Fossils! | ShadowCraft | Ep. 62

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okay so that's not a great start to the day I'm on fire hey guys what's up Alisa I'm a lady here and welcome back to shadow crafts happy birthday by the way if it happens to be anyone's birthday and today we're going to be fossil hunting so because I only just added the dinosaur mud a lot of the world I've already generated in will not have any fossils in the ground below it so we're going to have to go to a place that is completely fresh that we've never been to before so that we can actually mine some fossils which will have generated in so let's go to our laboratory in de treehouse which is the base of all my dinosaur related operations from now on Oh many treehouse so the laboratory is in this secret area right here which is not so secret right now because I left the door open behind these impenetrable ferns so this is our secret laboratory I'm going to add a command block and this will teleport us out into the middle of nowhere where we should be able to collect some fossils so let's test it out oh it's dark so as you can see this is a biome but I don't even think I've ever been to before which is pretty cool I just set up a command block which will now take me back to the treehouse so that I can easily tell apart from one place to another and now we can work on building a fossil station out in the middle of nowhere because I don't really want to be all the way out there with no supplies so I'm gonna go back to my house and gather some supplies and let's head on back to the fossil collection area I must say I quite like this area there's a lot of variety and biomes around I'm going to use a jungle wood and stone bricks I don't wanna build anything too big so I'm just gonna build a hut welcome to the fossil hurt this will be our base of operations for while we are collecting fossils out here in the middle of nowhere it's just a very simple kind of hut but what it's missing is a bed so we should share a sheep are those mushrooms in that tree what Oh check out this zombie over here he's wearing a cute thing huh no oh he's carrying a flower - oh no no I wanted to share that sheep oh well thanks pretty well here we go today and let's go see if we can find our first fossil so pick a cave any cave this cave will do now the fossils look slightly different from normal stone so you have to be very observant when fossil hunting hello no mouse on fire ah um that's karma okay let's go deeper into the cave I'm not really sure exactly what level fossils occur ah is that fossil this looks like a fossil so let's see oh yes that was a fossil and I got a bio fossil get this one - what's that another bio fossil take all these oh that's crap wait here's a fossil did I just get a bone just gave me a bone I could have got that promise killed these are just bones why why do you mind oh my gosh hey I'm gonna have to kill you because your hairy chest offends me oh I spy with my little eye something beginning with fossils what did I get thinking about some more bio fossils oh no I got a relic scrap Oh creepers what the heck is that okay I'm gonna be really careful not to destroy that because I want to no no I am a noob oh no no no you exploded the block that I wanted to pick up you evil evil what the heck there's a block attacking me what excuse me is it another one of those things oh it's you you sir need to stop doing that please okay well I didn't pick up wish I did pick it up it's a skull cool huh what are these what are these I must know wait what the heck a book came out of it Oh interesting okay so that's probably the same look that I found earlier so this is a fern seed and I got a little skulls - so that must be another my noble block from the dinosaur mod oh my permafrost what is that frozen meat what do I do with this I don't know I'm gonna have to google it oh my gosh what is this a broken ancient helmet we need to fix this and I'm gonna wear it Oh time I'm never taking this off you've got my frozen meat which is hot I think we have a substantial number of bio fossils and relic scraps and we even got some frozen meat fern seeds and a broken ancient helmet so I'd call this a pretty successful mission and now we're back at the surface I recognise the biome but I don't know where my house is I probably should have set a waypoint but oh it's right there okay home sweet what happened here could you explain please what happened here because I don't understand okay so before we can do anything we need to craft an analyzer which requires a relic scrap a bio fossil and some mining goes it's a good job that I brought some iron with me so let's take this iron and then teleport back to the laboratory in the almighty treehouse right here ferns please thank you step one cover up this whole step to make a crafting bench and let's make the analyzer now and now we can analyze some fossils let's put a couple of bio fossils in here relic scraps we could try putting the first meat in here to all gang right now is bone meal which is not great I don't want phone mail and now I guess we just wait and see if we get anything cool oh we got a stone tablet so that's something that's not bone meal we got gravel oh we got some mammoth DNA people even though we technically already have a woolly mammoth pet Oh smile or dawn I don't know what that is but I'm excited to find out and loss smile it on DNA that's cool so let's try the rest of the bio fossils and the relic scraps and see if we get anything that's not bone meal oh great well you got sand Oh a Brachiosaurus DNA yes fancy its own yeah okay well while we wait for that let's test out what this stone tablet does nothing I just lost it somehow so I believe that I can actually make a lantern out of these skulls so I'm gonna give that a go because that would be cool Oh cute and we're gonna use these skulls to light up this laboratory to make it look hella fine oh look at that oh I I do like it mm-hmm the next thing that I wanted to craft is an archeology workbench so we need paper and a crafting table I do not know if I have any paper can I please burn swatched why why are they still here why have I not removed them by now I don't know making my way downtown walking fast pace it I'm sorry I just watch white chicks yesterday can we please have some show cane up in here if we don't mind oh hello this should be just enough to make some paper I have all the materials that I require trying to make paper okay there we go archaeology workbench cool let's pop that down there so how the heck does this work I need to google this I need ten relics in this slot I kind of turned them all into tablets that I can't use dang it ow that's not how we hug is that flower for me do you love me I set you afire prayer it's a new day oh it's a new day why why okay so that's no great start to the day I'm on fire oh my gosh no way no no we have a problem okay we got a real problem week we have real situation on our hands here I need to get in there and light this up okay yes let's take all of this you can have this paper in return for your stuff what is this I have never seen that before a foot a foot a foot I'm sorry what I found a foot I dug up a foot I mean I guess it makes sense for it to be a fossilized foot but they should probably label it so I think we probably have enough fossils now so we can return to our laboratory and analyze them and hopefully maybe make a dinosaur egg okay so let's just teleport straight back to that well uh it was just a bush and now we should be able to fix this ancient helmet if we just put some relic scraps in here I think we need at least ten there we go so while that is working its magic let's see if we can get some cool things from the analyzer we didn't get any frozen meat this time ah a come come SOG Nasus DNA I can't say that but it's better than sand let's add this to the collection let's see what this is Oh a Mosasaurus and a Dilophosaurus my gosh Oh cute and we go lettuce and let's see if this is finished oh oh look at this you ready tada I quite like it it looks like a cool evil helmet so if I ever feel being feel like being evil I'm totally gonna wear this maybe once I have the full set I can go super evil ldshadowlady oh my gosh we got you MA a place I saw plesiosaur and a Stegosaurus yes yes yes okay let's put all these in the chest keep them safe ah a triceratops oh my gosh this is cool we had Lee we don't have any of them twice actually these are all unique so now we have a load of this DNA we can work on making a cultivator or a culture VAT so this is what we need to make it well I don't have a cactus here so I should probably go back to the main house and see if I've got a cactus down here lurking in the basement there is a lot of teleporting in shadow craft these days we're very futuristic here and yet still very Jurassic I need to fill my bucket this may be a little unorthodox but I'm going to fill my bucket from the hot tub a final piece of the puzzle and we have a culture that ladies and gentlemen oh this is starting to look like a very fancy laboratory we need some like laboratory artwork in here please just be a good piece up okay we'll use this one because I like that picture it's very cute so to create the dinosaur egg we're gonna need some modern-day DNA and the examples that it says here that you can use is steak fish eggs milk bio fossils and raw beef and apparently milk is the best so I'm gonna go and milk a cow let me just tickle you wrote us thank you wait could you actually maybe like come with me okay we just need to like detain you over here if you don't mind this is now our willing volunteer now all we need to do is take some of the DNA so we'll take all of them put it in the that with some milk hopefully this will transform it into a dinosaur egg oh I see progress okay slow progress but it's happening by the looks of it this culture of art has a limited number of uses because it's already cracked so we might need to get some more of those oh we got an egg yay okay and now only had to do is just keep milking the cow and doing that for all the DNA and then eventually we'll have a full set of eggs hopefully if there is no failure if there is a failure the Machine explodes and it spawns a failure Soros I hope that doesn't happen but I kind of do when it's happened because then I have another pet I'd have a failure Soros oh my gosh okay I went afk but something has happened the machine it exploded I think this is a fail as rs let me take a look at you oh look at him he's so cute oh wow okay do not hurt my elephant please oh my gosh what's happening is he dying no no he's dying now feel the Soros no I'll protect you come in here quickly quickly good oh there you go you're safe now okay um could you maybe not kill me for like five seconds there is I've trapped him he's now little fella Soros pet I'm not sure how long he's gonna stay there but let's just leave him there however now we need another cultivator which is annoying because they are not cheap to build Gertrude I'm gonna need some real milk thank you oh no there's another failure Soros why do my experiments fail so apparently fail us our asses can't jump which is pretty funny that's cute they're the ones still here let's trap them together ow Oh ha ha ha - fela Cyrus's it totally makes sense that my first dinosaur as a fail fail dinosaurs okay so we have to do that one again but at least we are on the last - now we have almost a full set and we've also got the mammal DNA are you serious I was watching her Stacey's videos and it failed again we've got another fail sorry I don't even want you this time you know you can just go back to where you came from so this is the last dinosaur egg which has just been converted into a Stegosaurus egg so I'm going to add them to my collection over here today and maybe we should do the mammal DNA really quick you know what it's totally just occurred to me that we could have more than one culture of out on the go at a time mammoth DNA in this one and the Smilodon DNA in this one oh no it happened again and this time I happen to both of them what the heck why where's my mammoth DNA this has been a mammoth disaster if you know what I mean oh well let's talk about bio fossils I suppose that something making dinosaurs is difficult ok so hopefully this time the Smilodon will be converted into an egg or whatever mammals don't hatch from eggs oh it's an embryo cool that makes sense so now all we need is the mammoth and then we have converted all of our DNA into eggs or embryos I think I'm going to move them to a safer place so I'm gonna take them to the super-secret room which I'm gonna totally just reveal to you guys right now some of this and here chicken in here and whoa yes secret room ladies and gentlemen so we're gonna keep I already have an egg in here how funny is that so I'm gonna keep these precious materials and here we until next episode when I will be building enclosures for all of these dinosaurs and hatching them and since I'm gonna be hatching them I'm gonna need a name for each one of them so if you guys want me to name a dinosaur after you make sure to leave a comment and don't forget to leave a like on this video while you're at it but that's it for this episode I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you back in shadow craft next week oh my god I almost forgot to shut the secret entrance for the laboratory anyone could wander in here and um I actually kind of forgot where the lever is oh it's behind the piano now remember okay here we go we pull the switch laboratory is hidden and nobody would ever know that there are drastic dinosaur experiments going on around here [Music]
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 2,900,551
Rating: 4.9387665 out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, horror, girl, gamer, pink, hair, funny, shadowcraft, 62, dinosaurs, fossils, mods, modded, mod
Id: Z9I9g1j8F8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 14 2014
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