Found The HOLY GRAIL Of Trash Picking!

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all right a little dark out here the sun's actually just arriving right now so the clips should get better is this thing filled with lead this thing is heavy oh my so that's scrappa yeah the scrapyard run i don't know if this is hoes or it's cable i think it was cable scrapyard run from the last trash picking video um just the uh the steel alone was 43 dollars which was quite a bit i know in the video i says like 30 or 32 dollars towards the midway part and uh yeah ended up being 42 dollars for all of it crazy a lot of metal that day who knows what will happen today sun's coming up though all right kind of weird um i just drove down this road one to the end turned around that development came back and there were two kids standing out here and they're completely gone and i don't see the school bus speaking of wire ah no this ain't the good stuff so this stuff just goes as yeah this would just go as steel so i don't know what's called coax wire it's got a like a steel ridge on the inside it's got copper right in the middle but they won't give you they won't give you uh insulated copper price for that it's a shame because if they did that'd be they'd probably be like 15 20 bucks right there hopefully the quality of the video gets a little better as it gets a little bit lighter out i know these early clips are kind of a little shaky in fact speaking of shaky you guys know i was talking about my uh my camera works sometimes the camera gets all crazy on me and the balancer goes out i was on a good streak there about two weeks before any of my clips got like that and then when i did that auction video i had two clips and things i wanted to show you guys which i'll probably just show you guys in a future video but the uh the clips themselves i guess the balancer and the camera just went out on those i just couldn't include them so i just deleted them but yep the good old gopro's been surviving it got to do something about the uh the poor lighting though that's the uh the only only big issue i have with the camera also not sponsored all right this is where i found all the clothes last week vh city right [Applause] oh there more close this week it's my biggest regret from last week's probably not taking more clothes oh vhs's vhs's check out this there you go get yourself some vintage giants apparel that's syracuse go back even our look vhs holy smokes so i'm grabbing the jeans because i don't know if they're like good jeans i'm grabbing a t-shirt and a sweatshirt what the heck really [Music] just literally just close and closed it's all vintage stuff that one's still [Applause] i want to just like dump the whole trash can into my van but there's so much garbage at the bottom of that this is insane this is literally insane for all my vintage clothing people here you'd be in heaven right now and vintage uh basketball guy he loves these old thin dirty t-shirts uh [Applause] all right i'm going to do a couple more trips but i'm going to probably edit this out because i don't know how i mean i'm right at like 12 minutes i've been sitting here digging through these freaking trash cans i know i've definitely edited out a bunch of this but this whole video is just going to be digging through trash games i got probably missing some i'll be honest this thing is destroyed i don't think one car came by that entire time the neighbors on the front porch across the street walking their dog all right so that was a great score i can't wait to go through all them but back to reality so yeah that last uh that last last stop i was there for 12 and a half minutes well from my first when i clicked the camera it's a great way to use a timer but i was there for 12 and a half minutes and i'm pretty sure i edited out a lot of that so you guys didn't watch me just dig through four or five trash cans for 12 and a half minutes that's what i got um i feel like i missed stuff which probably happened but the bottom half of that trash can or at least all the trash cans actually had like garbage in it and i didn't want to drag the trash can down to the road and just like dump them into the van make a mess so uh i think i got all the t-shirts i left all like the bun up shirts the one thing you'll notice when i do the recap is those shirts are very very stained uh last week when i got a bunch they were also extremely stained so i'll run some of them through the wash see what happens but that was an awesome score i mean we got harley t's got sports teas got it all crazy so oh this thing is shot [Music] [Music] ah and just on cue we got stuck behind the garbage truck with uh nowhere to get around them magically somehow the garbage truck took a left turn rather than a right turn because this was the next street over and uh that whole section of town i uh i saw a scrapper driving through it the entire the entire area it's like i was driving right behind another scrap truck i will go through the back with this one i i can't believe all those shirts they don't tell you what they don't smell the greatest washers [Applause] okay how are we gonna plop this one i probably can fit there i'll just push this grille back nice book on gettysburg so you didn't think i was going to come back you're crazy so [Music] so uh oh that box fell over that's not good it's got all paper it's like everywhere oh all right we just found the lamp we just found the chair we found a grill and now we're finding the fan am i missing anything yeah broken right don't need that i guess we're missing an ironing board but those you'll find those every week i don't know what else vacuum cleaner maybe that's a vacuum cleaner microwave that's like a toaster oven microwave i think we complete the bingo sheet i wasn't lying either of my other videos with that car that i thought was the lincoln that's that same car it's the same car they got all these different like uh figurines in the back it's a mercury that is crazy i bet you any money they're gonna take a left turn at this next street if they don't stop and pull over and look at random jump junker necking i think that's what they say left turn up here stopped i called it i called it there every i decided it's beyond me yep they're stopping to look at something huh there's nothing there uh the beauty of trash picking the people you see i i ran into another scrapper today a new one i haven't seen him before he had a packed truck in that town i was just in sylvester shell wait a second that's an older shelf back it up it looks like it's broken on the back it's busted in a couple spots it doesn't look that old but on the back it did it almost looks like it needs a front and yeah it has like a little ledge that you have you put a glass insert or a glass like window or door here we get on the door subject glad that guy went away that door reverse wheel subject but looks like it's probably missing something all right everyone that's gonna wrap it up here for today's video you guys might be able to see there's actually a a truck out there and then there's a tractor over there there's all sorts of machinery over there uh there's like a skid steer or a steam roller that's a pickup truck or a dump truck and they're actually and they have a backhoe over there or a mini excavator i should say uh they're finally digging up the uh the road guys might remember from the fall i had that one part where it's like this massive hole that was in the ground well today they're finally fixing that whole thing um they're digging up the whole road putting a new culvert in and i guess they're repaving it so that will be uh an adventure there but wow trash picking was awesome all right so i did pick up this one box it was over there everything kind of fell down it's got all sorts of um letterman patches so you got a little high school patch there you go i guess i was the player there's some dvds in here there are some uh what looks like all the different newspapers from a bunch of football games in the 60s there's like a scrapbook here old pair of scissors surprisingly scissors like these so this is a craftsman i'll put that aside those scissors somehow sell old rusty scissors but yeah just a ton of paper ephemera um all sorts of stuff looks mostly like newspapers but it's all related to local high school football from the 60s so that's kind of neat i'll put that aside for now oh that's in 1972. so yeah and then we grab all this metal which i'll run to the scrapyard very shortly i did however grab all these clothes that i had huge anxiety over really really cool shirts here um everything looks to be vintage joe's tavern they also this is from 1992 they all smell not great they all smell not great they just they they don't smell good um and like last week every shirt looks to be stained at least all the clothes are um i did try to grab all the t-shirts but this one's got all sorts of moth holes in it this one's a kids that's the one i went back and found there's a whole stack here so i just started grabbing stacks get it stacks hane signature collection these aren't too old i don't know where i hear one of those tractors going that way is that what's going on huh skid steer i don't know where the guy's going he can't go anywhere where was that anyway yeah so a lot of blanks at least what that whole stack was i thought i saw a lafayette college one or something this one is lafayette basketball camp oh what the heck is this charged gbh give me fire that looks like a band shirt of some sort i think it's a fruit a loom tag american tour so that's what i was kind of afraid of and i was kind of hoping for i'm kind of afraid i would find like band shirts in this and then i was also kind of afraid that um i might have left something so i did go back i did pick up like one or two more shirts but they weren't anything great i think it was this was one which i thought officially was originally was a harley shirt but just says america this harley shirt however is a harley shirt i put over here sunlight might bear so you got harley on top davidson down there licensed by harley davidson it might have a back print does not have a back print it is a single stitch shirt nothing on that one yes these look like all blank so i went to go through all and make sure there's no crazy what the heck new york and 90 the magic is back yeah this they smell terrible but my goodness are you some great teas what the heck is this flash dance i don't what oh my goodness holy smokes eagles 1994 now now i'm going to be upset that and just like somehow just like take every single trash can just dump it in there i know there was trash but we're talking like hundreds of dollar t-shirts here i grabbed everything wow i mean that's just on top of the surface here they got some i guess this is a sprint car maybe this is from 2002 we have an alabama crimson tide shirt i can't believe it there's a lot of these uh i've grabbed the bunches pennsylvan pennsylvania state constable shirts see what some of these ringers are what the heck is this one whale football pop warner i'm only here for the beer i'm shocked somebody with 30s all out someone did this was another nice stack i like finding the shirts that are like this just all bundled right there so you got snickers racing got some blanks this one says party animal got some massive sweat stains wow oh that's awesome look at that shirt it's a newport shirt newport cigarettes we got a ed hoffman smoke and joe's racing ah man some more more racing oh that's the same shirt so i'm going to go through every man they uh they need a bath that's for sure hopefully you guys enjoyed this video it was definitely a lot of fun stay tuned for our next episode um there'll be plenty more treasure hunts just like this i can promise that so make sure if you guys enjoy the video smack like on subscribe down below this is amazing an all-around great score a holy grail of trash picking fine so hopefully you guys enjoyed it until next time have a great day keep living a dream peace [Music] you
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 46,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Trash Picking Find, Best Trash picking find, best garbage picking find, garbage day, trash day, garbage collection, best garbage find, garbage pickup, garbage picking, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, speedy diver, dumpster dive ulta, dumpster dive gamestop, dumpster dive find, found money, found gold, river diving, aquachigger, dallmyd, gold mining, antiques, vintage clothes, vintage nike, vintage snapback, estate auction, yard sale, retro rick, garage find
Id: 9td-bIWeSCE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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