[52] Searching for the Ghost Town and Abandoned Train Bridge

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business I says shelter on US Army hey guys so we're here again today remember in the last video I said if you keep following these tracks at the end of this bridge you'll go to another bridge and a ghost town well today we're gonna go there so wish me luck I only have a few hours to get this done and one bottle of water okay so one of the things I said in the last video is that these tracks here keep going on and on one of the things I want to do today is find out how long they actually go on for so I'll see you in the end and report back alright so look at this first cool find of the day here's the old switch it is not engaged with the rail anymore well okay here's a junction and it looks like down here is another one and I can't see the lever for this one unfortunately looks like it would be right here and then that's the switch alright so I think I found where the rail ends unfortunately can't just say it got buried here you clearly see it was cut right there then it goes back so we're probably about three-quarters of a mile to a mile out from the bridge so there's a mile of tracks in here plus whatever those secondary tracks led to so it's pretty neat all right so followed this all the way out and look what I found we got the highway going above us right here and the bridge is right over there let's go take a look so right off the bat I'm getting not good vibes from this bridge let's just go out a little see what it's like yeah I think I'm gonna have to pass on this one you can see there's a huge empty spot right there I mean this woods in a horrible condition unlike the last one you could see right there ty already fell I can't trust this one guys sorry we can at least go find that town I was talking about all right so on the walk to the ghost town I keep telling you about it looks like I just found the first sign of it right here old foundation made a stone a little bit of concrete this is a good sign hopefully there's more all right so I have to cross the creek here this is sign that I'm getting very close actually I don't see any other way to do this let's just go big pipe right here there's another sign we have a foundation all my socks are pitch brown Wow it's nothing that's disappointing so I finally found part of it along with a lot of quaters it's like there's a sign right here how does that say 19 looks like a 6ww Scranton crest so this is definitely the remains of a building from this town good see oh look at this all right so this is probably some type of industrial building you can see there's like a cutout for a machine the machine mount and their screws right there and there's part of it right here too there's a fire right there all right nice so it looks like we found our first actual building that's part of this town you know something's down there something right there big sorry two big cement blocks with holes in them right there I wonder what that was for clearly there's more there used to be more of this that looks like right there yeah so there's ruins all right here so the building also used to be here it looks like all right why don't we go find the next building alright so a short distance away from that brick building I found this concrete Shack here and I hate to say it but that's some pretty nice graffiti yeah so this is filled with water looks like there's another hole in it so maybe this is another one of the concrete shacks we saw over there all right the bugs here are crazy so this is the part I wanted to try and avoid but because that train bridge we checked out is a little too sketchy for my taste we're gonna have to walk up the creek all right good all right so it's possible that I found another one of those concrete things on the way to the next section of ghost town possibly possibly so that Beach was short-lived I am back to just walking up the creek right now all right ah right there is what the bridge looks like from below in case you were wondering oh man I'll tell you what this is not as easy as I anticipated it to be yeah if you look right up there you can see there's a there's huge gaps in this bridge all right I really don't know what to do Wow see you guys you too those people are still there all right it's not fall that should be the objective of the day oh there's a nail sticking out of that tie nice so you see the key to success here is to only walk where this here support beam is and act like if you walk anywhere else you'll die all right so it looks like we got a support structure right here this is as far as I will go you mean let's be real this probably isn't much different than this but I feel a lot safer on this with the actual bridge structure around me so as you can see there's a telegraph line that ran right here well I'm happy I got my GoPro at least I'm going pro with it let's go back I mean I went halfway out so I guess you could say that's it's good enough if I learned anything from the old bridge though I'm definitely not trusting this sidewalk off to the side of me definitely staying here above this nice support beam this is the bad part okay all right nice there we go all right so hopping is skipping away from the bridge we just found our next building what we got here so again another brick structure oh okay with a basement I don't know if I want to go down there if that's the only way down now that I look at it - it looks like looks like there's holes in the floor okay so if this is the case let's try and walk around it first right off the bat it looks like I'm walking up on this a level up yeah so yeah as you can see this is a relatively large structure looks like they still have wooden slits in right there for like ventilation I've seen that before and it looks like if we go down there we'll be able to get in so let's try that so look I'm not in the mood for bushwhacking and I don't see how I get there from here so let's just look one more time all right so here at the end of the limits for what I believe to be the ghost town found those pipes but they just go over to the other side not really interesting the creek I found this big pipe now I don't actually know if this pipe was part of the town but it's the cool thing to look at nonetheless I think looks like it has supporting structures with steel cables holding it up at both ends all right so we're coming up on supporting structure here and from the looks of it this pipe continues to go on hey guys one last thing before I go I just about to leave and I noticed this in the road I think this is so cool right here you could actually see when this used to be a brick road I just think that's a very cool piece of history
Channel: NEPA Trains
Views: 200,623
Rating: 4.8375797 out of 5
Keywords: urbex, urban exploring, ghost town, town in woods, ruins, ghost town in woods, abandoned, decay, abandoned buildings, exploring abandoned buildings, abandoned bridge, train bridge, abandoned train bridge, walking on abandoned train bridge, sketchy bridge, dangerous, dangerous bridge, greenville, nay aug town, nay aug, nay aug station, nepa
Id: 4thvEojQvio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2019
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