I used IRONMAN + THOR + DOOM (insane)

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update night superheroes very exciting this is cool iron man is now a boss thor has his power in the game my goal for this video is to get every single power and put them all together all right pressure boy iron man exists we've broken man we both just got your recording done that was our first experience with the items they're insanely overpowered what's that oh you got him um so what dumb crap can we do that is what laser beam is going to answer let's go to the uh the giant earth pancake and try and survive first mission is somehow don't get killed while landing here um nick minute [Music] [Music] [Laughter] eventually all right maybe i just got rebooted maybe i didn't doesn't matter we managed to survive stark industries and uh we have the powers all right can i test if i can blast the vault open with my powers i know i can't but this feels like a certain clickbait video someone's gonna make you know all right let me ah open it up with the beam okay nah i don't think it works mate all right someone's coming someone's coming let's get ready to use our powers mate why can't i jump my character can't jump what bro my character can't jump what do you mean my character can't jump what i literally can't jump am i hitting something watch my character jump there's more people this way there's more people this way that's awesome man i can't jump fresh my character is completely unable to jump everything else on my keyboard works all right well i have no white meds this is cool there is players in agency this guy's using doom stuff oh if we kill him we get to combine with dooms ah four i knocked him one dead and then okay good job i killed him and i killed myself i'm gonna die i'm gonna die i gotta go let's go let's go oh my god i can't jump i have to build over what is wrong with this all right so i have dooms gauntlets and iron man's bombs so it's kind of like have iron men's golems okay i'm getting i'm getting shot at getting back get him you can get him get him now get him now i'm shooting who needs to jump bro who needs to jump oh we didn't get the bomb did we no we don't have the bomb oh we could have combined all of doom's gear with all of iron man's gear that's a mission for later all right there's only five other players left can i survive while i can't jump i don't think i can rest until i've combined all of doom with all of iron man i don't think i can rest give me the shield pod i'll take it iron man needs his juices mate all right let's just hunt these final players down i'll kill him even without jumping mate even without jumping his back i hit him and then do him scotland i'm fighting the uh he's trying to hit me with bounce pads guys this guy's noticing him yeah he's shooting me dude oh he almost died to fall damage i've used my beam i tagged the groot i tagged the group oh they're on me they're on me i can't boost yet oh i'm almost dead i'm almost oh my god bro i choked i choked i chose i couldn't jump dude i couldn't jump [Music] oh what's that oh we got it we got it all right fresh look at this i can jump again mate oh very nice mr beam all right you want to see what thor's power does yeah that's the end oh what was that okay what what all right well uh what i want to do is get thor get iron man get doctor doom somehow combined all that maybe to meow now i don't know what that just did i didn't hit anyone but uh it looked cool uh he's on that left one he's on that left one right now yeah you move forward a little bit he's on that top one oh he does 60 damage they're cracked the crack i'm checking bolts open yo now oh he's he's sorry he's on white bro i just smarted him from the heavens dude he's looking at his boogies i'm sorry if i'm saying that wrong but i love this too much man all right so let's uh let's give you these mythics up all right mate uh i'm gonna keep thor's hammer and uh you take the you take the uni beam because i think we can hit people at the same time you take that i'ma take the gauntlet let's go up in the helicopter and see how the gauntlets and mjolnir work from the sky surely thor's hammer works from the sky fresh surely we're gonna drop the hammer on people oh that's tragic you can't use the hammer that's tragic all right let's test the gauntlets though there was someone that just took the global trail i'm just beaming these people surely i start hitting doing damage cracking them cracking 21 i'm beaming i'm beaming i'm aimbotting i got it i'm going in hold on hold on i'm hopping out helping out get back you see me thought's happening i'm uni beaming beam him wow the combo it's too possible thor's hammer and the unibeam it's too much mate dude i love this these are the best mythics they've added maybe just go up oh over here over here just go up just go up just go up go up go up i'm being the world's most annoying fortnite player on it he's cracked bloody white he's on one hp surely he's cracked again he's cracked again how is he not dead dude 40 40 i am the world's most annoying fortnite player right now i know i'm saying that wrong i'm sorry all right let's just take these guys out where are they on here [Music] okay so we have iron man's beam and two thor's hammers let's go mate there's one player left we have to double thor's house him i see himself i'll shoot at him i cracked him get him boxed up that's good he's good he's currently on that box oh he's not anymore wait wait he's got an rpg how do you even how do you get rpgs [Applause] he's right above me call it on yourself right are you kidding me well if we killed someone for a victory royale all right so um in some way somehow we have uh all of dr doom's powers all iron man's powers and thor's powers oh yeah ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen i've got five of them i've got like the five main ones so let's uh let's go take these and win a game eh what are you doing oh there's a player down here oh god okay which uh i'll use the oh god go go go go go go get me out of here get me out of here oh my god oh my god i got a snipe [Music] okay that's a bite i just killed him all right we're fine right here in the water smite smite i'm using aimbot bro oh they're both in here they're both in here bro all right i might swap to the other gauntlets real quick set things on fire destroy things a little bit oh he's so loaded go up a little bit um go up a little bit so i got some height i knocked one where's the other one oh he's done for he's done for how is he not dead yet bro surely i got him surely yeah there we go all right doctor doom's gauntlets are better for fighting vehicles i've realized this um i've made this determination okay this guy is now dead all right this is cool all right so now fresh has uh thor's strike as well dude let's put all our music on the ground let's just do it a little bit how do we have so many four players remaining i still i still want to try and hit him with a double strike that's the drink but uh we'll see how we go oh they're over here they're behind the building let's go up and smile oh dude i didn't tag him but they're down there all right now i'm using doom's bomb everything's on fire now yes use your hammer send it straight through watch out send it through there yeah send our hammers through item 60. i hit him here let me hit him oh my power's coming back all right i'm going to send another bomb down where are you boys you hit him again and then that guy is low boom come and then go oh my god i actually used all the powers just then like they're all on cool down mate okay they're just sitting on a hill and beaming us bro i i just hit them with everything i have wait see if your laser works from here probably not right wait it just broke the builds what going in the zone all right we're in a good spot we're in a good spot i'ma use five of them mate okay they're ramping up on me we're actually gonna have to ramp on him hit him and then he will try and heal oh he's on me he's on me no i'm just survived have you tagged him at all no i don't know i'm just trying to survive i only have i have bugger all builds they're on that point if we do it there he's dead go go go go go i did it that was that was epic i have every power that you could a man could ask for that was cooked what a bloody beautiful update what a bloody beautiful update mate
Channel: LazarBeam
Views: 11,303,116
Rating: 4.9436922 out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, gameplay, lazarbeam, gaming
Id: hNfm8gjpja0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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