found vintage toys!! Storage wars Winner!! 30$ Abandon storage unit

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all right if you don't know i'm story stalker here at another unit with my fine a double s baby mama behind the camera what and i'm bringing you another crappy bar not another crappy buy no it was only 30 bucks and it looked kind of old and i said you know what i'm gonna buy it but anyway cue music real quick and then let's get into it it's gonna be maybe a real quick video [Music] [Applause] when i said i seen old stuff look at that 1953 corvette little model oh it looks like they put it together already okay that's kind of a negative not a plus but kind of a negative oh this one looks new let's see is it even it's not even in there it's just a box or is this it right here that is it okay that's cool we found like 20 bucks worth of stuff another corvette 1957 corvette that one's pretty cool in there not put together yep brand new boom you know where that's going to be on the auction on a friday what you have auctions don't play them wrong with me little lady you know i have auctions what is this home handyman hmm teach you how to be a home handyman honestly i don't think you could learn how to be a home handyman because it's in the black it's in the blood either or you're not sorry sir or you aren't okay that's a good one couple models that's not bad that'll probably go in the trunk because it's kind of a good stuff maybe maybe not i don't know see we got down here a big bucket looks to be like a worker man outfit that thing's heavy dude how are you wearing this thing check the pocket how many times do you think it was washed never since they got it why is it so heavy this thing is money in the bottom i know it's extremely heavy what else is in here a couple movies some yarns a leather jacket and that's it it's not a bad bucket flea market people will buy this type of stuff you think so yeah for sure for sure they probably will even buy the bucket all right put a lid on it put a lid on it okay we have some garbage ain't nothing like finding beverages they're old 63 yeah 1963 license plate might be some good ebay items it might be let's put it right there for now and the last looks like just trash you know we do with trash right [Music] oh that might be a vintage toy set no what if it's not all here it's pretty thank you yeah it looks like it would be interesting to know how to do that you want to put that together yeah yeah your average man can't do that no see we got in here i don't know these are you know what they are too it's a shredder it's to grind down marijuana [Music] right yes sir there's another handyman encyclopedia and guide they have the whole collection to be in a handyman it's a little pirate ship in there well it's a nice little hot ball trivia game what's that one called garbage here goosebumps what i used to rate all of those did you i did too they were pretty cool all right off to the next what is that whitman and it's the drill bit sizes okay yeah i don't know what it is but whatever then we have some clothes any of these like old vintage shirts maybe do not enter ninjas only well i guess we can't enter that place and just only oh these look like just like cold clothes good clothes just closed in the shoe that box distinct a little bit this box stinks a lot a bit look at this deal at least have some old concert shirts or something dude mark something that's an old racing shirt that might be something yeah put that to the side with the other ones give it a bath first give it a bath why you don't like the way it smells i think it smells delicious don't smell delicious it's personal right yep papers meds oh look at those those are needles hypodermic needles they already got the medicine here they're probably like a uh what you call it um diabetic or something a little race car look at that you know it's a hot wheel oh there's a hot wheel cool 1999 hot wheels you know [Applause] cigarettes rocks a dagger be careful with that i know what no i'm not i'm a good kid swinging swords i'm gonna start making me a box what stuff i'm keeping oh space shuttle nasa united states garbage garbage garbage pull that out where's the money honey pull this out more than needles that what is this that's a tattoo machine is it like a little engine thingy i see tattoos in my nearest so we will keep it just because we don't know what it is the rest is trash is that bubblegum oh that's round table um how many pieces thompson photography high school class of 1974. holy crap i'll give that back that's probably some old stuff oh high school what if there's a post oh my goodness look at that star trek puzzle yeah that's my favorite probably not uh [Music] don't be uh bread meats in my dog bags oh carl's jr all right well that's mcdonald's and this looks like that's really bad what do you mean food that bag it's not old food that was just two old things yo should i even be digging through stuff i don't know what do you mean you don't know that ghost busters who you gonna call a chain in here to whoop someone to whoop someone with chain on the hook we got what with that someone want to get whooped with it oh wait look oh this is back trash shorts more clothes a blow-up bag see i usually don't go through all this type of stuff but ever since the i noticed that shirts are expensive yeah i've been going for them old beat up shoes some tone up look at that ew this bag smells like feet it's a gun case where's the gun [Music] i'm sorry can you see mm-hmm what is that it's what i know that i mean like a candle holder that's what i'm going to say somebody really wants to learn how to be a handyman they're really good poor person hello what's in this box like old food stew oh that's pretty cool oh it's all broken up oh man i gotta still get on it and write it yeah yeah don't look safe look you're gonna try to write that okay never mind yeah can you fix it so i could write it because i would love to write it you want me to fix that down here oh my gosh that'd be hecka fine this thing will fall apart really really okay you could try you know what i'm going to laugh at you too like garbage oh can i give you something to laugh at what's your name i'd like to see you smile guess that's very useful right now yeah that one yeah would you wear that one looking like pick a new basket he can just be careful i don't want that to fall that's another candle holder huh get that old bottle that's nice okay sounds like fun let's go oh all right let's keep going garbage i thought that was your good box no i got two boxes over there you know what this is that little game what's it called is it back camera yeah though then we have more clothes more paperwork what is this thing like a gazebo or something it's like an old old one yeah it's a nice army bag though like the one that was really stupid to put up so you just don't even want to put it up and you just sit inside yeah this box is pretty tight that's a mickey's bottle you don't get about here that one's nice water water little fan or something that's a carburetor so that might be something another carburetor you do that again i'm gonna kick in your body gun cleaning kit let's see yep there's another one over there let's see right through it empty no there's another one where right there you've seen things no right there world of warcraft yeah that might be golden ebay this might be good for you starcraft 39 bucks price there oh someone right here oh right there yeah empty wait is it empty yeah it's empty this box smells like pee warcraft is this the games or something cards card shuffler if that's in there we might have to dip it these are all warcraft little gameplay casino night casino tonight no that's what you said casino 9. yeah we'll put them in a good pile a good pause going to be little oh how cute little baby goodbye personal face no don't take it personal game that captain ron what's all the white stuff from the pillow games all right come on i was him for halloween [Music] what do we got here um this unit is very weird is that a sh top to okay that box officially we got right sucks some clothes these are all just clothes but look does that look old to you no it's rockaway yes i only have two nails guys what the heck there you go counting my sneakers whatever hey you didn't even say comment below how many you got what's that looks like a whale whack motorcycle or what kind of motorcycle though you know where the tail huh look at that what if it's like the most sought after piece for our harley davidson and we got it wait we got it all right back to this corner over here oh watch santa claus santa claus is coming parts oils these things people buy those things some samples sanders what we got back here oh we got some tools all right let me lift that up bits and stuff and this one wrenches nothing special wrenches nothing special hopefully we can close it if i don't have to lift it like a heatman you're complete star trek dvd set i mean uh vhs and they got it in a box cover oh look at that that's a nice antique sign it's almost 100 degrees in here oh it's good to know it first that's tight oh look at that one i don't even notice that one either they're mama's not in there oh that's not still nice all roads lead to santa cruz baby look at those those are pretty nice that's probably a couple bucks right i would say i'd say pay you for your your um dump load yeah vhs's but you know that titanic some vhs's are very expensive i didn't know that old school horror movies that one might be expensive legends oh it's nice how they have the cover on top of the vhs expensive vhs i'm just guessing in the comments will tell me the truth star trek all right i'm going to back it up so you can come this way it's over here oh bring it over here babe your door to set it over there come over here you're going to set it right come here you scared ain't nothing going to bite you no i want you to come this way when you big old chicken get over here some dvds some tools and the light and stuff nothing special in there well we could probably use that light if you don't beat it we got way better lights in the house and you want to use that busted light um your light seems like it doesn't do that good in your shipping corner my [ __ ] my light is cool all right let's see we got helmet helmet is it harley davidson always secure fastened chin strap when wearing helmet no it's not but it's extra large what nothing what what you thinking about i was just laughing at what my brain was thinking that's not gonna fit me is that where your brain was at huh extra large ain't big enough my head is too big actually my brain was thinking that you could probably you know anything no extra large helmet i need at least a forest seriously i don't even think they make forex helmets exactly that's why i never wear a helmet i gotta wear one of these i get on the motorcycle put this on let me punch your car okay i thought you're serious whoa those are those are 22 blanks they're blank rounds i think i think oh look at the little car did you see that with poop on it ain't no poop on this car 1988 something hey all right so what i can put in my pocket look what car so we got in here oh look at that you know this is right what's that come on oh yeah definitely there's some pieces from them oh this is all personal you know what maybe this has sentimental value i'll give that back to him right yeah and there are some dream catchers in carry it there let's see what we got in here papers papers and nascar phone oh that's a nice phone hey what nascar phone what's up i was gonna taste like keep that and i think that's it all papers all the way to the bottom something says usa over here on the side right there with the belt buckle buckle hold on and a train hold on i'm grabbing it going faster holy crap what's up 50 cartridges to something let's see come on open bound ammo whoa they're nine millimeter luger winchester found ammo and a tow truck frank's frank gettys matchbox 1987. um it's gonna make you sneeze it is that's why i'm gonna stop well i guess i better put this good stuff to the side oh get the car too the car phone signed right there wherever that is you sign the menu from the store texas the state the state semi driver training incorporation all right baby come back maybe come back here let me get on this study because we went through all this already right yeah now we're over here oh look another sign this is a nice sign right mikalobe nicholo who wants a bill it's old i'm not telling if it works but it's a beer sign who wants a bill right and those worth of money let's see what we got over here let me move this right here put this right here right there that's all this is all papers it looks like a little beat up model whatever that is personals look at these persons back whoa close your eyes don't look wait if those are what you okay let's just say that's the front one um those are definitely sellable baby no they're not you can't sell stuff oh exactly okay no but you would do that and just tell people what they are [Music] garbage garbage garbage garbage papers old crock pot which means garbage garbage all clothes garbage then we're going by fast now i'm talking about old wires i might take that to the market for the most part it's garbage what it's a little kid probably understood yeah look at this a light that's pretty light i would say market yeah market little baby fan i could use right now it's a nice little hammer huh but the right there's supposed to be a little ratchet thing everyone hurt but it's missing but it's still nice dgk oh a switch controller it's probably like five ten bucks right there easy like ten bucks but then a good pop you're not gonna put the um no no ratchet thingy no i'm not cuz it's broken at all did you see that yeah that was kind of funny expanded all right sorry let's see we got garbage garbage more garbage more garbage more the garbage garbage garbage garbage the whole briefcase was garbage i'm gonna say garbage else what the heck this watch looks like two bags look one it's still ticking too dude that's weird it smells like straight feet huh smells like toes huh yeah are you going i'm trying to get are you trying to escape from me because yeah i am that too over here you big old cry baby i can see you still we can see you still from here garbage i'm not digging through that garbage not refused closed captioning not available we have a briefcase with a weird looking thing in it looks like that's what you hit somebody over am i trying to sweat yeah that's what a man looks like [Music] okay a little homemade little thing yeah it's pretty cool though looks like you found the rock in front of walmart you found the stick in front of the 7-eleven he threw the rock at two rats killed them both big one little one wrapped the big rat right here little rat right here and he was walking down the street and he went to jail for being drunk in public and they confiscated his weapon so how'd he get in here he got out of jail and fought to get his property back and now what's in here let's talk about some more crazy weapons thanks for the story what story i enjoyed it stories are fake that was the truth the truth a purse which i would never try to sell to any of my subscribers because they look kind of crappy two places yeah okay a pair of juice shoes another purse another purse shoes the whole bottom of this looks like shoes whatever it is dryer balls what that's what they'll be seeing dry air balls oh okay now these are all natural dryer balls keep making our way towards the front here we have more clothes to be so squished right here step over you're acting real handicapped today baby real real handicapped maybe what is this right now trucks these look old um look at the name what is it arbor we're gonna put it to in the good part because it could be worth something okay a couple tools a big old watch is this a power rangers descent no that's just a wrist watch what is this starcraft warcraft warcraft warcraft oh we might have found something hey look at looking here these are all dirty but they're gonna look nice once i clean them up little die cast cars matchbox 1981 matchbox 1991 1987 buddy elk corp patent buddy truck what the holy crap this is it's solid metal i don't say nothing honey though look at this big old one oh it's a matchbox too that's a matchbox yeah it's all tingled up sometimes but highway patrol city police see oh that's the hook right there that hook don't go in there come off oh super king matchbox what year is this thing 1978. these are gonna look awesome when i clean them up i'm gonna make old stuff look like new stuff 1978 matchbox that's cool he's not a matchbox he's something else this one is a hot wheels cool these are all cool cars what is that thing is that a solar car hot wheels it's hot wheels dang truck matchbox on this one 1987. dang these are old they're kind of beat up but they're nice too cool hey i think that might be the most interesting box we found yeah what do you say what do you say jose what do you say jose that's the last box oh yeah the last one's empty damn let me step out oh my gosh now look at you hit looks like how we found that my people is how you go through a unit in less than 30 minutes right no how long that's it we're at 35 12 right now less than 35 and 15 seconds something like that but thank you guys for watching appreciate it if you guys see anything you wanted you might be at the dump but the cars for sure to keep our little things warcraft all that for sure friday tune in you have a chance to buy that stuff but for now peace out people peace out all right guys that right there is what my wife likes to call a bus down tatiana empty store personal papers pictures and stuff like that all in the corner did it all you know i did it all my little mama was in this right here you hear that ac whole time she played me it's all good as long as she was my camera woman yep right here on the ac thanks babe well you know what what i can't even leave you why we're gonna tell my trailer now oh do you need some help thank you
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 7,248
Rating: 4.92555 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: 6c0engmq0ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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