FORTNITE CREATIVE MODE! (FGTEEV Challenge Game: Dad vs Son) #9

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now you might be wondering why am I wearing a Santa outfit in February and that's because this video is sponsored by fortnite and underneath this I have on brand name apparel which I'm not allowed to wear FGTV what's that did you forget to show a teaser wait before we start the vid let's show like something funny that happens in the vid ready here it is [Music] and uh that's my sign up to TV Mike over there today look at this little cute adorable puppy oh not this dude oh this dude's busty all right yo today we are playing creative mode that's right there's an all-new way to enjoy fortnite you watch this dude he talks hey my name is a scary guy oh can you see me in your van uh-huh dude you can see me in your Phantom famous so look at this right here everybody gets their own Island so if you see my Island's right here and then Mike he has his Island now my island is good yeah his Island's legit okay so Sean is in the game even though he's not playing I got a phone here in case he decides to come into the game room because he usually does that let's head to Mike's Island traveling to Island and by the way we're putting a link Down Below in the description and you can download fortnite for free absolutely free Mike's built a legit what do we call this an obstacle course we have to go here there up there here up here oh my gosh this is gonna take for well trust me when you say that you're not lying really yep it's gonna take a long time uh kind of I might just cheat then because guess what you can't fly now okay sweet so first one to get to the spawners and we're gonna have a kill battle uh well I just got all my flippy floppers I will not shoot someone while I'm wearing my sandals Jenkins out all right come on Mike let's play this first I gotta start the game starting game four three ha you have to go to the beginning no wait what do you mean no no you cheater get back here I cheated no way my daddy you destroyed it yeah because you built for me I don't feel like building Daddy no time now this is unfair all right get back here you cheater all right we're back up to where we left off before cheaterific micaroni it basically just runs for you like you don't even have to control it oh you're ahead of me because you cheat I don't cheat I'm just better than you no like you actually made me fall down that shooting get him stop wait no way no this is like a trick right here where are you ah I'm on the way over here you're never gonna catch me I just got bounced back oh whoa that was supposed to happen here we go now where oh my goodness no Mike yeah I fell off the map you're at two fish oh I almost just died from Trap all right I'm just gonna have to build to get back up we can do that right oh yeah sure if you say so okay I guess we can Mike I'm over here wait am I supposed to be right here yes wait where are you wait I missed all these fun bouncy pants I just want to reiterate you made this all by yourself yeah no wait wait Michael what do I do there's traps oh my gosh oh if you picked the wrong door yeah you die no yes I made it right here oh my gosh all those shots are scary you're not supposed to go out what I just died oh that sounds like it's fair oh my goodness all these traps are scared dude am I beating you look at these greens oh you're eating vegetables what what if you if you don't die from one of those traps in that that maze I'm gonna be mad wait is this another pick the wrong thing and you're dead wait what okay right here this looks good you tricker Michael I'm sorry there's four yo you got creative yeah I know you got like super creative how do I know like where to continue off uh you don't well if you choose the right door you get a player checkpoint so if you die the next time you stay at your space so you telling me I gotta redo all this uh yep yeah what dude I'm right behind you no you're not yes I am no you're not wait is this director wait you know what I just realized that's not fair you know it's hard to choose you're the Creator you didn't even know which door to choose in so long oh my goodness okay so now I know it's not in the middle door so let's go Daddy what once you choose a door you've just go in there wait what do you mean you can't open a bunch I could see the right one oh my gosh no I'm such a dude yes yes oh my gosh let's I forgot is it this one oh my God you know what let's not talk about that haha I already have two checkpoints dude you're gonna beat me there's not gonna be any chance that I could win oh my goodness dude I totally lost it you just broke something no I didn't you didn't no I didn't what stop breaking like open up this door what door this one because I cheated cause your game was sinking too long for me to figure out I you get the gun all right now guys listen I totally just I just beat Mike I won you built on the gun no I didn't why'd you do that oh my goodness because I'm a Noob that's why I need to cheat ah get over here son oh so you're trying to play with shotguns huh oh no I have a feeling this is gonna be bad uh yeah it is because your life is about to end ooh my pumpy dumpy one pumpy Dumpty dump coming for that toast yummy I got you all right guys listen let's move on let's move on you okay it's fine Daddy all these builds that you did once I pressed stop game they're not gonna be here oh really ha ha I'm horrible I know take after your dad yo your boy getting sweet with the boss moves no you're not hey Mike look right here well it has to be below the waist oh my gosh that's actually hey guys before too uh what things like these gigantic building things uh no press alt and they yeah oh my goodness prefabs devices weapons yo I can just build a tilted tower no do not do not I have to no Daddy I have to Daddy right there I think it's gonna be beautiful oh my gosh I just want to see two two okay oh it's not a big one okay sorry oh my goodness who just destroyed that not me you totally just don't press X on your phone and it deletes you totally should not stay in my web ble bag wait oh I will blame boys playing target practice okay I only need 80 shots and I can get you no but seriously yo I'm loving this all thing right here because I could just spawn any weapon I want whenever I want watch this oh Mike I'm sorry I'm destroying this it's okay I don't care yo that's super lover I'm gonna drop you something that I bet you're gonna know was in the game what wait what you tricked me wait what the stop stop get out of here it's a trap I know it is let me out I can fly no you can't yes I can you can stop goodbye Mike Mike are you letting me win because I feel like I'm super dope at this game but I'm really not whatever you want whatever you want are you talking on top I will kick your booty bro yo look at this you can't even create a llama like show them how to create a llama okay so once again you press alt because all is like your is like your life in creative mode so you can do like prefabs let's do like one of them add to chess you can do after chest I'm gonna do add a chest add a chest add two chests and then weapons this is my favorite one [Music] I'm Gonna Keep spamming them you can go to consumables you can do like heels slurp juices all that good stuff so then you can go to the slot that says uh uh chess and then you can either create a llama or a chest so then you can literally wow there's a whole bunch of loot pops out nice hey Sean [Music] uh thank God how did you just move the game is haunted no one's even touching it oh what it's Michael I have to do it after all those times kill me with that heavy shotgun or whatever you killed me with Mike hang your shots I was like looking behind you to see if you were doing something I just see you right there funny I know okay so listen that was pretty that was pretty sweet look at this pile I just I've always wanted to do a little dance who who bought me flux which one are you little yeah cause Chase is right here Chase say hi say hi get over here there he is turkey creepy possessed Little Creature from the depths of fortnite so you can literally just Spam X and it'll delete all your builds which I'm doing right now oh oh the phone check this out I got it I got it oh I just pressed s x x look how easy it is to delete I just deleted it all right wanna see me delete no dude I deleted it no stop stop stop stop oh my gosh I'm a boss tonight bro I'm not even trying well please continue to not try because it's making me feel good inside oh okay dude so anyways go back to the phone just press X to delete and I can copy so I can copy whatever is here you don't even have to only use the phone to delete you can use miniguns too [Music] but don't place it press g g now place it what what yeah you can make things not float what dropping trees like a Bazaar wait who deleted my trees is that you no oh punch you would a banana fling flat blabber what the heck yeah for I don't know what I'm talking about I wish I can copy you and then spawn you over the ocean I wish there was so much more of me that would make the world way better I agree wait I just want to drop a rock in the ocean see if it splashes and I just want to drop you in the ocean oh that's rude wait wait wait stop stop drop a rock drop a rock drop it drop it I'm gonna drop a rock on you what hell are my rocks really creating your shields for me dude look what I made what the heck is this yo fortnite if you try to use that in game you owe me money bro because that was that's the sickest clip it's the sickest clip I ever seen it's the sickest clip I ever seen this was awesome bro yeah really awesome I know because I built it there's one more thing I just wanted to show could we go back to the creative Hub real quick uh no too bad I'm going I'm going to My Island but check this out I can set different Islands so see you can have different styles like almost like a biome Arctic Frosty Fortress different islands that you make in the block now the block oh my goodness let me tell you about the block it is insane where is it it's like this little thing that charges your iPhones anyone seen a block around here I'm just trying to show them what a block looks like the block is a featuring creative mode okay the block looks like this it's amazing you charge your phone owns it's it's ridiculous I wish you were in my world so I could delete you again this is the block I can't create whatever I want in this block right whatever whatever I want in this block and if it is if it is so good fortnite will actually put it in the game for everyone to play in like everyone the whole Community we should build our own let's see if epic puts it in yo I'm gonna build something so epic they're gonna put it in watch this I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do and epic's gonna be like oh my gosh FGTV he's so good at me at building blocks [Music] stop texting me watch this ready daddy oh I just built that epic's gonna put this in the game I'm pretty sure and what's this I don't know let's do it okay cool is someone in my world no ah what is that that who's doing that no one Michael are you here I don't know I see you wait a sec for some reason I couldn't equip a car put this at five boom I got a spawner for a quad cat stop I'm getting it really quick wait no I'm not a passenger go I want to drive it wow quick get one try stop one last one to go quick eat no no Michael I'm gonna spawn it right there yes yes you can't take away my spawning ability but you can't take away my quad crashes yes ow what the ow whoa okay seriously I'm ruining the world epic is definitely not gonna put this in daddy's not what you're just trying to trap me hey Dad you're just gonna trap me dude whoa Where'd I go whoa wow stop it stop stop seriously bro I will kick your booty stop Flying you mean like that that's the good thing about creative I'm gonna create a llama a ball golden did I just find you add to chest add to chest I'm tired create a chest I just made that chest all right cool now this game is ready I'm gonna share this this very lame map with you guys Island tools publish and write FGTV lame Block Island block Island's a real place I've been there it's really cool chest fart fart can you find my chest in 10 seconds publish yes copy Island code there it is guys you can kill me bro but you can't take away the fact that this island has been created go to that URL and you can see this beautiful creation that it took me almost no effort and it's pretty lame to make but you can at least try to find the chest I can't even find the chat all right well you guys trying to find the chest let me know if you find it but got oh I heard it I heard it I can't tell you what it is don't look at the screen you guys are cheating guys I had a blast yo this this was actually mad fun because I haven't played what are you doing what are you doing nothing what are you doing I will kick your booty cheeks you don't even understand you don't even want to mess with me man why are you a weird little plush what are you doing shoot the creepy Bush Daddy stop I'm trying to publish my Island you can't publish your Island oh my gosh because you're not an epic supporter Creator like myself wow yeah horrible wow oh yeah and see how his items fell you could actually change that if you want in my Island you could set stuff like game settings fall damage off or on drop items when eliminated off or on Shields full health Invincible infinite Amino player fight you can do the game you can set infinite spawns eliminations to win time limit Mike is asking me now I'm gonna kick his butt you're gonna ask your papa when I'm trying to explain the rules tickle torture tickle torture tickle torture tickle torture stop seriously mess with me bro stop messing me dude no yo look I can do swiping oh [Music] thank you I don't even care if it's a sponsored video I'm going to show you my brand name shirt after TV no it's not thumbs up this video down below leave a comment And subscribe like a donkey's uncle don't forget to click the link Down Below in the description if you want to play fortnite Creative Mode like oh yeah guys Mike and I now it's time to watch some more of our videos except I'm looking Viva oh yeah okay stay still stay still why do you always make her pee it got on the carpet this is weird I know this is
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 20,214,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youtube fgteev, fgteev, funny, gameplay, fv family gaming, fgteev marshmello, fgteev minecraft, fgteev fortnite part 7, fgteev gaming, fgteev roblox, fgteev youtube, fgteev season 7, comedy, family gaming, fgteev hello neighbor, skit
Id: 9bokQ0BdO6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 46sec (1246 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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