Foundational Principles (Part 1) "Repentance From Dead Works" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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this is the day that the Lord has made and we're glad and rejoicing in it and we're so glad to be back in worship we missed you last week we had some snow and it kept us from being able to be in worship but we're grateful that today we're back in the house of God and we're glad that you've joined us wherever you are and I'm going to be ministering today picking up on the theme of our church of doing life together and acts 2:42 it talks about the early church met together and one of the things they did was they learned focused and embrace the Apostles doctrines and we're gonna begin a series today dealing with doctrine and we're gonna talk about one of the key doctrines beginning today pray believe it will be a blessing to you in your life thank you for joining us have a great great marvelous day and a fantastic week god bless you we love you how to live your father Heavenly Father Almighty God we worship your name glorify you thank you for being the god that you are you have been our strong tower you have answered our prayer you even cleanse your ear it's our needs and we come to give you praise and give you thanks as we come this hour this afternoon we pray and intercede for one another we called each others a name out we pray for our brother our sister that you know the details of their drama their pain you know what's going on in their homes and their families and their own hearts and your minds and we know that you are delivering time you have the ability in the power of God to work miracles on our behalf we come before you today in the name of the Lord Jesus praying for one another and in a CD we pray that you work it out that you solve it whatever they need not only do we pray for the people in this building but our brothers and sisters around the world who join us to internet we pray for them father and ask you to work miracles on their behalf so I pray for these life group moderators this morning this afternoon that you would anoint them power them use them give them supernatural wisdom the supernatural insight to make deposits and change lives rebuke every scheme and plot that the enemy is aimed against them father put a hedge around them and protect them in Jesus name father I pray for their persons today that are here that are unsaved backslidden unsure uncommitted I pray father that you would speak and you would change hearts and draws people to yourself that we might be in the center of your will and we pray this in Jesus name amen and give them a hug before you sit down give him a hug Halloween all right got your Bibles get your Bibles and turn to acts chapter 2 this is our theme verse for 2019 do you remember what our theme is for this year say it again throwing life together doing life together that's how think we're transitioning from what we've been doing to a new place and doing a new thing and the thing we're seeking to do is to make our church help us to do life together with each other that's what the early church did and we talked about the fact that the early church didn't just do church together they did life together we are good at doing church together but God wants us beyond just doing Church together he wants us to do life together the early church is a model for what the present church ought to be doing and God did supernatural things for them God did supernatural things for them I'm just waiting for amen God did supernatural things said if y'all can't agree with that we're in trouble yeah we want to see God do for us what he did for them God did the spectacular for them and the truth be told God has done spectacular things for the First Baptist Church of God but I'm not contended satisfied until we're making even a greater impact for the glory of God is for his glory that we ask that it's done and so one of the money no we talked about the fact that description is a model for so acts 2:42 shows us how they what they did together they did life together and it says in acts 2:42 it says and they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship and the breaking of bread and in prayers and that's what we're going to be doing in our life groups it's what we're going to be doing in our ministry groups I'm trying to transition our ministries as well don't just do rehearsals just don't do meetings let's do life together let's spend time together let's get to know each other and you know there's always some person who say they don't they don't like the First Baptist Church but not because it's big and it is big but the first church was big they had 3,000 people on the first day I wish I knew the Bible amen pastor oh this is the club y'all kind of tired just a club crying right y'all tired from the club last night I gotta walk a little slower with y'all so in acts 2:42 is this is what they did they they continued steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine and fellowship breaking of bread and in prayers now I'm telling y'all what I'm gonna do right now for the next several weeks we're gonna walk down through each one of these four pieces and what it means and how it applies to our life that's what we're gonna be doing we'll talk about what it looks like I've hit it briefly but we're gonna dive into the deepness of it and I'm gonna take my time remember that's gonna take my time to do everything I need to do because we are moving into a new dimension of our church life now if you just come to church to see what you can get out of it and get your get your thing going on you might want to go to the church down the street we're looking to go deeper in our commitment and into our relationships with each other and to be everything God wants us to be so you know that's what you're interested in this here this here is not the church for you looking for people who are serious about their walk with God so I'm gonna tell you right now the first thing I'm going to talk about is the Apostles doctrine that's what it says right here 242 the very first thing they stayed steadfast in is the Apostles doctrine and I'm going to spend some time matter of fact I'm gonna spend the next six weeks talking about the Apostles doctrine I know that doesn't sound exciting but it is exciting because the problem is some of you don't know what you believe there's a lot of doctrines that the Bible talks about but I want to I want to start and just deal with the first six basic ones most Christians don't know the basic doctrines those basic beliefs that we should believe it says right here in Matt fat go to Hebrews chapter 5 listen let me to slip over there for a second because that's when we'll spend the next several weeks in this Hebrews 6 but I almost started chapter 5 verse 12 Hebrews chapter 5 verse 12 says by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the Oracles of God and you've come to need milk in that side of food for everyone who but protects only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness for he is a babe but solid food belongs to those who are a full age that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil probably some of y'all don't have your senses exercised to discern both good and evil that's why you can do do evil don't think nothing about it you can participate in something that's not righteous and you know it's something you don't you just you don't know anything so that's why people do crazy things make crazy choices have crazy beliefs I was visiting one of my son's house the other day and he was on his computer computer playing some video game didn't he start talking while he was playing this video game I said boy who are you talking to what you're doing he is playing the video game and talking to people on the headset who he playing against on the other side of the world we didn't handle games like that when I was growing up but he got so proficient at it so good that he's moving the men around and doing the thing he's doing because he's he's been playing it so much that he's exercised himself that he knows what to do to make this make the man do whatever he wants to do and I'm just saying you we need to have our spiritual senses exercised and we need to know what it is we believe know what it is that we stand on we need to know tell your neighbor your need turn out the probably having the church and why people do crazy things they don't know what they believe that's why I people we've had members of our church leave the church go to the Jehovah's Witnesses and send me a letter said a general witness to say they can't come back in this church so they they're sending me the letter let me know they're not coming back because we're not teaching the truth the reality the fact is the the Jehovah's Witnesses can come in their house and tell them that their church is not teaching the right thing and they can believe the Jehovah's Witnesses because they don't know what their church believes because they don't ever take the time the line and I made a decision I'm making a decision that because here's the fact it's not that we don't make it available we got classes every day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday we got classic daytime nighttime Saturday - we got classes it all the time it's not that we don't have classes you don't come to the classes so since you don't come to the classes I'm bringing the classes too when you don't know what you believe in a loved one dies you try to call up in the casket with them because you don't know what the Scriptures believe you don't know the doctrine about the resurrection for eternal judgments all this is mentioned right here in Hebrews Hebrews six y'all got Hebrew sits right there y'all got it it says verse 1 therefore leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ let us go on to profession or maturity not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God the doctrines of baptism laying on of hands resurrection of the Dead and of eternal judgment you don't know about the resurrection that I did that's why you go crazy when somebody in your family dies because you don't know about resurrections you don't know about eternal judgment that's why you making crazy decisions doing crazy stuff you want to do because you don't realize one day you won't have to stand before God and give an account for what you did you don't know what the Bible teaches about that you don't know about the deaths various baptisms then that just one baptisms the Bible talks about several baptisms you don't know what the Scripture teaches hasn't pertain slaying on the hands I don't let her by letting hands on me don't lay hands on me without asking for my permission to touch don't touch me you can't touch this so what I want to do is teach over the next six weeks these doctrines right here in Hebrews 6 and I'm gonna take my time and do one at a time ain't no thang all five of y'all for that rousing affirmation and it's okay y'all don't want come back it's fine with me I would have done what God has played on my heart I got with me so today I want to talk about the first one what's the first one apostles doctrine but here's that I will talk about the six doctrines in Hebrew six so yes you're right I'm dealing with the doctrine to the Apostles doctrine but I'm starting off with the first six that are called foundational truths listed in Hebrew six are y'all with me what's the first one in Hebrew six repentance from dead works good y'all finally got me all three of y'all thank you I appreciate it I want to talk about repentance from dead works that's what I want to talk about today listen carefully I promise I won't be long I'll be finished when I get done okay so repentance I'm gonna divide this up into two sections repentance and dead works repentance and day it works because it talks about we Pinter's from day it works so let me define repentance for you let me talk to you about what repentance is because some people don't know what repentance is because the definition of repentance matter of fact repentance is a word that comes from two words joined together here's what the first word part of the word means it means to grieve to regret or to be sorrowful it means I'm grieving about a decision I made I'm grieving about something I did I'm sorrowful I'm regretful I'm angry I'm upset I'm bothered by I'm sorry for about it that's what the first part of the word means the second part of the word means I'm so bothered by I'm so grieving about what I did that I'm number two making a change in my attitude or or actions see some of you are sorry for what you did but you keep doing what you do but repentance means I'm not only sorry for what I did I'm making a change and I'm not gonna go back down that road again now I know what some of y'all are not willing or able to really engage with this because everybody and you got something for which they need to repent from and if y'all say Amen nobody know I'm talking about you cuz all of us got something none of us arrived ain't nobody in a place that you don't have nothing that you need to repent from everybody got something that you don't want nobody to know about everybody got something they doing that they know that you got no business doing everybody got weaknesses and failures in their life everybody got something for which they should repent for and I'm here today to define for you what's what repentance means it doesn't mean that you sorry you got caught come on look at your neighbor say that's not repented that you're sorry you got caught that's not what it means it means I'm grieving that I realized I did I hurt God I disobeyed God I dishonored God I didn't do what His Word said or I did some of his words said not to do and I'm sorry I did that and I'm so sorry for that I'm willing to make a change now here's what the scripture says second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 jot that down 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 verse 10 2nd Corinthians 7:10 here's what it says for godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation stick a pen right there when you really repent it leads you to deliverance and this is godly sorrow produces repentance leading it to salvation not to be regretted but the sorrow of the world produces death see when you when you have thus all of the world you saw you got caught and so you just become more sneaky the next time you do it why are looking at me out of the corner of your eye like that but when you really repent you say I recognize God sees me and I'm sorry for what I did and so the scripture is calling us leading us beckoning us to a place of us being willing to do exactly what the Scriptures defines and that means that we are we are making a change we not only feel bad about what we did we're going to make a change we're gonna change our attitude we're gonna change our actions we're gonna change our posture about it that's true repentance everybody they got some that you matter-of-fact jot this down repentance is a lifestyle it's not something you do once a week once a day and once a month once a year once in a lifetime every day you got something you can repent from it's a lifestyle it's something that you were coming to our life that we make it a regular part of how we live our life we learn how to be repentant how do you know when a person is repentant here's three things right these three things now here's how you know when a person is repenting here's the evidence of repentance number one it's a change in your values you give a different weight a different value to certain things things that weren't important to you become important when you change your values you recognize that you value life therefore abortion is not an option I think I got 10 claps on that one right there you changed your values you recognize that you look to God to meet your need and you don't play the lotto it'll be nobody here next week that's what repentance is you change your values number two you change your lifestyle it's a lifestyle change lifestyle check somebody say lifestyle lifestyle lifestyle change it's a lifestyle change you see a change in lifestyle when you repent you realize I can't keep checking is that what it's called now shacking they still call the shacking cohabitating no I asked my eight o'clock crowd this morning what do they call it now somebody text me say it's called doing life together they need to repent some more somebody need you that's not what we're talking about it's lifestyle change you can't say you repented from being an alcoholic but you still got the liquor in the bar in your house you can't say you repented for pornography but you still subscribe to the channels that bring the pornography tale it's a lifestyle change you know what I'm saying to you today it's a lifestyle change and finally it's a change in relationships number three is to change your relationships and that goes that goes two ways it means there's some people in your life that are not beneficial to your development and growth y'all let's be clear people are either helping you become what God wants you to become they either helping you to grow spiritually or they're hurting you yeah you can't be close to nobody without you either help you either moving them toward God or them moving you away from God and let me talk to some of y'all who think you don't need God and who think you don't need the people of God and you don't think you need to be around the people of God let me talk to you today you cannot become what God wants you to become by yourself that's arrogant for you to think that you will need the people of God and the gifts of God and the anointing of God and the presence of God around the people of God that you think you can do it all by yourself you need to repair you'll never get to where God wants you to be acting alone and doing it on your own and being by yourself and being separated that's why we need the church alhamdulillah I need the church I need the people of God I need people to challenge me I need to be prayed I need people to call me out when I miss the mark I need people to hold me accountable I need people to pray for me and teach me and show me I need the church I need the church objective as the church is yet subjective people here starting at the top the pastor's ejective joker i confess i messed up tore from the floor I'm a mama jacked up Joker but guess what the church is the best thing God's got on me I need relationships and when you repent you change your relationships now I want you to turn to proverbs 28 and I want to reverse 13 28 13 here's what it says I gotta yeah yeah I've got it hang with me says he who covers his sins will not prosper do y'all see that right there he who covers his sins will not prosper but look at this whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy you want mercy from God confess and repent confess and walk away and God will give you mercy I don't know about y'all I need mercy let me close with my second point I'm almost finished my second point is dead works the scripture says repentance from dead works I need to just I'm almost finished can I have two more minutes how about three can about three looking for four five can I take 1010 somebody give me 10 10 here's what their that's right this isn't this is a 12 o'clock service right y'all came because I want me to take my time let me tell you what a dead work is because it says repent and get worse a dead work is anything that you do that seeks to use human effort to be more valuable than the work that Jesus did on the cross for us to have salvation that's what a day at work is a debt work is when you think coming to church on Sunday it's gonna get you saved a day at work is when you pay you pay you give your tithes and offers you think that's gonna get you say mad at work is when you in the choir dead work is when you become an usher a dead working when you join the church a dead work is when you get baptized and you think those things get you saved and I want to be clear I don't want I don't want anybody to mistake what I'm saying to you today let's be clear getting baptized joining church paying you're tied to being in the choir being an usher serving in the community whatever you do that don't get you saved we don't do those things to get saved we do them because we are saved something inside of me won't let me sit back on this because I've accepted Jesus because I've been born again because he lives inside of me something inside of me won't let me just keep on being focused on my life and me something inside of me said I gotta serve I gotta give back I gotta be concerned about other people I gotta do what God calls me to do it's not about me earning salvation because he fees chapter to write this down verse 89 says for by grace are ye saved through faith we are saved by the grace of God not works lest any man should boast you don't get to have about what you do you get to heaven because of what Jesus did for you all before and Ephesians two and eight spells that out for by grace you have been saved through faith that not of yourselves it is a gift of God verse 9 says not of works lest anyone should boast it has nothing to do with what you do it's what Jesus did to get yourself something you're here today and you want to know how to get right with God Jesus has done everything necessary for you to give this free gift of salvation it's a gift from him and if you're trying to get to heaven and you think doing all these things is gonna get you in right standing with God you have missed the mark that's a dead work and and the write of Hebrews says to these people repent from dead works walk away stop trying to get God's favor about what you do and let you check off I've been to church today check as though that makes you something special with God no no we're saved by grace through faith now I believe there's some people here today that deep in their heart they know they're not right with God when I became when I joined this church when I was a child I joined because I wanted to taste communion I was in the Sunbeam choir and I saw all of my peers taking communion and I wanted to find out what it tastes like so I joined church and I got baptized as a child but one day I came to the understanding that that's not what's gonna save me and that wasn't the right thing so one Tuesday night and the revival service downtown DC I know I was singing in the choir I was in the university at that time I knew I was active in church I was an usher I did all of that but once one night I realized there was something missing in my life and that night I didn't care what anybody thought about me or what me said all I said is I want to get right with God and you know what God had the audacity to save me that night the nerve it's the best decision I ever made in my life I wouldn't trade it for anything in my life he saved me he forgave me he watched me I was a good church person but that ain't gonna get you safe I got saved that night and I believe there's some people here today don't want to get saved come in just get on up and come here right now you can get saved right now your sins can be forgiven right now your sins can be washed away right now you can meet the Lord Jesus right now just get on up and come right down here right this moment don't be worried about what anybody else thinks so says about you come and get right with God while the blood is running warm in your face right now is the time to say yesterday to him matter of fact look at your neighbor talk to him ask them are you right with God do you know the Lord Jesus talk to them engage them in conversation say if you're not right out I'll walk down there with you you don't have to walk by yourself don't let the enemy hold you back don't let the devil lie to you come and say yes to the Lord Jesus right this moment hold on one second hold up hold hold I better pray for us cuz that demons trying to hold some people back I know father I pray now by the Spirit of God that you loose those people who are unsaved and draw them right now in the name of Jesus to you I pray by the power of the Holy Spirit draw them now and reroute that devil in Jesus name get out of that seat and come on to Jesus right now in the name of Jesus glory to God bless the name wonderful Savior mighty God that's right come on in the name of Jesus hallelujah that's why the church encouraged in Kurt if you're here today and you're already saved or you're not sure or you're backslidden you need to rededicate yourself to God maybe you already say we need a church home this here is a good church for you to be a part of you need to be covered come right now you already say you're backslidden or or you need to rededicate or you're not sure and you need assurance or you already walking with God you just need a church and this is a good church for you to come come right now come all right give these people a head get the water shot the person behind you is a counselor they gonna take you in the back find out why you came they're gonna talk with you she has scribbles which you pray with you give you clear instructions anybody else will wait for anybody else we'll need to come come on father I pray that you filled them all with the power of your spirit break every chain in their life let your name be glorified in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 28,682
Rating: 4.8271236 out of 5
Keywords: Sheryl Brady, T. D. Jakes, Jasmin Sculark, Dr. Jazz, Joseph Prince, T.B. Joshua, Billy Graham, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop T.D. Jakes, Chris Oyakhilome, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, FBCG, First Baptist Church of Glenarden, fbcg sermons, fbcg combined choir, Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr., john k. jenkins sr., jesus christ, holy spirit, bible study
Id: HZzfQpnwyN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 19sec (2179 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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