Found 'at a dump'! Winston Churchill's iconic top hat and cigar 🎩 - Antiques Roadshow

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you turned up today with a really big box this is only a fraction of what was in that box yeah and I said to you where did you get this from what did you say from the dampens it from the dump okay so what were you doing at the dump I work there I've worked there for like 15 years and I get to pull out wherever I like mostly you know antiques got much free sheds for what do you think of that that I mean we don't live together yet yeah okay so we took out some of the stuff and you said I've got this hat and I've got this and this what was the story you then told me I've got loads of letters like over 200 letters with this same load and it was from a mother to her son the mother used to work for Winston Churchill she was a cook and the husband was a butler for Winston Churchill as well and she used to write to her son every day about the daily goings of Winston Churchill what he was getting up to how was feeling and just interesting stuff about him and then you know amongst all of that there are these mementos yeah of Winston this one here is that the lady yeah that's the lady's name so a signed photo from Winston to her yes book yeah and then there's letters that say have this gift yeah yeah there's less about I've got a gift from Winston today or for the son he used to share out quite a lot of his stuff so we have the famous cigar Winston was known for those obviously yeah cigar case signed photo and the PS did their resistance I have to say Winston's hat have you tried it on no my hair's really sway well think it's your go then oh yes very smart very smart indeed let's have Winston's hat back here we go you've caused a problem okay because if you'd come to me with all of this stuff and said I've been buying this over the years and you know I buy it from auctions and all that sort of stuff I would have sat there and thought to myself well very likely it's not real mmm you know it's it's been brought together and given a promise yeah but I've seen all those letters from that lady to her son daily letters saying this is what Winston is doing today and this is during wartime as well so she's she's sending home all sorts of information which so corroborates all of the things that you've got and it's not just these bits here you've got lots of other things that that Winston touched Winston signed and Winston owned yeah so we had to think about this so I think that your box remind me where you got it from again look dum-dum we think that your box is worth ten thousand so do you think moving in there with the three shades is probably a better bet you found it on the dump it's fantastic Oh truly everyone that I've told about this is we we sort of walked around today and although oh wow I mean the other thing I've also said is where's the dump yeah because we all want to come down there dozens of people have asked me I told and super thank them so much exactly you
Channel: BBC
Views: 515,959
Rating: 4.8666668 out of 5
Keywords: BBC iPlayer, AntiquesRoadshow, Chruchill, winston, cigar, old, antiques, bbc, bbcone, one, bbc1, history, british, english, uk, world, war, II, worldwar2, darkest, hour, rarefind, hat, tophat
Id: hKQkx8PD4Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 21sec (261 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2019
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