journal entry or click on it to have the hovering text to tell you what it is is or use it to reveal a drawing that tells the name rather than having this scrolling text there's a lot of different options we kind of picked the fanciest showcase here for monks active TOS just to show off just how detailed you can get with this if we take a look at our little Regional map again we'll see that we've got three districts drawn up here and these are just polygon tools or polygon drawings here with the regular drawing tool and then we've adjusted of the line settings and everything so let's go ahead and show off making one of those really quickly and I'm not going to really sweat exactly what these lines are for the district and I'm not actually going to adjust these settings I'm going to show off a awesome new feature from ADI with mass edit and that is mass edit prefabs so whenever you use the mass edit window you'll notice that you can change certain things and you can now create these brushes that when I click on this I have now changed this into being the red District uh type of drawing so I've got a slightly thinner line style and I've got a fill with a certain opacity it's already adjusted that and it's got my text and everything so we can call this District 04 now if I wanted to make a bunch of different presets for districts I could also then go through and set up all of these with different colors so in this case we'll go ahead and adjust all of the color schemes here if you're ever working with this and the fill color isn't wanting to update sometimes that's because of this opacity even if you update the drawing and so the way you can fix that is just if you change the opacity back and forth and this occurs sometimes with the solid fills if you're changing colors and also with pattern fills so just if that ever happens that is a little tip for you that you can just adjust the opacity back and forth and you'll be good to go we're ahead and finish adding all of these little bits and now we've got this green District so how do we create one of these Mass edit prefabs well if I have this selected and I use my mass edit hot key to open up the menu and by default that's shift e we've got all of these different options I'm not worried about the position at all I'm going to go ahead and rightclick on the lines and you'll notice that checks every single box that I'm using over here right click on fill likewise it's going to go ahead and select everything if you want you can leave the the whole fill texture unchecked because if for whatever reason you did want to switch to a texture or something like that and you've already got texture data then you don't necessarily want to overwrite that and since we're using the solid it's not going to interfere with setting up the drawing this way then we've got the text and I'm going to go ahead and right click Text as well but I'm going to uncheck the text label up here at the top and if I'm doing anything with my font family or something like that and I have a specific size font or any other settings in here then I can also pass those along so it's nice and consistent rather than hitting apply I'm going to click on this little box up here it looks like a small like cardboard box that you'd use for moving if you click on that it's going to open up your presets window that I pulled out earlier and you're going to have the option to create a preset and it's going to create a new preset down here and we can call this district green1 and then I'm using dadt and I'll show you why in just a moment you can then organize these into folders like I have the mapping ADT folder right here and now if I were to select this brush by just clicking on the activate brush I can then apply it to other districs and it can switch back and forth between them seamlessly so this is a pretty powerful effect that we're going to leverage a lot more in just a moment so I mentioned ADT earlier and that's because we found another really fun module to mess around with when we're doing a lot of things with drawings and that's called the advanced drawing tools module from Dev 735 5608 or Eber and if we turn that on we'll go ahead and see just what all that changes right and now we're back and you'll notice that these district lines look a little bit different if we go into our drawing configurations and lines we now have options for dashes to set how large the dash is in pixels and then how much of a gap between them as well and then in Phill we have all kinds of settings for changing the texture up and in text we have a whole lot more options so in these examples I didn't alter anything with the extra settings on the text other than just the size and the color and everything but we'll show off how some of that works here in just a moment but there's a lot of powerful Tools in advanced drawing tools again not strictly necessary for doing this project but it can create some really cool results when you're combining the advanced drawing tools effects with the mass edit presets it allows you to have some really complex drawings that might take you a little bit to figure out exactly the style you want but it's really easily replicable after that you don't have to copy and paste and you don't have to adjust everything and speaking of adjusting another awesome feature of advanced drawing tools is you can see how this kind of bubbles out a little bit before I click this there's now this option for edit and I can move my points around kind of similar to adjusting things on like a path in Dungeon draft or a pattern shape and I can use that to fine-tune my shapes on any of these polygons I draw so that's another really great feature here and it makes creating things like this District map or if you're using freehand drawings then it makes them a lot easier to work with and really powerful you'll also notice that this district has the dots and that was kind of our source all of these districts had dots to begin with the dash and even though I didn't have advanced drawing tools open at the time when I created this Mass edit prefab for my districts then it actually had all the flags for the dashes and everything for advanced drawing tools stored inside of it so that was still getting copied over even though it didn't have the module active so you don't have to stress about like oh no did I make that preset with the right modules active or not and now speaking of modules let's open up another one and this is going to be monks enhanced Journal you might already have that and so you might already be experiencing a few few different options here and we're actually going to use monks enhanced journal for kind of an interesting feature but if we go ahead and save our module settings and we reload we're less interested in the journals themselves and actually a little more interested in what it can do for our drawings and we'll notice we have the district 04 over here and this is that original white setup that we had and we'll notice that the text over here is a new font Dungeon Drop case and there are a lot of different fonts that come bundled with Foundry to begin with but monks enhanced journals adds extra stuff like lovers qual and that Dungeon Drop case that I just love so if you want some extra fonts look into modules that add this as well because you can then use those fonts for creating your drawings and it makes really cool looking maps and map labels and again I'm just such a huge fan of the Dungeon Drop case here if you wanted to add more fonts on your own you can go into your configure settings settings and in core there is actually a configure additional fonts we're not going to go into a whole tutorial on this but basically you can put in font files and have a directory for that for you or you can use system and basically you can add any font that is on your operating system so anything that's in the windows system folders in the fonts you can just type in the name of that and add it in and you'll add additional fonts so that's a really brief overview on that let us know if you'd like to learn a little bit more about that now that we've explored a lot of the tools for creating map elements let's go ahead and put in that last piece of the puzzle here and if we go to the Neverwinter map then you'll see what I'm talking about so first this seems like just a regular tile that doesn't have anything special with it but if we open this up you'll notice that this is linking to the bwii maps uh towns module it's actually a black Square so this has a token magic effects filter applied to it if you you've seen Our Endless terrain macros that let you generate a bunch of different terrains this is that but made a little bit more precise and a little less random and with that you can use the scrolling token magic effects macro to then pan around on the map and you can use a much larger file and for example if we had the full version of this map or if we wanted to zoom in on ayia we could make separate region Maps using the same Source map and then zoom in as much as we wanted on this you can even do things like rotate and if you wanted to you could make it scroll or you could use that until you found the right spot and then pause it to line things up so that is a really cool application with token magic effects so if we pull open the macros here we're going to compare the random overlay for terrain uh using the desert one and this endless map for never wer here and there's a few key differences and some really big similarities this may look like there is a ton different here but there's actually not that much going on so first we've got the regular filter setups here and then we have randomized and that's going to be true and that's how we're going to alternate images in the case of the desert terrain but we also have things for scale and rotation and translation and so over here in the endless map for never winter I want this to always start with the exact same starting position because this map is kind of tall and skinny and has an awkward kind of aspect ratio to it and so I want to always just start in the middle and then I'll move around from there so I have only put one image in this image path section which uh over here is all of this so we have trimmed it down to just a single asset here and it's always going to be there and then the scale option is basically the zoom function so we're going to zoom in 2 and 1 half times on this and I have both of these set to 2 and A2 so it's it's going to always be the exact same level of Zoom as well if you have different values for this it'll randomize it and then you can adjust the step for how random it will be or how granular you can get there and we're linking it to the Y scale so you're zooming it in at the same aspect ratio and then down at the bottom is basically just your control to make sure that the image is centered and everything so you can check out the random overlay macros in the Baya Wiki nuts and bolts module and then you can kind of reverse engineer them here and then also in the bayi nuts and bolts module is the that scrolling token magic effect macro and just to show you what I was talking about with those edges if I was randomizing the location that we start in then we might end up with these seams and that's not fun it's also worth noting with this zoom and pan and rotate you can think of it as if you are moving the map itself as if it is on a table rather than moving your view and so that's why this might seem almost inverted like if I'm hitting up it appears like we're looking further south or moving further south on the map rather than moving North and it's because it's like we're sliding the map up and away from us so we discussed how you could use the same art to create basically two levels of maps and so let's demonstrate that with the lyia map that we have set up so I'm going to go ahead and go to place tile and I'm going to use that to drag out this whole big box here because it doesn't really matter what the artwork is because we're going to go into the modules and I'm going to grab this from the towns module inside of the active tiles folder we've got a black Square you can use really any image it just needs to be completely opaque so I highly recommend you either use the black Square from our active tiles or make your own little black square and use that when you're doing these things and once you've create the tile it looks pretty bland now but we're going to use a macro and this is pretty much exactly the same as the macro that we use for Neverwinter is just going to be referencing that ayia map which is the name of the continent from earlier if we do that it takes a minute because it's a pretty large file and we're zoomed in here and so now we can use those scrolling token magic effects tools and we can then zoom in further so if I wanted to have a zoomed in area of the region around Raven Bank since that's kind of the city that we have a smaller District map of we can just zoom in and then we can pan around and decide where we want this to be and then bam you've got a great little region map and you can add in things like those Journal notes or additional tiles if you wanted to add further interest here so that's a pretty great application of being able to use existing maps that have labels to them and giving you multiple levels of detail without having to make multip multiple Maps it saves you a lot of time at least in the wonderdraft side of things if you're making your own map I didn't have to make another map that is just this region and then another one that is Raven Bank zoomed in I could just zoom in using token magic effects which is a really awesome way to build out multiple levels of this and create multiple levels of Zoom you could even set up macros that this starts at the full size of Alyria and then Zooms in when people click on things so there's a lot of cool applications here but we're not quite done yet let's go ahead and take a look at this empty scene that I've created and once again we're going to go to this place tile and we're going to drag this out yeah and then we're going to go ahead and grab our black Square once again and create our tile and now I have set up a extra filter here and so this is also going to be picking just one piece here but I have edited this a bit and you'll notice this one has no symbols on it or anything or no markings for towns and everything and so this is how you can really quickly actually use some general maps that don't have geography or major cities labeled on them and everything and you can use them to create your own cities and so what we can do here is we can go into those tiles that we' gotten before if we go to our map and our tiles and if I want to plop a city right here I can then drop that in and now I have a city I can set that up with monks active tiles I can add a journal note I can add drawings for labels and there's all kinds of really cool things that you can do so I've drawn out that text and I'll show you I've been pretty busy with all of these different presets so if I wanted to apply a label here we'll notice that we've now got this really great label format for this city and this is leveraging a lot of different things right here so with this city name we're using that mass edit prefab to basically bring this in we've got a custom font from monks enhanced journals and then we've got in our lines we're using Advanced drawing tools to set up this Dash that has its own kind of style to it and we have uh set up different colors and then the fill we're actually using a pattern I am using some textures that I picked up these are you know free textures that are tileable and you know completely seamless and they make nice little backgrounds to this so that you can still move this around and it'll cover up the symbols on the map really nicely so I think it works well compared to just using a kind of light background on them so that's my preference you can adjust the fill opacity but it doesn't play Super nicely with your textures and then in text wise you can get really crazy with Advanced drawing tools it's pretty nice so I am able to adjust this stroke color and that's what's on the uh letters here so if I change the stroke color just make it bright red to uh drive on the point and you can see that really can change the look of things and it can give you this cool effect for either really controlling the contrast of these pieces or adding just this nice uh visual effect to it and there's also a drop shadow blur that we can adjust here because you'll notice that if I were to draw a drawing out here with Foundry you know this is just my default settings you'll notice that in Foundry by default you've always got this automatic stroke that's going around the edges of the word and then you also always have a drop shadow beneath it and you can't change the colors of it normally you can't change the stroke you can't change the The Waiting of the stroke you can't change the waiting of the drop shadow but with Advanced drawing tools you can configure all of that and make some really awesome labels for different things and create a lot of different effects so now let's take a look at a really big case study here that I've made I've done the same thing but I made a blank map so it has actually no items here and this map was completely made in Foundry using using a blank map I made in Wonder draft I just used a continent generator and then I said that was good and I exported it and then I put that into the token magic effects filter to create this backdrop and now I have placed all of these different tiles from adipic again and then I have made a whole mess of different presets using mass edit and advanced drawing tools so a couple features to point out here you'll notice that I've got got this uh really crazy looking label here for this city called cwell and I don't have any lines going on here and how I'm able to achieve this cool border is I've actually gone in here and I've used a pattern fill my fill texture is from one of the UI elements from the landing pages module and one of the really cool things about Advanced drawing tools is when you're doing these pattern fills you can actually do things like adjust the texture scales so I'll just adjust adust that to demonstrate and you can use that to kind of manipulate different textures and you can rotate them I can make this 30° and you can get these interesting effects and I was able to use that to basically make a really fancy frame around my city label is that kind of tinkering for everyone and is it super easy to do no not necessarily but it's a really cool demonstration of the power that that you've got here and you could do something similar if you have those more seamless textures and you just want to break things up a little bit change the rotation offset it a little bit maybe make it look a little smaller between different options and then text wise we have actually the option to create gradients with our colors using Advanced drawing tools too so that's how we have this kind of brighter yellow down into a deeper gold effect going on and you can add as much of that as you want so we have this really cool effect here and then we have all of these different labels here so let's go ahead and get into a demonstration of how would you leverage all of this together so first let's go ahead and use our tile browser and we'll go back to those tiles that we have from adpe here and let's go ahead and add a small town down here huh I think I like this so we'll go ahead and drop this in we can even add a couple just a hit home that it's a town and not a singular building out in the middle of nowhere and remember that our background is a tile so you may want to avoid uh using the send to back options on your tiles so we've made this little town here and now we need to have a road that goes here so the best way to do that is if you use this freehand tool you can draw a nice little path and one thing to note is that with Foundry the different assets have different levels to them just innately they're always going to have a certain hierarchy if all else is equal so if they're all at the exact same elevation for example if you're using levels then drawings are always going to be above tiles so as a demonstration if I use this to edit my points and I drag this point way out here you'll see that that line cuts through my Village so you can be precise with it and that's again where um Advanced drawing tools is really helpful because I can then you know just like I pulled this out to make it a little ridiculous I can put it right back using that edit option on this drawing so we've drawn this path in we then also probably want to go ahead and raise up this label so that we're not getting it obstructed and let's even name this road and we've name the road obviously it doesn't look anything like either our major roads or our minor roads but again we've got this nice preset that we already established so we'll go ahead and let's make it a major road if I go ahead and click on it then it's automatically applied the color the opacity the thickness of the line and adjusted the text so this is a really easy way to build out your roads super fast this was really easy to do here you just have to get the right style down once and then it's infinitely repeatable with those little freehand motions and now let's do the same thing with the text label all right we'll just name this place protocol because I'm not feeling overly creative at the moment and I've got a label set up for towns here and I'm just going to open up my presets again and I'm just going to use that active brush and Bam we have applied this different effect so now we have this great drawing one thing to note is that if your drawing is like super small with Advanced drawing tools then it's going to support text wrapping it's going to start popping out so if that's really small it can be hard to grab a hold of this properly to then resize it so you'll see that I have a hard time grabbing it to resize it so if that happens you might need to just contr X so cut and then resize it and just make it a lot bigger than what you need it to be and then you can update the drawing and you can resize it to be the appropriate size and plop it right in and so now we have this nice nice label here and you'll see that we've got a couple other kinds of labels going on around here so let's name these mountains to and with that mass edit preset I have a kind of tan look for it and I have this nice label generated and again you'll notice that with Advanced drawing tools you can have text wrapping so we can leave this like so and you get this pretty nice effect going on right here you can also do some other pretty cool things like over here we actually have this uh Beacon M Wood is set up with an arc to it which makes it a little counterintuitive to actually select the correct drawing box for it but you get the hang of it once you've messed around with it a bit and we can set this Arc of -30° and then it will bend kind of down like a smile or we can make it go up and you can get it pretty extreme here so there's a lot of different options here it makes it really easy to add in these bits and pieces and when you've got more of these completed and you want to add some extra embellishments then there's also things like adding in these symbol options you know maybe you're going to use this as kind of a wind rose type of situation or you can add things like ships in the ocean you know just like when you look at old Maps there's extra symbols here and there and you can do the same thing here kind of stylize the map if you will and there's a lot of different options that you can do if you explore what is out there in terms of wonderdraft assets and just play around with things like Advanced drawing tools like the vanilla drawing tools you can still get some really awesome effects like having these backgrounds and having just interesting choices of the font that you pick from the vanilla fonts and the colors that you're using and you can still get really cool distinct labels and create really nice effects with the roads and all of the different geographies that you'll have with your map and again this is just a blank map that I generated a few times so to demonstrate that again really quick you know this is my blank map that I'm going to use and just like we did over here if we just generated a few times we can figure out a land mass that we like or we can fine-tune it and go to different parts of the continent and then work with it from there and then you can just start building your map directly in Foundry and all you had to do was get a single blank map and that blank map can be one that you made in Wonder draft it can be one from redit it can be one from Pinterest wherever you want to grab it from it can be one from a module and you can create a really awesome and compelling area by just adding in some of these great assets and again we love these from ad AIC maen and and it they're well worth the support if you are interested and if you are just looking around for other Wonder draft assets there are quite a bit of free options that you can throw in to really spice up your ability to make these really interesting Regional and Continental level maps for your games I'm going to conclude our tour of different Regional and Continental map making options in Foundry with this sped up version of me assembling this map in the background completely in Foundry I hope that this video has been as interesting to you as it was interesting for us to explore all of these different techniques we think there's a lot of potential in using the mass edit presets in particular not just for things like these Regional Maps but also for other applications such as setting up our lights faster in 2D scenes or assembling monks active tile trigger ready tiles in an instant there's a lot of possibilities there and it seems like a really powerful tool that adif has now added to to our Arsenal Advanced drawing tools also adds a wonderful array of options to an otherwise somewhat limited drawing tool palette the drawing tool in vanilla Foundry is quite serviceable for making rudimentary labels or making notes for yourself but when it comes to actually drawing things and illustrating ideas or differentiating labels it's maybe a little lacking the ADT module really fleshes that out and brings a lot to the table and of course we're still contined to be amazed by by token magic effects and the Sprite abilities in order to create these Maps like the endless terrain but now we can be even more powerful with them by using them to reuse a single map to create multiple levels of detail these are all really interesting things to us but we want to know from you what of these techniques make sense to you in terms of something you'd like to incorporate into your own GM prep workflow and what kind of features would you like to see as support do you want to see more fonts added to our modules do you want to see more macros and Source maps for creating your own Regional Maps do you want to see us bundle tiles for creating things like these cities and mapmaking icons once again this has been Zephyr with the baywi channel if you enjoyed this video then subscribe to keep up with all of our latest content and consider becoming a patron not only do you support the channel but you also gain access to all the modular systems and scenes that we've ever made and be sure to let us know in the comments what other features we should be adding to those modules right now again it's been Zephyr thank you so much for watching happy gaming and have a good one
Channel: Baileywiki
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Keywords: dnd, dnd5e, fonderie vtt, foundry dnd 5e, foundry modules, foundry tutorial, foundry vtt, foundry vtt dnd 5e, foundry vtt modules, foundryvtt, foundryvtt best modules, foundryvtt combat, foundryvtt tutorial, fundição vtt, fundición vtt, gießerei vtt, gießereivtt, rpg tools, vtt foundry, vtt, foundry vtt tutorial, foundry, foundry vtt review, d&d, foundry vtt 2021, foundry vtt features, foundry vtt modules d&d
Id: 45A9hFg0zLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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