Forward Slips

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in this lesson we will discuss the procedures outlined in embry-riddle Cessna 172s OPM for the proper execution of a forward slip to a landing the objective of this maneuver is to provide a safe method in which a pilot can increase the rate of descent while on final approach without gaining additional airspeed in the process being able to properly perform this maneuver will enable a pilot to return to the desired approach path in a safe and controlled manner in those instances where they find themselves higher than they should be in order to perform a forward slip to a landing ensure that your flaps are at the final setting and the throttle is in the idle position begin the slip by simultaneously providing aileron input to lower a wing full rudder input in the opposite direction and forward pressure on the yoke to lower the nose in a crosswind condition always bank into the wind by cross controlling the flight controls the airplanes longitudinal axis will be at an angle to the flight path resulting an additional drag being generated because of this high drag configuration it is important that the nose of the airplane be lowered more than normal so that the airplane does not get too slow adjust your bank angle so that you continue to track towards the runway along the extended centreline if the plane begins to drift upwind of the centerline reduce the bank if the plane begins to drift downwind of the center line increase the bank angle keeping the rudder fully deflected throughout the slip makes it easier to find the right amount of Bank to correct for wind drift it will also result in the maximum descent rate possible for that airplane configuration remember because of the location of the pitot tube and static port airspeed indicator error may be observed when performing slips you can recognize a properly performed slip by the airplanes attitude sound of the air flow and flight control field generally speaking the more Bank you have in the lower the nose should be during a forward slip the air speed is controlled by the pitch so if the airplane slows below the desired approach speed push forward on the yoke to lower the nose and increase the airspeed if the airspeed is faster than desired raise the nose gradually until the plane is stabilized at the appropriate speed be aware that as your airspeed increases and decreases the control surface effectiveness will change and you will have to adjust your bank and rudder inputs to maintain your ground track along the extended runway centreline once you have intercepted your desired glide path and prior to commencing the round out discontinue the slip and complete the appropriate approach and landing procedure remember if you have a crosswind don't take all of the rudder and bank out just enough to transition to a side slip it is also important to remember that because of the decrease in drag as you remove the slip you may have a tendency to float during the flare a pilot should not become reliant on performing forward slips on every approach they make and they should never be used in an attempt to salvage and unstabilized approach however there will be those instances where a forward slip to a landing done correctly can get you back on the appropriate approach path safely and effectively now that we've covered how to fly the maneuver let's look at the end goals for your skills and a forward slip to a landing some of the standards for the end of course checkride include you must establish the slipping attitude at the point from which a landing can be made using the recommended approach and landing configuration and airspeed adjust your pitch attitude and power as required maintain a ground track aligned with a runway centreline and an airspeed which results in minimum float during the round out you will be required to make smooth timely and correct control applications during the recovery from the slip the round out and the touchdown touchdown within 400 feet beyond your intended point of landing with no drift and with the airplanes longitudinal axis aligned with and over the runway centerline maintain crosswind correction and directional control throughout the approach and landing sequence and complete the appropriate checklists
Channel: ERAU SpecialVFR
Views: 247,320
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, flight training, aviation, Cessna, pilot, private pilot, embry riddle, erau, airplanes, ground school
Id: yxy2MnUnfUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 29sec (269 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
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