Power Off Stalls

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in preparation for our first attempt at power off stalls we're going to take a few minutes to discuss the key elements of the maneuver as with all other maneuvers power off stalls have three main areas that the pilot needs to concentrate on heading control altitude control and airspeed control power-off stalls can be done either straight ahead or while turning if performing the stall straight ahead you will be expected to maintain your heading plus or minus 10 degrees if you are asked to induce the stall while turning you will be expected to maintain the designated bank angle plus or minus 10 degrees if the stall is performed straight ahead once the power is reduced to idle and the pitch is being increased it is important to keep the wings level and the plane coordinated you can use a visual reference for your heading but you will also have to rely on the heading indicator for part of the manoeuvre since your pitch just prior to the stall will be too high to see the horizon directly in front of you use your wingtips hand attitude indicator to help keep the wings level and the slip skid indicator to tell if you're using the right amount of rudder unlike in the recovery minimal rudder will be required since P factor slipstream and torque will not be much of a factor with the power at idle it is important that you maintain wings level coordinated flight as the plane stalls if the wings are level and the proper rudder pressure is being applied the plane should stall straight ahead remember as you increase power and raise the nose during the recovery the plane will have a tendency to yaw to the left compensate for this with the use of additional right rudder if you are performing a turning stall you won't need to worry about your heading control instead focus on maintaining a constant bank prior to the stall as the pitch is increased from the 65 not descent begin a coordinated turn in either direction select a bank angle somewhere between 10 and 20 degrees and maintain that Bank as you continue to increase back pressure on the yoke more right rudder 4 turns to the right will be necessary but be careful not to apply too much rudder since this can cause the plane to overbank after the stall has occurred lower the nose and level the wings and use the same recovery procedure as you did for straight ahead stalls altitude requirements for performing stalls are very simple the first thing you need to do is to select an altitude that will allow you to recover no lower than 1500 feet AGL this is the minimum altitude that you're allowed to descend to during the maneuver keep in mind that you will need to establish a stabilized descent of no more than 200 feet during the manoeuvre on top of that the amount of altitude loss during a stall is unpredictable due to a number of variables so it is a good idea to give yourself plenty of buffer between your entry altitude and the minimum recovery altitude a safe bet is to begin the manoeuvre no lower than 2500 feet AGL once you have selected an appropriate entry altitude for the manoeuvre you will be expected to maintain that altitude as you slow the plane down and add flaps as always when adding flaps forward pressure on the yoke is required to prevent the plane from climbing as stated earlier the amount of altitude that will be lost during the stall and recovery cannot be predetermined your objective is to recognize and recover from the stall with as little loss in altitude as possible and return to any pre assigned altitude designated prior to the stall this can be accomplished by following the recovery procedures outlined in this pace video and the Cessna SOP M air speed control during power off stalls begins with slowing the plane down as it is configured for the stall make certain each time you lower the flaps that the airspeed is below the appropriate flap extension speed after the flaps have been added and the plane slows to 70 knots a stabilized 65 knot descent is established to simulate an approach to landing once the pitch is increased to induce the stall airspeed is no longer a concern until after stall recovery once the recovery has been initiated in a V Y pitch attitude will be established as the airspeed passes through 60 knots the flaps will be retracted to ten degrees and when passing through 65 knots the final flaps will be retracted once you have returned to the designated altitude the airplane should be allowed to accelerate to normal cruise throughout all of the changes in airspeed tray should be used to alleviate control pressures to perform a power off stall select an altitude that will allow for recovery no lower than 1500 feet AGL select a prominent visual reference to fly towards em note your heading reduce the power to 1500 rpm and maintain heading and altitude below 110 knots call-out below us at flap step and extend the flaps to 10 degrees be sure to apply forward pressure on the yoke at the same time as the flaps are extended once the plane is slowed to 85 knots call out for 85 laps bird once again forward pressure on the yoke will be needed to maintain altitude remember to use the trim to relieve control pressure as the airplane decelerates once the airplane has reached 70 knots lower the pitch and establish a 65 knots stabilize descent trim to maintain airspeed descending no lower than 200 feet from the entry altitude simultaneously reduce power to idle and smoothly pitch up to the V Y pitch attitude approximately 9 to 10 degrees if you are performing a straight ahead stall pitch up towards your visual reference until you can no longer see it then use your heading indicator to verify you are holding your heading referencing the attitude indicator and keeping your wingtips equidistant from the horizon will help you maintain wings level as the plane slows apply more and more back pressure on the yoke to maintain the V Y pitch attitude the stall horn will sound approximately five knots above the stall speed some buffeting will be felt as the air flow begins to separate from the top of the wing continue to hold the V Y pitch attitude until the nose drops or you experience a sudden loss of control effectiveness once the stall has occurred call out star and allow the yoke to move forward on its own there is no need to push the yoke forward simply let the nose drop to break the stall pushing forward on the yoke will only result in a greater loss in altitude and a much more unpleasant falling sensation once control effectiveness has been regained apply full power and use the ailerons and rudder to maintain wings level coordinated flight smoothly bring the nose up to the V Y pitch attitude and retract the flaps 220 degrees it is important that the nose not be raised too quickly more the angle of attack on the airplane will increase rapidly and could result in a secondary stall which is often more dramatic than the initial stall reaching 60 knots retract the flaps 210 degrees and at or above 65 knots retract the flaps to 0 degrees finish off the manoeuvre by returning to the altitude heading and airspeed specified prior to commencing the manoeuvre once the airplane has accelerated to normal cruise speed set cruise power re trim the airplane and complete the cruise checklist the procedures for performing a turning stall remain the same up until the point the nose is raised to induce the stall at that point smoothly reduce power to idle pull back on the yoke and simultaneously roll into a 10 to 20-degree Bank turn use the attitude indicator and the slip skid indicator to maintain a constant Bank and proper coordination once the voi pitch attitude is reached maintain that pitch and continue turning until the stall occurs from here the recovery procedure is the same reduce the angle of attack to regain control effectiveness and add full power maintain coordination and level the wings smoothly bring the nose up to the V y pitch attitude and retract the flaps to 20 degrees reaching 60 knots retract the flaps to 10 degrees and at or above 65 knots retract the flaps to 0 degrees finish off the maneuver by returning to the altitude heading and airspeed specified prior to commencing the manoeuvre once the airplane is accelerated to normal cruise speed set cruise power re trim the airplane and complete the cruise checklist now that we've covered how to fly the manoeuvre let's look at the end goals for your skills and a power off stall some of the standards for the end of course checkride include begin the manoeuvre at an altitude that allows the stall to be completed no lower than 1500 feet AGL set up the airplane in a descent in the approach and landing configuration maintain your entry heading plus or minus 10 degrees if performing the stall and straight flight if performing the stall and turning flight maintain a bank angle not to exceed 20 degrees plus or minus 10 degrees recognize that the stall has occurred and recover promptly once it has retract the flaps to the recommended settings accelerate the airplane above VX before the final flap retraction return to the altitude heading and airspeed specified by the examiner
Channel: ERAU SpecialVFR
Views: 279,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Flying, flight training, aviation, Cessna, pilot, private pilot, embry riddle, erau, airplanes, ground school
Id: 2IdWyxnadSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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