Found A Secret Hidden Space In Hi5 Studios!

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hey there cutie Pete I know you want to say some words what are some what are some words that she says babe can you say what does a whale thing loo know what it's a whale say the docks all right okay come say goodbye to Daddy okay come say goodbye yeah my girl love you you see bye bye run away team ed shoot day to day always fun don't shoot much just because of all the same reasons Joey and Brian do such an awesome job running team edge that it allows me to focus on moving forward on different projects added to Joey and Brian for killing it on Team edge right guys I mean haven't those videos been crazy dude so funny don't fall off the ledge go check that video out right there that's so funny so as you guys know I've been doing the vlog hustle been vlogging a lot haven't been doing it that long but I am having a blast so I wanted to ask you guys is there anything specific that you want to see obviously vlog wise when I made that video about secret pathway and hi-fi studios which I actually forgot that that existed um it actually made me wonder are there any places in hi-5 studios that I'm not aware of I mean mind you I've been there for I think over a year and I've seen almost every inch every square inch of that space but sometimes I go home and I'm like wait the space doesn't add up because these buildings are so old and how they're put together and where the offices are there's areas where I'm like what the heck's behind that I want to see if there's some unused space at hi-5 studios and I want to see if maybe yeah maybe we can find it and maybe utilize it in a way or or throw some ideas out there that'd be pretty cool there's got to be somewhere in blue basin near battle universe what is this are you like the high-five mom now where'd you get that banana bread from here what do you mean from here I baked it but I got the bananas from here no no no see that's what you do with old bananas right when the banana turns like black and you're like oh that you don't want to waste it put that into some bread look at that looks like she did a pretty good job that looks really good yeah I'm gonna go shoot a team edge video if like one of you guys starts dying just like hit me up all right okay hit me up actually just call 9-1-1 okay what we shooting today warfare at battle part 2 worker battle huh verbal warfare though are we all set we are almost Sun check it out I work here my pants so I didn't have to change my pants perfect no I'm not no army please army not maybe I don't want to change my pants and Brian's off as it stinks oh yeah it stinks it's always smelling like eggs or whatever it literally smells like he tried to cover up a smell right now come here and smell his office doesn't that smell like you try to cover it up like you tried to cover something up and how are you just sitting in it I guess you're used to Brian smells his brother that's disturbing Joey's not know I smell a good fragrance normally it smells though Jack your picture what is this dude a picture seriously employees are just mocking their supervisors I think I think the reason why is cuz jafer actually printed that out himself I can't believe you guys are you guys are just openly mocking your executives yeah alright just just so I know I mean did does Joey know about this guy did he draw on it too no oh good thing I thought you're gonna walk out without me something like was like oh no I have it on camera scrub the lens you watch my vlog yesterday no I haven't yet is it up yesterday yeah I wanna be yesterday yeah Tanner's bellybutton it could blurt out this cross it was that you know it was Cory Cory where's Cory yeah you straight up to snitch dude he's like no I hate Cory it is one of those windy days power just went out twice did we lose a lot footage-wise I think Nicole or nautical actually lost one yeah like half a video with Paul mmm I mean it's just Paul the biggest thing I'm worried about is editors not saving their stuff that often yeah the first thing I did Cameron's Lily right here I was like Cameron do save he's like yeah I'm pretty sure I did the moment like not even like a second before the power went out I had just hit control s 9 7 what's up you guys in the middle of filming right now bye YouTube I mean we're trying but the cheetah works we're practicing am I just am I getting some serious lip for me right now is one serious look I actually no SD card in the camera all right have fun guys see you later don't hurt yourself like every time I'm sure yeah my you've been around high five studios for a while right are there any like little hidden spots that like you found recently that you're like what I didn't know this existed yeah the way these buildings work is that they're just like giant warehouses and then tenants like us come in and then customize it all you know these walls like you can just like push down they're not load-bearing walls actually not even the walls separating the units our logo did the last tenant anything up because you guys even remember from logs while back like this right here was a wall and we just took that out the windows weren't even here you don't I mean the only thing I've seen is like you can tell modifications like in the ceiling because like my office yeah you lift up my tile you can literally see clear to your floor oh what it's completely empty I mean I you guys found all the secret passages already I feel like there's some stuff above blue base I got to find someone that knows because I know like maybe it's the piays right because the PAS have to go in every nook and cranny well yeah we send them word we don't I'm locked in this office all day what do you mean I don't know anything about this place dude so question all right are there any areas in high five studios that layout doesn't make sense there's missing space like space that's missing because check this out this I think I just literally found one in your office see this this corner right here we've actually talked about that multiple times we're like who put this corner room we could use it like for closet space or whatever yeah do you think there's something back there I'm actually curious dude because look right we had this giant corner right here and then not even cutting the camera so that you guys can verify this walls right here and then GG so what is in that space they got lazy but at the same time probably takes more work to build more wall I don't know I'm just like so curious as to what is taking up that space do you think that's like ventilation for like air conditioning upstairs maybe you want to make a hole right now I mean I don't want to give Israel more work I'm curious I'm curious dude we have to like get up there and look dude hold up check this out here hold this for a second you have like a stepladder or something and now just Rolley chair just Rowley cheers I bet I can look up there to see if maybe like there is ventilation that's going straight out on let me hope no it just goes the wall goes all the way up oh no I can't get up there oh but there's insulation Oh fiberglass don't breathe ahh don't breathe well that explains all the knocking we've been hearing the window oh no I broke it again I'm gonna have to grab a step stool guys so you don't have any idea what that's for why I have an idea do you have an idea that you're gonna say dead bodies aren't you what are you gonna say dude what what said what said what we're talking about happens in the office who'd you hiding that really how would you hide in there dude I'm not a disclosure to say I did I'm gonna keep you on my watch list I told Paul to come to blue base there's no idea what's in store for him no I'm just kidding I'm actually curious if he knows any spots in the studio I doubt it but I think I'm gonna look in a particular place because I think I got some ideas Paul some watches coming thank you it I clicked record first right check this out check this out Oh like okay what a fellow I would have passed out you know I give you a shout-out on your channel yeah thank you for that I mean I didn't give you a shout-out on your channel I give yourself my chin Shanna's channel rate this channel right there also a Connors Channel right there but it's really technically team edge gaming I got an idea what I've been asking people around the office if they if they know any areas anywhere around the studio this space doesn't add up it doesn't make sense there's like a chunk you guys are probably aware of it where J Fred's old office used to be yeah yeah I'm like that chunk of wall that's like what is that exactly I guess the back door kind of oh definitely the camera place like you know this corner right here right over this like and then you go back here yeah but that's that's usable we're talking like this because for whatever reason decided to come out this way and then over I don't know I think right here you see those walls right there yeah that used to be a warehouse so there should technically be a ton of space up there what's on top of this was this still warehouse because I'm pretty sure Nicole's office it stops right here so what the heck's above that what the heck's above that okay here hold this you know not to his office thinking about this is like exactly it's true if it's like not insulated and stuff no it's not hundred per second snow well no no no before you decide to grab this ladder I want to show you something that Connor and I well you could grab the ladder but you know you'll have to climb up here we were filming a thumbnail or taking a thumbnail and Connor is laying down on this this thing right here there's a hole and in that hole what see light and we were like what like someone living up there should wonder there's a skylight wall oh that doesn't make any sense from the wall pick up there pick up Polti up there I'm gonna go over here yeah out of the work way yeah cuz this is gonna be my thumbnail Paul yeah are you climbing yeah I've reached the heavens so insulation oh my gosh a little bit but look how open that way oh wait alright so check this out wait wait wait wait wait I think there's insulation on the other is like see it on the top of this one yeah a little bit oh yeah you're right you're right there were some tricky whoa look how light it is up here yeah come with room there's a sunlight or the skies light there's a sky let's get rid of the roof look at this check this out here please we straight-up found a skylight look up there guys whoa you know we could do up their activities we can make a ramp up to their second-story dude bu two levels well here what's up what if we had like stairs that went up and there's a platform on top of the cafeteria right at the break room oh that's a great idea that's it let me look let me look that'd be amazing yeah so much insulation yeah that's maybe we just go over there there you go this guy insulates I do not insulated dude dude you house I've kept my wife warm let's see up there let's see if there to idea guys have one execution guy what I think is gonna happen is this whole room right here there's gonna be nothing above it but I wonder if the wall just stops if there's another wall that goes all the way up just turn that into it if we put a stairway all the way up to the top of this room put a platform technically we could do another small staircase that went right into Nicole's office exactly and then you can walk up stand then you can run up over here and then be like multiple pathways through B yeah exactly whoa wait all the way up dude yeah so during the water there is a wall there does that my office yeah that's gonna be Paul's new off nice all just got promoted so yeah I need a plenty of blue base I'll just leave this here for you then yeah okay just yeah any other places these places are just so weird you know because like the the bathrooms go in right there as you can see Kevin walking in oh and I know what you're talkin about yeah I've leaned against it I believe the Ken this whole wall great wall yeah if you push on it flexes Oh our neighbours over there like what are you doing these neighbors have been like you guys sound like you have so much fun we are having a blast guys exactly well thank you for the exploration um I I think we kind of know where to go yeah I want to like bust out that ceiling you know I'm saying just make like second level boom bass is evolving
Channel: Project: 863
Views: 2,492,121
Rating: 4.9147263 out of 5
Keywords: no swearing, team edge gaming, secret rooms in houses, behind the scenes, office vlog, matthias, kid friendly, matthias vlog, secret room found, no cursing, matthias vlogs, vlogging, hidden rooms in houses, hi5, hidden safe, secret room, hi5 studios, hi5 studios vlog, matthiasiam, secret rooms, mathias vlogs, treasure, vlogs, hidden room, matthiasvlogs, exploring secret room, high five, hidden rooms, exploring hidden room, team edge, click, crew, battle universe, family friendly
Id: R2ROddMvf0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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