FOUND AMAZING MYSTERY BOXES!!! Bought storage just like storage wars

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no there's a new birthday rule but you want to know it what each partner has to spend the same amount of money on the other person well left in the world nope why could you send more on me give another bucks okay [Music] all right listen some of my beer can't get it either come here all right whatever we'll leave it there here we go again back at it yes the big unit I bought the other day time was running out had to get it out so what'd I do I moved every box to my personal space little mama can't help but to play with the puppet but yeah to my personal space and we are gonna go to a couple boxes from their unit I just want to say stay guys for being here I appreciate you guys being here little mama all right little mama sitting here ain't done today so whatever she'll be here eventually on the camera maker thanks guys now that I feel like I'm putting on a bra locker nuts Mike Eddie Manuel said you should get one of these they are awesome so you know what let's try it out this video chest can or will be holder what any other chest cam on this feels weird but it's on okay these right here are some of the things I came out of that unit and yes these are good to have you want to model a little mama I'm just can't what are you hiding from you're beautiful no matter what you look like oh my god you're not going to the club or making a video all right first one ooh are you really hiding from the camera you know what little mama I don't understand you right now it's like I'm breathing extra hard on this camera that one okay move it you're on a turkey one a plate set I like that one they say yeah Turkey that's boy toy key put your toy key on there they just wake you get eaten and then that one eye tears pretty cool huh a little fat look at that looks like me ten different versions of me cooking that's nice very nice but those things right there for sure will bring money at the market no Deb Kay bye alright one scene later bran coming off can't do it you let these bad girls go free stop well look at wait did you tell everyone we had to move everything but this box right here it says office miscellaneous all right look I opened it right I said baby mama that's like a fungus I need one of those oh and it works I said it's like a humongous junk drawer I want to go through it so that's what let's go I'm so glad I can actually be the intemperate person because I don't need to be on camera Oh put a dollar bill lollipop wonder if it tastes like money I said wait what does money taste like no money is not gold toenail clippers you know what I'm saying sorry am I gonna eat up let me slide to the light come on you're gonna run me over much better all right see what else we got in here we got ox core that's it no quarters you said this looks like one big junk drawer you look like one two movies but I like this let's say Bubba Gump go see water bottle I think pure natural energy apparently gonna - I thought it was for your dog but I get one soon all right lift that up she sells seashells by the seashore you say that five times fast she sells seashells she sells what a Cecil she said show Buster be quiet she says get out of here bye thank you oh my goodness it's perfume let's see what they were writing look Romain we should Pierce be good they are turn to the side off your van let's see what's in the bottom half of the box what is that no looks like they were making something note that those are shirts oh just put me shirt run blanket no look at this is like cool there's a lot of stuff like that arts and crafts maybe that was her business [Music] fabric CD this is picture frame to him did you say I want to see us mati something like that that somebody was there rice in there yonas just a lot of garbage in the iPhone case box with three sinks okay the receipts lady it's a treasure map test paper we're gonna oh I'll use that for shipping yeah I'm here to ship these items these items you look super professional what do you need ship certainty I mean yeah I'll ship everything okay okuni alrighty then these are boxes alright that box wasn't excited inside we're gonna be okay but whatever box it's office miscellaneous a 10 pound weight that's interesting oh they're in there ray-ban look at all those glasses leave me those are nice babe amazing valentine's Day is coming up maybe somebody might want to buy some glasses for their pretty girlfriend but a [Music] bangles that's always a good buy too many races they all seem to be like a good brand you look like you're fighting ghosts or something oh those are nice you got a car a nice box and some glasses I made okay okay you can see through it all right I'll dip those hand sanitizers if you don't mind yeah I like hand sanitizers we can make some CDs Oh ugly talk look at the name what nothing Samantha then look at the name good clothes that comment I thought it was nothing and I looked it up and kind of find the same exact one but some of them were expensive maybe the internet thing oh it sounds pretty okay sorry you would play with that expensive clock like it's just nothing up but anyways that office them office boxes are looking good so I feel like just grabbing you need to go through them some that say office well that one says bookcase cases the miscellaneous is where you want it says books case boxes oh there's like boxes those kitchen glasses okay see you see what I mean jelly bean what's that that hmm okay yeah it's a box Oh so the box is in the bookcase yeah look it back if that's a brand-new old iPhone that's crazy there's this card move your hands we can't see if they're gift cards I will surely I did I did oh man I've been a little weirdo to find going in the case my tap light first your what much do you remember that joke now you want my cards oh maybe not candid camera 5.0 megapixel are we in 1080p now so maybe you record your own stuff you know what's funny is I hadn't Mimi's recording some stuff and she read it really recorded doozy those aren't envelope you know [Music] happy holidays happy holidays you can check them in this birthday it's your birthday don't even say don't look don't worry this far today car we're not anyone the crap well not annoy the crap out of me hey buddy bug bird is a bird with a ferret bad boy the better sit break there was no cash in none of these cards don't look at that don't look at that don't look at this don't look at that where is the money money not one dollar in these cars and not one dollar I don't think I ever thought money again in college ever since that one time it's rare first thing I do before I read the card is take the money out the bird bird bird the bird is a bird put money in my cards I thought you're gonna say send me a card why would I send you money in your car I'm gonna drop it off in your p.o box yeah yeah for what your birthday yeah no there's a new birthday rule but you want to know what each partner has to spend the same amount of money on the other person what you left in the world nope why more on me give another bucks and I'm like you can say that okay small artwork fragile let's see what we have hope we find some more gold like we did [Music] all right are you sure about that what is that are you smelling your own fart that's a neat right there boy want some heat for that we all right so you're gonna remove the counter man this is kitchen glasses right do you so smiling sewage how dare you it's like roses and pomegranates in the summertime you know pomegranates smell layers were smaller oh these are all photo albums buddy yeah it's a lot of stuff missing people I told you I told you but this will be sick Oh it's a tassel okay big hit baby I'm sorry can't get over that all right come on places okay I'm gonna go through the poison places right here come on no it's a dustbag pink that's what I'm trying to Cornette right now all the designer purses but my camera wants to hit me why don't you record on your piano you got a cello don't you okay all right there it is there little mama I'm coming remain calm and share it on that's you naughty boy it's empty what can I find money like you did you know this looks like oh and you put it on your head you're so cute I'm a man you got a lot of places babe i penciled me you might find something else inside the places other than attack so what a pencil yeah I never knew that we should work there down in the dictionary find pencil in purse you're gonna find something else in bag yes that reminds me of the pizza man he's me I got your mutant you know what if we have pizza for dinner Louis Vuitton lose the title wallet my camera wants to hit you right now what nothing want to make an entry Dex yeah that guy reminds me of a pizza man remember the things that we found in the other unit totes more places it's a nice leather bag would you wear it you know what I probably would wouldn't you need because that Mac's not for people like you people like me I'm not different oh you don't like me for who I am people like me okay look don't worry okay look I got see I got a whole crap ton of locks and stuff and I'm at the market I mean I'm at that uh I'm at the auctions alright yeah okay now if you want like this that's kind of loose right I'll put all my lunch in there grab it walk around just like that see ya know still kind of looks funny Eddie Bauer II so Eddie Bauer bag looks like you want to go on a picnic with pizza and fatback are you taking on a picnic with pizza sure why not okay hot wings - hey that's a nice baby that is a real husband hot wings - wings - what else that's right look at that phone there holder no over the shoulder Boulder holder is not that you know but over the shoulder Boulder holder people want to come this over to all this shoulder Boulder holder is too they don't watch that looks like wait someone's floor what do you think oh look at some hardwood flooring right there I don't know is the one your dad made you feel so dollies yeah well I mean even though you're not finding money you're funny you're not finding actual money but you're finding money okay tell me you figure ooh I would get one free what are you doing you're free just like you do thank you specially I am yah-hoo us your name brand where'd i see you baby what's that oops got him coach got him coach that's pretty nice too nice lady a mobile phone I just fish and she watches the channel mom mm-hmm mom I love you so much and if you watch this if you watch this would you like this purse but if you don't watch my Chum you're gonna miss out on the nice culture print so I don't know well don't you ooh do you Burt Ginny Ginny tuning in that's all folks that's it what is that see that old Mimi is for what you'd put your stuff in put it around here put it around your arm this is a real life purse there's no way I am wearing this give it that little bows on the side give it a try yeah wait say sorry I apologize FL you say nothing but anyway no you didn't go through this one either oh no it didn't don't worry I'm watching that's pretty cool do you like that one Oh see like that there you go let me see put it on see there you go that's a man bag satchel and man bag and go go yeah like that yeah you're getting all the good units with that back I promise yeah no that looks like bag lady you gonna miss your bus oh yeah what is that it's a fanny pack back in the days that's for big Fanny's it's not a normal fanny pack that's for big Fanny's what is it I'll make it little Jimmy well suck it in you could do it all really foreign words yeah if you show up to the auctions like that you're getting something good I know you are oh look at that Oh coach this bag looks like it there's a wallet in there all right what come on work it before you interrupt it and stop the video don't I'm looking for a camera woman if my camera woman seems to not be following instructions right if you want to apply at the www ever leave my wife oh you know what you wouldn't even answer your messages so that's okay anyway you see this we all went to a couple boxes and we can't sit here all night and go to boxes this video never end so guess what you could tune back in tomorrow to watch another one and they sound people thank you for being here I appreciate you thumbs up mom I'll at me if you want that purse
Channel: Storage Stalker
Views: 12,659
Rating: 4.9429154 out of 5
Keywords: Storage auction, thrift, thrifting, garage sale, dumpster diver, dumpster diving, dumpster dive, garbage haul, garbage, haul, hauls, storage wars, auction hunters, treasure, treasure hunting, pirate, gold, cash, eBay, flea market, picking, pickers, American pickers, storage hunters, how to, auction, auctions, flip, make money, resell, unbox, unboxing, reveal, mystery unbox, surprise unbox, best video, funniest video, viral, gamble, resale, mukbang, asmr
Id: j94nudx8zwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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