The Abandoned Cabin That Was Never Completed

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this is a abandoned cabin now it wasn't fully completed there's no glass intact I'm sure you could see that the reason I know it's abandoned is because I've been I've been here before a few times never filmed it though nothing's changed although if you go on a Google map stay show you could go back on a timeline back in 2004 2006 all those times and I did that nothing's changed this place has been the same since the late 1990s so it's been sitting here looking like this for probably almost 20 years nothing's changed it appears to be on public land also I have a topo map on my GPS and this is marked as forestry land so it's on public land I did go up this road to see if I could find anything else there's nothing it just led up that mountain and went to a dead end although let's go let's go have a look at this cabin now that roads completely overgrown no one's driven on it for years and that's just a bunch of scrap wood they're probably going to use it as fencing that's what I'm guessing looks like that type of wood yeah they even had a gate from the looks of it this first room was it going to be a either garage or carport would have had a window so it was there probably not a garage because why would they have a window first sealed in space so there's a plastic table for some reason some golf clubs look at that big old thing of nails some old barbecue charcoal and but this was an awning nothing some staples all right let's go have a look at the top level they got so far in the making of this cabin it's kind of weird dick just stopped that's one hell of a view isn't it I bet this was either the storage room or they're gonna have the bedroom up on this wonder if the person building this cabin lived here that's why there's a mattress or if it's just a squatter who was here before I'm surprised it's in such good condition for the age and with it being on forestry land it makes me wonder maybe they got in trouble and had to stop building it since it's on public land I don't know that's it today though so thank you for watching and be sure to subscribe and check out my other videos
Channel: Dave Explores
Views: 126,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned cabin, Abandoned cabin in the woods, Proper Explorations, Abandoned ore bin, Abandoned town, Abandoned mining operation, urban exploration, Abandoned Mill, Middle Of Nowhere, Abandoned house
Id: jvH8yQShLRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 13 2019
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